Episode 70

March 24, 2024


Gabrielle Pimstone Interview Do You Need Sacred Geometry Healing?

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Gabrielle Pimstone Interview Do You Need Sacred Geometry Healing?
Supernormalized Podcast
Gabrielle Pimstone Interview Do You Need Sacred Geometry Healing?

Mar 24 2024 | 00:48:07


Show Notes

Today on #Supernormalized Meet Gabrielle Pimstone, former corporate psychologist turned Energy Coach, helping individuals overcome burnout and find renewed purpose. Using advanced sacred geometry techniques, she empowers others to navigate life transitions with passion. #EnergyCoach #RenewedPurpose #SacredGeometry
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: If you can reframe change and growth and healing, it can be. You can have fun as you're doing it. It really makes it quite an exciting journey. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience my treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at Proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormalized, we have Gabriel Pimstone, a former corporate psychologist with 27 years of experience who underwent a transformative journey after a chance encounter with a podcast. Now she is an energy coach specializing in helping individuals who are feeling burnt out and stuck. Gabrielle combines psychology with energy mastery, using advanced sacred geometry techniques for healing and navigating major life transitions. Her mission is to normalize energy healing and spirituality. She offers practical guidance and inspiration, empowering people to live with renewed purpose and passion. Today, we'll talk to her about her process, what work she does, and she actually wanted to uncover some information about her understanding of sacred geometry and how that works into her work and into your life. So I'm sure this is going to be a good conversation and I hope you enjoy it too. And let's get on with it. Welcome to supernormalized, Gabriel Pimstone. Gabriel, we actually connected over the fact that you have done a lot of work with psychology and helping people to pretty much escape the grind in some ways and the way they relate to the world. But you also dropped the hint of talking about sacred geometry. [00:02:56] Speaker A: I knew you'd go there. [00:02:58] Speaker B: I've got to go straight there because that's really cool stuff. I mean, why not, right? [00:03:03] Speaker A: It's very cool. [00:03:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Welcome to the show. [00:03:08] Speaker A: Thank you so much, CJ. Hi to your guests. It's lovely to be here. [00:03:13] Speaker B: Yeah. So I'm interested, how long did you work in corporate psychology? I mean, that's a pretty unusual sort of field to actually work in. And what is psychologist? Do you actually help corporations become conscious? What do you do? [00:03:27] Speaker A: Yes, well, I try. It's organizational psychology, but I worked mainly for big corporates, actually banks and insurance companies, and working with lonely leaders, leaders dealing with impostor syndrome, huge amounts of anxiety, burnout, indecision, procrastination, and human transformation. That's really where I've worked for 27 years, is I'm interested in the human response to change because we're continuously evolving, and you can either resist it or you can enable it. So trying to help individual leaders and whole organizations unlock the key to change and transformation. [00:04:16] Speaker B: Yeah, right. Well, that's really interesting. I mean, were the people actually finding they get to a certain stuck point and then they call you, or are you actually just on call? For many organizations at the time, I'm. [00:04:31] Speaker A: Typically called in when an organization is about to embark on change. And so that's when I was called in. So that could be anything, that could be a restructure, it could be a divestment sale of part of the business. Maybe they're going to be listing on the stock exchange, maybe there's a business acquisition, but things that really shake up the fabric of the organization and how the assumptions people make about working there. And that's kind of working deeply with the concept of culture. And it's a really interesting topic, and I never fell out of love with the topic. What I fell out of love with was the bureaucracy in the context. So obviously, every time you go and work with a client, you want to make the most maximum impact. When you work in corporate systems, there's bureaucracy to contend with, and there's also toxic dynamics and undercurrents and power plays, and you've got to really spend so much energy navigating that. And I really just didn't feel up to doing that anymore. It lost its excitement for me, and I really wanted to make an impact on lives. And I realized that stepping away from the corporate game was probably my best chance of doing that. And then I found energy and I found sacred geometry, and that's when my offering changed, and that's when I actually finally made the call. Let me leave. [00:06:08] Speaker B: Okay. Reading your stuff, your bio, and your experience, you listened to a podcast and it blew your mind completely. What was that podcast? It's got to be good. [00:06:26] Speaker A: It was an incredible. Well, actually, you know what, CJ? If you listen to it, it may have had absolutely zero resonance with you, but the timing is everything. And there were words that the woman used in the podcast that landed in my heart and woke me up. And really what it was was an interview. I was very anxious