Episode 73

April 04, 2024


David Alan Aeon Interview You Can Escape The Matrix - Bondi Beach Samadhi

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David Alan Aeon Interview You Can Escape The Matrix - Bondi Beach Samadhi
Supernormalized Podcast
David Alan Aeon Interview You Can Escape The Matrix - Bondi Beach Samadhi

Apr 04 2024 | 01:00:29


Show Notes

Excited to have David Alan Aeon on #Supernormalized podcast! With a diverse background in science, arts, and playwriting, David's journey led him to explore the mystical world of consciousness and spirituality. Join us as we delve into topics like Cobra breath, Gnosticism, Enochian magic, and the dangers of AI. Don't miss out on part 1 of this enlightening conversation series! #Consciousness #Spirituality #Mysticism #Enlightenment #AIRevolution #PodcastGuests
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Until you achieve God consciousness, you're at the mercy of others, and they have appropriated your divinity and your knowledge and what I call the God mind and sold it back to. You're. [00:01:04] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience my treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormalize, we have David Allen Aeon. David is an experiencer of a Samadhi state that actually involved a complete state change of his mind and body that has influenced all aspects of his life forever since. And he reached out to me. Well, actually, I read some of his stuff on Facebook and he friended me and we just started talking and I said, let's get you on the show. So I'm sure you're going to enjoy this. It's going to be a big one. So there's going to be a few episodes in this. So if you enjoy this one, please tune in for the next one. But for right now, let's get on with the show. Welcome to supernormalized David Allen Alon. Say that again. David Alon eon. So, David, where did you get your name? Because I know that's your almost like a pseudonym to protect you in some ways. [00:02:38] Speaker A: Well, David Allen Aeon is a name I derived from, after my studies of, uh, I needed a new one. My old handle, Facebook handle, was grapes of thoth, or grapes of thoth, which was a reference to the egyptian God Thoth, who was said to bring learning wisdom, the techniques of agricultural construction, architecture, to humanity, and they were misused or used. So the grapes or the fruits or the consequences of these intellectual gifts is called karma. We reap what we sow. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Yes. [00:03:23] Speaker A: So the grapes of Thoth has also referenced to the biblical passage where it said in Matthew, God is grinding out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored, so that we have an overlay. The Old Testament God, which was vengeful and full of punishments, but found, yeah, grapes of thoth. I wrote a lot about the control matrix that humans are operating under. And I wrote a book called the Mortal Coil, which goes into a lot of this. But I find that it's feeding the fear paradigm so much. [00:04:08] Speaker B: Yeah, that was the time for change. [00:04:11] Speaker A: Yes. There's the NAA, the negative alien agenda, there's the implants, all the stuff that Carlos Castaneda talked about, the foreign installation. And I sort of uncovered a lot more than the superficial stuff. Like there's a primordial parasite that's entwined into our genetic structure which is sort of designed to keep us down. So it's like a safety valve. If we go beyond a certain level of spiritual awareness, it'll be contaminated or defiled or the ego will kick in and it'll bring us down again. So this is a mechanism which making it very hard for people to ascend and to take on their own sovereignty and their own God consciousness. And it's by design. [00:05:08] Speaker B: That's an awesome. [00:05:09] Speaker A: Yes. [00:05:13] Speaker B: Okay, so tell us some of your background story to your life because I mean, even that explanation then just opens up a whole can of worms, so to speak, of understanding. So maybe you should get rounded out with who is David? And how did David get to where you are now? [00:05:33] Speaker A: Well, I was born a long time ago in Sydney, in a place called Sydney, which is South Sydney. It's also french for without care. But I was brought here at the age of three by my parents who divorced. I lived with my grandmother and my grandmother was like, I don't know, the witch out of Hansel and Gretel's got kept me in that environment. And this is not allowed contact really, with the outside world much. I went to Turac Central School in sort of affluent suburb, but my grandmother kept me confined and I was brought up on Charles Dickens. So the first book I ever read was, I think, David Copperfield. In fact, I was named after David Copperfield. [00:06:31] Speaker B: Yes. [00:06:33] Speaker A: And I found that in that environment my mind was free to explore the non conventional realms. So, for example, I'd find the Rosicrucians wouldn't be knocking at the door asking me if this is when I was like eight. As if the Rosicrucians are interested in me for some reason. How curious. Yeah, they're offering initiations. So I was kind of fish out of water there and really trying to work out who I was because I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself, well, who are you really? Why are you here? It's like I've been blanked out, all my memories been destroyed or wiped out. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Was that a sense that you had or is it just you intuitively knew that? [00:07:29] Speaker A: Absolutely. I intuitively knew that I was a being who being vaporized as far as my personality. So I had to build up this personality that I felt from nothing, which I did. But it's very unusual for a kid at that age to have these attitudes and insights and spiritual orientation. Made me an outcast. At the age of 13, I suffered an explosion, chemistry experiment and some fragments of glass into my right eye. So I became blind for quite some time. So I was taken out of school for many months in hospital for the eye operations. And that affected a lot of things. And anyway, I managed to go to high school, graduated there, studied at Melbourne University, studied science, arts, and finally entered the world of theatre. So I became interested in theatre because all the world's a stage. I read a lot of Shakespeare, and I realized that this man had a lot of spiritual insight, this person, whoever he was. And I'm still not sure who Shakespeare was. He wasn't a guy from Stratford with no education. I think he was holding space for a lot of elevated, exalted consciousness who wanted to counterbalance the publication of the King James Bible, which reinforced this notion of the wrathful God and a belief in the dogma. Well, here you have the innate spiritual wisdom that's inherent in Shakespeare. And if you read Shakespeare, like, say, macbeth, you've got a really profound understanding of how spirits affect humans and the congress and commerce, if you like, between the spiritual world and humans and how they tempt us. And Othello, again, Othello's profound meditation on how our personal flaws and foibles are used by what is called the opposition, if you like, satanic forces to bring us so our free will isn't exactly violated, but we are deceived into consent, we are coerced into committing most atrocious crimes in the belief that we're furthering our interests. So the more I became interested in Shakespeare, the more I wanted to enter the theatre world. So I entered the theatre world and I wrote a few plays that were performed. Melbourne Theatre Company, Sydney Theatre company one of my plays had Mel Gibson in it. [00:10:27] Speaker B: Wow. Cool. [00:10:31] Speaker A: Well, to be honest, Mel Gibson attracted the audience. And this is when he was young and beautiful. And my play was like a meditation on human interaction, the dynamic between an older woman and a younger man, and some lines he refused to say. Like I said, man. One of the lines is, man is nothing but a billion year old tenacity of protein. And I'm not saying that because even then he had certain deep seated religious beliefs. His father was a Catholic and some member of a reasonably senior member of that faction catholic church. And so I had a lot of discussions with Mel about religion. So I found that the theater is a powerful way to affect people and to get a message across. Hence I wrote some screenplays, and so I got to the point where I started experimenting with psychedelics. [00:11:44] Speaker B: Anything specific? [00:11:46] Speaker A: Specific? Mushrooms and LSD. But it was only later in life I became involved with a very wealthy woman. I think I can mention the name. If you can't, you're going to edit it out later. But who was a privileged princess and wanted a father substitute because he'd abandoned her, it sort of latched onto me. So we went to Los Angeles with ostentatious Sandy Goodman. He's a comedian. And we were trying to break into the world there, into that theater world, into the film world, which was inherently corrupt, I suppose, but I didn't know that. I just wanted to use the methods of the darkness to bring the light to the world. Sort of simplistic idea. So it was there. I was in Watts, downtown Watts, where it's all bilingual there, Spanish and English. I was in a bus, and there's a light above the exit door, and it said, espera Luz. And Espera Luz. Spanish means wait for the light. It's like, wait for the light, and then you can exit. For some reason, I thought, this is a sign. Everything's a sign. Everyone's got their own truth, and they're living their own drama. And everything that happens in your life is for a purpose, I believe now, yes. So all those synchronicities that you encounter and everyone you meet is designed specifically for you as a psychodrama future. Enter. This world is beckoning. So it's watching what you're doing. So, in a sense, this world is a school. You could say it's also an arena for parasites that feed off you. But you don't have to. It's all matter. You have free will. You can work it out. So I got the feeling this spiritual hierarchy are watching what you do. I put you in a situation and tempt you and see what happens. The way Othello was tempted by Iago, he's implanting this idea that Desdemona's fucking around, and he believes Iago because he hasn't got that purity and innocence, consciousness to see that she loves him, so he ends up killing her. And all of us are placed in situations like that. I think my relationship with Robin Rich heiress, who was crazy psychotic sociopath, NPD, what we call narcissistic personality disorder, and I was hanging around with her in the hope that one day I wouldn't have to work too hard, these temptations. And my life was actually turned upside down by this association with this woman. And I realized that we're all in our own play, conducting our own dramas. So Espida, Lord's wait for the light. And then I decided to go to Peru and join some ayahuasca circle. So I went to Akitos and I stayed there and was taught a lot of stuff, a huge amount of downloads, a lot of material that I had to work through. I stayed with the Matsus Indians for a while and was given a lot of instruction, I suppose, in the nature of this world and how it's conducted and who really runs the planet and who the Arcons