Episode 118

September 09, 2024


Adam Krieff Interview From Wall Street To Mystic Trader How Can Intuition Help You Financially?

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Adam Krieff Interview From Wall Street To Mystic Trader How Can Intuition Help You Financially?
Supernormalized Podcast
Adam Krieff Interview From Wall Street To Mystic Trader How Can Intuition Help You Financially?

Sep 09 2024 | 01:01:38


Show Notes

Adam Krief predicts financial markets with 98% accuracy through his unique Eso-Meta Analysis, blending intuition and knowledge. He empowers smaller investors while encouraging charitable giving. #FinancialMarket #Investing #Supernormalized #podcast #podmatch
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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Wake up. I'm doing something literally. They say it like ten times on CNBC every single day. You can't time the market. You can't time the market. You can't. They want you to believe that. They believe it. They want you to believe it. You can time the market. You just have to spend all this time figuring it out. It was something that nobody else had done. I had no mentors, you know, like I had. I literally was like broke, turning tarot cards over, showing my friends, look, I'll draw a stock chart today. It's not like I did it every single day at that point in my life, but I did it enough that I knew that there was something there. And this is the direction I needed to go. So. [00:01:21] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ Barnaby, in the liminalist space to explore less charted realms of existence and to unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. Each episode, I'm blessed with the opportunity to talk to regular people from across the world, where they openly share their understanding and wisdom in service to others. If you're looking to upgrade your life, you've come to the right place. Be sure to like and subscribe, and I'll bring you great transforming conversations each week. My treasured viewers and listeners. If you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalizedroton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual what it really is. Completely normal. In this episode of supernormalized, I speak to Adam Kreief. Adam predicts financial markets with 98% accuracy. Through his unique and so meta analysis, blending intuition and knowledge, he empowers smaller investors while encouraging charitable giving. This all happened after he had a wild experience with a three day transcendent satori state that opened his mind to extrasensory abilities. It actually started him on a new path in life. He was actually a trader before this, but this added a bit more salt to his method and allowed him to find new ways to, um, empower himself and individuals with their trading. Um, it was quite an interesting conversation and I'm sure that you'll enjoy, so please enjoy the show. Welcome to super normalized Adam brief. Adam, thank you for coming on the show. I'm interested to hear your story because it's, again, a quite wild story, um, being touched by mystical experience and then turning your life in a different direction. So welcome to the show. [00:03:25] Speaker A: Thanks for having me. Excited to be here. [00:03:28] Speaker B: Excellent. [00:03:29] Speaker A: Pretty wild story, actually. [00:03:32] Speaker B: So where do you want to start? Because, I mean, you said that you had a lot of backstory to it as well, so how about we go from. [00:03:37] Speaker A: Okay, so, I mean, prior. Prior to the actual. It's a satori. So I see it as a near death experience, but there's not a lot of documentation, because at that time, there wasn't a lot of measurements. Measurements of what had happened to me, any case. So I call it a satori, which in Japanese is a spontaneous awakening. And prior to that, I mean, my life was pretty uneventful. I, like, went from one school to another school, one major to another major, went to four high schools. I went to three colleges. You know, I changed my major, like, eight times. I didn't know what. What the heck I wanted to do. I wasn't good at school. Everything I tried to do, like, everybody told me, this is how you're supposed to do it. Whenever I try to do it, like you're supposed to do it, you know, I say it with little snarkiness there, because every time I tried to, it would be, like, the totally wrong way for me to go. You know, Steve Jobs said, if everybody's doing it, it's probably wrong. And it, like, makes so much sense to me now, looking back at it. So that was, like. That was prior to the experience. And I think, really, all of these failures kind of led up to this point in my life where there was, like, a pivot point, because at the time, I was on the. Some antidepressants, they changed my dosage. Pills looked exactly the same, but they were twice the dosage. So I doubled the number of pills and the dosage of the pills at the same time, not knowing. And I was basically over overdosing for about two weeks. I was taking just under a gram a day. [00:05:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:04] Speaker A: Right? Yeah. So that kind of, like, that was. That was. That was a point where, like, I learned a lot of things, but that came a few weeks after the actual moment of, like, this near death experience. That was actually due to Adderall, actually. So I was taking Adderall and a antidepressant, but I had this weird, almost like I was going to jump out of my chest kind of feeling. I couldn't explain it. I went to the emergency room a few times. They did, like, EKG. Everything was fine. And then one day, I'm feeling this, like, I'm going to jump out of my body kind of feeling coming, and I was walking down the street, and I just. Poof. Everything disappeared. And I was in this, like, out of body experience where, like, at first, there was just, like, nothing but my awareness. And then after that, there was, like, you know, do you. There was a question of, like, to move forward or backwards, which I kind of think is, like, to be or not to be. And I obviously chose to be. And I came back, and then there was another question, which is, like, what to be? And there was all these, like, all these kind of, like, changes in my reality. Words had different meanings, like, when I came back. And the funny thing is, I was still in mid step. And that's why, I mean, there isn't really documentation for it. I was walking down the street, poof, gone. And so I did my homework at the time. There wasn't really anything about wellbutrin at the time as far as overdoses, because it was such a new drug looking. You know, a couple of years ago. I look back, I did my research. And what happens when you overdose on that level of wellbutrin is it causes micro seizures, which stop your heart. That's exactly what I saw coming, and I didn't know what it was coming, but that's what happened to me. And I had this choice to come back. And that's the thing. You're in, like, the superposition, where you can decide what matters in your reality. If you choose not to decide on how something is, it can be so many things. And it's not until you, like, decide, oh, this is screwed up. Boom. That it becomes that solidified reality. And people don't understand that. I think I had this out of body experience which opened my eyes to, like, an underlying reality. It's a greater reality which our reality sits within, like, it's a multi dimensional reality or superposition. And so, like, you know, that was, like, something that I couldn't even explain when it happened to me. I had no idea what happened to me. Words literally had, like, new meanings. I was like, I can't believe. Believe that I didn't understand this word meant this, like, you know. And my. What had happened is my third eye had blown wide open. And it's a period of time they call an akashic phase. I read a few places, which is where you come to remember all this stuff that you basically you'd forgotten from a previous life or something. You start to remember all these things, you