Episode 74

April 08, 2024


David Alan Aeon Interview You Can Escape The Matrix Part 2 Divine Revelations

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David Alan Aeon Interview You Can Escape The Matrix Part 2 Divine Revelations
Supernormalized Podcast
David Alan Aeon Interview You Can Escape The Matrix Part 2 Divine Revelations

Apr 08 2024 | 01:03:58


Show Notes

In episode 2 we cover off the full Bondi Beach Samadhi experience that changed his life and cosmology... forever. Today we welcome back David Alan Aeon on #Supernormalized podcast! With a diverse background in science, arts, and playwriting, David's journey led him to explore the mystical world of consciousness and spirituality. Join us as we delve into topics like Cobra breath, Gnosticism, Enochian magic, and the dangers of AI. Don't miss out on part 1 of this enlightening conversation series! #Consciousness #Spirituality #Mysticism #Enlightenment #AIRevolution #PodcastGuests
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Well, what I also saw is became aware of these beings, these holy beings, these angelic presences, and they all seem to be flowing off some supreme white light in utter adoration. [00:01:06] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormalize, we have the second chapter of the David Allen Aeon interviews. And today we talk about what happened to him after, or actually during his Bondi beach experience, and then what rolled out for him after in his way of understanding the world and his experience of it. It's a very engaging interview when it comes to higher concepts of consciousness and belief and self understanding and connection to the greater divine. I'm sure you'll enjoy the show. I certainly indeed enjoy recording it. All right, on with the show. In this episode, there is some sexual content that might be offensive to some people, so trigger warning. Welcome to supernormalized. David Allen. Aeon or eon. Should I say eon? Aeon. Okay. Aeon. [00:02:34] Speaker A: Aeon is different from eon in agnostic sense. [00:02:38] Speaker B: Yeah, I had a dream once where I don't want to steal the show by jumping in here, but I want to say this. I had a dream once where I had this being come to me and they were showing me this light, and they made this light spark in front of me, and they said to me directly, the power of the Aon is with you. The power of the Aeon is with you. Do not forget this. The power of the Aon is with you. And it was one of those dreams, you know, when you have a dream and you come over, you're like, wow, what was that about? That was super powerful, and I had to make a little short film about it, so I did that and put it on YouTube. But yeah, the Aeon is a powerful concept to me. But, yeah, sideline there. Sorry. But welcome to the show, David. [00:03:20] Speaker A: Yes, thank you for having me on again. [00:03:24] Speaker B: I look forward to this conversation because we got to that point talking about your experience in Bondi. And then we ended that show because I wanted to bring it into the next show. So can you give us a bit of a recap of a small amount of a recap leading up to the Bondi event? And then what happened at the Bondi event for you? [00:03:45] Speaker A: Well, in 1998, I was instructed by, I suppose, discarded boys to travel to Bondi where I'd be shown where I really was, my true situation, and who I really am. And this is on the back of many experiences. There's a somatic one I had, and there's other openings or experiences I had based on my experiences doing cobra breath pranayama. Cobra breath is a special technique I was taught. It's an oral transmission, and I had a lot of success with it. So finally I was beckoned to go. I drove to Bondi Beach. I didn't quite know why I was going there, but I found out later it was on the same parallel as luru. So there are taluric lines that run along there. And it's quite a powerful place, actually. I was told to kneel and show some respect for the divine mother. Well, I've always had respect, but this is like another level of respect. Now, respect is different from worship. So we're not in that field, like where you externalize something. It's just a matter of respect. So I did what I was told, and then the beach and all the surroundings disappeared. It was replaced by what I can only describe as some sort of cosmic cathedral and flooded with the most blissful feelings. So the phrase that comes to mind is Satya Chananda, which is a hindu term for being, consciousness and bliss. So I had those in swathes. So the sense of being who I really was flooded with the consciousness and awareness of everything and flooded with bliss and under. And I was sort of flabbergasted. I didn't realize that a human being could contain that level of consciousness. That sort of astounded me. So it's as if I've been wandering around all these years in some kind of fog or illusory state or dream, and I've just woken up into this true realm. Well, what I also saw is became aware of these beings, these holy beings, these angelic presences, and they all seem to be flowing off some supreme white light in utter adoration. So this also surprised me because I was kind of into this idea of, yes, samadhi being contacting the zero point field or the absolute unmanifest or what's called the dark sea of unclapsed wave possibilities. But here I was in the presence of a definite being that lasted a while, and then I was brought down to the beach again and I was looking around at people and I was shown that most of these people I was witnessing had some entity in them. And the entity looked rather