Episode 71

March 27, 2024


Tom Paladino Interview What Is Scalar Energy Healing?

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Tom Paladino Interview What Is Scalar Energy Healing?
Supernormalized Podcast
Tom Paladino Interview What Is Scalar Energy Healing?

Mar 27 2024 | 00:40:07


Show Notes

On this episode of #Supernormalized I'm interviewing Tom Paladino, a Florida-based scalar energy researcher pioneering remote healing with innovative scalar light instruments. Treat quantum illnesses fast and painlessly with over 400,000 pathogens disassembled. Experience 15 days of FREE sessions at www.scalarlight.com. #ScalarEnergy #Healing #Wellness #TomPaladino
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Okay, by all means. I always like to give the audience 15 days of free sessions, and I do that because you have to prove it. This is a new science. This is new and emerging branch of physics. So how do I prove this? I don't. How can you prove something that's never been proven or disproven? You prove it by, by getting people involved and saying, try this. It's sort of like a restaurant. If the food's good, word of mouth, it will spread. [00:01:20] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality, or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at Proton. Me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormalized, I have the pleasure to introduce Tom Palladino, a Florida based scalar energy researcher with a deep passion for uncovering the secrets of this fascinating energy from outside the electromagnetic magnetic spectrum. Inspired by scientific pioneers like Nikola Tesla, Tom has developed groundbreaking scalar energy instruments capable of transmitting instructive energy to heal individuals remotely. This will be an interesting talk because I've actually had a lot of interest in scalar energy. Well, we'll just say a mean, I know about it and I've read about it, but what can it do? And that's what we're here to talk to Tom about today. So I hope you enjoy the show. Please jump right in. Today on supernormalized, we have Tom Palladino. Tom, you are a scalar energy researcher. You've actually developed your own tools to actually help people. Can you tell us about that story, how you actually came to be this sort of, I mean, did you wake up one day as a child and went, that's it, I've got to learn about this stuff? I mean, what happened? [00:03:01] Speaker A: I have an exciting life. I thank God for. How do I get involved? I studied Nikola Tessa at a young age, and I understood that Tessa, the great scientist, Nikola Tessa was working what he called radiant energy, or non physical energy, later in his life. And I said to myself, this is incredible. What Tessa achieved, we've never duplicated. Why was he so successful with radiant energy? He understood that there's an intelligence that can be controlled, scatter energy is intelligence it's not electricity. And once you get into this domain, this realm of energy, you realize the possibilities are endless. Why? Because you're no longer bound by space and time. You transcend time and space. I work with intelligence instruments, instruments that control information. And once you can control that intelligence, you can do just about anything. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Wow. So what I get from that is, like you've found, from Nicola's work, a way of using the intelligence of the universe itself to change the resonance of people's fields, to bring them back into harmony and balance. [00:04:15] Speaker A: Precisely. Precisely. We don't work at the physical level, we don't work at the chemical level. We work at the level of information, all non physical information. And it's so much easier to work with information because you don't have to deal with physical impediments. [00:04:33] Speaker B: Wow. How did you come up with this? What did you study? I mean, what's your backstory? [00:04:41] Speaker A: The backstory is I studied and I studied and then I studied some more. It's a lifetime of research. As a youngster, I was enthralled with Tesla. I modeled my college career, to be specific to this type of invention. Even though I didn't know what I was doing, I said to myself, I'm going to study and I'm going to apply what I've learned at the university level later in life to private study. Well, I always wanted to study Tesla. Fortunately, I met an american family by the name of Hieronomus. The Hieronymus family were scatter energy researchers. It was fortuitous, it was by God's design. And I was working with this family back in the 90s, none of them, by the way, they're all deceased. It's not been carried on by their family, but the family had functioning scatter energy instruments and I worked with those instruments. They actually sold me some instruments and I said to myself, this is the gold mine I've been