are. And also I was introduced to this notion of the delusions of the astral plane. So there are many from the hindu term illusory forms that we become entranced by, and we mistake that for progress, spiritual progress. For example, when I was Espirator Rio with Jotifur, who's a western trained medico, and then Pablo Amaringo is well known Auscuera. And before I started, when you arrive there, they give you an this bowl of some milky thing, you drink it and you throw up. It doesn't have any hallucinogenic effect. It's just meant to rid you of your toxins and you turn you into a tabularazzo in a way, and receptive to these entities that are around all these spiritual guides around the Aoaskera. And I was asked, like, what is it you want out of this session? I said, I want Christ consciousness. Well, Christ consciousness to me is a sense of somatic sense, where you understand that there's only one consciousness, really, and that everything else is. Everyone's Just a fractal or a subdivision of this ConsciousNEss that's called samadhi. Now, I already had a samadhi in Sydney, in Angel street, in ErSkandil, of all places. [00:17:08] Speaker B: How appropriate. [00:17:09] Speaker A: And this samadhi was one of the most profound experiences I've ever had. And I was just flabbergasted because the lesson was palpable. You have an intellectual understanding of the unity consciousness, but when it actually occurs, when you're undergoing it, you realize infallibly and on the pulse and in your blood ANd every particle that you are God conscious. There is only one consciousness. This is what was brought Home to me. And not only that, the whole universe is constructed out of consciousness. That's a profound sort of lesson. And while I was in samadhi. I felt the presence of this being on my right, definitely. Like, I attracted this being. And I said, well, show yourself, reveal yourself. Who are you? And it didn't at that time, but I definitely felt my progress of being monitored. So, yeah, just to backtrack, finish off the Akidos business. Akitos. While I was there, I went to many circles with various brujos. Some were brujos. Are you familiar with the brujo term? Yeah. And David Slocum, I really enjoyed his. I was doing way up into the rainforest with him, and that was an amazing experience because he wasn't using chakuna. I don't know if listeners are familiar with how ayahuasca works, but ayahuasca is just their maoi inhibitor, and the DMT source can be anything, really, but it's usually traditionally chakrana, chakrina. But David Slogan didn't use chakrana, he used something else. I don't know whether I want to say what it is, but it's very powerful and very different experience. And during the circle, I saw these green beings, like these manifestations of the Amazon biocentience. [00:19:31] Speaker B: Wow. [00:19:32] Speaker A: And it was really beautiful because it's almost like you're going to a show. And they say, before the show begins, here's a word from our sponsor and I, you have to do something about the Amazon. The Amazon's dying. It's been polluted, and the indigenous are being wiped out. Could you please help? Like, there's this voice in my head. Perfect english voice for starters. How come it's speaking perfect English? That's strange. I thought it might have a spanish accent at least. But anyway, I thought, oh, gosh, I'm going to have to repay what I'm being shown. I should repay it in terms of saving forest or doing something for it. And so I stayed in the quitos and hang out in the yellow rose, which is a famous restaurant in quitos with the others. And I noticed there's an Americans there, and he disguised, he's heard the same voice and he's there doing the same thing. So we decided to go up river and start at least just getting rid of all that filthy garbage there. And there was absolutely disgusting amount of garbage being dumped in the Amazon. So that's start anyway. But there was little I immediately thought I could do because I was concentrating on my own spiritual growth. The time trying to integrate all these plethora of spiritual experiences that I was having. And the Ketos episode was just one, because I've had these other experiences in the past with the LSD and mushrooms, where I was shown amazing things. Like, for example, I was shown this. I was given a vision. These visionary experiences. If anyone's ever read William Blake, like the sick rose or something like that, these visions of heaven and hell, well, they're accessible, but sometimes they're given to you as an act of grace. You don't ask for them. It just happens. You're showing that and it's like a child being taken by the hand. Here. This is it. This is that. And one of them, there was a poster of a map. It was just an atlas or something, a map of the world. And I looked at it and it's just endless, swirling configurations. And I could see this couple dancing around, swirling around like that flamenco thing. Or what's that savage dance they have in Spain where it's really erotic, but at the same time of violent name of it, too. [00:22:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:37] Speaker A: She'S being whirled around by this guy, and as she's screaming, all these islands are coming out of her mouth and they're creating other worlds. I thought, well, that's interesting, but what does it mean? And I've had a lot of these. I don't want to go on about it, but I had a lot of these visionary experiences that I felt were significant. But I couldn't put them all together until I came across enochian magic, like a book by the shulers called a workbook on nokian magic. And I saw that all these visionary experiences are actually entries into ethers. So one