know? And so that's a period of time where, when your third eye opens, you risk going crazy. You, like, you see all these synchronicities. It's like the early stages of your third eye opening. There's synchronicities everywhere. It's like these numbers keep following you. You don't know what it means. What does it mean? You look online, there's a million different people, angel numbers, and all sorts of, oh, it might be the devil. I mean, I came to a point of realization that I could set whatever that meaning was, and so that when it came to me, synchronized, it already had a meaning. There was no doubt to it anymore. But that's because I had this understanding, this fundamental understanding of a greater reality that we all kind of have our realities in, and they're kind of, like, intersecting, all synchronized, and we just don't understand. Like, you and I, we haven't talked about anything, world politics or, like, weather related, nothing, you know? And for all we know, we won't talk about it at all in this, in this podcast, who knows? Point is, is that what we don't talk about could be completely different in our two realities. And my belief is that that's actually the case. And when the world comes to understand that it's going to revolutionize humanity, I mean, the kind of struggles that we go through thinking that we're locked into one reality are so, I mean, all of our, all of our pain, all of our suffering comes from a lack of understanding of our own reality, all of it. So my goal is really, I was a Wall street broker when this happened to me. When I had this satori, and I left Wall street because I couldn't ignore my intuition anymore. It was like a sin, because I understood. My intuition was telling me to do something. I couldn't fight it. It's almost like fighting the universe or fighting God, if you believe in that sort of thing, you know? So I left wall street, and then it was after Wall street, where I had that period of time where they upped my dosage, because I, like, I was like, I had nothing to do. I had no plan. I didn't know what I was going to do. But what I understood is that there was a point to everything. Like, even my point of being on Wall street at the time that I had this sator. Like, I never fit on Wall Street. I always, I was always told to go after money, but I was always the intuitive guy that, like, nobody understood or took seriously. I was asking the questions everybody already accepted the answer for out of some book, and I'm, like, trying to figure it out on my own, and they're like, dude, are you stupid? It's right here in the book. But, like, I understand reality now because I did my own questions about it. And so my point is that when I was on Wall street, the point of me being there is that if you could change where the money, the majority of money flows in the world, flows through Wall street. So if you could change how that money is being directed when it comes through Wall street, what it's used for, if you could change that to good purposes, to helping humanity, to helping the world, you would drastically improve everybody's reality by doing that. So there I am. I've uncovered these secrets of the universe that take multiple lives to figure out. I'm sure this isn't my first live figuring it out. I was on a fast track. That's why my early life was such a struggle, you know, lessons to learn as fast as possible. And so I understood that on Wall Street, I could. There's a couple things that I could do from there. One, I could use something that all of these people pay attention to that don't. They're convinced their reality is the way it is. And the most important thing to them is, like, money. So what I can do is I can take the Wall street idea of being able not predict it, show them that you can predict it, do it regularly, and then they're going to start to be like, how the hell is he doing this? Excuse my French. How is he doing this? How is he doing this? They start ask, and then they start to pay attention. And look. That was the idea of why I started. You have no idea. It is so easy for me to predict. I predict the s and P 500 by the hour. I've been doing it for years. Every single trading day by the hour, 95%, 96%. Well, if it's just the s and P by the hour, 98% average accuracy. Yeah. Sometimes you have to give it, like, plus or minus an hour of wiggle room in some cases. But the sequence of events I'm predicting, high, the low, and everything in between, as well as where to trade, a normal prediction is where's the high? Where's the low? They don't tell you all this stuff that's happening in between. That's where all of the mistakes are made in between. Like, they're trying to, even if you're right, they're trying to get you to think you're wrong at some point so that you sell at a loss. It's a computer designed to influence you that you're trading against at this point. So in any case, that's you know, that was my understanding, is that I could drastically improve humanity by changing, redirecting where the money flow is going. And that was my early understanding. I thought I was going to be able to predict the stock market like that and make a million dollars immediately. It would just be so easy. But it's not like overnight. I just started predicting the stock market at that accuracy. It took me 25 years almost. There was about 15 years where it was like 75%, 100%. Then the next day it'd be like 20% and I'd lose all my money on that day. Be like, what the hell? I thought this was working. And the point is that. But I kept going. I understood that it worked because there was enough of those 100% days. It was uncanny. I was predicting by the hour, how could this be like an accident? It happened like 20 times in the last 60 days or something like that. It was obvious, but I hadn't figured it out. And it became clear that I was going to need to figure it out well before I was going to make money. So then I figured it out. There was something that I was missing, a piece of knowledge, tarot related that I was missing. And when I uncovered that piece of knowledge, it was like overnight I went from like 75 average accuracy to 96% to 98% average accuracy. That means most of my predictions are 100% accurate, you know, so that was from that one piece of knowledge. And even then, I still couldn't make money because my psychology was not where it needed to be. And it's not about knowing up and down, like where, when, when and when and where the stocks high is going to be. That's great information if you know how to trade and you know how to utilize it properly. But expecting to just hop in the market, knowing where the high is with all of your money and you know that the highs there, because you've 98% accuracy, like you're going to lose your money. You put all your money in. And I know this for a fact because I did it so many times thinking I figured it out, you know, so, so now I play very safe because I'm not right all the time. And it's almost as though when I, when I start to trade, like differently than I would if I didn't have this gift with me, the universe, like, so I have to play by the rules for the most part. It's just when I do trade, I, I developed the funds, the capital, the increase, the accumulation comes very, very fast and steady. There'll be a mistake and then a lot of gain and a little mistake and a lot of gain. But the point is that if I was interested in the money, wouldn't I just stayed on Wall street? To predict the stocks is so easy for me to do. Getting somebody to stop for 3 seconds and like suspend their doubt long enough to go look at, there's literally like almost 3000 videos on YouTube that are free. They're not all by the hour. Most of them are, but there's by the weeks, there's by the days, you know? You know, and I leave the bad ones up too. There aren't very many of them, but, like, I got nothing to lose. You know, there's, there's no point in, in me trying to hide anything because the point is for me to show people just how, how true what I'm doing is. And it's legitimately me utilizing extrasensory