Episode 3

November 23, 2022


Alexandra Interview Can Miracle Healings Move On Challenging Spirits?

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Alexandra Interview Can Miracle Healings Move On Challenging Spirits?
Supernormalized Podcast
Alexandra Interview Can Miracle Healings Move On Challenging Spirits?

Nov 23 2022 | 01:20:21


Show Notes

Alex takes us on a journey through experiences she had herself and includes a possession experience that her husband went through. Juicy stuff!
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:28 You're listening to SuperNormalized and I'm your host, CJ. Today we have for you, uh, an interview, which was a bit off the cuff, uh, with a friend Alex. She's a traveler, and we could find no place that was actually really good and quiet. So we decided to go for recording live with a microphone outside, and then moved inside to another space. Cause that got noisy too. Unfortunately, some of the sound on this is a bit, um, iffy, but you can still get across the ideas in the discussion quite easily. We cover possession and, um, different aspects of, um, contact with spirits and, uh, clearing of those, um, possessions and more in joy. Speaker 2 00:01:15 So today we have, uh, a lady that's had many unusual experiences and with her and her partner, and her name is Alex. Hello, Alex. Speaker 3 00:01:28 Hi. Speaker 2 00:01:29 Okay, I'm good. I'm good. And I hope you're good too. Uh, so, um, you've had some experiences in another country. What country is that? Speaker 3 00:01:38 In Speaker 2 00:01:38 Bali. In Bali, yeah. Okay. And how long have you been in Bali now? Speaker 3 00:01:43 Um, more than a year and a half now. Almost two Speaker 2 00:01:46 Years. Almost two years, okay. Yeah. And what drove you to Bali? Speaker 3 00:01:50 Uh, well, my partner had a job there. Yeah. But I've been to Bali for the past 15 years. Uh, about, um, about, uh, each year I was gonna spend a, a month there. And then each time I would have like, some interesting experiences, but some of them were more interesting than others. Speaker 2 00:02:06 Oh, okay. So more interesting than others. Do you have anything that stands out for you that you'd like to talk about first? Speaker 3 00:02:12 Um, yeah. Yeah. One, one of them that was the one that really stuck in my mind was when, uh, we decided to do some house sitting, uh, in a place in, in Bali mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And at first sight, I, I thought this place was really beautiful and amazing. We had to keep some cats and fish and, you know, so I was all about, all excited about it, but my partner wasn't too excited about this place, and I could not really understand why. He said he had like a weird vibe about it. And he was like, okay. Back then, we were just traveling around the world, so we didn't have so much money, and we chose to actually go there despite the fact that he wasn't feeling it too, too well, uh, just to sever a little bit. And, um, but the first day we actually entered the house, he started to have, uh, very strange, um, reactions. Speaker 3 00:03:06 So he couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe, uh, he was not feeling good, and his head was dizzy, this type of thing. So I thought he was, because the house was very dusty, and this, this woman who was having this house was, uh, you know, a holder. She was collecting things, and it was quite disgusting, actually. So I started to clean up the whole house and everything was spark and clean, and he could not sleep at night. He was still short of breath when he was in the house, and he one day was just trying to find some sage, but you can't find sage in, in Bali. So he found some other plants very similar to sage, to actually clear up the space. And he was clearing smudging the house. And at the same time, our good friend, uh, was a message guy B his guy was very, very into, um, meditation and praying, arrives in the house, and, uh, start to ask John, what are you doing? You know, because they, in b they don't really SMU or anything. They don't, they do other type of things to, you know, to clear up space. Sure, yeah. Speaker 3 00:04:15 And John start to explain what, what was the symptom? And, uh, so he said, oh, yeah, okay, I'm going to sit down and see what I feel. Because he's very, uh, sensitive to spirits. He works a lot with spirits and stuff like that. He sat down, meditated and say, oh, wow, did you know you're not alone here in this house? And we were like, okay, no, we are not, we are not aware