Episode 49

January 10, 2024


Heather Forrester Interview Manifesting Strategically

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Heather Forrester Interview Manifesting Strategically
Supernormalized Podcast
Heather Forrester Interview Manifesting Strategically

Jan 10 2024 | 01:00:07


Show Notes

Today on Supernormalized I have the pleasure of Introducing Heather Forrester: Bestselling Author, Manifestation Strategist & Intuitive Healer. Heather is a devoted expert in helping overachieving professionals achieve fulfillment in all areas of their lives by mastering the art of manifestation.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: An attitude of gratitude creates a life of abundance every time. Always. [00:00:51] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me CJ as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at Supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is completely normal. Today on Supernormalised I have the pleasure of introducing Heather Forrester. Bestselling author, manifestation, strategist, and intuitive healer, heather is a devoted expert in helping overachieving professionals achieve fulfillment in all areas of their lives. By mastering the art of manifestation through emotional, mental, and physical alignment with their soul's desires, she enables her clients to attract soul aligned opportunities and experiences effortlessly. Heather's purpose is to unlock the infinite inner power within individuals, allowing them to take control of their lives and turn their dreams into reality. With her unique tools and methodologies, she supports busy professionals in finding balance, alignment and helping them to create their own unique flow where anything becomes possible. I'm sure you'll enjoy this interview. I certainly did. Welcome to Supernormalized, Heather Forrester. And you're a manifesto of some extreme import because you actually help people to find their way back to manifestation, which is more accurate in their lives. So can you tell us about that? Maybe also give us some of your origin story, how you actually came to do this. I mean, obviously you must have started to have some of your own intuition around manifesting. Yeah. Tell us a bit more about you. [00:02:35] Speaker A: Yeah, so thanks for having me, first and foremost. So, yes, I'm a manifestation, strategist and intuitive healer, and I specialize in helping people with a concept that I like to call identity entanglement. So they overcome this identity entanglement and what that kind of means is it's kind of two parts, I break it into two parts and so the first part is external conditioning. So, like, this is what society's told you it's supposed to be, your parents told you you're supposed to be. And just this general box that you maybe have put yourself in and it can cloud up what your soul wants or what is right for you and you're just kind of doing the status quo or you're playing it safe. Maybe you have trouble taking risks or whatever. So that's one part of the identity entanglement where we kind of lose ourselves because of that external conditioning. And then the second part is unresolved trauma and that can scare some people. Right. But unresolved trauma, the way that I like to look at it and explain it, is just unresolved or repressed emotions. So anytime you went through any situation, no matter how big or small it was, if it invoked uncomfortable emotions, and that wasn't dealt with properly. It can be stored in the body and be considered unresolved trauma. So those are two things that I'm an expert in focusing on. And those are the two things, the two main things that I believe block people from being able to manifest intentionally. And like, we were talking right before we started, you were talking about how everybody's manifesting, right? We're always manifesting. It is just a natural thing that we do as humans. It's our gift. We're always creating our own reality. But how do we do it intentionally? And how do we really know what we're doing and getting what we want? And I like to call that process getting to know yourself, just really awakening to your soul and really awakening to what is aligned with you as an individual and not what, like I said, society told you you needed or your parents told you you needed and really being able to clear out that noise. Right? A lot of people have trouble meditating or have trouble focusing. They're like, I can't focus on things because I got all these millions of things to do. And that's generally because they're overstimulated with unresolved emotions, and those emotions are stored. And so when we get to experience and express our emotions individually so it's like we take one emotion at a time and we really start to understand those emotions. And we really start to understand the language that the body is speaking in, then that clarity, that focus and that path, those abilities, those abilities to get those visions, and the abilities to just know what you need. And that intuition, that internal guidance system can have a clear pathway to just move forward. And you know exactly what you need to do. You know exactly what steps to take. You feel entrust, and you feel guided. Right? So that's kind of a long bit of what I do and what that kind of looks like. And so before I jump into my story, do you have any questions about that before I keep going? Because I'll talk your head off. [00:05:50] Speaker B: Oh, no, I like it. I like it's. Good. Keep on going when you need to. I really appreciate that. And if you've got something to say, you got to say it. That's a good thing. From what you've said there, it actually sounds like you're helping people to become conscious. Like they're already conscious, but they're happy about becoming conscious of their consciousness. [00:06:07] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. Conscious of their consciousness. Yeah. I didn't start by calling myself a manifestation strategist. I actually started as a trauma coach. And so when I started as a trauma coach, that's what it kind of evolved into, as a manifestation strategist, because you're exactly right. I help people become conscious of their consciousness, and what result that provides is they become the driver of their reality, and they become a master manifesto because they are intentionally manifesting, because that's exactly what happened for me. And that's the process, right? So hopefully you're kind of following me there. [00:06:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I totally got it. Sometimes we are actually caught in the drivers, which are like a sense of obligation to a story, which probably isn't exactly true, so it's good to figure out what is actually true for you and then moving through that. And obviously that's what you're helping people to do, is guiding them on that path to self discovery and relieving them from the pressures and the stress of the obligations. But there still will be obligations. Things have to be done in life to a certain