Episode 8

January 17, 2023


CeeJay Solo Show Alien Abductions, Implants & Encounters S2e8

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CeeJay Solo Show Alien Abductions, Implants & Encounters S2e8
Supernormalized Podcast
CeeJay Solo Show Alien Abductions, Implants & Encounters S2e8

Jan 17 2023 | 00:37:56


Show Notes

I had an experience that is baffling even to this day. Encountering beings in several ways then abducted serially over a number of month ending up with an implant and inexplicable marking on my body.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:17 Welcome to Super Normalized, and I'm your host, cj. I'm always interested in hearing about your unusual story or life experience. So go ahead and reach out to me via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or on email. Try super normalized with a [email protected]. Now on to today's show. Thank you for listening again. Uh, we're in 2023 and I wish to apologize for the break that I've had. I've, um, been very busy with just general life and everyone that I tried to get online to have a chat was also very busy. So that leads me to the position of bring my own stories to life. And so tonight, I have for you, today I have for you, depending on what time you're listening to this. This one's an episode, which is about my, uh, last, uh, what I would call alien abduction sequence that happened to me. And I think it was around about 2013 at the time. Speaker 1 00:01:22 It, um, was, uh, quite an event and went for, uh, quite a period of time and started off rather dramatically. And you'll hear that in the story tonight. So first of all, I should possibly prob probably set the scene. So, um, it's 2000 and it's 2012 that I met, uh, miss Kay. I'll use Miss Kay because that's a good pseudonym. She is a psychic and she's quite an interesting lady. And we met and we're getting on very well. We moved in together and when we moved in together, I started to learn a lot more about Miss Kay and uh, we found a place which was quite remote. Um, so Miss Kay tells me once we started to get to know each other, that she actually had, had, uh, abduction experiences as a teen and they were always terrifying because they were taking, they were inseminating her, getting her pregnant and then coming back later on and abducting her and taking her babies. Speaker 1 00:02:32 Now this happened to her many, many times and, uh, it was living, it left her with a lot of P T s D anxiety and the side effect was that she actually had a ramp up in psychic ability, which I have read since is quite common for people who are experiences of, um, such things. So that made me think, well, she's quite an interesting character and, um, we were getting on quite well. We decided to move in together, as I said, and we chose a remote location, uh, because we wanted to have one, one piece of mind and be in nature. She could do her work online and so could I. So we figured that we'd go to, um, a place in northern New South Wales called Huon Brook, which is around about 40, 45 minutes outside of, um, mul Bibi, Northern New South Wales, which is quite a hippie sort of town. Speaker 1 00:03:28 And the house that, uh, we were, um, able to rent, um, was actually a beautiful wooden house in Huon Brook in a road called Mill Road. I won't say the Nuner in case people go and have a look. Um, but it was in a very good position that, um, got good light and there was quite a, quite a lot of space in, in the yard and it felt like a really nice place to be, right on the, um, edge of a, a creek that was running through the property. And the, um, there was a big cliff face, which was, um, a couple of hundred meters away that went up with trees growing all over it. Very beautiful to look out on. And then on another side of us was basically the ridge. Um, and you could not see any neighbors. Occasionally you could hear them, but it was, you know, quite remote sort of area. Speaker 1 00:04:21 So it was beautifully peaceful and, um, so, so rich to be there and so rich to be in nature. And that the feeling of being there was, um, exhilarating because basically it was literally in a forest. And, um, I did have some other friends locally in the area, uh, that I knew of that lived a close friend living nearby was around about five Ks away, which was yeah, quite, quite away away. So, um, yeah, no one was really close. And yeah, all you have around you was like forests, um, and a road. And you'd hear people drive past sometimes, but most of the time you'd hear anything at all. And maybe a plane would go over once a week. Um, otherwise you'd have absolutely perfect stars and the sky to look at at night. So we're here, we've just moved it into this