Episode 146

February 11, 2025


Reclaim Your Heritage: Dr. Brogan on African Spirituality

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Reclaim Your Heritage: Dr. Brogan on African Spirituality
Supernormalized Podcast
Reclaim Your Heritage: Dr. Brogan on African Spirituality

Feb 11 2025 | 00:36:29


Show Notes

In this enlightening conversation, Dr. Asani Brogan shares her journey from a traditional Christian upbringing to becoming a spiritual coach and educator focused on African spirituality. She discusses her spiritual awakening, the importance of connecting with one's ancestors, and the role of Ifa divination in personal growth. Dr. Brogan emphasizes the need for education in understanding African spiritual practices and addresses common misconceptions surrounding them. Through her work, she aims to empower individuals to reclaim their heritage and forge meaningful connections with their spiritual roots.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Today on super normalized, I feature Dr. Arsani Brogan, a passionate spiritual coach, author, and guide dedicated to educating others about traditional African religions. Dr. Arsini's incredible journey blends her experience in the IFA tradition and Haitian voodoo with transformative mentorship practices aimed at helping seekers reclaim their heritage while forging meaningful connections with their ancestors. Join us as we explore her inspiring path filled with rich insights from her books, like connecting with your ancestors as well as her innovative divination tools designed specifically for the African diaspora. Tune in for an engaging conversation where Dr. Asani shares her knowledge on bridging ancient wisdom with modern spiritual paths, guiding listeners on how they can embark on their own unique journeys towards enlightenment. Prepare to be inspired and equipped as Dr. Asani helps us all understand our true purpose against the backdrop of our ancestral traditions. On with the show. Welcome to super normalized. Dr. Asani Brogan. Should I just call you doctor or Asani? [00:01:04] Speaker B: Asani is fine. [00:01:06] Speaker A: Okay. Can you tell me about your life growing up? I mean, you've come into practicing and helping people with IFA and their understanding of Haitian religions and connection to spirit to actually help them on their way in life. Where did that start? I mean, you've got to have some sort of interest as a child somehow. [00:01:31] Speaker B: Honestly, I didn't. I was always spiritual, just naturally spiritual, very intuitive. But I actually grew up in a Christian home with a, you know, like just very conservative, normal Christian background. Right. So there was nothing in. Well, I can't say. Yes, I did have family from my dad's side that practice hoodoo, but it still was kind of undercover. It was an under wraps type of situation. It was not something that was mainstream and pushed to the forefront. Like Christian was the COVID That's how it went. [00:02:05] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. And did you. So you. You had mainly a Christian sort of belief when you were growing up. What. Is there anything that started triggering you in a certain direction? Did you have any connection with spirits or anything like that? I mean, how did you start to get an interest in alternate religions? [00:02:21] Speaker B: I wouldn't say it was traditional religions, I'll say it that way because it's definitely not an alternative. But I'm going to say it was a spiritual awakening process that I started to have. So it was just a natural phenomenon. I started to learn, really get deep actually into Christianity. So that was the spark to understanding because there's so much confusion there and so many different interpretations of scriptures and so forth and so on. And I was just frustrated because I was like, this can't be the Right thing. If there's so much confusion there, right, The God of the Bible or what have you, Jesus, whoever you want to call this particular force. It has to be something more, something more concrete that I can lean on than what everybody is saying this and that, and it's like this and so forth and so on. And so I actually started my journey going deeper into the Bible. I discovered the Hebrew Israelite movement, which basically says that the black. That black people are the original people. They are the people of the Bible. The original Jews, I should say. And so that led me down a long rabbit hole of exploring the Bible and understanding it from a completely different perspective. And as I went down that path, I started to encounter more and more teachings on ancient African traditions and knowledge and wisdom and so forth and so on. And that really sparked off the idea that, you know, Christianity can't be no of us or from us, not the way it's presented. And when I say us, I'm referring to black people. And so I was like, there has to be something else, because there's no way. Especially learning about the journey of slavery in the Americas and then later on throughout the world, I've had an amazing opportunity. My ancestors literally took me on a journey around the world where I've traveled to different places, I lived in different places. I actually lived in the