Episode 68

March 18, 2024


Kara Goodwin Interview Phenomenal Meditation

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Kara Goodwin Interview Phenomenal Meditation
Supernormalized Podcast
Kara Goodwin Interview Phenomenal Meditation

Mar 18 2024 | 00:55:39


Show Notes

On #Supernormalized today Meet Kara Goodwin: meditation coach, podcast host, energy healer, and beekeeper. Her journey through tragedy led her to powerful transcendental experiences, expanding her understanding of reality. Join us on the podcast as Kara shares her transformative multi-dimensional insights. #Meditation #Spirituality #Transformation #podcast
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Because when you meditate, you are relaxing yourself and you're opening your energetic field and you want to be deliberate about what you're opening it to. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience my treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at Proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormalized, we have Kara Goodwin. Kara Goodwin is a meditation and spiritual transformation coach, host of the Meditation Conversation podcast, Energy Healer, and our Beekeeper. Her journey into meditation began after a series of tragic events in her life, and through her practice, she has developed a strong connection with source and has had powerful transcendental experiences that have expanded her understanding of reality and her experience of the world. Kara's multidimensional experiences have transformed her perspective on life, revealing the profound power and potential within each individual. Today, we share a conversation about Kara and her experiences, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. So, on with the show. Welcome to supernormalized, Kara Goodwin. Kara, I've read about some of your story here, and you've done a lot of work with expanding your consciousness and reaching into the higher realms. Can you tell us about your background and how you became drawn to meditation and this kind of spiritual transformation? [00:02:35] Speaker A: Yeah, well, my meditation journey began like many people's awakenings do, which is through kind of life crumbling. So several years ago, I just had this in one kind of six month period where there was just an obliteration of reality as I knew it. So I was living in Italy at the time with my family, and it began with the passing of my sister in law. She was a close friend of mine, and she took her life, and that was really hard for all of us. And following that, about three weeks following that, our dog passed away. And then a few weeks after that, my stepdad was having surgery for spinal stenosis, which is kind of brain stem area, which left a lot of questions. If you're having surgery on that, what's life going to be like? There were a lot of unknowns at that time. Luckily, he's doing very well. [00:03:48] Speaker B: Great. [00:03:50] Speaker A: Shortly after that, my mother in law was hit by a motorbike while she was crossing the road, and obviously was in the hospital for a long time for that. And by November of that year, my stepmom was in the ICU with a failing heart, and she had a heart transplant. So all of this was happening in America and in England. My in laws are in England. We're in Italy. So just huge trauma, tragedy happening with people we're very close with, and were not there. Just a really difficult time. I remember it was like, the end of that year, and I was like, how is it still 2016? When is this year going to end? It just felt like, yes, everything was happening at once. And that really led to me doing some soul searching. And I had been living, I feel like, you know, in my own way, kind of a charmed life up to that point, particularly this stint in England, where I had kind of put my career on hold so that we would go for my husband's career, and I was kind of living this mediterranean life, which was just a charmed existence. And so when all of this kind of came crashing down, it felt like the surface pleasures of my life just were kind of meaningless at that point. And it led me to learning meditation, really as a coping mechanism. I really felt that I needed that calmness and that kind of lifeline. And really the sort of spiritual part to meditation came later. I really was coming at it more from, like, a secular curiosity. I was drawn to the work of Parmahansa Yogananda, who is the author of autobiography of a Yogi. And he had a very kind of cause and know if you do this with your breath, then it does this to your brain. And even though he was very spiritual, he was a swami and eventually a master. But I was very drawn to that sort of scientific approach of cause and effect, and being able to kind of have some semblance of control over my responses, over the way that I felt, kind of helping myself to just feel better emotionally. But over time, it became much more of, I really couldn't deny that spiritual, that soulful connection that just seemed to grow within me. And so it took some time for kind of the higher dimensional things that you mentioned in the introduction