place. The internet's not on properly yet. Speaker 1 00:05:21 I've got a modem, which is working a bit Dotty, um, and um, it's late one afternoon and we're just sitting there talking and you know, the modem's gone out again. I just said to Ms Kay and she's laying on the lounge, which is across the other side of the room. So it's a big open room. And um, in one corner is a, is a, um, lounge with a, um, coffee table and a bookcase. And then there's a set of, um, outward opening doors to the, um, the re balcony. And in the other corner is my little office space, which has a, um, table with um, a chair and, um, my computer laptop and um, all my tech sort of stuff, you know, a professional camera and professional microphone, which um, I could use cuz I really like doing photography at that stage. And I also liked recording things. Speaker 1 00:06:18 So, um, you could say I was more prepared for things in some ways, but that doesn't seem to matter as you learn later on. And with all of that we're, you know, we're sitting there, the modem's just gone a bit wacky this first, I think it was one of the first three nights we were there. And, um, I'm talking to her and I just go outside cuz I actually have this modem sitting up in a position to get reception. It's a wireless modem, so it gets it from a mobile tower a long, long way away. And it, that's the reason why it's a bit spotty. So sometimes you gotta move it around to get even the barest of signal. And in this time I'm still talking to her and I'm just walked out. It's less than 45 seconds that I've moved the modem in the tree and I come back and on the other side of the room, like I haven't heard her move. Speaker 1 00:07:06 And this is a wooden floor, so you hear everything, every single step of everybody you hear. And she hasn't moved, she's still laying in the same position on the lounge. She's still talking to me. And I come back around and I walk into the door and I said, how did you open those doors? And she said, what do you mean? And she looks up and the doors are open around the other side of the bookcase from where she's sitting and she would've had to get up and walk at least three meters to go and open those doors. She didn't. And those doors are wide open. And I said, how did those doors open? She says, I didn't even hear them open. And I said, I didn't hear them open either, and I didn't open them. And uh, we are a bit dumbstruck, so we closed the doors and you know, most people would probably think, oh, it's nothing just the wind. Speaker 1 00:07:51 There's no wind. This just happened. It's just one of those things that happened and it made us think, oh, that's a bit strange. So living in this house, it's a bit unusual and lots of little things like this start happening over and over and it's, um, it's not really unsettling, it's more of anything just, um, curious to note. That's the way I'll put it. Curious. It made us think, wow, wow, this is really quite interesting and strange. And uh, th this is an older house, so there's no toilet inside. You actually have to go outside to the outhouse, which is a, um, pit toilet and it's, um, yeah, old and it's open to one side to the forest. And so basically, you know, you go into your business and you look outside while you're doing that. And um, if you've gotta go there at night, you've gotta take a torch and you've gotta watch out for the spiders because literally there's spiders everywhere, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:08:45 And it's quite a, quite an adventure in, in a test of nerves. So we have a lot of torches, we keep them in the drawer and, um, all for this reason. So we've got lots of torches, you know, we have blackouts here, it's remote. So things like that are sort of fairly normal and you get used to living like this. And, uh, it's a, it's a, it's an inexperience to be there and we are enjoying the experience. And then we start to notice even in the first week, um, an extra ramping up of things. And what I mean by ramping up of things is, um, we're sitting, you know, in the lounge room one night, um, watching something on um, TV or whatever we're doing and we hear a sound and it sounds like footsteps across the roof. Now the roof of this house is old corrugated steel. Speaker 1 00:09:38 And I am like looking at it going, what the hell this, it's impossible to walk on this without making a sound. So whatever it is is walking across the roof and it is clear the sound that it is making. And I say to her, can you hear that? So I'm not sure that I'm, so I'm sure that I'm not crazy. And she says, yeah, I can hear that. And I said, okay, you can point to where you think you are here, hearing it come from. And she points