Middle east for five years. That was, I would say, the major catalyst for me understanding that the Bible is definitely not what we've been taught it to be. And so it was just, you know, one thing after another, started experiencing synchronicities. Long story short, I was finally awakened to the reality that my ancestors practiced ifa, Haitian voodoo, and, of course, some other things, because I am what people were referred to as African American, which means that I have lineage from so many different areas. Of course, Africa, also indigenous American heritage. But herein my emphasis is on the African traditions and the African ways of being beautiful. [00:05:11] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. I wasn't diminishing. Diminishing the religion. When I said alternative before, I was just saying that it was as an alternative to Christianity. You know, I understand they're traditional and they have a lot more history and a lot more. [00:05:24] Speaker B: Now I understand you. The reason I corrected it is because people do that. And even with health, right, they'll say alternative health, but what they're calling alternative health is actually indigenous or original health care treatments. And they're calling exactly medicine, you know, the conventional medicine. So it's the same thing, you know, with coming from biblical record and all of these teachings, like Everything has been turned upside down, and we've been told things that just are not true. So I was more so emphasizing that for the audience's sake, I didn't take offense to it. [00:06:00] Speaker A: Good. Okay. So can you share a pivotal moment in your life that led you to become a spiritual coach and educator? [00:06:06] Speaker B: So, yeah, I was, like, journeying down that path again to my spirituality. I was in a workforce when I transitioned into being a coach, period, because I actually started off in career business, financial coaching, and then pivoted into spiritual coaching culture. So that all came about with me having a lack of desire for doing what I was doing at that time in the workforce that no longer interested me because I was like, this isn't even, you know, what it should be in even saying that, like, I did come from a healthcare background. My doctorate is in public health, and I. At that time, I was overseeing a healthcare administration program. And I just lost so much interest in what I was doing because I knew, like, life had to have so much more meaning for humanity and for me personally. And, you know, it's just that stage, you know, we all get to somewhere around midlife, and we start to wake up and say, I meant for more than this. Right. For an occupation. And so even going into what I went to initially as a coach, to career, business, finances, that was really comfortable for me because, you know, I was coming out of the workforce or what have you, but spirit was like, no, we want you to, you know, talk about the native traditions and, you know, get back to that and start to people, because I was meant to serve in that capacity. So that's part of my destiny. [00:07:36] Speaker A: Yeah. So you were called, definitely, to take up the mantle and help people see the old ways again. [00:07:43] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:07:44] Speaker A: Mm. Okay. And how did that play out? Did you have a moment where you went, okay, well, I've got to do this, and you start studying. I mean, did your ancestors come to you? How did that work for you? [00:07:57] Speaker B: So I was already studying a lot of synchronicity. So, yes, to answer your question, did my ancestors come to me? Definitely. And for the most part, in the beginning, it was in the form of so many synchronicities. Numerology played a huge role in that. But, you know, I was also seeing animals and so many different things, and I'm like, this can't be coincidental that, you know, everything. Matter of fact, 44. My business is titled A Sunny 44. That number comes from that awakening period, because that is the number I saw everywhere until I finally just got it. And I was like, okay, I understand now. I get the message. I understand the assignment. Let's go. And so, yes, that's the way they came to me. Just intuitive insight and knowledge and things like that. I'm not one to always see apparitions and to, you know, speak verbally or what have you, or audibly hearing spirits and so forth and so on. It happens here and there. So I didn't have this wildly sensational experience. My ancestors knew better than to come to me like that, because I'm more of a logical person. So as I always tell everybody, too, they're going to approach you based on, you know, how you perceive and how you interact, just as somebody would in the physical realm. So if you have, like, parents or family members or what have you, they know how you're going to interact based on how they come to you and communicate with you. And so the ancestors likewise do the same. This is something that, you know, this is one way rather that they segue me into that by showing me the synchronicities, by showing me so much information just like, boldly in my face that I could not deny. This is something I need to pay attention to. [00:09:48] Speaker A: That's cool. What