Episode 93

June 13, 2024


Bret Lockett Interview Does Living Authentically Rather Than Automatically Honestly Grow You?

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Bret Lockett Interview Does Living Authentically Rather Than Automatically Honestly Grow You?
Supernormalized Podcast
Bret Lockett Interview Does Living Authentically Rather Than Automatically Honestly Grow You?

Jun 13 2024 | 01:03:20


Show Notes

Passionate relationship expert Bret Lockett empowers individuals to unlock their true potential in love and relationships. Join him on a journey of self-discovery and embrace your innate essence. Explore alternate realities, psychic phenomena, and more on Supernormalized. #Relationships #LoveCoach #Empowerment #SelfDiscovery #Consciousness #Supernormalized
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: If you as an individual can get to a point where you're at a Christ like consciousness, it automatically unlocks the same consciousness in almost 10,000 people. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z proton dot me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual and as what it really is, completely normal. Today on super normalize your meet Brett Lockett. He's a relationship and transformation expert empowering individuals to unlock their true potential in love and relationships. Brett is a deep individual who's done a lot of self exploration and has done so with consciousness. So what I mean by that is he actually does a bit of a diving into his understanding of the spirit world, intuition, psychic mediumship, and also his understanding and experiences of psychedelics as well, in relation to that. And, yeah, it was quite a wild conversation, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I did. All right. Enjoy. Welcome to supernormalize. Bret Locket. Brett, you're a busy man, and I appreciate the time that you've actually come to share with us about your experiences of the supernatural. You know, you actually do relationship and transformation for people. Tell us about your world. We know nothing about you. [00:02:32] Speaker A: Well, first of all, you know, I I like to stay busy because if I. If I'm not, that's when. When I get in trouble. So busy. Keeps me out of. Out of trouble, right? First and foremost. But for those of you, and I know you guys are all the way in Australia, I'm on the other, whole side of the world here. But for those that don't know who I am, I am a former NFL player. That is football in american and american football. I know it's different in Australia, and I'm also a loving relationship coach as well as a transformational coach. So I like to tell people, I help you realign yourself or find your soul. Realign yourself with your soul. [00:03:12] Speaker B: Okay, so that sounds like something that actually happened to you, then. So what happened to you to actually discover this sort of path for yourself? [00:03:20] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. Life happened, right. You know, we we all. First of all, we. We all chose to come here. That's. That's the biggest thing that I think we all. We all need to recognize, and I don't think enough people understand that yet, right? But we chose to come here and, you know, and part of that purpose is to figure out how to get back home, right? And we're not. We're not home. This is. This isn't home. This is a temporary part of us going through a journey to get back to where. Where we originated from. And so for me, I think the big journey for me or the big awakening for me, was understanding that I am, in fact, here to create a tapestry of whatever it is that I want to bring to this world and leave it here and get to the point where I can leave something significant here before I go back to wherever that place is that I came from. So I feel like we all have this dharma, which, in ancient Sanskrit, like this destiny, right? A predestined kind of approach of life. However, I feel like the book is not completely written, right. The chapters may have titles on them, but what's inside of those chapters haven't been written. And so I feel like life has just been finding me over and over and over. Or we can say the other way around that I've been finding life. [00:04:41] Speaker B: Do you think that your life has been destined, then? In that case, it's like you are just walking into your destiny. [00:04:47] Speaker A: I truly believe that there is a destiny that is set for each and every one of us that are on this planet. And I have been catching up to. Or. And I don't say catching up because I think that time is, you know, it's not linear, but I believe that I am starting to understand myself, which is allowing me to understand my destiny. [00:05:07] Speaker B: You just said that time is not linear. What's your belief about time? [00:05:12] Speaker A: Time is. So, for me, time is based on perception, because when the only. The only reason why I feel like we can dictate and say that time as human beings is linear is because we have a past, right? However, that past has already happened, and there's no longer anything that we can go back to, right? And so it's a complex. Time is always a complex conversation. And when you talk about quantum physics or altered state of consciousness, right. When time dissipates, it becomes a way of. For human beings to keep metrics and track of what's happening. Do I believe that there is seasons for the sun and the moon and all of that? Absolutely, 100%. But I believe time is relative, based on the perception of the individual. And we can go down the rabbit hole with Einstein and, you know, eagles Mc squared and whatnot. Right. And that's, that's a whole other conversation. [00:06:14] Speaker B: You know, when I was, when I was younger, I used to think that time was sort of linked to my metabolism and how it was processing. And when it was processing fast, then time would go faster and then when it was processing slow, my experience of the world would be that the world was slow and sort of just different. So. [00:06:32] Speaker A: Yeah, that's fascinating. So your metabolism, in terms of your ability to be able to process energy. [00:06:41] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [00:06:42] Speaker A: That's fascinating. [00:06:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And then that would give me a different lens upon the world and my experience of it. [00:06:52] Speaker A: That's exactly where, and that's kind of what I'm, what I, where I was leading to as well is that, you know, the, the perception on reality is the time. It's the metric of time. Right. And so whether you, you know, like, for instance, you know, I teach breath work, right. And we'll talk about that. And, you know, when you're, when you're breathing, right. The first few minutes, kind of, I'm not going to lie, they suck. They're not, they're not fun. It's called breath work for a reason. You're working. And after, you know, about twelve minutes, you go into this state of hyper suggestibility where your prefrontal cortex turns off. Right. And that's the, that's the part of the brain that is the thinking brain, the monitoring, the kind of the ego, if you will. And so when that turns off, when the ego turns off, you completely go into this state of hyper suggestibility and you lose complete track of time. Right. And so it really shows you that the brain has a built in mechanism that allows us, you know, and it's a good thing because it allows us to focus. But when that focus can be turned off and we can move into a clearer state of consciousness, we can truly move through time. And that's where you start talking about astral travel and things of that sort. Right? [00:08:09] Speaker B: Yeah. My wife practices breath work as well with people. And, yeah, I've done it a few times now and it's phenomenal. You know, once you get that breakthrough, lots of wild things happen. [00:08:22] Speaker A: Lots of, lots of