Episode 5

December 07, 2022


Vivec Interview Can Kundalini Syndrome Occur From Exploring Tantra?

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Vivec Interview Can Kundalini Syndrome Occur From Exploring Tantra?
Supernormalized Podcast
Vivec Interview Can Kundalini Syndrome Occur From Exploring Tantra?

Dec 07 2022 | 01:19:25


Show Notes

Today on Supernormalized I have Vivec whom spontaneously went into deep Kundalini awakening in a western society namely Sydney Australia. He had ongoing ecstatic experiences that made life at the very least very challenging. Vivec has come on to discuss his experience, what happened to him, what it was like, how it was eventually managed and where he is today with all this plus his recommendations for people undergoing Kundalini experiences. The very first modality Vivec did to manage his Kundalini experience is linked below. www.naturalwayofliving.com The Indian tradition Vivec follows is www.srividyasadhana.com I’m always interested in hearing about your […]
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:17 Welcome Ton Mize, and I'm your host cj. I'm always interested in hearing about your unusual story or life experience. So go ahead and reach out to me via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or on email. Try super normalized with a Z at proton dot e. Now on to today's show. Today on super normalized, I have Viv, whom spontaneously went into deep kini awakening in a western society, namely Sydney, Australia. He had a, he had ongoing ecstatic experiences that made life, at the very least, very challenging. Viv has come on to discuss his experience, what happened to him, what it was like, how it was eventually managed, and where he is today with all this, plus his recommendations for people undergoing kini experiences. And, um, so today we have on the show, Vivek, who has had a kini experience that could be described as almost like a Conline overdose. Uh, he spontaneously went into deep conline awakening in a western society, um, in a city, uh, namely Sydney, Australia, and has had ongoing ecstatic experiences that made life, at the very least, very challenging for him. Viv has come on to discuss his experience, what happened to him, what it was like, and how it was eventually managed, and where he is today with all this. Plus his recommendations for people may be undergoing Conlin experiences himself. So welcome to the show, Viv. Speaker 2 00:01:43 Thank you so much, Chris. Thank you so much for having me on your show. Speaker 1 00:01:46 You're welcome. So, Vivic, I, I'm just gonna ask you a personal question. How old are you now? Speaker 2 00:01:52 Uh, 38. Speaker 1 00:01:53 38. When did this all start happening for you? Speaker 2 00:01:57 So, um, start when I was 30. 30 Speaker 1 00:02:01 When Speaker 2 00:02:01 I done 30 years old. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:03 Yeah. So when it started, when you were 30, um, was, was, what was your life like at that time? Were, were you going through, were you going through any sort of situation, stress or anything like that? Speaker 2 00:02:16 No, not at all. I was, in fact, I was actually, uh, my life was very good at that time. I just separat, uh, separated from my girlfriend. Yeah. And I was living my, you know, living a free life, going out, doing what I like. Yeah. And, um, I met a really special person. Speaker 1 00:02:38 Okay. Speaker 2 00:02:38 Uh, uh, through our friend, through my friend Dominic, who's on your show earlier. Yes. And hanging out with her, things were really nice. Things were a lot of fun until one day we just went to the beach and then went back to her place and she held my hands. And that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. Up until then, I was having a, you know, I was, um, I was a young, uh, Indian male living in Sydney, Australia, having a great time, uh, with my friend Domic, who's introducing me to a lot of interesting things in life. And, uh, I was an atheist. I didn't believe in God. I didn't believe in anything spiritual, even though I come from a Hindu family and my parents are quite devout. And, um, but they never, I was lucky enough cuz they never, ever forced me to follow religion or to, or to believe in God. They let me be and let me be free. So, yeah, up until that time, uh, moment in my life, I was an atheist and having a lot of fun in life. Okay. Until, until the day she, this special friend of mine held my hand. Speaker 1 00:03:49 So would you say that when she held your hand, did that start it, did it trigger it? Or what Speaker 2 00:03:55 Happened there? Um, Speaker 1 00:03:56 What was the experience like Speaker 2 00:03:57 In initial, initially, um, we were just, we just, we, we'd been to the beach and then just went back to the house early afternoon, and we were just relaxing on her couch. And she was sitting by my side and she had her, she was holding my, my left hand. Uh, this special friend I'm talking about is a very, um, I would say a very, a very, uh, accomplished tanika, which, um, if many people wouldn't know it, it's, uh, it's somebody, a woman, because it's a Tanika, a woman who has mastered her sexual energy and is able to do wonders in the field of sex through something, uh, called ri sex, Speaker 1 00:04:57 Which were, were you aware of that at the time? Speaker 2 00:05:00 Yes, I was aware Okay. That she was aka but I, I didn't, I understood it as somebody who is a master of their own sexual energy Yes. And the master of sexual arts. Okay. Uh, but I never, I never, I never took it as someone who is spiritual. Speaker 1 00:05:18 Okay. Speaker 2 00:05:19 Cause up until that point, as I told you, I wasn't spiritual and had nothing to do with spirituality. Speaker 1 00:05:25 Right, right. So she had been trained as a tan tricker and was very good at, at, uh, cultivating her energy. Uh, did she intend to trigger you at that time? Or is that just random event? Speaker 2 00:05:41 Okay. This is a very interesting question. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell you how it was and this, and probably it will answer your question. Um, okay. So we were sitting on the couch. Right. Just having a great time. Yeah. And she, she ju she held my left in her hands and we were just, you know, I didn't even actually take notice of it. And we were just chatting away and having a nice relaxed afternoon up until the moment I felt this thunderbolt of energy go through my, through my head and exit through my feet. And I was, you know, sitting completely relaxed with my back against the pushing with my legs actually bent up onto the coffee table. So completely relaxed. Yeah. And I suddenly felt this jolt of energy go through my body, but I had never experienced anything like it. So I didn't know what would make of it. And once this happened, i, I, the, the waves of energy suddenly became more prominent. Speaker 3 00:06:47 Right. Speaker 2 00:06:48 Flowing through my head and exerting, exiting out through my feet until up to the point that I actually took notice of it. And I didn't know what was going on. And then I noticed she was holding my hand and she didn't let go of my hand. It was a very gentle, soft touch. Okay. And, and I just kept looking at it. And I just remember now that, you know, these waves of energy just got more intense through, you know, going through my body. Speaker 3 00:07:18 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:19 And this happened for a good five minutes. And then I lost control of my legs. My legs, you know, were like, they started shaking on their own accord, like really vibrating from side to side. Uh, I could not stop my legs even if I wanted to. Speaker 3 00:07:39 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:40 And that's when I started to actually panic and start to think, what is going on? Do I actually need medical attention? But I looked at my friend sitting next to me and she didn't seem that bothered. So it clearly wasn't something of a medical emergency according to her. But according to me, I thought, oh my God, what is going on? And as I realized this, I lose control of my breath. Yes. I could not breathe. I could not control my own breathing. And I felt like something was breathing me. I had had absolutely no control over it. And that's when I went into a full blown overwhelming panic mode. Cuz now I was like, you know, all I had all these thoughts running through my head, my mind was trying to come to some logical conclusion to what was happening. Speaker 3 00:08:30 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:31 Uh, but I could not stop this physical reaction of my body to this burst of energy that was actually going through my body. And this happened for a good 20 minutes. And of course, you know, my, I my, my conscious state was of course a state of panic and overwhelm. Speaker 1 00:08:54 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:55 