Episode 1

November 09, 2022


Celeste Corazon Interview Is There Ways To Mitigate Spirit Attacks?

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Celeste Corazon Interview Is There Ways To Mitigate Spirit Attacks?
Supernormalized Podcast
Celeste Corazon Interview Is There Ways To Mitigate Spirit Attacks?

Nov 09 2022 | 00:54:54


Show Notes

Todays show features Celeste Corazon whom is a healer in many modalities whom realized for herself over time that she was often performing many and varied types of exorcisms to the benefit of those suffering from spirit attack. This meandering show covers her history, what drove her to her work and how life is playing out around that experience. If you enjoy the show rate it with 5 stars on your favorite podcaster and if you have an experience you’d like to share please contact the host CeeJay direct at supernormalized at proton dot me. Thanks for listening and please […]
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:34 Welcome to Super Normalized, and I'm your host, cj. Today we have a very interesting show for you. However, I'd like to start with a recommendation that if you have an experience that you would like to share on the show, please contact me. It's super normalized. Um, that's all one word with AZ super [email protected] now on with a show. All right. So today's show, we actually have for us a medicine one that's been working with plants and energy healing. And, uh, our medicine woman is going to be coming on under a, a pseudonym, uh, for the protection of her identity because of, uh, the work that she does. And that way she is protected from any, um, outside influences, having opinions of her and her work, and, uh, that way she's also kept safe from, um, spirits in every dimension. Okay. So with that, uh, small introduction, we'll get into it. And we are talking to, uh, Celeste Cot. Hello, Celeste. Speaker 2 00:01:43 Hi, cj. Speaker 1 00:01:45 So, uh, Celeste, first of all, I think it's best if we start with something to help people understand how you got to where you are now. Um, I'd first like to know what drew you to healing? Speaker 2 00:02:02 Well, uh, many years ago I became very ill and Western mid medicine could not give me any diagnosis. So after numerous testing and hospitalization, uh, I was released after a week. And, um, and then after, you know, researching and going to other, you know, healing modalities, um, it led me to a healing modality in particular, which after six sessions of having numerous, um, ailments that were quite debilitating, uh, I had a curiosity which then grew into a passion to practice this type of healing modality so I could heal and help my family and friends. Speaker 1 00:03:01 Okay. And so before this all started and before you got sick, do you have any idea what, if anything, triggered that? Speaker 2 00:03:17 Um, I always had an interest in supernatural and, um, and in spirits. And I knew there were, um, just different forces that worked outside of us. So I remember when I was young trying to bend a spoon, you know, through my thoughts, and I couldn't do that. But I knew I had powers and I, um, I think I was about maybe 11, and I had a two-way mirror, so it had a mirror of a normal sort of picture when you look at yourself normally, but then when you look at the reverse image, it had, um, the magnified image. And what I did was I wrote on one side of the image, if you look into this mirror and you don't obey what I say, then bad things will happen to you. And then obviously on the reverse side, I had the alternate, um, answer to that as in reflecting. Speaker 2 00:04:36 So I had, and this, you know, will reverse, um, if you look into this mirror. So, um, I was just wanting my brothers to do things that I wanted to do, and my brother thought it was a load of rubbish, and he looked into the mirror, and then he started having all of these accidents. And so he quickly realized that I had some sort of power. And then I said, Well, you better look into the mirror. And, um, so he looked into the mirror and everything stopped. So all of those accidents falling off his bike and everything just yeah, reversed. So, you know, I knew there was a power outside of myself, but that was willing to work within me, um, to do all those sort of things. Speaker 1 00:05:24 Right. So you had a, an interest and a drive, which came from, would you say your intuition? Speaker 2 00:05:34 Oh, absolutely. I've always been told that I had a very, very acute, um, intuition. People that I worked with always were a little bit, sometimes skeptical to talk to me because not skeptical, What am I trying to say? They were very cautious in speaking to me because they knew that I would know what they're thinking or what they were about to say was, yeah, it would happen. Um, so, you know, I do recall for many years some people