perception, a developed technique of extrasensory perception specifically designed for the stock market. And I developed that over time. But it's me using extrasensory perception regularly, consistently, and in such a way that it's practical every single day. Every day. And people now pay me for this. They want to know about trades. I figure, hey, if you're going to trade this information, you want me to help you with the trade, then. Got some money? You can pay like a subscription or you can send me a little bit afterwards, however you want to do it. So I have some like paid stuff, but it's like maybe like 5% of my videos. The majority of the stuff is really there to show people, like, wake up, wake up. I'm doing something literally, they say it like ten times on CNBC every single day. You can't time the market. You can't time the market. You can't. They want you to believe that. They believe it. They want you to believe it. You can time the market. You just have to spend all this time figuring it out. It was something that nobody else had done. I had no mentors. I literally was broke, turning tarot cards over, showing my friends, look, I'll draw a stock chart today. It's not like I did it every single day at that point in my life, but I did it enough that I knew that there was something there. And this is the direction I needed to go. So there was a lot of curveballs. Life threw me along the way. That slowed me down, you could say, in the amount of losses I took figuring it out, you could say I paid for a doctorate in psychic finance pretty much. And so, like, all my capital went to figuring it out. Now I'm in a state where, like, all of my work and all of my effort goes towards these predictions and helping other people and showing people that you can do this thing that's so impossible. And then they, some of them, some of them ask out, you know, and that's what it's about, is to open up eyes for me again. I mean, I just. I would have stayed on Wall street. And, you know, here's a backstory. You're gonna love this. So when I made it to Wall Street, I was a college dropout. I made it to Wall street. I'm at this boutique firm on 14 Wall street called John Thomas financial. Okay? The guy had just opened, like, two weeks before hiring me, and he had, like, this team of, like, really, really, like, cutthroat sharks, like, slick back hair, you know, like, probably doing cocaine in the bathroom. And, like, I had this style of just talking to people. Like they're human beings. They teach you to talk to them. Like, bully them and push them around and make fun of them until they do what you want them to do. And I just, like, my first day on the phone, I pulled the hat trick, which is, like, unheard of. It means I close three sales, three separate sales in my first day. And that's getting somebody who's never heard of my company or me to give me their driver's license information, their Social Security number, their bank account information, and authorization to transfer funds. And we're talking about, like, 30 grand all in one phone call. I did that three times on my first day because I talked to people like they were freaking humans. Like, go figure. This seems so obvious to me, but, like, these people are, like, brain dead. They just follow what the next guy did. What the next guy did. So anyhow, long story short, that guy was awful. I realized that for me to be successful in that company, I needed to become something that I didn't want to become, and I needed to become it fast. So I chose to leave. They thought I was weak. They thought I, like, whatever. He wouldn't have figured it out anyways. But point is, that company is now gone. It's notorious from the industry. The guy is banned from the financial industry for life. He made it into Wall street, too, with Shia Labeou. He's in the first scene in the opening credits, the bald guy walking around the table. That's literally him playing himself to a tee. It's exactly how he is in real life to a freaking tee. It's the best thing because I can show all of these people who might jerk boss for. It's awesome. So, I mean, he made it to the top. Like this was some guy from like Long island, but he did it the wrong way and karma came and took it all away from him. All of it. I mean, he was on top of the world, looking at like multimillion dollar industry in real estate in Manhattan, you know. So I knew right then and there to go, and it seemed like the wrong decision, especially for a college dropout. But my intuition told me otherwise. And I had learned at that point in my life that my intuition is a shortcut in life. It may seem like I'm taking a slow and tedious role, but in the longer scale of things, it's actually going to be a shortcut. And that's exactly what happened because I'm only 43 now and I have like all this time ahead of me to use this gift to change the world. I'm just getting started, like, just getting started, you know, just getting started. But, and hopefully this podcast will help me to do that. That's the whole point of me trying to find people to, to talk to about this stuff. You know, the more people we can get it in front of, the more people that are going to take a moment to go look at it. And it's, I mean, it's, it's undeniable, unequivocal evidence. It's probably one of the largest psychic library or evidence libraries of psychic evidence probably in existence. I know there's like a hardcover book library in Manhattan here, but this is like literally I did it by the s p every single day for like the first 1500 predictions or so. You know, it was like that was my control. I'd taken enough lab classes in school to understand that you needed to have like a control and some sort of like empirical like, setup. So it was always the same system, the same prediction of the same day, of the same stock. And over time, what I did is I started to post these on a website and I put the stock chart next to the photo of the spread. And once I had compiled 1000 of those, it was very easy for me to go back and look at, oh, I also hashtag the cards in each, in each prediction so that I could just type in, in my search engine on this website, I could just type in the name of card. It would bring up the card and all of the predictions, the one day s and P 500 predictions that have that card contained within it. And I could look at the stock chart, look at the card, look at the stock chart. Look at the card. And I mean, there was undeniably a pattern there, and I learned it over time like I could not. Every single card has a stock chart. Most of them do. Most of them. Some of them are price level indicators, some of them are event indicators, but for the most part, they're pretty much stock charts. So I could flip a card and tell you what the stock charts going to do. You tell me the time of day, or you tell me the amount of time, better yet, and what stock. And it's pretty much that. It's an uncanny gift. And my frustration is that people are so convinced of their realities. I mean, I've had people, they ask me what I do for a living. I don't lie to the best of my ability, you know, so, like, what am I gonna like? Oh, I'll tell you when I know you. Like, you know, like, I just tell the guy. And, you know, sometimes I get this jerk that thinks he's so smart and so intelligent that he automatically. I'm full of it. I'm trying to sell him something. I want him. I'm gonna eventually try and get him to give me his brokerage money so I can trade it for him in some Ponzi scheme. People have offered me their brokerage money to trade for them. I refuse. There's no way, heck, I'm doing that, because as soon as I do that, that's all the incentive I need to do. Like, that's that everybody's gonna see, that's why he's doing this. That's why he spends every single day, all day producing 110 videos every single month. That's like more than three a day, guys, you know? Who's got time to trade? Who's got time to B's? Like, I'm trying to change the world here and provide unequivocal evidence, and I do it every single day. Every