of that. How did that feel? Uh, well, we, we actually, at first I thought it was just, uh, you know, spirits who were not, uh, transitioned properly through the different realms. So yeah, I just felt like, okay, you know, it's, it's fixable. You, you know, it's okay, no worries. We we'll fix that. And plus with this help, it's gonna be easy. So I just ask him, I asked him to help me, to, to, to send them to the light. And, you know, he was like, no, no, no, no, no. You don't understand. You don't understand. It's not that people, it's you. We are not talking about dead people here. We are talking about people who are actually living like you and me, but in parallel dimensions. Speaker 3 00:05:27 So those people, they've been there way before the humans, uh, were on earth. Well, that's given well, from the, from the ese, uh, tradition. So they're used to work and, uh, and live with those people. Apparently they can see us, but we can't see them. Right. Uh, but they're living like you and me. They have scooters and they have, uh, their daily lives and everything, you know, like, probably it's pretty like normal. Yeah. Uh, the problem was that this, it was a family of maybe four, I think four people. And it felt that they were very sad. And he said, oh, they tell me they're really sad because this house hasn't had offerings for many, many, many years. Speaker 2 00:06:13 Oh. Cause it's a very strong tradition in b offer to the spirits. Speaker 3 00:06:18 Exactly. Yeah. And I never paid attention to that before. And, uh, and I thought, okay, I'm gonna take that with a grain of sort, you know, BS people. They tend to have like very paranormal way of looking at things. And so I'm like, okay, it's just gonna ask around what people think about that. So the morning after I ask mad, the, the cleaner made, do you do, uh, any offering in that house? And she's like, no, no, no, I don't do offerings here because the owner is Buddhist and I do, I don't want to, to, you know, hurt her feelings around religion, stuff like that. So I don't do any of any offering. And I asked her, how long do you know how long, uh, this house has been without offerings? She said, well, more than seven years, because this house has been built by Japanese people who are different views on religion. Speaker 3 00:07:13 And not only we don't have offerings in that house, but there is no temple here. So each house in Bali should have a temple that is consecrated for the house where you have, usually it starts with the sacrifice. They sacrifice the chicken or dog or even dogs sometimes, uh, and it's like a gift of blood for the spirits. So they have different ones. They, they do offerings for the lower, the lower rounds, the middle ones like us, and the higher ramps, the angels, this type of thing. So actually they cater for everybody. But this house has didn't have any type of thing like this. And on top of it, uh, they, this compound where I was, we were didn't have any men for the past seven years. It was only women living there for seven years. So I talked to the neighbor, and, uh, the neighbor was like, oh, yeah, yeah. Speaker 3 00:08:16 Well, I've been living here for a couple of years already. And yeah, I see, uh, in the garden I can see sometime like a shape, like, um, a woman with a long white dress crossing the garden from time to time. But she said the scariest thing that she had is that her bed was trembling from time to time. It was shaking like out of the blue like this, from time to time, every two months, every third month, her bed would check. Yeah. Uh, she had, uh, events when, uh, she was actually, it's when she was going to sleep, the, the bed was shaking. And I asked her, are you not concerned with that? And she's like, ah, you know, it's part of being in Bali. It's part of the life here in Bali. It's just like, you know. So Speaker 2 00:09:04 I was, it's interesting how people can shrug things off like that when, you know, obviously the spirits are like, give me attention. Speaker 3 00:09:09 You know? It's Speaker 2 00:09:10 Like, wow. Speaker 3 00:09:11 Yeah. Yeah. And it does all make sense because my friend who meditated and he came here for the first time, he had no idea of, you know, what was there before. And everything was matching, starting too much. So I was starting to text things a little bit more seriously because Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:25 Cause your overview of, of the whole situation is coming Speaker 3 00:09:29 Together. Uh, yes. Yeah. The, the offering