calling me a white witch. And, uh, yeah, it's, I guess that's where it all started. Speaker 1 00:06:23 Right. How old were you when that happened? Speaker 2 00:06:26 When I was called the white witch? Speaker 1 00:06:28 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:06:30 Um, oh, about 23 till about, yeah, about 23 years old. Um, and that person knew me for quite a while and yeah. But other people would say it as well. Speaker 1 00:06:44 Right, right. Uh, okay. So you've had this connection to your intuition and to healing from quite a young age, and also by the sound of it, uh, intentionally, um, making people do things. <laugh>, have you kept up that, um, that means and or methods of, um, working with people? Speaker 2 00:07:08 <laugh>, I'm, I'm not so naughty and manipulative now, <laugh>, Um, I wouldn't say that. Um, but what has happened as a result of that? So, uh, I lost my brother, um, to suicide about 17 years ago. And because I wanted to connect with him on a spiritual, um, setting and be able to talk to him, um, it, it then led me to, uh, working with ayahuasca. So I sat with Ayahuasca many times and connected with him and, and connected. And just my healings were just so profound with that medicine that, um, you know, after about it was about, you know, maybe half a dozen sessions. I then had a calling. I was called by the spirit of that medicine to work with the medicine and b of service. So, Speaker 1 00:08:20 Wait a minute, How, how did, how did you know It was a calling? Speaker 2 00:08:24 Uh, for three nights I could not sleep. I, the music was going off in my head the whole time. Speaker 1 00:08:34 When you say the music, music, what specifically do you mean? Speaker 2 00:08:38 The medicine, music. So the music in ceremony would just be just playing over and over and over in my sleep. So I would be in this sort of transit, half awake, half asleep, and then hearing this spirit talk to me and tell me that I needed to step up, I needed to be of service to the medicine. And this went on for three nights. And it, uh, like the music in the, in that space is really beautiful and very healing. But, um, you know, to, to have three nights where you are having a spirit talk to you and talk to you and talk to you and nag you. Um, I then went to the, and spoke to the medicine man that I was sitting with, and I told him what was going on. He said, You are being called, you are being called to be of service. And I had actually had, even in a ceremony previous to this happening, where I was shown and told by the spirit of the plant that this man needed to teach me everything he needed to teach me how to make the medicine. He needed to teach me everything about working in these realms. And I told him that. And yeah, he just said, You are being called to be of service. So you, I then started training as a spirit helper, uh, in service to the medicine. Right. Speaker 1 00:10:23 What does a, what does a spirit helper do specifically? Speaker 2 00:10:27 Um, well, we still drink the medicine and we are still journeying, but we are looking out for other people watching what is happening with them, watching if there's any changes. Uh, we can see it. I, I mean, I could personally could see it in their energetic field that if there was a change in their eyes, a change in their body, a change in how they would move or breathe or whatever, if they were being, if they needed support. So, um, and we would change their buckets. So, you know, iasa is a purging medicine, so, uh, we would be changing their buckets and being of service. So even though we're, you know, under the influence of the, of the medicine, the medicine would hold us in a space of being able to serve them without, um, yeah, without going into a space of Yeah. Being in, in need for ourselves. Speaker 1 00:11:34 Right, right. Okay. And so considering all of that, and you are being led into the journey of becoming a medicine woman, uh, tell me more about that. I mean, did you actually, so you, you've had spirit teachers, So this, this is how, how this is working. You've got spirit teachers, they're taking you on a journey. They're learn, they're helping you to learn ways to help other people while they're inside this experience. Is there any lineage with this? I mean, what's the story behind that for you? Speaker 2 00:12:13 Um, lineage for me, um, probably doesn't really come about and make sense until many years later where I had dreams where I was a medicine woman serving medicine, um, in Peru, if that's what you mean. Is that, is that where you're heading with that? Speaker 1 00:12:40 Yeah, I'm just trying to Speaker 2 00:12:41 Understand what my connection is. So, um, I was shown only probably two or three years ago that, uh, I was a medicine woman in Peru. Uh, but I was specifically working with, uh, toy Speaker 1 00:13:01 To, So