did the meaning of. What is the meaning of the 44 to you after all that? [00:09:53] Speaker B: So 44 is a deeply spiritual number. A lot of people consider it to be a master number. Some people don't. Either way, 44 is absolutely about balance, harmony, land, a solid foundation. Karma is incorporated into that as well because of the number eight. So what goes around comes around. Right now, as far as it. My business goes, it sits in that space of this is all about achieving balance. Because that's what spirituality is for. That's what everything that we're meant to do, all of the ritual work, the prayers, the incantations, whatever you do in spirituality, it is supposed to bring about balance and harmony. So I would say that's foundational to the 44 for me right now. [00:10:42] Speaker A: Wow. Cool. Okay. In what ways do you believe African spirituality can benefit those seeking personal growth and empowerment? And is African spirituality for everyone? [00:10:53] Speaker B: Answer the second question first and say no. Right. [00:10:57] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:57] Speaker B: And even when I say African spiritual, African spirituality not being for everyone, that's inclusive of people of African descent. So it really depends on what you came into this life to achieve. Would it be helpful, beneficial for everyone of African descent, and even otherwise, because it doesn't have to be like you visibly having an African phenotype or genotype or what have you, however you have to want it, it has to be something that you're integrated into in a path that you're ready and willing to take. Right. What was the other part? I'm sorry, I forgot. Empowerment. Okay. How does it empower one, especially somebody coming from the African diaspora? It teaches you about your heritage and your lineage because that's deeply missing throughout the world for people of African descent, even for people on the African continent, because we've lost so much of our ancient wisdom and knowledge. Getting back to African spiritual spirituality, we connect with our ancestral heritage and roots when we learn about the information that our ancestors already had, A lot of the things that we're seeing today as part of, you know, what we call technology and evolution and so forth and so on. All of this knowledge our ancestors already had, they knew things, they were intuitively in touch with things. A lot of communication that we have verbally in today's world wasn't even spoken. It didn't have to be spoken because we just automatically knew. A lot of that had to do with us living in clean environments and salient spaces. Again, going back to that dynamic of harmony and balance, which ultimately leads to abundance. If we have those dynamics in place, we can have abundance. A lot of the. So many of the problems that African people face worldwide in today's world would be overcome and finished, done with if they had knowledge of who they were from a spiritual perspective. Because that basically is going to tell you all about your heritage and your lineage and how your people operated. [00:13:08] Speaker A: It sounds like that the. The great disconnect in our society, which has been caused by basically industrialization and everything, and all of the distracting technologies and everything has pretty much caused that rift to make it so people can't see their connection to their traditions. [00:13:26] Speaker B: Absolutely. Sadly, but yes. [00:13:29] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Now, you're also a writer and can you tell us about your book, Connecting with your ancestors? How is that an invaluable resource for people and what inspired you to write and what message do you hope to convey in your books? [00:13:45] Speaker B: So connecting with your ancestors is a resource guide primarily for those of us in the diaspora who don't have those direct ancestral links. So setting up ancestor altars and connecting with ancestral forces through a familiarly based practice, there's something that's straightforward, where you don't have to deal with higher level deities in a very formalized spiritual way is helpful and is necessary. So there was a lack, there still is a major lack in us understanding those dynamics. So I wanted to pin down. My ancestors wanted me, I just say, to pin down a resource to help people who are trying to navigate that journey back into the tradition, to establish themselves with their ancestral roots. Something that people would have to help them to do it in a way that is not dangerous. Right. Not too heavily inundated with things that they don't need to know, especially at a basic level when they're first getting started. That was very important to me for people to operate from a space where they're connecting with the right ancestral forces so that they can navigate their journey into the tradition in a way that is going to be beneficial for them. [00:15:04] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And you also run a podcast, which is African Spirit reintegrated and Reimagined, and it serves as an education and community building platform around African spirituality. And how long have you been running that podcast and. And what do you do with that