like those medieval woodcuts, a little creature with a tail. This also amazed me. I'm not a conventional christian, never was, but here I'm being confronted with these archetypes and being shown the truth of my condition, which is that most people will harbor these entities and that could be a problem or it could be part of the training ground that we're in. Because you've heard of this story of everyone has two wolves and the one that is compassionate and the one that is greedy and self centered and whatever happens to you is dependent on which wolf you feed. Well, bit like that. That's the sort of impression I got. But I was sort of flabbergasted to see this directly, as if there was some software intervention that prevented me, the normal person, from seeing this. And in a sense it's sort of a cheat sheet because you're showing this stuff and it takes away your free will, because there's no way you'd ever want to persist in ordinary baseline consciousness. If you could experience this all the time, there'd be no motivation, be pointless. So you think, well, what is this realm that I'm normally in? Is it a feeding ground for parasites or is it a school? Or is it a place of punishment? Is it a karmic farm? And I had to sort these out. I was told by this voice that we can show you exactly how things operate here, but I think what you'd rather do is return a source. So I was offered to return a source, which was kind of a solar source. So the sun actually was important in this and that's a portal. And I kind of wanted to escape. I said, this is just too overwhelming. So I walked up. What's that street in Bondi? I forget it anyway. And it's like the sun was following me, like really weird sensation wherever I went. You're not going to get this opportunity again, so it's up to you. I don't know. I've got family, I've got my son, two sons I care about. [00:10:09] Speaker B: Was it an offer? Like you couldn't come back if you went? [00:10:12] Speaker A: Pretty much, yes. Like you're going to drop your body and return to source because this is hell you're in. But it's up to you. And if you stay here, you need to do the work of instructing people in God consciousness and their true sovereignty. Because I felt most people are not truly free. They're controlled by these lower astral entities and thoughts of a base nature, and that's not freedom. So true freedom is embracing your inner divinity and which people are outsourcing. Most people are outsourcing their divinity to a God, a religion, an ideology. So this is something really profound. So I thought if I was going to remain incarnated in the body, then life would just unfold, like, naturally from this experience I've had. And, yes, I decided to stay in the body again. The temptations of the world overtook me and arrogance kicked in. So I was understanding that there are temptations at every level. So this thing called spiritual materialism, spiritual arrogance, and that was a factor in what happened in the following years. But that was a Bondi experience. [00:12:01] Speaker B: Yes, it sounds a lot like an open eye. Strong nn dimethyl tryptamine or even five meo dimethyl tryptamine. [00:12:18] Speaker A: Well, you know, it's James Orok who wrote Tryptonine palace. And I had a character called Sven the poet. And not many people can say this, I think I say it, but it just won't be true. But I was Finland's greatest living poet in this character I invented called Sven the poet. And he would get up on stage and know with my lines, I've brought grown men to their knees begging forgiveness of their wives and mistresses with my lines. I have convinced Obama to adulterous in Syria with my loans. I have taken spider webs and spun golden orbs with them and redeemed mankind with my loans. And then I'd talk about. I'd address the crowd and say, you've been living many shitty lies, when all this while you have been leading regal Camisold lies in tryptamine palaces, the throne of God, your bedposts, making love to one another in alcoves of pure sapphire and Onyx. And then I'd say, the lines I'm going to render you will take you through many lives. You will be Muhammad, Buddha, Shakespeare. And then, yeah, I was trying to convey to the audience that they've been leading lies, lies in their life, driven by lust, envy, delusion, stumbling from life to life like an out of work actor. So I turned my experience into entertainment and I thought it was a good approach, because in this world, we're deceived all the time by, I don't know, the demiurge or the Arcons, who are sort of the magistrates who carry out the instructions of the demiurge to keep us confined in this terrarium that I call it, and I think it was Sarah Cahaldi, who's an alchemist, who said the Trickster archetype is the only archetype that's going to defeat the Arcons. Right. Because they use humor. They don't know how to handle humor. And it's kind of a trickster archetype, because the trickster is always going to reflect what you say, turn it on its head inverted, and throw it back at you. So the only way to counter it is to be a trickster. So I utilize the Trickster archetype, which is my tatva or inclination anyway. [00:15:21] Speaker B: So it sounds like the divine fool is something. [00:15:24] Speaker A: The divine fool? Yeah. If you take it out of the tarot pack, you'll see that's the fool. The fool is actually an important character. You've got Leah's fool. The fool's always allowed to get away with saying whatever he and without persecution. But if you actually call them out what's going on, then they will mobilize their forces against