degree. [00:07:16] Speaker A: Well. And I think the biggest tool is just awakening them to the power of their own minds and the power of their own thoughts and their words. Because it's like I was actually just talking with a client earlier today, and she had told me that over the last couple of weeks, in between our sessions, she was invited to do a firewalk. And she's like, I've never done something like that before, but I wanted to go try it. She said I did a really good job. I think I did too good of a job because I said it was cold, and I think it almost froze my feet. She's walking on fire. And basically they taught them. They were like, it will burn you if you believe, it will burn you. But if you don't, and we set the right intentions and we get our mind right, you will be just fine. It will not burn you at all. And that's exactly what the whole thing is. It doesn't matter what it is, whether you're doing the firewalk or you are simply, let's say, struggling with social anxiety, but you want to meet the love of your life or you want to get a job or a promotion or whatever the case is, it's how you are telling your story with the social anxiety. It's the words and the story and the meaning and the expectations we're putting on to that social anxiety that is creating the experience. So it's helping people see those powers and really just step into it. Because, like I was telling you a little bit, I think, before we started, my main thing is the yin and the Yang concept. And I believe we are only whole. We will always have both. We always have our inner darkness. We always have our inner light, and the only way to be whole and the only way to have inner peace and inner fulfillment, and that clarity and that groundedness to move us forward. So not only are we safe, but we're growing, right? Because sometimes growth feels unsafe and it feels like we're taking risks. So we need both. We need the groundedness, we need the safety, but we also need ascension and growth. And so the Yin and the Yang, when they are balanced, helps make that possible. And so the main concept that I teach is I kind of actually help people fall in love with their dark side, if you will. So it's kind of like shadow work. Kind of mainstream people maybe have heard of shadow work, right? So it's like digging up all your shadows and really bringing them and falling in love with them so that they can be a part of you instead of something that we reject and something that we lose about ourselves. And when we bring that wholeness, what happens is now we're fully accepting ourselves. Now we're fully embracing ourselves. Now we really know who we are. Now we're in control of our emotions, and now we're just completely in internal alignment. And when we're in internal alignment, everything external starts to follow because our universe is just a reflection, a mirror of what's happening inside. Anything I will see in you or anything I see in the world is just a reflection. It's kind of my sign of what's happening in my own mind and body. So when we bring that internal awareness and get that internal alignment, then the external world starts to put in place as well. [00:10:24] Speaker B: Wow. Okay. Yeah. Makes a lot of sense. How did that happen to you? [00:10:30] Speaker A: My story is a long one, but it's an interesting one. I love my story. So I'm pretty young. I'm only 26, so when I was 20 years old, my father passed away unexpectedly. I was running my first business, and I had just opened the doors, and maybe two weeks later, I got a call. He had passed away unexpectedly. And my dad was my best friend. So this ruined me. Obviously, it didn't ruin me, but at the time, it felt like I was ruined. It was really hard. And the only reason I believe I was able to even make it out of that was thankfully, I was married at the time. And so what happened was my husband kind of took my dad's place. Like, I put him I was like, okay, you have to be my dad now. Kind of like, in the least weird way possible. And then I ended up getting pregnant, and I had my daughter. And unfortunately, even though I was hanging on by a thread, that pregnancy and then the postpartum, it really was hard for me because that thread became very clear that I was not a very stable person. And I was really young because I had went through a lot of sexual trauma, physical abuse, verbal abuse. I didn't have a good relationship with my mom. So all of that after my dad died and then I got pregnant, all of that started coming up, and it was things that I had just been kind of sweeping under the rug. It's like, society is like, get over it. You're fine, you're cool. And all of that kind of started shaking my world and then to put the icing on the cake, but it had to happen because I would have done my perpetual, like, sweep it under the rug. Well, when I got pregnant, towards the end of my pregnancy, and then right after my daughter was born, things started being really weird with my husband, and my husband was actually transitioning genders behind my back. And so when my daughter was four months old, they wrote me a letter. They're like, hey, I'm transitioning. And I was kind of, like, having that feeling, but it was one of those things, like, I was asking, and they were telling me no. And anyways, it was a crazy thing. And so when my husband essentially didn't exist anymore, the only thread that I had was my daughter, this infant who had no emotion, and I had connection to her, but it wasn't another adult. I was very lost anyway, so I had extreme postpartum depression, and this was all happening back to back, like, one event after another. And so in the spiritual community, maybe you've heard of this. It's what they would call, like, the dark night of the soul, and it's where everything goes wrong and your entire life just crumbles right before you. And so after my dad died, I started to awaken, but then I got pregnant, and I started giving this false sense of, like, I'll be okay because I have my husband. And then I lost my husband. Universe was just like, no, you're not okay, and you cannot run from this anymore. Resilience yeah. So I just went through, like, a massive spiritual awakening all at once, and I cut everybody off. I'm telling you, it was the craziest thing. All of my friends that I had, they were not good friends. They did something to really hurt me, so I had to cut everybody off. I was alone, not by choice well, it was my choice, but not because I wanted to be alone and be healthy. I was alone because I was like, I don't trust anybody. I was like I was like, I'm a hermit now. I'm not opening the doors for anybody. And when I became alone, I was forced to really look at myself and what life I had created. And I was, like, 22 at the time, and so it was a lot of information just pouring up and out of me, and I really just started to realize I didn't know who I was. Everything that I had selected in my life was based on what society told me I needed to select. And all of that trauma previously, the