of the ethers was the 11th ether, which is called Vita. And they described exactly what this passage from Dr. D's workbook on Anoki and magic described. This vision I had. So I thought this kind of coherence in what's going on, it's not just random stuff, but there's an initiatory phases where you're ushered into levels of duality. So you got 30 ethers, and each one represents a further removal from the dualistic world. So the most dualistic is the bottom one, the one we're in. And as you go further and further up, you see less duality and more unification, and you see these archetypes forming, and you realize that as above, so below is one edict. But it's not quite like that. It's like the blueprint of what happens in the 3d world starts in these upper worlds, and these form the blueprint of manifestation. So there's these hermetic principles. So you start with nothing and then activated by thought and purified by consciousness, you create manifestation. So you got a circle and you got a square, which is a physical manifestation. Then a triangle and then a circle around that. So the manifestation, you start from nothing, and you end with a circle. Start with a circle, and you have a circle, but it's at a higher iteration. So I started going through all these exercises, these enochian exercises, and the enochian magic system has a watchtower. So you've got these watchtowers, all sort of quadrants, and the quadrants are divided into quadrants, and they have letters in them. And as you trace them, you invoke these beings. So, for example, the sigil for aduapate is like that. Aduapate. And sometimes you don't actually have to answer the name. It's called vibrating the name. So you don't vibrate the name necessarily. You can just do the sigil, just do this gesture, and Adawapate appears in your consciousness, and you're having a conversation. It's called holy conversation of the Hga, Holy Guardian angel, which is like, I don't want to mention his name, but he's a well known necromancer. His name starts with c. His initials are ac, and he was prevalent during the 19th century, and he's quite famous. He's once called the most evil man alive. However, he's the one who wrote the vision and the voice, where he went through all the ethers with a man called mud. He started in Morocco and worked right across North Africa and opening all the ethers, the 30 ethers. I don't know if you're listening, familiar with this man, this man's work, but he reached a point where there's a ring. Past night, I think it's the 21st. Ether is guarded by a demonic being called Corazon. Corazon. Corazon is this fierce being, and you can't get any further unless you're ripped apart by Corazon, which is both a correlative to losing your ego and having it demolished. So to enter the light body, you have to eradicate your ego. And I thought, what's happened to my life up to that point is really, I'm just moving through these ethers. Like, I might think there are random biographical incidents and interactions, but really what's happening is I'm moving through these initiatory signposts, or portals. And that's how I became interested in Anki and magic. I've talked a lot. So do you have any questions? [00:27:33] Speaker B: No, that's all good. Rounded out information. I mean, it's good that you've actually covered all of the story that's built you as you are now. And it's very interesting that you've had such contact with the enochian angels through your study as well. Now, did you do that as like a ritual sort of study yourself? I mean, you were obviously studying from a book and in doing so, did you end up formulating a way of doing it yourself outside of the book itself? [00:28:13] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I got myself magical weapons, the wand and the mirror and the rest of it. But my subsequent experiments were on the dance floor. I developed a thing called accelerated Tai Chi, where I would go to a duff and duff's my religion, actually go to the bush and listen to some sidetrance in the days when Cytrans was sublime and now it's just degenerate. Late 90s, what happened to it? But anyway, I'd be out in the bush. [00:28:50] Speaker B: That was late 90s, wasn't it? Late 90s. [00:28:53] Speaker A: Late 90s, exactly. [00:28:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:57] Speaker A: I want to talk about the late 90s because something really profound happened in that period. But anyway, yeah, I'd be out dancing and performing these sigils. I'd be behind someone and invoking habilio and adawapata and all these anokian angels while I'm dancing with my gestures. [00:29:16] Speaker B: Yeah, I probably saw you on the dance. Was this up in northern New South Wales? [00:29:23] Speaker A: Northern New South Wales and Victoria and places like rainbow and. Yeah, there was a really good one which featured infected mushroom and no one knew about infected mushroom. And I just turned up at this little dorphin at Gosford and, oh, wow, these guys were incredible in those days. I thought, wow, who are these people? And this is before they ventured. Got big death metal or some nonsense they're doing. [00:30:05] Speaker B: I feel the same way. [00:30:07] Speaker A: So I transferred my magical workings into dance moves and gestures and sigils and vibration of the name in these contexts. I thought, something's working because I just felt bliss all the time and be having these visions of the brain divided up into these quadrants, just like these watchtowers of enochia magic. And I suddenly understood how 3d worlds created through geometry and I understood what these quadrants mean and it's not something I could even express intellectually. But this knowingness