waiting for. This is it. And with that, I developed the instruments and I've perfected the instruments. I'm going to hold up one of the instruments. This is a hieronymous version of the instrument that I'm working with. These are custom built instruments that control scalar energy, or the intelligence of the universe. So if we look at the universe, everything has intelligence, everything is undergirded by this construct of intelligence information. That's the point I'm making. I work with this intelligence of the universe, and if we can achieve this, then we have mastery over the universe. And I mean that quite literally. [00:06:26] Speaker B: I'd actually question you about that. So, mastery, would you say, more so that you're actually just in accord with the universe's intentions? [00:06:33] Speaker A: Yes, you are. I'm not creating a new universe. I've copied the universe. This instrument is a miniature star. And see, that's what's so successful. That's why I'm so successful. I don't go against nature. I work with nature, and I don't have to reinvent the wheel. So once I'm in this paradigm, the infrastructure is free. It preexists it's ether. See, the problem with electricity and magnetism? Electromagnetic energy, you have to create the energy, first of all, or harness it, and then you have to create an infrastructure. Scatter energy, the stars. You don't create the stars, you just tap the energy of the stars. You harness the stars. And then the ether is the delivery system, so to speak, so everything is free. And this is what Tessa discovered. Why work with all of these expensive and dangerous equipment and this laborious infrastructure? You don't need an infrastructure. The universe is the infrastructure. [00:07:42] Speaker B: So these tools then actually find a way to sort of link into that etheric field then, and bring it to others. Did you study any electrical engineering as a part of this? [00:07:56] Speaker A: I did, and what I learned with electrical engineering was valid, but it can only be used as a comparison. You can't get hung up on electricity because it's limited. You have to look at scalar energy as a form or comparison of electricity, but realize that scalar energy exists everywhere. Whereas you're working with a current with frequencies that would deliver a current with scalar energy. You're not working with frequencies at all. The energy is all pervasive. So that's the big difference. You have to come and embrace. [00:08:37] Speaker B: It just makes me think. Then the device itself is more like an antenna. [00:08:42] Speaker A: Yes, it is. I access a wormhole or I access a different dimension. Now, you've heard this theorized before, and it's real. There are two dimensions. Some people say you can go through a wormhole and go into another dimension or a parallel universe. There's different terminology. Some people will say that there's a quantum universe. There is. It's very simple. There's two energies. When we are stuck, and I mean that when we're stuck in this electromagnetic energy field, we're stuck. It's limited. Scalar energy is the realm of thought or creativity. There's no limit to thought, there's no limit to nonphysical intelligence. This is the energy that I want us to work with, not with oil and hydrogen and windmills, but with nonphysical energy from the stars. [00:09:38] Speaker B: So the device you have, is that the original device that was handed over to you from that family? [00:09:44] Speaker A: No, it's been modified by a number of experiments, and it's been a work in progress over the past 2025 years. I'm not the only researcher or engineer who's worked on these instruments. I'm actually the final engineer and researcher who's working with these instruments. [00:10:03] Speaker B: Okay, and do you manufacture these instruments yourself for others? [00:10:08] Speaker A: No, not yet, and I don't think I ever will, because there's such great responsibility to it. If what I'm saying is true, we can control the intelligence of the universe. I don't want this to fall into the wrong hands. So what I propose is this. First and foremost, I have to interest people. I've got to get people interested as to what I'm doing. Now, keep in mind, I'm one researcher, and I don't have resources to advertise broadly. Number two, once the world is interested, then we can have a central location and people can work through that central location. I would hope so, but I've not been able to cross that bridge yet. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Has this work attracted any attention from the government at all? [00:10:59] Speaker A: Probably. I'm sure they're watching me, but I don't think they quite understand what I'm doing, because it's groundbreaking. And I'm not saying that to be condescending. This has never been done before. With the exception of my predecessor, Hieronymus, it's never been duplicated. This instrument has never been duplicated. So if you can't prove or disprove what I'm doing or duplicate my work, then you don't know what it is. Exactly, and nobody knows what it is. And I don't blame them, because this has been my lifetime of effort. And unless you walk the path that I walked, you're not going to understand this. [00:11:35] Speaker B: Do you want to tell us more about your path? [00:11:39] Speaker A: Yeah. It's all God's will. It's all God's will. I would never have imagined that my. My early enthrallment with Nikola Tessa would bring me here at age 64. But it has, and it's all the hand of God. And what's the purpose of this technology? To be very clear, I am a humanitarian. I want to help people. The purpose of technology is to uplift mankind. The purpose of this technology is not to make money and to control people. The purpose of scale, energy technology is to liberate people. I want to see a mankind advance. Now why do I say that? Well, to cut to the chase, this is a grassroots effort, and I'll probably keep it a grassroots effort because there are nefarious forces out there that I do not want to share my technology with. [00:12:28] Speaker B: Understood? Understood. So can you explain the significance of scalar energy instruments in transmitting instructive energy for remote healing? And how do they differ from traditional healing practices? [00:12:41] Speaker A: Yeah, that's quite different. So working with this energy, remember it's a wormhole or it's a different dimension. I don't work with people. People teleport to my laboratory. This is my photo. If I sent my photograph to the laboratory, I am teleporting. I'm in two places at once. Meaning what? The energy field of my photograph has a signature, my instrument picks it up, I actually place the instrument. If this is the instrument, I actually place my photograph inside the instrument. That's the teleportation. So it's not a physical session, it's a non physical intelligence. Once my photograph is inside the instrument, I've accessed a different dimension of energy. I mean that quite literally. And then what I've discovered is if I take a photograph of a microbe, influenza a, and I place it in the instrument with my photograph, the two energy fields communicate influenza A. If I find that on my force field, the instrument will not only identify a virus, but negate it at the informational level, not the chemical level. So if I had influenza A, the instrument would find that virus in me, in my energy field, negate it, bring it to a state of chaos. A photograph of a microbe allows the instrument to identify the microbe and bring it to a state of chaos. [00:14:16] Speaker B: It sounds like it creates a thread through space and time towards the person that requires healing, and also between the device and what it's looking for, really. It makes me think though that this could be, you're actually working with a light instrument that actually generates a plasma, which is an intelligence in itself. [00:14:42] Speaker A: Yes, that's it. This is a plasma field. We've heard many scientists speak of plasma and they can't figure it out. It's so simple. I wish they would consider that there's two energies, so many, if you will. Astrophysicists will look at a star and they'll describe it as plasma. It is, it's non physical energy field. What's non physical energy? Scalar energy. There's no electrons in a plasma field. That's what I'm working with. So we see that there's another dimension of plasma, nonphysical information. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Wow. So when you turn this device on, it generates a plasma field. And is it visible? I mean, what happens? [00:15:30] Speaker A: Sometimes it's visible, especially when I calibrate it in a certain way. You can actually take a light bulb and place it close to the instrument. The light bulb will illuminate. So that's the plasma field generation again. What the key is you're no longer working with electromagnetic spectrum, you're no longer bound to space and time. In a plasma field you transcend, you overcome space and time, and hence you're in a wormhole, you're in a different dimension. Call it what you will, it's a different physics, and it's not the physics taught by academia. [00:16:09] Speaker B: Okay. Wow, mind blowing stuff. This is all stuff I find extremely exciting. So I appreciate this chat completely. So what ways do you believe scalar energy treatment goes beyond traditional healing methods? And what makes it guaranteed fast, harmless and painless approach to wellness for people? [00:16:31] Speaker A: Here's an example, and I always like examples because I want to prove, or at least give anecdotal evidence. This is a photograph of a clinic, an HIV AIDS clinic in Delhi, India. It's known as Prakash. I've never been to