Episode 120

September 13, 2024


Neil Guar Interview How Can You Be Ready For Ascension?

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Neil Guar Interview How Can You Be Ready For Ascension?
Supernormalized Podcast
Neil Guar Interview How Can You Be Ready For Ascension?

Sep 13 2024 | 00:59:36


Show Notes

Neil Gaur founded Portal to Ascension in 2008 as a conscious event production company aimed at empowering individuals through knowledge about humanity’s origins, extraterrestrial presence, and consciousness exploration. Through workshops and conferences featuring over 3000 experts, he inspires awakening while promoting unity on Earth. #Consciousness #SpiritualAwakening #ExtraterrestrialLife #Unity #Humanity https://supernormalized.com/120/
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: When people come from emotional triggers and reactory states, what is the solution to a problem? Almost the exact extreme opposite of that solution of what it was. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ Barnaby, in the liminalist space to explore less charted realms of existence and to unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. Each episode I'm blessed with the opportunity to talk to regular people from across the world where they openly share their understanding and wisdom in service to others. If you're looking to upgrade your life, you've come to the right place. Be sure to like and subscribe and I'll bring you great transforming conversations each week. My treasured viewers and listeners. If you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalizedroton dot me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual, what it really is, completely normal. Neil Gore is the founder of portal to ascension and has dedicated his life to exploring profound topics that resonate deeply with our understanding of consciousness, humanity and the universe. Neil and I have a meandering discussion which is morganic and goes through his understanding and how he has changed over time from basically being aware of these things and then wanting to share that awareness with others. So it's a really great conversation and I really enjoyed my time with Neil and it was very appreciated. So enjoy the show. Welcome to super normalized Neil Gore. Neil, you're the fan of portal to Ascension, which is basically your passion project. How did this all get started? I mean, what were you into before portal of Ascension actually happened? [00:02:45] Speaker A: What I was into, I guess it was kind of like it was a lifelong journey where I didn't know that I was into this, but definitely elements of like, I guess, consciousness or just questions, I guess, of what we are, who we are in the world. Those are kind of the preliminary thoughts I had, you know, questioning death and then also just seeing how religion connected. And so my real, the origin story of all this was that I was basically, I was born in London, England, and I'm indian, so I was born Hindu. And my story before that was just like, I guess, just a kid, a regular first generation out of India hindu kid, where I pretty much just followed the rites and rituals, what I was told to do by my family and didn't really have any firm belief or anything like that. But as I was being raised in England, we would celebrate Christmas. I knew about Moses I knew about Jesus's life. And when I got old enough to kind of question, well, why are we, even if we're hindu, why are we, like celebrating Christmas into all this? My mom and other people, my family, basically were showing me that Hinduism doesn't say that it's the only way. It doesn't even, it actually even has texts and information talking about other religions existing. And it's really interesting because it's if you a lot of like, I guess, more modernized Hindus that are kind of incorporate into analytics into, and logic into the belief system of Hinduism, rather than just blind faith, you start seeing that there's, that many different cultures and religions could exist. So that was happening before age 18. And then when I was 1718 years old, 2001, I started going into it deeper and I saw that there was a similarity between Krishna and Jesus. And there's something I always say is there is a reason why Krishna has Christ in its name. Okay, Krishna, Christos. Christos in Greece, Christ in Jesus Christ. And the similarities are, Krishna was born to a virgin mother. He had a carpenter father. He was known as the savior to men. He said, I am the way, I am the light. He died with an arrow in the same place that Jesus had a spear piercing through him. You know, so that made me start wondering, wait a second. I was raised believing that polytheism and monotheism both grew out separately from each other. Is there some sort of connection? And did monotheism come from polytheistic religions? Actually, it completely did, even though they want us to think that it was something separate. So that was my inception in 2000, 2001, and the next one, the next milestone was just a few months later where I started looking for the root of all religion. And as I was looking for the root, I found older and older scriptures, going back to the Old Testament, all the way to the sumerian scriptures. And in the sumerian scriptures there's a flood story. And in this flood story, there's a guy called Gilgamesh. And lo and behold, as he's traveling the world, who does he run into? Noah. So it's like the story of Noah from a perspective of someone else that met him, and Noah said to him, I am the, we are the sole survivors of a great flood. But wait a second, if they're interacting with Gilgamesh, and Gilgamesh is on the planet with his tribe, who are these people of Noah? And I started realizing that every ancient civilization in the world had a flood story. And that was kind of the beginning. Started with ancient history, and pretty soon it went to, who were these gods? Who were these beings? And how does that connect to basically extraterrestrial life? Like, were these beings and angels apparitions? Or were there actually visitors from other planets and went down the rabbit hole from there? [00:06:38] Speaker B: Thats a big rabbit hole. Ive been down at two. And what did you come up with in the end there? I mean, did you figure out that we are all connected and that we are seated from a starseed? [00:06:50] Speaker A: Yeah. So to continue on that story. So the Gilgamesh story. And then, so Gilgamesh is a hybrid, half human, half whatever. And the reason why Noah's story was Noah's story and that he and his family were the only descendants of the civilization, because he was the only descendants of that hominid. But there were other hominids and humans that were non homo sapiens living on the planet. Gilgamesh was one of them. So I started looking at that and going deeper into who are these beings? And of course, we get the Anunnaki story and the beings that come from another world coming to this planet, and that text about the Anunnaki, and speaking like, really, really literally in regards to who these beings are, what planet they came from, where they're located in our solar system, what kind of transportation they had, was the foundation for the Old Testament. And so I started wondering, like, for example, you might already know this one, but it talks about the Elohim in there. We know Elohim, Yahweh, that whole connection. But the original