to develop where it was like having those types of experiences where I know very well that what I'm experiencing, it's very real, but it's outside of what we understand our physical possibilities are and beyond the scope of what this 3d reality is like. [00:07:28] Speaker B: Right. So you were deepening your practice using the techniques that you subscribed to presented by the yogi, and this actually deepened you and opened you up to a strong connection with source and enhanced your spiritual journey, I take it? [00:07:46] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. [00:07:49] Speaker B: And then how did that unfold for you? I mean, you got through that year of 2016, and you've been pushed along by your understanding of spirit, and you're expanding of your understanding of yourself through meditation. What did that play out like for you over time? [00:08:07] Speaker A: Well, as I mentioned, it wasn't really a spiritual undertaking in the beginning. And what's funny, pardon me, at first, it. Yeah, right. And what was really kind of drives this point home for me is the memory of going on a weekend retreat again while I was still living in Italy in Assizi. And my teacher, the instructor of this weekend retreat, because I was doing this workshop on opening the heart, and I was sort of the model student of this class because it was Parmhansa Yogananda's teaching. So the facility I was in, they teach his methods, and I was, like, the only one who was kind of actively already learning these and already taking online courses and things like that. So I was kind of the model student. A lot of people didn't have the level of background that I had. And the teacher came up to me, the instructor came up to me after a couple of days there, and she was like, hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm a healer. I felt inclined to tell you. I don't normally tell students, but I just wanted to offer if you were ever interested in having a healing session. And I was like, oh, I'm really interested in that, but I'm not sick. I don't know what you would necessarily heal. Does that matter? And she's like, no, it's not really like you have to be sick to have it. It's a holistic thing. So I eagerly had that session. And when she, she worked through the chakras, kind of started at the root and went up to the crown. When she got to my heart, she said with surprise, you don't pray when you meditate. You should pray when you meditate. You will get a lot more out of it, and it will help you to open your heart. And I was taken aback by that because my rational mind was saying, how would she know that? Because she has said to me how much she's enjoyed me being in this course and that I stood out from the other people just again, having already been on this path. And so she should have assumed, because it was part of the teachings, was that you pray. But the truth was, I didn't pray when I meditated. I just, again, still was holding on to this secular thing and not quite sure about praying to this particular lineage or any lineage. I was just kind of very agnostic, ambiguous in terms of, like, it was still a little bit. I was just kind of not really sure of that part of it. And so she was right. I wasn't praying. And she should have thought if she was using her intellect, I would have been the person that was praying in there. And I don't really remember what the turning point was. That was kind of a kick in the pants for me, where it was like, okay, that's interesting that she would pick up on that. But again, it was just something like, over time that I opened up to more and more. I'm not sure that there was, like a one. I didn't do it yesterday and I did do it today, but if I had to pick one time, I would say it was probably that. That really kind of gave me more of a push, more than anything. [00:11:52] Speaker B: Well, you've. You've got me on my attention with that, with the idea of praying while meditating, because I've never done that. And I'm just wondering, what did you do to pray while meditating? Because that's really interesting. [00:12:05] Speaker A: Yeah, that has evolved over time, too. So when I was on that Parmhansi Yogananda, part of my journey was more in the beginning. That is something that I'm not involved with anymore. I still very much respect Yogananda. I mean, he died in 1952, but I appreciate his teachings, but I did release myself of my affiliations with the organization that still, there are different organizations. Anyway, I'm not really tied to his teaching anymore. But at the time, they had a protocol. I mean, I'm sure they still do, but they have a lineage, which is Yogananda and then his guru and his guru's guru and Babaji Krishna and Jesus Christ. And so that's how they did it was like to pray to that lineage. Over time, my prayer, it's always the way that I open my meditation. So when I sit down, kind of like put my hands in prayer position in front of my heart, which is a mudra. That is a position. It's an energetic position that we put our body in that affects the flow of energy in such a way that it helps to amplify the heart