things happen. You know, I always say, you know, it's like getting high in your own supply. Yeah, exactly. [00:08:29] Speaker B: Exactly. So what's your experience of, you know, touching into the supernatural and those sort of parts of experience of reality? [00:08:39] Speaker A: Yeah, it's, you know, so for me, I've been going through kind of, you know, I'd say this awakening process over the last, probably about eight years or so, started around 2016, and that was when I was first introduced to breath work. And then right around that same time, I was introduced to dimethyltryptamine, which is, everybody knows it is DMT, right. And I started to have experiences doing DMT about once every quarter. So I think I did it my first, it was 2017. I think I did it once or four times that whole year. And the first time I did it, I was like, oh, my God, this is the most incredible thing that has ever happened. My brain is anybody who's ever done something like DMT because mushrooms are a little bit different, or psilocybin, I should say. I've done ketamine. That's somewhat very different to both DMt and psilocybin. I've also experimented with, like, san Pedro and things of that sort. So I understand psychedelics, but the. And I haven't done ayahuasca. That's the only one I haven't done. But dimethyltryptamine has a visual component unlike any of the other psychedelics where when you actually go into the experience, you have a completely altered state of consciousness to where you're in a completely different world. Right. Mushroomsilocybin can enhance the experience. You still kind of can, can see, you know, things while your eyes are open. When you're on dimethyl tryptophan, everything is completely changed. Right. Um, and so for me, that was kind of a, a big awakening moment for me where I was like, okay, there's clearly something else out there that we have no clue about. And so that led me down the rabbit hole to where I, you know, I was continuously doing it, I want to say continuously, not, you know, like I said, four times a year. But the third time I did it, I had this kind of, um, I left my body, if you will, right. So normally when I, you know, when I was doing DMT, I would still know that I was at, you know, the person's house I was doing it at. I knew I was still bred, I knew I was still in my body. The third time I did it, it was a complete, it was a complete removal of consciousness to where I evaporated. I didn't know who Brett was. I didn't know I didn't have a body anymore. It. I became pure light, and it was almost like being taken to the, all the universe, shown who the creation of everything is, and then being brought back into your body, that was, that was the experience. And it blew. It blew my mind, but it in a good way. Right. It allowed me to understand why. Why I'm here and why each and every one of us are here. And it also connected me with the world, right, to where, when I came out of it, I was the most calm and quaint person. I remember going to dinner afterwards with my ex girlfriend. She was like, you're so calm right now. Like, what happened? I was like, I just have no answers. I have no answers. They're answered like, there's nothing that I need to ask anymore. And the day after that, I remember I was at her house, and I was taking a shower, and I thought about my grandparents who had passed and a cousin who had passed. I don't know why they popped up, but I started crying. And, you know, I got out the shower, and I'm getting dressed in her room, and there's a ceiling fan, kind of. You can't see there's a ceiling fan here, but ceiling fan with the light on it. And, you know, you have to press the remote to turn the ceiling fan on. And the light just turned on and then turned right back off. And I didn't touch anything. Light turned on, turned back off, and then turned on and stayed on for a third time. And you got the spoon. I was spooked because I was like, this has never happened to me. I was like, what the hell? And so I called my buddy, who, you know, who I had the experience with them, like, hey, this just happened. Like, what the hell's going on? And he's like, oh. He's like, you're tapped all the way in. He's like, buddy, you're. You're tapped in now. And so that was, like, my first kind of stint to the supernatural, right? Of understanding that there is other dimensions, there are other beings. There are several parts of the alternate, the. I'd call it an alternative reality that most people don't ever have access to because they don't know it exists. Right. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Look, I know exactly what you mean, and I've experienced a lot of those methods and means. [00:13:30] Speaker A: I'm sure. I'm curious, CJ. Like, what is. What's. What's been one of the. The wildest, super natural things that you've ever experienced. [00:13:42] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:13:43] Speaker A: So I hear all types of stuff now. [00:13:45] Speaker B: I'll talk about. I'll talk about ones that happened on the natch, so, you know, total natural. And I'll also talk about ones that happened because of my reaching into the spirit world with the help of psychedelics. Okay, so the one that happened on the natch. Basically, I was living in a house in the forest, and with my partner at the time, and she and I were enjoying the peace of being way out in the forest. I didn't realize also that this house that we're living on was living. Was actually on a field of crushed crystal, like, because the way the mountain was, where I was, this mountainside had pretty much collapsed, like, probably hundreds of years ago. All of the ground was like, smash crystal quartz. [00:14:35] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:14:36] Speaker B: That makes it like an antenna for weirdness. I didn't know that at the time. I was pretty naive to those sort of things. And I also didn't know about at the time that she had been an abductee as a child, and I didn't know that. So we're together, and things started happening in the house. We only moved in, and, like, within a week, we're starting to have phenomena in the house. Like, literally beings walking across the roof, the ceiling. And I can. You can actually hear them inside because it was a metal roof. And so it's like a tinking noise. [00:15:07] Speaker A: It's like a. [00:15:08] Speaker B: No, no, it was actually footsteps. Like somebody walking, a heavy set person walking across the actual roof. And like, what the hell? Go outside with a torch. There's nothing there. Can't see anything. And she could. She could stand there and walk underneath it, hearing it. And I'm on outside with a torch going, there's nothing there. So whatever's happening is in a parallel dimension, but still affecting us now. This stuff's happening over and over. And then it got to a sort of crescendo one morning when my daughter was staying over. She was only, I think, about five at the time, and she liked to sleep on the lounge because there was a really comfy leather lounge. We made a big nest for her. And my partner and I are in the bedroom. And at about 01:00 a.m. We've been asleep for hours. I sat bolt upright, and I said, pretty much without any control. I just said, they're here. And I was pointing towards the ridge through the window, but the window, you know, the curtains are closed, and this is late at night. I can't see anything, and I can't see them through the window. And she sits up, she goes, what do you mean, they're here? And I said, I don't know why I said that. And then we hear this sound, and it's a reverberation coming over the. The edge of the ridge. And it sounds like. I mean, if I was to pin it nowadays, I'd say. I'd say it sounds like a very, very big drone, like an electrical, polyphonic sort of sound. And it also has, like, a beat to it, too. And it's coming over the ridge, and you can hear it reverberating all around the valley that we're in. And