word Elohim came from the sumerian scriptures, and it was speaking about God being plural, and then it was changed to being a singular meaning, Elohim meaning God. But Elohim actually meant godsen, and it actually meant gods, sky gods, the sky armies, if you will, came down to this earth. And then that was taken from the Old Testament. So I was like, wait a second. If this is the case, and this is the older text, maybe all religion in the world is complete b's because it's been taken from some ancient Sci-Fi story, right? Or could it be that these beings, the gods, most of the gods that we've seen are actual visitations, and because of the technology, because of their higher consciousness, us as primitive humans, thought of them as gods. And so that's what I started going down the rabbit hole of. And ultimately, I mean, it's a huge story, right? Like, after that's 23 years ago. So since then, I've been doing, I've done thousands of events and been exploring this topic plus so much more. And I would say, in conclusion, I am under the impression that we've been visited many times, and we are also seeded from different et races, not only from our souls. Our souls are incarnated from different civilizations and beings, but also our DNA and our genetic makeup is connected to a multitude of beings throughout our, at least our galaxy. [00:09:18] Speaker B: Does your family support you in your life passion? [00:09:21] Speaker A: Well, it's interesting because in the beginning, like, I was, like, in 2008, so fast forwarding those eight years of rabbit Hole research, 2008, I did my first event and I quit my job like four or five times in a period of like three, four years just to do this work full time. Every time there was, like, a golden opportunity to be full time doing this work, I would jump the gun and quit or self sabotage myself to get fired because I just wasn't present enough so that I would be able to do this work. And when I first did it, the first time was 2008, and I jumped in my car and I started traveling up and down the coast from San Diego to Victoria island and Vancouver and back down, doing sound healing events. And at that point, my parents really were just, like, kind of upset that I wasn't working a regular job, that I quit my job. And. And then I was trying to do something that I couldn't make money from. And they even had an intervention once with me, with my family members saying that you cannot make money from doing spiritual work. So they didn't get it for a long time. And even though my mom really wanted to help me just be okay in life and she wished it would do well, they still didn't get it. So my mom would give me some money every now and then when I would ask her, not that often, but every few, like, every now and then she did, in order to help me with what I was creating. But the money would always go, I would always spend it and use it, and I can never make an income from this. And then fast forwarding again in 2016 is when I started actually becoming profitable and bringing in abundance and figured out a way to make this a full time gig. That's when they calmed down. As soon as they saw. And now they see, like, not only am I doing something I'm passionate about, they see I'm doing something very unique, and that I'm completely liberated from any type of construct that keeps me having to be somewhere when I don't want to be there. You know, like, I can be anywhere in the world when I want. I can travel and see whatever I want. And I can do whatever I want. And at the same time, I still work lots of hours on portal to ascension, so I feel that they have now an appreciation for what I've created. [00:11:32] Speaker B: Yeah, that's brilliant. That's brilliant. I've got a lot of indian friends, and I know the pressure that the parents can put on for living a normal life, so. [00:11:39] Speaker A: Yeah, straight up, man. [00:11:40] Speaker B: Yeah. So, okay, so you've got your platform starting from 2008. How do you feel? It's actually changed you over time. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Wow. You know, when I first started, I was very, very passionate, and I still am passionate, but I was coming to. Coming to it from a place of this world is kind of screwed, and you need to know this truth, really, like, pushing my belief system down other people's throats or something, you know? And even though, like, maybe they don't see like, that, it was more like just. Just. You must know that there was another planet in our solar system, and we're even visited by ets, you know, and that was the beginning, and it was definitely meant to be there because that kind of, like, mind blowing revelation in my life that made me just want to, like, shake the world awake was instrumental in the beginning of all this stuff. And as time has progressed, you know, and even from then, from, like, when I first got into this, 2002, 2003, really. But definitely when I started doing events, 2008 up until 2012, I was really much about, there's going to be some huge event on the planet where everybody's going to wake up and there's going to be a shift. I wasn't planning for the future. I wasn't. I wasn't creating any event after 2012. I, like, that was my last day. December 21, 2012. I believe there's going to be mass landings and all that stuff could actually still happen. That's a whole other conversation based on the disclosure. But there was going to be some sort of awakening, and I wouldn't have. I wouldn't even doubt the fact that all of a sudden there would be, like, a sign in the sky saying, virtual reality game over, you know, and then, like, a Mario type of circle opens up where you go down this thing and you're in another dimension. That was far fetched for me to believe. And because of the way the simulation is, this is not as real you think it is. So I was really much about, like, there's going to be a whole new world, and we just gonna. It's gonna just happen overnight. Ever since then, since myself and a lot of people have become more. Less into dates, in the future and about embodying practices that make you present in this moment and start enjoying this reality. Now, something that I love to say is like, we're not gonna create an ascended world by craving an ascended world. We're not gonna create an enlightened future by thinking that this future is terrible because this reality is terrible. Because what happens is the universe is one big Xerox machine. It just gives you what you put out. And if you're putting out that nothing is ever good enough and all you want is some future thing, a future date, that's all you're ever going to get, then the paradox is the only way we're going to create a beautiful, evolved reality in the future is by truly seeing the beauty in the now moment. And it doesn't mean that we're docile to the now moment, but maybe the beauty in the now moment is seeing the beauty and the other people. Because how many people are so focused on the division and so much focused on the hate that's happening now in the world, especially through politics, where they're still in this world of ascension and consciousness, but at the same time, they can't even agree or can't even accept who they perceive as the other. And it's just, for me, it's like another form of divide and conquer where a lot of people in this world have been brought into this division. So my belief systems have