you and destroy you. But if you take on the garment of the fool, then you're allowed, because people are thereby going to either going to take it seriously or they're going to laugh. But there's something at the back of the head that is going to say, there's something in this. This is why all the real truths about this world are transmitted these days through film, media, television shows. You'll be surprised. Like, Westworld basically, quite graphically, tells you how it's done and what's going on. So that's a trickster archetype, which I embraced and had fun with. But going on from the Bondi experience, something I realized, a few things flowed from that, which was my understanding of the structure of evil, how it works. People think evil, you've got good and evil and they counterbalance one another, and there's one on this side and one on that side, but it's not like that at all. It's more like you've got two networks. I call it the Christos Network and the demonic network, and they sort of run in parallel. They're adjacent to one another, and the demonic network is always mimicking, mirroring the Christos network and inverting it. And a person, I mean, they're so close and so relatable that the ordinary person has trouble discerning when they're in the demonic network, when the Christos network, because every principle is given a slight twist. For example, the yinyang, the idea that good and bad arise mutually and that light needs the dark complementarity. Well, this has sort of turned on its head to become a principle of, like, evil as a necessary part of existence. And people get seduced and fooled by these subtle inversions, which take the truth and they invert it. So I wrote a lot about this in my blog. I call it the q and m versions, the q from german querrel, which means source, which has the original purity of the idea. And it's always corrupted by the mirrored and mocked. I call it the m, the mirrored and mocked version, which inverts it, flex it, and poisons it. And the idea is you cannot enter the heavenly realms if you're defiled in any way. So people are aspiring to escape the condition through spiritual work, but unless they're actually in God consciousness, unless they're at least opening their argent, their third eye, they're always going to be fooled by language. And language itself is a kind of cybernetic AI. It's a kind of misappropriation of the stellar light codes. And it's not with language and intelligence that you're going to break these bonds, but only through the splendor, grace, love, and power of source. And if you're not in source, then you're always going to be seduced away or fooled or cajoled or deluded. That's my understanding from the Bondi experience. I also evolved the theory of cogitonics. Now, cogitonics is a theory of the Cogiton. So, as every schoolboy knows, photosynthesis involves the conversion of light and water. Using light and water, you get sugars and oxygen. The process is complicated. I'll just do a brief run through. You've got chlorophyll, you got the magnesium ion, which loses electrons, so it creates an exciton, and the exciton moves through the chloroplast to create through what's known as the Krebs cycle or the phosphorolization. And this process is a quantum mechanical process, actually, because the exitons are trying all these possibilities of maximizing the energy functions. And it's as if it goes through all these possibilities, all these timelines, and then decides the path to take and collapses all the wave function possibilities. But this can only be done with the intervention of consciousness. So it's clear that although the process of photosynthesis involves consciousness, so where does the consciousness come from to do this? Biology just ignores it and tries to explain all these complex biochemical processes as if they're sort of quasi mechanical, as if they're chemical processes, but they're not chemical processes or biochemical processes primarily at all. They're cognitive process. So the photosynthesis are cognitive operation more than it is biochemical. It's as if you've got a factory and you've got the raw materials going to the factory, and out comes, I don't know, a mustang or a ford or a bugatti. You don't regard that as a mechanical process. Consciousness is involved. You've got plans. You got things put together in a way. So these molecules are assembled. They're assembled according to a conscious plan. But how does this happen? Where does this come? Where does this consciousness come from? So I postulated the unit, the consciousness with the cogiton. So rewrite the photosynthesis equation with a cogiton. So the cogitons, where do they come from? Well, they come from the sun. So the sun is actually a source of consciousness. So I found that a useful theory, and I'm trying to place consciousness in the center of studying of science, biology, and even cosmology. And once someone looks at the human body and all the myriad processes going on that are mediated by consciousness and contacting the source of that, what is it that is doing this? What is it that's running our body and our processes neural network? It is this divine spark of which the gnostics speak. And it's this divine spark which the lower manifestations can't access. So they use us. So they're parasitic on us to run the simulcrum, the fallen world. So, yeah, I read a lot about gnostics, and I found this is very close to the truth. But again, the puzzle is, well, the gnostics were quite pessimistic. They thought, well, this world is just nothing more than a feeding ground for these lower beings, that