it kind of hovers right over the top of the house. And I go into the lounge room, and my daughter's awake, and I turn the light on, and we're all standing there, and my daughter comes home and she says, dad, turn off the fan, because she thinks it's a fan. And I point to the fan. I said, the fan's not even turned on. [00:17:03] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:17:04] Speaker B: And we're standing there, and all of our, you know, we're looking at our arms because all the hairs are sticking up in our arms. You can feel electric in the air. This is happening for about maybe a minute, and then at no stage do I think to go to my desk and grab my camera or my microphone and run outside and catch it. [00:17:21] Speaker A: I don't think you would have made it anyway. [00:17:24] Speaker B: Might not have come back, but anyway. [00:17:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Wow. Wow. That is. Did you. Did you get a look at the size of the ship? [00:17:34] Speaker B: No, that's the thing. It's. The strange thing is, it's like, it doesn't. For some reason, it did not occur to me that I should just run out and have a look. It just didn't occur to me. So it was so strange. And it moved away from our house. Literally, you could hear it go down to the next house and still not thinking about it. We're like, oh, well, that's all right. We all went to bed, and it was like, why did we do that? [00:17:58] Speaker A: Nothing even happened. [00:17:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:00] Speaker A: So normal for you. You're just like, oh, it's just another one. Well, we'll get this nice. Yeah, yeah. [00:18:05] Speaker B: So that happened, and I'll talk about another time. Okay, so I'm in Thailand. I was actually in Thailand to write a book at the time. That was the intention, and my friends turned up to catch up with me. And we'd taken some mushrooms because they had these mushroom omelets that they would make at these resorts in Thailand back in the day. This is actually, like, way back. We're thinking about. [00:18:34] Speaker A: I was gonna say, are they still doing that right now? [00:18:36] Speaker B: I don't know. This is not in 92 or 1991 from memory. [00:18:40] Speaker A: Okay? [00:18:41] Speaker B: So it's very, very simple island life where we are, and it comes up, and my friends are too scattered to go outside. And I feel this urge to go outside. And I walk outside and all that, I keep on walking, and I'm seeing, and I think I'm seeing people that are making love outside. But I turn and I look at them. It's actually trees. And I keep on catching the trees. It looks like lovers. And I'm like, okay, this is wild. I'm seeing nature spirits for some reason. Yeah. And I get down the beach, and my friend that was actually in the hut back at where we were staying, he's suddenly walking next to me, and he's talking about the universe. And I'm thinking, this is wild. I don't remember even him being here before. And I look at him, I look at him and I'm thinking, what are you talking to me about this? And I said, wait a minute. And I look, and I can see through his chest, the waves on the beach, because he's see through. And I said, wait a minute, you're not Tony. And I put my hand through, through him, and he vanishes instantly into a rainbow. And I was like, ah, okay. That was a spirit. [00:19:45] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:19:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:47] Speaker A: Wow. [00:19:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that's two. [00:19:50] Speaker A: Yeah, no, that's, that's two big ones, you know, and I can totally relate to the, to the animal spirits because I was just in Peru with the shaman for about two weeks and three weeks, and we were doing San Pedro, which is, which is cactus, like the masculine version of Ayahuasca for those that don't know about it. And I remember the first time I did it. Normally, you know, it takes about anywhere from an hour to chew to kind of kick all the way in. And so, you know, I'm hiking all through the valley, and we're in sacred valley in Peru, which is beautiful if you've ever, if you've never gone to it, it's absolutely magnificent. And I'm just hiking and I realize I'm all by myself out there and I'm just like, this is, this kind of sucks. Like, I had no cell phone service. I didn't realize how attached I was to being able to communicate, and I just kept walking. And I started just hiking all through the valley, and I'm thinking, I'm on the San Pedro. And I realized about 6 hours later it didn't even kick in. So it was just me moving through emotions, which was kind of mind blowing before, but then once it did kick in, I was like, oh, this is, oh, I can, everything is lit up. All the, all the mountains were speaking to you and, you know, the trees were talking and you're like, oh, okay, you know, now I get it. I get it. [00:21:14] Speaker B: Yeah. It makes the world an amazing place, doesn't it? [00:21:16] Speaker A: It really does. I mean, it highlights exactly, exactly what it's supposed to look like. I feel like. [00:21:22] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. I think that sort of nature connection, that sort of, you kind could almost say like an animus view of the world is pretty much nature for us as a child. I think, you know, when you're a child, you have more like a magical sort of view, a magical sort of thinking. And that gets drummed out of us through, you know, living in our western society and puts us into a sort of like a corral and makes us think in a certain way. [00:21:51] Speaker A: Well, it all makes us think the same way. That's the problem. We're all getting put into a box. I mean, I truly believe the best thing that you can let children do is let them go outside and let them play all day. They're under seven. The best thing you can do is just let them go explore the world. [00:22:11] Speaker B: That's it, that's it. [00:22:12] Speaker A: You know, we live in a very different society. By the way, I just saw that you guys now have a digital id, is that correct? [00:22:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:23] Speaker A: Oh boy. [00:22:24] Speaker B: I think, I think Australia and Canada are having a, you know, a match against who can be most fascist. So we'll see. [00:22:33] Speaker A: Oh boy. You're not going to be able to do this podcast in a little bit, make sure. [00:22:38] Speaker B: Well, that's right. Unless I get all my, you know, whatever's stacked up. [00:22:43] Speaker A: I know. Send them to me and I'll release them. [00:22:47] Speaker B: Thanks. [00:22:49] Speaker A: I got you, CJ. We got to get this out. [00:22:51] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure, for sure. So Brett, what actually spurned you towards exploring psychedelics back there then? Was that just a group of friends that knew things or did something happen to you where you just went? Oh, wait a minute, I've got to know. [00:23:06] Speaker A: I've never really explored psychedelics for just recreational purposes. It's always been therapeutic, more spiritual. You know, it started with breath work and then, you know, it's like, well, do you like breath work? And I'm like, well yeah, it's great. And like, well, do you want something a little bit more profound than that? And I'm like, there's more. And it was like, oh, there's a whole lot more. And I'm like, oh, well, what are we doing? Well, let's start here. Let's try DMT. Right? And so that's where I started. Yeah, a lot of places you can start that's right. [00:23:38] Speaker B: You could start with something light or just take the rocket ship. [00:23:41] Speaker A: That's the kind of guy I am, right. It's like, you know, do you want to jump off the deep end or do you want to go through the shallow and swim deep? I'm like, no, let's just jump, right? As long as I can't get hurt, I want to make sure of safety purposes, but it's