things, the, the neighbor who sees and feels things in the, in the area. And so that was a little bit concerning. And, uh, but the problem is that we tried actually to do some offerings ourselves. But, you know, being a westerner, you have no idea what to do. So with good intentions, we tried to do some referrings and yeah, nothing changed really. Uh, we asked mad our cleaner to help us. She did what she could. Uh, but what the house needed was, uh, a temper with, uh, proper sacrifice and ritual. Speaker 2 00:10:10 Can't we do that with that permission of the owner? Probably, Speaker 3 00:10:12 Yeah. So, um, yeah. And the problem was started to come when, uh, John was feeling, uh, worse and worse, actually. It was not his best in his best shape. Uh, and one day we decided to go to yoga and took our bicycle and we had to cross the monkey forest. So monkey forest, uh, it's, it's where you have a river and a bridge, and, uh, it's a little bit like broken the house. The road is broken. And we were a little bit behind him, and, uh, I was with a friend, and so he was, you know, really going fast and everything. And, but we arrived at the bridge and we saw him sitting on the side of the bridge, bridge with the, the, the leg hanging like this and the bike down like a few hundred meters down in the river. Speaker 2 00:11:10 What? Speaker 3 00:11:11 And he was completely like, uh, shocked. And, uh, his arm was wounded and everything, and I was like, what, what are you doing? What's, what happened? Yeah. And he said, actually, what happened is that he, as, uh, when he was on the top of the hill, just at that moment, a bug turned his ear, he lost control of the bike. The, the only thing he remembered is that he fell and the back went above his head, and he ended up sitting on the side of the bridge. He could have fell there and, uh, if not injured himself, um, could have died. Right. Because it's so high. Speaker 2 00:11:52 So that would've been shocking for you. You've actually come down the hill and you see him just sitting on the side of the bridge dazed and confused. Yeah. And the bike down below, and he can't really explain Speaker 3 00:12:02 It. No, I mean, like, he, it's just a, it's a series of, uh, coincidences that made him fall really, because, uh, and then just to, just to make, to make that, uh, this little highlight there. We just finished, uh, traveling the world like for 16 months, and we were like most of the time on bicycle, he never had any type of accident in know, 16 months. So he's really good in bicycles. He doesn't have an issue with that. And so, yeah, that was very strange. I mean, the day before he actually, um, on the way to the house at like, maybe like 200 meters, um, or even like from the house, he actually fell on the bicycle as well. And, uh, he scratched himself. And, uh, but the day after, that's when he actually felt for good, right? He hurt his arm, he was bleeding and stuff. Speaker 3 00:13:01 And actually, it's funny because one of the yoga teacher asked him, oh, what happened to you? Did you fall or something? And he said, yeah, yeah. Just, I don't know. It's very strange what happened to me. Ah, she said, ah, you, you of, you offered some blood for the land or something like that. You, you had your sacrifice done, right? Like you, you were asked to, to give some blood or something. And then he was a bit confused with that statement, and she said, yeah, it sits quite classic here in Bali that people get through in initiations by having either an accident or something, and then the blood is shed and it's kind of like considered as offering for the, for the land. Speaker 2 00:13:42 Yeah. Wow. Speaker 3 00:13:43 So, but from my own experience, what I understood is that, um, spirit tend to try to weaken the body of someone by creating accident or shocks, like trauma or, uh, or something like, um, you know, illness, something like that, in order for them to actually take control of your, of your body. And that, in that case, it made sense because, um, I was with a friend in the house. We were both women, and the, the only man was John, and everything happened to him. We had nothing happen to us. Yeah, right, Speaker 2 00:14:21 Right. Did things settle down after that, after you Speaker 3 00:14:25 Gave blood? Well, uh, thing got really interesting, uh, because after that he became out of control. Uh, he was, uh, in a, in a state of mind, which was like so unbearable for us. Uh, not only for me as a wife, but for my friend that we had to leave the house because we couldn't