India. Okay. Now these folks have sent me their photograph by just emailed me their photograph, and in turn I can take that photograph and I can subject it to energy to identify the HIV virus and eradicate it. Now after working with these people, they tell me they feel great and actually they've sent me PCR tests in which they no longer have a viral load. [00:17:17] Speaker B: Wow, that's huge. [00:17:20] Speaker A: Yeah, it is huge. So how does this happen? By taking a photograph of the HIV virus and then matching it up with the people in India. Right. And again, all of my work is information. So the two photographs communicate. The HIV virus has a signature. It's a wormhole that we're communicating through. The plasma field of HIV has a signature intelligence. The plasma field of the people has an intelligence. I download the plasma instructions into the people. The instrument looks for the plasma, or the energy of HIV and eradicates it brings it to a state of chaos. I bring the HIV virus to a state of chaos in the plasma field. I never work with people, I only work in the plasma dimension. But after I've worked with these people, do they feel better? That's the key. It's anecdotal, but the evidence is overwhelming. Right. Now here's another test result from India. This individual tells us that they no longer have a viral load after being hiv positive for years. Now can we explain that? Not by newtonian physics. What I just explained cannot be explained by conventional newtonian physics. [00:18:41] Speaker B: Well I think that a lot of our science has a lot left to be desired because it hasn't really helped that much in some ways and it's harmed in others too. So there is benefits of course. But I think what you're doing is going down a completely fresh path here with this technology based. Interesting, very interesting. [00:19:05] Speaker A: To be clear, I don't work with the physical body. This is not a biological aspect. There's no biological aspect about my work. Force fields are a higher field, a higher plane than the biological field. I am working with plasma fields or force fields. So people have two existences, they have this physical existence and then they have a non physical higher realm, a spiritual realm, a plasma realm. And if you're bound by newtonian physics and you're only at this physical realm, you're not going to understand that there's an etheric realm, a non physical plasma realm. And the plasma realm I can access through a person's plasma field on their photograph. [00:19:54] Speaker B: Yeah, the plasma field on the photograph is the resonance of you in a different sort of form and it keys all the way straight back to you wherever you are in space and time anyway. [00:20:06] Speaker A: Yes, and all of those theories that we heard about plasma fields and zero point energy, they're coming true. Teleportation is true. Every day people send me their photograph and they teleport to my laboratory because they can be in two places at once. [00:20:22] Speaker B: Brilliant. [00:20:23] Speaker A: That's right. In a scalar energy force field, in a plasma field your photograph is you. You might be 1000 miles away, but your body double, your mind double, is in my instrument. You have teleported to my instrument. [00:20:41] Speaker B: So how does your work, along with the theories proposing scalar energy is the genesis of all energy in the universe? And how do you see scalar energy shaping the future of healing practices? I mean you're just one guy working with the vice and what people send to you. You can't treat everyone on the planet. [00:21:00] Speaker A: No, I can and I don't intend to. I intend to interest people. That's a good point. Yeah. Let's look at square one. Look at energy, where does it originate from, the stars. Look at the universe. Look at a telescope, there's a lot of black space out there. And then the stars produce the energy, they produce the light. What is scalar? Light energy from the sun and the stars. My work is effective because I work with the fundament of nature. Light energy is fundamental. It is the fundament of nature. Nothing can go wrong if you work with the fundamental laws of science. So my work, there's no human reasoning, it's perfect. My work is perfect because I work with perfect instructions, that's why. [00:21:52] Speaker B: And how does this align with your faith? [00:21:56] Speaker A: I'm a Christian and I believe that God created the light is who else could create the stars? Who else could create the billions upon trillions of galaxies? So this goes hand in hand with my christian faith. I believe God is behind this. God is the creator of light. [00:22:16] Speaker B: Yeah, I totally jobs with everything I understand as well. I mean I see everything as God in creation, in flow, continuously. Continuously, yeah. So what sets your scalar energy research apart