came. So I was inviting these consciousnesses into my being, perhaps foolishly, because I realized there are lots of dangers of attracting lower astral entities that make trouble for you and also the dangers of messiah complex, megalomania, all sorts of things. The higher you go, it's another level, another devil. So the higher up you go, I like that. [00:31:25] Speaker B: I like that. Another level. [00:31:28] Speaker A: There's always a devil there tempting you. But it will appear as someone who's guiding you, perhaps, or who understands you or is giving you information, or it's addressing where you are and then putting a little drop of ego in there to contaminate it, to lure you down again to keep you out of the bubble. Because we're in a terrarium, I feel we're being grown for our. What's called lush. Yes. Robert Munroe, first to write about the loosh farming. Then I realized there's something really true about that. So I started reading the Gnostics. And the gnostics had a whole cosmology about what they call the DEmiurge, this world's creation of the demiurge. And I don't know how much you know about gnosticism, but the basic theory is that a sapphire who's epanoia decided to create a being without the consent of spirit or a consort. And so she enlivened the inorganic matter and created this dark being called. And Yolaboth was the original demiurge dial above created the Ellhim and creatures like and Yahweh and Baal and all these other lesser entities that presented themselves to humanity. And humanity mistook them for gods. But as everyone knows, the opening of the BIble is in the beginning. The heavens and earth were created by a group of Elohim, like seven entities. And not only were they plural, they also feminine. The Bible's been mistranslated, if you look at it, and Maro Bellini has done all the work on this, that every time God is mentioned in the english translation, you should be reading like Yahweh or El, or El Hohim or et cetera, Grammaton. And there's nothing. God's not part of it. God is the initial source of creation as the imperishable being. He's not in the Bible. It's all in the OLd Testament. It's all this battle oF. In EXodus, Moses is told to climb Sinai. And he's got this Voice in his Head. Obviously they're hearing this Voice. It's not. We'd say they're psychotic or schizophrenic, but he's hearing this Voice, and I've heard it myself saying, do this, go here and we'll show you something. So he goes there and the voice tells him, well, I'm your God and I'm a God of the plane, and you shall have no other gods. Well, clearly that means the world's been divided up into like twelve sections, and each has its own governor. Yahweh controls a plane, I think, and astroth controls the mountains. And anyway, yahweh is saying, you're my God. Forget the others. We're going to conquer these other regions, and I'm going to show you how. Moses says, well, that's all very well, but show me that you're more powerful than Baal. So the voice says, come back tomorrow and don't have any beasts of the field on the mountain, don't have any humans, because I'm going to show you something that could, if any, if it's done improperly, you'll die. So moses goes up there and he makes sure there's no other humans around. And he sees a burning bush. I've got a theory about the burning bush being some sort of plasma bowl, some sort of plasma orb of high technology. Some people say it's acacia bush, and he was high on acacia. Well, I don't like that theory. [00:36:00] Speaker B: No, that's too. That's too materialist for me to assume. It's that level. [00:36:07] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. Anyway, Yahweh says, I'm going to show you my glory. Well, the word in the exodus is Kavod. Kavod meaning glory. But Mara Belino says that doesn't mean glory. He says it should be left untranslated. So the cavod is this piece of technology, and it's like a roaring rocket ship. The more you read about it just looks like technology. He's got his turneys. He has the turneys back, and if he faces it, he'll die. And even so, his flesh is seared. He comes down the mountain, like looking like he's just had 3000 volts through him. So the kavod and the Ruak. So the ruaks is breath, it's translated, it's always spiritualized in the Bible. So the kavod is the glory and the ruak is the breath of spirit of God. But actually, if you read it, you're talking about technologies. The Ruak is this blast, incredible blast. So the more you read it, the more you realize it's an advanced technology that this primitive tribe are being introduced to. So I think that you're accessing this. [00:37:30] Speaker B: Information on the dance floor and changing reality for yourself and the people around you just as a duty to life. [00:37:41] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess. Are you being ironic? [00:37:45] Speaker B: No, I think that's what you're doing. [00:37:48] Speaker A: Oh, good. Thank you. But I was having fun. I was in complete bliss and joy. [00:37:53] Speaker B: You can always have fun and change life. I mean, that's fine, but it's not. [00:37:57] Speaker A: All joy, because there's always a payback. [00:38:01] Speaker B: Well, thing is, as you get more information and more understanding, then you get to see more. And the problem is, when you see more, then you see more of the other side. And I guess that's what was happening to you as well. Like you said, another level, another devil. And the complexity of that probably came through as well. [00:38:22] Speaker A: Yeah, we think we've reached complete understanding, but no, we're just being toyed with. Until you achieve God consciousness, you're at the mercy of others