stand. His behavior, it was, was just constantly angry and, and talking shit, you know, thing, you know, was really, you know, un uncomfortable <laugh>. And so, yeah, we were like very often out of the house, um, because we couldn't stand being with him. And so he asked our friend, the message guy to come and do some healing, and he was, oh my God, oh my God, I can see you have like entities in your body. You have at least six different entities in your body. And so he did some healing on, on him, but, uh, he could really release only one or two or something like that. Speaker 3 00:15:26 And the rest was just there, there, and he said, they're making babies. They're reproducing, they're making babies in your body. You need to see someone like more qualified than me because I, I can't help you there. And that's when we actually drove, uh, for two hours, two or three hours to, um, to see that healer. She's, um, high ranked healer in <inaudible>, which is an area in Bali. And, um, so I was there, uh, he was, I can, I could see him working with her. He was sitting, I was, uh, on side wise, you know, from him. I was looking at him so I could see the hi in front of him. And she asked for an assistant because she couldn't actually handle the whole thing on her own. Right. Speaker 3 00:16:10 And I could see the assistant working on John as well, on the, the other side. And, um, but I could see how they were moving their hands. They couldn't see each other because John was in, in middle, in the middle was in between them. But I could see they were moving their hands, uh, in perfect synchronicity, like a synchronized, like, they were like moving from the baby to the, to the head, and then they were moving their hands in the same time in the same area. Mm. So that was quite impressive to watch. And a lot of, um, air came out of, of him, lots of, you know, it was about like to throw up something, but it, it didn't, it was just like releasing air, some stuff, I don't know. And after that, yeah, things, things settled actually. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:59 Did, okay. So after that, spirits were gone according to them. Yeah. And he didn't express any of the craziness Speaker 3 00:17:07 From No, after back to normal, actually, what happened is that we actually left the house because it was just becoming unmanageable. It was just unmanageable. So we moved to another villa somewhere, uh, like a guest house. And, um, but our friend said, it doesn't matter that you move because they followed you, they're in, in your body anyway. So they're like, you need to do a proper, you know, ritual and healing, because it's, you know, no matter you would go, they would be there inside, you know, making babies, you know, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:17:43 Wow. But they're gone Speaker 3 00:17:44 Now, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're all, all cleared. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Speaker 2 00:17:47 Yeah. And how does he feel about all that? Speaker 3 00:17:50 Um, well, for a long time he was very scared about, uh, being possessed again. So he purchased all type of stones he could get obsidian and, uh, turin, black Turin and, uh, all sorts of protections, um, all sorts of things. And then I introduced him to praying to archs as well, to protect, you know, cause he, it's not his culture. So we were praying archs, archangel mic, this type of thing. We were doing a lot of things like this back then. Yeah. And, but over the years, he actually build up some confidence around this. And then he, now, he doesn't need the stones or the prior, he's, he's just capable of protecting himself just by his own intention and being aware of what's, what's around him. Speaker 2 00:18:42 Okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, spirits are always around and, you know, and as far as I understand it, willing to jump on you, anytime they pull it open, they're on you. Yeah. So, I mean, they, they want to have somebody to feed on and ride. So it's that he's a so aware. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Wow, that's, that's, that's really interesting and really intense. Uh, you know, it, so, uh, you have some other experiences that you wanted to share from before? Speaker 3 00:19:08 Uh, yeah, actually one, one that actually, uh, links quite well with, uh, with that story. Okay. Because it's takes place in Indonesia also. Sure. It's the, the time when I actually discovered I was a victim of black magic. Oh, Speaker 2 00:19:24 So how long ago was this? Speaker 3 00:19:26 Uh, just a year and a half ago when I arrived in, in b in Indonesia. Speaker 2 00:19:30 Oh. So was this like, somebody put a a spell on you straight as soon as you arrived, or, Speaker 3 00:19:34 Uh, not, not exactly that. It's, it's a little bit more complex than that. Uh, what happened is that I, I absorbed some black magic in a market somewhere, so I, it was not directed to me. Speaker 2 00:19:51 So it was accidental. Speaker 3 00:19:52 Yeah. Wow. It was not directed to me. It was like, uh, what happened is that I, I, I had to do quarantine in Jakarta for five days and doing, doing that quarantine, um, I, I went through quite a few different shocks and traumat, um, uh, like at least two or three big shock that I felt like I was falling in a hole. And, and, uh, I had to lie down. So really that, uh, I had the proper, uh, ptsd, you know, Speaker 2 00:20:24 From those shocks. Speaker 3 00:20:25 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:20:26 Do you think they left you open for the blood major? Speaker 3 00:20:29 Yes. So I became very weak. I lost weight. Like, I think I lost two kilos in five days. So really, really fast, uh, losing weight. And I could feel that I was losing my energy very, very fast. And that made me, um, uh, like a sponge for any, any negative, uh, energy. And at the, the end of the quarantine, we went to that big market, massive market in Jakarta to, uh, to get some fresh fruits, because we were eating only, uh, um, rubbish stuff at the outside with, uh, a lot of, uh, msg, Speaker 2 00:21:06 If that's all you could get at the time Speaker 3 00:21:07 Though, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That was just like so poisonous. Um, so we wanted some fresh food. And, um, yeah, it was a very strange vibe market. It was all fear based. It was right in the middle of Covid when people were completely, um, overwhelmed by the, the fear. And, um, uh, they could see us. We were the only white people in the market. And they, I could see that the very strange look as well, because they were, you know, who are those people that are gonna bring their viruses or this type of thoughts? Uh, I could feel that very clearly, but I don't believe that anyone actually, uh, intentionally sent me black magic. I think they were doing that between themselves. And then I went in the field, and then I absorbed that. Oh, yeah. Speaker 2 00:21:58 Right. Well, you might have been near somebody that had been attacked and you psyched up their attack. Speaker 3 00:22:03 Yeah, yeah. Just, yeah. No, it's not, not consciously, but yeah. So, but I became aware of that because I, I spiraled down really into a, a proper depression when I was in Bali. I lost another three kilos after that. I, I couldn't put my weight back. Uh, and then I was diagnosed with, um, uh, you know, like when you leak energy, like by my I doctor, she said, oh, wow, you are not doing well. So I was on the treatment and everything, and I also had to go and see a healer, uh, because I started to experience some unexplainable pain in my body. And I went to see a doctor. The doctor said, uh, she couldn't see anything. Everything was perfectly normal. My blood test came up, uh, perfect. But I was in intense pain, which was completely, uh, like, uh, preventing me from living my life normally because I would not be able to actually even interact with people because the pain was so strong. I had to come back home and, uh, just curl on my bed and wait until that ends, you know? And that would come up every third, fourth day, uh, intense crisis. Yeah. And really that, that was like just, and plus the depression. I mean it, so I, I decided to go and see a healer, and that's when I saw the healer that he discovered that it was black magic. Speaker 2 00:23:32 And is that quite common, though, in Speaker 3 00:23:33 Yeah. Yes. Very common. Very common. It's Speaker 2 00:23:37 So, they, they diagnose black magic in a blink. They're Speaker 3 00:23:39 Like, oh, that's magic. Speaker 2 00:23:40 Cause they've said it before. Speaker 3 00:23:41 Yeah. And they can treat you very effectively as well. Well, you know, like he, he's been using, like, there's a very interesting process actually, because, uh, he works with his wife, uh, and then, so you, you start with, um, having a massage with her, with the wife, and she, she does like a very strong massage on you. It's very painful, and it kind of prepare your body for the healing. So after that, you go with him and you lie