yeah. So what I'm, what I'm sort of asking with that is like, cuz it sounds like you've been guided by spirits to heal people. Um, and, but you're also doing it in an unusual way. Um, it, can you explain more around that? Speaker 2 00:13:20 Okay. So in working with iowaska for many, many years, uh, and I was, I was, in many ways she was telling me that, um, and in some ceremonies where we had big groups, there was one ceremony in particular where we had 13 people and no one purged really during that ceremony, but me and I purged for 13 people for about two and a half hours, Speaker 1 00:13:56 Which, okay, okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute. What do mean by purged for 13 people? What happens there? Speaker 2 00:14:02 Okay, so Iowa was, is a purgative and purging takes many forms, so vomiting, yawning, crying, uh, going to the toilet, et cetera. But I mean, purging by via vomiting. So with iosco, when we talk about purging, we don't talk about it being sick as in the traditional way. We talk about it being, well, because you're actually purging the negative energies and the negative or toxins from the body, right? So in this particular ceremony, I was purging for 13 people and she told me that this was too big for everybody else and that I needed to do it for them. And whilst I was doing it, I was seeing the visions and feeling the feelings of each and every person and their, what they were purging. So I was feeling grief and, um, anger and, um, revenge and all of these like really dark, um, feelings, but purging, purging, purging for about two and a half hours that evening. Speaker 2 00:15:26 Uh, and this had happened a few times in other ceremonies as well, where I knew I was purging for other people, or if I was sitting down and, um, with someone and working with them and consoling them, the energy would transfer from them into me. And then, and they didn't have the energy to do the purging. There were absolutely exhausted, crying or, you know, through cry, the grief was their purging. Um, so I would then purge for them because, and because I was working in close proximity to them, that energy would channel through me and I would release it from my body. So that night in particular where I was told I was purging for all of these people, uh, I had a dream where I was in Peru, and this was many, many lifetimes ago, where I was a medicine woman and I was working with Datura, I was working with Toy and I actually didn't even know it was called Toy. Speaker 2 00:16:40 And that's the angel trumpet, um, medicine that we see here. And, uh, these medicine men had a, they were jealous of me and they were driving me out of the jungle and they were, um, firing poison darts at me. But because I had the power of transmutation, um, I was able to actually purge these darts out, which was maggots, which I was purging out of my body. And then, um, and then I had this download that I actually, cuz this was just before the borders closed and before Covid, um, sorry, it was during Covid, but before the borders closed, the medicine told me that I needed to be serving one on one or in couples and being of service totally to the people. So purging for them because I had this ability to purge for them. And, um, because a lot of people, whilst they're curious and they'd love to sit with the medicine, they have a fear of purging and, uh, or they have a fear. Speaker 2 00:18:06 Yeah, they have a fear of letting go. So I, yeah, I spoke to the medicine lady I was serving with at the time and told her that this was what was told to me. And then I started serving one on one and, and doing couples work. But then because I was told that this was a part, also a part of my dna, I started looking at the gene keys and which is a, a book and, and it's basically a, a bible on your genetic gene keys, which is according to your time of birth and, um, date of birth and where you are born. And it showed me that my major gene key and my major gift is the power of transmutation and the power to be able to transmute dark energies to the light. So I have done many exorcisms, um, and many transmutation of dark, dark energies to the light. Speaker 1 00:19:24 So considering that, um, you're basically a modern day exorcist, do you have many tools, um, or methods or tech that you use that you'd like to share with everyone? Speaker 2 00:19:40 I utilize a lot of prayer. I mean, prayer is an ancient technology, uh, in utilizing prayer. It, um, it connects you with the light. It allows the light to come in, it allows the light to transmute the other person, and via me and I create a channel within that person to be able to channel things out, or basically, well, actually I'm channeling from them to me. So even when I'm in ceremony, so when I'm in an ayahuasca ceremony, if someone has a possession, um, I will go and sit down with