And when this whole experience had, you know, kind of subsided, uh, my friend, she casually got up, walked to the kitchen to have a glass of water and looked like, but you know, she looked like nothing really happened. But for me it was that overwhelming that I actually just got up, didn't see a word, and I left her apartment. Speaker 1 00:09:16 You were shocked. Speaker 2 00:09:17 I was shocked. I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what happened. Uh, and I just got home and, and I remember sleeping really well that night, but I still had no idea what I had been through. And then I just ended up, you know, just going to work for a couple of days. And then on the third day when I came back home, I got to my room and I sat on my bed and I felt this immense surge of energy go through my head. And I just knew I had to lay down. And as I lay down, this friend of mine who was even, who wasn't even in Sydney at that time, she was up the course in Bellingen, called me at the exact moment that I had this surge of energy. Speaker 1 00:10:08 Okay. Speaker 2 00:10:09 And, and she just stayed with me on the phone and she kind of just called me to say that, Hey, don't worry, I'm with you. And as soon as I heard those words, boom, the energy again just took over my body and I just went into a really overwhelmed state of energy. But my friend was somehow kind nice enough and kind enough to be there with me through this whole experience. And probably this would've lasted a good body minutes. Cuz once the energy got hold of my body, I just broke out into like physical shakes. You know, like literally like a fish lopping outta water. Yeah, yeah. All my muscles actually getting really cramped and tense because it couldn't hold that amount of energy that was flowing through me. Yes. Uh, and having extreme shifts in emotions on this at this time. And she just kind of casually, you know, stay with me on the call and once it's subsided, you know, we shared a few words and that was the end of the call. But to me, I thought, this cannot be happening cuz how does somebody who doesn't even live in the city know the exact moment that I am breaking out into something? And actually, he called me from wherever she is and I, and and I and my mind started to play tricks on me trying to convince him, trying to convince me that she is probably a witch and I'm under some spell or I couldn't make sense of it. And I didn't know a anyone in my life who actually could make sense of it. Speaker 1 00:11:42 Wow. Speaker 2 00:11:43 And then I ended up speaking to my friend Dominic, and he couldn't make sense of it either cuz he prob he had never seen anything like it. And from that moment on for a good six months, I wasn't even capable of holding a job. Right. Because I would have such intense, energetic shifts and in and such extreme emotional shifts that it was just not possible for me to actually go to work. Okay. And I would be at home and I could not predict, or I could not tell when, but sometime through the day I would feel the surge of energy go through me again. Yes. And all I would have to do is lie down and, and, and be prepared for the right of my life. Every, every day was a, was a new experience, was a, a new way of, you know, like discovering things about my own body, about how things work. Speaker 2 00:12:45 And it kind of triggered the process of my spiritual journey. Cause I try to make sense of all this that was happening. I try to, and uh, Dominic had a good friend, um, who is a, who is a trained shaman in a way. Yes. And he tried to help me. He tried to gimme advice, but still nothing made sense to me. And I would break out into, like, as those telling you before, like extreme emotional states, I would have hours and hours of absolute bliss. So blissed out that if the world would be set on fire, it wouldn't matter. Or I would immediately shift to an extreme anger state. Yes. Where I would be that angry that if I could, I would destroy everything in my sight. So, you know, it was a, it was a, it was some something so new for me cuz I, I didn't even know up until that point that I could have such extreme emotions or such emotions or, you know, patterns of thoughts actually existed in my own consciousness. Yeah. It was, uh, yeah, it was a very interesting time. But at the same time, uh, it was quite scary. Speaker 1 00:14:00 Yes. Speaker 2 00:14:01 But at the same time I had this knowing that things would be okay and this is the part that never made sense to me. Cause on the outside, on the surface it felt like my life was falling apart. I could not hold a job, I could not tell when I'm gonna get extremely angry. I could not tell when I would break out into, you know, state, extreme states of sadness or grief or happiness or bliss or joy. Yes. So, yeah. And, um, all I could do was just lay back and just let the thing do its process. And I didn't know it's even a kini awakening or a rising or anything of that sort. Nothing that it didn't even exist in my vocabulary. Speaker 1 00:14:44 Had you Speaker 2 00:14:44 Ever, this happened? Sorry? Speaker 1 00:14:46 Have you had, had you heard of anything like this happening to anyone else in your family? Speaker 2 00:14:51 Never. Never. I, I could not share these things with my family cause I come from an Indian family and I could not tell my parents cause I'm the only child and I didn't want to have my parents, you know, absolutely worried, not saying what's happening to me. So I couldn't share anything with my family. I couldn't tell any of my friends except Dominic. Speaker 1 00:15:11 So you felt very alone at the Speaker 2 00:15:12 Time? Absolutely. Alone. And I, I felt really stupid cuz I, I couldn't, I could not figure out the answer even though my life depended on it. So it was a very interesting phase of my life. A good six months. Speaker 1 00:15:28 So this happened when you, I Speaker 2 00:15:29 Longer, Speaker 1 00:15:30 You were, you were 30 years old when this happened. Speaker 2 00:15:32 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:33 Yep. Do you know what a Saturn return is? Speaker 2 00:15:38 No. Speaker 1 00:15:39 Astrologically. Sometimes, um, extreme states come for some people, um, during this Saturn return it was where you get all these life reviews and everything and it can have lots of energy involved in it as well. I went through one personally that was very long and very torturous. So I understand partially what you went through, but I didn't go exactly what, um, didn't go through exactly what you went through. It was a different, different flavor of weird things as well. But, um, yeah, I can understand how alone it can feel. It's, it's, it's very intense and very weird and very strange and, uh, can be quite isolating if you can't explain it to anyone. <laugh>. It's like Speaker 2 00:16:17 Absolutely <laugh>. You're sitting and you're sitting there in isolation thinking you're going, you're going crazy. And you might not need to have, you know, see a psychiatrist and get medical health. Cause you can make sense of Speaker 1 00:16:29 It. That's right. Well, the, the Western medical model, neither could gp Western medical models have no idea about this stuff. They dunno what to do with it and, um, yeah, Speaker 2 00:16:37 Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:16:39 Yeah. So, um, Speaker 2 00:16:40 They, they don't even acknowledge the subtle bodies of the human being or Speaker 1 00:16:44 That's Speaker 2 00:16:44 Right. More subtler aspects of consciousness. So Speaker 1 00:16:46 Yeah. Yeah. The last 200 years of medical history has been quite narrow minded by comparison to the previous, what, 50,000 probably <laugh>. So, yeah. Uh, yeah. Beside that. Um, so considering that you, you know, you'd been through all this experience and you, you, you did have like, you know, this, this, um, this lady, this friend, lady friend that, uh, did you have something, an understanding of it? Did she help you at all? Did she come along and start saying, well, this is what this is? Speaker 2 00:17:18 In a big way she did help me, uh, not by saying anything to me, but more like by being, uh, absolutely present with, with me. Speaker 1 00:17:29 She Speaker 2 00:17:29 Helped through all my emotional states Absolutely. In a very, in a really powerful way, powerful enough to facilitate my unfolding and awakening. Speaker 1 00:17:40 Right. Speaker 2 00:17:42 Um, and I, and I confronted her many times at a later stage saying, Hey, you know, if you've, if you've intentionally done something to me or, you know, now's the time to tell me. And she swears that she never had any intention of ever awakening anything within me or, you know, she, she, she, it took to this day, she says she, you know, it wasn't her intention or it wasn't something that she chose to do, it was just something that happened. And both of us had to be in that moment