shifted even more to not being so afraid of the dark, not being so angry at darkness, but seeing darkness as, I guess, a necessary evil on one level, for us to grow, but also seeing it as a wounded child. And the darkness in the world is a part of source and consciousness that has so fragmented from the original source that it's forgot who it is so much that it's just a little child acting out with adulthood tools. And so now I'm at a point where I really want to integrate both sides rather than energizing just the bliss, because that was me in the beginning. Now it's more like, how do we realize that darkness and light are both a part of the same source? And I don't think source loved one part of itself over the other. It loves both of itself equally. And if we can have that bigger perspective of what it really means to have this dance on earth between these two polarities, that will be a stepping stone into us creating the world that. [00:16:04] Speaker B: We'Re doing this work for, that speaks a lot to the idea of the human mind. I mean, sort of like the egoic mind being apocalyptically aligned. So we actually look for danger as a part of self preservation, and then, of course, that just manifests in reality all around us. So we actually look for all the bad things, and rather than actually concentrating on the good things. So it's good that you actually transcended that as a part of your practice. [00:16:36] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. And I'm still working on it. And it's what, as I'm doing, like, meditations, and I just got out of ten days of silence, um, this last week I was in the jungle doing Vipassana meditation. Ten days of meditation. And this Buddha's technique of equanimity and equanimity is getting to a place where you observe the, I guess, all polarities and you observe the bliss experiences. If you feel bliss, if you see God in your mind, if you feel great and incredible, you sit and observe, wow, this is a sensation that I have right now. And the sensation that I have is just that, a sensation. And so that's the exact same thing as when you have a negative experience. You observe that as a sensation as well. And rather than craving the bliss experiences and having aversion to the negative experiences, you treat them both equally. And when you get to the point where you treat them both equally, you actually will transcend it, and it creates a state of joy that you don't just have. Like, it's not that fake joy where you're just energizing positive stuff because you're trying to block out the other stuff. It's like a sense of joy where you literally get to feel and express both polarities to the point that even having the negative experiences you feeling, that allows you to be able to have more joy in your life than if you blocked it out. Does it make sense? [00:18:01] Speaker B: Yeah, it does. Yeah. It sounds like my translation of that is like you find the center point, rather being pulled in either of the polarities, but also within that you can achieve a sense of satisfaction. [00:18:15] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. And then another term is divine neutrality, you know, having that neutral stint. But it's interesting because people, some people think neutrality means being docile and allowing for bad things to happen in the world. But I feel when you're at the center point, like, what happens if you're not centered? Right? Center point centered, it's almost the same thing. If you're not centered, you come from a place of emotional trigger and reaction. And do we ever create harmony on Earth when we come from those places? And a good example would be that when people come from emotional triggers and reactory states, what is the solution to a problem, almost the exact extreme opposite of that solution of what it was. And again, politics is so great. Why do we have far right, far left? Because that is literally the solution to one side. We go all the way to the other side, you know? And the truth is almost always somewhere in between, I feel. And when we're at that center point, when you're at that place of stillness, that the external reality doesn't affect you at such a hardcore level. That's when you can make the best decisions, I believe. [00:19:24] Speaker B: For sure. For sure. Circling back to humanity's ancient origins, you mentioned that a planet was actually a part of our original solar system, or it came through. Was that Nibiru that you were talking about? [00:19:36] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [00:19:37] Speaker B: Yeah. What do you think happened there? [00:19:40] Speaker A: So I, you know, there's so many theories on it. I can give you the theories, but. So when I first got into this, it was the 3600 year cycle that Nibiru does, and it goes past Pluto. So, first of all, it has an elliptical orbit, and it's not on the same orbit as our rest of our solar system elliptical orbit. And it swings past Pluto. And then it's called the planet of the crossing, which what Nirburo translates to planet of the crossing, because it would cross between Mars and Earth. And during that time, it would create gravitational anomalies on Earth. And the beings on this planet, called Anunnaki, would fly over to Earth, and they would mine Earth for the gold. And now we have the gold story, and then they would take it back to their planet. So that was the first story I ever heard. First it was like, gold, greed, riches. That's what I first heard. Then that story morphed into more of, actually, gold, monatomic gold. And when you put it into the atmosphere of a planet, it helps neutralize the climate and insulate heat. And so the theory is that they were taking this gold, creating monatomic gold out of it, and they were utilizing for when they go far away from the solar system, to insulate the planet to generate heat so that, you know, the extremities of the weather wouldn't be such an issue on their planet. And that was. So that was one of the first stories and then another one I heard, because then I was looking out for Nibiru, and 2012 was when it was supposed to come. And then there was, like, NASA found another planet, and then there was these images on the Internet that could have been faked of another sun. Right? And so the second theory I'm going to give you like four theories here, because I don't know the real truth. The second theory is that it actually exploded and was destroyed a long time ago. Right. And that's why we didn't see it come about. Another one is that the Nibiru is actually a wormhole, small wormhole that is actually in. What's it called, in binary relation to our sun. So a sun in a wormhole basically spinning like a binary star system together. And that wormhole is actually an entrance to the portal in which the nibiru, the Anunnaki came from. Right. And then the last story that. That I think may have more credibility is that Nibiru was actually rotating around our second sun and the second son, because there is evidence and scientific evidence now to suggest that we're in a binary star system. And. But this binary, the second star, is actually a black dwarf. I don't know if it's. I forget the name. Maybe red dwarf or black dwarf. And. And so it's. So, basically, it's not visible to the naked eye, but the telescopes, you can see it, and some people have images of it, and Nibiru is actually rotating around that. Around