day. [00:23:04] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow. So by your own words, you're here to change the world by the sound of it. And you're doing that through the work that you're doing. That's, that's a big thing. I mean, it's like you want to do a service to others through the financial markets. [00:23:20] Speaker A: It's a multi life goal that I took vows for a long, long time ago, like, lives ago. And I have some memories of these things based on some of the stuff that had happened to me in these near death experiences. I had a three day. Okay? So they have epic dreams, they have lucid dreams, and they have dreams with false awakenings. I had a three day long epic lucid dream. It had two false awakenings. Am I doing that right? Two false awakenings in it? So I went to sleep, and I woke up, but I was still actually in a dream and had a whole day. And it was an epic dream, meaning that you remember it. Like, it happened to you yesterday. Like, all the stuff about it, you know, so crystal clear. It was lucid because I gained, like, these, like, controls over my reality. And I thought I was going nuts. I was in a dream. I didn't understand. That's one thing you don't have to know. You're in a lucid dream to have a lucid dream. People don't understand that. Like, I had, like, controls and powers, but I was at a point in my life where, like, this was almost a possibility. So, like, you know, I maybe didn't figure it out that it was a dream at the time. In any case, in that dream, I had visited past lives, and, like, there was so, so much that happened, and I ended up saying vows in one of those past lives, and it's all about service to humanity and helping other people. And, you know, you look at me, and that's not what you would. I'd imagine that's not what you would expect when you look at me. Most people look at me the wrong way. That's me even from an early age, understanding that if I can get people to question their, like, assumptions, I'm helping to open their eyes. So, like, I'm very different on the inside from how I look on the outside, I'm playing a role. I'm like a yemenite, like a sheep in wolf's clothing. You know what I mean? Maybe not a sheep, but a sheep dog in wolf's clothing, let's say. Yeah. So it's an interesting role. It's very isolating. But when you understand that there's a greater goal there than just this one life, and you've spent so much time on this goal, why would you just give up now? I think the reason why I've come to learn all of these things is specifically because of all of the effort put forth in the past lives that I had. Like, it's like I'm relearning and because I'm relearning again, I'm relearning to relearn again. Like, it's much, much faster and fluid, and it looks like I'm, like, clumsy and, like, bumping around and, like, falling over myself through life, and then all of a sudden, voila. But it wasn't. Voila. It took like all this struggle and this effort and this isolation and poverty, a lot of poverty, because all of my money was going towards like, oh, yeah, well, if you can do this, where's the money? Right? So, like, so that was always the question, which is prejudice, by the way. That's prejudice. Would you say that to a financial planner? You wouldn't say that to, oh, you're a great financial planner, where's your money? Right? It's prejudice. People don't understand. It's the most accepted, I think, form of prejudice. This day and age, people, I tell people they're prejudice. It's prejudice. And sometimes they get offended, like, oh, well, you don't even know what prejudice is. You know, I'm just like, are you joking? Like, you made up your mind about me in 10 seconds. Like that jerk guy was talking about. He decided that I was full of it and that I was lying to him. And like, I'm like, dude, there's like 3000 videos. You can go look at any of them. They're free and it'll show you. And he's like, I don't need to. I don't need to, man. Like, I, like, whatever. Like, you're not going to scan me? Like, you know, and it's like those people are like so certain of the reality that they can't budge in it, they can't grow, you know? So I'm trying to provide a question, something that will make them question that. It's much more complicated and much more difficult than it might sound. Really? Much more difficult. It's almost impossible to get somebody to look at the evidence versus predicting at this point is something I do. Like I make toast in the morning. Irony of it. I never saw that coming. Never saw that comment. [00:27:17] Speaker B: Well, I'm curious because, like you say, you've got the 20 years of experience behind you with working up this method. You're doing this all in secret. Were you. Sorry, were you doing all the working in secret? Like you're actually working for companies doing this on the side? [00:27:35] Speaker A: Yeah, well, so a lot of it was like me being unemployed and then there was me day trading for myself, trying to make it with the system and make the money, but living off of it, making money and doing the system all at the same time is really not realistic. I learned that the hard way. And then I went to marketing school where I paused on it for a couple of years, or not marketing school. Marketing, like management program, if you will, where they teach you how to run a business. And that ended up being like a scam in itself, where I got very, very high up in this organization, which the greater organization is called Smart Circle International. And they have like thousands of offices all over, just the United States, all incorporated under different names, because otherwise people wouldn't work with them. Because what they do is they tell you that you're getting paid a certain way and they have all this stuff put forth to make it seem like you're getting paid a certain way. But I got to a point in the organization where most people have sacrificed so much that they just sell out. And I got to that point, they didn't know who they were messing with. I'm probably the only person who left from that level in the organization without signing a non disclosure agreement because I saw what they were doing and what they were going to do, and I took my money and I got out before I left, if that makes sense. So they had no leverage against me to force me to sign anything. And that's why I'm able to talk about it now. But they're a vicious predatory company. They like, literally just promise you the world, and the higher up you get, the less money there is there actually. And it's like six days a week, 8 hours a day, because, like, there's this carrot in front of you to run a business, and then you get the business and you're not making 100k, like they said, you know, if anything, you're asking them for handouts so that you can keep running and giving them more recruits, you know? So I got, I got five. I had five offices by the time I figured that out. I had two in Chicago, two in Massachusetts, like Boston. Two areas of Boston, really. And the main one was in Philadelphia. And I mean, we were doing like twenty k a week in the Philadelphia office with, with clients like home depot and best buy. Like this, this is huge organization, and these companies work with them because they provide leads like nobody else can. But they're doing it in such a manner, it's so predatory, it's ridiculous. Like, you know, and especially somebody at my age, like, I was in my thirties, like, to invest six or seven years of my life at that point and then find out, like, that whole thing was not what I thought it was. Like, that's why most people would sell out and buy into the, and keep, keep the charade going where I chose to walk away. It was humiliating. All my guys really believed in me, but it was the right thing to do. And that's the thing. That's the thing. The right thing to do is not always. I mean, you think it would be easy. It's not always easy. Sometimes you don't get benefits from doing the right thing. You know, that's. And that's the thing about integrity is, like, it's about doing the right thing. It's not