field. And I pray personally. It's kind of an intention. It depends how you want to say it or how you want to think about it, because it's like my intention and my kind of command of who I invite in because when you meditate, you are relaxing yourself and you're opening your energetic field, and you want to be deliberate about what you're opening it to. Because if you're just kind of sitting down and being like, okay, I'm relaxing and I'm open. And the same, I would say, for even when you're going to sleep, you're in a sense, and I want to be careful about it because we could go into fear of, like, oh, I'm vulnerable. I'm opening and I'm vulnerable, and I don't want that. So shut this down. It's like, no, we get so much out of being in that state of relaxation and openness, but we also want to be deliberate and intentional about who's allowed to come in. And anytime I lead a meditation, it's like, picture I instruct, like, picture yourself in a sphere of light, and this light is not only supporting you, but it's filtering. So it's like you have to be at this level of light or higher, and if not, you can't come in. So anyway, back to the prayer piece for me and that invocation, it's like invoking my higher self, that higher consciousness. I want to connect with that. I invite that in. And pure source light, pure source energy, and then benevolent beings that I feel like are on my team, my guidance team. So maybe we know who that is, if we do know who that is, or we feel a connection, maybe we feel a connection with Jesus Christ or with Babaji or Kwan Yin or Buddha or whoever it might be. But we may feel that we've got ascended masters or beings, angels. Guardian angels. Again, we may have names for these beings, but we may not. It may be as simple as I invite in my guardian angel, my divine team, those benevolent beings that are assisting me in my ascension or in my spiritual development or having my highest timeline or whatever that might be, and then it depends what you're open to. Some people might also feel like an affinity for a star family and may want to invite in benevolent star family that they feel is helping them. So it's really such a personal thing. But I always begin that way with my meditation. [00:16:41] Speaker B: You found much more benefits when you started doing that as well, obviously, yes. So this deepening of your meditation and this opening of your spirit and connecting into the higher self and external spaces, that brings a lot of phenomenon for other meditators. What sort of phenomena did you actually experience during your encounters in meditation practice? [00:17:08] Speaker A: So what is really interesting is that I like to say meditation is my jam my podcast is meditation conversation, and I help people meditate. I lead others in meditation. I teach people how to meditate. And the phenomenon that I have experienced has been in the hypnagogic state before I fall asleep. So it is a type of meditative state. But when I have experienced these things, it's typically not always. Sometimes it is in meditation, but the vast majority of the time, it's in that state before I fall asleep. But when I start to get into that theta state, but I'm, like, in bed, and I'm preparing to fall asleep. I've had many, many of these experiences, and there are similarities, but there's also a lot of uniqueness with each time. But it tends to be a feeling of rising. But I'm always still in my body because sometimes I toggle back and forth where I'm like, wait, have I actually left my room? Am I still in my bed at home? And so I can check back in? And even if my eyes are closed, open my eyes, and it's like, yeah, I'm still here. But if I close my eyes or even if I look at the ceiling or whatever, I'm actually seeing organized shapes, colors, what looks. It has the feeling of, like, a kaleidoscope in terms of the colors and the kind of repeating fractals that are making up geometry. Are you familiar with a kaleidoscope? I'm like, do we have kaleidoscopes anymore? I don't know. I loved mine when I was a kid, but I don't really see them around anymore. But a lot of times it feels like I'm inside a dome. Or sometimes it's like a wider dome, like what you would see in a mosque. Sometimes it's a skinnier dome. Sometimes it's, like, long and skinny, like being inside a bullet, like the way that a bullet is shaped, where it's got that skinny kind of dome to it. And then repeating colors, repeating shapes. Often I hear something. So a pitch or tone. Sometimes I actually hear what sounds like language, but it's so fast that either I don't know the language, or it's like chopped up English. The interesting thing is that I will notice that I'm hearing something, and I can notice if it's a male or a female voice, but I can't consciously understand what it is. And it's almost like I just start noticing it, like it's already there in the background. And then I'm like, oh, wait. I've been hearing language, and I can tune into it, but if I want to try to figure out if I can understand what it's saying, I have to use a different part of my brain, and I can't hear it