abuse that I had experienced in my younger years, starting at four years old, I had never dealt with. And so I grew up really quickly, and that dark night of the soul really just sped so much things up for me, and it just brought all of that, like, boom, boom, boom. Hey, you went through all this stuff. You really need to look at this and really dissect it. And that's why I believe I'm the expert in what I do, because I had to dissect all of that unresolved trauma and external conditioning from that started. I mean, I know it started whenever I was in the womb because my mom didn't want me. It was an accident. So all of that energy, I started absorbing that in the womb. And so anyways, I awoken to all of this information and all of this knowledge kind of immediately. It was a very quick process for me to awaken to it. And I don't know if you know anything about human design, but I'm a manifesting generator. So for a manifesting generator, your destiny is to just do things quickly. And so when I started to awaken, it was just massively fast. And so that's one of the reasons why I believe. Because everybody's like, how are you so young? They don't believe my age. They're like, people don't experience what you've experienced in that short of a period. And I'm just like, Well, I think I've lived like 1000 lives, probably. [00:16:00] Speaker B: Yeah, probably. [00:16:02] Speaker A: That's how I feel anyways. I'm like, Well, I've been here a few times. [00:16:07] Speaker B: And when you looked at the travel brochure, this time you went, oh, that looks like a bit hard, but I'm going to do it. [00:16:12] Speaker A: Yeah, well, and when I was younger, in that period between 19 and then 22, I was totally victim mindset before I woke up. It was all of my life. I was the victim. I was the victim. Everything bad happens to me. And that's exactly what it was. I had to realize, holy crap, I have been setting myself up to be tortured based on how I see myself. And that was a hard pill to swallow, and it can trigger a lot of people. When I'm saying, like, I don't mean that I was responsible for all of my abuse. I'm not saying that I deserved it, but I was unknowingly inviting it. [00:16:58] Speaker B: Yeah, unconscious to it. You invited in through your unconsciousness around it, which is bizarre. [00:17:03] Speaker A: Exactly. And that's why it is such a strong passion and mission for me to help people awaken to that consciousness, to be conscious of what they are inviting and what they are creating. Because I spent my entire life unconsciously creating extreme trauma. And it's just not something that I want my daughter to experience. It's not something I want anybody to experience. And if I can help people in a big way, get ahead of that and wake up and ascend and change, flip the script, because that's what I did for myself. That's what I live for. It's not the only thing that I live for, but it is one of the bigger things. It feels like my biggest passion, my biggest purpose here on Earth. [00:17:54] Speaker B: Brilliant. Brilliant. So when you help work with people with this background that you have and the experience you've been through, how do they actually know that they need you. It must be something like that. [00:18:10] Speaker A: It's a beautiful thing because I don't question the how part necessarily. I don't know if you've heard that. When you're manifesting, you don't question the how. Right. All I know is I share my story, and I share what I teach. Right. It's like something about those words. As soon as I mention certain key phrases, it's like, there's a soul connection with my clients. Like, every client that I've ever had, they're like, you said this, and this is exactly what I've been looking for. This is what I'm learning. They're usually searching. So typically my clients, where they're at, they're not in a phase of, like they're not in my 19 to 22 year old phase where it was like victim mentality. Really lost it's a little bit right after that, where they're like, okay, there's something off here, and I think I can make a difference. And then they start to kind of go into this search for something, and then they find me and they're like, oh, my God, what you're teaching? I want to know this. I'm super excited for that work. When I tell them, hey, we're going to bring up all of your darkness, and we're going to fall in love with it, they're like, yes, that's what I want. I don't know what it is, but that's how people know me, is like, whenever I am super honest about, hey, we're going to fall in love with all of these things that scare the hell out of you. And I don't know, there's just something about that that's like, that's exactly what I need. And I don't know, it's like the universe just gives me the words, and then the people who are searching for that, they fit, you know what I'm saying? And it almost feels like it's not even a question. They come into my world, we connect, and it's like, yeah, let's go. I want to be a part of this. [00:19:59] Speaker B: Sounds like you're manifesting the people that need it. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Exactly. So when you say, how do they know? That's been my experience. It just seems like the words that I'm sharing, it seems like that's just what my people are searching for. And it's like we're just like a good fit. [00:20:16] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like they've reached that point where they were asking, who am I? What am I? Where am I going? What am I doing? And then by chance, they find you the right chance. [00:20:24] Speaker A: Exactly. Because, I mean, think about it. If somebody's not in that phase of who am I? What am I? How are they even going to find this podcast? Or how are they even going to find whatever other thing? They have to be in a sense of search. They have to be in somewhat of a search to land on me. And that's been my strategy thus far, and that's how I operate. And I don't want to be convincing people that they have a problem, like, if they're lost or they're so unconscious. I want to help those people, but I just trust so deeply that if I'm meant for them, when it's time for them to start to question, I'll be there. [00:21:05] Speaker B: Yeah. When they're ready, they come. [00:21:07] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:21:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow. Huge. Okay, so when you work with people, obviously using your intuition and was that something you discovered over time or is that something that was just always innate with you from a very young age? Because a lot of people find that I find often. [00:21:23] Speaker A: So it's funny. It's something that's been innate with me from a very young age. My strongest psychic ability is Claire Cognizance. So what that means is I just know. I just know. And my second one is Claire Visual. I don't know the Claire's anyways, where I can see images. So it's like if I know something or feel, I know something, feel something and see