Episode 63

February 28, 2024


Blair Abee Interview Higher Consciousness Meditation

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Blair Abee Interview Higher Consciousness Meditation
Supernormalized Podcast
Blair Abee Interview Higher Consciousness Meditation

Feb 28 2024 | 00:57:10


Show Notes

Today on Supernormalized meet Blair Abee, an observer, yogi, and toolmaker, developed Higher Consciousness Meditation after years of meditation and yoga.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I can't control what's going on around me. I can't control what, you know, the forces that seem to be at play. But what I can do is control or work with my own self. [00:01:00] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience my treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a Z at Proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal today on supernormalized, you'll meet Blair Abi. He is an observer, yogi and toolmaker who developed higher consciousness meditation. He embarked on his journey after facing a traumatic experience with an abusive boss at a new job. Seeking solace, he turned to meditation and yoga, which eventually led him to create higher consciousness meditation as a way to cope with life's challenges. Blair has authored five award winning books on meditation and manifestation, available on Amazon, and he has also written numerous articles on related topics. As an explorer of personal development, Blair sees each individual as a three dimensional character on Earth, while also experiencing a life as a five dimensional being with eternal potential. Although Blair initially pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, his passion for yoga and meditation has guided him towards becoming an author and educator. Please enjoy the show. [00:02:24] Speaker C: Today on Supernormalized, I have Blair, Abi, and Blair, you've written a lot of books around meditation and I want to welcome you to the show and say thank you so much for coming on. I contacted you through a service that connected us up and I was very impressed with all of your writing. It's like you've written so many books which have been very successful on Amazon in regards to meditation and connecting to your higher consciousness. So can you tell us a bit of your backstory around that? I mean, how did this all happen for you? [00:02:58] Speaker A: Sure. Well, the first thing to say and thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today and to your audience. I've been looking forward to this. The first thing to say is that I never intended to be an author. I never trained to be a writer. It wasn't really in my life plan and but I think spirit had different plans for me, which I'll explain in a minute. But backing up just a little, I started on my spiritual journey back in 1973, when I began to take some yoga classes in San Francisco, where I moved recently from the East Coast, North Carolina of the United States. And the yoga classes were great. They were offered by a fellow by the name of Swami Sachitananda, and he's the person who introduced or did the intro to Woodstock. So he was kind of a well known person. And I've been doing yoga and meditation ever since then, just continuously since that time, and always enjoyed it. But it really wasn't until eight years ago that I had a breakthrough. And the breakthrough happened, as often, I think happens, due to a traumatic experience that I had at work, where I moved across the country from North Carolina to San Diego to take a significant promotion in the organization that I work with. It was a business consulting group sponsored by the federal government. And turned out my boss was a psychopath. It's the first time I'd ever had a bad boss. And she was terrible. She was abusing employees. She was mishandling funds. She was running the program into the ground. And I'd come from a very high performing situation in North Carolina, and I kind of knew what was needed and thought what she wanted me to do was to help. Well, it turned out that's really not what she wanted. And after a year, know, putting up with this situation, I decided that I really needed to do something about it that it's just too terrible to deal with. And so I went to the higher ups and reported what was going on. An investigation ensued. She was fired, but they fired me, too. [00:06:09] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:06:10] Speaker A: Yes. And as it turns out, as often happens to whistleblowers, they considered me to be an embarrassment, that I exposed the situation and that they weren't doing their job to monitor what was going on. And so I was in a new place, high paying job, and my career ended at that point. And that was, as you can imagine, devastating. I mean, it was devastating personally. It was devastating for my ego, it was devastating for my financial situation. And I was at a place where I knew some people, but not a lot. So I started looking for another job in my profession, lower level jobs, and nobody would touch me because I was kind of poisoned, if you will. I started journaling for therapy and just taking a deep dive into my meditation practice. And after about 100,000 words of journaling, I realized that I had material that I could turn into some books, and