it's yellow, both. And the ademiurge created this as a means of parasitizing humans. So there's an element of truth in that which I saw. We do have parasites, and they're primordial. And I even gave it an acronym. It's called PWP. It's primordial, etheric, enteric parasite. It's primordial. It goes back a long, long time. It's enteric, which means it's centered around this region, the stomach, connected via the vagus nerve to the brain, and it exists on the etheric plane, which means it's not normally visible to probes or visualization, but it's there, and it's a parasite. It feeds off our source energy. So I wrote a lot about that. So in many ways, the Bondi experience prompted me. It was productive in quite a few ways. [00:24:56] Speaker B: As a part of my deep meditation experiences. Way back in. When was it? When I was probably about 2021, when I was going very, very deep, there was a stage where I got to a certain point where I was seeing the world in a similar sort of way to what you described, but not as clearly, but it was there. And I got to a certain point with my understanding where then reality was a construct of either creativity or creation and distraction. That's what I got from it. I was like, creation, distraction. And then by chance, I was at a party one time and there was an artwork on the wall, and it said creation versus dissection. And I thought that was a better description. Like, there is some creative force, but it's also negative and that's dissection, but there is a creative force which is creative, and that's the creative force. So it's interesting that you've actually pretty much come up with the same thing, really. I think it's probably a universal truth. [00:25:58] Speaker A: Yes, we're there. I mean, the human beings is a lens through which the divine can know itself and observe itself. So it's a two way process. There's a flow, circulation. Is that the sort of thing you. I mean, it was Alexander Pope, I think he wrote about humans as a being placed on this isthmus of a middle state, being darkly wise and rudely great. So he's got 1ft in materiality, another in the divine. We're divine beings having these experiences, and we're tossed about on waves of last envy, derision, pride. And I think the test is to learn from it and move up the ladder of consciousness until you can witness these things. You don't become so involved and enmeshed in all this. And it's a state of what I call repose. And in fact, in the enochian system, it's an ether of repose. And I went back to Bondi years later to that same spot, and I brew a cuminator, which is like a nectar taken from the cuminata acacia, which is called ilbunga by the elders in central australian desert. And it gives you a kind of connection to the natural world. So I drank some of the ulbanga and I went back to Bondi, and there was a certain beauty about it. Everything kind of seemed perfect. There was a tree there which had formed itself into a position in the direction of the wind, the Australia wind, and there were three wheelie bins. I call them the three wise wheelie bins. And there's a woman in a bikini just looking at it. And I thought, this is all just connected and perfect. And without any tremor, without any doubt, this is the ether of repose. So to accept the world in its itness was just as marvelous as being in that dome of heaven all those years before. So it's another iteration of peace, tranquility, acceptance, beauty, love, and all those things. And I think the message was, this is the lesson of what you experienced then, is to come back where you started and to know the place for the first time. [00:29:08] Speaker B: So there's a story in that, in itself, that I think that if we choose to, we can actually live in that sort of space continuously by keeping up that conscious choice of maybe pulling the judgmental observer out of the way and just experiencing. [00:29:26] Speaker A: Exactly. And there's always this intermediary, there's always this editorial voice that's saying this, that and judging really gets in the way of you apprehending the beauty of the moment. So it's a task. And I'm thinking now that this so called gift of language is partitioning and dividing reality all the time in order to convert it into this kind of AI, I guess, because everything becomes equivalent to some bit of coded reality, which isn't reality at all. And the gnostics saw this. The biblical quote in the beginning was, the word is logos, but logos, the Greek for logos. It starts with an l, which is the lambda, which is a kind of triangle. And it's to do with split, splitting, dividing. It's separating. It's oscillation. Yeah. So lambda, logos. People think, oh, yes, you create the world with the word, but the word is corruptible and incorrupted, and it belongs to which I call beast mind. So there's God mind and beast mind. Beastmind is all about division, misappropriation, control, domination, and mesmerizing people with images and language and conjuration. And it's Shakespeare himself who is the master wordsmith, who said in one of his last plays, which was the tempest, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. So in the end, he became disillusioned with language. Caliban says, you taught me language. And my prophet is that I concurse. So here we have getting back to the gnostics, the lambda, the logos, we can. We can start questioning the value of language, getting behind it, getting into vibration. Words fail us, words fail me, but vibration never fails. Now I approach people trying to feel their vibration, and how much love there is there, rather