that star. So I'm just giving the theories just for those people out there into history and the different understandings. So I really don't know, because I don't speculate on that. I do feel that they did exist, and I do feel that we're in a binary star system, so it might have something to do with that relationship. [00:22:48] Speaker B: Excellent. What is the truth of the extraterrestrial presence, to your understanding? [00:22:55] Speaker A: The. Well, it seems like our galaxy, our universe, has a lot of life throughout it. Now, that question is such a huge one, I have to see where I want to start with it. I would say that Earth has not only been visited by beings for so long, but it's also been seeded over and over again. And I think that there's been not just homo sapiens, but many different types of hominid species that have come on Earth and different beings that have come to do genetic experimentation with Earth. And there hasn't just been one experimentation. And if you look at some of the stories out there with the Syrians, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Anunnaki, there seems to be multiple times that there's been inhabitants on Earth that have altered not only their DNA, but the DNA on this planet as well, in order to create different types of species. Now, if we go back to one of the original stories of the human template, which came out of Lyra that supposedly there was a human template that came into existence from a non personified energy source in the center of our galaxy. And the first one was in Lyrae when they first became personified. They're the ones that we see with the feline faces and the human bodies. And this was the first original template, the Elohim, which was the founder races. And the Elohim is not a term for one race of beings. It's multiple beings. Some of them might not even relate to each other or know each other personally over a period of time, because it's just means it's just a term for sky people, really. And these founder races, these crater beings, after they created the first civilization, and then all of a sudden, we're in this free world universe now, where this solar system of Lyra is being inhabited with all types of beings. They began spreading out throughout the galaxy, and as master creators and as geneticists, as they were moving around, they began altering and creating different types of hybridizations of themselves throughout the cosmos. And as they were doing this, they eventually ended up on Earth. And the experimentation happened here as well. However, Earth, I believe, is a unique experience, because from my understanding, like, there's a lot of et life everywhere. You can hear channelings, you can hear, you can read text, and you can go deep into all the people that talk about ets and even the travel that they've done to these planets, and you don't really hear too much about all the diversity on the planet. Most of the time, it's like one race or two races of beings, or another dimensional beings. Now, look at Earth. Look at how many species we have here. Earth is literally like the library of Alexandria for DNA. And from what I'm getting to now, over the last couple years, I'm starting to believe, even more so, that almost every single species within our galaxy has donated DNA to Earth. And not only are we one of the greatest light shows in the galaxy, at least, maybe the universe, but a lot of these beings have invested interest in what happens on this planet because they've donated DNA to this experience. It seems that in this universe, on this galaxy at least, there's been a lot of turmoil. There's been a lot of beauty and harmony as well, but it's been a lot of turmoil. There's been a lot of wars, and one of the biggest wars happening in Orion had to do with DNA. And you can call that. And it lasted for some say, I don't know the dates, but some say 100,000 plus human years. But I can't really quantify what that would look like. And it was basically, you could call it the DNA wars, where it was war with genetics. And it was violations of free will, of using other beings DNA without their approval. And after eons and millennias of war and disturbance between it, the original beings, the descendants, the original beings, didn't even really know what they're fighting for. It was just like, we're against these people when they're against us. And this DNA war occurred, and it really affected a lot of the species in our whole entire galaxy and other dimensions with the weapons and whatever occurred. And as this was. As this was occurring, there was an experiment of Earth about to manifest as well. And I feel that all these beings have donated DNA to our planet because, manta, there's ant beings, there's all types of human beings, there's all types of reptilian beings, and they've donated DNA to our planet. And what we're doing by coming together here is trying to figure out, because you can see, we're at war with each other species. Like the way this planet is. It's for many animals and insects, this is a brutal reality of, like, live and die. And we're getting to a point where we're trying to figure out how to get over what I call galactic racism or galactic speciesism, the difference in the other, and seeing them as, you know, and having this war that goes back millennia and trying to figure out how we can come together and live in harmony. And I feel that that is the experiment of earth. And as we're doing that, because not only are we the DNA donated, the DNA of these beings is connected to the karma of these beings as well. So that's one level. But the karma of the galaxy is also connected to our souls, because not only is that DNA connected to different beings, but our souls are incarnated from all these other beings as well. We're not just descendants of these beings. We are these beings incarnated into these forms. And then our souls came here to experience it. So I feel what we're doing is we're healing this galactic karma and this galactic trauma through our experiences on earth and trying to figure out how we can all live in together in peace and harmony. [00:28:45] Speaker B: You talked about multidimensional beings there for a little bit. And have you ever had any information come around about the ultra terrestrials or the intraterrestrials, which are actually a part of our dimension, but just basically parallel and causing it all to happen? [00:29:03] Speaker A: Yeah, well, so the ultra terrestrials, intradimens, not so much. But the ultra terrestrials don't always have to be in other dimensions. So maybe the interdimensionals could be the other parallel dimensional beings coexisting with us. Maybe like elemental beings that supposedly one day we used to exist with these beings. And then as we fell from grace, they didn't. And then we just got to a place where we phased out of different dimensional realities from them and they became part of our myths and folklore, including dragons and dwarves and fairies and all that. And then we have the ultra terrestrials, which are beings that were not a victim to the rise and fall of consciousness. Cause it seems that we've been going into elevated states of consciousness and falling, and it could be every 13,000 years, which it looks like it is 13,000 plus or minus some years. And we evolve in consciousness, we devolve in consciousness. We remember, we forget, we remember, we forget. And