and quite depressed at the time. It was know the need to make a decision about corporate because I was really unhappy. I was a senior leader in a bank here in Australia, and I couldn't even muster up the strength to go into the office. It was during the pandemic, so thankfully I could hide behind my screen, but it got to a point where even getting onto a Zoom call was a big ordeal for me. I was so stressed and I wasn't sleeping, and I'd actually was drawn socially from the world around me. So it was a Sunday and I took myself off for a walk. I don't know how well you know Sydney, but Palm beach is the northernmost tip of Sydney. It's really picturesque. Drove up there, it's about 35 km from where I am and put on my head part my airpods and went for a walk up aheadland and I would listen to this incredible podcast. And on the podcast this woman was being interviewed. She was in such a period of grace in her life, there was so much to be thankful for. Her daughter had been involved in a car accident, but had completely recovered, had learnt to walk again. The young woman had got married. She was now expecting her first child. The woman being interviewed was expecting her first grandchild. Life was good, there was a lot to be thankful for, but she couldn't shake her anxiety. It was like the minute life started going well, these were the words. She was always waiting for the other shoe to fall. And that was my syndrome, that was my dynamic, because when I was nine, my beloved father passed away and I'd watched him basically get sicker and sicker until he passed away. It took about five years. So I'd also lived my life with that same dynamic. And I described it, she was describing it in a similar way, but I walked away thinking, this is an invisible spiritual prison, and the bars are imaginary, they're in our mind, but we stay trapped. And for me, the prison was all around dread, anxiety, waiting for the other shoe to fall. And so when she said those words, and this is the power of language, it landed for me and I was like, okay, I've got to do something about my anxiety more broadly, but I've got to do something about the immediacy of my anxiety, which was this job that I was in. Actually went into the office on Monday and I did resign, but yeah, so that was the catalyst for me. And I'm very big on the power of language. I think there have been times in my life, for example, this time, as well as sitting in therapy all those years where I can remember instances where my therapist would find just the right word that encapsulated what I was going through. And there was such relief. I had that same relief of this podcast. So that was my story and that really was the initial catalyst. [00:10:12] Speaker B: So that was a huge turning point for you. [00:10:15] Speaker A: Yes. [00:10:15] Speaker B: What happened to you after that? [00:10:18] Speaker A: So what happened was I dialed up my spiritual practice, and very soon. So I started back at entry level, but I found some teachers who resonated with me. I started listening to podcasts because now I was a convert. But I also started doing, I don't know if you know, like Deepak Chopra and Oprah have got those 21 day courses. There's 21 days to gratitude, 21 days to purpose. I did. There are three or four back to back. I got really into it. And then I started channeling, and I would wake up. Yeah. And then I'd wake up in the morning, and there would be these sound bites coming to me, and I didn't know where they were coming from. I knew I was completely sane. But suddenly there was a spiritual gift that had opened, and I was opening up to a world beyond the visible. I still didn't know what to do with it. And then I was thinking, what's this about? And obviously, the Instagram algorithms heard me because one of those adverts, and it was for this chap, was talking about, like, three day free weekend workshop day sales pitches. But I thought, let me go. It was talking about energy. And I thought, you know, I'm in a place now where I'm trying all the psychological tools I've got in my toolkit, and nothing's working. I've got nothing to lose. It was Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and I did it. And by the end of the workshop, I actually signed up. And then I spent 18 months becoming an energy practitioner. [00:12:01] Speaker B: Three levels, right? Being an energy practitioner and learning all that around. Energy practitioner work. What do you do with that? [00:12:13] Speaker A: Well, you can do a lot with it. At the highest level, you can kind of branch off into possibly three ways. I think I've taken the third possibility. You can work with it from a psychological lens, because there's a lot you can do with your thoughts, with your beliefs, with your emotions, at an energetic level. Okay. So that's the one thing you can do with it. The other thing you can do with it is you can go down a more spiritual path, which is working deeply with sacred geometry, teaching people how to activate their spiritual gifts, that kind of stuff. What I've done is I've kind of combined those two, because my paths were always. There were two paths my whole life. There was a psychological path, and the spiritual path. The spiritual path came much later, so I've merged both of them. And the way that I describe it, is I deal with contemporary psychological challenges in a spiritual framework. And so we're talking about everyday things like burnout, like anxiety, like loss and grief, and I'm translating a lot of what I do into psychological terms. So