that would be, I thought, helpful for other people with the information that I had begun to record. Because what began to happen was what I would today call Soul contact. Didn't recognize it exactly at that time that it happened. It was just that as I did my journaling, I began to feel spirit sort of moving through my fingers and onto the keyboard and onto the screen. And I began to have understandings and realizations that I had really never had before. And I eventually began to recognize that as contact with my higher self or my higher consciousness. And again, what I would at this point in my life call Soul contact. And that was pretty amazing because it was as if my spiritual experience just exploded and it blossomed forth. And that's really the Genesis for the Books. Now I've written at this .6 books on meditation, mindfulness meditation, and manifestation from a Spiritual Perspective. And that's self published. If you're not famous or if you don't have A large following, you can't really get A book publisher to touch you. So I self published on Amazon Books, and at this point I've distributed, including ones given away and ones sold, about 25,000 books. I've got a couple of more books in the works, and I'm starting to do courses, I'm starting to do coaching. So my business is beginning to blossom forth in that fashion. So, yeah, it's really been an interesting journey. Looking back on it, it's obvious that spirit had something different in mind for me than what I had in mind. And that making soul contact, I've come to realize, is almost a lifetime experience. It's kind of an experience that doesn't happen really very often to people in general. And I think it's almost as if my higher self, my soul, my higher consciousness, had been waiting lifetimes for me to wake up. And that's really what happened. I think it was sort of a wakening up into a higher awareness of who I am, what the world is about. And that's what I have been able to convey. I think, through my books. In many ways, what I see myself as is a tool maker, because I offer various tools that people who are interested in either getting started with meditation or who want to improve their meditation practice or want to just up their spiritual experience, tools that people can use to do that with. And they're really tools that I developed for myself and then ended up sharing in the books. [00:11:16] Speaker B: Excellent. [00:11:17] Speaker C: Wow. Okay. [00:11:18] Speaker A: Yeah, so it's quite a story. [00:11:21] Speaker C: That's a huge story arc. I'm just boggled with lots of information there. So I'm trying to actually think of a way I can process that myself. But I just was thinking about the soul contact. Is that still ongoing for you? [00:11:34] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. Journaling. Almost on a daily basis I'm writing, and I feel like soul is coming through. Some of our master teachers have talked about the experience that I had as being one of contacting the spirit or heaven within. And I think that's what a lot of our master teachers were trying to point us to, is that all of us have heaven or spirit within us. Many of us don't know about that because we've never trained to understand that. But as a result, I think the experience that I had was one of those experiences that really is available to anybody who wants to explore their spirituality in that way and have soul contact and have that still small voice be available to answer questions, to have conversations with. I know that sounds sort of strange. On the other hand, it's, I think, something that, again, is available to all of us, and it's a matter of using some technique to delve into it. Journaling is a good way. Meditation is a good way. There are lots of other ways, but it's, I think, a reward of a lifetime, if you will, or an accomplishment of a lifetime. [00:13:33] Speaker C: Look, I'm going to say that I've actually had soul contact myself. I did a lot of meditation myself. So when I read about your experiences, I was like, well, I got to have this guy on the show. [00:13:42] Speaker A: Yes. So you know what I mean? [00:13:45] Speaker C: I know exactly what you mean. [00:13:47] Speaker A: How did that happen for you? [00:13:49] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll tell you how it happened. I was always a meditator, and I was taught, first of all, as a very young child, how to meditate by beings that I encountered in a forest as a baby. So that stuck with me as a baby. And as I got older, I kept up that meditation. And then the only time in my life I actually felt like an extreme sort of depression or anxiety was when I stopped meditating. But that made me circle back to meditation again, and I made a daily practice of it, and I would try to do it first thing in the morning as I work, and then the next time would be midday, around about lunchtime. And so I'd be able to actually work it into my workday. So during my lunchtimes at work, I would actually go into the back room and meditate for whatever period length that was necessary. And that usually worked out to be, on average, ten to 25 minutes each day at lunchtime period. [00:14:45] Speaker A: Right. [00:14:46] Speaker C: And I was doing that so regularly that the body seems to