through this we're going through all types of experiences, collecting all types of karma. And then there are civilizations on earth that have broken free from that cycle. And many of them have become very advanced beings, known as the ultra terrestrials. And they've gone under in mountains, under Earth, maybe other places in the world where we can't see them. And supposedly they continue their technology and their awareness. And some of them are actually descendants from et worlds, but they've been here for so long. And other ones are humans that existed on a planet and then they evolved, and then they maintained a certain level of consciousness and technology. And supposedly that they. A lot of the sightings that we see are these ultra terrestrials and a lot of the UFO's that we see, there's UFO's and there's Uso's, right? We know what UFO is. Uso is unidentified submerged object. And actually those are the ones coming out of the water. And actually, this is from congressional hearings, and we knew this before that, but definitely it's been coming out in congressional hearings that there's more sightings of USO's way more than they are UFO's. And there's a lot of UFO sightings and we're not actually seeing the USO's. And then one of the congressional members a few months ago said that he doesn't believe there's ets visiting us because all of the reports that he's seeing are USO's. And he believes that there's some underground bases of beings that have been here before we even got to this planet. [00:31:29] Speaker B: Hey, everyone. I'm excited to share that you can now support the show on Patreon. Go to patreon.com supernormalized. Your contributions help me to create even more amazing content. Please check out the link below in the show notes and join our community and unlock exclusive perks. Thank you so much for your support. That's wild. Yeah. Okay, so you talked a little bit about advanced technologies that are held by these beings and being shared to us through people, maybe even through channels and through mediums, and then turning into useful devices that are actually things that can be used for us today. Have you ever seen or been presented with advanced technologies yourself as a part of your work of the portal to ascension? [00:32:20] Speaker A: So not. I haven't, like, seen it as in front of my face. [00:32:24] Speaker B: Yes. [00:32:24] Speaker A: And I have not in meditation or anything, even though, like in meditation dream states, my mind comes up with all types of possibilities. But I was. We have done events on it, though, and information. So we did, for example, an event with Stephen Greer called the Lost Century. It was like a four hour webinar. And in this loft sentry presentation, he went through different technologies that were suppressed. What happened to it, who the people were. And then we did the black, the black budget programs with Michael Schratt. And Michael Schratt was an aerospace historian. That was that Stephen Greer actually has on a part of his team because he backs up a lot of his information. And Michael Schratt was showing all these images and these blueprints of advanced spacecraft, including anti gravity technology from militaries around the world. Right. Another one was the chinese SSP Stego space program with what's his name? Michael. Can we forget his name right now? They'll come back to me. But we did one on the SSP in China and their secret space program, the technology they had, and then another one that's even more like really grounded in reality that you can research, was the same presenter that we did one on the US Navy. Patents, and these things are searchable, that you can go and find out where they have patents for anti gravity technology. They have patents for all types of advanced technologies, including technologies like fiber optics and things like that. Before we were even told that they existed. And this goes into kind of just validating the fact that there had been reverse engineered programs, reverse engineering program, at least for 80 years. Now we have evidence of the first one. And Congress also came out with this one being in the 1930s, the late 1930s, with Mussolini finding a UFO. Crash. UFO. And then the Vatican reporting it to the us government. All that was documented. So we know that there at least had UFO's back then that they were testing the technology from. And then eventually reverse engineering. Stephen Grier says anti gravity technology was mastered in, I think it was 1957. And as they were in reverse engineering this technology, they eventually started giving this technology over to private companies like Robert, like Bigelow aerospace, Raytheon. Because what happens is, if it's not a national security threat, okay, they are. The government is supposed to tell you what it is, okay, if it's not a national security threat. And a lot of this stuff is in the gray area where you could say, actually, no, it's not a national security threat. Plus, if we knew about this, all this shows is that we're more advanced than this other country. So what they do is they give the technology to private companies, Bigelow, rape, gun, all that stuff, because they're protected under intellectual property rights so that they. They don't have to disclose the technology that they have. And then a lot of times, and this is also. This is all provable. These companies have bases on the actual aerospace base, Navy base, because they're working so closely together on these technologies that they'll rent out a portion of the base where they just, like, it's kind of streamlined technologies reverse engineered, passed over. And so it seems like it's been happening for so long, and the Navy in particular was taking these technologies and patenting it so that they had exclusive rights to all of this. And a lot of what we're hearing now about these UFO's and what they're doing, you can look at these patents, and it's on my YouTube. Actually, if you type in Us Navy patents on my YouTube, there's a whole presentation on it. And you can start seeing, like, wait a second. This is the technology that we're now seeing through Congress is coming out, and these patents are like ten to 20 years old. [00:36:25] Speaker B: Yeah, that's not surprising. When I was 19 years old, I went to the Philippines to work for my uncle. And as a part of being there, we'd go out to bars and stuff, and people would come around and try to sell you things. And, you know, it was always weird stuff. And this guy pulled out a pamphlet he had, and he said, look, I can get this for you if you want it. And I said, what is it? He said, it's a pentium computer. And back then it was 486s were only the thing around. So this is like, pentiums were released, what, ten years later to the public. I said, how can you get that? And he said, oh, we lose them from the base all the time. I was like, what? So these things are actually out there, you know, and, you know, look at the. Look at the project. The SR 71 blackbird that was actually kept as a secret project for over 50 years before they started actually talking about it. And the, you know, the soft release for that was the movie, uh, with Clint Eastwood talking about, um, you know, a plane that flies with your mind, you know. So, seriously, these things actually exist and they're being used. Um, you know, and it makes you wonder how many of these sightings are