and I'm like, that's exactly where I'm hearing it come from. And we go on the stand in different positions in the room, we can still hear it and it's walking around and across, it walks across the roof and it walks back across the roof and we're like, what the hell is going on here? And um, it's obvious that it's by petal, it actually sounds like footsteps and it sounds like footsteps are something pretty big. Speaker 1 00:10:30 I don't know how big, but it could be pretty big but not big enough to fall through the roof, obviously, cuz otherwise it would've. And I say, look, I've, I've gotta find out what this is. And she said, yeah, yeah, that's, that's a good idea. Just go outside. And I said, yeah, I know I can probably just go over to here and there's another little position in the yard where it's a, it raises up to a little mound and I could stand on that and have a look and you get the bright torch and shine it across the roof and see if I can see anything. And so I do that and I walk outside and I stand on top and she's pointing to where it is inside the house, and I can see her through the window and I'm showing the torch where she's pointing and there's nothing there at all. Speaker 1 00:11:05 And I can see the whole roof and I can shine the r like a light across the roof on the outside and see that there is nothing there to be seen at all. So whatever's happening is not happening directly in this dimension. And, uh, or it is happening in this dimension. We just don't have the visual receptors to be able to pick it up. I go inside, tell her, and she's like, well, I dunno, I don't know what to do. And I said, I don't know either, but it doesn't seem threatening, it's just happening. And she said, yeah, well, we'll just have to live with it, whatever it is. And that's just one of the things that happens there. Uh, I did note that the yard had a lot of like, uh, crystalline sort of elements in it. So it was like the yard was strewn with, um, uh, quartz and pieces of quartz and shattered quartz and ground and powdered sort of quartz and, and clay as well. Speaker 1 00:12:01 So it's pretty clay and quy and, and it's like, it's a wash that's come down from the side of the, the hill over time. And so it does, it does rain here a lot in, in this area in I'm guessing that's just, you know, erosion happening over time of the big pinnacle, which is just, just there right there in front of us almost. Um, now that didn't seem significant to me at the time, but it did later on when I learned more about, um, how that sort of, um, crystalline grid can actually bring more of the, what we'd call, what, what can we call, I don't know, psychic events, um, paranormal events, supernatural events. Um, so anyway, this, this is all, all tied together in some sort of strange way for me as I'm, as I'm living there and learning things. Um, another part of the, the story of living there was hearing in, in the yard, lots of little beings running around and, um, I mean, I caught a few times with a torch wallabies, little beautiful, um, wallabies running around. Speaker 1 00:13:12 And, um, they were, you know, basically just having a good time and we weren't a threat, so they were coming close to the house and doing their thing and picking through the grass and finding grass, um, seeds and, and um, things to eat and just being wallabies. Um, but there was more than wallabies. And what I mean by that is that we actually heard over in a large tree at the back, um, which had a, a lot of like, um, fallen sort of foliage around it and also, um, dropped sort of roots. It was a big tree. And so it had this, this, um, sort of root structure that came out of it and came down as well. And there was things running around in it at night, and this was happening almost every night, and it was like a riot of fun for whatever was doing it. Speaker 1 00:14:00 And I got the courage up a few times to get out there and see what's going on. And no matter what I did, there was nothing to be seen. And, well, maybe not with my eyes, but maybe I wasn't receptive to it. I wasn't able to see it, but it was still there and it was still happening every time we turned our back or turned away. Uh, and that was quite, quite a common sort of part of the effects of all this. So, you know, I'm living there, we are living there, it's, it's nice. And we do have these strange things going on. And I do have to do some things in the yard one day and I go out to check on, I think was an irrigation pipe or one of the pipes that brought water to the house. And I'm walking back from the corner of the yard across and I walk. Speaker 1 00:14:47 It's a summer's day, it's beautiful, and you know, there's warmth, warmth in