them, I will put my hands on them, and then the medicine speaks to me and tells me when this, when the channel is the conduit is very strong. And then I utilize, um, Rae, which is a tobacco snuff from Peru, which is the ashes of, um, various plants and flowers which have medicinal purposes. Speaker 2 00:20:57 And these, um, the rae clears energy from the body. So when I utilize the Rae, it will clear the energy and allow me to purge these energies through. So if it's a particular dark, um, energy entity demonn, um, I will actually physically see. And if I have someone else who's working with me, I don't normally tell, I never tell the participant that this is what's happening. And usually they're not even in their body anyway. So, but if I'm working with someone, I will show them that the entity has popped in and I'll feel it pop into my stomach. I will then put a light sword on a cell light sword, which has been programmed for healing. And it's a very, very particular, uh, light sword. It's not just any piece of cellulite. Um, I will put that on me and then follow the entity around. But at the same time, I will start purging and purging that entity out. And then I basically go through an involuntary breath work, which is, it starts feeling quite euphoric, and it, the entity will channel out through my body, up my chakras and out through my crown. And then the medicine tells me to lie down and I'm basically, I still have the light sort on my stomach, or it may be pointing up towards the ceiling above me, just so I've totally channeled that energy right up to the light for healing. Speaker 1 00:22:48 It sounds to me like it can be a very taxing type type event on yourself and your person. How do you feel after you've taken on a spirit like this and then kicked it out? Speaker 2 00:23:02 It used to be taxing. Um, it used to be very taxing, but I, um, I recently had a healing and with a connection with a couple of, um, very powerful witches, so to speak, who advised me that, um, I had spirit animals that were wanting to work with me, and they've always been around me. And, um, they told me their purpose and I won't discuss what they are, but, um, there we're two in particular and what they would do for me. And, um, and they had abilities and powers to be able to do this much easier for me. So since I've been aware of this, I have not been wiped out at all because there were times where I would do these full blown exorcisms or clearings and be absolutely smashed at the end of a session. And, um, but since, since I've had these spirit animals that were around me, um, I now, you know, when I'm sitting in service, I now call them in and they're sitting beside me and I just say, I need you to do this. Speaker 2 00:24:35 I need you to do that. And they just work for me in this space. And it's, yeah, it's quite remarkable, you know, the power that, that has additionally given me. And I sat recently, well, a couple of months ago with, um, an amazing man, Gordon White, and he told me that, you know, doing this sort of, um, energetic work, this purging for people in the, um, ayahuasca ceremonies is actually trained. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a training that a lot of medicine people go through in Peru and the medicine taught me. So I'm extremely grateful and very humbled to be given this gift to be able to do this for people. Speaker 1 00:25:33 Right, right. And do you ever have any situations where maybe you are, uh, working in a session, but uh, it gets out of control? And if that ever happens, what do you do? Speaker 2 00:25:50 What do I do? I call on extra prayers and I utilize holy water. And holy water is incredibly powerful, incredibly powerful. I utilize, um, solomonic oils, um, angelic oils. I utilize oils from many various, um, magicians from around the world. Um, I call on, I even recently called on Saint Ciprian to assist with, um, something that was going on in the space. Um, Speaker 1 00:26:41 And when you do that, was that done with prayer? And are you using Christian prayers? Um, what sort of tech are you using? Prayer wise? Speaker 2 00:26:49 I'm using prayers as in, um, I call upon the precious blood of Christ to show me from all noxious burmen, all vampiric vector vectors of disease that were an RN yet may come, uh, that sort of Speaker 1 00:27:10 Stuff. Okay, Okay. So it's Christian based prayer? Speaker 2 00:27:13 Absolutely. Okay. Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:27:15 Okay. So this is proven tech from maybe a very long time now, and, uh, it's known to boot out, uh, nefarious spirits. Um, do you ever have any hitchhikers that hang around afterwards? Um, and what do you do about that when that happens when a session's over and everyone's gone home? Speaker 2 00:27:36 I haven't, but look, when I start a ceremony, I prepare the space with sacred tobacco. So I have dieted with, um, Apar show. So dieting means I've drunk that medicine every single night for a week, which does amazing things, clearing anything that's holding you back. Um, also protecting the etheric body, um, and spiritual body, um, from attack. Um, and I utilize tobacco, sacred tobacco in the space. So it's not normal tobacco. This is nicotine rustica from Peru, which is 26 times stronger than your normal tobacco. So in utilizing the tobacco, I will clear the room initially for any energies and prepare them that if they're gonna hang around, well, you're gonna be sent to the light. I also, um, in advance now, I actually tell any tricks to energies that they're not welcome and they will be gone as well. Um, I also, um, so after, after a ceremony, what I do is I have the participant, um, take a salt shower. So I've mixed coconut oil with, um, salt, and I get them to do a salt scrub all over their body as well as my own, um, separately of course, <laugh>. And, um, and we, yeah, and we both have a salt shower and, um, it just clears off the excess energies from the body, but it also makes you feel more awake, um, and a bit more, yeah, just a bit more awake. Speaker 1 00:29:39 Well, salt is a traditionally used, um, breaker of, of, of connections as far as I can tell from other experiences that I've had with, um, spirits. Now, um, do you, I mean, you do sound like you do a bit of, uh, magical practice, um, in general life as well. Um, I mean, considering that you've got all this light that's beaming out of you doing all of this, uh, healing work and spiritual work, um, you know, on the nature, even with, uh, plant medicines, that's often, um, some a vector where, you know, spirits that, um, are interested, you know, they literally want to try and take you out. I mean, have you ever been attacked by spirits? And, um, when that happened, what did you do? Speaker 2 00:30:31 Absolutely. I was psychically attacked repeatedly for years, and I could feel it because I would, clear sign would be, I would even after a full day's sleep, I would start falling asleep at the wheel of the car. So, um, whilst I knew how to clear them myself, um, these energies can then get really tricky and smart and they can attach themselves to things. So, you know, they could attach themselves to things in my car. And that's why if you, you know, if you purchase anything from an antique store or anything that's secondhand, you should always clear it with Palo Santo or Sat or Ewood of Florida Water, you know, any sort of clearing element, Speaker 1 00:31:27 Even saying a prayer over it. Um, Speaker 2 00:31:29 Franken absolutely frankincense, um, co any of those, you know, beautiful, beautiful herbs that we work with, right. So, um, what happened was it got to a point where it was really quite uncontrollable because I would clear them, they'd come back, I'd clear them, they'd come back. So, and this is what I say to people when, um, when I identify that they've got spiritual, you know, conflict with either having, um, a, an entity or a demonic attachment or something, it doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means that maybe you are a threat to their existence or, um, yeah. And that's usually the case. So obviously with me clearing negative energies all the time, um, and doing the work that I'm doing, healing work, I'm a threat to their existence. And these sort of energies are attracted to light, and it's like they're, I'm a food source for them. Speaker 2 00:32:39 They're feeding off me. So some energies don't know what they're doing, but some of them do. And so what I actually did was I, um, through my, um, fiance, he recommended a tie, a cult, um, amulet. And so we went onto the website and we, he was just scrolling through looking for this particular amulet, and I was sitting beside him, and I just looked over and I went, What's up? I really like that one. And I just pointed at it, and it actually happened to be exactly what I needed. And it was during Covid, so March, 2020 when we were told that it would be incredibly difficult to get anything shipped. And I think mail was only coming twice a week. And anyway, I had to wait for this thing. I, I ordered this ululate from Thailand on Thursday in March, 2020, and it arrived on Monday. And even from the point when I had ordered it, I was feeling clearer and it was like, that am emulate that spirit, um, of this tie a cult, um, piece actually had a connection to me once I had ordered it. Speaker 1 00:34:17 Right. What, what type of television was that? Was that, uh, can you, do you have Speaker 2 00:34:21 A name for it? Uh, a hun peon. A Speaker 1 00:34:23 Hun Peon. Okay. And what is a hun peon? Speaker 2 00:34:27 A hun peon is a spirit of someone who has passed and, um, usually of a not so good death, um, which gives them different powers