from others in the field? And what insights do you hope to uncover through your continued exploration of scalar energy's mysteries? [00:22:39] Speaker A: Yeah, it's difficult for me to compare myself to others because I'm ignorant of their work. I just don't know what they're doing. I'm so busy working on my projects, but I encourage other people to get in this field. This has to become a broadly accepted field after I work with people, if you will, in quantum health. And I've perfected that. I want to be able to illuminate buildings at a distance, I want to be able to develop scalar energy for antigravity purposes, to develop a levitating platform to move about, to overcome gravity. If you overcome gravity, that's perfect transportation. So many applications. I want to be able to use this device to locate missing people and objects. So there's thousands of applications, and if I live long enough I'll achieve that. [00:23:32] Speaker B: Have you started doing any experiments with locating missing people and objects? [00:23:38] Speaker A: I have, the experiments have failed, but I have a theory that what might work, you have to use an aerial map, and if a person is found on that actual aerial map, then you can locate a person's location, you can. [00:23:54] Speaker B: Find a person as a part of your process. With working with the scalar energy device, is there any communication between you and the device that you recognize? [00:24:05] Speaker A: The instrument picks up on my mood. Okay, I've noticed that. So what I try and do, I always try and be of a good cheer and I always pray with this instrument. There was one time, one day that there was something perplexing on my mind and the instrument started to pick up on my brainwaves. And the best way for me to describe it changed in its output because I was uncertain. And the instrument, it picked up on my, let's say, thinking or my confusion. So the instrument does interface with you. This is consciousness. My consciousness interfaces with the instrument. For instance, sometimes I live in Florida, sometimes during a powerful storm, a thunderstorm, a lightning storm, the instrument will start communicating with the lightning. I've actually had little sparks of lightning on my instrument. [00:25:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow. [00:25:09] Speaker A: It communicates, it's a portal to the universe. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Yeah. I've got myself a violet ray machine that I use for healing as well. And yeah, that's given me some quite amazing healings in seconds. To put a plan by bringing my muscles or energy system back into alignment works great for my neck pain or whatever. So I understand how I can sort of communicate with you now. Why scalar energy and how is it going to enhance humans as we actually go forth with this greater understanding of it? [00:25:53] Speaker A: Again, if I can take a photograph and negate a germ or negate a fungus, let's say candida albicans can be negated. If I can do that with one person, I can do that with 1000 people, I can do that with a million, I can do that with a million people. Now I've been receiving photographs from the general public for the past 1213 years. Today in my laboratory I work with half a million photographs. [00:26:20] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:26:21] Speaker A: So we're starting to scale. [00:26:23] Speaker B: Okay. [00:26:24] Speaker A: This instrument can work with 510 million photographs a day. So I want to. One of my goals is to work with a billion photographs a year. [00:26:36] Speaker B: When you're working with the machine and you're presenting it photographs and what it needs to work through for those people, how long is the process? [00:26:45] Speaker A: Very good. For 1 hour a day I work with pathogens. I'll tell the instrument to look for a pathogen in the quantum field and negate it 1 hour a day. The second hour I balance the chakras. I send this energy into the brain, the psyche, the seven chakras, and it will balance brainwaves and will balance our seven chakras. I believe the chakras are composed of scalar energy and then for the remaining 22 hours a day. Now keep in mind I only work with photographs. A photograph is a source of light. I take a photograph of a vitamin and I match it up with my photograph. This is my nutrient program. [00:27:26] Speaker B: Yeah, supplemental. [00:27:28] Speaker A: Yes. This program has allowed me to reduce my food intake. I don't usually only eat one or two meals a day. I'm not hungry by receiving a download of nutrients. For some reason the body is no longer hungry. I receive my nutrients energetically in the plasma field. I never swallow a vitamin, I don't take protein shakes. I receive my nutrients through photographs. [00:27:56] Speaker B: That's surreal. [00:27:57] Speaker A: Whether