anymore. Does that make sense? [00:20:46] Speaker B: It does, yeah. [00:20:48] Speaker A: And there's a corresponding. The color and the experience, the realm, if you want to think of it like that. The realm that I'm in changes, and the sound changes, so, like, the pitch might increase, and then the realm gets more etheric, less color, skinnier lines, and it just all becomes thinner as the pitch is raising. So there's, like, this whole lifting in sound and in things start dissolving and becoming less dense. A lot of times I see space. I might see a lot of rotation, like planes. Not airplanes, but, like, flat planes that are spinning, that are rotating. And then they might shift so that they're kind of like, I might be looking up at them, and then suddenly I'm looking down at them or they're on their side or kind of interesting things like that. And so for me personally, a lot of times, again, not every time, but a lot of times, there's no form in terms of, like, I don't see beings or landscapes. Sometimes. Every once in a while, I will see a being or I will see a landscape. But generally it's colors and geometries and light and sound. [00:22:38] Speaker B: Right. I've had some experiences myself with meditation and phenomena, because I've meditated every day myself, too. And one of the times, I was in my lounge room meditating on the lounge, and next door neighbors were cooking a really nice indian meal, and I was in this really deep space, and then this voice popped in and said, wow, that smells good. [00:23:09] Speaker A: And it wasn't your thought? [00:23:11] Speaker B: No, it wasn't my thought at all. I just knew it was a spirit popping in to say hello. And, like, I can smell that. I was, like, I could smell that, too. And I thought it was. [00:23:18] Speaker A: Oh, that's awesome. So did you recognize the spirit? Is that something that comes to you a lot? [00:23:24] Speaker B: No, I didn't recognize it as in somebody I had known. I recognized it in a different aspect of self, because in my dreams, I've had this representation of self that pops up quite often. And then I figured out what that was, just another aspect of myself. And I thought that was very interesting. [00:23:49] Speaker A: To have, like, a parallel life. [00:23:53] Speaker B: Parallel. [00:23:55] Speaker A: Another dimension. [00:23:56] Speaker B: Okay, I'll explain it in another way. So even though we are in human form and having this human experience and we think we're inside this body and everything, that's really nice that we think that the other aspect is the body has its own consciousness, too, and that consciousness also has a spirit as well, and it can talk to you. [00:24:22] Speaker A: Okay, so it was like your body consciousness? [00:24:25] Speaker B: Yes, because it could smell the food. [00:24:28] Speaker A: It was like, I know, I was just going to say that's how it could smell, because that kind of got me where I'm like, wow, how could the spirit, that's one of the, like, we experience this world through our five senses, and disembodied beings can't. That's like a unique aspect of being human and being embodied. [00:24:53] Speaker B: I'm going to ask you, what makes you think they're your senses? [00:24:56] Speaker A: Pardon me? Oh, why do I think they're my senses? Well, that's a great question. And where does the me, who is me? Right. Who am I relating that to? And that's a good question. And that can change based on many things. So sometimes I'm really embodied, and I would say the me is what is experiencing through my senses. Other times it can be more of a witness type of thing, where it's like, oh, the body is part of me. But, yeah, it's a very philosophical question. [00:25:36] Speaker B: I think meditation actually brings you into these sort of spaces. It's sort of like, I think a rooting out of the reasoning mind. Over time, it gets shuffled about, and after a while you're like, oh, I don't need to reason anymore. [00:25:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Going to be in this eternal space. [00:25:52] Speaker A: Yeah. We keep running up against that rational mind and that intellectual mind. That's been something that I have had to kind of release from my own. It becomes a limitation at a certain point where when you feel like you have to explain every. You have to understand it intellectually, and you have some experiences like what you're talking about, what we've been sharing, and it's like, if you want to approach it completely from the rational, intellectual mind, we're not going to get there. It doesn't belong to the rational, intellectual mind. It's an impediment. It's like you've got to release some of that and just allow, like, I might hear something that I, or experience something that I just don't understand. And that's just a limitation of that human intellect. [00:26:47] Speaker B: Definitely. I found for myself with meditation that it actually allows you to go into a space of focus, defocus. And when you're in that space, all of the extra languaging that goes on, on the inside of ourselves, about the world around us, seems to fall away. When