something. But as I've developed them, I kind of have them all. So sometimes I hear things. But anyways, I've always known things. So it's like I remember the first time that distinctively I remember feeling it was when I was growing up. I grew up in a half and half kind of religious sense. So my parents were divorced, so my dad was extremely religious. My mom was not. And so I had kind of both in my ear telling me what was right and what was wrong. And so because I had a better relationship with my dad, I was kind of leaning into what he was saying for a long time. But then I started questioning because I've always been very analytical. I've always been very balanced in terms of stability, logic, science, analytical stuff. And then growth, ascension. I love magic and all the things, but I've always been very balanced between the two, and I feel my best. It feels like something is going off inside of me when they both collide. When they both collide. And it makes sense why I'm so obsessed with neurology and quantum physics and stuff like that. Because it's like, oh, my God, all the spiritual stuff starts to make sense there. And it really feels good for me. So when I started questioning the spirituality and the religion that my dad had, you weren't allowed you weren't allowed to question it. So then I kind of went off and I just had a knowing, like, something's not right. But those abilities weren't nurtured in me when I was that young. So whenever I had those thoughts, I kind of went 180 degrees. So I went, like, in the completely opposite direction because there was no middle path. And it wasn't until I kind of awakened after my dad died that I started. And then after my husband went through his transition and we divorced and I was alone, I was able to kind of figure out that I was allowed to make my own way and figure out it didn't have to be black or white, I started to realize that never felt right for me. So I always intuitively knew that wasn't right. But because I didn't understand that was an intuitive message or a download that I was having, I just kind of went black or white and I went with whatever felt better, you know what I'm saying? But then whenever I got older and I went through that awakening, then I started to realize it doesn't have to be black or white and I get to make and I started getting more messages and when I started to really question who am I? And started to start to understand why I'd created so many things, that's when more of those abilities started to awaken. And like I said, it was a rather quick process because it's something I've always had but I haven't always been conscious to it or understood it. [00:24:56] Speaker B: Right, so you owned it more so by becoming aware of it. [00:25:00] Speaker A: Right, exactly. And I'm 100% somebody who believes every single one of us carries these abilities and it is a matter of awareness to them. [00:25:09] Speaker B: Yeah. How does somebody actually create long lasting personal transformation considering the way that you do things? [00:25:19] Speaker A: For me, in my experience, personal transformation comes from when you are at inner peace and inner fulfillment. So that's the main thing. So the third and final phase I always say is the master of evolution, like in my program or in my process that I do. So the two things that I teach, the first phase is awakening the soul. So it's like awakening like who you are, your clarity and in that moves us into phase two. And phase two is that shadow work, if you will. It awakens the insecurities, the excuses, the external conditioning, the unresolved trauma. It starts to pull all of that up. So then we have to build a new relationship to those things. And in those things what happens is now we have confidence to start our business. Now we have confidence to go live on Facebook, now we have confidence to go find the love of our life. And so as we gain one confidence or one level of healing and we achieve one level of goals, then a new level of insecurities comes in. So think about like, okay, so now I go live, right, but now the next level is okay, now I want to speak on stage, on public speaking. That's a totally different ballgame. So now there's new insecurities and so now there's a new level of healing that I need to do. So the personal transformation, long lasting personal transformation for my work comes from the fact that now you can manifest soul aligned success and continuously evolve in your life. Because after every single stage of your life or every single goal, you're going to need to be able to have the tools to create the clarity and create the healing so that you don't fall back into old patterns or get too afraid to keep going. Because what I believe, and another thing is I believe I work with people who not necessarily want to be millionaires or massive success. It's not that, but I attract a lot of people who want to help others as well, who are very intrigued by healing themselves and also in their own way, like, I attract a lot of different types of healers. And so they want to be able to put themselves out there in a big way. So the personal transformation is being able to make those goals, and then as you get new goals, to be able to have the tools to continue to go forward and to be at peace within yourself while you're doing it. Because the key to success is being able to fail over and over again, or being able to be afraid and do it anyways. And the only way you can fail and be okay or be afraid and be okay is if you have a good relationship, to stress, to failure, to insecurities, not because you're never going to be afraid again, but because of the relationship you have with it. [00:28:21] Speaker B: So you build up people's strength and resilience to life itself. So people don't take things personally, rather. [00:28:28] Speaker A: Than, yes, that's exactly right. I love that. I feel like sometimes I'm like, okay, I've got a big long story and it makes sense to me. And you get it. You get it. That's exactly it. And that's exactly what I say. I want to set you up because it goes back to the yin and the yang. You don't want to get like super. It's not about being high and low because there's always going to be a good period, and there's always going to be a bad period right around the corner, and the bad period is not going to last. There's going to be another good period. So if we can get to a place where we're kind of neutralized in all of it and we're appreciating the good for what it is and then we're also appreciating the bad for what it is, we don't have to go through this emotional roller coaster and mess up our nervous system and create a bunch of disease and sickness and illness. And that's the main thing. So the personal transformation is just that strength and resilience. To genuinely get through life and handle life while reaching your goals and being successful and overcoming anything that might be sabotaging you, like perfectionism or procrastination or negative self talk or low self esteem