about the benefits. So it can be very isolating at times, you know, and through life, but through all of those stories, and there's so many others, I drove across the country three times, twice on my own. You know, I went to Korea, lived with some monks for a while. I mean, I got so many stories, man. And in the midst of that, like, I mean, I went to Korea with $45, and I didn't even have a bank account. Like, you know, there's a whole story there. But in the midst of all that stuff, I had my cards, and I would throw down my cards, and I'd always come back to that. And there was this time I lived in Florida. I was watching home for my family. This is Hermes, by the way. And I was watching a home for my family. I ended up in this home for, like, three years, and it was very, very isolating time because I was literally figuring out this system, like, hardcore. All right, we're going to do it this time. [00:31:40] Speaker B: Hey, everyone, I'm excited to share that you can now support the show on Patreon. Go to patreon.com. supernormalized. Your contributions help me to create even more amazing content. Please check out the link below in the show notes and join our community and unlock exclusive perks. Thank you so much for your support. [00:32:02] Speaker A: And so I had, like, something like 40 decks and had these, like, boards, those cork boards that you get at, like, Home Depot or whatever, and I would do a spread for, like, the same stock this week, and then another spread would be this week, and another spread would be the next week, and then I'd have a greater spread, which was overlapping those, which was a one month, and then I had, like, all of the months next to each other, and a one year. I mean, I had, like, this room in my. In my. My office basically turned into one of those, like, things you see in the movies with, like, the strings across the boards and everything. Like, I didn't have strings, but it was pretty close. And it got to the point where I had to actually put, like, a curtain over it just in case somebody walked into the room trying to explain what was going on in there. Like, you know, people see tarot cards, and half the time they think, like, you know, devil worship, like, right off the bat, which is just crazy. They're based on kabbalah. I mean, you know, they're based on kabbalah, guys. [00:32:56] Speaker B: So which card deck do you primarily use with your work? [00:32:59] Speaker A: Yeah, actually, the deck that I use is a little bit controversial. It's the thoth tarot deck. It was basically the rider tarot that was redesigned by Aleister Crowley, and. Oh, I forgot her name. My gosh, I feel so bad. The artist's name hopefully comes to me. I feel bad. Anyhow, so that deck was updated with a lot of other things, not just, like, the initial system of tarot, which the rider and the Aleister Crowley deck are the only decks. When you go to that tarot store, that spiritual shop, and they got, like, that whole wall of tarot cards. Those are oracle decks. Tarot cards are the rider and the thoth care or the thoth, however you want to say it. Crowley deck. Those are the only ones that follow that system. And the Crowley deck is updated with astrological data. It's updated with modern occult symbolism. It's updated with all sorts of stuff, kabbalah, numerology, a lot of stuff. So it's a very powerful tool. I think if I chose to use another deck, it wouldn't have come nearly as close in its effectiveness. It probably still would have worked, but not nearly in its effectiveness, because really what the tarot I think has done is it's captured a small picture of the greater pattern of reality, its energies. And so what you're doing, in essence, is you're in the big fractal. You take the tarot, and you use your mental engine, which literally runs everything in your reality, guys. Everything. They're like, oh, you only use 10% of your brain? No, we only know how we use 10%. Okay? We're using our brain to do a lot more. We don't even know we're using it. Okay, so that's reality. It's your brain. And so you use your mental engine to put the right intention into the cards, which is the question you want the answer to. Very clear question. The clear. The question. The clear. The answer will be, there's no doubt when you have a clear question. Right. And then you flip the cards, and the cards will literally fall in such a way that they're following. They're following the pattern, they're following the smaller version of the greater pattern, and you're just seeing a picture, like a smaller picture of it, if you will. That's how I think of it, really takes into account. Quantum entanglement, fractal science, a lot of things that go into how this stuff works. And really, that's what I want to. I want people to understand. There's a science to it. You can understand it. It can be used practically in the real world. There was a time in my life where I was actually doing a meetup.com when I had this practical metaphysics meetup, where I would take people one on one through New York City and literally show them how I knew stuff out of nowhere. There's a reason for it, because I'm paying attention to things most people just take for granted. There's a lot more meaning to everything, and everybody just looks right over it. You know, they just look right over. I feel like you have something to say, jeff? [00:35:53] Speaker B: Yeah. I was just going to ask you about your experience again. So you've had this three day transcendent experience, and how long ago was that? That was before all this started. Is that right, or is that part of. [00:36:06] Speaker A: No, that was in the midst of, like, the two week period where I was overdosing. [00:36:11] Speaker B: Yes. [00:36:12] Speaker A: Yeah. So it definitely had an impact on my. Like, I was tripping in my dreams almost. But it was crazy, because, really, I can explain it in a different way. You could say, oh, it was all these drugs, and, like, that's all it was. Or you can understand that I was overdosing on an antidepressant that was releasing, like, the chemicals in the brain that make you super, super happy. And what had happened is I come to a state of bliss, and bliss is one of the phases on the way to enlightenment, there's a. There's a stage called bliss. And, like, I actually experienced that, like, in walking around New York City, and it was like something that I understood, like, not everybody was seeing, but it was, it was there, and it was because I had raised my vibration. You know, the happier you become. And I mean pure happy, not like, you know, some, like, let's. Let's be hedonistic here and then be sad about it later. Like, pure happiness. Like, when you. When you have that kind of energy, you're at a higher vibrational frequency, and everything in reality is dependent on vibrational frequency. So it's like I was actually telling my mother this today, is that you don't have to focus on the solution to, like, this crazy problem that you just can't figure out. It's like, what's the solution? What's the solution? You just can't figure it out. You tried everything. You don't have to focus on the solution to figure it out. All you have to do is focus on raising your vibration. When you raise your vibration, the solution presents itself. It's, like, uncanny. You're just transitioning to a different plane of reality. And that's what we are. We're kind of, like the intersection of all these versions of possibilities. And we decided that for some, somewhere along the way, somebody said to somebody, and they thought they were the smartest person in the world. And now everybody understands that this one reality that I see is my. Is the reality. It's the most, like, misunderstood. I mean, like, the cause of so many problems in society and in, like, everyday life, because people don't understand this. And then you start to see the synchronicities in people. I'll explain that. People are like, oh, why am I seeing all these numbers? Why am I seeing all these numbers? That happened to me, too, and I didn't get it at first, right. What