I first came back to meditation, a while back, I found myself talking like the inner dialogue was just absolute garbage and going on and on and on about all sorts of stuff. And it was just distraction. And it had become a habit of my, would you say it, my conscious mind and my subconscious mind just to have a good conversation about nothing. And the meditation helped to cut those loops and to bring me into a deeper sense of grounding in the world. And, yeah, it allowed you to actually allowed me to actually see and be here now more than in my fantasy of the future or my experiences of the past. [00:27:52] Speaker A: Yeah, and it's huge. That's a huge breakthrough. We don't even realize how much inner dialogue is going on until we do. I mean, I can't say that across the board, but for a lot of people, it's like once they start meditating, then they become aware of this dialogue that's looping constantly. And the way that those thoughts speak to us, if they go unchecked, so often they're incredibly self sabotaging or judgmental. Self judgmental. Judgmental of the external. But if we're constantly doing that and we understand that we're creating our reality, like, we have this responsibility of bringing forth the life that we want to experience and the role that the thoughts that we think play into that, it's sobering when you do take the time to actually pay attention. And so that can be a difficult thing of meditation because it's like, wow, I just sit down and I think all the time, and I know that's not what I'm supposed to be doing in meditation. So that can be a big hurdle for people. And all that means is that you're a meditator. If you're experiencing those looping thoughts and you're sitting down and you're wanting to have a clear mind, and instead you're just noticing all the mental chatter. That doesn't mean you're a bad meditator, because everybody who meditates deals with that. And then with practice, with dedication, we learn how to move through that. But it's like a rite of passage. So it's a common reason that people give up meditation because they think they can't do it. And, in fact, I was just doing a healing session on somebody just a few days ago, and she's not a meditator. And she's like, wow. All I did was continuously notice my thoughts, and I have so many thoughts, and they were ping ponging around, and she's like, is that what is supposed to happen? I'm like, that's what's happening all the time. You just normally are just zooming right through your day and you don't notice it. So just the ability to notice that that's happened is like step one of coming to terms with it. But once we do notice it, then we start to get some insight into self sabotaging thoughts and the judgmental thoughts which are holding us down. That's part of the weight and the heaviness that we need to overcome so that we can evolve and we can raise our frequency and start to embody that spirit that we truly are. [00:30:50] Speaker B: Yes, for sure. And that embracing allows for a better experience of life, for sure. I mean, once you step out of those loops that are somehow and sometimes controlling us, yeah, the world becomes a bigger, bigger place for sure. So in what ways have your powerful transcendental experiences transformed your perspective of life and the potential of each individual? [00:31:19] Speaker A: Well, it comes back to what I alluded to before, which is this, like, we actually are creating our reality. And so even though I mentioned that a lot of the weirder experiences that I've had in that theta state where I'm experiencing, you know, this intelligent cosmic energy that's showing up like colors and geometries, often there are knowings that come in all at once that are related to that. And it makes me understand that even what I'm looking at is it's showing how reality is working. And I think that there are a lot of different ways that we can experience reality and experience. One of the things is seeing the mechanism of time and how time is represented. The first time I kind of quote unquote saw time, I thought that, oh, this is how time works. It's on a spiral, and there are all these levels and so forth. And you can kind of jump from one place, from one point in time to another and all of this. And I've since seen it a couple of other ways where it was like, oh, that was one way to see it, and I'm seeing another representation of time. That's a completely different metaphor, let's say. But anyway, there are these knowings that come in, and let me give you an example. So one of the things that I've experienced is kind of seeing many times where I kind of see my whole body from the inside. But again, I'm seeing my body, but I'm seeing it energetically and kind of experiencing the chakras vibrating and all this sort of energetic activity and things moving and this intelligence of it. But at one point, I saw my body as like lit up tiles, for lack of a better word. And it was like the tiles kind of turned golden during this experience, but there was no end to. There were no boundaries of me. And I could see that as this, because it was like