than their facility with conjuration using language. So I imagine when I approach someone, I imagine there's a fill of lilies, and they're moving through the lilies and they're creating a movement and the lilies are swaying, and that's how I get under language and to subvert the begali intellect with the vibration of true emotion. And there's this great quote. I think it's Yeshua who said it. Consider the lilies of the field. They toil not, neither do they spin. Yet there's not one. Not Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like one of these. So I'm trying to get into the lily consciousness of plant life, which is taking those cogitons from the sun, converting it into beauty, into those colors. And it's just simple and innocent, and that's a state I'm trying to get into. And that's what we're doing in our workshops where we teach God consciousness and innocence. But before we go there, we have to establish absolute purity of heart. So the exercises we indulge in, we engage in. We're trying to cultivate the divine masculine, trying to ask forgiveness of our transgressions, which is quite important because we are defiled beings. This is the one thing I got from Bondi is that the human is a fundamentally contaminated, if you like, or defiled or parasitized individual. But most people don't realize that. And this is what prevents us seeing the full glory of the kingdom. And that's actually a redacted part of Matthew, where they say that we cannot see the full glory of God because we entertain unclean spirits. And that's part of Matthew that was excised. But you'll find it in the track. Washington. I've got a reference for it, which I'll perhaps put in the show notes before you even put in the show notes. So I think it's a very important quote because people read the Bible and there are references to exorcisms and devils, but it's all like, this is just a one off thing. And only Yeshua could banish devils. The gathering swine. The possessed woman said, what's your name? We're legion. And he placed them in the peaks and they ran off the cliff. It's like these one off things, but actually all of us to a certain extent have this parasite which is fed by our egotisms. And this is how the demonic network works. The demonic network. It's not the offhand crazy people or the isolated person who's crazy. It's actually a network. It's a demonic network. They're all connected, they share intel and there's a head, there's a commander. The hierarchy is there, just as there's a divine hierarchy, there's a shadow hierarchy, demonology. And this is why I went into ponderology. Ponerology is a theory of evil. And believe it or not, evil has to obey certain rules. Like it can't really violate your free will if it does so then substance, the karmic consequences. So it works on temptation, works on using your character flaws to enmesh you further. So the sad fact is that a lot of people succumb and they move from the Christos network, which where you should be, into the demonic network, which promises rewards in the world that is owned and run by the devil, I suppose. I mean, could the devil offer Yeshua this world if he didn't actually own it? I don't think so. He owns it. So I've recently come across examples of demonic possession and it's really quite frightening. And in my own life, there's someone I know quite well who performed a freedom rally, Freemason, in a lodge. Freemason lodge. And I came after him and he started. Well, he became paralyzed. We had a fundraiser for him to pay for his care, but he just got worse and he was confined to wheelchair for some time now. Recently, I found out that he woke up one night and started babbling demonic stuff and turned on his carer and said, you must come over to us. And he started. Got a knife in the kitchen, stabbed himself in the stomach, stabbed her, killed her. Now he's in prison. He's just woken up, like, he's just like, what happened? And he just didn't know he was completely possessed. [00:37:47] Speaker B: That's horrific. [00:37:48] Speaker A: This is a real danger. And people think this is how the world is being run by people who have been compromised and they've lost their spirit and they've sold out. So this is why things are going to have to. There's going to have to be a clean out. And I'm not sure whether it's going to be a coronal mass ejection or a flood or what. But if you read the mythologies, egyptian mythologies, there's indication that there has been coronal mass ejections before. The story of Isis becomes Hathor and the story about the neetas, the gods became angry because mankind wanted to overthrow them and become like gods. So Ra became angry and he decided to take out his eye and fling it to the earth. But it was out of compassion. Isis caught it in her. Know those pictures of Isis with the horns capturing the disc? Well, that's all to do with this event. So ISiS becomes Hathor, and Hathor is her protective and angry aspect. So if you go through egyptian mythology, you find hints that this is what usually happens. Mankind turns the divine. He wants to overthrow the divine. He doesn't want to act from his inner core of being, which is connected to God conscious, which is the true source of all. And once you realize that, once you've had sAmadhi, you can't harm another person because you're basically harming yourself, this has become clear to me time and time again. So if you move over to the demonic network where you want to set up your own empire apart from cosmic order, there's always going to be a comeback. And it's usually in the form of the guy and upheaval, a flood or