very safe. Obviously not. I don't think I've ever heard a story of anybody dying from psychedelics unless it was done in a unsafe environment or something of those sorts. But that was where it started. And then it's kind of been this kind of trek down, learning about different types of psychedelics in medicine. I like to call them, because every most psychedelics are come from, and I want to say almost all psychedelics come from the earth, right. And yet we're prescribing billions and billions of medication through hospitals to people. That does not solve the problem. It either prolongs the problem or it creates a new problem. Right. How many times you've seen the ads on tv where it's like, yeah, take this and your kidneys may fall out and you may lose sight? Those are the side effects. It's like, okay, well, now I can't see. Now I'm blind. So we live in a society that is controlled, obviously, and through that control their means to be able to elicit power and money, to be able to make people that are powerful more powerful and money. Right. And so when you understand that, you start looking at the paradigm, you start saying like, hey, this isn't working, right. And why isn't it working? Because they never wanted it to work in the first place. And why is there, you know, and these are, this is a fact. And I have to go back and fact check it, but I've heard it from several different outlets. It's on Google. However, I've never seen it because I've never been inside the Vatican, and I don't think I'll have access to get inside there. However, there's 40, I believe it's 42 miles of literature that is underneath the Vatican. Why is it in the Vatican, first of all? And why is it 42 miles long? It's the second question. Right. And so there's some things that are hidden, obviously. I know you're familiar with alchemy and in the world of metaphysics. And so there's a lot of things that have been hidden through time because of the power of what is possible. And these people hide it, and they take what they can use to control people, and they use that, and then they build their systems around it. So I'm just trying to unravel these systems. And really, for me, I'm a seeker of truth. I want to find. You know, I think it first started as me getting answers for myself. It was like, okay, Brett, why are you like this? Why are you dealing with this? And then as I started to awaken and really see things the way they are, I was looking through a microscope at first, and now that microscope is getting much, much more granular. Right. And now I'm able to see the big picture, and now I'm starting to ask bigger questions to not just because the questions I had before were about how could I help and change my life. I don't have those questions anymore. My questions are, how can I change the world? That's where I've been going along this journey. And these psychedelics and this medicine that comes from the earth can change the world because of the ability for it to take you from one level of consciousness. There's nothing outside of breath work that I know about. And maybe meditation, which is a very deep practice and takes a whole lot of time, that can take you from a current state of consciousness and elevate you instantaneously to a higher level of consciousness and even be able to allow you to access alternate. Alternate. Excuse me, alternative states. [00:27:38] Speaker B: Yes. [00:27:38] Speaker A: Right. So for me, it's really become a tool to allow me to awaken myself and also awaken other people. [00:27:49] Speaker B: Brilliant. Brilliant. Yeah, that's. That's a great answer. And I think when you're a seeker, these. These tools turn up, and, you know, if you. If you do it the right way, then you actually do learn something from it. I mean, obviously, I've done recreational in the past myself, as well as what I would call sacred spiritual use. And I never really got much out of the recreational except for. Except for a good dance at a party. But that's about it. [00:28:15] Speaker A: Nothing wrong with a good dance. I like just like, the next person. [00:28:22] Speaker B: But, yeah, you know, when it comes down to it, the using. Using these things consciously changes you, and it can be anything. If you're more mindful about how you use these tools, any tool, then it's going to benefit you in a different way. [00:28:37] Speaker A: Right. And it's. And it's a. You know, I was talking to a therapist yesterday. She. She teaches here at Pepperdine University in. In Malibu, which is a pretty prominent university here in the. In the. In California. But in the states as well. And, you know, she says something that stuck out to me, and she said that it's a privilege to be able to work on yourself. And I was like, it didn't register at first. And then I thought about. And I was like, that's absolutely right, because if you have the privilege to. To. To do psychedelics, to. In a. In a therapeutic way, if you have the ability to meditate, if you have the ability to do breath work, right. Most people don't have this time to do that. It's a privilege, you know? And I was. I was like. And people I don't think look at it like that. They're like, oh, what was me? Or, why is my life like this? They don't look at life like life happens for me, not to me, you know? And I think that the biggest part of my journey now, I've always been, like, a motivator. I've always been someone who can see the best in everyone. You know, our brains, I think, are conditioned to see negativity. You know, positive psychology says it takes nine negative things to equal, uh, excuse me, nine positive things equal one, um, negative thing, right? So someone says, you know, you're ugly. It takes nine. I'm your beautifuls to equal that one. I'm ugly. [00:30:10] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, right. Yeah. [00:30:12] Speaker A: Right. So our brains are hardwired to see the negative. They're hardwired to feed into the fear, which is why anytime you turn on the news, it's all fear based. [00:30:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:20] Speaker A: Right. Um, and the thing that I think people don't realize is that fear is only in the body, right? And when I say the body, the mind is also included in the body. But fear is only in the body because the only reason why you fear is because something can happen that can take away the body, right? Which is death. If there's. If there's no death, there's no fear. Because what happens if this happens? You don't die. Right? And so when you access your soul at a soul level, you start to realize that there's no fear there because the soul has no body. Does that make sense? [00:31:01] Speaker B: It does absolutely make sense. [00:31:02] Speaker A: I mean, it's. While you're here, it's in your body, but you have. You can access it outside of the body as well, to where you realize, oh, this. I'm just afraid because of what is happening in the body. And so it's almost like an override system. If I was going to hit the override button, it's like, oh, I'm afraid because of I'm afraid, like, I'm afraid to jump off of this cliff, because if I jump off this cliff, I may die. Fuck it. Let's just jump. Let's just jump. Let's just do it. Whatever we'll make, we'll figure it out when we get there. So it's really a fascinating. The mind body connection is fascinating. And then you sprinkle in a little bit of neuroscience, and then also some spirituality, and we can go really deep. [00:31:46] Speaker B: It sounds like you're actually taking a step towards becoming invincible. [00:31:52] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. I mean, I think it's. It's not even, you know, I love that word CJ, because it's a powerful word. And I really think that when you think about something that's invincible, you think about something that's superhuman, right? And I believe that we're all superhuman. I believe we're all. We all have the ability to be invincible