we talk about emotions, but I'm using some pretty advanced spiritual gifts and sacred geometry tools and techniques to help people release what's holding them back the most. [00:13:53] Speaker B: So how do you actually help those people that are feeling burnt out and stuck? [00:13:59] Speaker A: Well, my process is because I've been working in the field of change, human transformation, for all these years. So I've got like an archetypal process, if you think about it, at the highest level, it is helping people understand where they are currently, where they want to be, and helping them close the gap. And what I do, there are kind of two ways I can help people. I can either do it for them, I can just heal them, or I can do healing on them, and I can teach them how to do it themselves. And so in closing that gap, I'm giving them the tools to keep managing their energy, releasing their blocks over time. And what I teach people are the tenets of energy mastery, which is understanding your energy, being able to tune into sense and read what's going on. And. [00:15:07] Speaker B: Well, I guess she's coming back. That was a hard, what I would call a bandwidth failure. So we'll see if she comes back in. She comes and she's admitted I'm bringing back in. Here we go. [00:15:36] Speaker A: Hey, is that better? [00:15:38] Speaker B: That's much better, yeah. All right. So you were talking about how you help people with energy. [00:15:49] Speaker A: Yes. So I teach them how to understand and read their energy, how to sense in. And that's important because particularly from a place of wanting to change, you can really only do that when you're in a non resistant energetic state. So helping them really read it. Secondly, how to protect and shield their energy in the corporate space, because a lot of my clients are from the corporate world, dealing. How do you function energetically in quite a toxic culture. But for those who are not in the corporate world, every time we turn on the news, every time we read social media, it evokes a particular stuff comes at us. And so how do you protect your energy? How do you clear your energy? So I'll talk a little bit, if you want, about energetic blocks, because we've all got them and they grow over time. That's the third thing, how to clear your energy, how to maintain your energy, your energetic vibration. So when you inevitably dip, how do you stop the downward spiral quickly and the fifth is, how do you optimize your energy? We've got latent gifts and talents, and I teach people how to tap into those and unleash them. A small example of that would be intuition, but I've also got sacred geometry that I can teach people. How do you activate channeling, for example, and psychic abilities? So it can be really simple and it can go really advanced. [00:17:25] Speaker B: Okay. So when you're working with people from corporate and they come along to you and you drop that on them, you don't, I read the room. [00:17:35] Speaker A: I read the room. [00:17:38] Speaker B: How many of them are like, go. [00:17:40] Speaker A: What I'm here for? [00:17:41] Speaker B: I don't want to be a psychic. [00:17:43] Speaker A: No. Most of them want some gift activated. I've run dream circles where I've helped people activate their capacity to recall and remember their dreams, to lucid dreams. Sometimes people want that. Sometimes people just want to manifest. So I tap into that capacity as well. So it's not just spiritual gifts, it's untapped, dormant potential. And as I said, it can be very mainstream or it can be really out there, depending on where that person's at and their appetite. [00:18:24] Speaker B: Yeah, right. Circling back, you said that you realized that life is sort of like a prison that we're in, that you have to find your way out and you found your way out through this energy sort of work. That's very gnostic to say that sort of thing. To say that we live in, like a life prison. And then all of the other frequency work that you're doing is definitely a big key to that, for sure. It does prompt me to ask, though, what is your mission with all this work? [00:19:01] Speaker A: My mission has always been my personal purpose is fulfilling potential together. I have to go back to my upbring in order to explain why that's important. So you'd know, being australian, that I don't have an australian accent. I've got a south african accent. I grew up in Cape Town. [00:19:21] Speaker B: Sounds like that. [00:19:22] Speaker A: Very strong, even though left long time ago. But I grew up in apartheid South Africa, and I witnessed refined, smart, really talented people trapped in a world where they couldn't actualize because they didn't have access to the right education and so forth. And that was one of the things that it touched me so deeply, and it was one of the biggest triggers for me, was seamless, and it was all around me, so unfulfilled potential. And so for me, that's my mission. My mission is actually because I've been working at big systems to go down to the individual level and to change lives, to help people step into the best version of themselves, actualize. I believe, and I come from such a heartfelt belief that we all have an innate human desire to want to grow into the best version of ourselves, to actualize. And I want to be the vessel for that. And so working in a big corporate system, leading large scale change, you can make some impact, but really working individually with people and helping them release the biggest thing that's blocking them at an energetic