together. Speaker 1 00:18:18 She just happened to be be there. It happened at the same time. And she, uh, yeah. Well that's very lucky of you. And, um, obviously the universe had plans, you know, for you Speaker 2 00:18:28 Absolutely Speaker 1 00:18:29 <laugh>. And, uh, I, I like that you, you told the story, but you also said within all of this, you still got, you had your sense of self, you know, at the center of it all. Yes. And I think that's, that's the, the Speaker 2 00:18:44 Difference somewhere at the back of my mind. Speaker 1 00:18:46 Yeah. Well, I mean, the difference between crazy and not crazy, it, it, it seems, um, defined by, um, some parts of the Western medical model is that if you still have that sense of self, you can sit back and look at it and go, well, this is a bit strange, then you're still in the right place, <laugh>, you are, you aren't, you aren't too bonkers. Maybe I, I dunno, <laugh>, but, Speaker 2 00:19:12 Um, you know, but the thing is, at that point in my life, if I was in some way spiritual or, you know, probably even religious, yes, I would have directly probably co-related my experience to something more divine. But since I was an atheist, Speaker 1 00:19:29 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:30 I had no clue. And I, I, and I did not even have the latest clue to, to, to actually to relate, go relate it to something divine and much higher. Speaker 1 00:19:40 Okay. Speaker 2 00:19:41 So I was still in a state of ignorance, um, still trying to figure out what is going on. And, um, yeah. And then after about se and seven months of, you know, I must say, I would say turmoil because my, because of my emotional states becoming so extreme Yeah. Was turmoil. But at the same time, the, the, the lower I felt, the higher I was able to rise in terms of joy and grief. I'm sorry, in terms of joy and bliss. Speaker 1 00:20:10 Yeah. Right. Speaker 2 00:20:10 So it was very, so it was, it was, yeah. So it was, uh, yeah. Extremes of, you know, the opposite end of the spectrum. Speaker 1 00:20:18 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:20:19 So very amplified. Speaker 1 00:20:21 Yeah. Over time, would you say that you got more of a handle of the experience so that it was, um, even though it was extreme, it was more like you were already quite familiar with this horse? Speaker 2 00:20:36 Uh, what, okay. So what happened is, as I started to try and figure out logically what happened to, yeah. I came across a lot of things like, um, Shakti path, uh, which is an, you know, which is an, in the Indian tradition, Shakti path is one of the ways that a, a spiritual master transmits spiritual energy to the Speaker 1 00:20:56 Disciple. Right? Oh, okay. Speaker 2 00:20:58 Uh, I came, I came across concepts such as this. I came across concepts about the Kini. Um, uh, but I couldn't, I never understood it. But yes, of course this, I was introduced to the concept of Kundalini through books and, you know, and yes, slowly over time I started to make sense. Uh, Dominic helped me, um, figure out certain things and we tried to make sense of what was going on. And it, and all these symptoms seemed very similar to what they call a Kundalini syndrome. Speaker 1 00:21:27 Right. Speaker 2 00:21:28 Um, or at least that's what the books and other sources say. But I didn't know at this time it was a Kundalini syndrome. And I was, I was trying to make sense of it all, um, up until the point that Dominic, uh, went out and he randomly met a bunch of people Speaker 2 00:21:49 Right on, on one of his outings and he came back and he told me, he's like, Hey man, you know what? You should go and meet this group. A bunch of people I just hung out with. I'm not, I'm not kidding you. I walked into this room and I thought all those people were on mdma. Cause they were so b blessed out, and they were so ecstatic and happy about everything. I just thought this can be possible. And I, I thought they were all on, on really good amphetamines. And, and then I realized that they, they don't take any drugs, but they, this is just their natural state. Yes. And they do, um, something really interesting. They teach people something really interesting called Reiki Turo. I think you should go and just hang out with, you should just go and meet these people and Speaker 1 00:22:39 Reiki, reiki Turo people Okay. Speaker 2 00:22:41 Rate the Reiki tumor people. And, uh, and I just heard them and I say, okay, I'll go meet them. And, and eventually, uh, Marissa, this friend of mine, Marissa and me, we ended up going and seeing this, this mystic magical group of people. Yes. And that's, that was where I was introduced to my first ever living guru. Uh, his name was Vincent. Yes. Vincent Kaia. And he's not, he's no more now, he passed away. Okay. Uh, but he was my first true living guru who actually, um, balanced out my kundalini. It was just that my Kundalini energy was so outta control that I was having these experiences. Now when I met him, and when I, when I decided to study under him, yes, it was really easy for him to, you know, kind of cap my energy and stabilize it. And by learning, he's seen this Speaker 1 00:23:45 Before, obviously. Speaker 2 00:23:46 Yeah. Because in this tradition of reiki tumor, um, it, it, it is still reiki cause they still use source energy to heal. But this source energy is, you are given access to this source energy through your own kini. So your kini has to be awakened in order for some, for you to learn reiki tumor, because tumor is the Titian word for kini. Speaker 1 00:24:12 Oh, okay. Yeah. Right, Speaker 2 00:24:14 Right. So reiki tur is, is coupled, you know, it's reiki, but coupled with Tibetan knowledge. And, and so where usually they awaken the, the students kini anyway. But in my case, he had to kind of cap it rather than awaken it. Speaker 1 00:24:30 Right. When he capped it though, did that stop everything or did it just turn it down a little bit? Like lower the volume so you could still, Speaker 2 00:24:37 It, it, it, it, it really started to stabilize my system. So all these extreme states that would suddenly come on all started to, you know, subside. But I would still have, um, uh, very pleasurable sensations. I must I must say, at at the same time as, you know, this, uh, this, um, the same time when we, when I went in some, my first living guru was the time when my tantric journey, or my journey into tantric sexuality or sacred sexuality started to unfold beautifully simultaneously along with my spiritual awakening. Speaker 1 00:25:22 Right. Speaker 2 00:25:23 So, yeah. So, um, because I was, because I was so actively practicing these, you know, teachings, these sacred sexual teachings. Yes. Um, you know, you still have, you know, you still have to have awareness of your subtle bodies and so on to progress on that part, which in a way was very supportive of my spiritual journey. And it was very beautiful for me to have shared that with that same special person where I could share my awakening and my spiritual enhancement and my, and my, and my journey into, into sacred sexuality. Speaker 1 00:26:06 Excellent. That's excellent. So would you say you're a spiritual person now because of all this? Speaker 2 00:26:11 Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Without a Speaker 1 00:26:14 Doubt. So you believe in, uh, oh God, you're no longer, no longer atheist. Speaker 2 00:26:19 No longer atheist. Speaker 1 00:26:20 Okay. What Speaker 2 00:26:21 Do you believe in Definitely no longer atheist, but also over the years, my, my my my definition of all my understanding of God has changed. Speaker 1 00:26:32 Right. What is your understanding of God now? Speaker 2 00:26:35 Because as I said, you know, what is my understanding of God now? Speaker 1 00:26:38 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:40 Um, I would say, uh, perfect combination of energy and consciousness. Speaker 1 00:26:49 Okay. Speaker 2 00:26:51 Yeah. Or the unity of consciousness and energy. Speaker 1 00:26:55 Mm. Speaker 2 00:26:57 I would say is my definition of God. And, and in my current, you know, where I stand in my current journey. So Speaker 1 00:27:02 Yeah. Excellent. Excellent. Okay. So where are you at now with all of this? I mean, does this, do you still have ongoing ecstatic states that sometimes go off the rails and get overpowering? Or is it just something as a part of your normal life? Speaker 2 00:27:22 No, now I would, now it's, it's under my will, you know, so becau Yeah. I can, I can control the energy that flows through me now. Yes. So I don't have, I don't get trick into slipping into to, to a overwhelming state. Right. It's very much within my control, and it's very much within my awareness and my consciousness. Brilliant. So now that, I would say, now that, you know, um, I realized over these years that, you know, all the violent shakes I had and all those reactions my body was, you know, going through was in a way deeply cleansing out my energy system. What, in India? In India we called the, the Nads. Yes. So it was basically my nads that were get, you know, were that were, that were clearing all the blockages that existed within it. Speaker 1 00:28:14 That's right. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:28:15 And hence, it needed that force and that reaction in order for it to shake the shake it shake them all out. So Speaker 1 00:28:25 Yeah, I, I had an overwhelming quinlin experience one time where I'd shook, like I, I, I, when it happened to me, I was shaking on the ground, basically convulsing, and it was uncontrollable to the point that I actually ended up passing out. But during it, while it was happening mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I was having all of these like flashes and realizations of where I had sold out on myself in my life. Speaker 2 00:28:49 Okay. Speaker 1 00:28:50 Amazing. And it was like, it was like a, was literally like watching a video of myself doing all of these things where I had not been, I hadn't related to myself and others healthily. And it, it was clear what was going on. It was like, this is all being shaken outta my system and, and burnt outta me and this moment. And, um, Speaker 2 00:29:09 Yeah. I That's amazing that you were able to be aware of what was actually being cleansed outta you. Speaker 1 00:29:16 I think it was just luck the way it all worked at the time. Actually, <laugh>, when it happened, I like, oh my God, is this gonna kill me? I don't know. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:29:26 I can totally understand. Speaker 1 00:29:29 And Speaker 2 00:29:29 Everyth is so much more amplified. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:32 Yeah. It was so amplified. And I, I flopped around on the, on the floor and the word shaking like a leaf in the presence of God came to my, I was like, yeah, that's what's going on right now. And I felt like I was on fire. I was, um, all my skin felt prickly. And, um, then I started having all those visions and I basically passed out. And then I remember waking up hours later, and this is my lad floor mm-hmm. <affirmative> and waking up hours later and, um, lights are off. And, and my girlfriend had gone to bed at the time and I was like, oh, ok. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:30:08 I dunno what's happening, but Speaker 1 00:30:09 Dunno what's happening. Yeah. Yeah. I went to bed and everything was alright, but, um, it was just one of those moments. But, um, yeah, it can be, it can be very, very, very intense. So do you, um, have any practices that you do today, um, that, uh, is a part of your just general life practice that came as of doing this or having this happen to you? Do you practice yoga, you meditation, anything? What do you do? Speaker 2 00:30:36 Yes. So, so, you know, I, so, you know, I, I mentioned earlier that I trained with my Master Winston with Reiki Speaker 1 00:30:44 Turor. Yes. Speaker 2 00:30:45 And once I finished, you know, learning reiki turor and practicing it for a few months, um, my, my master, they, you know, they used to offer something really, really beautiful, cold, open heart. Speaker 1 00:31:00 Okay. Speaker 2 00:31:01 So basically it, you know, it's, they've got six levels of it and each level deeper than the other. And what they are essentially doing is working only with what they call the spiritual heart, not the physical heart, but something called the spiritual heart. Yes. And it's one of the most beautiful spiritual modalities I ever undertook. And each level I did got deeper and deeper. And it was, it was also that the fact that I would go to my master's house every weekend or every other weekend. So I would literally train on in his present. Yes. And it just made everything so much more powerful and so much more faster cuz he was right there in the, in, in, in everyone's presence. Yeah. And he was just in tune with every student in the room. Right. And he was just able to, to know the condition of the heart, even before you could realize it, you, you know, before you could realize the condition of your own heart, he already realized what needed to be done in order for you to progress. Speaker 2 00:32:14 Right. Spiritually speaking. So it was amazing that I got to do all those levels with him mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then I ended up doing something called the spiritual retreat where, you know, it was three days in a, in a, in a, in a special place where with a lot of people, and you know, you just, you have these practices and the end of the spiritual retreat was something, what they call, uh, a regression. And that was the first time in my life that I was actually regressed into a past life. Up until this point, I didn't even believe in past lives or reincarnations. But at the spiritual retreat, the grand master or the, or the, or the man who came up with this modality was the person who was conducting this retreat. Yes. So my Master Winston was his disciple. Right, right. So after three days of being in the Grand Master's presence, and, you know, doing all these practices when it came to the time of spirit or of regression, the person sitting next to you, you could partner up with, you know, somebody sitting next to you, a stranger who you've never met and regress each other into a past life. Speaker 2 00:33:28 This was something that blew my mind. And, and the first time I got regressed, it was, uh, and it was an amazing feeling. But, you know, the logical mind still did not want to accept the fact that I had been regressed into another life. It was a, you know, like a tug of war in my mind. Yes. But my body and something deeper new that, that regression was as real as everyday life. Speaker 1 00:33:56 Right, right. Wow. Speaker 2 00:33:59 And, and yeah. And after that period, I, you know, I trained under my master. I did many, many, many more regressions. Went into many more past lives to, you know Yeah. Learn whatever I had to learn or whatever I had to be made aware of. Speaker 1 00:34:13 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:14 And then, um, and then I kind, uh, had a calling to go to the Himalayas. Okay. After watching a random video on YouTube, which lasted no more than two minutes, it was a random video of, of, of yogi living almost naked at high altitude in the Himalayas, near a special temple, near a special Indian temple. That, and it was a one minute long video, and I was laying in bed one afternoon just randomly looking at YouTube and bang, this video came on. And when I watched this video, something inside me knew that I had to go to visit this temple. Wow. It's called, um, temple is in a, it's called <inaudible>, and it's, uh, at an altitude of 3,600 meters in the Himalayas. Yeah. And I just knew I had to be there, but I knew nothing else. Right. And it was so, it was so strange because at this point, uh, once I saw this video and once I knew I had to be here, everything kind of started falling in place. Okay. My boss called me and he kind of said that, you know, the business is not doing well, it'll offer you redundancy, you know? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:35:34 Right. So you got your ticket and everything ready to Speaker 2 00:35:36 Go. Oh, yeah. So, so they paid me out, got my redundancy. My owner came to me and he's like, you know, um, the house has to be given back. Um, all these things off my life here in Australia just started lining up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, next thing I knew, I was on a plane to India. I was, I saw my parents for two days and then jumped on a plane and went to Delhi and started my journey up to the Himalayas. Speaker 1 00:36:02 Wow. Speaker 2 00:36:04 And, uh, that was an extra extraordinary, uh, time, uh, about four months in the Himalayas and was an extraordinary time. Speaker 1 00:36:14 How long ago was this? Uh, Speaker 2 00:36:16 This was in 2016. Speaker 1 00:36:19 2016, right. Speaker 2 00:36:20 Yeah. So I randomly went, and then I ended up going to ke art. Everything worked out just perfectly. And I, I met all these amazing spiritual masters and yogis and everyone else along my path and ended up being in ke art and having one of the most mind blowing experiences, which again, took me, left me really overwhelmed and Yeah. And I didn't know what hit me, really what happened, Speaker 1 00:36:53 If you don't mind telling us what happened. Speaker 2 00:36:55 Um, so basically, uh, in India, you know, you know, we, we, we have a lot of gods and God s Right. And the Indian anthology, the, the, and the, the main gods are, you know, shva I'm sure everyone's heard of Shva, so Shva and his right. Yeah. So, uh, there are a lot of Shva temples and, you know, uh, Shakti temples as we call the feminine temple, there are plenty of temples all