once we can completely eradicate fear and just be. Be exactly who it is we know we're supposed to be and we want to be. And really, that's just the God in each and every one of us, right? And this is the problem with the left and the right brain, because the left brain seeks to understand, right? And it does it through science, right? The right brain seeks to understand, and it does it through religion. And so what happens is anytime you're worshiping a God, you're creating a barrier between you and the divine, because the divine only knows you because you are divine. Now, when you put a barrier, you now become you now put yourself below something and start worshipping something, there's no way for you to become your highest and best self. [00:33:07] Speaker B: Yeah, I totally agree. I think the whole suppression of all that is all of the information that could release this is pretty much in that Vatican, those Vatican vaults. [00:33:17] Speaker A: Oh, it's. It's. It's definitely in there. I mean, I was the. Oh, gosh. In DC, I think it's the doors of Congress have. Have the God thoth, the egyptian God thoth on their doors in the United States Congress going into the Congress doors, that thoth is on the outside. Right. So why is that? [00:33:39] Speaker B: Yeah, why is that? [00:33:40] Speaker A: We're not in Egypt. Why is he. Why is he on the outside of Congress? Right. Why does, you know, we can go as deep as, you know, project Stargate. You know, in the. In the, you know, I believe it's the seventies, late seventies, going in the early eighties when Reagan was in office. Right. Why were we running projects like that? Why were those projects successful? Yeah, right. For those of you that don't know, project, you know, Stargate and there's other projects that, other names for that project. But it was when they were taking random people off the street and they were taking them into the CIA and turning them into super psychics. Right. Which is fascinating to me because what that says is that everybody has the ability, if you know how to use it. [00:34:25] Speaker B: That's right. [00:34:25] Speaker A: Everybody's got the superpower as long as you know how to do it. And, you know, this is what's kind of taking me into this lane of working with mediums and psychics and psychic mediums who have become really good friends now. But also I've been able to understand it at a very high level, how they can see what they can see, how they pick up on certain energies. And some of them are much more gifted than others. That's just how their, I would say their DNA is wired or while they're here in this life. But, you know, I'm a big advocate and a big. What's the word I want to use? There's a esoteric system that has been brought into form called the gene keys, which I'm not sure if you're familiar with. And the gene keys is just fascinating because it's, it's broken down into your genetic profile that allows you to access and understand. It's like a portal of encyclopedia for your DNA and for who you are. And I love it because I've used it in all parts of my life, and it's been able to get me further than I think I've ever gotten myself, which is beautiful. But it talks about, in the 19 gene key, it talks about the futuristic human being, and it talks about how there's people who were born here at this time that are future versions of who we're about to become. And it's an example to show us of what our possibilities can be. And we see it all the time in sports. We see it all the time where somebody, the four minute mile, all of a sudden, somebody ran a four minute mile. Now, all of a sudden, the next year, 18 people. You know that story, right? [00:36:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:36:16] Speaker A: Right. [00:36:16] Speaker B: It's the resonance guys around the world, and everyone picks it up, and then other people are able to do it. [00:36:21] Speaker A: And everyone, everyone's able to do it, right? And sometimes you need examples. And so those people are here now, and they're being born, you know, every single day. And those are the people that we see do these incredible things that show us, oh, I can. I can be free oh, I can. I can do whatever I want. Right. And we need more of that. And that's why I do what I do, because I want people to awaken to that and understand. If you live in that vein, you now inspire more. Right. In gene keys, it talks about, you know, if you can get. If. If you as an individual can get to a point where you're at a Christ like consciousness, it automatically unlocks the same consciousness in almost 10,000 people. [00:37:02] Speaker B: That's it. That's the key, I think, actually, is the Christ consciousness for sure. [00:37:06] Speaker A: Right. So there's a lot there. But I mean, I just. I was just going. And I digress a little bit, but. [00:37:12] Speaker B: No, no, no. It's all. It's all really good information, and I think it flows very well. So, yeah, it's a great sharing. Thank you. [00:37:21] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. [00:37:22] Speaker B: Yeah. So you're working with people in groups at the moment, like you said you were training at the start, and. But then do you work with people as individuals as well to assist them in their change? [00:37:35] Speaker A: I do. I do. I have individual clients. I have group clients as well. I tend to like groups because it allows people to be more vulnerable. Right, right. Because individually, sometimes individually, they love to. I feel like people enjoy listening to someone else share and be vulnerable. It gives them permission to share. And sometimes people aren't in that space to share. And that's why if I am doing, especially working with men, women are different. Women will just spill out their whole heart. They don't stop. And I love it. I'm emotional and I love it. Right. But men, it's harder to pull certain things out. And so dealing with men, if you put them in a group and one is vulnerable now, all of a sudden, other ones like, oh, I can talk about this, you know? [00:38:25] Speaker B: Okay. [00:38:25] Speaker A: Um, it's kind of like, you know, I don't know what your Netflix looks like in Australia, but, um, I recently just got done watching this. This show called reindeer. I know, baby reindeer. [00:38:38] Speaker B: Right. [00:38:38] Speaker A: Is that. [00:38:39] Speaker B: Do you know that's on here as well? Yeah. [00:38:41] Speaker A: Okay. So crazy. Incredible. I have so many words for. To describe the series, but the. There's a part, and I don't want to. If you're. If you're listening to this right now and you want to watch baby reindeer, don't. Don't listen to the rest of this podcast. [00:38:59] Speaker B: But. [00:39:03] Speaker A: I'll keep it short so I don't give it away too much. But there was one part where something had happened to the. The main character and baby reindeer and he was sharing it with his parents, and he was kind of ashamed. And his dad was kind of a man's man. He didn't really hug him ever and shook his hand kind of thing. And he told him what had happened, and his mother said, it's completely okay. And his dad said, well, what do you think? Like, it can't happen to a man. And he was, like, implying, like, it happened to him as well. Right. And so all of a sudden, it just opened the floodgate for them to be able to build a better relationship because the son didn't think that he could share what had happened to him because he was ashamed. Right. And that's the thing that if you're living in shame, regret, fear, anger, like those. That's. That's what causes disease. It's not, you know, obviously food. Food does, too. Right. But, you know, that's what really causes diseases is when you're holding on to those, those emotions, you know? And for men, they have a very, very, very tough time opening up and sharing about that. And that's the problem that I see in most relationships, is that women want