inception point. That to me is the key that unlocks everything. [00:20:51] Speaker B: Well, I'm curious, because I'm going to have to ask you about the sacred geometry thing and how that works into this. I mean, when did you discover sacred geometry as a part of your work, and what does that mean to you? [00:21:03] Speaker A: Well, I actually didn't know what sacred geometry was even when I signed up. I didn't even know what it was. I signed up because I wanted to improve my life. I wanted to rid myself of this crippling anxiety and grief and loss. That's what I wanted to do. And so I actually only found out, I don't know if it was week one or two, maybe it was even week two, what we were doing, and I wasn't interested in it. I kind of went through the curriculum. Level one was basic sacred geometry, kind of. And because my energy wasn't expanded or open, I was practicing, but I wasn't feeling level two, I started feeling level three. I started, all my spiritual senses started opening up. I could smell it, I could see colors and my claire sentience. I could feel the geometry as I was working with it. And so it unfolded over time. Initially, it was just I was complying with the curriculum because I wanted to feel better. And then as my energy expanded, I started to experience the beauty and the magic of it. [00:22:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm really curious as to what sacred geometry you were working with. I mean, I know about the sacred geometry of many different cultures and also the work of Dromvalo, melchizedek and the flower of life. Is that any part of that? [00:22:39] Speaker A: I do work with the flower of life, and it's interesting that you even mentioned the flower of life because of all the sacred geometries. It revealed itself to me as my signature sacred geometry. Last September, I was in my final level. Actually, I went to America. I went to Colorado for a final event. And it's on sacred land where we were doing this workshop five days. And on day one there was an orb that followed me. Initially, I couldn't see it with my own eyes, but I picked it up in photographs. Like, there's a photo of me with this beautiful gold orb by my throat chakra. And before that I'd been coughing for days and it was kind of sitting there and the next day it turned a different color. By day five, it revealed the sacred geometry of the flower of life to me. It turned green and it was incredible. And so that became, and I've got it in photos and then I started seeing it with my eyes and I've got a video of it dancing in front of me, which is quite magnificent. I can send it to you offline. So actually the flower of life is my signature, sacred geometry. I use it whenever I'm doing a healing. It's now like, it's just something I always work with. And in fact, I was on a walk today and I just put it on. I felt like I needed it, I don't know why. And so it's with me all the time and sometimes I sleep with it. It's a beautiful sacred geometry. It's got different applications depending on who you speak to. The way that I've learned to work with it actually is for physical healing, which is interesting, right? It holds the code of the universe and it can really repatent your energy. I think it's beautiful. Yeah. [00:24:46] Speaker B: I had an experience with the flower of life way back in 2000, I think it was, or 1999. I was going through like a bit of a personality schism. I was pretty much all over the place and feeling completely ungrounded. And a friend pulled me aside and he said, you need to do this. And I said, what is this? And he goes, you need to get a big bit of wood and we're going to draw the sacred flower of life on it and you'll find that'll change everything for you. And I said, okay. So we got a big piece of wood and we drew the flower of life on it. Well, he instructed, he just guided me to do it and I drew it over a period of hours super carefully, and then painted out the lines and everything. And by the end of it I was feeling a lot better about myself. It was really interesting what happened. [00:25:33] Speaker A: It's actually interesting because it's not a sacred geometry that it's an advanced sacred geometry, and it's not a geometry I would teach a novice to use because your energetic capacity has to expand in order for you to house these complex sacred geometries. So your friend must have known that you were advanced at some level, so I wouldn't recommend that people go away and start playing around with these kinds of advanced sacred geometries. They're hugely potent. [00:26:08] Speaker B: That's right. They can give you a bit too much energy if you're not ready for it too. And you sort of grow into these things otherwise can actually cause drama, too. [00:26:16] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:26:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:19] Speaker A: So that's the one. I mean, within that, you got the seed of life, got the tree of life. I like combining the tree of life and the flower of life. I'm a big believer in kind of mixing, stacking sacred geometries. Yeah, I work with some of the ancient egyptian symbols as well. I work with the Sriantra, which I think is incredible. I work with the metatron's cube. I work with some of the octahedron as well. Do quite a bit of work with that. And then there's sacred geometries I can't describe. I don't know what their names are. [00:27:04] Speaker B: Well, I'm curious to know, when you say work with, what does work with mean? [00:27:09] Speaker A: Work with means that