just also go along with it and relaxes right into the process really easily. And then one day I was doing it, and it was like suddenly I had an extra voice inside that said, you're going to be like this For a while now. And I said, okay, who are you? [00:15:11] Speaker A: It is disconcerting. [00:15:13] Speaker C: It was, okay, I'm nuts. Now, this is interesting, but I tested the voice and I talked to it, and it turned out that it was a representation of my higher self in a form most acceptable for me to receive information at that time is the way it described it. And I was like, okay, that's all great, but I still have to know that you're actually real and this is something that's actually happening, rather than me losing my mind. And over a period of time, I put it through some tests, and the being proved itself and unequivocally proved itself through events that happened. And so I said, okay, I'll listen to you. And so over a long period of time after that, which was about one and a half years, we were working together to tune my consciousness up into different ways. And it was a very beautiful experience, I would say, for sure. [00:16:07] Speaker A: Yeah. So you know what I'm talking about. And it is unusual. It's a little discurting at first, but boys, it's so amazingly satisfying and helpful. I feel like there are times when that part of me just sort of goes out and takes care of things in a way that I wouldn't have expected, necessarily. [00:16:40] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I mean, I had virtually any question I want answered instantly and carefully and clearly. And I was like, this is really good. It was like having a universal record on everything, right? And the side effects of it were amazing. I had extra sensory perception. I had extremely enhanced intuition. These are all things that I had and had developed alongside working with it. So I would say it was very life changing and all for the positive. And like you, I'm going to start writing about that. I have written about it before, but I need to actually make it into something that's more readable in time. So how. Why does your new and improved meditation system work? I mean, you've been studying under the swami, and you probably took that and then ran with that and then come up with your own version of that meditation. Did that change over time for you? And how does it work for you nowadays? [00:17:44] Speaker A: Yes. So what soul, what higher consciousness shared with me or suggested was a meditation process? That, again, even though I'd been doing meditation for a long time, it was still not totally satisfying. The type of meditation, the typical type of meditation, is often about training the mind or trying to quiet the mind. And it's spoken of as being an attempt to train a wild horse. And what I found over time was that the mind really doesn't want to be trained. It really wants to be in charge. It really wants to be chatter, chatter, chatter. Looking at casting into the past and casting into the future and trying to figure out what's going on and. [00:18:45] Speaker C: Trying. [00:18:45] Speaker A: To survive, if you will, in a difficult world. I mean, this is not an easy planet to be born onto. And again, we're not trained from the beginning to have the kind of experiences that you had early on or the kind of experiences that I've had, that we're mostly trained to be three dimensional beings in this biomechanical vehicle that we inhabit, as opposed to being the spiritual beings or the eternal beings that we are in this biomechanical vehicle that we drive around. And the mind is sort of our central processing unit. So that's not something, that idea, that notion is not something that we're exposed to very much because people don't know. I mean, our teachers don't know, our spiritual leaders don't know. And therefore, there's not a whole lot of. There's. There's not a whole lot of exposure, especially from the early days, to that kind of idea. And I think, as a result, we don't have soul contact. We don't realize that we're eternal beings. We don't realize that there's not only a three dimensional world out there, but a five dimensional world out there. And meditation is really one way to get in touch with that. But meditation can be difficult if what it's about is mind training. So my higher consciousness meditation process is one that takes you more directly to an experience of illumination. And it kind of goes like this. I start off by saying to myself, peace, be still, as a way of triggering, settling into a higher form of awareness, if you will. And then what I say is, the all is. And that's an open ended statement because it's intended to have the all or God, or whatever you want to call that, respond in some way that gives you a clue about what God or the all is. That, from my experience, an eternal intelligence. But it's not somebody sitting on a throne and commanding good things or bad things for good people or bad people. And one of the things that comes from that is the all is omnipresent or omnipresence. Well, if that's true, and if I'm a spark of that, then omnipresence is an experience that I can have. So that often is what that. [00:21:59] Speaker C: Open. [00:22:00] Speaker A: Ended statement will lead to the