actually just military. [00:37:36] Speaker A: Yeah. And not only that, like, so definitely a lot of them seem to be military, and a lot of people, whistleblowers and people in this world are saying that. But then the next thing is that they're not just military, the reverse engineered military craft. So the root of it is actually something that's out of this world, if you will. Non, let's just say we don't know if it's part of this world or not, but it doesn't seem that's made by homo sapiens. [00:37:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:59] Speaker A: Where they got this from originally. [00:38:00] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, I mean, look at the. Look at the development of the helicopter. A lot of that was actually developed from, you know, almost like mediumship. So it's. It's not odd that people have sightings of helicopters and seeing them change and all sorts of things. You know, there's a lot of weirdness behind the actual development of that device. [00:38:22] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, the things that they have, like, are beyond even people like myself that are in this world could even imagine. And I remember, like, back in 2016 when, you know, Tom DeLonge came out with Lou Elizondo, Chris Mellon on his Twitter feed, and it was like, soft, soft disclosure, where they first started mentioning this stuff, and then Hillary Clinton went on the Jimmy Kimmel show and started speaking about it as well. The. The sun in England had an article out, and I have a presentation where I go through this, and in there it says, you know, that technology has been discovered, and it's in an aerospace base in Bigelow, aerospace base in Las Vegas, and many different technologies, including a technology to slow down time. [00:39:07] Speaker B: Not surprising. [00:39:08] Speaker A: It was in our article back, it was one of the original disclosure articles when this thing started, like, you know, snowballing. And it was right at the bottom of this whole article. And I'm just like, just if we could just all just step back for a second and just really imagine what that really means for humanity and what has been discovered, right? [00:39:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:29] Speaker A: And then you know like over the last few years all this disclosure stuff has happened. And have you noticed like the political game, especially in the US, that has had a chokehold on disclosure. A lot of countries are following the US is suit in regards to disclosure. So many more political distractions have happened, so much more division has happened that it's almost impossible to bring up the understanding of like are we alone in the universe? Who are these UFO's? Congress is simultaneously having this conversation. But even the presidents and the ones candidates that are running against each other, it's not even in their field because all they're doing is talking hate on the other one, right? That's all that exists is that division. So the distractions and the division is so hardcore right now, people are just completely buying into it that they're not even willing to look at the fact that all this information is coming out. A lot of people have woke up for sure. But like, just like I shared that one thing in itself. Just that one thing out of so many things that have been released, including a congressional member saying most of the UFO's we're finding at our archaeological digs said that on a podcast, right? What does that mean? Wow. Like they've been here. [00:40:39] Speaker B: Where are they digging exactly? Is that Antarctica? [00:40:45] Speaker A: Could be right. And many different places in the world. Like they're discovering all these ancient civilizations that existed and in some places I guess they're finding advanced craft. So it's just mind blowing. [00:40:56] Speaker B: It is mind blowing for sure. Where do you think the portal to Ascension project will lead you in the future? [00:41:06] Speaker A: When I first started doing events in 2008, I had a kind of like a download of all the. Not everything, but it was a huge download of the future vision. And at that point I'd already kind of felt that I wanted to live in an intentional community, like in a different type of society, different types of rules and government, and also a different type of educational system. And so even though I had like, okay, I'm going to do events, we're going to create all types of conferences, we're going to do music festivals, sound healing events. The eventual goal was always to start rebuilding civilization in a way that embodies the qualities of this new reality in this next dimension. So ultimately the real end goal, if you will, which is just probably another milestone, is for us to start creating communities around the world. I don't know how it's going to look. I don't know if we're going to create our own portal to sanction communities and villages if we're going to join forces with other ones, if we're going to be a part of other ones and help those projects out. But I feel that the system, as it has been designed, just doesn't work for everyone. And not to go too deep into it, but most of the system is designed that there has to be some people that are not doing so well. The poverty needs to exist, the income inequality needs to happen. And a lot of the systems in the world, world needs people to not be doing so well in order for the economy to even continue. And supply and demand, and economy in general is a good example of this. When there is less supply, when there is less supply, then the prices go up, but demand is up. So when people want something more, the economy is designed to take advantage of the people by increasing the price. And when they can't afford it, you know, it flips around. So, I mean, that's just like oversimplifying the grand scheme of where the world is created here, but it's not designed for the betterment of us, and it always seems to be designed for the bottom line and to really provide back for the shareholders and corporations and to fuel corruption. So we. We do thousands of events, we've done thousands and thousands of topics on different things, but the goal and the result is always the same. These are different avenues to get to the same destination, and we all design differently. So we provide that insight on so many different levels for that. But the next step would be for us to see how we can utilize what we're doing, whatever income we're generating, to start actually building this new reality, not just talking about it and educating people about it. That's just one side of it all. But it's like, now, how do we actually start creating that? And I feel it might actually be something like literally building a village that's also connected to extraterrestrial consciousness. And, you know, when I was. When I was younger, even before I woke up into this thing, I used to think that I would be designing landing pads for UFO's. You know, who knows, man? Like, that might be part of it, you know, might actually be interacting with these beings in the near future. [00:44:11] Speaker B: Well, I like to think that we're actually interacting with them all the time, although we don't really realize it. So. Yeah, that's wild. Now, what do you think the ultimate mission would be for people out there? I mean, if, you know, people are going to