and then they are of service to someone. So, um, a hun peon is to be of service as a protector, um, to protect them from negative demons, curses, possession, um, entities, anything, anything that's not really good. And they're actually got good luck attached to them as well. Speaker 1 00:35:11 Excellent, excellent. Okay. So they basically absorb all of your Speaker 2 00:35:15 Yeah, so they take the hit for me, right. So my little hunny, um, instead of me taking the sp negative spirits, he takes them for me and sorts 'em out. <laugh>. I don't know how he does that, but that's what he does. That's Speaker 1 00:35:32 His role. That's very helpful. Then Speaker 2 00:35:33 He take, he takes the hit. Speaker 1 00:35:35 Okay. And so what do you do with him daily? Is there any sort of, uh, um, ongoing feeding of him and, and, uh, maintenance to keep him happy? Speaker 2 00:35:44 Yeah, so ritually, um, you know, water, um, spirits, tobacco, um, yeah. And I, I actually work with, um, quite a few of the Thai Am emulates now. Right, Speaker 1 00:36:03 So you've Speaker 2 00:36:03 Been drawn to which have different Yeah. Which have different spirits in them, and they connect with me through really magical ways in my sleep. I will actually, there's one of, one of my ambulances, which is two spirits in there. So the hunny is actually the thread of the robe of the man who died. Um, and it's all woven into a little gold sort of little figure with arms and legs and, um, and it's sort of crocheted and it's, it's in this, um, little sealed sort of capsule. And then I've got my preprepared, which is two spirits, and that's the ashes from these two very wealthy gentlemen. And they are protectors as well, but not as strong as the hunny. But the pre pet is more for good luck, abundance, um, good health wealth. Speaker 1 00:37:13 Right. Speaker 2 00:37:14 Um, and they actually give me perfume in the middle of the night sometimes, so Speaker 1 00:37:21 Yes. Right. Speaker 2 00:37:23 And, and tobacco. So, you know, I'll know when they want a cigarette. I will have cigarette tobacco. It's not cigarette smoke, I must say it's tobacco. So the sacred tobacco will blow over me. And, um, I'm not asleep. I am awake and I will smell perfume as well. And it's not perfume that I've smelt from anywhere before. Speaker 1 00:37:51 So this is sort of like them getting your attention Speaker 2 00:37:55 Yeah. To say we want this or we want that, but they also sort of talk to me as well and say, Oh, can I have a cherry le chocolate or can I have some date loaf or some curry <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:38:11 That's curious. Speaker 2 00:38:13 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:13 So you have an ongoing good relationship with them. That sounds great. Now, um, in terms of, um, your healing experiences and everything now, um, is there anything else that you do? So I mean, obviously you clear people of, um, demo possession, which is otherwise known as basically exorcism. Do you do that for anything else? Speaker 2 00:38:36 I clear and balance land and houses. So I, um, through crystal grids, I what, what is a crystal grid? Give, give us some more detail about that. Okay, so, so if someone asked me to do a healing on their land, I obtain a aerial view of their land, where the house is, where the land is, where they're facing, north, southeast west, where, where all of that. I gather as much information as I can, some places I can't visit, and, you know, that can be quite time consuming, but I can do it. Um, the first, one of the first houses that I cleared was a huge, huge property. It was 56 acres. And, um, these, this property had had a suicide. There was a, it was a, it was a venue that had, um, there was a wedding on site, and at the reception someone had hung themself in a tree. Speaker 2 00:39:47 And when I started making more inquiries, because the, the energy was just really not good at this property, but there were like all of these, um, cottages where people were, um, renting and all different things were going on in this place. So I, way back before I did any courses on any of this sort of work with regards to crystal goods and everything, I had had this download through my dreams and how to get rid of these negative energies of from houses and how to balance waterlines and energies of the land and how to bring them to pace, Right? So when I spoke to these people about this hanging, I found out that that wasn't the first suicide that happened there, there was another one. And so these spirits, once you've got one, particularly if you've got a, um, a suicide and they don't even know if they've passed, um, either through drug overdose or you know, where there's alcohol or drugs, drugs involved. Speaker 2 00:41:11 A lot of these spirits are unconscious when they pass, so they don't know