someone who can be vulnerable with them. And if a man's not willing to go there, there tends to be a level of trust that is not initiated, especially in the beginning of the relationship. And it's usually when something negative occurs and the woman needs you to be able to provide that space and that, that safety space, I would call it safe space, to be able to allow her to share and then be vulnerable enough to share back with her whatever it is that's going on. And when you hold back, that's when the barriers come up because it's like, I can't really trust you. And if I can't trust you, it's very hard to be with you. [00:40:52] Speaker B: Yeah, right, right. So that's your own personal stuckness, actually, then radiates into your life and affects everything. [00:40:59] Speaker A: It does. It really does. And I feel like this year, and particularly in 2024, is the year of truth. [00:41:05] Speaker B: Okay. [00:41:06] Speaker A: I feel like this year you're going to see more truth come out than I think, you know, and I've. I've seen a lot. It's only, you know, may, right now, there's a lot that's happening right now between, you know, you know, the wars and, you know, in Israel and Palestine and Russia and, you know, a lot of stuff has been happening in the United States with a lot of the celebrities here that have been kind of, you know, things have been popping up. So I feel like this year, there's going to be a lot more of that. You know, we have, we have an election in a few months here as well, you know, so. [00:41:36] Speaker B: Yeah, I know that's going to be. Yeah. What are they, what are they going to do this time? [00:41:41] Speaker A: That's. That's a. You. You took the words right out of my mouth, CJ. What are they going to do this time? [00:41:47] Speaker B: I think everyone should be prepared. Prepared for some more theater. We'll see. [00:41:51] Speaker A: Yeah, well, listen, they just released a movie in, I think it was like March, called Civil War. [00:41:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I saw that. I was like, why are they putting that into the public's mind? Right. [00:42:00] Speaker A: Why are they putting that out there? Right. And then they, I think it was like November or December last year. They released, what is it called? No one left behind or something like that. It was with. [00:42:11] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:42:12] Speaker A: Sandra Bullock, I think. [00:42:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:16] Speaker A: There was a Sandra bullet where, where there was. There was terrorists kind of take over and they completely cut out the power grid. There was no, no communication whatsoever. You know, I've heard solar flares come in. Like I. We've. I've heard it all, you know. Now what is. But what's going to happen? I don't know, but I just, you know, for those that are listening to this, you know, just make sure you're prepared for anything that can go down. [00:42:37] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. That's right. It's like we've got an apocalypse bingo card. We're going to try and get them all. [00:42:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we saw the first, the first. I mean, it's so funny how people forget, you know, and you're a little, you got a little bit more gray than me. So I think you've been. Been through a little bit more life, but, you know, there's been wars and, you know, the war is over. Three years later, people act like it never happened. [00:43:00] Speaker B: Yeah, it's bizarre, isn't it? [00:43:02] Speaker A: It's, it's, it's mind blowing, you know, and we, we forget very quickly, but it's like less than four years ago. Oh, now we're a little past that. So four years ago, the entire world was shut down. We completely forgot that that happened. [00:43:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. It did, did shut down. And. But then, you know, it's mainly was happening in western countries. I recall sitting, I was sitting with my app on my phone. That's flight radar 24 and actually shows where things are flying and where things. You can look at China, there was like 1 billion planes all over it. [00:43:39] Speaker A: They were just having a blast, weren't they? [00:43:41] Speaker B: It's like nothing. No problem, shut down. That was just all, you know, what we were told in the news. [00:43:45] Speaker A: Nothing was happening. Exactly. Exactly. And you know, that. That situation's starting to unravel now because I know that Arizona, the state of Arizona just banned the COVID-19 vaccine shot. [00:43:56] Speaker B: Good. [00:43:57] Speaker A: It's now illegal to administer it by. And I believe it's by. I believe it's. I'm not sure if they ban it completely or they've banned it just by certain companies. Right. But, I mean, it's the people that are coming up now, from the celebrities to newscasters, that are saying, I have long term COVID. It's called. Right, where you don't get any better. It's just being sick for a year that's starting to come out a lot more, and it's just being swept under the rug. There's nothing that you don't see it on the news. You don't see it anywhere. That's the thing that I think is very challenging for me as someone who wants to help. You know, the whole is like, if I'm not getting the right information, how am I going to help anybody? [00:44:46] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. That's right. [00:44:47] Speaker A: You know, so that's why I call my psychic friends. What's going on? What's happening right now? All right. Okay. Let me prepare. [00:44:57] Speaker B: Is some of their contact with them rubbing off on you? Is your intuition starting to peak up as well, and you're starting to get contact with spirits occasionally? [00:45:05] Speaker A: That's a great question. Absolutely. Absolutely. The first time I hung out with a good friend of mine, we hung out in Boston, and I went out with him, and it was weird because I hung out with him for, like, two or three days. And after that, or while I was with him, I felt my intuition just beaming. I was able to pick things up very quickly, and then I left, and it was like everything just dropped. And I was like, this is weird. And, you know, and I talked to him a lot, you know, and he may. He may say, hey, what shoes should I wear? Tell me one or two. And I'm like, hmm. I'm like, two. He's like, why? I'm like, well, it's blue and it's gonna go with your outfit. He's like, fuck, how you know that? He's like, all right. You know, so, like, it comes in when. When it's supposed to, and I think I can allow it to come in. It's just. It's just practicing it. And the thing is, is you have to. You have to be able to separate your mind. And I remember I was. When we were talking about project Stargate, the reason why I know so much about it is I was taking a course on remote reading. [00:46:09] Speaker B: Yes. [00:46:10] Speaker A: And for those of you that don't know, remote reading is that's when you're in one place and you can see what's happening in a completely other place without being there. [00:46:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:18] Speaker A: And that's what they were doing in the CIA during Ronald Reagan's time as president. And what he was saying, the guy teaching the course is, he was saying that there's about 16, excuse me, 20 million bits of information that that is coming into your brain all at once. But in order to be able to focus, you can only process about 17 things. Right. And so in order for you to be able to focus on, or if you know. So out of those 17 things, if you know what it is that you're focusing on, you're wrong. Right. So if you're doing remote viewing because you have to write on a piece of paper, if you think you know what you're looking at, you have no freaking idea. Because what the left brain does is it tries to make the logical mind, tries to rationalize and say, this is