engage with you through your portal, but what could they do? In their own lives themselves, to actually help unify consciousness. [00:44:36] Speaker A: So the whole understanding, I feel, is that the only way, as we started this whole thing out, the only way to get to the ascended world, is to find the beauty in the moment, to find the connection with the other and, but, and realize there is no other on that level. But the only way we'll even get to there, if you want to even go deeper within, is to realize the connection within yourself and find unity within yourself. Because you can only love others as much as you fully love yourself. You can only connect with others as much as you're connected to yourself. And you will only not judge others as much as you not judge yourself. And so I feel the like, I wrote an article like, seven, eight years ago in forum magazine, and it was called, what does meditation have to do with UFO's? And that really summarized what I'm telling you right now. It's basically about, it was like, why are all the spiritual people into UFO's? What does spirit and consciousness have to do with it? And that's the thing. It's a vibrational game. These beings operate in different vibrations. As you get into these other vibrations, you expand to another data set of information. We're in this limited bandwidth of frequency. They're in this limited bandwidth of frequency. The other ones are in this bandwidth of frequency. And the more you expand the bandwidth of vibration that you're connected to, the more data that exists in the universe that you're privy to, including galactic history, what sources, how we fragmented, what geometry, this reality is all of that stuff. But the only way to get there is to actually harmonize the frequency within. And I feel quantum physics now is getting to a point that if you really take it in a metaphysical context, that it's explaining to you how everything is a reflection of the subatomic particles within us, and we have solar systems and universes inside of ourselves. And you can see it through microscopes now, and the external world is that reflection. So the only way the external world will give us a beautiful reflection of what we want is when we create the beauty and harmony within us. So the goal for everybody, I would say, or what if you. How about this? Not even a goal. It's like, because even the not having the harmonic experiences are as valid as the harmonic experiences, because that is ultimately what source signed up for. The source was harmony. Source wanted to experience disharmony. So we created the polar opposite of itself to experience it. And that's literally what we're doing on this planet. We're giving source the opportunity to experience the opposite of itself. And now that we've had that experience, we're moving into an octave where we get to embody source and remember once again. So part of us getting to that would not be judging the fact that we lived in disharmony, but going through the disharmony, leaning into disharmony, feeling it fully. And part of that is sitting in silence, going within, doing the inner work, not distracting yourself from the pain and feeling it. And through that darkness, through that sense of feeling and embodiment, we then become the true light, not the false light of just focusing on one thing, but the true light and that in itself. So there's multiple modalities to be concise about. The answer here is there's many modalities for you to really go within to feel the true joy of who it is. And part of that is leaning into the pain of the world, you know, and. And seeing and feeling it. Not all of that, but some of it is. And that eventually could create a sense of enlightenment, if you will, which will then create the world that we want. So it's all about the inner work. And that's what UFO's, that's what ancient history, all this stuff is. It's just pieces of the puzzle for us to remember the diversity and the. And the variety of what we've experienced so that we can remember, you know, the beauty of what it means to be human and the gift of what this world really is for us. [00:48:27] Speaker B: As of, I think it was may this year, we've started to move into a direct exposure to the galactic central core cosmic energy rays. And that is touted to actually be part of our ascension and change that is coming upon the world. Do you know about that? And what do you think that's going to do for a lot of people? [00:48:55] Speaker A: Yeah, so I have heard about the cosmic rays and the alignments, and I have done the presentation. It's on Porto Sentinel, YouTube, and on my website called Galactic Origins. And that one goes deep into what's happening in the galaxy and how, basically, is trying to prove through science that we're ascending. And in there, I showed that NASA and other space agencies have shown that there are cosmic rays emanating in specific parts of our galaxy, and then there's cosmic bow shocks emanating in other parts. Two different types of frequencies, one that is below the galactic disk, one that's above it. And then. So we have technically gone through the photon belt, which is a 200 year period of us going through the milk of the Milky Way, the flat plane of the galaxy. And as we go to the other side, there's all these cosmic rays bombarding us from below, coming above us. Now, how this affects us, unless I'm, like, in a place of supreme enlightenment, where I'm speaking to source and they tell me the exact things of what's happening, I don't really know. But I do know that there is a frequency that we're now proving through science that is actually bombarding our planet. And the way it works is all the radiation, all the frequencies of everything that exists in the universe, all the light spectrums that hit our planet, has an effect on our consciousness and our reality. A supernova sun. That supernova is in the sky. Then all of a sudden, the sun vanishes. That frequency, that radiation coming from the sun, was like a puppet string that was affecting our reality on some level. And when that thing vanishes, there's another thing that it could help with, the rise and fall of civilizations. That's how intrinsically we are connected to the stars. So the stars and all that are sending frequencies that are affecting us. But the interesting thing is, we're not a victim to it, because the stars that are affecting us are just an external manifestation of what's actually happening within us. We've created an external reflection of what we're actually emanating through ourselves. Does that make sense at all? [00:50:59] Speaker B: It does, yeah, it does. It does. Have you face any challenges while trying to bring these truths to mainstream awareness? [00:51:08] Speaker A: So not in regards to, like, challenges with governing authorities and, you know, military or anything like that. Nothing that has been so conscious that I'm like, whoa, wait a second. What just happened? I've had a specific things that have been, like, sabotaged and not working and taken offline, things like that that are very questionable, you know, so that kind of involvement. Now, I've worked with thousands of people, so when it comes to the people I've worked with. Oh, yeah, many people. I mean, I did all of Steven Grid's events for six years, and you can just listen to the stories of what's happened to him. And so not just him, but many, many