they didn't start golden, but as they kind of became golden, they just kept moving out. And I realized they were starting to go into the tiles of people I'm connected to. So my family, for instance, my children, my husband, and it didn't reach all the way into their space, but there's a lot of overlap between us. So it was like, as my tiles went old, it went into the relationship space. So it kind of went beyond my physical body and started moving energetically into the space between me and other people. And then because my tiles are brightening, and then it's going out into those relationships, it automatically flushes them with golden light as well. Again, it's a metaphor, but it's also a mechanism of reality. I mean, we know that this is also true just from our lived experiences of as we improve ourselves and we heal ourselves, then that helps us to heal the ones that we're connected through, just because the way that we interact in our relationships change. It was a really beautiful, like, oh, gosh, there's a rep. I mean, I kind of intellectually knew that, but to see it in that way and how it works energetically was really powerful. That's what I mean. It's like this energetic understanding and like an experiential understanding of how things that we may hypothesize actually work energetically in terms of our role in creation, our role in the creation of our lives, our role in the lived experience of our lives and how much it comes from us also experiencing. A few times I've seen things in what I call, like, a realm of mirrors. I'm in one of these realms, and everything I look at, they're not like mirrors. They're fractal mirrors. It's again the kaleidoscope kind of thing, but they're made of mirrors. And so it's this very dynamic, constantly changing shapes, but they're all mirrors. And I'm like, why are they mirrors? And I'm like, oh. Because everything that I think is outside of me is actually a reflection of me. And it's like, changing the way that I look at it, then changes the way that it looks and how it reflects it back to me again, how important we are in changing what we think is happening outside of us. [00:37:26] Speaker B: Yeah, it does speak to that idea that the universe is a reflexive, reactive, and manifesting sort of entity in itself. So when you tune your frequency up and bring your frequency up and you're then passing out energy into the universe, that then gets reflected back to you. And then obviously, if you're tuning up, then everyone around you tunes up as well, because basically you're changing the frequency of your personal space and your circle of influence, and that changes the world around you and heals people, makes people more conscious of themselves and what they're doing in the world. And I've experienced this myself with my own meditations. And it's amazing what happens when you start to really just embrace that understanding and realize that the world is feeding back to you what you're putting out. And, yeah, very key and very important. [00:38:23] Speaker A: Right. [00:38:25] Speaker B: How do you incorporate your energy healing capabilities into your work? And what sort of form does that take? [00:38:35] Speaker A: Well, I am a Reiki master, so in some cases, I am literally doing healing sessions on people. So sometimes that's in person. A lot of times that is remote, where we kind of connect via the phone to begin with, but then they relax. We do use the same time in the quantum, we don't have to be in the same time and space. But I do find it's really helpful for them to take that time to relax and really kind of feel into what's happening. But a lot of, as I've worked on myself and my own capabilities in meditation, there's a lot of healing that comes through just in a group meditation. So I don't necessarily call some of the meditations that I do like, let's have a healing meditation, but it's sort of a byproduct in saying that I do have a community called the healing hearth. And so we do focus a lot on healing, and that is a big part of our meditation. But it's really kind of triggering the healing that everybody has the capability of. And they need to kind of tune into it, become aware of it, and get sort of activated to release it or to activate it. So a lot of that just comes through in the guided meditations that I do. And then I also really enjoy doing, like, personal meditation transmissions where I record, like, a ten minute meditation or something. And it's specifically designed for a person's area of focus that they're wanting to work through. But it's using my voice signature, which is carrying the vibration. So there are, like, words for words to meditate to, but they're not as important as the vibration that they're hearing. [00:40:55] Speaker B: Right. So what you're actually saying with the words is carrying a frequency or like a power that comes along with it to affect change. [00:41:08] Speaker A: Exactly. Yeah. [00:41:12] Speaker B: You've mentioned that you actually are a beekeeper as well. Now, what is the significance of beekeeping in your life and how does it relate to your spiritual