it's one person or a million people. So those of you who can see the big picture, why don't we eradicate the HIV virus in the quantum field in a million people? Why not? Why don't we deliver nutrients to a million people by way of photographic force fields? You see, we're beyond the physical. You don't work with physical germs, you don't work with physical vitamins, you work with the energy of microbes, the energy of nutrients. The plasma field is a different existence as opposed to flesh and blood physical existence. [00:28:44] Speaker B: This makes me think of the work of Wilhelm Reich and his healing frequencies. [00:28:50] Speaker A: Yes. [00:28:50] Speaker B: Does that play into this? [00:28:52] Speaker A: Yes. Wilhelm Reich was working with orgone energy, which was scatter energy. [00:28:56] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. [00:28:58] Speaker A: And one of the ways that Reich was so adroit with his instrument, he was able to create rain. And people can't quite figure this out. It's very simple. It's very simple. Reich, as you know, could have these rain making instruments. And how did that work? By sending scalar energy into the atmosphere. You combine hydrogen and oxygen and the result is h 20. And he created rain. He created rain. [00:29:27] Speaker B: Well he was onto something so much that they put him away and destroyed all of his work. So it makes me wonder what else he had. Did he get to what you were up to? I mean, I don't know. [00:29:37] Speaker A: That's the key. Once you control intelligence, you can send that intelligence skyward until the hydrogen and the oxygen to form into that polar molecule and create water rain. And this is very intimidating to the powers that be when we can control nature. That's the coup de gras. [00:30:02] Speaker B: Now scalar energy can also be used for generating other sorts of energy too. Now have you experimented with that at all? [00:30:12] Speaker A: I am working right now and it won't be next year. It takes some time because we're fabricating the certain pertinents that we want to work with. We're going to be able to take this energy and to illuminate a building at a distance. I'm working with, if you will, quartz crystal. And I'm building a cube of quartz. It's a four sided quartz crystal. The gold is inlaid gold. And when you have quartz crystal, the sides communicating with the gold floor, the foundation, you create a certain scalar wave, a very powerful scalar wave. And in so doing, if we can achieve that with this proper material, then we'll be able to illuminate an object at a distance. [00:31:03] Speaker B: A lot of this sounds a lot like what I've been reading in a book and for the life of me I've completely forgotten the name of the book right now, but it was a very deep study on plasma energy and I thought, I wish I had read more deeper into your stuff before I started, otherwise I would have had that for you. But yeah, a part of that book was actually talking about the paranormal and how a lot of the experiences of people, of the paranormal and religious experiences were and are of plasma energy manifesting. Do you have any side effects of anything like that because of the work you do? [00:31:42] Speaker A: None, and I'll tell you why. It's all non physical. If I have any side effect, it's positive. I sleep like a baby every night. Why? I am balancing my brain waves, I'm balancing my seven chakras. I sleep without interruption every night. I'm calm. The energy has helped me physically, the energy has helped me in a hormonal state. The energy has improved my immune system. So apparently the nonphysical is imparting itself on my physical pattern body, not through chemicals, through information. I've been at this for 30 years now. My health is excellent and I attribute that in part to scalar energy. [00:32:25] Speaker B: Brilliant, brilliant. What do you see the future of scalar energy being considering that you're discovering new things every day? I mean, is there anything that you're experimenting with that you're a bit secretive about that you wouldn't mind to share to the audience? [00:32:43] Speaker A: I really have no secrets as long as God gives me the wisdom. I'll continue with this. Again, the setback is all of this is groundbreaking. It's never been undone before and so I have to understand how to use material, how to amplify the energy, how to apply it. Well, there is no college textbook, so I have to rely upon God's wisdom. I'll go on record by saying once we start developing scalar energy technology, it will change the world. It's the easy, inexpensive, safe way of doing things. I don't know why we didn't listen to Tesla to begin with. [00:33:20] Speaker B: I think we might have, but then he might have got a bit suppressed just from what I've seen. So with your work now, what recommendations would you have for people that are interested in knowing more about you and learning maybe more about what they can do with you? [00:33:42] Speaker A: I think the best thing, we have a website which we award people 15 days of free sessions. The website is scalarlite.com. I encourage people to go to our website, sign up, email us your photos include your family. 