and they have appropriated your divinity and your knowledge and what I call the God mind and sold it back to you. That's what's happened to humans. They've been hijacked. Their divinity has been hijacked and it's been resold to them. It's a bit like the big pharma, pharmaceutical companies like this. Your immune system is faulty. Right. So God didn't know what he was doing when he made it. You need this technology, and in fact, what we're going to do, your immune system is failing on all fronts. So we're going to just take away all that, everything, and you're going to need us. You're going to need confident upgrades or you'll die. People are being told you will die if your child doesn't get vaccinated, you will die. That's what they're told. [00:39:30] Speaker B: Yeah, but then they're preying on everyone's fear. It's like people have this massive fear of death and it's just because of all the materialism that's been thrust into them. It's like you are just material. So you're going to die sooner. You watch out, watch out. [00:39:43] Speaker A: There's nothing beyond death. Yeah, exactly. So it's a fear paradigm in any way. What's this association of consciousness with? The material realm? The platonic insight is that consciousness is prior, the world of form is prior to manifestation. And to think that consciousness is an emergent property of the body is actually a satanic idea that's delusional. [00:40:15] Speaker B: Really? How can that be? [00:40:19] Speaker A: Seriously, it doesn't make any sense in biology, where consciousness has been taken out of the equation, like, they pretend consciousness doesn't exist or it's unnecessary. We've just got crude, mechanistic biochemical reactions. Well, that's just nonsense. The human cell is replete with consciousness. Everything that happens in the cell. [00:40:43] Speaker B: Yeah, seriously, mediated by. He's really messed up a lot of things. So I got to ask you, what do you think God consciousness is then, if that's what we're ascending to and aspiring to. [00:40:56] Speaker A: Well, that's source consciousness. God consciousness is that multidimensionality that every human being has. In fact, the human beings are unique in that kind of like a confluence of all these types of interdimensional consciousness comes into the human being as a manatic intersection. It's quite profound. So that what is God's consciousness? Well, this is a question that everyone has to discover for themselves, because everyone has their unique. The old cliches, as many human beings there are. That's how many paths there are to God. But there is only one consciousness. What I discovered in Angel street was there is only one consciousness, but there are refractions, bifurcations, subdivisions, and fractal octaves of it. But you can achieve a level where you understand that there's only one conscious. Therefore, there's absolutely no point in dyadic dualistic thinking, because when you hurt someone, you're hurting yourself, because it's just pointless. But there are forces that want to keep us in the low vibration of dualistic consciousness. In fact, I think from the point of view of the, like, you want to call them the arcons or the ananarcha, or whoever you want to call these biofilm beings, and they do exist, is that they see the human race as a biomass for the secretion of one thing, the thing that gives them a high, which is dualistic consciousness. That's what they get off on. And they want this desecration of the spirit gives them a buzz so that there's a bacteria called sacramentes. Sacramentes. Anyway, it takes sugar and pooes out alcohol, right? So it excretes alcohol, which humans like. So basically, we're consuming the excretory product of this bacteria called sacramentes. And that's why alcohol is. There's an analogy here between us. We're excreting this stuff they like, and they put us in the conditions, the way Sacramento bacteria put in certain conditions where it ferments and produces this thing. So the human biomass is put in this terrarium where it secretes this thing they want. You call it loosh, or dualistic consciousness, but it's a type of consciousness. And when you understand that consciousness runs the universe and that everything's constructed out of it, you understand how powerful your mind is. Then you realize that our thoughts shape our reality. And they know this, people running the show, and so they try and leverage their control over the mental realm. So they control what's called the manas, which is like you've got the Etheric, the physical, the etheric, the mental realm, the mental realm. You're not your thoughts and you're not your body, but you're not your thoughts either. So people think, well, I'm this biographical entity, and I've had these thoughts, and that's me. Well, it's not them at all. Most people have mind control. Their thoughts are shaped by these beings. And that just as Moses was hearing voices. So there are technologies that are being used to do just that, to implant thoughts in humanity. And it's not just conditioning by the media. I've seen this technology. So I was in the desert lab a couple of years ago in the central australian desert near Pine Gap, and I was shown this technology that's used to repress humans. And it's like it just blew me away. So I thought almost as if there's somewhere where they're generating this software and this technology should be shut down. That's right. It must be shut down at source. [00:45:31] Speaker B: Yeah, the transmitter. Where's the transmitter? I mean, John Carpenter was all over it with that movie. [00:45:35] Speaker A: Oh, Carpenter. That guy's mean. When he was at UCLA, he made this film as a student called Darkstar. And