journey? [00:41:22] Speaker A: So my beekeeping journey has been an evolution, just like everything else. I used to be a conventional beekeeper where I would go in and manipulate the hives and take the honey. And then I kind of learned a more holistic way to do it where you don't use the chemicals that traditional beekeepers use, but you also don't take the honey. So it's creating a very natural environment for the bees that's very similar to what they would have in the hive in the wild. Excuse me. Lots of insulation. My hives don't have right angles in them. So it kind of uses more of an oval where there aren't sharp. Yeah. And then allowing them to create their own hive based on. Because they take into account, like the draught and where the airflow, the air current, the humidity, the level of light. When we keep opening up the hives, we're introducing light, which is not helpful for them. So all of these things is basically just kind of getting them as close to the wild as I can. I don't take their honey anymore. I don't open the hive anymore. I really just observe. And it's creating the environment for them, letting them. Trying to kind of attract them to it. There are like pheromone that you can, or like essential oils and things that you can do to help to get them to find it. Letting them swarm, letting the hive split, which is something that conventional beekeepers don't do. They try to prevent swarming so that they have more honey production. But then you have, the whole point for me, for beekeeping is like, we need more bees in the world. And so the more that they can split, then the more hives there are. And so it's like, yeah, there's no prevention of trying to keep them from splitting. So I think my hive, as far as I know, it has split multiple times. I can never know for sure. Like, are those my bees? They don't live on my property. I have a little tiny property in a densely packed community. So I am not always there to see when they're swarming or when they're swarming. But they're fascinating. They're really fascinating what they do for our planet and their whole community, the whole apian being that they are. It's like all these individual bees are actually part of one animal. So a whole hive you can think of as like a being. And they're so intelligent, the way that they use geometry, the way that they construct their hives, the way that they interact with the plants. And it's theorized by some mystical beekeepers what they've tuned into. The bees can see. They can see with their heightened perception without even landing on a flower, if it's ready to be pollinated, if it's worth landing on. Wow. Really? They're so crucial in our ecological system. So I really just kind of really admire them and honor them and really try to support them. It's really more about supporting them at this point than trying to get their honey. The honey was great. I had so many people who were like, do you have more honey? That's the best honey I've ever had. No, I don't take it anymore. [00:45:32] Speaker B: So you have an ongoing relationship with your bees and they're helping you change the world? [00:45:37] Speaker A: Yes. Or vice versa. [00:45:42] Speaker B: So you've got your podcast, the meditation conversation. What impact do you hope to have on people's lives with your podcast? [00:45:51] Speaker A: I think probably very similar to yours, where it's really just opening people up to a different way of seeing the world. I have a very diverse guest list. I guess I've been going for a long time. I've got 300 and something odd episodes with guests like we talk about. I have near death experiencers, people who channel galactic beings, people who have know research at Cambridge for the science of meditation, really looking at it more from what's happening in the brain, healers and just a spectrum of different expertise. And so even though it's called the meditation conversation, that's really more of a throwback to how I started it, because I started it with my, I had a podcast partner at the beginning who was in Sweden, and we were really just kind of trying to help people learn how to meditate, learn how to integrate it into their daily life. It's really, if you are a meditator or you're attracted to things like meditation, here are some tangential topics. So a lot of times guests come on in meditation as a fundamental part of their practice, but it's not really at this point, like, this is how you meditate or this is how you fit it into your life. [00:47:32] Speaker B: Nice. How do you see meditation becoming increasingly important as we navigate these transformative times? And what advice do you have for individuals looking to develop or maintain their practice? [00:47:46] Speaker A: Well, I think meditation is only going to become more and more critical. I feel that up until recently, it's been like, oh, if you've got time for it, it's a great thing. It makes you feel great. But the times are, we're just rapidly evolving. There's an evolution of consciousness that's happening, and it has physical effects, it has emotional effects. Like, the world is changing, it's