the air, you can smell like, um, like flowers in the breeze. It's sort of just beautiful. And I'm sort of, you know, all struck by how nice this is. And also, um, just enjoying it as I walk back to the house and with a smile on my face and I step into a ring of flowers. Now this little ring of flowers was about probably, maybe about two meters across, which is about, I don't know, maybe three and a half feet. And it's, um, all, it looks like little awkward in there, maybe about 30 centimeters, close to one foot tall all the way around. Beautiful little orchards all in a circle. And as I step into them, but I'm doing this, I gotta tell you this, I didn't know as inside them until I stepped out, but when I stepped into them, I suddenly hear this voice and this voice is singing in a language that I don't instantly recognize, but feels really, really familiar. Speaker 1 00:15:59 And it's like, so beautiful. And I'm thinking, what, what, why is Miss Kay singing in this voice or singing and she's seeing this song that sounds like another language. I, I don't, I'm not sure I understand what is going on, is sort of what came to mind. And I was just awe-struck with the beauty of, of the way this was being articulated. And I thought it was Miss Kay and I yelled out, miss Kay, are you in the, you in the outhouse or are you avenue the fridge? And Miss Kay yells out from the house, no, I'm not. I'm, I'm, I'm inside. I'm in the gym room. And I said, okay. And then the voice st had it. Soon as I asked the question, the voice pretty much had stopped, stopped singing, and I then stepped out of the ring and I looked and I was like, oh, look at that. Speaker 1 00:16:54 That's a fairy ring. Now the good neighbors are known for, um, making contact when you step into these rings. And I, I was definitely inside that, that ring when that voice had come up. And uh, I was totally dumbfounded as to how this voice was transmitted to me. It just seemed like it was more than real. It was just, well, I don't know. It was definitely real. Uh, and the beauty, that's the other thing that got me, was the beauty of this voice. And I just wish I could, I could hear it again. That's how, that's how beautiful it was. So yeah, these things are happening, um, and it seems quite normal for these things to be happening. And um, we have on, uh, our other, the other back deck we had a a a day, they call it a day bed, and it's like a lounge that, um, has a nice thick cushion on it. Speaker 1 00:17:55 And um, you know, we covered with sheets and stuff just to make it even more comfy for laying on. And it was directly outside the main bedroom window. Now, when we went to bed at night, we always closed our blinds, even though we're in the forest. I mean, to me that just feels more normal to do that. And you know, I'd lived mostly in a city and, you know, I don't want people looking, looking in on me. So for me, even though I'm in nature, I was doing that. And, um, the windows closed, but there was a tiny slit, you know, you know, in these, um, curtains sometimes. And, um, I had a feeling of being watched, you know, quite a number of times there. But then I did notice one time that I had that feeling and the next morning I went out to check on the daybed. Speaker 1 00:18:44 And on the daybed there was footprints. Now I don't, I won't say they were, I dunno what they were, but they were definitely footprints and they were, they looked like they were about baby size and they all had walked over to that position to be able to look through the slit in the curtains and had then walked off in another position, um, off the bed. And then that was it. And those, those footprints were there and I saw them there and I called Ms Kay and I said, can you see what that is? She goes, yeah, they're definitely footprints. And I said, what, what's doing this? I got no idea, but it's very strange and very interesting at the same time. So you get the idea, you know, this place is, uh, well haunted by something interesting. And, uh, yeah, I, I'm sort of, we are sort of getting used to it because it's, it's happening so often. Speaker 1 00:19:43 We've got the guy with the guy, the thing walking across the roof. We've got the, um, beings playing in the yard, beings playing in the backyard tree. Um, I mean, even one time I was out at one night and just sitting and listening and it sounded like somebody mimicking bird calls at night as if to signal to each other. And I thought, what is that? That sounds like a signal. And then you hear a call back from further away, who is making those sounds and what are they doing it for? It sounded like it was coming from down in the creek, which is just down over the hill, um, in the same, on