this is a genius film. It's a simple premise, low budget. But if you know Darkstar, it's about this spaceship that's got one mission, which is to destroy any planet which shows signs of life, because it's going to be threatening. [00:46:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:05] Speaker A: The bomb they use, consciousness. Weapon they use is consciousness, and it's gone rogue. So it's decided to destroy the ship they're on because it's a danger, and the captain of the ship has to. He's in a deep, what do they call it? Sorogenic suspension. And the guy running the ship is some teenager who doesn't quite know how to handle this. So he wakes him up. So he wakes the ship's captain up from his sorogenic sleep. And so what are we going to do? So the solution is, how do you deal with a bomb that has consciousness? So the solution was to teach it cartesian skepticism. So it had the discussion, a philosophical discussion, saying, how do you know? You've been instructed? How do you know that you exist at all? How do you know that you're carrying out the correct criteria, correct instructions, that you're carrying out your prime imperative because you don't know anything except that you exist? And so the bomb, it's just a crazy conversation between the weapon and the captain and it works. And the bomb says the weapon has concluded that this radical cartesian skepticism means that he alone exists. It's sort of like a radical solipsism. This radical solipsism has infected humanity because it's confused with this idea of unity, consciousness. It's not the same thing. It's an infected, inverted stanic version of Samadhi. But anyway, that's another topic. But the bomb, the weapon itself decides in the beginning was light and that's when it decides to ignite. So the last frame of the movie is this blinding light. It's destroyed the ship because rather than the solstice idea that it's everything, it's going to destroy everything and if it destroys everything, then it alone exists. That's what it's want. That's what it wants. So that's a service to self concept that's instantiated in the film, that there are these entities that surface itself, everything else must be destroyed and they're the highest form of consciousness and there are beings and entities and races in the universe that think just that. Exactly like the lizard. The lizard. So that's John Carpenter. And John Carpenter. What he did the thing. [00:48:49] Speaker B: That was another brilliant film. [00:48:52] Speaker A: Another brilliant film about this thing that can morph itself so you don't know who you're talking to. It looks just human, looks like you. It's camouflaging itself, it draping itself in you. So it's very clever. That's what this parasite does. And this is how it's managed to escape detection for aons, what I call the primordial parasite. It's always there, it's mimicking, it's copying you. And because it's so removed from the divine, it can't create anything but can replicate you perfectly. And that's John Carpenter's thing. And then of course there's they live, which is. Yeah. So when John Carpenter was interviewed, he's very modest and he denies these gnostic interpretations. Hold water and you think, why are you doing that, you smart bastards? You just don't want to be knocked off, do you? You know what the Archons do? We know perfectly well. [00:49:50] Speaker B: He wants to keep on making films. He wants to keep on making films. [00:49:55] Speaker A: He wants to keep on making films. Yeah, that's right. So same with Philip K. Dick. Yeah, but Philip K. Dick actually died young. He foresaw his own death and I think he brought too much attention to himself. I don't know, that guy's another visionary. [00:50:16] Speaker B: So, okay, so you're at a certain stage in life, and a lot of this understanding has influenced you, and you're moving along in life. But then you moved back to Sydney, and what happened. [00:50:36] Speaker A: You know, it's like a dark night of the soul. And I'm having trouble with my ex wife, my children. I wasn't allowed to see them. And I felt propelled into this periphery of acuity. And I was hanging out with these theater people, these film people, like the hey, dad. All the cast of hey, dad. Chris Mayer. I used to hang out with him. We used to go out and do cocaine and pick up women. We're all pretty. Anyway, one day I was told, it's a voice in my head, like Moses hearing voice, has got this voice, told me what I had to do. Get in the car and drive to Bondi beach, and I'll show you where you really are. [00:51:31] Speaker B: Right. [00:51:32] Speaker A: So that's what I did. [00:51:34] Speaker B: You were meditating at the time. You were meditating at the time. Any other processes you were involving yourself in to? [00:51:40] Speaker A: Well, this is at the tail end of just after the somatic experience in Angel street. As if I'd pass some sort of prerequisite. So the prerequisite for going to the next stage was this, the somatic one, where you had this realization and understanding. And then there was this voice saying, well, we're going to show you what this next level of understanding. And I did what I was told. What do I go to Bondi beach? That's just full of wankers. But no, something special about. [00:52:24] Speaker B: Location. [00:52:26] Speaker A: It's a vibration, and obviously it's on same latitude as zilluru. [00:52:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Temporal space and time type location. [00:52:35] Speaker A: That's the same tularic currents going through there. Yeah. This is quite annoying. Very clear voice in my head, like, oh, my God. If I told anyone I was hearing this voice, they just locked