around India, but there are 12 special shva temples in India where, you know, the, the temple where Shva is always depicted by a lingo. Yes. Which in other word represents a male PHAs, but it's got its own scientific significance to why it's, why it holds that shape. Yeah. But anyway, that's a different story. But there are 12 special shva temples in India, and we consider them to be the Jo Ling ling gums or the ling gums, which reverberate at the speed of light. Speaker 1 00:37:56 Right. Speaker 2 00:37:57 So that's why it's a special lingo. Not all lingham are capable of doing this, but 12 of them are positioned, uh, throughout India. And the people who meditate are, when you go to Sheva temple or you go to any temple, the matter of fact is you don't go to a temple to pray. You go to a temple to hang out and, and spend as much time as you can because it's considered to be a consecrated space. Speaker 1 00:38:25 Yes. Speaker 2 00:38:26 And, and the Indians were the masters of building temples and consecrating them. They just didn't build beautiful temples. They perfected the signs of consecration, which means they could take something as mundane as a stone and transform it into a divine possibility. That's what consecration means. So every temple in India was consecrated by an enlightened master, or by a certain priest who had accomplishments in their own right. Who were able to hold a certain form of energy and consciousness and then pour that out as life goes into this mundane object, which then transforms it into something divine. So temples were originally built so people could go and sit in a contemplate space because then by the, you know, the, by the law of physics, you know, your energy because of the law of entrainment of energy Speaker 1 00:39:27 Yeah. You'd resonate, Speaker 2 00:39:29 You will eventually start to resonate with the frequency of the data in the temple. Exactly. Which has it's own benefits, right? Speaker 1 00:39:37 Yes, absolutely. Yes. Speaker 2 00:39:41 So, so in, um, when I was in <inaudible>, yes. Because it's, uh, consecrated, it's, and it wasn't consecrated, the belief there is, it wasn't consecrated by a, by an enlightened master or by any brief, it's what we call in India a swam, which means it just comes out of the earth. No one has created it, no one has consecrated it. It's one of nature's gifts. It just appears out of thin, outta nowhere. It's Speaker 1 00:40:12 Like a spontaneous sense of God. Speaker 2 00:40:14 Yes. And which, and, and a spot of God, which reverberate the speed of light. So for everyone, in, especially in India who are on a spiritual path, you want to spend as much time as you can in the presence of ling. But because there are only 12 temples and there are so many people who go to these temples, you, you never really have the, the, the, the, the the the chance to sit in front of it for a long time. Cuz you've gotta keep moving along the queue so the person behind you also gets to, you know, see it. Yes. But in qar not, I was lucky enough cuz what they call the closing of the season. Cuz when it starts to slow, nobody's allowed to go up there. It's too dangerous. Speaker 1 00:41:02 Yes. Speaker 2 00:41:03 So somehow I got there in the last four days before they could close K. So there were very few people there, and the entire temple was completely open. And that was the first time in my life that I was actually in a temple where there was no priest to control the ritual. Speaker 1 00:41:23 Right. Speaker 2 00:41:24 There was a priest who did the rituals during certain times of the day, but the rest of the day, the temple was left open and not a single person there. So I could literally put my hands on this lium. I could clean it, I could wash it, I could hug it, I could spend hours in this, in, in, in the, in the sanctum santorum. And there was nobody there to tell me otherwise. So I spent as much, as much time as I could there, but on the last day before I could leave, um, there is a very, there is a very common and a special mantra used in India. We call it sva or it's the mantra attributed to Shva. Yeah. And uh, when I was in the sanctum center, uh, you know, deciding to head back down to the plane, you know, from the Himalayas Yeah. As I was about to leave the temple, uh, there was some, there was a person there next to me who was chanting this mantra. Speaker 2 00:42:29 It was like on repeat, you know, he kept chanting this mantra. And as I heard this mantra, my experience was so incredible that the right side of my body was vibrating at the speed of light. And the left side of my body was absolute stillness with no movement whatsoever. It was a, it was in my opinion, with one of the most special experiences I've had, but I've never had that experience ever again where one part of my body was vibrating at the speed of light. But I just, I I I know it from an intuitive aspect that the rate of vibration was equal to the speed of light, not logically. It was a really unique sensation. And the other half of my body was like completely dead, completely still. And, and this immediately triggered an ecstatic state and a state of bliss. And my tears began to flow and I could not control this flow of tears. Speaker 2 00:43:34 And I think I was probably in, in for about 20 minutes or even 30 minutes of this experience. But this whole experience felt like a minute to me. But I was possibly standing there for what, 30 minutes. Cause the person next to me later kind of mentioned the fact that I was there for a long time. And when I kind of came back to my body consciousness, it left me so overwhelmed that I just turned around and literally started running down the mountain. So I ran down probably nine kilometers, you know, of windy roads from the top of the, from the, from the temple to back to the back to a place called <inaudible>, probably nine and a half kilometers. And I probably ran down the mountain in less than two hours. Wow. It's because was just in such an old home state. And I only came back to my full sense when I reached gal ku at the bottom. Yeah. Thinking, geez, what just happened here? <laugh>. And, and once I finished my, you know, my travels, I ended up in Nazis where I had another Jo link. And Nazi is like, you know, the, the mecca of, of Indian spirituality. Yes. It's just the most advanced engineered city engineered for spirituality, literally. And it's an exact replica of the human body. Speaker 3 00:45:08 Okay. Speaker 2 00:45:10 And this is the place you get to see, you know, dead bodies floating in the river. You get to see AOR as a sect of people who practice, you know, everything that is taboo in, in our sense is for them a possibility to the divine. So, you know, spent time there. I, you know, got to meet a few people there. And then finally I went back to Bangalore and I was quite broke cuz by this time I was traveling for, for a while. And, and my mom, who didn't even know much about my journey or anything like it found a random newspaper clipping of, of a person offering a form of Indian meditation. I had never heard of it. I never knew who this person was. And when my mom showed it to me, I thought it was, I thought it was great, but I didn't have any money and I didn't want to tell my mom that, you know, that I'm broke. So my mom, she kind of picked up on my wife, but I didn't have the money to spend it. So she offered to, to send me to this workshop, which is actually a four day workshop. She offered to pay two days off it. Speaker 3 00:46:23 Lovely. Speaker 2 00:46:23 And, and I got to this workshop and I was introduced to very Indian concepts and very Indian dailies for the first time properly. Speaker 3 00:46:36 Right. Speaker 2 00:46:39 And I went back home, I went back the second day, did the second day workshop. And when I left, I knew I was home. I, I just knew that I was home. I had found the right tribe, I had found my master and my, my seeking for all these masters and all these different modalities and everything else came to a absolute stop. And ever since 2016, I've trained under this master in very, very ancient Hindu practices, which have completely transformed my life and my consciousness. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:47:32 Wow. That's huge. That's huge. Speaker 2 00:47:36 Yeah. So, so, so for me now, every day I have a established fundamental practice and it's called, uh, Shau. Speaker 1 00:47:46 Yes. Speaker 2 00:47:48 Yeah. So that is my fundamental spiritual practice. Speaker 1 00:47:51 And you, you do that every day. Is that once a day or twice a day or Speaker 2 00:47:55 Once a day, every day for an hour. Speaker 1 00:47:58 Right. Excellent. Excellent. And you've been doing that since 2016 now? Speaker 2 00:48:05 Yes, since 2016. But I trained and I, I I learned a lot of different things under this master. Speaker 1 00:48:11 Yes. Speaker 2 00:48:12 And it's, it's a beautiful lineage, very beautiful teachings. It comes from the ancient, uh, sida lineage in India. Sida are considered the highest form of enlightened masters. They're not just enlightened masters, but they are enlightened masters who have perfected themselves to such a degree that they're able to translate their enlight enlightenment onto, into their physical existence. So they're able to bring this enlight state of enlightenment and energy to every single physical cell in their body, thus giving them the ability to transform into golden light. So, you know, they're like the true immortals or the true deathless yogis that people have spoken about for thousands of years. Yeah. But these are the masters and this is the lineage perfected beings, but perfected to the highest order that they're able to, uh, not cheat death, but they're able to transcend death by converting their body into physical light. I attend to golden light at will. Speaker 1 00:49:16 Right. Speaker 2 00:49:17 And vice versa. So it's a very beautiful lineage that I was fortunate enough to, to, to, to, to be introduced to. And now very fortunate enough to, to learn and train under the mast. Speaker 1 00:49:31 So this resonated with you so strongly that, um, it's taken you on a continuous path since when you had, uh, visions in the past. Um, and you had those, uh, spiritual awakenings where you had visions of prior, um, life histories. Yes. Was there any part of that lineage? Did there any part of that lineage come up in those visions or any sense of that? No. Speaker 2 00:49:56 No. Not at Speaker 1 00:49:57 All. Not at all. Speaker 2 00:49:59 Not at all. My, my, my past life regressions were more into life that I actually had to become aware of certain lessons. Yes. And had to, and had to decide how I would, how I would like to progress. Speaker 1 00:50:14 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:15 So, yeah. So I had, I had no glimpses of this phase of my life ever in the past. Speaker 1 00:50:22 Right. Speaker 2 00:50:22 To be honest, I didn't make much of my journey in the beginning. I didn't think it would last as long as it's lasted. Speaker 1 00:50:29 No. Right. So, do you have any recommendations for people that, um, are going through ele like experiences nowadays? I mean, is there anything anywhere they should turn, anyone they could speak to Speaker 2 00:50:42 Definitely don't follow things that they, they see on Facebook? I would definitely recommend them to <laugh>. Cause there's lots of things on Facebook. You know, there's a lot of, you know, people who are looking at constant messages talking about kini and what kini is and so on and so forth. Uh, I would say that is the wrong platform for their guidance. Okay. I would recommend them to either talk to a yoga teacher because sometimes yoga teachers are, uh, are quite well worst with these topics. Yes. If they're a really good yoga teacher, or even if they would find a Kundalini yoga center close to where they are. Right. Because usually that form of yoga really deals with Kundalini and so on. And usually those teachers are trained to, to handle Kundalini syndromes or, you know, if things get outta hand, they they have the knowledge to be able to balance it out. Absolutely. Yeah. I would definitely recommend them to, to, to, to go to a master, to any master who teaches, uh, you know, a, a form of a form of meditation that is not mindfulness. Cuz mind meditations don't require initiations. They don't require transmissions. Speaker 1 00:52:05 Right. Speaker 2 00:52:06 But there are many modalities of, of meditation that exists out there, which requires a master to spiritually transmit energy and consciousness to the disciple. Right. So, um, if they would find a master such as this, he will definitely be able to, to help them if they're having, uh, kini syndrome. Speaker 1 00:52:32 Yeah. Right, right. Speaker 2 00:52:34 Because the thing with Kini syndrome is, I would say I'm very lucky and very fortunate that I had these extreme states, but it physically did not damage me. But you know, by fact, the kini energy can be so powerful and so raw that, you know, when the energy is awakened and released. Yes. It, it, it, it it, it tries to find the path of least resistance. Speaker 1 00:52:59 That's right. Speaker 2 00:53:00 Uh, unless the, the su now the central channel has been cleansed and opened, allowing this energy to rise up smoothly, if this process has not been done, it's going to find the path of least resistance and it could end up physically damaging the body. Speaker 1 00:53:19 That's right. Yeah. Well, I mean, with extreme states it can cause, um, excessive body heat. I experience that myself, skin rashes. Um, some people get fatigue. Um, chronic fatigue in insomnia. Some people will even get depression because, you know, they get so addicted to the, the high states when the low states come, they're not ready for it. So they just wind out into depression. Um, psychosis. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:42 All that psychosis there are, um, paralysis. Speaker 1 00:53:47 Yes. So it can be quite challenging. Um, and yeah, with the right guidance, obviously you can get through and you're an example. Speaker 2 00:53:56 Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:53:57 Yeah. Yeah. You're an example of this. Speaker 2 00:53:59 So, but Right. Guidance is very important. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:54:02 For Speaker 2 00:54:02 Sure. Going to somebody who knows, uh, what the, what they're doing. Definitely. Cause I have a, I have a, I knew a person, uh, who went to somebody who was, who went to a master who was not that accomplished and didn't know what he was doing and awakened his kini Yeah. Which ended up leaving him permanently damaged. Now he has a permanent back pain that no doctor can fix no matter, you know, what they, what medi medication they're given. I've heard of people who now suffer permanently from vertigo. Speaker 1 00:54:39 Oh, Speaker 2 00:54:39 No. Yeah. Because the energy got too strong Yeah. And burnt out certain s and now Yeah. People are just, they stand up and they think it's worth. Speaker 1 00:54:49 Right, right, right. So the awakening of kini is often a burning of past karma. And this is the reason why we go through these experiences so that, um, sometimes it can be extremely angry, sometimes it can be extremely ecstatic. Sometimes it can be extremely sensual and sexual. So, um, obviously in those extremes, if they're not channeled properly, then, um, like you say, damaging things can happen. But it's also, yeah. It's also, it's also recognized that, um, of, of the, the tail end of this is that, um, uh, you can also have an awakening, awakening of yourself, your connection to, um, the greater, um mm-hmm. <affirmative> part of yourself, which we would call Godhead. Um, and, um, in doing so, um, you know, uh, and doing it effectively and, uh, with a more grounded sense of, of, of everything, um, it, it can be lived and can be experienced, and you become one with, I mean, I, I see it as being coming along with God, Speaker 2 00:55:49 You know, I think it's everyone's birthright and Speaker 1 00:55:51 Everyone's, everyone, everyone, everyone is, I think it's a normal state of being really, to be honest. Totally. Normal state of Speaker 2 00:55:59 Being. Oh, it's meant to be, you know, Speaker 1 00:56:02 It's suppressing. We Speaker 2 00:56:03 Make different choices and we, I I understand it as we make our own choices through all these different lives that keep bringing us back. Yes. Again and again. Yes. And we choose to always, uh, somehow go away from our natural state. Speaker 1 00:56:18 True. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:56:20 That's, uh, and then we, we try everything else to try and go back Speaker 1 00:56:24 <laugh> <laugh>. Yeah, that's right. And then those things all fall away out for a while. And then we wait <laugh> Speaker 2 00:56:32 For, for people who live here in Sydney actually for, for, for everyone. Uh, I could, I could pass you pass on the details of my, uh, of the first tradition that I was a part of, and even the tradition I'm a part of now. Yeah. The tradition I'm a part of now is, uh, is really very, very Indian and it's a very, uh, it's very tantric in nature. Okay. Because in India, when you approach divinity, you can either approach it through the way does, which is where Yes. Or you can approach it through antra. Yeah. Uh, and tantra basically means, uh, a technology that's all it means. Right. A technology. Speaker 1 00:57:12 Yeah. Technology. Speaker 2 00:57:13 Yeah. Which, which employs mantras and yatras or geometrical representations and sound representations of the divide. Right. So it's a, it's a, it's a very specific path and it, it may not be for everyone. Okay. But it is, uh, of course from the highest order of, of CDAs or the enlightened beings. So I'm happy to share those details and you can pass, I mean, you know, people could make use of it to, to find at least some sort of guidance right away. Speaker 1 00:57:46 Okay. We'll do, I'll get those, I'll get those details off you, um, after the episode and I'll put them into the show notes. Um, yeah. Just some questions around tantra. Um, yep. I, I understand you've actually had some rather extreme experiences with tantra. Um, and like for example, one time you were in a jungle as a big cat, um, Ric orgasms mm-hmm. <affirmative>, can you explain some of those stories to us at all? Is that okay? Speaker 2 00:58:14 Yeah, sure. Speaker 1 00:58:15 Sure. So what happened? Speaker 2 00:58:16 So, um, so the special friend who initiated my awakening, the very accomplished anda, um, we shared, I would say a, a very, very beautiful journey. Um, we were, we, we started off as friends. There was nothing sexual between us and over as, as time passed, as time went by, we became more intimate. Yeah. And I must I, and whatever I've accomplished and answer whatever my teachings are, I would have to attribute it all to her. Cause she, she was, she taught me and guided me without teaching me and guiding me. If you, if that makes sense. Speaker 1 00:59:08 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:59:08 Yeah. She never once stopped me and said, this is, you know, this is wrong and this is what the understanding is. Or there was nothing of that sort. It was done in a very beautiful way. Speaker 1 00:59:21 She helped you to cultivate your experience. Speaker 2 00:59:24 Absolutely. Absolutely. And, um, and it, and she was very patient with me. Cuz, you know, uh, when, when, especially men, when we get into these teachings, there is so much that we have to unlearn. There is so much we have to stripe off from our ego consciousness. There is a completely new understanding of the woman is now the powerhouse. And to come to that humble, um, understanding that, hey, whatever I knew was nothing in comparison, everything that I knew about sex that I thought I learned from pornography and all other sources in my life, you know, and having girl friends prior to that and having great sexual experiences with them and so on and so forth, I did not even comprehend how much I would have to relearn and retrain my body and mind in order to make progress. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So this very special friend of mine was able, just did it in the most beautiful way where I never felt pressurized. Speaker 2 01:00:39 I never felt put down, I never felt, um, anything but positive. Right. Yeah. And, um, so, so in the beginning I had to yet relearn a lot of things, understand her, you know, understand that she is the power or any of it, to progress beyond, not power. Not in an egoistic way, but you know, it's really the woman who holds the, the keys to the universe, if you want to put it in that way. And once I started to understand this, once I started to accept it and surrender to the process, that's when all the magic started to happen. That's when I realized the difference between an ejaculation and an orgasm and what it really means to be in an orgasmic state. And, you know, and everything else that flows. You know, it's the experience of having what we call peak orgasms or valley orgasms or, or, uh, what it means to be multiorgasmic as a man. Speaker 2 01:01:52 Right. And all this happening just on such a subtle level. Yeah. You know, it kind of blew my mind and I was, I was, yeah. I was fascinated with it and I did a lot, you know, and then I, I put my, you know, I've actually found myself buying books, reading more, trying to learn about it, watching other people talk about it, as well as having this real time experience of being able to practice or to practice love making rather than sex or fucking, or whatever else people want to call it. Yeah. And, and as, uh, my awareness started to grow of my subtle bodies and being, and my awareness of being able to follow this rise and fall of energy and this movement of energy, um, then, and only then the magical experiences completely started to unfold. But the beauty is, if the, the moment I, I try to logically understand what is happening, the experience would disappear. Speaker 2 01:03:09 So it taught me the greatest lesson of surrender, of surrendering to the moment, surrendering to that person, surrendering to the energy, surrendering to God, surrender in general and what it means to actually let go. Yeah. And, and have absolute and full faith and trust in that moment. And that was a very beautiful lesson. So yeah. Some of the experiences we shared, um, one of them was, um, what you mentioned earlier where, you know, um, where I merged into a Jaguar and I was now running through the rainforest, probably somewhere in South America. I could not tell you which country, but it was definitely the Amazon, I was definitely a Jaguar. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So as we were making love and the energy got really intense, both, I was in the body of a Jaguar making my way through a jungle and actually having my eyes locked up at an ego at the same time that was circling the same was that was circling overhead. Speaker 2 01:04:17 Wow. And at one stage, I was seeing the forest through the eyes of the jaguar, through, you know, through the, through the jaguar's eyes. And then as I shifted my focus to the eagle, I had the experience of shifting my consciousness into that of the eagle and being able to look down upon the forest from the top. Wow. And I was able to do, shift my consciousness between an eagle and a jaguar at will through this entire experience. So that was one of, one of my, one of the experiences. And then we also, a couple of times we also regressed into our past lives, naturally. In sexual union. Yes. Um, one of, during one of the regressions, we were transported in 1930s and we were in a ballroom in a, in an Augie in a ballroom in the 1930s. Wow. And, um, and in another time we experienced another aspect of life, living in nature and living in tune with the elements. Speaker 2 01:05:27 Um, what else are the other experiences in terms of transportation of consciousness? I would say these were my experiences, but on a physical level, uh, having, having different states, uh, having different orgasms, and then being able to be in an orgasmic state at will. So I could touch my teeth and have an orgasm. I could lie down and I could pull my energy and in, in 20 seconds I break out into, you know, spasms and shakes because the energy's starting to already transmit mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, um, on a physical level, it was, it was an amazing learning process to know all the different pleasures that the body is capable of having. Um, all the energetic states, the mind was capable of having everything in terms of hedonism, in terms of pleasure and pleasure beyond what I ever comprehended or ever thought was possible. Because the only, the greatest pleasure I knew beyond before that time was, you know, ejaculating and ejaculating is maximum pleasure, but for a very short, very, very short duration of time. And then all of a sudden I have become aware of the fact that I'm able to be in that extended state of pleasure for hours. Speaker 1 01:07:00 Mm. Speaker 2 01:07:02 You know, where my whole body is so magically become a penis rather than just my penis. Speaker 1 01:07:07 Right. Speaker 2 01:07:09 And, um, yeah. So, so, so, so exploring these, so, you know, when, when I say exploring all these different kind of pleasures Yeah. In a way, I, I, I had to frame myself to become aware of multiple senses at the same time. Yeah. Which was very interesting cuz I always thought that we are, but it's so far from the truth, even though we are, you know, eyes open, talking, doing living daily life, we are not really aware of multiple senses at the same time. Right. And training the body and mind to become aware of these multiple senses was challenging, but at the end, the results were great because I could now experience pleasure, experience pleasure on five different levels rather than just one level. Speaker 1 01:07:59 Did you find that learning all of this and learning basically better ways to experience it and control it, um, does it also enable you to then have less, um, lutful desires towards such experiences? Or is it more like, um, so instead of being driven by them, you, you can live, live your life as you wish, and, uh, be more grounded within life with that understanding of the power and how you can channel it? Speaker 2 01:08:37 No, look, this is a, is is a very, very good question. Um, when, you know, the practicing these teachings does have, does come with a risk of its own. Right. Okay. Because these teachings originally were, were, were were designed or were, you know, were kept actually in secret in India, these