people I've worked with have had issues. So with me, I haven't had any direct, like, kind of thing on that. I've had people and individuals that maybe it didn't resonate with. However, I've got to say this. Someone told me a long time ago that the most infiltrated information on the planet is UFO's. So I am pretty sure that at times bad actors, if you will, have infiltrated and come on my program, spewing information that isn't actually true in order to get people off from the truth, because, and I have good discernment. And I got to say that there's a lot of people I chose not to work with. And then truth came out about them. But just because I know that this is so infiltrated, it's really challenging to. They've completely screwed up our ability to discern the. Because these people are really good at conveying this information. And the reason why it's the most infiltrated is what are the things that are related to UFO's, our true ancient history? Innate gifts and abilities like telepathy and all types of things that we can't even imagine. Religion. Who are we connected to? Where is religion? What is God really? Energy, not petrol, but energy free and limited energy to travel to space, technology to be able to go from one part of the world to another part of the world, minus the borders, right? That's just five things just from the top of my head. That. And now let me ask you this. Energy and electricity, transportation and the border thing, religion, okay? And then energy of petrol compared to unlimited power, aren't those the things that have literally created a control on our planet and have been owned by the multilevel corporations and governments that is feeding the system and the power, right. Healthcare, okay, I didn't even talk about that one. Monetary system, right? Every one of those things are the biggest things that have been controlled. So the reason why it's the most hijacked industry hijack thing is because it would literally crumble in maybe quick process, maybe a slow process. It would crumble the chokehold of power that a lot of these people, or whoever they are, have on the planet. So I. And so I feel what really happens is a discrediting of information and making people look like they're crazy. And fringe may be more than actually taking people out, you know, like. But there have been people have been taken out. Like the guy that came up with the water engine for the car. Some people that came up free energy devices, you know, so. But they really try to make people look like they psycho or they're the off the wall. However, that shifted all of a sudden in 2016. They started making it look like it's more credible. And now, my last thing on this is also the reason why I don't get attacked on that level is because I lead with spirituality and consciousness. My stuff is meditation, oneness, unity first, before the conspiracies. You know, whereas other people are just like straight up conspiracies. So when you look up portal to ascension, you won't even know that we're exposing this stuff because the way we convey it, the way our events are structured, it just seems like another spiritual organization. However, if you go deep enough into it, not too deep, I mean, you go into my website, you go to the watch video section where there's thousands of videos for free. You go to the categories. There's literally a category for conspiracies, the real conspiracies of the world. And you go down, there's like, I don't know, like 500 hours of this information there, you know, so I don't. It's. We have so much other information there that it's not. I don't think it's as easy for people to pinpoint that we're some people that they need to be afraid of from coming out with this information. [00:55:38] Speaker B: That's good. That's good, because you're actually on a very good mission here, and I can see that you're doing good things to the world, and I appreciate that you're doing this service to others as a part of your life story. That's brilliant. [00:55:48] Speaker A: Thank you, brother. [00:55:49] Speaker B: Yeah. So we're coming towards the end of the podcast. Neil, how can people find you and your work? [00:55:55] Speaker A: The best thing I always say is if you just like go to search engine and type in portal to ascension. If you add everything, that'd be amazing. We have a YouTube channel. Definitely subscribe there. We have an instagram that we're pretty active on as well at portal to Ascension. But the ultimate thing that just stayed really connected to us. All the events we do is go to our website, portal to ascension.org. sign up there on the homepage. You'll get a username and password and you immediately have access to our website. With all this content, not only do we have thousands of hours of free content, we're always creating new events. Free and paid events, workshops, courses. And when you sign up to our newsletter, that's when you get kind of everything. Join our telegram group, whatever. And I also like to share that we're doing our largest event we've ever done because this year is our 16th year anniversary. So October 8 to 18th, we're doing an eleven day, six plus hour a day livestream with 88 speakers. Okay. It's. It's literally megalithic. And 75% of these speakers are ones that I've worked with over the last 16 years to celebrate. 16 years of like, working with a lot of people, and then we have a bunch of new people as well. And it's called the awakening of humanity, infusing the timeline with consciousness. And if you go to our website portal to upcoming events, you'll find it right there. [00:57:16] Speaker B: Wow, that's huge. I'm sure a lot of people will take up that offer and also come to your site and join up for everything as well. So thank you very much for your time, Neil, and all that you've shared today and your understanding of the world and where we're going. [00:57:29] Speaker A: Thank you, brother. I appreciate you. Thank you, everybody. [00:57:32] Speaker B: All right, I'll just say goodbye to the listeners. What a great conversation. The topics that we dive into there are pretty much all the things that I've been interested in forever, so that's really cool. And it's good to be able to talk to somebody who gets it. I mean, Neil obviously had a spark that grew into something which is out there to help the whole world in his service to others, and that's his portal to ascension.org dot. So I'm going to jump on there and sign up myself because I'm going to watch all these videos. That's going to be very cool. And if you've enjoyed today's show, please reach out to him personally and say thanks for being on the show. That'd be really cool. That actually helps people to understand that the show's been enjoyed. So thank you so much for listening as well to today's show. And if you like it so much, like and subscribe. And if you're in your podcast app, please, you know, hit up the five stars rating and also write something super nice for me. That's really cool if you do that and because other people get to find it. But if you think this show was something that somebody special in your life should hear this, please share that to them right now. Just get on your app and share this show. That'd be really cool. All right, so thank you so much for listening. And until next episode, it's, uh, bye for now. [00:59:25] Speaker A: I do.

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