it. Right? So you have to leave your brain open to the 20 million other possibilities that are out there, which is coming through on the right side of the brain. And if you can do that at a very high level, that's when you're able to start seeing these opportunities, or. I wouldn't say opportunities, but being able to read individuals and then obviously being able to tap into energy and tap into consciousness, which I did a course with another friend of mine who's a psychic medium. Her name is Candice Reboyo. And we combined the gene keys, we went through the Venus sequence, which is all about love and relationships. We combine that with what she practices, which is called psychic somatics, which is being able to go into the body and move through energy based on understanding what you're struggling with at the time. Right. And so, um, I could. I could feel what's going on in your body right now if I tapped into you, essentially. So we. This was all zoom, and we were, like, tapping into each other. [00:48:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:48:05] Speaker A: And I remember I. This girl, um, was. Because we. We wouldn't either say we were going to do. It's called a walk. You would walk your energy, and so either you would do the walk, or somebody else would do the walk for you. And so one woman was like, I want Brett to do the walk. And I was like, oh, all right, no problem. You know, I was excited. I was like, I've never done this before for. And so, you know, you start with an I am statement, which tells you how powerful an I am statement is. [00:48:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:48:30] Speaker A: Right? So if you say, I am tired, I'm not good at this, I can't, right? Like, all of that just relays more of what you can't do, right? [00:48:41] Speaker B: That's magic. [00:48:42] Speaker A: It's magic, right? It's a spell. And so you say. You say I am, and then you. Let's just say I am. You know, CJ's doubt, right? And all of a sudden, my body goes into what your body feels. And so I said, I am such and such, and I forget what the word was, and I said it. And when I said it, CJ, my whole left side, like, shoulder, neck down, just locked up. [00:49:09] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:49:09] Speaker A: And I was like, what the. And I'm standing up doing this, right, because you want to, like, walk around it. I like to walk around and feel it, because when I close my eyes, I can. I can feel more. And I'm, like, walking, they're like, well, what does that feel like? And I'm like, I just can't move. Like, it's like, this tension, like, going all through my neck and shoulders. Like, this is horrible. And I'm like, what does that feel like? Tell me about the emotions. Like, we went through it, and it's probably like a two to three, maybe five minute process. At times when I sat down, the woman was crying because I was describing every single thing that she felt in her body. Like, she's like, yeah, my whole left shoulder is killing me all the time, and I need to get massage. And I was just like, if this woman is living like that, that. Like, I can't even. Cause I'm an athlete. Like, if something's bothering me, I gotta address it, right? So I'm like, she's living like that. Like, that is not okay. You know, it's my whole life. I had to get a massage the next day. That's how powerful that is. But it's also how mindful you need to be about energy work. [00:50:03] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:50:03] Speaker A: You know, if you're. If you're truly doing a. If you're a healer, you're doing any type of energy work, it's. It's not just your responsibility to make sure that you hold the safe space, but it's also your responsibility to protect yourself, because there are entities that can latch on. [00:50:19] Speaker B: What? Tell us about those. Go on. I know about these two. Don't worry. [00:50:26] Speaker A: No, there's. I mean, we all have an aura. We all have energy, and, you know, there's good and there's bad energy just to keep it simple. And if you hang around certain places or you're doing certain things, you can pick up on certain people's energies. Like, even if you're in crowds of people, if you're at a concert, you can pick up on people's energy. And the best thing that you can do to kind of get back into your own energy and kind of wash everything off is a salt bath. [00:50:56] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. [00:50:57] Speaker A: It's as simple as that. A lot of people don't even know that. It's like you take a salt bath, you can completely clear any energy that's on you. Now, um, you know, now people can do spells and things of that sort, which, you know, are. It's a. It's a whole other thing. And if you have a spell casting on you, you need, you know, you need some heavy, heavy duty, you know, magic to get it off you. You need somebody that's done it before, because that. That's not easy to remove. But energies can move from you, and they can move on to other people. And so you have to be very, very mindful of who you're around. Specifically. Sexual energy is very, very sticky. So, you know, if you're. You're having, you know, relations with someone who, you know, is not on the right page with you, you tend to pick up whatever they're dealing with. Usually the negative side of things, not the positive. Right. So you have to be very mindful of, you know, who you spend your time around and who you're giving your energy to because it affects everything. [00:51:56] Speaker B: Absolutely. That's. That's right on point. I'm. I believe that flee myself. And in my own experience, those beings that are around us, or spirits, and they can be good ones, that can be negative ones too. And the negative 100%. Yeah, they're negative ones, are there to drain you and take away your experience in life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, Brett, your ultimate mission is to lead people on a journey of self discovery, fostering intimacy and meaningful human connections. And how do you do that? How do you lead people on a path like that? [00:52:31] Speaker A: For me, it started with the gene keys. That opened it up for me. And the Venus sequence that I told you about we did was I had already gone through it myself, but going through it with a group is completely different. And it challenged me to go back and look at what I had already done, and it gave me a different perspective, because the most beautiful part about the gene keys is every time you go back, you're a different person. And so there's different parts of it that are going to resonate with you. And you may still be like, oh, well, maybe that part. Maybe that shadow still kind of sits with me, but maybe on this side of things, this doesn't anymore. And so you get to go back to it, and you get to take another journey and kind of contemplate how that resonates with your soul and rue that path. It really allowed me to open my heart in a way that it's never been open before. It also gave me perspective to be able to understand people, human beings, and why we all need to love right. And why we don't love. Right. It gave me a clear understanding of that. And then getting certified and teaching breath work, that whole experience taught me the most vital thing, I think, for anyone or any man or any healer that wants to create something safe and vulnerable is that you have to be able to understand how to hold a safe space. And from there, I started to learn the challenges that I knew it. But when you see it from the inside out, it starts to change a part of who you are. And that's exactly what happened. And as I was going through this retreat, which was not just the certification process, but also an awakening process of you becoming a better individual, we did an exercise where we go cave diving, and we go to the bottom of this cave, and we all have these headlamps on, and we get to the bottom of the