teachings were reserved by the master only for certain disciples. When the master knew that certain disciples in order to progress their ultimate obstacle was, uh, on the physical level was to do with sex, then, and only then the teacher's masters gave these teachings to disciple to practice so he could experience that path, that part of his life and progress on his spiritual path. So, but the risk it poses is that you can become addicted to pleasure. You will always want this kind of pleasure once you become, you know, more accomplished, once you become more aware of your subtle bodies and of the subtle energy and this movement, you know, um, sex takes a whole new path because the general way people know sex is, uh, goal based, you know, goal oriented, friction based sex. Speaker 2 01:10:05 So every the man and woman going to into this interaction already with a preconceived notion that they have to satisfy each other, and that both of them have to physically ejaculate or, you know, uh, and that is the, that is the, that is already goal oriented. Yeah. Subconsciously, you have already set the goal and then in order to reach this goal, you are using friction based six. Right. Friction with the mouth, friction with your fingers, friction with the penis. And, uh, and especially when people watch porn and think that they have to perform like porn style, you know, they, it means that they, for men, that they have to have a very desensitized penis because only with a desensitized penis do you need that amount of friction to, to actually generate some form of pleasure. Yeah. So it's, so when you practice these teachings, you go from goal oriented friction, you know, friction based sex to nongo oriented non frictional sex. Speaker 3 01:11:16 Mm. Speaker 2 01:11:17 So which means to both the people in, in the equation have completely, completely slowed down to the point of stillness. Speaker 3 01:11:27 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:11:28 You know, there is foreplay, but the foreplay is very energetic. It's not, uh, foreplay as what general people know it as because general foreplay that people know is very quick, quick to arouse. Speaker 3 01:11:43 Yes. Speaker 2 01:11:44 And then, you know, keep so in, in tan foreplay, it is very essential. It is literally boring. For somebody who's maybe a coco and who wants to watch it is probably the most boring thing they're ever gonna see because both the people there have to completely slow down and connect with each other on a deeper level. And when this happens, you have no goal of you wanting to satisfy yourself or the other person. And you do not want friction. So what happens is you start as a man, you start to build the sensitivity of your penis again. Yeah. And you realize, oh my god, you don't really need that much friction in order to experience profound states of pleasure. Speaker 3 01:12:34 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:12:36 So, you know, because of the stillness and the, what happens is in that stillness, the, the penis and the vagina have a consciousness of their own, which somehow magically become activated. Yeah. And when I say they have a consciousness of their own, I mean it is a consciousness of their own, and they establish a communication link of their own. It's literally the vagina talks to the penis and the penis talks to the vagina. Like good, like really good friends. So then the vagina is exactly telling the penis what is the depth of the stroke, the force of the stroke, the angle of the stroke. The vagina is literally telling, talking to your penis, telling your penis how to move within it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, so all these beautiful things start to happen. Yeah. You know, when people slow down and actually become present, present with their body and with their partner's body, and then you become present first you become present with the body, then you become present with the energy, and then you become present, then you, then you become present with emotion. So your, your presence is also, you know, becoming more subtle but more powerful mm-hmm. <affirmative> because then you are suddenly after months of practicing it, you're suddenly able to be aware of the body, the movement of energy, the breath, the state of emotion it's going to trigger. Speaker 2 01:14:13 And based on this, there is a dance Yes. Of the masculine and the feminine. And both people concerned are switching between polarities nonstop. You know, you're switching between your masculine and feminine and your partner is switching between her masculine and feminine. You know, switching between polarity still, still only one polarity from each partner is established. And then both those polarities merge and you know, it becomes like a dance. You are absolutely merging and dancing and shifting your polarity based on the other person's need, but it's like almost happening in real time. Right. But because you're not really aroused and excited, you have, because you're slow, you have that chance and that possibility to really be present and be aware and see this and enjoy this dance that's taking place with your ego mind kind of being cut off and you don't think anymore that you're a man and you have to lead and she's a woman and she has to receive all those just fall away. And it's just a pure dance of energy till finally the energy is unite. You know, there is finally emergence of the energy between the two people. And when this merger happens, well it's then that you go into these states of regression or other magical dimension suddenly open up to both people involved. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:15:41 Huge. Wow. That feels like I've been missing out. Speaker 2 01:15:49 Well, you should start. It's, you must, you should, Speaker 1 01:15:52 I Speaker 2 01:15:53 Will get on this path and, you know, look into it and I'm, I'm happy to, I'm happy to speak to you. You have my number. You can call me anytime. I always happy to share my experience and Speaker 1 01:16:02 Yeah. No, no, that's, that's great. I, I appreciate everything you've shared with us, um, on the show and you share with me as well. And, and, um, I appreciate all that you've talked about here tonight. Um, uh, it's, you've been through some very amazing experiences and obviously you have a handle on it now in life and just the way you talk about it, it makes it, um, it makes it more understandable for, I think for myself how things happen to people and how they can be beneficial as well. Um, although, you know, they do come with, with a sticker label of, um, you know, be careful as well at the same time because these, these states and these, um, understandings are, are powerful. They're very powerful. Speaker 2 01:16:50 I've been, I've been fortunate, as I mentioned earlier, I've been fortunate to have good friends like Dominic support me along my way. Not in the way that he could be me, intellectual understanding of it, but he was a great friend. He was there to support me through it. And I think people who go through these experiences, it's very essential to have, uh, some sort of a, you know, support network. Somebody who's there for them at least, you know, like somebody who's there physically keeping an eye on them, making sure that it physically doesn't take a wrong Yes, Speaker 1 01:17:22 Exactly. Speaker 2 01:17:22 You know, or, or mentally it can trigger certain mental states. And if people are already unstable Yeah. Then it's always good if they have somebody watching over them. So, you know, that don't end up doing something crazy. Speaker 1 01:17:36 For sure. For sure. Very good information there. Thank you very much for your time, Viv. I appreciate everything you've talked about and everything you've shared and, um, you know, in time, we'll, we'll talk to you more on the show. It'd be really good to hear more of your experiences and, um, yeah, appreciate all that you've shared tonight. Thank you so much. Speaker 2 01:17:54 Thank you so much for having me on your show. All right. Uh, look forward to talking to Speaker 1 01:17:58 You. Yeah, for sure, for sure. Thanks very much, <laugh>. Thanks Chris. All right. Bye Speaker 2 01:18:03 Bye. Speaker 4 01:18:04 Thanks for listening today. If you have an experience you'd like to share, please get in contact with me. You can do so via Facebook, via Instagram. Just look for the super normalized, which is all one word. Um, search on those apps to find me. Otherwise, you can send me email direct at super normalized, which is one word, super normalized with the [email protected]. If you like the show, please also share the show to your friends and rate at five stars on your favorite podcast app. That way other people can find the show, which means they can get to have their experiences normalized. See you next week.

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