all is omnipresence. And then I get a sense of omnipresence, and then I can say, oh, well, I'm one with that. The next open ended statement is higher consciousness or my soul is. And again, it's opening up the space for soul or higher consciousness. Then to respond to that invitation, to kind of define itself, and often the response is best friend, mighty companion. And I can say, well, I'm one with that. The third part, and it's just in steps, is to say, I'm an eternal being and just get a sense of that eternal beingness that I am. And then it finishes up with, I elevate awareness, I illuminate consciousness, and I radiate light into my world. Then I just settle in and just enjoy the experience of those contacts, number one, with the all, with my higher consciousness, with my eternal self and an elevation of consciousness or awareness. So I do this twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, as a way to begin the day and end the day, to remind myself in a way it's a tool or a trigger to just have that experience as a way of beginning the day. And in doing that, it's just as you were talking about when you do it at lunch and so forth. I'm sure you were leaving that space in an elevated state of awareness, and it makes the day so much easier. [00:24:01] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:24:03] Speaker A: And more lovely. Often things just unfold nicely and almost magically. So that's what that higher consciousness meditation process is like now. I also intersperse during the middle of the day some mindfulness statements like peace be still or like, I breathe higher consciousness. And my mindfulness book has a number of statements of that sort that are again intended to be triggers and can be used for different situations. But peace be still is one of the ones that I use the most, because it can be used in almost any situation, whether it's just before you go into a meeting or perhaps you're giving a talk or even you're getting in your car and you're going home and you're expecting to be in traffic. If you can use that as a trigger or a reminder, it's kind of remembering to remember in a way. Then you can kind of rise up in consciousness for a second, and that brightens things up and smooths things out. And I don't know. It's become a lifestyle, really, for me. [00:25:31] Speaker C: Well, it sounds like an effective lifestyle, for sure. And I know for myself when I do the meditation, my own meditation, almost every day, I can, I find that it does a reset of the mind and the body. I find I'll walk out of it, and it's like I've just woken up to a new day and I can go back into doing the work that I'm doing externally without the stresses that had come on from the morning. So it actually just makes the day even better. And your description of it, it sounds like you're sort of short circuiting the mind from all the distractions to bring it back into a frequency change which is in alignment with your higher self. And John C. Lilly wrote a book about this sort of thing called Programming and metaprogramming the human biocomputer back in the he was an explorer of consciousness as well and did a lot of work with float tanks, and he was using ketamine at the time, and it enabled him to access these states as well. But he also found that after doing the deep meditation work himself, that there was methods to get in there using almost chanted, sort of tape loops of suggestions to actually break through the conscious mind and all the extra chatter into that higher self. So it was like an extra shortcut. It's like giving yourself a hand up. Exactly. And pull yourself up the rung of the ladder into the higher consciousness, change that frequency. And he was doing that as well. So, yeah, there's many ways to the same thing, it seems, and I think we're all learning to make that happen for ourselves. And I appreciate that. What you're doing sounds very much similar to that, which is very interesting. Now, I've got to ask you, though, what do you mean by the fundamental tenant that we are all eternal beings? Because you're alluding to that. And why is that so important? [00:27:35] Speaker A: So what I mean by eternal beings is that I think we're all a spark of the all or God. And as a spark, we are like a drop of water in an ocean, but we're made up of the same stuff as the ocean. We're just an individualized divine or eternal consciousness, whereas the all is an ultimate divine consciousness. And I think that's important because number one is, I think it's important to know that and to understand that and to realize that, because with that realization you were talking about upping frequency, it raises your vibratory rate to know that that's the case. It really shifts consciousness in a way that you sort of grow from human consciousness to a spiritual consciousness or to a higher sense of consciousness. And so I think that's why knowing and understanding that is so important, because we all know, I think that we're more than just these biomechanical vehicles running around trying to survive. And we also, if we study our master teachers, again, what they are pointing to is that the kingdom of Heaven is within. It's not out there. It's inside. But in order to have an experience of that, you have to go in