the same property, but you know, it's maybe about a hundred, 150 meters down the, down the hill. And, uh, yeah, no idea yet again. Now, um, all of this seemed to be ramping up towards something because there was a quite a frequency to it. Speaker 1 00:20:41 And the frequency was noted to be becoming more often to say the least. Um, and part of that was, um, one of, one small event that was happening over and over was on the, one of, we had an another entryway, which was, we recorded the other second back step and it had a, a, um, like a step down. And then under that step down was a, um, a mat. And so sometimes I'd walk through that way cuz it walked into the gym. It was just like a direct way into the gym from outside or if you were in the gym to go outside to go out to the outhouse. So the door wasn't used often, so, you know, but when it was used, it was used. Um, but we had a mat there for it. And um, I noticed that, you know, cause I'd go around doing the usual chores, I'd noticed in the morning sometimes there was a, there was a pile of rocks and the rocks were literally taken straight from the garden right there in front of that room that the garden went around the side of the house a little bit. Speaker 1 00:21:44 And it was pretty rocky sort of garden with beautiful flowers growing in it. And whatever had put those rocks there, had gone to that garden, scooped up a handful and made our little pyramid like mound a conical pyramid like mound. And it was done intentionally to get our, to get our, you know, attention. It got our attention. Um, I noticed it one day swept away. Next day it's back. I was like, ah, okay, there's something else here. So this happened every single day for a couple of weeks. And I thought, well look, I I would really like to capture this being on video or something somehow. So I set up a, a computer with a, um, camera just to record all night. And as soon as I set that camera up completely stops, no more little mounds, which to me was a bit sad cuz I wanted to make contact with them. Speaker 1 00:22:42 Um, and maybe I should have chosen a different way. So all of this is happening and it's quite frequent and it's always, it's always happening. Uh, and, um, I I, I share custody of my daughter and I'll call her Miss a and at this stage she is oh five, six years old. Oh, wait a minute. No, she's a bit older. Oh yeah, no, no, she's about six seven, that's right. Yeah. Six, seven years old and, uh, no, maybe no, five six, yeah, five six makes more sense. Yes. So five, six years old and uh, I have her over one weekend and when she stays over the weekend, she, um, I used to make a nest with her out of these really big, thick fury blankets that she loved it. She, she called it the nest. So, um, I'd make a nest out of, um, these blankets. Speaker 1 00:23:37 And she liked sleeping on the lounge cuz it was super, super squishy. So I'd make a nest that she could curl up in and sleep in, in the lounge, lounge room. And that was just, you know, from, you know, the main bedroom to, to that lounge room for this house cuz it wasn't so big what, 10 steps, um, through a doorway and right there. So, you know, I'd slept with the door open obviously, so I could hear her in case she needed me. And, uh, this one night we all went to bed maybe about, um, 10:00 PM and, uh, fall asleep quite easily as usual. And at 1:00 PM I, sorry, 1:00 PM 1:00 AM I, I I'm in like, uh, a state where I wake up instantly and when I'm in, by instantly it's like I wasn't asleep. And I sit upright and it wakes up, miss Kay. Speaker 1 00:24:32 And she's like, what, what? And I point towards where the ridge is outside because it's directly in front of the window where I'm pointing. And I say, they're here and who's here? And I said, I don't know, but they're here. And then you start to hear a sound and it's a, an electric waring sound like a really loud waring reverberation sound. Now I had never heard anything like this at. And, uh, it was, um, polyrhythmic and, um, loud, really loud, so loud that it was bouncing off the edges of the valley. And you could hear it everywhere. I mean, I could hear it. And then the, the echoes of it in the valley. And it is so loud and I know it's coming where we are and I dunno why that is, but it's definitely coming here. And I said to Ms Kay, I said, it's coming here. Speaker 1 00:25:41 And she goes, what is coming here? And I said, I don't know, it's coming here now. And we go into the lounge room and it comes directly over the house. You can hear it arrive and it stops over the house and the house is, feels like the, the air feels like it's electric. I turn the light on in the, in the lounge room cause my daughter's in here and she's