down on outside on the, on the, you know, bamboo stuff like, uh, mat. And he prices some points in your body. And then some points are unexplainable. It's very inexplainable, inexplainable, how painful they are. Like, I mean, it's not just knot or something new, but it's just, yeah. Yeah. It's very strange. It doesn't press a lot, just press. It hurts a lot, but it Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:35 I know what you mean. Speaker 3 00:24:36 Exactly. Crazy stuff. Yeah. Yeah. He also use, um, a mooring gas stick, so it's like a little, uh, it's a very soft stick from plant, from a tree, so it's not a hard stick. Right. But he puts that in between your toes, and he, he priced the toes against the stick, and he pulls very fast. Speaker 2 00:24:57 So it's like soaking it up. Speaker 3 00:24:58 Yeah. And that, that hurts the most. That's horrible. That just horrible. Yeah. So Speaker 2 00:25:05 It feels like something's being pulled out of you and it comes out of hers to pull Speaker 3 00:25:08 It out. Yes. It, the pain is just, it's in unbelievable because the stick is small and and flexible. Right. Yeah. Shouldn't hurt. It Speaker 2 00:25:17 Shouldn't hurt like that. No. Speaker 3 00:25:18 Yeah. But it's like, it's so painful. I had like a three session with him, and each session you would say, oh, I removed about like 20% of the black magic, or 30%, or, you know, it was funny using the percentage, <laugh> <laugh>, but I could feel a massive difference, you know, every time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the, the crisis would come again, but, uh, in very much longer internal, like it's, instead of having them every third day, would have them maybe every 10 days, and then after that, every month, you know. Oh, wow. And then after the third session, and after that, after each session, we would go to the sea as well. We would go on the beach, and he would do some offerings and prayers, and then we have to, um, to, so, uh, completely in the, in the water, um, with some flowers and some ritual there. And we have to swallow the water, uh, swallow the, the salt water. Yeah. But the water there is not super clean. And <laugh>, I was concerned I would be sick, you Speaker 2 00:26:23 Know? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:26:25 But yeah, everything, it's okay. Speaker 2 00:26:27 Yes. Speaker 3 00:26:28 <laugh> that didn't get sick, but yeah. Uh, yeah, I guess we were protected somehow with prior <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:26:34 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:26:36 Yeah. But yeah, I got, I got healed, uh, thanks to him. Um, yeah. So That's awesome. Yeah. That's Speaker 2 00:26:42 Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. And, and any other things happened in Bali that you'd like to talk about? Speaker 3 00:26:47 Um, not, not nothing as, uh, intense as that. Yeah. No, nothing, uh, there, there, you know, like they say in Bali, uh, you know, I remember this meme, you know, like it's, uh, a picture, the same picture on the top and bottom of the, of the image. And, uh, you can see the fit of someone lying in the bed at night with the window open. And then it's a clear night sky with stars. And it says, anywhere in the world where you have a holiday your night, you know, while you sleep at night, it's like this. And then the same picture in the bottom with the same fit in the bed. And then in front in the window is like all a area of ghosts and entities and di and demons and stuff like this. That's your night in Bali, you know, that's how you sleep in Bali. Speaker 2 00:27:34 <laugh>, you go to that Speaker 3 00:27:36 <laugh>. Yeah. Actually, actually, one, one night somewhere else, uh, we were sleeping in a villa, and John saw, um, uh, a shadow going next to me. So it, it felt like a dog, felt like it was a dog coming next to me, but the house was closed and everything, so it couldn't have been the dog. And yeah, it jumped on bed, and he was like, oh. It was like, what's, what's going on? What happened to you? Something in the house, in the, in the room. And, but we couldn't find anything. It was just like, it saw clearly a shadow coming next to me, Speaker 2 00:28:10 You know? Wow. A spirit dog. Speaker 3 00:28:11 Yeah. Something we don't know. Yeah. Wow. Speaker 2 00:28:14 Yeah. But it felt like a dog. Speaker 3 00:28:16 Yes, it felt like a dog. Yeah. Wow. But it was a shadow, like a, yeah, I don't know. It's, the valley is very thin then, but if you're sensitive, you, you might