in some way that allows that to begin to flow out and to be, you know, a part of your. Of your life, of your mind, of your consciousness, of your awareness. I think that's what I mean by eternal being and why it's important and why it's such an integral part of what I share in my books and other ways that I offer my ideas. [00:30:10] Speaker C: Right. How does mindfulness actually relate to that? Obviously, it's complementarily complementary, I should say. [00:30:22] Speaker A: Yes. [00:30:25] Speaker C: But how can you actually use that to keep yourself focused on the goal of raising your frequency? I mean, you've said before that you say your keywords that actually enable you to break through. Is there any other techniques that you use to keep your mindfulness practice? [00:30:46] Speaker A: That's the primary one. But mindfulness is in some ways, nothing more than just pausing, taking a breath, being in the moment, and, you know, experiencing kind of a true state of awareness. So the mindfulness techniques that I offer are really nothing more than triggers. They themselves aren't the end all and be all. But the whole point is to kind of shift your consciousness. Now, you can use. I mean, there's so many different mindfulness techniques that you can use, whether it's getting into the flow when you're running or playing tennis or whatever, or whether it's going to the grocery store and shifting your consciousness in such a way as you begin to see the people around you as being themselves eternal beings, or whether it's having a conversation with somebody and being able to see past the physical form and to see the light in their eyes, which is an indication of their own higher consciousness. Anytime you do that, what happens? And you know this from your own experience, again, your vibratory rate increases your perceptions, increases your ability to know and understand what's going on takes a whole different dynamic and shape. [00:32:39] Speaker C: Definitely. So it sounds like you're actually opening yourself, using these ways into a higher form of consciousness in what people would call the ordinary. And by becoming extraordinary, you're embracing Christ consciousness. [00:32:57] Speaker A: Christ consciousness, exactly. In fact, one of the things that I do is I have a little three by five card that I keep right here on my desk as a way of reminding myself that that's the experience that I want to have no matter what my normal everyday activity happens to be. [00:33:18] Speaker C: You should be selling those cards. [00:33:24] Speaker A: That's funny. And the interesting thing is that if I keep it in one place for too long, it begins to just become part of the background and become invisible. So I have to move it around, and it's a way of not letting my mind go to sleep and just continually reminding myself. And the more I do that, the more I want to do it. And the more I want to do it, the more it just becomes more my ordinary consciousness rather than my human consciousness being my normal consciousness or ordinary consciousness. [00:34:03] Speaker C: Right. Wow. Okay, so how does your manifestation process called the best possible outcomes work? [00:34:11] Speaker A: Yes, the best possible outcomes process is a way of doing spiritual manifestation. Like many people, I was very curious about manifestation and explored various means of doing manifestation. Things like, oh, I don't know, imagining BMW in my driveway tomorrow and having it magically appear, or doing vision boards or whatever. I never found that that was very helpful or productive in a conversation, if you will. Journaling session. I had a conversation with my higher consciousness, which I call High C, the nickname that I get given high C. Let's talk about manifestation. And I'm not really satisfied with anything that I've ever come across. What can you offer me in terms of a manifestation process or tool? And that was the genesis for the best possible outcomes process. And the way that goes is to say I ask. So it's important to just ask your soul, or higher consciousness, or spirit, or God, or whoever you want to ask. I ask for the best possible outcome as relates to my conversation this morning with CJ, the podcast that I'm doing, and then pausing, getting a sense, then that spirit has engaged. Because usually it's like an intake of a breath is my clue, and then I offer a thank you for your participation in my life at this moment. So that's it. I mean, it sounds pretty simple, and it is pretty simple, but it has some profound elements to it. The first is asking, as opposed to know. A lot of prayers are telling God what you want, or even trying to bargain with God as if God were some sort of Santa Claus, which if you just use the right words or know God's going to come through for you and solve whatever problem you have. This is really more an asking and an allowing for spirit to be the best possible outcome, or to offer the best possible outcome, as opposed to what my mind thinks the outcome should be. So I ask for the best possible outcome as relates to my need for transportation, a generalized ask, as opposed to a know brand new BMW. I ask for the best possible outcome for my need for transportation, because maybe what I need is a truck, not a BMW. Maybe