awake and she stands up and she climbs out a bench. She stands up and she's standing with us. And we're all standing there just looking at each other. We're stunned. We're like, what? What's going on? I, I we're just looking at each other and I said, I don't know what this is. And she goes, I don't know what this is either. And I'm thinking, can't be a plane. It's just, why would you feel electricity like this? Speaker 1 00:26:23 And, um, also thinking, I hope this isn't making us ill. Cuz I've read stories of people having contact experiences and then getting radiation sickness afterwards. And I'm worried about that because there's a lot of electricity in the air. And I'm thinking, no, no, no, I don't know what this is. I don't know what this is. And um, my daughter grabs him the other hand by the hand and she says, daddy, daddy turn the fan off. Now. She, she thought it sounded like a fan cause it did sounded like rushing sort of wind, but like a whooshing. But polyrhythmic, reverberating whooshing sound very hard to, um, describe. And it's doing this for at least, what, two to three minutes. And you know, on my table is a professional camera and a professional microphone. And at no stage do I think to go outside to have a good look. Speaker 1 00:27:18 And at no stage do I think to go outside and take a camera and a microphone and record something, it just doesn't even enter into my mind. Uh, so this is happening. We're all sort of like in a strange sort of shock. Um, feels like the air is soup, like electrical soup, and we are in it. And then, uh, it starts to move away. And the reverberations, um, we can hear moving a walk across the valley in the direction of another house. And I hear it going over to another house and sort of sounds like it's stopping there too. And, uh, we're like, wha what, what's this, what what actually is happening? And I say, well, it looks like it's over, whatever it is. And, and Amma says, I'm going to bed, and she goes to bed and I'm Tucker in and Miss Kay and I, um, go to bed and we don't even talk about it and we just go to sleep straight away, which is really, really strange. Speaker 1 00:28:21 It's like, why didn't we sit down and analyze that? Why didn't even we talk about it? And it's, it's just odd, just odd, the reaction and odd the way it turned out. Uh, the next day, um, I go to, um, I get online and I, I talking to my friend who's in the UK and I mentioned to him what happened, described the whole event from, from my perspective. And, and, uh, he's quite stunned. Um, and I wish he had kept the text of our conversation. It was on Skype at the time, that's how old this is. And Skype chats were, um, pretty easy to copy and paste and, um, but um, I didn't even think to do that either, either and back it up somewhere. It's just sort of strange that I didn't think to record any of this. And, um, I'm doing so now. Speaker 1 00:29:15 I mean, the memory came to me later on about this and even more so and just seems pertinent to get out there and talk to people and tell people about it. So my daughter doesn't have any recollection of this. I asked her the other day and, uh, I dunno Ms. Kay anymore. Um, we moved on in on different paths and, um, we have no com um, communications. So, um, I can't really ask her about it. But, um, yeah, these things happened and they happened to me. And, um, uh, I've gotta say, um, that was just the start of the abduction sequence. Now, uh, a couple of days, um, later after this experience, I was in town and I was in a shop and I ran into one of my neighbors that lives around about five Ks away. And I know that the loudness of this thing, uh, was, would've woken up the whole valley if, you know, it's, there's no way could slip through that. Speaker 1 00:30:19 It was that loud. And, uh, I said to her on, you know, last Friday, did you hear anything about this time? And she said, Nope. Slipped all the way through. Nothing at all. Really good sleep. I remember it and I was stunned. I was like, wow, okay. So I don't know what's going on here. It's like, this might have been just for certain select people. Uh, a few weeks later I heard it again, but it didn't come to our house. And I did attempt to record it at the time. And um, by that time it was too far away to pick up on my microphone and I couldn't see anything. It wasn't visible to the eye when I ran outside. Um, and it could have been cuz it was flying low and there was a lot of trees in the way, um, flying. Maybe that was a, you know, a, um, an assumption. Speaker 1 00:31:11 Who knows what it's doing. Whatever it is, it's moving. Uh, then this, this was, uh, the start of something that was even bigger. Now we lived there for another, I