or that inner critic or whatever. [00:29:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I've been thinking about writing a book, which is how to Kick Out Your Inner Asshole, because so many of us have it. Like, if you had a friend that was like that in the room, you'd probably slap them. You know what I mean? Like, no, don't talk to me like. [00:30:00] Speaker A: That. [00:30:03] Speaker B: When we're in the I don't know, the inner self talk mode that's so abusive you don't realize it until you step back from and go, wait a minute, I don't need that. [00:30:16] Speaker A: Well, I love that you're mentioning this because it's actually what I believe makes is something you really unique that I do because I don't know. Do you know anything about tarot? Maybe you're consider the way I look at our inner asshole or our inner critic. I look at that negative parts of us as the swords. Those are absolutely yeah, but here's the beautiful thing. Yes. In the real world, we might say get out or we might try to let them go. And to an extent I get that method. But for me personally, that method is not what has been the reason I have success. My method is more so why are the swords valuable? And how can I live in harmony with the swords? Because for me, my insecurities ain't going nowhere. My inner asshole ain't going nowhere. But the more I love her and the more I look for her value, the more harmonious she is with me and the less I see her as a problem and the more I see her as a gift. So the inner asshole doesn't leave it's the way I see her and the way I see her changes. So when the way I see her changes now my experience with her changes and she changes and she changes. So she never leaves. We just create a new dynamic. [00:31:47] Speaker B: So you go from like the Seven of Swords all the way up to the Ace of Swords? [00:31:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:54] Speaker B: Pure mental clarity without interference. [00:31:57] Speaker A: Yes. That's I don't know my angle. That's my point of view when it comes to healing or being able to get shit done, excuse my language, but to be able to show up and just keep going. To me it's how harmonious are you with that stuff that tries to mess you up because it's only messing you up because you're telling it. The story is this is bad, this is a bad part of me and we're pushing it, right? But when we become harmonious with it, that resistance goes away. And now all of a sudden you've got your sword, which is your protector and your grounder and you're kind of tough lover like they tough love you to get it done. And so when you become harmonious with your sword, now you're safe. Now not only can you take risks and achieve your goals, but you've got a backbone that is going to protect you. It's going to ground you and it's going to keep you thinking and seeing clearly. Right? So that way you can ascend and have all the magic in front of you, but you're grounded with that sword. Okay? And that guide, I look at them, I transform them from our blocks or our energy drainers or are the things that hold us back into our motivators, into our protectors, our guides, our grounders, our gifts. [00:33:28] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like Mars energy. Yeah, I can see that's. Interesting. Okay, so instead of it being a jerk or whatever, you actually take it aside and really listen to it and find out what it's actually trying to tell you. [00:33:44] Speaker A: Yeah, we communicate and I'm just like, hey, I hear you. Like, I let it kick and scream. I let it cuss me out. I'll let it throw a jab at me. It's not going to hurt me. It's not going to hurt you. I close my eyes if it wants to punch me, what is it? Punch me. Punch me, cuss me out. Throw your tantrum. I'm here for you. And then I mother it. It's a very feminine approach. And then I mother it and then I'm there for it. And I show it that I trust it, I acknowledge it. It's allowed to be here. It's here for a reason. I don't believe it's a coincidence that every single person on this earth has doubts and insecurities. [00:34:23] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:34:26] Speaker A: We're meant to have them for a reason. And when we start treating them like they're here for a reason, my whole life changed because like I said, I went from victim to victor, and the only way I did that is because I started loving the victim instead. [00:34:42] Speaker B: Okay, so this creates more emotional awareness and inner stability. Obviously you must have techniques to doing that. I mean, you say you use your intuition. [00:34:55] Speaker A: It's intuitive. So my intuition, it's when someone's talking to me is when the intuition comes in. So it's like when someone's telling me their issue or their challenge or what their thoughts are. Intuitively. I'll pick up an image or a feeling or a message and then I'm a meditation instructor, so I use meditation to go in and we'll identify the energy, we'll create a character, we'll build a relationship, we'll have conversations, we'll give these things that's inside of us what they need through the art of meditation. So I'm just meditative. [00:35:31] Speaker B: Yeah, right, so when you teach meditation, is that a meditation? It's like a guided Hypnosis type meditation? [00:35:38] Speaker A: Yeah, you could call it like it's definitely guided. So I will guide it and basically it's just a conversation. So essentially you could imagine I just did it with a client today, for example. We were talking about what was going on and I could feel it. I could feel it in my chest. I was like, okay, so I am feeling like a fire. I'll tell her what I'm feeling and she's like, yeah, I feel angry, I feel resentment or whatever. And she'll kind of go in and I'll say, okay, close your eyes. And then I'll say, okay, just take a few deep breaths and where is that in your body? So I feel it. I already kind of know a little bit, not fully, but I'm feeling it with them. And so I'm just like, kind of I need more information. So I bring them in, and then I go with them, and I'm just like, okay, where is it in your body? Okay, so now what's it look like? How big is it? What's the texture? It's not always that. It's not always that. It just depends on what's needed. So if it's an emotion or if it's an energy, we might give it a character through color and size and texture. But if it's a part of you, it might be an inner child or an inner teenager. I don't know if that makes sense. So it might be physically the person. So I'm like, imagine that five year old. And then once we call forward either the energy or the entity, the part of them, whatever it is, we go in and we identify it, we locate it. Now we're having a conversation, okay, what's their energy like? What do they need to do? Is there anything that they need to express right now? Just without judgment? Let them be there, right? And then, like I said, they might cuss. They might scream, they might yell, they might cry. They might immediately telepathically