that they've left. So they get stuck between this world and the other world in where they should be. And if they're stuck in this world, then that's when, you know, they're doing hauntings and everything else. And this can also attract more of the same. So I was getting the feeling and the messages that the reason why the second suicide had happened was because it was just attracting more of the same energy. So it was really important that we moved the first one on and then moved the other one on, but also balance the whole land, um, from the negative lay lines that were there and the water lines that were there. And I could just feel this, feel these energies in the land and grief in the land. And yeah, it was just really strange, strange sort of, you know, feelings for me, you know, to have this sort of ability. Speaker 2 00:42:26 But, you know, I, I'd only utilized it a couple of times, right? So I balanced this land, and then that made me more curious. And then I had bought a house and I had so many negative things happen to me in this house. And then I found out that there had been a, um, marriage breakup in the house. It was a new, relatively new house marriage breakup. Then the next person, like the husband bought out the wife, and then the husband had had another breakup with the, his co like his girlfriend at the time. But there was so many things breaking, like oven would explode and water, hot water system would blow up. And a lot of these things were new appliances. And I had gone to a, it was actually where I was learning about, um, clearing to mon energies that I met a land healer. Speaker 2 00:43:39 And she, I got her to do a land healing on the house, and she told me about, you know, the, um, land spirits, the tree spirits that had been ripped out from, um, you know, the house being built and how there was grieving going on, and how there were negative lay lines on the property and, um, how that will cause breakup in relationships. And if you've got, you know, water going over a lay line as well, then that amplifies the lay line and water lines will actually cause illness. And, you know, she started talking to me about all this stuff, so I just had her clear the house right, and do this energetic crystal grid for the house. Yeah. And then once she did that, everything stopped. It was like, wow, you know, this is really cool. So, um, you know, and then I had it done to another house, and then recently I've, you know, um, completed a, a two part certification in becoming a land tiller in clearing energetic, um, pathic stress, emf positive le negative lay lines. Speaker 2 00:44:58 So how to enhance positive lay lines, how to bring down the energy of negative lay lines, how to, um, wire renew, how to move spirits on. Um, but you know, that sort of teaching just reaffirmed and actually gave me more power. And, you know, recently I, um, completed the she shamanic munai rights where I was given the earth keepers, right. So that now has given me a direct connection to earth keepers, and I've been able to see that, you know, I have, I don't have an earth keeper on my own property, but I have an earth keep, There was an earth keeper and a property just up the road, and he wasn't happy, and I was able to move that energy, um, that earth keep so that he was more happy because he was yeah. Being drained of these negative energies that were around him. And, um, yeah. And since then, Speaker 1 00:45:59 Wait a minute, wait a minute. What is an earth keeper? Speaker 2 00:46:03 An earth keeper is a land keep that basically is there to protect the, um, protect the, the land. And they're like, um, they're like a, a spirit, a spirit energy that, um, balances the energies of the, of that land. Um, earth keepers can move, like I can call an earth keeper in to change the energies on the land for healing to bring more love in. Um, yeah, it's, it's a bit hard to describe, but yeah, they're, um, Speaker 1 00:47:04 Okay, So yeah. So this is, this is a new ripe that you're working with as well. That's great. Okay. So, um, other things to ask you around this is, so you started all this at a very young age. I mean, and then over time, your experience of the world and the way that this is un unfolded for you has changed. Would you, would you say that, um, or would you be able to describe yourself, what your cosmology is now? What do you believe the world, um, is made up of and how all these things work together? I know that's a big question, Speaker 2 00:47:43 <laugh>, that's huge. Um, I believe that everybody has the power to do what I do. And, but it's whether or not you wanna open yourself up to these powers and allow your world to expand so that you have greater ability and greater control over your happiness, over your environment, over everything. Um, yeah, I certainly, Right. I, I, I think that answers