think about, oh, it seemed like about nine months, I think. Uh, and during that time, um, something strange started happening every single night. Now we'd go to bed just like normal and everything seemed normal. Um, and each night at exactly 3:00 AM we'd sit bolt upright and I said, are you awake? And she'd go, yeah, I'm awake. And I said, ah, okay, well I'm, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom. She said, yeah, me too. We both got up, we'd go to the kitchen and I'd pull open the kitchen drawer that had the torches in it, and every single torch was turned on. And I looked at her and I said, look, I gotta say, I think we've been abducted again. And she said, yeah, it looks like it. And so that happened every single night for months on end. Um, and we know the torches were turned off and we have no idea what happened, but we don't, reem we, it's like we weren't allowed to remember, but it was happening over and over and over. Speaker 1 00:32:31 Uh, so this, we thought like we actually got a bit tired of, of, of the abduction sequences, uh, and decided to move away. And we found a place in a town called Ville, which is a, well, a lot of people go there to retire because it's really beautiful countryside and you know, it's, it's nice rolling hills and it's just beautiful and, and scenic with lots of, um, cows and horses and macadamia farms. And, uh, we found a nice place moved in there. And within, um, a couple of, what would you say, maybe a couple of weeks. Um, I had this dream. And in this dream I'm outside and I'm looking up and it's late afternoon and there's a craft in the sky, which is so large that it covers almost the entire sky. And I can see it behind the clouds as it moves forwards towards me. Speaker 1 00:33:34 And I work up from that dream with my nose beeping and I can see a light with my eye, my, my left eye looking towards my nose. As I woke up with a red light that was beeping in my nose. I was totally in shock by this and sat up really quickly and stuck my finger right up my nose to see if I could touch whatever it was to turn it off. I was like, got it, turn it off. This what's going on? And it beep, beep, beep, beep. And it was like, woke up and went. It disappeared, it stopped, it literally just stopped. And I was like, oh, okay. So that's not beeping now that's good. What the fuck was that? Why is this happening? And, and Ms. Kay woke up and said, you all right? And I said, I explained what happened to her. Speaker 1 00:34:23 And she said, yeah, that's, that's really strange. And then she looked at something on my chest and she noticed this line. She pointed it out and she said, look, this, look at this. And from my collarbone on the right side of my body all the way down to my left groin was a line like a cat scratch. And it looked like a line that was very thin with little beads of blood all the way down, all the way down to my groin. And it didn't hurt, couldn't feel anything at all. You could run your fingers over it and feel the little beads. And again, I did not think at all to take a photo of it. It's like I'm erased from the concepts that could prove any of this. I'm erased from the capturing of it except for in memory. And even then, I have no idea how many memories have been erased. Speaker 1 00:35:27 That was the end of my last abduction sequence. And to this day, um, there has not been any more, which doesn't mean it's not going to happen again because sometimes these things happen in waves as I've read, um, with other people's experiences. So that's the show for today. Hopefully, uh, you've enjoyed my talk about my abduction sequence, um, and I'd be very eager in talking to you if you've had an abduction sequence or any sort of paranormal ex experience that you'd like to share with the public. Um, you can do so anonymously. And if you are afraid of being recognized, we can even do a voice modulation on your voice so then people don't have any idea who you are and use a pseudonym That way you're, um, protected, but you can still get your experience off your chest. If you'd like to do so, please contact me at super [email protected], that's super normalized with a Zed proton.me for email. Otherwise, you can hit me up at Instagram at super normalized or on Facebook at super normalized as well. Um, just search for super normalized podcast, um, on both apps. Um, and um, you can even find me on Twitter and contact me through there too. And, um, yeah, I'd love to talk to you. So hopefully you have a, uh, good, uh, day, morning, night <laugh>, wherever you are. And thanks very much for listening and I look forward to having you back again soon. Bye for now.

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