cave, and we turn them off, and we're there. And the instructor who's leading the whole thing says, hey, you're not. You're never as free until you share your deepest, darkest secret. And so he gives everyone the floor to share. And I've done it a few times because I've spoken at. At his event, as well as gone through the entire retreat to get certified. And so, you know, it's always about 90% women, usually 95% women, and everyone who shares. There's always something about, you know, sexual abuse or, you know, some sort of issue where a man has done something to a woman. And I'm not. I'm not to say it's not pointing out that all men are bad and everyone has their own perspective, but these are all very deep stories that you can clearly see that if we can help men understand how to open their hearts and how to deal with all of who they are. And a lot of it is honestly like their sexual nature. I think that if we can all understand how to, it's not about control. It's about understanding our sexual nature and understanding how that lives in our lives. Because I see it across the board where, you know, because this happened when you were six, this is the reason why you're doing what you're doing right now. Right. And it all goes back to our childhood, but for men, it acts out in different ways because we are physically stronger than women. Right. And a lot of times if we don't understand how to learn how to utilize our life force, our chi or Prana, you tend to put that on other people. And that's where the challenges are. And this isn't just in America or anywhere else. This is across the world. Right. When you look at, you know, and I'm not against, it's not about religion, but when you look at certain religions in the Middle east and how women are suppressed or you go to certain parts of Asia and you see what the, the culture is like, you start to look and you start to realize why we're dealing with what we're dealing with. Right. And until we can start to balance more of that, that yin with the yang, we're going to continue to see what we've been seeing time and time again. And it's starting to change. Right. We're starting to come back in. The balance of feminine is starting to rise because women are becoming more independent, and that's where it's kind of coming in from. And what's going to happen from there is those independent women are going to start raising some very, very strong men and some very loving men. Right. And that's what's going to start to create this balance. But until we can start to liberate, I think, women across the board, across the world. Right. And this, I mean, this is the same energy that's been going on since the witch hunts back in the, you know, in Europe in the 18 hundreds. Right. It's, it's time and time and time again over time. Right. And we're just starting to now become more aware of it, I think. And two, I think, you know, as a society, we've become more nimble and fair to where, you know, we're not, you're not just going to kill anybody. That just doesn't work like that anymore. You know, at least in some, some of the western countries, not going to speak for everybody. Right. [00:57:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:58] Speaker A: So that, that's, that that was the reason why I got into it. But as of now, you know, it's still my focus to work with women. But now is the time. And I've. I've realized that probably over like the last six months is. Now is the time to start creating more groups for men. [00:58:14] Speaker B: Right, right. Excellent. [00:58:16] Speaker A: Because we need it the most. [00:58:18] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I look forward to that. Coming through. So, Brett, we're coming towards the end of the podcast. Is there any single message that you'd like to get out to the. To the men and the women out there in the world that you think they need to hear to be able to help them in their lives right now? [00:58:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I've had this. I've heard this question a couple of times, and I usually try to stay open and let whatever flows through, but I always go back to the same thing because it's changed my life. And if it could change my life, it can definitely change yours. Where in the gene keys. It talks about how every relationship is a opportunity for you to have a better relationship with yourself. And when I say relationship, I'm not talking about yourself, significant other, or someone you're dating. I'm talking about the person at the coffee shop, talking about the person in traffic who cut you off. I'm talking about your kids when they're yelling and screaming. Every relationship is an opportunity for you to grow, to develop something better inside yourself. And when you understand that your entire life is based on the relationships that you have, and how well you live within those relationships or not, you start to quickly realize that if I want a magnificent life, I need to have great relationships. [00:59:42] Speaker B: Absolutely. That's very key. Brett, how can people find you? [00:59:49] Speaker A: I'm very active on Instagram. Instagram is definitely the best place to find me. You can find my website there. It's pretty simple. Bretlockett.com dot. That's easier than that. [01:00:00] Speaker B: Excellent. Excellent. You ever thought about doing south american tours? Taking groups of men walking through the valley? [01:00:08] Speaker A: I have been waiting for the opportunity and make it happen. [01:00:13] Speaker B: Haven't you? Come on. [01:00:14] Speaker A: No, no, no. I. Listen, I'm manifesting one thing at a time, but it comes when it comes. But ideally, I like to be doing this all over the world. I was just in South America for two months and, you know, I think we'd be in east Southeast Asia for probably like another month or two this year. And I got. I think I gotta wait, make my way over to that side of the world. [01:00:38] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. You're always welcome down here, too. [01:00:42] Speaker A: I'm gonna have to come visit you. [01:00:43] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. For sure. [01:00:44] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [01:00:46] Speaker B: Thanks for your time, Brett. That's been really cool, and I've appreciated everything you've shared and the depth of, I think, your understanding of the world and how it works. It's. It's been a. Been a pleasure, CJ. [01:00:56] Speaker A: I appreciate it. Always fun tapping in with people who love the supernatural. So thanks for your energy, and thank you for this platform. [01:01:03] Speaker B: Excellent. Excellent. All right, I'll just say goodbye to the listeners. Well, that was an excellent show. I mean, I say that a lot of the times because a lot of the shows are excellent. And if you've enjoyed today's show as much as I have, please reach out to Brett and tell him and thank him for coming on the show. That'd be really appreciated. And if you've liked this show, share it to a friend. That's all you got to do, one person. Get out there and share it to a friend. Just get on your phone now and press that share button and send it to them because you know they're going to like it. And if you want to take it that one step further, you could actually give me five stars on the app that you use for your podcasting or podcast listening, I should say. I'm podcasting, and, yeah, that'd be great. That way, more people can get, you know, an ear on all of this information and how it's shared. So thank you so much for listening to this one. And if you can, if you're on YouTube, like, and subscribe, I like doing that. Yeah, to try and remind you. [01:02:11] Speaker A: And. [01:02:12] Speaker B: And I can put a little banner in there when I edit it up later. And, yeah, thank you so much for listening. And until next episode. Bye for now.

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