what I need is whatever. And then to pause and allow for some sense that spirit has heard my request and is now on the field, has engaged. And that's important because I have found so often in using this process that what comes out of it is much better than what I had in mind or what I might have wanted in doing the ask. And that spirit's major intent is for me to grow and to evolve spiritually, and that's what it offers in response to my request. And then I do the proper thing, which is to offer gratitude or thanks for spirit being involved in my life at this moment, and then just turn it over and let that unfold itself, rather than trying to force something to happen. So it's a spiritual way of manifestation. It's much more satisfying than trying to, again, beg some God or to try and use the mind to force something to happen. That I think this is what I want and need. But it opens the way then for spirit to engage and to offer up its best possible outcome. [00:39:43] Speaker C: Yeah. It does sound like a process where it does enable spirit to offer what's really needed rather than what's desired. Because a lot of our times, our desires are a bit confused in comparison to what's actually really needed. [00:40:01] Speaker A: There you go. [00:40:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:40:03] Speaker A: And as you can see, it's simple, it's straightforward. You can use it for anything in mind. If you're going into the city and your parking place is a problem, you can use that. Now, the best possible outcome for the parking place might not be right in front of the restaurant that you're going to. It might be down the street, as it was for me one day. So that as I walked up toward the restaurant, I saw this statue in the window, and I thought, that's fabulous. I love that. I'd like to put that on my desk as a reminder. And so I went in and got it, and it's just been a very nice addition to the decorations on my desk. And again, it's a reminder. So the best possible outcome wasn't what I thought it might be, a parking place right in front of the restaurant, but instead it was something much more magical than that. [00:41:08] Speaker C: Something you needed to see, which was meant to be in your life. [00:41:11] Speaker A: Exactly. Yeah. [00:41:13] Speaker C: Went to the right place, right time. That's good. [00:41:15] Speaker A: And you don't know why sometimes, but it's so often, in fact, the best possible outcome. [00:41:26] Speaker C: Now, part of your practice actually involves gratitude and how that helps with personal development. Can you explain your understanding of gratitude in that process? [00:41:39] Speaker A: Yes. So one of the things that's said about gratitude and about manifestation is that is, is that it? And I believe this to be the case, that. That it raises your vibratory rate and it causes the law of attraction to engage. Law of attraction is like attracts like. So as you do the sorts of things that we're talking about, one of the things that begins to happen, it's been my experience, is that things come into my life that I hadn't anticipated at all. People, circumstances, things come into my life that are uplifting in response to an increase in my vibratory rate. So I like to talk about the law of vibration as being the thing that causes manifestation to occur. That by raising vibration, the response from the universe is again, people, places, circumstances, things that are in accordance with a higher vibratory rate. So I think that's why gratitude works, because it raises your consciousness, it raises your vibratory rate, and you're much more likely then to attract to you, or again, those things that you need for your growth and evolution. So it's all connected. [00:43:33] Speaker C: Definitely. And in chaos magic is gratitude as a process as well for manifestation. And your description sounds nearly identical to that. So when you do it with chaos magic, you sort of focus on the greatest. Chaos magic, yeah, chaos magic. [00:43:54] Speaker A: I haven't heard that term. [00:43:55] Speaker C: Okay. It's a form of method of magic which uses all magical styles. [00:44:01] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:02] Speaker C: But then throws out what doesn't work, only uses stuff that works. Not everything works for everyone at the same time. Just as a quick summary, I certainly agree with that. With cast magic, I've noted that you use the process of gratitude and you're having gratitude for something that actually hasn't happened yet, but you want to happen in a certain sort of way. So you focus on that sort of process of having gratitude for what you wish to come. In a way, yes. It's more than a wish. It's sort of like a summary to the universe of what needs to happen. And if you're having gratitude for it already happening. [00:44:41] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:41] Speaker C: Then it happens. [00:44:42] Speaker A: I got you. Yeah, I like that too. [00:44:46] Speaker C: Yeah. So you were talking before about connecting to the higher self, and that's to do a partly with the experience of connecting to our fifth dimensional sort of family of being and helps us to actually develop into sort of universal citizens. What does that all mean to you? I