perhaps in some instances, a coronal mass ejection or some other cataclysm that the memory of which has been wiped from our records but is preserved in ancient mythologies. And considering that we're talking about the solar system moving to the galaxy in 26,000 year cycles, these cycles repeat themselves and we find the same themes recurring, which is dependent on where the solstice is moving through the zodiac. So all this knowledge has been lost. So these ancient civilizations of which Hancock talks about had this profound knowledge which is being rediscovered and redeployed. I actually found out recently how the pyramids were constructed. It's quite interesting, and it's to do with taking rubble and turning into a kind of concrete. And this technique was discovered by some french engineer, and he said, do you realize this is how they do. They had these blocks and poured it and put this mixture in, of which the formula is available, and this is how they built it. And they said, oh, no, this theory doesn't hold water. No pun intended. But he patented it, and now that technique is used in building industry. So there we go. I don't know how we got around to beach Bondi beach event or transmission or upheaval. Apocalypse. I think it's an apocalypse because apocalypse actually means revelation. Great revealing or the veil lifting. That's what apocalypse means. Everyone has their apocalypse, their own personal apocalypse. And I think it was Mark Twain who said, the two most important events in a person's life is a, when they're born, and b, when they find out why. And that was the Bondi beach. So there's been a lot of things happen since then. [00:42:26] Speaker B: I was going to ask a question around this, but do you think that the reason why a lot of this happens in cycles is that humanity, after a great reset, is in a divine sort of state, and over time, loses that and then attempts to try to recreate that connection through distractive and deceptive technologies, which is the reason why we go down the line in time, even though time doesn't exist. But for us, it does in some sort of perspective. And in doing so, we create technology to simulate that connection to the divine, rather than actually pulling the mask off ourselves and pulling the wall out of our minds that stops us from seeing it and realizing that we are already there and this is it, and the heaven is the world that we're in. [00:43:21] Speaker A: That's exactly right, yes. So these technologies are deployed so we can conduct a life without this connection that we really need. It's like spitting in the face of God, of the divine. Because we want both. As I said, as Sven's poet says, heaven's not enough for you lot. You want hell as well. They want that taste. It's like, I don't know, you've got a sore tooth and you get a sharp stab of pain. You can't help poking it. People want their depravities. Something about humans. Maybe it's to do with the hybridization that occurred, whether the DNA was tampered with to create this so called race of obedient hominids that went wrong, because now we were given more power than even our creators, potentially. So maybe it's that. But what you said is actually. Yeah, it's spot on. That's right. We want to create this artificial simulcrum, this phony world where we think, where are our own gods? And who needs the source? [00:44:47] Speaker B: But we sort of are and not at the same time. And I think that is the curse of our being, is that we do have ultimate power. But then we're not in accord with the. We're not in alignment. [00:45:02] Speaker A: We're not in alignment. That's right. Because we have to learn things, the common things, like compassion, love, mercy, understanding and discernment. Discernment is very important. It's a hard thing to develop. Maybe that's why we're in this so called fallen world. Fake simulcrum is to learn discernment, because the more consciousness that you have, the trickier it becomes. Because the part of you that wants to be a part, to be separate from the divine, the egotistical part, manifests in all sorts of subtle ways. And it can learn the language of spirituality to conquer, manipulate and seduce. So you've got a mobile army of language and ideas which can be corrupted. So that's part of the Q M process. You've got source and then you've got its mirrored corruption which happens at every level. I wrote an essay about Adidas Samaraj, who's this being who is said to be born enlightened? But he bought this island and set up his own cult and committed. He posited himself as God incarnate and carried out all these orgastic depravities. [00:46:54] Speaker B: I know that guy. I know who he is. But I've heard that exact same story. For a lot of these gurus. It seems like as soon as they get to a certain level, then the demons turn on them and go, okay, well, now we've got him. He thinks he's God. Let's get him with his weakest temptation. And that's always going to be sex. [00:47:16] Speaker A: It's usually sex. And yeah, there's tales of the woman who felt this burning sensation on her spine as she was undergoing anal sex. And he said it was like, this is the Kundalini and he's just ash on. [00:47:40] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:47:42] Speaker A: But I've been following Adida. What was his name? He changed his name a lot of times. But he was a student of Muktananda and I experienced Shaktipat from Muktananda and he's using Buddha Vijaya, which I'll get into later if you want to talk about Buddha Vidya. But he achieved a certain level of Samadhi with Muktananda. He said, oh, no, there