when I am healing somebody or if I'm healing myself, either or I intentionally bring the sacred geometry into my energetic field. And I can do that through intention, or you can build it. You drew the flower of life on a piece of wood. You can actually trace the geometry. I mean, I can show your listeners if you want, but you can actually build it around you. And so you do have to familiarize yourself with the pattern, or you can just do it by intention. And so what I do is I will call it in and you can either bring it, you can actually just, if you want to build it in your hand, it's there, it's with you. You can sometimes, if you want to pull it into you, you can build it around you. There are different applications of it, but I intentionally build the sacred geometry in its divine proportions with a particular intention of doing a, b and c. And then I go about my healing. [00:28:16] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:28:18] Speaker A: And occasionally there are times where I will put my client in a particular sacred geometry as well. If I feel that they can use it, they can handle it. Typically, those will be less advanced sacred geometries, but if I'm housing the geometry, I'm channeling that energy and then I can work on them. It's got the same effect. [00:28:41] Speaker B: How curious. I was only speaking to a guy last week who will probably be recorded before you and actually released before you. So, still relevant. He was talking about when he was on the dance floor, because he actually had a lot of contact with the Anakin angels. And when he was on the dance floor. He was actually bringing the angels to the dance floor through movements, because his body movements as he was cutting the air with his hands was actually the angelic language that he had learned. [00:29:13] Speaker A: Oh, wow. Was it light language? [00:29:16] Speaker B: Well, it was enochian language. Enochian angel magic language. [00:29:21] Speaker A: Wow. [00:29:22] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a really good episode. So you could go back and listen to that. [00:29:26] Speaker A: I'm going to do that for sure. I'm going to do that, yes. [00:29:31] Speaker B: I'm curious, how can individuals start mastering their own energy, and how can they do that? And how do you teach them to do that? [00:29:43] Speaker A: Well, I teach them in a coaching container. So it's a process, and the process is set up to activate them, to expand them so that they can grow their capacity to use more and more advanced geometry. But we start small, simple geometries have very powerful effects and anyone can work with. Let's just think about energetic shields and everybody knows what shielding is. I use a different sacred geometry, but a basic sacred geometry is the pyramid structure. And I teach people how to actually build it. So, yeah, it's kind of a process of showing, of engaging them with the geometry, getting them to feel into it, and then teaching them how to build it, either with their hands or in their mind's eye. And typically, I'll introduce them to a geometry, then they'll go away and they'll practice it and they'll acclimatize to it because it's an acclimation process. And then they'll come back and we'll talk about how did it go? And I always encourage people, there isn't one way to do this. So I can teach you what I feel is right for me. But you can go away and you can play around, and you can play around not just with the shape and structure, but with colors, for example, with light, with light and with sound and all that, you can build a geometry and stack all of that onto it, and you've got to do what feels right for you. And so there are no absolutes. I'm teaching what I've learned and then encouraging people to find their own expression. And I always teach. And one of the things, first things I do is to activate people's spiritual gifts or gifts, but if they're working spiritually, I'm teaching the sacred geometry. They've got a spiritual bent is I activate that and then I get them to start paying attention to downloads. They're going to start eventually having downloads, either of sacred geometry or other things. But during sleep, they may just get a sense of a shape, they may close their eyes and see something in their third eye area. So they are now finding their own signature geometry. That's going to work for them in the same way as I did for me. So there's only so much I can teach them, but it's very much an individualized process. But for anyone can learn to use basic sacred geometry, the pyramid structure, for example, before you go to sleep, imagine yourself lying in a big pyramid that is protecting you from low vibrational energy. Set the intention, as you're putting it around you, that only energy of love and light can come in. And that's the way that anyone can use geometry. Then it just gets a little bit more advanced the further along you go. [00:33:01] Speaker B: Okay, do you have any examples from your work of great successes that really you look back on and go, wow, that was amazing that you could share without obviously giving people's names. [00:33:15] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm always reluctant to share stories in that sense, because if the person's listening, they're going to know it's them. Yes, okay. No, funnily enough, and it's probably because anxiety was my core wound, that I attract a lot of people who live in various states of anxiety. And I worked with somebody over the course of about four months. And I use the flower