changing. Our consciousness is changing, but it's changing at an energetic level, and it's undeniably changing. And meditation is a crucial component to be able to handle those changes, because the types of changes that we're having, they come from space, they come from the magnetics of the planet weakening. There are changes to the poles, changes to the north pole. The magnetic north pole is moving. It's a reflection of the magnetics of the planet changing. So these are real, measurable things that are happening. The sun is emitting coronal mass ejections frequently, solar flares frequently. This week that we're recording, we've had considerable amount of flares, one after another after another, that hit the planet. We are energy beings. So when these unusual energetic anomalies, well, right now they're anomalies, but it's not like, oh, we're in this really weird period, and it will go back to how it was. It's not going back to how it was. Things are changing. The energy of the planet is changing. And so our ability to meditate and to calm our energy and to be able to, it's kind of like calming ourselves, slowing down our activity, slowing down our brain activity as well. It sort of lets our energy stabilize, and it lets the energies of the atmosphere. We go into, like, a harmonization, because instead of it, like, hitting us and kind of knocking us over, we're giving ourselves a chance to kind of harmonize with it, synchronize with it better than it just coming and slamming us, and it may still slam us, but it's such an important coping mechanism and way of, again, just working with our energy so that we are more robust. It also increases and strengthens our human electrical being. We've got this aura, if you want to think of it that way. We've got an energy body. And that energy body is affected by pollution. It's affected by the things that we eat. It's affected by GMO, it's affected by medication, lifestyle, alcohol, caffeine, all of these things, poor diet, all of these things, like, denigrate our electrical field, which make us weaker. It makes us more vulnerable. Meditation is one practice to help us to strengthen that energy field, it's a byproduct of consistent meditation practice. You strengthen your energy field. That affects your physical health, your emotional health, your mental health, and it makes you less vulnerable so that you can be a more sovereign being. You have more control over your experience that you're having through your. [00:51:50] Speaker B: Exactly. Exactly. Kara, we're coming to the end of the podcast. How do people find you? [00:51:57] Speaker A: So I have a website, karagoodwin.com. I spell Kara with a k, or my parents spelled it with A-K-I just carried on with, um. And you can get to the [email protected]. And I'm pretty active on Instagram. That's Kara Goodwin underscore meditation and YouTube as well. You go to themeditationconversation.com. That'll take you to my YouTube channel as well. And so I'm out there and pretty easy to find. [00:52:37] Speaker B: Great. Thank you so much for your conversation, Cara. It's been very interesting to talk to you about your understanding of meditation and how it's affected you and the people around you and the world you experience. [00:52:49] Speaker A: Thank you. It's been such a joy to connect with you today. Thanks so much for having me on and for everything that you're doing with your podcast, too. Thanks so much. [00:52:58] Speaker B: Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. And thank you so much. All right, we'll say goodbye to Lizzie's and bye for now. [00:53:04] Speaker A: Thanks, everybody. [00:53:09] Speaker B: Well, that was fun talking to Cara today about her experiences of meditation and her understanding of it as well. And it was great for her to elucidate how, when she has tuned herself up frequency wise, that it does actually assist and heal and help others around her just by changing herself. So it does actually resonate back to that idea of change yourself and you change the world. So, yeah, I wholly encourage that for everyone. If you don't think you can meditate, I'm certain you can. There's other ways to do it. My wife actually has a lot of trouble meditating, and one day she sat down with a guided meditation, and she said she got to a certain space where she found that she just saw the thoughts just fall away, and she fell into the in between of those thoughts. And when she got to that in between space, that's when she felt a lot of space and a lot of calm. And she told me all about it. I said, that's what meditation is. Do more of the in between. So, yeah, if you've enjoyed today's show, please reach out to Kara and say thank you. And if you think somebody else could benefit from hearing this, then please share to at least one person. I'd really appreciate that. And if you haven't already, please jump on your podcast app and give us a five stars that helps people to find these conversations worth sharing. And that's it for this episode. And until next episode, I'm going to say bye for now.

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