with people? [00:15:19] Speaker B: Initially, it just started off with me sharing my journey, sharing additional information about the traditions and, you know, what I knew at this stage, I'm starting to work with more and more guests, which is such a beautiful experience because I get to bring in different perspectives other than mine, because I think all of our knowledge and wisdom is so important in this. And so that's what that podcast is ultimately about for people to get those different perspectives, especially for people who are trying to figure out what direction to go in. Because that's a major question I get all the time as a spiritual coach, what tradition should I go in? Right. And so having those different perspectives, different individuals come in and speak on their tradition and their journey into African spirituality or from the door. Because some people, you know, we're born into the tradition, so they're sharing their knowledge from a very authentic and deep level, familiar space. Having that type of information available to people is just absolutely invaluable in today's age. [00:16:30] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Because there's not many places people can go, and if they don't know, it's hard to get the information. Now, you offer a lot of other methods of finding your own way as well, and one of your services you offer is. Is divination. Can you talk about your divination services and how they work? [00:16:46] Speaker B: So we primarily, we offer a number of different divination services, but I'm going to focus here on IFA divination, because that's what we do the most. So IFA divination is a system that was defined by the Europe of people in which they established this codified way of doing divination, spiritual readings, connecting with the spiritual realm, whereby they're using sacred tools to bring forth Information from what we call the Odo, which is a sacred verse, and it will speak to what's going on in a person's life at that time, what they need to do as far as giving sacrifices and offerings, what taboos that they may have to follow, any type of warnings, spiritual connections with deities or reaches or what have you, whatever else they need to do, prescriptions, spiritual medicine, etc. Right. And so that's what the premise or the basis of IFA divination is about. We provide that at a sunny 44. I do not do readings. I am not in the anifa. Okay. Because I get that quite often. Instead, I work with an owl out of Nigeria who does all the reading services. However, he and I collaborative, collaboratively work with individuals, helping them to understand the reading process, helping them to understand the ritual work and so many other aspects of the edition. [00:18:13] Speaker A: Yeah, right, right. Can you explain the process of a divination and what sort of actually happens in the ifa? [00:18:19] Speaker B: Divination, you mean? [00:18:20] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Have you. Yeah. Can you explain that? [00:18:22] Speaker B: So you're gonna. The reader, the priest order priestess is gonna work with a board, a divination board, and they're gonna work with other tools whereby they're pulling out. It's a geomancy process. So they're pulling out the odoo. They're generating the odoo based on what numbers and so forth come out in the reading. And then they'll know which odo applies. They bring that information down from the OD as far as what's going on in that person's life at the time. They may be experiencing sickness or disease, financial problems, so forth and so on. And then that same old dude will speak to what orishas are inherent in, do so, which ones need to be appeased and what they need. Because each Orisha takes specific sacrifices and offerings. However, each of the. The sacrifices and the offerings are going to be different each time for each reading. So they're not going to take everything that they normally take. It's going to be based on a specific thing for that particular individual. So it could be, you know, a chicken in one case, it could be a goat in another case and a snail in another case, etc. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Yeah, right. Okay. So I had a question because this is. This is an unusual sort of question. My friend is a guy that lives in San Francisco and he went to a local voodoo celebration where everyone was dancing and enjoying the music and ritualistic dancing. And he joined in because it was just happening in an alleyway and he just joined in. He thought, that looks like a lot of fun. And he went in and he was accepted by everyone, and he loved it completely. But then he got. He lost his mind. He went into a different sort of space, was taken over by a spirit, and he danced for, like 13 hours. And at the end of it, he came out of it and everyone was looking at him and just like, what? And they said, you became one of the orishas. And he said, what? And since then, he's had a lot of contact with that. That spirit. So is that something that's sort of like, regular? Does that happen to some people in voodoo? [00:20:36] Speaker B: So, like, in. In voodoo, yes. Is it regular that they would probably invite a stranger into that process? Typically know if that