of life a lot because it's a physical thing to really help heal their anxiety, basically to help them live with a measure of relief. And it was long, it was variable. There were some weeks where I did two healings. There were some weeks where I kind of didn't do anything for a couple of weeks. I'd say on average, we probably did about a healing every two weeks for about four months. So eight healings. Okay, is that right? Yes. And this person now has significantly reduced their antidepressants. And they were actually living a little bit like a zombie. They were over medicated, and now that's cleared up, they will always be on medication to some degree. I don't imagine they won't be, but they have reduced their medication so significantly, and they are functioning so much better. So for me, that's a huge success story. I had somebody come in and literally within one session, the person was not sleeping and had had a lifetime of challenges with insomnia. Even if they got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, it would take them another hour, hour and a half to go back to sleep. I mean, that's crippling. And within one session, they actually slept through the night for the first time, which is really interesting. Had another person come for a couple of sessions who had challenges connecting. When I say intimately, I mean on an emotional level to people. And within two sessions, that dynamic. And with her husband, it was like the family dynamic shifted irreparably and she didn't even know what was going on. It was just things were lighter, things were more connected. So everyone's got their own challenges. And sometimes it takes longer, like in the case with the person with severe psychiatric issues. But there was a really great outcome. Sometimes. Most of the time, it's like once and done or twice and done. And everyday challenges can be solved. Be that anxiety, be that insomnia, intimacy issues, that stuff. So it doesn't take very long. [00:36:23] Speaker B: I can imagine it can be quite difficult for people to figure out a way to step into their healing while still managing daily life. Do you have any methods that you work with people to actually help assist with that sort of balance? [00:36:39] Speaker A: Yes, and I mean, most of it's that way because most people don't really have the appetite to do this advanced stuff. So I typically cater for people who've got busy lives who aren't that not that intuitive, who just want an efficient way to heal. And, I mean, the most efficient techniques that I teach people are around dreaming, because I've been into dreaming and working with my dreams for about 40 years now. When I was eight, I recorded my first mammoth dream, and I still remember it to this day. I can feel it to this day. I'm really curious about the dream world. So I teach people how to get into a nightly ritual, to do nightly rituals where they invoke a two way dialogue with their dream state, and in doing so, can move from dreaming, just being, leaving it to, like, haphazard, to actually intentionally dreaming and remembering very regularly, but also working through big issues in their dreams. So that would be a very practical and efficient way of helping people. So I teach people how you engage in a dialogue with your dreams, how you set that intention rituals, energetic rituals, and then how to record and analyze your dreams. Also teach people how to dream lucidly, which is incredible because you can enter your dream and you can face your phobias and your fears, and they actually dissolve and evaporate when you look at them in a dream. So that's the kind of stuff I do for busy people, because we all sleep and we all dream, so why not capitalize on it? That would be an example of how I work with busy people. [00:38:35] Speaker B: Brilliant. [00:38:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:38:38] Speaker B: What sort of challenges do people commonly face during major life transitions? And how can energy mastery, sacred geometry and dreaming work address these challenges. [00:38:50] Speaker A: They can address every challenge, but I think with the human transformation, I think there are a couple of very common challenges that I see most people going through. And the first one is getting off the starting blocks. Okay. And people, it's that invisible prison. Why do you stay in it when the doors actually open? So I think that's a really tricky part, and that's why working with a coach is so important. And getting off the starting box, dealing with the fear of change and all of that good stuff. But the second really challenging things that people go through when they're in transitions is they're trying to change their lives from the wrong energetic state. They try to change their lives when they're in a resistant energetic state. So what I do with people, and when I work at an energetic level, I go into the energy around their limiting beliefs, their limiting emotions, their stories, their unhelpful identities, and I help them release the energetic component of that, because all of those have giant energetic blocks. And when you release the energetic root of those issues, things really move very fast. And of course, when I'm doing it, I'm doing it with the power and the potency of sacred geometry. So I think that working at an energetic level is the key to moving through that issue of trying to change your life from the wrong state. Because when you're in the right energetic state, when you're in a state of non resistance problems take on a different