make you feel like you want to hug them or hold their hand or whatever, right? So it's an energy thing, but the main thing is locating it in that meditation. And then just check it out, have a conversation just like you would with your child or your parents or a friend. And what are they afraid of? Why are they freaking out? What's going on? What can you do for them? And then why are they here? What are they doing? What's caused them to show up? And it's always I have never had one experience where it's just a genuine demon inside of us that just needs to be exercised. They're afraid. They're like, hey, you got hurt before, and I'm here to protect you, and so I'm going to keep you from building this relationship with this person you like, because what if they cheat on you? Or what if this or whatever, right, but you're viewing them as, oh, my God, I suck. There's this little asshole inside of me that sabotages everything, right? But when you really go inside and you start to build this relationship and you identify, you're like, hey, what's up? Why are you here? Then you start to realize, oh, you've been burned before. [00:38:42] Speaker B: Yeah, you're trying to protect. [00:38:43] Speaker A: And now nobody helped you feel safe. Nobody helped you understand that burn, and nobody helped you realize, hey, we're living life. We get stuck. The body will keep that score, and we get stuck. And so anytime we try to move forward, we're right back, because that insecurity or that fear or that little asshole will come up and it'll tell you, no, you're not safe. So it'll do something to make you act an ass, or it'll make you think you can't do something, right? You'll just say, no, you're not good enough. Don't do this, because it's going to do anything it can to trick you to not potentially get hurt again. It doesn't really think you suck, or it doesn't really think you're not worthy. It's just trying to protect itself. It's scared. It's a defense mechanism. [00:39:33] Speaker B: So once people clear their path and are finding more stability in life, you're a guide towards their consistent and positive manifestation. How does that play out for you, and how does that play out for them? [00:39:49] Speaker A: So from my experience, I've been doing this for going on four years now, from my experience, and I have clients that I've had since I started coaching still. So a lot of my clients basically in the beginning, the very beginning, the first three to six months, sometimes maybe a little longer, depending on the person and the situation, is all about just inner healing. It's all about just clarity for who they are and that inner stability. And then we start to awaken, like, okay, I really want to be an energy healer. And so because I'm an energy healer, I'm a reiki master. I actually teach people, and I can certify people, so they might choose to continue with me. And then I'm also a business owner, and I've owned multiple businesses, so if they want to start their own business, they might choose me to nurture their business starting skills. So because I've experienced a lot and because I've achieved a lot, and because I have a lot of knowledge under my belt, I believe not always, but I believe the reason my clients stay with me so long term is because I have so many tools. So it's like the first initial part of it is just awakening them to who they are in their path and their confidence and their inner stability. And then once they have that stability and I'm not sure if you're familiar with the twin flame journey, but I've also attracted my twin flame I'm with my twin flame currently. So I'm very well versed in attracting your aligned soulmate, your business, all areas of life. I've pretty much kind of I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means, but I've got kind of my ducks in a row, if you will, with my career, my own physical health, my love life, and all of the things. So generally speaking, once they get that foundation, a lot of my clients will choose to continue with whatever their next step is, whether they want to really focus hard in on that health or if they want to focus hard in on their love life or their business, whatever it is. And then we just kind of go through, and then we start to take action steps, and then along the way, more insecurities will come up, more fear, more doubt, more of that inner critic will come up. We've got to build more relationships. We've got to go deeper. I like to say, healing comes in layers. So, yeah, you might heal your fear of abandonment or you might heal your fear of rejection wound, right? But the next time something happens, like, let's say you healed your fear of abandonment in relationships or rejection in relationships, but now you're going to start a business, and now that's a whole new rejection. And so there's just different dynamics and there's different angles to healing. I like to look at healing and certain things like boundary setting or patience or loving your darkness. Those are daily choices. Those aren't like things you're going to, oh, I was patient today, I'll be patient forever. It's not a box you check off. Oh, I loved my rejection today, my insecurities today. I'll love them forever. They're going to come back. And that's another reason why I think they and I'm very honest about that. This is a lifelong choice. The healing and the work is a lifelong choice. And that's another reason why I believe clients stay with me long term. Because even if things are going well or they're reaching their goals, they like to have that kind of back and forth and that knowing, like, if they get stuck, I can quickly kind of get them out of that rut, or I can help them identify blocks, because that's another thing. We're kind of biased to ourselves. So sometimes we think we're being the master manifesto, we're being positive and we're loving ourselves, but we're rejecting parts of ourselves or we're blocking parts of ourselves. We're not fully in flow, and we're not realizing it, though. We're not catching it. So even if they think things are good and they'll come to a session and then they'll talk and I'll say, like, okay, I'll intuitively feel into it, and that's one of the main reasons they stay. So I don't know, hopefully that's answering your question, but because I've got that many areas of life kind of checked off and I've made a lot of progress and reached a lot of goals in all areas, they can work on whatever they want to work on all at once because that's my clients. They want all of it. That's me too. I want all of it. So they get to work on all of it, and they stay long term because it's a choice. If you don't constantly use boundary setting, loving your darkness, patience, they're like muscles, you'll lose them. You have to choose it every day. [00:44:33] Speaker B: You're helping them then to create clear goals and manifest with ease by this method. Right, okay, so how do people get to create a soul aligned career using your understanding. [00:44:50] Speaker A: The soul aligned career, when I say soul aligned, it's because that first initial part of the process is you've awakened who your soul is. Now you know what your desires are. And also part of that is reconnecting with your inner child, your inner teenager, your young adult, anything that needs to be connected with because they hold the answers. They hold a lot of the keys of who you are and what your gifts are and what you are meant to be and your purpose. And so that process looks a lot like kind of exploring things you were interested in or jobs that you've had before. And basically my process for that kind of looks like I create a lot of manifestos for my clients. So whether they want a soligned relationship or a sol aligned career, we need to figure out what do they think that looks like? And then when they figure out what they think that looks like, they need to experience for themselves. So like, for example, if they think they want this kind of person, right, so all these qualities are you those qualities? And if you're not some of those qualities, what would you need to do to align to those qualities? Right. I remember when I created my relationship manifesto, there were some on there that I thought that I wanted. And then, so I would make myself go do some of those things and I was like, okay, I don't actually like this, I don't want any of that. So then you start to figure out because there's a lot of sometimes you think you want some things. [00:46:11] Speaker B: Oh, absolutely. [00:46:13] Speaker A: You go try it and you're like, well, that's nice, and I like those things, but I'm actually a homebody or whatever. I want to be here and I want somebody else that's a homebody. I don't want somebody that's got to do something all the time or whatever. Yeah. And so sometimes we think we want eccentric, but we really want calm, stable, it's good to do the and then the same with the career. So it's like, what jobs have you had? What skills do you have? What are you an expert at? And what are you passionate about, whether you're an expert at it or not? And then we kind of dial into those things. Well, what are you an expert at and you're passionate about? And then sometimes there's that belief work, right? Because sometimes they'll say, well, I'm passionate about this, but I'm not an expert at it. And that's not the truth. Most of the time, your passions and your expertises will align and you're just maybe not seeing it because there's something inside of you saying, oh, you're not good at this, or whatever. And that's another thing. I do a lot of belief work because if we've got a thought that says this isn't possible for us or I'm not good at this, well, that's exactly what we'll experience. It's like our brain just shuts off from being able to see the possibility. And I remember this is a story I love to tell. So I used to get tattoos. I don't really get tattoos anymore because I used to smoke a lot of weed and get tattoos whenever I was upset or whatever. But now I'm sober. I've been sober for going on three years. And tattoos, I'm like, no, I want my comfort. [00:47:51] Speaker B: You've had enough. [00:47:52] Speaker A: But anyways, I was going to get a tattoo when I first started this, and I was sober, and it was rough, but I had to get this tattoo finished because it wasn't finished. And so I was there, and I was like, oh, I really like this flower. And I was like, what's the name of that flower? And she's like, It's a chrysanthemum. And I was like, oh, I'll never remember that. I'm not good at remembering information like that. And I caught myself. I was like, I just told myself I wasn't capable of this. And so then I said, you know what? Yes, I will. What's the name again? She said it's a chrysanthemum. And I said, It's a chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum. And I just said it over and over and over again. And now, years later, I can tell you guys the name of the flower that's on my body because I found it on Pinterest or something. I'm like, I want this thing on my arm. And I didn't even know what it was. It just looks really pretty. Anyway, so now I know the name, and it was proof. Like, if you tell yourself you're not going to know something or you can't do something like Meditate or XYZ, fill in the blank, that will be your experience. But if you catch yourself and you change it to, well, what if I can? And then the solution, right? So then immediately I was like, well, what if I can remember this? And how can I remember this? Then I immediately was taken back to a memory in school. Well, what did I have to do to remember how to spell words? You'd have to write them over and over and over again, right? So I just started saying it over and over and over again, probably the whole time I got the tattoo, and now I know it, right? I memorized it. I was like, I did whatever I could because I was like, instead of saying, I can't do this, I said, how can I? Yeah, I've got to say and so I do a lot of that. Because when we say we can't or when we look at things through the lens of it's not possible. It's not. So we have to remove those blinders, and then we have to start to dive into those passions. And before we start and sit here and start a career or open up a business, we need to experience those things. Go practice it and go put yourself out there. Step into that identity, see how that feels. These things will confirm it. And so then we start to build the soul aligned career path. But it's that process of we've got to clear the blinders that tell us that limit possibilities. And then we really focus on what are we already good at, and what are we already passionate about, and how can we practice those things, or how can we get in proximity with those things and those experiences and start to identify with it and see if it's a fit? Because if it's not a fit, it always leads to what is. [00:50:37] Speaker B: Right. You describe creating a manifesto as a part of your process. When you're doing that, it's basically writing things down and putting together a full understanding of yourself and what your needs are and what's actually true about you. Isn't that a spell? [00:50:57] Speaker A: I mean, what isn't a spell? Aren't all words spells? And aren't we always what's it called? The casting? Aren't we always doing things like that? [00:51:12] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely. Look, I agree that that's the way the world is. I just thought I'd lead you into it. [00:51:18] Speaker A: You're like I just like to ask that question. [00:51:22] Speaker B: Okay, so you've been describing all this. It actually is around the idea of an understanding of an abundant mindset. Can you describe anything else around that process of creating an absolute abundant mindset and creating unwavering certainty? [00:51:38] Speaker A: So the abundant mindset is gratitude. And so gratitude, but a little bit deeper. It's gratitude, but not just for the surface of, like, oh, yeah, I'm grateful. I got this computer