your question. I'm, yeah. In working with the spirits of the land, the spirits of the plants and spirits in general, angels angelic spirits, I am more happier now than what I've ever been in my life. Wow. That's because I know I have more, more people on my side behind my, you know, that have my back, so to speak. Speaker 1 00:48:54 Yes. Yes. And, uh, it's good to feel supported. Okay, Celeste, uh, corson, it's very good to have you here today. And, uh, I really appreciate you taking the time to explain and describe, uh, your life and your life situation. It's very interesting. Um, you know, working with spirits is a very interesting thing. I mean, I, I do that all the time myself. Um, often prayers, I I pray daily myself to the planets, and I have an ongoing, um, communion with various spirits, angels, um, and others depending on need and, um, function. And, um, you know, you know, for what you've described, I, I completely understand. And, and I think, um, get where you're at and what you are doing, and, um, I, I hold you in high credit, that's, that's a really tough job at times to help people get through their stuff. And, um, I'm really glad that you're doing it. Speaker 2 00:50:00 Thank you. Speaker 1 00:50:00 Yeah. Well, thank you very much for your time. And, um, yeah, if, uh, you'd like to come on in the future, we can have another chat again about, um, anything that's, um, changed for you and how your work and workings have, uh, developed. Speaker 2 00:50:15 Mm. Okay. Thank you so much. That was awesome. Speaker 1 00:50:18 Thank you. Okay. Have a very good day. Speaker 2 00:50:20 Thanks. Bye. All Speaker 1 00:50:22 Right. Bye. Listening to Celeste there, I can't help but think that this plays into the story of everything being something to do with spirits. In fact, I've had it, uh, in my mind from various influences and biases across time that basically we are in, uh, an ecology of souls, as Terrence McKenna would say. But, um, he was referring to the DMT experience, but I would actually extend that to all of reality all of the time. And, uh, not all of those souls or spirits are friendly, and not all of those souls or spirits are doing the right thing by us. And over time, sometimes we pick up baggage just by leaving ourselves open to, uh, whatever influences may come past. I know this myself, cuz I, I've experienced possession. In fact, I do believe that everyone to a different degree or another is possessed or obsessed with something or other. Speaker 1 00:51:29 Um, and the only difference is whether it's healthy or not. And, uh, yeah, if, uh, if you need to move those things on, you've just got to, And, uh, you can do that through prayer, cleansing yourself, changing your diet, changing up your, your daily habits and everything. Um, I mean, only read the other day in, uh, a book by, uh, Carl Whitland, 30 Years Among the Dead, about how in, uh, mental asylums in the early 19 hundreds they were using as a treatment hydrotherapy. And, uh, with the hydrotherapy, they would literally throw the patient into ice cold water. Now that then speaks to the, these spirits when they're actually embedded within you or riding you really close, they get to feel all the shocks too. Um, for some of them that's a pleasure and they like to drink it, and for others it's like, Oh my God, I'm outta here. Speaker 1 00:52:23 And so they jump out. And so of course these people, it had, uh, strong disorders sometimes were completely relieved rather instantly. And, uh, again, this also speaks to other things like, uh, shock therapy of other sorts, which are, uh, seem pretty archaic and awful. But when things work, they work. I'm not saying that's a good idea to do, but look, I've, I've shocked myself many times with, um, different things to wake myself up. And sometimes the universe has gone and done that to me too. Um, and sometimes I think maybe even people invite that in when they need it for, you know, a a literal change of track in life. So, uh, yeah, very interesting talk with Celeste and, um, I look forward to talking to her more in the future. I hope that, um, everyone has enjoyed the show today and that's today's show. Speaker 1 00:53:24 So if you like the show, please share the show. And if you like the show, please like the show on your favorite podcaster, um, app, and also give it five stars and, um, maybe just give it to your friends as well. Sharing the show is how the show gets around and I appreciate your time in doing so. And, uh, if you have anything that you'd like to share about the show, um, or you'd like to, um, contact me, um, please write to, uh, uh, super normalized and that's all one word with a [email protected] that's super normalized with a Z at proton. Do me, I'd love to hear your experiences and, um, yes, let's talk until then.

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