are levels beyond that. And he was getting a little certificate from Muktananda saying he's a cheap nivakava samadhi. And adidas tore it up. No, I'm beyond that. Who needs a look at his life? I don't know how he did it, but people in his presence have had these extraordinary experiences. [00:48:31] Speaker B: Well, they can still be a channel, right? They can still be a channel of the divine energy. But they could be doing that at the same time as there is a demonipulating their mouth. [00:48:40] Speaker A: Exactly. You can use these spirits to evoke all sorts of experiences in other people. It's called Buddha vijayas. So the whole science of it. In hindu tradition, Buddha is disconnect entity, discarnate entity. And Vijay means knowledge. So it's knowledge of these entities which they can be quite powerfully used. And I experienced that when I was in Peru. The Curandero the Ayoscaro said, well, what experience do you said, oh, I want, you know, Christ consciousness. So he pulled from the Akashic record some image of Christ. And I did feel this sort of sense of holiness, but it's all artificial fabrication. It was deceptive. Like you're just dialing up what you think I want, which is I didn't want this sentimental notion. It's, like, pretty corny. I don't think you understood exactly what I meant. I didn't want this. Santa Raya. Holy crap. What's going on? So that's when the discernment kicked in. You have to have discernment in all your experiences. And now we've got people entering air circles and having all sorts of wonderful experiences that take them off planet. But they're just decorating the walls of their prison. [00:50:22] Speaker B: That's very cynical. [00:50:24] Speaker A: Well, yeah, it is. [00:50:26] Speaker B: I guess I wouldn't think everyone goes through that and has just decorated walls of their prison. I'm sure there's some circles out there that go beyond being basically an ayahuasca bar with music and entertainment. [00:50:42] Speaker A: Yes, I know. But on the way there, you are presented with diversions and seductions and illusions which you have to deal with. Well, that's part of the process. I don't know about you and your experiences with AA, but I've had quite a few where I was shown things and told things and predictions were made. And I realized they were tests. I'm getting back to this Macbeth. Macbeth is shown that he could be king. And he's given equivocal predictions about his future. It's really a test to see what he's prepared to do to invoke or insubstantiate those projections. And in the end, he makes the wrong choices. And that's what these ayahuasca spirits know what they're doing because they'll tempt you. [00:51:45] Speaker B: They'll definitely tempt you. And sometimes they'll throw up a story that you're meant to believe. And then you may go down that life path and get your ass kicked in. And then you go, wait a minute. That was actually a lesson in itself. [00:52:00] Speaker A: That's right. [00:52:03] Speaker B: Love and light. [00:52:07] Speaker A: Yeah. I had an experience recently where I was shown very clearly that there's this sacred realm and there's this demonic realm. And the difference, it's not as if the sacred realm can entertain even a drop of this demoic realm which you hear all the time from these pundits. There's no such thing as pure goodness. It's only defined in relation to the so called evil, and we need both to create a coherent whole. It's just nonsense. [00:52:48] Speaker B: No, they're sock puppets. [00:52:51] Speaker A: They got absolute evil. It's like, I'm not talking just people with bad thoughts or sinful thoughts. I'm talking absolute, unbelievable evil. So you've got the kabbalistic tree of life, the kabbalistic demonic equivalent, and one goes all the way up to Satan, the other goes up to source, and they do it. It's like they're mirror images. I call them an anteomorphic mirror images. So one can turn into the other, but one's built on the other, but inverted. So one of the things in ponderology how Satan works by inversion. So that's how you know what you're dealing with. Everything's turned on its head. So the sacred realm is one where. That's where you want to be. Once you experience that, you just don't want anything to do with anything that can contaminate. Yeah, these portals are opening, but they're also closing. But I've heard from people like Sandra Bolt. Well, I've written to Sandra Bolt, who's, you might say, the person who is monitoring all these ayascaras, and if there's anything like a governing body to make sure it's all above board, it's her. And I said, I'm told that these portals are closing, but they're not really closing. What's happening is that the demonic entities are leveraging their control over the astral and mental realm to contaminate people. So that people are entering these circles and they're just not purified. Their vessels are still contaminated by the mental realm invasion. Invasive entities that are there, they don't realize that they're there, and that's why they can't go any further. So it's not that the portals are closing, but this is what we have to be careful about. And there's lots of people coming online now, like Bernard Gunther and Lisa Renee and Gabby Cavalanko. And Gabby Cavalanko is quite interesting. She's like 22, and she talks like she's an ascended 60 year old master. And where's this person coming from? Is she like an indigo or star seed or what the hell is going on? She just talks continuously, and you wonder, is this a psyop or what? Is this person for real? Is she AI? She's not AI. Because I saw interview