person wasn't part of it, because if you can, they can be taken over. And it's called, like, being a horse or what have you. When a spirit takes over a person's body and the individual goes into possession or a trans state. And so, yes, they become a vessel, and that is something very, very hard on a person's body. Like, they get. Yeah, really, really tight. [00:21:06] Speaker A: He said, yeah, he was exhausted for days. [00:21:09] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. That's why, you know, I'm like, why would they allow him to come in? Because even so, those type of ceremonies are usually closed off. Just like, not just anybody goes into it, because you have to know what you're doing and what you're going into. It's not advisable that you just walk into an act of voodoo ceremony because the spirit can't. It doesn't just come through the mumbo. In the case of voodoo, that's what they're referring to. Or Uganda instead, it can. It can go into anybody. Spirit can go into anybody and speak through that person and work through that person. However, there does need to be a trained priest or priestess present to navigate the process and help that person to overcome, like, why he did that. It's not a good idea. So I. I definitely don't want to make light of what happened there. Anybody who, you know, like, I'm just gonna go into, you know, voodoo ceremony and get possessed type of deal. That's not a good thing to happen. It does. Like, that's a normal part of voodoo ceremony. 100%. [00:22:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Because it's actually just, I'd say, reconnecting with the spirits in different sorts of ways. [00:22:21] Speaker B: It is. But you. You have to know what you're doing. Right. And there's something that I preach to is being careful, like, exercising wisdom and Caution, not just going into it. That's why education is so important because I do deal with that. People coming to me, they just decided that they just want to work with some kind of spirit and start integrating with. But they think most of the time it's the spirit. Most of the time they're not even recognizing that spirit's energetic pattern. And so they're working with a different spirit in what they actually think that they're working with. And they get themselves into a lot of of issues. [00:22:58] Speaker A: Okay. Cuz some spirits can actually mimic other spirits just to get the connection O got to watch out for that. [00:23:05] Speaker B: Lower level spirits do that all the time because they want the attention, they want the food, they want, you know, all the offerings. So, you know, I say that too you. That's another reason for the book. Like we mentioned earlier, you set out an offering, any spirit can come and eat an offering. Right? Spirit. So that's why it's done in a specific way. And you need to know the protocol, you need to know what you're doing before you just jump into their process. [00:23:30] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. I think that more than likely a lot of issues people have with their, their lives and even their mentality nowadays could be even related back to ineffective spirit contact because they really don't, first of all, don't believe it's possible and it still happens. And then how that plays out is quite ordinary in some ways. I can relate to that myself because I didn't believe possession was possible until I got possessed myself. And it was an awful time until I got that spirit off me. But that took about three and a half months of special ritualistic work. And yeah, I couldn't believe it until it was happening. So yeah, it's tricky stuff. You've got to watch out. Some of these spirits are very tricky. [00:24:15] Speaker B: They are. And a lot of people are, believe it or not, are possessed. They don't even know it. Right. [00:24:20] Speaker A: That's it. [00:24:21] Speaker B: So they're doing and they're engaged in so many different types of things and they just think it's normal or it's okay when it's not. [00:24:30] Speaker A: Often people, I think, find once that possession leaves them, they can't believe that was them, it wasn't them, because it felt, it felt like a part of them because the spirit integrates so much into their personality that once it's gone, they're like, oh my God, that, that wasn't me. You know what I mean? Which is so odd. And that's what I experienced as well. So at the heart of the ifa, wisdom and understanding, all aspects, life are interconnected. How do you actually bring that holistic view into your practice? [00:24:59] Speaker B: The holistic view, in what regard? Can you say that again? [00:25:02] Speaker A: In regard to the interconnectedness of life. [00:25:05] Speaker B: Like IFA is a way of life, Voodoo is a way of life. Any African spiritual system is. And that's where a lot of the confusion comes from in today's time, is that people do think it's just something you just tap into when you need something, or you just desire to go there for whatever reason and you just come back to life. But practitioners, for devotees, practitioners of these traditions, this is a way of life. Yes, somebody can come and just get a voodoo reading or an IFA reading and take care of whatever situation that