15 days of free sessions every day. We'll work with your chakras, we'll eradicate pathogens through the etheric realm, and we'll deliver vitamins, antioxidants, and we'll be in touch with you by the way of a daily email. Try that for 15 days, try that. And then you decide. If you have benefited from this, it's up to you. This has never been done before, once again, so I have to rely upon feedback. The testimonies carry the story, right now, if there's a body of evidence, it is testimonies. And moving forward, the only body of evidence will be testimonies, because nobody's duplicated my work and nobody knows how to measure the energy. How do you measure intelligence? You cannot measure intelligence. How can you measure love? How can you measure intelligence? There's no mathematical value you can put to intelligence. [00:34:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I think any measurement is just limitations. So I totally agree with that, yeah. So the other question I had for you was I was thinking about the device itself. Now you use printed photos, have you ever tried using photos on screens? [00:35:13] Speaker A: Digital doesn't work because that's man's interpretation. You have to copy nature. A photograph is me. There's no artificial intelligence, there's no digitizing of the signal. That photograph is a piece of paper that is encoded with my light, giving credence to the fact that I'm working through nature. I'm working with the laws of nature, not the invention of man. So as long as I stick with nature and copy nature, I've copied myself on a piece of paper. That's the key, that's why this works. People say this is impossible. No, it's bilocation. Many saints were able to bilocate. How do you bilocate? Through the plasma field. What are these supernatural experiences people have, such as telepathy through the plasma field. Why is it that Moses saw the burning bush? Because the plasma does not consume. It's not a chemical. Plasma fields do not exhibit any type of chemical activity. It's non chemical. [00:36:27] Speaker B: Makes complete sense to me. Is there any words of wisdom you'd like to share with the audience before we wind it up here today? [00:36:35] Speaker A: I usually wind it up with this, everybody's a scatter energy expert, everybody's a plasma expert. Your mind, your thoughts and your heart, your emotions are plasma thinking. Feeling transcends time and space. Why? It's plasma energy? Why not think well and feel well? God has given everybody the gift of plasma, of scalar energy. Your thoughts, your prayers, your emotions, those are plasma expressions. When you think when you feel that's an emanation of broadcasts of plasma or scalar energy. Once we realize that we have always had this plasma scalar energy gift, then we're going to appreciate it. Isn't it much easier to think about something and to effectuate it than to try and do that physically? I'd much rather do something with my mind than have to labor in a physical sense. [00:37:32] Speaker B: That's pretty much the key to everything as far as I understand it as well. I mean, when you become conscious of that connection to the universe and what the divine does for you through your intentions and your desires, you can change everything. That changes everything for you. [00:37:51] Speaker A: Yes you can. Exactly. Your mind and your heart, your key, that's your scalar energy instrument. [00:37:58] Speaker B: Brilliant. Tom, thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it. Mind blowing stuff. I've got to go away and think about this more now, but thank you so much for your time, Tom. And yeah, thanks for coming on the show. [00:38:12] Speaker A: Thank you, sir. [00:38:14] Speaker B: All right, have a good afternoon. [00:38:16] Speaker A: I will. You too. [00:38:21] Speaker B: That was awesome. And I find when people explain themselves so clearly that it seems like the episodes, well, actually the episodes do go a lot faster. And I appreciate what Tom has shared in this interview. It does make me think about everything in a completely different way. I really appreciate the time that I had with Tom today. And if you have enjoyed the show as well, please like subscribe, share to one friend at least. And if you haven't rated me already, get onto your podcast app, give me five stars. Even if you don't like me that much, five stars will help me to get heard by other people as well. And thank you for listening and bye for now. It.

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