hear a lot of people talk about us flipping into the reality. It sounds like that's sort of the same sort of angle that you're talking about with what you're doing, with tuning yourself up. Why is that important? And what does it mean to be a universal citizen? [00:45:33] Speaker A: I think spirit operates at a five dimensional and higher levels. I'm not too acquainted just on personal experience, and therefore don't talk about levels above the fifth dimension. But I'm very familiar with the fifth dimension, which is the dimension of spirit. And I think we are five dimensional beings, spirit beings, again, inside of three dimensional bodies. And the reason that it's important, among other things, is that if we as a species don't wake up to that part of ourselves, and if we continue on in the direction that we're headed as three dimensional beings trying to tame the Earth, there's a locomotive coming down the tracks straight for humanity, climate change. It's unavoidable, it's unmistakable. And if we don't wake up, and if we don't begin to see that we are all one as a species, and that if all of us don't prosper, none of us are going to prosper, we're going to get run over by that freight train. So I can't think of a more important reason to begin to realize and to begin to wake up and grow up as a species than the difficulties that we are going to have if we don't. So that's what I think is the most important aspect of that. If we are in fact eternal beings, then we're universal beings and we're connected with the all. And not only is that happening on Earth, but it also happens as an experience of higher consciousness, as an experience of elevated awareness. Again, it's all connected, right? [00:47:57] Speaker C: Yeah. I see a lot of disturbance in the human reality when it comes to a lot of things. I don't personally subscribe to the climate change narrative myself, but I do see that as a species, we need to actually do clean up a lot of things because honestly, it is a bit messy and there's a lot of people out there not looking after the environment in ways which would be sensible. I mean, you wouldn't dig a hole in the Earth if you knew it was actually hurting your mother. But the Earth is our mother, so why would you do that? You know what I mean? Just to put it another way. Right, sure. Yeah. I think in time, respect for all consciousness and all conscious beings will come back around. It's just we've had this probably close to nearly 2000 years of distraction and disturbance I'm not saying we're going to go back to A beautiful oil painting of what nature should be, but a sense of more connectedness and a sense of more personal and global and universal responsibility is definitely important and necessary for the frequency of us as a species to continue. And I'm certain we're all moving towards that. We can all feel it. There's a big change coming. And we all chose, when we picked up our travel brochure to come here to Earth. This time we went, yeah, I want that one. And it's the reason why we're all here. [00:49:34] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. And to offer our individual contribution to that. Now, the interesting thing is that it seems that darkness and light are both arising simultaneously. Certainly in this country, there's a lot of darkness that it's just bubbling up, and it's bubbling up and it's bubbling up, and there's real concern that our democracy may not survive. At the same time, people are waking up to why that's important to address and why democracy is important, as opposed to some other form of government and leadership. So my hope and expectation is that a lot of that darkness is just bubbling up in order to be addressed and to be dissolved and to be. And to be dissolved by spirit or to be dissolved by light, including everybody who is working on the light worker side of the equation. That's where we're headed. So that's another reason why this is important, is to begin to dissolve a lot of that darkness which just, gosh, it's just every day here in the States, there's something going on that you just shake your head at. It's like, how could people be so dark? How could people be so ignorant of the connection that we all have? [00:51:37] Speaker C: Well, there's a lot of answers for that one, definitely. Yeah. So, Blake, we're coming towards the end of the show. Is there anything that you'd like to leave the listeners that is a message for raising their vibration that would help them in their lives? Because obviously, we're all in the same sort of dark cloud at the moment when it comes to experience, not all of us, but it does seem to attach to us quite often. What's a good, healthy message to raise people's vibrations? [00:52:11] Speaker A: Right now, I think fundamentally, all I can do personally is to take care of myself, my consciousness, my awareness, and to offer what I have as my contribution or my drop of water into the pond. I can't control what's going on around me. I can't control the forces that seem to be at play but what I can do is control or work with my own self if I'm so inclined. If what we're talking about today resonates, to explore and to grow in consciousness and to evolve, to evolve into a five dimensional being again, if that resonates now, then