that is is you coming to a higher level of awareness. Those synchronicities are happening to you all day long, every single day. Everything in our life is synchronized. We're multi dimensions intersecting and synchronicities. So we're just becoming more aware when we start to see those. And the more and more of them we see, it's a sign that our vibration is rising. Our awareness, our third eye is opening. Our awareness is becoming greater than it once was. And that's why we're starting to notice those things. Like, use those things, pay attention to those things, write those things down. When you focus on something, you get more of it. So if you're focusing on the result of a higher vibration or a raised to your vibration, you focus on the result of that. That's the end of that happening, right? So if you focus on it, you're going to get more of that result. And I kind of uncovered that by doing it. I didn't really know what I was doing. I was just kind of intuition. Matter of fact, the day I had that, that satori, it was about maybe like, I don't know, maybe like a half hour beforehand. I'm not even sure. But it was really, really shortly before that happened to me that I had this, like, epiphany about everything really does happen for a reason, because I started to see the reasons why these things weren't happening. And I was like, you know what? I need to. I need to remember this. I need to remember this and go write this down. I went to, like, a CV's or something, and you got one of those little pads you can fit in your back pocket and a pen. And literally, like, 2030 minutes later, I had this satori. When I came back, I had my pen, my pad, my pen, everything. I was scribbling as fast as I could because it was like. It was like, life is like a trick. I don't know if you've ever tried psychedelics, you know, but it's. There's so much that we forget from just yesterday, and we repeat it. It's like, on repeat, and we forget it. It's all a pattern. And so it's like I was in this greater understanding of this greater state of awareness, and I knew that it wasn't something that could last. Like, I hadn't figured out how. It was like a window into what it could be, but I hadn't figured how to stay there yet, and I knew it was going to. It was going to disappear. So I was writing as much as I could, as fast as I could. I have like this, I've got, like, I don't know, 40 journals now, but that was how I developed. And there's. There's this a technique called psychic journal, psycho Psychic journaling, which is one of the most common and effective ways to develop your abilities. One of the ways that I did. I didn't have these abilities my whole life. I had. I had intuition. I didn't understand how to develop it when I was younger. I didn't understand to follow it always, like, you know, it was like this hokey thing, intuition, like, you know, what's were the facts. That's how I was taught, you know, so I didn't come, I didn't grow up in a world with a bunch of psychics and, like, spirits and, you know, non physical mentors, which really, I have had mentors, they're non physical mentors, but, you know, I didn't grow up with all that stuff that all came from, like, one failure began, another failure became another failure, which put me in hot water, which forced me into a situation that catalyzed change. It was, like, all planned almost. You know, it catalyzed. Catalyzed this change. And then I spent, like, I had this window of what could be, and I had, like, the next 20 years of my life. It took me to figure out how to make that, like, something that can be used regularly and practically in the real world. And now it's not like I'm, like the grand master of my reality. I still have lots of old patterns that I fight, and, you know, sometimes they come back and I fight them off again. You have to survive your old self long enough to become your new self if you're ever going to figure this stuff out. And most people aren't even becoming their new self, they're so convinced of the reality. That's it. All the growth is done. [00:41:52] Speaker B: Wild. Well, I love it. Love it. Do you have any regular practices that you do to keep yourself in tune with this new self? [00:42:01] Speaker A: Yeah, there's a lot of things. It's actually something that takes a lot of effort. You have to regularly meditate on a daily basis. It's really good to do it in the morning, first thing, and then in the evening, right before you go to sleep. I'm guilty of not doing it so much in the evening, but in the morning I do it pretty regularly. What you eat, your intaking vibration. It's a really, really effective way to manipulate your vibration. If you're eating the wrong things, low vibration, death things like that, things that have been through a machine a million times, you're not giving your body high vibration resources. You eat something with prana in it, like a bell pepper or something like that, you know, it's still got its life in it. And that gives you a higher vibration. The people that you spend time with regularly, well, the people that you spend time with, period. But the ones that you spend time with regularly really do impact, like on a profound level, because you really become like a co creation of what they see in you as well. And that all goes right back to the way that reality really is. It's a co creation. We all have a different reality and we all have this reality that's real and it's got to be the only one, because we don't understand how it could be more than just the only one. But we will someday we will. Hopefully I will help to do that. [00:43:22] Speaker B: So can you explain your rule of karma and how that's influenced your approach to trading and helping others? [00:43:28] Speaker A: Yeah, so, you know, it's really easy to start to do well, and then something in this, in the back of your mind's like, oh, maybe I don't deserve this. Like, you know, and then things start to go haywire. You create doubt, you create guilt, undeserving nature, and then all of a sudden the system doesn't work. Like that one time when you put all this money down, it's because you're not treating yourself responsibly, you're not trading responsibly. You have to trade responsibly. You have to be respectful of it. You can't just expect it to take off and everything will go the way you want it to. One of the ways to really ensure that, the main goal here, one of the main goals, transmuting the competitive energy of the stock market into goodwill. Well, one of the ways to ensure that we're doing that is people who profit from this information, we ask that they donate 5% of the profits to. It doesn't have to be one of the charities on our website, but we have links you can just click. And it's really easy to donate to them. Just as long as you're paying it forward, is the idea. 5% paid forward. It keeps the flow of abundance going through the universe and it effectively transmutes that competitive, toxic energy of the stock market into goodwill and then 5% back to the channel. Hopefully, it keeps things interesting for me because, like I said, I really don't trade that much. I have seen myself doing it a little bit more and more because it really gets people, like, like, excited when I do it, but it's not something I can do consistently because literally 110 videos a month on average. Like, I'm editing them, I'm recording them, I'm researching them, I'm posting them. Like, it's, you know, I have a team, but they don't do any of that stuff. That's all me. [00:45:01] Speaker B: Wow, that's a lot of work. [00:45:02] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So that there's, that. So there's 5% forward, 5% backwards, which really is like a modification of a cabolic rule of tithing, which is 10% of all your income. You tithe back out, and that keeps the flow going. It keeps it a good deed to make money. Making money can be a really bad deed, but it can also be a really good deed. It depends on who's making it, how it's being made, and what it's being made to do. It's an energy, a powerful