me up. It's very clear and explicit. Gave me instructions what to do. So I had to clean myself, have to wash myself. [00:53:02] Speaker B: So it was initiation type process. [00:53:04] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. And as I'm driving along to Bondi, hear these little squawky little voices say, where the bits of conscious that drive your car. So it's really weird. Horrible little. Not horrible, but annoying little conscious thinking they're great because they can drive my car. So obviously, there's a part of my brain which is sort of separate, that's devoted to drive my car. So it's on automatic. I don't have to think about it. These beings take over, but these beings think they sort of broke it off and imagined that they were separate from me. But I was showing this as an exercise. So everything that happened on that day, it's just to demonstrate something, to show something. And even the drive there showed me. Well, do you realize that you're made up of these compartmentalized bits of consciousness that are separated and think they have their own awareness, but it's primitive sort of awareness, and this is what you are. So you think you're separate from the whole, from the gestalt, from the Poroma, but you're really just this scawking ego. So even after your samadhi, you've sunk back into this state. So I went to the beach and did the ritual cleansing. I went into this hotel, I forget what it was. Grand ocean or something, into the bathroom. My sunglasses fell and the voice says, pick it up. Pick it up like a stern headmaster or something. Pick up your glasses. Come on. All right, so go to the beach and wait there on the grass, grassy knoll. And you're going to bow down to the Holy Mother. The Holy Mother, the gaian biocentience or the earth, what Lovelock called the. I suppose he'd call it Gaia. [00:55:09] Speaker B: Gaia or the Holy Mother. [00:55:11] Speaker A: Anyway, there's this reverence, this voice required me to have reverence for the mother. And then it said, we'll show you where you really are. And suddenly the sky, the surf, the grass, the buildings all disappeared and they were replaced by what I could call this vault, this vault of heaven. And these supremely beautiful angelic beings were aligned in, like, the halls of Amenti and they were worshipping this supreme light and I was flooded with bliss. I don't know, these colors that I've never seen before and these feelings I've never experienced before. And it was just supremely humbling, brilliant. I simply was told, oh, here you are. Well, congratulations. You're the first person this century, and that was in 1999 to be introduced to this. But I've subsequently realized that people like, I don't know Lisa Renee, I don't know if you know her. A lot of other people, they've had these experiences, these spontaneous kundalini awakenings and these revelations in that period, 1999, in that time, they're making the matrix in Sydney with counteries and, I don't know, subsequently been told that there were portals opening at that time, but they've since been closed because not enough people had woken up. So that they're using another method, which is like force majeure. So the Pleiadians the Arcturians and the others are getting involved. And this is subsequently what's happened to me now. Okay, this is what we do. [00:57:26] Speaker B: I was going to say, how about we wind it up for this one? [00:57:29] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:57:30] Speaker B: Good, because I don't want to go too far into the depth of this story and of your experience. We'll save that for the next episode because there's a lot there to already digest for people from what you've said, even talking about your own life story, and it's been amazing and revelatory for me to hear what you've said. And I'm not sure that's the effect that other people are having right now. I think that I have to sit down and have a think about it. Imagine all those people driving their car, just going, what? Wow. So how about we pause it there and we save the next part of the story for the next episode? [00:58:10] Speaker A: Oh, that's good. I thought you're going to do it all now and then edit it later, but that's. [00:58:14] Speaker B: Oh, no, do it in steps because then we can have time to digest. Yeah, for sure. [00:58:19] Speaker A: Oh, that's good. Well, it's been fun talking to you. I'm sorry. I wanted to talk more to you about your experiences as well, but that's okay. Did you want to wind it up? [00:58:31] Speaker B: Yeah, we'll wind it up now, and I'll just talk to you afterwards as well. [00:58:37] Speaker A: Will you send me another link another day? [00:58:39] Speaker B: Yeah, we will do. Yeah. [00:58:41] Speaker A: Okay. [00:58:41] Speaker B: Right. So thank you so much for coming on supernormalize today, David, and appreciate your time and for everyone listening. Yeah. Make sure you tune into the next show. [00:58:49] Speaker A: My pleasure. Bye bye. [00:58:52] Speaker B: Bye. You're probably just as stunned as I am by what you just heard. There's a lot of information there to digest, and that's the reason why I've chosen to end the episode at this point. And, yeah, the story that David has shown me and given me some background to is huge. So I'm certain this is going to turn into a number of podcasts, and I'm sure you'll enjoy each one of them, and I'll try and run them all in a series. So if you've enjoyed today's show, please like the show and share it to a friend who you think might find this interesting. And, yeah, until the next episode. [00:59:30] Speaker A: Bye for now, you. It's Lamborghini. This is.

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