you have this deep fakes where you can have an attractive young woman talking like Einstein. I don't know the world's changing so rapidly. This, this person was born post 911, and I listened to many of her podcasts. Now she's got quite a few followers, and I'm looking for not so much what she's saying, what she's not saying. Is she talking about the pitfalls of spiritual ascension? Is she talking about the demonic network? Is she warning people about the dangers of the Q and M process? And if she's not, then she's partaking of that system. You know what I mean? [00:56:28] Speaker B: Okay, so you've realized that there's a lot of distractive sort of elements to the universe, and also people are mostly, at this stage in history, completely distracted and caught up in, would you say, like a facade of the truth rather than the actual truth of what being is about. What do you think the solution is? What do you think the solution is to that? I mean, there's got to be a way out for people or a way to start recognizing where they are. I mean, you've done a lot of work in yourself, but what if somebody's just come to this podcast and their mind is completely blown and they're sitting there right now and they're going, well, what can I do? [00:57:15] Speaker A: Yeah, the danger is that the knowledge and understanding becomes fashion accessory becomes a style, it becomes a modality, it becomes just a thing of the age. And the other danger is that any true process of ascension and contacting source, there's a danger that's going to be infiltrated. And every single movement that's done this has been infiltrated and contaminated using the QM process. The early Christians with their practices, the Essenes obviously were contacting, they're activating the Christ and they were contacting source consciousness, but it only took a few years, and it was taken over by Paul with his blood sacrifice ideology that Christ redeemed mankind through a satanic kind of ritual blood sacrifice. And then we have in 323, the Council of Nicaea, under Constantine, holding a huge discussion conference about what text would enter the canonical gospels and what wouldn't. Irenaeus deciding that the true Christians, the ones who are contacting source unmediated, they were apocryphized, put into the slot of unacceptable. And so we have the roman empire in terms of militaristic empire, became an empire of spirit, which commandeered with the same hierarchical structure over the soul that the roman empire over the body. So we have body, mind and spirit being ruled by the Vatican, which claims, I think, ownership of all the souls on earth. That's what the Seska V trust is all about. So the infiltration, the demonic infiltration of every aspirant of every high value that humans hold will be used, weaponized, diverted and defiled in some way or another. That's why they had to go underground. That's why the early christians lived in caves and their rituals and their practices unseen from agents of empire. And that process is ongoing. So what I found is that you can't proclaim anything anymore. You just have to practice. And that's what we're doing in our small workshops, and we don't promote them that much. We just do the business of cultivating the divine without constructing an ideology around it or making a fuss about it, because this will just attract the demonic government which will defile it. This is what happened to the early lodges. Freemasonry wasn't always corrupt. It was infiltrated. As the priest castes move into every movement, priest Sabanu, they want to monopolize, they want to monetize, and it's a process that's everywhere. [01:01:12] Speaker B: Well, I think we've come to the end of this part number two. David and I thought we were going to get onto recording part number three next time. And in that one, we were going to talk about the AI, the dangers of all of the technology that we're living in and with nowadays. And you said you also had some diagrams and things you wanted to show and talk about. So how do you feel about winding it up now, when we'll talk about that one in the next one? [01:01:39] Speaker A: It sounds ideal. Yeah, that's fine. Excellent. [01:01:42] Speaker B: Excellent. Okay, well, let's say goodbye to the audience right now, and thanks to everyone for listening. And bye from me, and bye from David, I guess. [01:01:50] Speaker A: Okay, bye bye. Thank you. [01:01:52] Speaker B: All right, well, that was another awesome episode with David discussing his experiences and his understanding of the natural world. Or is it artificial world? Who knows? I'm not really sure what we're living in right now. But it can also be the heaven that we all co create, and that's a matter of choice. And I think that came through in that conversation right then, and I hope that you enjoyed it. And if you did enjoy it, please, if you think somebody could benefit from hearing this show, please share it to one friend at least. And if you could, please get on your podcast app and give me five stars. [01:02:32] Speaker A: Five. [01:02:34] Speaker B: That way, more people can find conversations that you think are worth sharing. If you've enjoyed today's show, you can also check out the show notes and find more information about David and his workshops and the things that he gets up to. And, yeah, that's all I've got to say for now. But he's coming back on for the next show and that'll be released in the next episode. So if you've enjoyed today, come back for the next one as well. Thank you so much and bye for now. Close.

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