energy. So that leaves people with 90%. When I was a Wall street broker, these people, I was right way more than my boss was. I had people buying Apple at $90 before, like, the month before the iPhone. The first one came out, you know, and my boss was like, how much higher could it go? Like, you know, you know, look where you got, you know, you treat people nice and follow your intuition. You do all right. Oh, I just had a, like, where I was going with that. [00:46:00] Speaker B: We can keep on going. What feedback have you received from YouTube followers regarding your predictions? [00:46:06] Speaker A: What feedback have I got? I mean, the majority of my feedback is really very positive. I have. I keep an apple iphoto album. Like, I screenshot whenever somebody has, like, something, like, awesome to say, and I screenshot it in there. But, I mean, I leave, for the most part, I leave, like, negative. If somebody's. Somebody's trading my information or they're a customer or there's somebody who's been following me for a while and they have something negative to say, I would leave that there. That's probably happened, like, once or twice, you know? I mean, I've been on YouTube for, I think, all of almost three and a half years. Time is weird for me. Measuring time is weird because it's not linear to me. It's kind of a silly concept, you know? So sorry. Hermes is. [00:46:56] Speaker B: Listening. Hermes is a papa that's sitting on his lap. It's just so people know. [00:47:01] Speaker A: Oh, yes. That he gets a little restless. What was the question of the feedback? So, yeah, I mean, the majority of the feedback, I'd say probably, like, 99% of the feedback is positive. I get negative comments pretty regularly. Like, every, like, two or three months, I'll get a negative comment. But 99% of the time, that comment is from somebody that didn't even look at a video. They're literally like, oh, well, this person cold, cold reads. And when you cold read, what you're doing is you're looking at a person outfit and deciding what kind of wealth they have. And I'm like, dude, what are you even talking about? How am I cold reading a stock? These people are ridiculous, and they think they're doing something good. They're like, oh, let's call this guy out on TikTok. I got banned a couple of times because people, they look at you for 3 seconds like a stock market psychic scam report. Next. And so I get banned from trying to help people. I get banned for three months from TikTok for that. Like, it's crazy. Like, I call them witch hunters. I call them witch hunters. That's what they are. They're modern day witch hunters. You're not helping people. You're harming people. Don't judge. You know, judgment is not. It's not a good thing to do. Judgment is a sin, you know? And as soon as you judge somebody, you've created that in your reality. That you've created that as their solidification in your reality. That's what an evil eye is, is when somebody has a really influential kind of, like, creator force, if you will, and they impact other people's realities profoundly. But they haven't figured out maybe that they do it like they haven't figured out. They haven't. They're completely irresponsible with it, and they're always focused on negatives and, you know, as a result, they're creating negativity in the world. That's an evil eye. [00:48:42] Speaker B: We can't help everyone. [00:48:44] Speaker A: Yeah, well, you try, but yeah, you're right. [00:48:48] Speaker B: So your essay meta analysis process, is there any future for you to take? Turn that into something you can teach to others? [00:48:56] Speaker A: Matter of fact, I've already successfully taught some people. There's an ebook, we actually took the ebook down. We were selling the ebook, but I noticed one error and I said, hey, you know what? Let's change that error. Let's do an update. Because the system, it's really evolved. It's constantly evolving. And so it's evolved since the last ebook. So we're in the midst of a second edition. But normally that ebooks there, and there's people that have been trading using the ebook, they tell me how they did phenomenal with this reading that they did. And then there's people that follow me on. I do a live stream almost every stock market trading day between three and 04:00 p.m. eastern time. I usually get on around like 315, and that's free live commentary on stocks and crypto. And there's people that are there every single day and they tell me, oh, Mandy, I see this in tomorrow's reading, and I'm thinking because of this card in this placement, could it mean that this price level over here? And I'm like, dude, like, how did you do that? Like, like on the phone is supposed to do that, like, and it's like, mind blowing. It's definitely something that can be done practically and taught other people, you know, nice, nice. And if I, if it was about the money, wouldn't I keep that to myself? [00:50:14] Speaker B: Yeah, right, right, right. So I'm a tower raider myself, and I use the toss deck myself, and I have been using it since I was about 13 years old. With all that sort of understanding, I mean, how quickly would someone like me pick this sort of technique up? [00:50:31] Speaker A: I mean, with your tarot understanding, you could pick this up very fast. It's the trading aspect that would slow you down because the psychology is the most difficult and critical aspect. And you have to understand right off the bat, if you put your money in the market, you're going to be making decisions based on what if you lose it or what if, like, I miss out on this huge game. And those are both, like, really bad ways to make decisions. You want to make decisions with abundance mentality. It's something that you develop. You know, some people have it, some people don't have it. But when you get into the stock market, everything in the market, once your money is in there, is designed to keep it from you. That's the whole purpose of the stock market. Everybody else in there is taking it. And if you were a multi billionaire and you were like you had thousands of shares of Tesla or whatever, wouldn't you have a computer program that was artificial intelligence, learning machine learning capability that was there to influence all the other people trading by making these big moves that would do these things that get people to do the wrong thing when you want them to? I mean, it's all, it's all, I mean, all that stuff happens. It's rigged in that regard. It's also rigged regulatory with this pattern day trading rule, if you ask me, that's another thing that's very difficult to get around. If you don't have at least $25,000, you have to trade very, very slowly. Otherwise, like the pattern day trading rule, will force you to make decisions that you wouldn't have normally made and you end up losing your money. From that, I learned that the hard way. That's there to keep the little guy, to protect the little guy. That's there to keep the little guy from becoming the big guy. Right? And with all that said, with all that said, my system has nothing to do with any of their rules. Like, it has nothing to do with their game. I'm not playing by the same set of rules. I'm not playing by the same set. I don't even watch the news. I don't watch the news on purpose because I want to read the cards. I want to see what the cards have to tell me. Nothing. These clouds from the news that find their way into my reading, you know what I mean? So it's very, very clear. It tells me what's going to happen. It doesn't necessarily tell me why. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. But it tells me what's going to happen. And that's based on me looking into the future. Whereas everybody else in the stock market, their analysis is based on looking at the past to predict the future, and at the same time also say the past does not guarantee future results. Ludicrous to me. Why would you know? So it's a crazy world in the finance market. Really crazy. And so if you've got the tarot, you could pick up the system and how to do it really, really fast. It is a way of timing that I believe did not exist prior to me creating it, because it utilizes the normal system of tarot, like the Crowley, the way that you would read Crowley tarot deck. But there's a secondary system which is pattern recognition, drawing relationships between cards, significator cards, and timeline cards. Okay, the timeline cards, where the relationship to the timeline card, you know, meets on the timeline. That signification that, you know, so like, I have a high significator where its relationship to a card on the timeline, it tells me where on the timeline that high is going to be. And that's that. And that, in essence, that's like what boiled down to the very, very simple was start where there's ruins involved. There's, I call it reverse clairvoyant anchoring, which is this idea of giving something a meaning ahead of time. So that when it appears to you, you know the meaning. It's like, it's like almost like time travel. You, you send something to yourself in the future to signal when to do something. So there's lots of techniques like that that I, that I developed over time into this system called so meta analysis, which is esoteric sciences and meta patterns, or, you know, meta pattern recognition. So meta pattern, like a greater pattern. Maybe you don't see the pattern because you're in the pattern, kind of. And so that's really what is, you put those things together and if you combine that with technical analysis, I mean, it's like technical analysis is what everybody trades with for the most part. It's like having an x, y z equation. You're trying to figure out z and you have the x. But when you have so meta and technical, it's like having the x and the y and the z becomes a lot easier to find, you know? Again, it's not right all the time. And even when you're right, you'll lose money. There'll be times where you'll lose money because you'll doubt yourself at some point or you'll scare yourself or, you know, I mean, but somebody, somebody like you personally, who's developed the tarot, I'm sure you have a good fundamental development of, of faith, and that's a big part of getting the tarot to work properly. So there's people that have to learn all of that before the system that'll work, but they know a ton about stocks and then learning to trade. So meta, it's a completely different way of trading. Most people will trade at entry and exits based on price level information. I use price level information rarely because it can get you into trouble. You wait for an exact price and it comes to like two cent from it or something. You know what I mean? So when you trade, so meta analysis, what you want to do is you want to trade like where the timing is supposed to be, following the sequence of events. Sometimes it's going to be plus or minus a day here or there on like a one month reading or plus or minus a week here on a one year reading, you know, but the sequence of events remains accurate. So what you're looking for is like that general timing and whatever that chart event is that's predicted around the high. And so I give all this information about what the chart behavior will look like around the high, what it's going to do before the high, what it's going to do after the high. Same thing for the low. There's a lot of information that you weave together and there's so much of it that it's like through deduction, you come to only one answer, hopefully. Sometimes there's two, three answers. There's variations of what could happen. Those are the days I try to avoid trading for the most part, but they're rare for the most part. There's so much information, it literally can only be true in this one way. You know what I mean? So that was from trial and error. And I mean literally, I mean, my parents, there were times in between work where like, I didn't have a job and I was just doing this and my parents literally were helping me to get my, like, just like I had a, watched a home for them for a few years. You know what I mean? There was a time where I was living in a, in their retirement home for a few years doing this, which was an amazing place to live, but they retired, you know, so I had to go. So, you know, there was a lot of things that if I hadn't had the parents that I had, I wouldn't have been able to figure this stuff out either, because really, it's more than a lifetime's worth of work to figure this out. [00:57:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. Wow, that's cool. So, Adam, we've come towards the end of the podcast. How can people find out more about your process and basically trade along with you? [00:57:31] Speaker A: Okay, so we actually, we have a website, tarot for traders. So it's tarot like the cards for traders, like stock traders. Tarot for traders.com. it's the same for our YouTube channel, which is where the majority of our free videos are on YouTube and it's tarot for traders. On YouTube we got a TikTok investor profit, but the most active one is really YouTube. And so you go there, the live stream, you can ask me any questions, like on a weekday. And then we just have this new product that we developed which is discord alerts, basically. We didn't develop it. Discord Alerts is something that we just launched a few weeks ago that's become really popular and that's basically me. Me looking at my readings all day long and when I see a trade sending a discord alert and people are loving this stuff. I mean, because when I do trade, I mean, I have like a nine. I mean, I have like a 98 per 96, let's say a 96% win rate on my trades at this point. At this point. And this cracking the code on the trades is something that happened maybe like a less than two years ago. That's how house, how long ago? It's not very long, but it's very clearly something that I've cracked the code on because this accumulation, the account charts go like this. [00:58:48] Speaker B: Yeah. It's great to see such great consistency with it. And all power to you, Adam. I really appreciate that you've shared your understanding and your information today. And thank you very much for coming on the show. [00:59:00] Speaker A: Thank you for having me. There's also free one week free trial on those alerts as well. Well, just. [00:59:05] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:59:07] Speaker A: Thank you for having me. I love these stories. So I much appreciate this opportunity to tell these stories and that's great. [00:59:15] Speaker B: Excellent. All right, thank you very much. I'll just say goodbye to listeners. I really like the way that Adam has expressed his understanding of his so meta analysis here. And it does sound like something that could be very interesting. I personally have been a trader in the past, and as I did mention in the episode, actually, I didn't mention the episode, I mentioned in the after talk that I have actually been, you know, burnt a couple of times. But I've always been interested in the possibility that the stock market can bring. But with his understanding of intuition and using the tarot to be able to predict movements without all of the baggage that you see with other prediction methods, it sounds like it's something that could really, really work for me in a different sort of way. So I'm going to be following Adam and see what he does, and I might even start doing some more paper day trading or paper trading alongside to see where things turn out. And if it does work, I'm going to jump back in and start doing this tarot method. It sounds really cool. If you've enjoyed today's show, please, and you're on YouTube, like and subscribe. And if you're on a podcast app, give me five stars. Say something really nice, because that's what nice people do. That'd be very cool. And then other people get to hear these conversations. And if you know somebody that would be very interested in this conversation right now, please share it to them straight away. That'd be really good. Thank you so much for listening. And until next episode, it's bye for now.

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