they need to take care of. We encourage that. If that's something that you need, you need to do. But understanding that this is day to day life with somebody, you're going to operate, you're going to live by these principles. You're going to wake up with a sense of understanding that life is all about balance and operating in igua pele, which is gentle character. You, you're going to follow those taboos because some taboos are for life, some of them are temporary. You have to live that day by day. So. So like the very nature of our traditions is an integrated process. It's not something that we separate. [00:26:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see as a part of your coaching services that you offer a destiny alignment as well. [00:26:21] Speaker B: You see, we offer what now? [00:26:23] Speaker A: Sorry? Destiny alignment. [00:26:26] Speaker B: Where do you see it? [00:26:27] Speaker A: That's on your website. [00:26:30] Speaker B: You seeing it as a service? You're saying, Are you just saying what. [00:26:34] Speaker A: We offer, it's a part of what you offer in, in your services is like destiny alignment. How does that come through? [00:26:41] Speaker B: Okay, okay. I thought you were saying that you saw that as a service. On my way. [00:26:46] Speaker A: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's just a part of what happens. [00:26:50] Speaker B: We don't offer a specific service. It's again, part of the practice. So IFA is all about destiny alignment. When you get an IFA reading, you get a no do. You are going to. Everything that you do, every spiritual work that you do, is about aligning you with your destiny. [00:27:08] Speaker A: Okay, okay. And what advice would you give someone who's just starting out their spiritual journey in the frameworks of the African traditional religions? [00:27:16] Speaker B: Educate yourself. That's my consistent message. Don't just jump in. Don't rush in. You know, you're not on a timetable, you're not on the Time clock. Just get in there, get the education that you need, you know, before you just go down a path that you're not really sure about. [00:27:38] Speaker A: Could you discuss any common misconceptions about African spirituality that people that you've actually encountered and how would you address those in your work? I mean, you probably see a lot of it. [00:27:47] Speaker B: Yes, every day. So, you know, of course it's devil worship, it's demonic, Satanism, so forth and so on. So. And people assume that our deities are evil in everything that we're doing. The rituals, the sacrifices is, you know, to bring forth evil into the earth and for us to manipulate forces in a negative or malevolent way and so forth and so on. So that's just the consistent one. Right. I'm constantly being told, Jesus loves you, come back to Christ. [00:28:23] Speaker A: Yes, but that's, that's, I think that's just misguided because they don't understand what's happening is you're balancing the energies throughout all of creation by doing the work that you do. [00:28:34] Speaker B: Absolutely. And I don't blame anyone for that because I didn't think a whole lot about it before I got into it, but I was conditioned in the same way as the average person. Right. This is what you're told in the Western world that, you know, these things are evil. It's the money to connect with your ancestors, to worship these deities and so forth and so on. So if you come from pretty much any of the Abrahamic traditions that are accessible, I would say easily accessible to the average person, you are going to be taught that African spirituality, African deities are evil and demonic and all of those different things. So I get it because yes, you know, I heard those things myself and there was some things that even I had to overcome some of the misconceptions. This is why I say education is so important, because I had to get the education and, you know, retrain my brain, relearn what my ancestors were doing and what they were about. [00:29:33] Speaker A: Yeah. It's sort of paradoxical that people would say that sort of thing about, you know, don't connect with your ancestors. That's all. I mean, all the Christians connect with Jesus. [00:29:41] Speaker B: How have some or you know. [00:29:43] Speaker A: Yeah, mentoring others shaped your own understanding of spirituality and self discovery. I mean, that sort of thing is going to change you over time because you gain a better and deepest perspective of what's happening. So has that changed you? [00:29:57] Speaker B: Absolutely. So it just helps me grow as a person, ascend spiritually, gives me more knowledge and wisdom because even though people are Coming to me, I absolutely learn from their journeys and they have information to even so, all for me, as we're connecting them, we're, you know, speaking in there, we're talking. Because everybody, no matter where you are spiritually, you've already had life experiences that have taught you certain things. So I don't negate any wisdom from anybody. You know, it's all about how is integrated into my experience or what have you. And of course, helping people get readings. I'm seeing more and more the tradition and understanding more and more what the tradition is about