find a means to do that. There are many out there. Some of the things that we've talked about today, or are tools that anybody who is interested in or maybe even inspired by what we've talked about this morning, do it. Find your way. That works for you. Take the tools that are available. And there are lots of tools and lots of people offering options to explore that and to grow and to evolve and to add your drop of water to the pond so that we all benefit. [00:54:04] Speaker C: Brilliant. Excellent. Thank you so much for your time. Blair. I'm going to include your links to your website and your Amazon author page so people can find you on your books and learn more about you. I appreciate all that you've shared today and your understanding of consciousness and the connection to the higher self and the importance of that in our lives. [00:54:28] Speaker A: Also, if people want a copy of the Mindfulness book, you can get that at my website, and you'll be putting that in the show notes for sure. So that's available to anybody who would like to get a copy of that. This has been a great conversation. I really appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. [00:54:47] Speaker C: Yeah. Thank you so much for your time, Blair. I appreciate it, indeed. All right, bye. [00:54:51] Speaker A: Be well. Namaste. [00:54:52] Speaker C: Yeah, same to you, bro. Okay. That was great. Thank you so much, Blair. That was cool. [00:55:03] Speaker A: That was so much fun. [00:55:04] Speaker C: Yeah. I appreciate your understanding of higher consciousness and your connection to their higher self and how you got there. I really like how you had those sort of, like, short circuiting, almost trigger words to shut the mind off to get you even more into that understanding of the higher self and how important it is to actually be connected to that. So, yeah, that's a really nice process. And I'm sure that people will contact you after the show and learn more about you and your processes because you've got a thing going there. That's really cool. [00:55:41] Speaker A: Thank you so much. And, yeah, pursue your own writing as well. Yeah, maybe this will be a little bit of a goose to turn what you've done into something that you can share. [00:55:56] Speaker C: Look, I'll share with you that I've written the book twice, but because governments, they actually get into my computer and erase it. [00:56:04] Speaker A: No. [00:56:05] Speaker C: Yeah, it's happened twice, and one time was up to 40,000 words. Other time was up to 70,000 words. Both times erased. And they leave the folder but they erase the files. This time I've got it actually backed up on so many places there's no way. [00:56:17] Speaker A: Good. [00:56:20] Speaker C: But thank you again, Blair. And I hope you enjoy your afternoon and yeah, appreciate your time. What I'll do is I'll send you on email the podcast cover. If you ever use any social media you can send that to people to announce that it's coming out. And also we'll tell you the exact date of release as well on that email. [00:56:40] Speaker A: Good. [00:56:41] Speaker C: And yeah. Thank you again so much for your time. [00:56:44] Speaker A: You're welcome. I'll post it in my newsletter to my email list and also on social media. So happy to do that. [00:56:55] Speaker C: Excellent. [00:56:56] Speaker A: Again. Thank you for the opportunity. [00:56:58] Speaker C: All right. See you Blair. Have a good day. [00:57:00] Speaker A: Be well. [00:57:01] Speaker C: Good night. All right. Bye. [00:57:07] Speaker B: A sincere thanks to Blair for coming on the show. It's interesting hearing his angles on meditation. [00:57:12] Speaker C: And he's talking about the connection to. [00:57:17] Speaker B: The soul self or the higher self. Sounds a lot like something that I. [00:57:20] Speaker C: Was going through myself. [00:57:22] Speaker B: As I explained in the episode, there was one book that I read at. [00:57:25] Speaker C: The time when I was going through my experience, and it was a book on the study of Chinese Zen Buddhism. [00:57:32] Speaker B: And there was one point in the. [00:57:34] Speaker C: Book where it mentioned that if you'd. [00:57:36] Speaker B: Reach a certain state, then this was actually a natural outcome of that state. And they called it an emissary. [00:57:42] Speaker C: And during the time that I had. [00:57:44] Speaker B: My emissary, I learnt many things. So I can understand what Blair has been through. If you've enjoyed today's talk with Blair, please if you've enjoyed today's show, please get in contact with Blair directly and say thank you for coming on. I'd appreciate that. And I'm sure he will as well. [00:57:58] Speaker C: And you'll find all of his information to contact him in the show notes. [00:58:04] Speaker B: Now, if you think somebody could benefit from hearing this show, please share just to one person. And if you haven't as yet, please get onto your podcast app and give. [00:58:12] Speaker C: Us a good rating of five stars and a nice review. It would be very helpful and I'd. [00:58:17] Speaker B: Really appreciate it as well. Thank you so much for listening. And until next week or next time. [00:58:22] Speaker C: I should say bye for now. It.

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