light, you find solutions to things you wouldn't be able to solve if you were trapped in that resistance state. It's all about getting people into the right energetic state and using really advanced techniques to release blocks so that they can move forward freely. [00:41:06] Speaker B: Yeah, I think that when people are. I've experienced this myself. When you're in a certain sort of energy state, it's like you have limited choices and limited vision, and so you can't really see your way out. So that actually prompts me to ask you then, when should someone seek your guidance as an energy coach during a transition period? How do they identify that? How would that help? [00:41:31] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I think you need to go and work with somebody. I think the clue is when you're stuck. Being stuck was my catalyst, and I think being stuck is a lot of people's catalyst, where, for example, in my case, the old tools in my toolkits were no longer working, where you've tried things, you've been sitting, for example, in therapy or in another mode for a while, it's just not working where you feel like you can't get off the starting blocks, where you feel stuck. I think that's always a good gauge. And where you feel you are repeating the same patterns, you like having Groundhog day and you don't know why. That's the experience of being stuck, where you're attracting the same experiences, the same patterns. I think the clue is always in patterns and feeling stuck with them. I think that's a really important catalyst and a good catalyst to go and work with somebody who can give you that extra nudge and help you off the starting blocks and through the process of change. [00:42:41] Speaker B: Well, that prompts me to ask, what words of wisdom or encouragement would you give for individuals feeling stuck and seeking to harness the power of energy for change in their lives? [00:42:51] Speaker A: Well, I mean, this is, again from. I'm drawing from my own life, I always do. I was 50 when all of this happened and it's never too late. I hear so many people saying, oh, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I think it's never too late. I think I know that profound change can happen in so many stages of one's life. I had an aunt, my mum's late sister, who found enlightenment when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. And she went from really struggling with basic stuff in life to this unbelievable enlightened state as she was dying. So we can always find growth at any point and I encourage you to lean into it. It's actually fun. If you can reframe change and growth and be. You can have fun as you're doing it. It really makes it quite an exciting. [00:43:56] Speaker B: Excellent, excellent. How can people find you, Gabrielle, to avail themselves of your services? [00:44:02] Speaker A: They can find me on Instagram. Gabrielle Pimstone. Sure, you'll have it in your show notes, or else you can just direct people to my website, ww dot generativegrowth.com au. And there are a multitude of ways of getting hold of me there. You can email, you can set up a free exploration call, you can click on links to all my social media. So that's also another way to get hold of me. [00:44:35] Speaker B: Brilliant. Brilliant. So, is there any question that you think I should have asked that I didn't ask? [00:44:42] Speaker A: Wow. No one's ever asked me that. [00:44:49] Speaker B: I asked that when I ran out of questions, to be honest. [00:44:53] Speaker A: Sorry. [00:44:54] Speaker B: No, sometimes I ran out of questions because what happens is I ask you some questions, the thing is, you go and knock out all my other questions, like, what am I going to ask? [00:45:08] Speaker A: I think you really asked it all honestly. No, I think I could talk forever in Australia, so we probably should wrap up. No, I think it was a comprehensive and really thoughtful process. Know, really nothing more from. [00:45:32] Speaker B: Well, in that case, I'll say thank you so much, Gabriel Kimstone, for coming on to supernormalize and explaining your understanding of energy healing, sacred geometry and how you heal people. That's really cool. I really appreciate your time. [00:45:47] Speaker A: Thank you so much for having me. It's been lovely to meet you. [00:45:50] Speaker B: It's good to meet you, too. All right, I'll say goodbye to the listeners. Bye for now. Well, that was an interesting episode to hear somebody talk so passionately about sacred geometry in a way that I find fascinating. As I explained, my experience was quite profound when I had it because it actually was unifying. It actually helped bring back myself all together at that stage because I was pretty far out there. Yeah, certain things. I hope you've enjoyed today's show, and if you have, please reach out to Gabrielle and tell her that you have enjoyed the show as well. That would be really appreciated. And if you think this could be good for you, maybe go to her site and learn more about her services. And yeah, do what you can there. And if you have enjoyed this show and you think somebody else could benefit from it, please share this show to that person. One person's enough. That would actually make them happy. And me, too. Also the usual if you haven't done it yet, get onto your podcast app and give me five stars, even if you don't believe I'm worth five stars. But I might be in the future. And yeah, thanks for listening. Until next episode. Bye for now. Bye.

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