and you know, just the things that go on in people's lives in a day to day basis. So, yeah. [00:30:47] Speaker A: What have you seen in the way of successes with people? Can you have any, do you have any stories of successes that you could share, that you could keep anonymized? [00:30:55] Speaker B: Absolutely. So so many success stories. We see this on a daily basis almost now, which I am so grateful for. I'm going to share one story though, of an individual, one of my clients, who had his soul stolen, right. So he was dealing with. He was actually married, I think, to this young lady and they were going through the process of divorce. I think they were separated at the time. And he was experiencing so much different phenomenon. And he, you know, didn't want to be with her, but he found it hard not to be with her. Right. And so he just started to feel like something is going on. This is more than just me in this scenario. And so he came to me to seek out help to figure out what was going on. And we did the reading and realized that his, his soul had been taken by this individual. She had done some really, really high level work to control him at the end of the day. Right. And so of course we had to do the ritual work and so forth and so on to overcome all of these different dynamics. And we did that and it worked out on his behalf and he was so grateful for it, he decided to start to integrate into the practice because he wasn't looking at integrating into the practice. He just needed help. And once he saw like this ritual work helped him out, he was just like, wow, you know, I can't believe this happened. And so he is now an active practitioner of ifa. [00:32:25] Speaker A: I love those sort of stories. Hearing people that. Hearing of people that really didn't know what was going on, but then discovered that they needed something which was beyond their normal life and then reaching into it, that also claims them and helps them to understand that this is the right way. That's really Cool. Okay, so what future projects or goals do you have in mind that could further empower individuals within the realm of African spirituality? [00:32:49] Speaker B: Keep on educating people. Right now, we're trying to build a community where people can come and just straightforward ask the questions. Because on a lot of times on this end of it, we're anticipating based on our own experiences or what questions we may have gotten in the past. But it's different when you're face to face with someone and they have certain questions or issues that they're dealing with. And so that's where we're trying to get to a space where we want to build that community so people feel like they have a place, a solid, a sound place to come and get their questions answered and to grow and to develop in the practice. [00:33:30] Speaker A: Okay. And do you have much contact with the spirits yourself in your daily practice? [00:33:36] Speaker B: What? I deal with spirits every day. So it's not this wookie, you know, experience every day. No, I deal with, you know, from the time I. Even when I'm sleeping. Right. Because when we sleep, we go into a whole nother realm and deal with spirits. But as soon as I wake up, right now, I'm interacting with my spirits, with my ancestors, my Ori, with my Igbo run. Right. I'm doing ritual work consistently throughout the day, communicating with them, praying incantations, all kinds of things. So absolutely. [00:34:10] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I can relate to that. I had the spirits in my ear this morning, wake me up to go talk to you, as we discussed beforehand. Okay. So is there any question that you think that I should have asked that I did not ask, not that I didn't think of. Awesome. All right, well, in that case, we've come close to the end of the podcast. So how can people find you and your services Asani? [00:34:30] Speaker B: Absolutely. So asani44.com is my website. It's the best place to reach me. I have all of my social media links on the website so that you know that you're going to the right place when you click on those links. The best way to reach out. Asani 40 Easy. [00:34:46] Speaker A: All right. Okay. I'll just say goodbye to the listeners. Thanks for coming on. [00:34:48] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:34:51] Speaker A: It was a pleasure talking with Dr. Arsenee just now, and I've appreciated that she's shared so openly of her understanding of her tradition and how those play into the interconnectedness of life, which is extremely important, and how that plays into the interconnectedness of life. And that's extremely important because in our day and age right now, it seems like everything is trying to push us apart, and I think we need this reconnection to our spirits and to our traditions and our ancestors. So if you've enjoyed today's show, like and subscribe, it's free. And if you're on a podcast app, press five stars and say something nice, because I'd really appreciate that. And if you've enjoyed today's show, you know, somebody that could really benefit from it, please share it to one person. That'd be really appreciated. And until next episode, it's bye for now.

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