right now, and I got a job. And the things that it's easy to be grateful for, it's what will help you create genuine gratitude? Because right. If you just start saying, I'm grateful for my car, if you haven't really developed gratitude, a genuine sense of gratitude for life and what you have, it will feel surface level now. So what I teach is I teach again, kind of going back to your dark side and the things that you complain about. Right. So think about money. If you like your job and your income, but that feels surface level. How are you treating money? How are you treating the things that you're buying? How do you look at the gas that you purchase or the milk that you buy or the groceries or anything else that you're investing in? Do you call it expensive? Do you complain about the price? Are you anxious when you think about spending the money? We're not actually grateful for the money. We can think we are, but we're unintentionally taking it for granted. Because the thing that I teach, the most instant thing that kind of helped me is, instead of focusing on the price and how much it costs, how can you focus on what you're getting and why? It's valuable. Right. So do you need it? So I stopped calling my bills bills. I started calling them services. Right. I don't pay WiFi bill. I don't pay utility bills. These are services that I need, that I'm extremely grateful for. And when I start to look at things like services or necessities that I get to have, the price on them is like, wow, this is totally worth it. This is cheap for what I'm getting for this heat and this air and this indoor plumbing and all of these things, this is nothing. That price is nothing. And so it's the way, again, it's the story and it's the perspective that you're putting upon these things, right? So it's like, oh, I'm grateful for my husband, but he does this and this and this. We're complaining about these things, right? But how are you focusing on what he is doing well, and why do you appreciate him, right, instead of, oh, yeah, I love him, but we've got to flip that. We've got to flip this. I love him because I love him because or, I'm happy to pay for these groceries, and once I flip that, I don't even look at the price of food or anything when it rings up, I'm like, I need this food. I want this food. I love this food. I'm so happy I have this food. And I'm actually teaching my partner. He's gotten so much better over the years, but whenever I'd ring up food, I'm not even thinking about the price. He's like, gosh, it's that much money. I'm like, what are you talking about? This is amazing. It's keeping us alive. Yeah, we're live. We get to have this stuff. We're going to have a full fridge. This is amazing. And he's like, okay, we just slowly start to change that energy around it, right? And so now his relationship just by being around me with money is completely different because of the way I don't complain about any of that stuff he said when we first met. One of the reasons he fell in love with me our first date, my transmission went out of my car, and I was like, oh, it's okay. And I started loving my car, and I said, I'm going to give it Reiki. And it got us home. I don't know if it's because of me, I don't know if it's because of me, but I believed it. I was like, I'm going to just give it Reiki the whole way home. And it got us home. And he's like, most people would be cussing and freaking out and thinking like, this is the worst. This is going to cost so much money. And you're over here giving Reiki to your car. [00:55:57] Speaker B: That is excellent. I love that story. [00:56:00] Speaker A: And that's it. When things go bad, I don't start cursing it. I start loving it. [00:56:07] Speaker B: Yeah, look at it the other way. [00:56:09] Speaker A: I'm so happy. And that's genuine gratitude. And that is an attitude of gratitude creates a life of abundance every time, always. [00:56:18] Speaker B: Absolutely. That's just so perfect. And I think that's an excellent place for us to wind up the podcast as well. That's just perfect. I love it. Everything here you've said today has blown my mind in different ways, and I think I know what I'm doing. But I'm touched by everything you've said so I really appreciate your time. [00:56:38] Speaker A: Thank you so much. I appreciate you. I'm super glad I got to be here. [00:56:41] Speaker B: Yeah. I was going to ask you, could you tell people where to find you and about your podcast as well? I think people would love to hear it. I'm going to sign up myself too. [00:56:49] Speaker A: Yeah. And so I'm actually evolving. The podcast is with somebody else, so I'm actually going to focus more on my own page and my own videos and stuff eventually. So the best place to find me is on Facebook. So it's Holistic healer. Heather and I have a Facebook group that you can join. You can find that on my profile. And I also have a YouTube channel. So in my Facebook group, I go live every week with different tips and tools. And I also do events every once in a while or challenges. I'm actually about to launch a challenge. It's a three day overcome self sabotage challenge, so you'll be able to find that on my profile. I've ran that challenge before. Everybody really enjoyed it, really loved it's. Very similar. It's a lot about those phases that I talked about here on today's podcast with you. So, yeah, that'll be on my page. If you come to my Facebook, you can find my group, you can find my YouTube channel. And then once that challenge is posted, sometime maybe this month or the beginning of next month, you'll be able to get access to that challenge because I'm going to do it's, like, going to be an evergreen challenge. So it's one of those things you can take it and it'll always be available. So I'm excited about that. [00:58:05] Speaker B: Brilliant. Brilliant. I'm sure a lot of people will get a lot of great benefits out of that, as I have today with our discussion. So I thank you so much for your time. Heather, that was brilliant. [00:58:14] Speaker A: Thank you so much. [00:58:18] Speaker B: Wow, Heather is such a powerhouse with her information and understanding. I really appreciate the time that we've had today and it's opened my eyes to different ways of looking at things and especially what I call the inner asshole. I mean, in the past, I've never really thought of actually embracing that being. I've usually just, I don't know, did a spiritual bypass by meditating it away. So, in all honesty, I think I'll be finding way to embrace that being and find out more about what they're upset about. So, yeah. Thank you so much for Heather, and if you've enjoyed today's podcast episode, please share to your friends and please tell them about the show. And if you can give us five stars on your favorite podcast app, that'd be really appreciated. And write something nice that'd be really nice, too. Okay, so thank you so much for listening and until next week, bye for now. Buffalo Buffer.

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