actually be able to see and hear things more, more than usual. Speaker 2 00:28:28 Yeah. When I've been in Bali, I've had experiences. I wouldn't say anything like that, but I did notice that because of how open I am, I was hearing language. Like, I'd walk around and hear spirit whispering, and I'd hear words, which are in, um, Indonesian, and I'd go and find out what they are. And they were like, talking about things in the area. I was like, wow, that's really Speaker 3 00:28:48 Interesting. Oh, Speaker 2 00:28:49 Wow. Yeah. Yeah. That was happening to me quite a Speaker 3 00:28:51 Lot. Wow. Speaker 2 00:28:52 Yeah. I love bar cause of the how spiritual it is and how people offering to the spirits Yeah. And how connected everything is there. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that sounds fantastic. I'm glad that you got through those experiences. Now, um, you had migraines for five years straight. Speaker 3 00:29:13 Yeah. No, uh, no. All my life I had migraine. All your life. Yeah. All my life. But I had, I was migraine free for five years, yes. Oh, okay. And it came back again after that. Speaker 2 00:29:24 Oh, right. You still have migraines now then? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:29:27 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:29:27 Oh, no. Yeah. And so no prayer seems to lift that or anything. Speaker 3 00:29:33 Um, actually I should start working on that again, but, um, yeah, I remember one day I, I just, I healed that for five years, actually, but it was very unintentional. I didn't plan at all to work on that. But I was just, uh, visiting a friend who is an energy healer, and he does past life progressions. And I was curious about the past life progression. And I just did a session with him. And so I, I lie down and we started the session, and, um, the way he works is that it makes you remember, um, the, your childhood and the moment of your birth, and when you were in the womb of your mom and before that, and before that. And, and I, the only thing I could remember was I was just in a very quiet space. Um, nothing really interesting was, was happening. Speaker 3 00:30:34 So it would be like, okay, let's go back before that again. And then I would remember a time when I was a little boy in a countryside and, and, you know, keeping goats. And he was very disappointed because nothing interesting was happening in that past life progression. So we would go back again and another past life before that. And then that past life seemed to be interesting because I remember being a little boy again. So apparently I was, I haven't had any women experience in past lives as far as I know. And, um, I was, I could see very clearly, I had very clear images. Uh, during that time, uh, of the regression, I was really small because I could see the floor was very close to my eyes. Uh, so I maybe would've been maybe 4, 3, 4 years old or something like that. I could see the, the floor was paved with the big, uh, stones, and I could hear the, the sound of a horse galloping, like a carry edge coming in. And I clearly saw the horse, uh, coming closer and closer. And then after that, I was, um, seeing myself like the little boy from above, uh, soaking in the pool of blood. Speaker 2 00:31:56 You were killed by the horse, Speaker 3 00:31:58 Not killed, but injured. So I was like, I think I was jailed and stuff. And at that time, at that moment when during the session, I said to, to as healer, past life progression facilitator, I said, oh, man, you know, I think, I think I, I spent too long on the, on the floor because I feel a big pain in my head. It's very painful. And it actually matched the moment when I, I saw the, the heat happening with the horse. And that was very interesting because I, I, at the moment, I, on that time, I didn't see the relation with that. But, uh, after it made sense, and then I, after that, another sequence was I was in the bed, but I was older. I was maybe eight, nine years old, and I had all the family around taking care of me, giving me some, uh, ointment and, uh, bandage and stuff like that, like pills. Speaker 3 00:32:57 And I, um, but I was not able to walk. I was not able to walk, and that's why I was in the bed and this type of thing. And, uh, I could see myself, uh, starting going to school so I could see clearly what I was wearing. It looked like, you know, those, uh, short, that the boys was wearing in the thirties with the leather, um, backpack and this type of thing. So I was like, okay, I make sure I remember the, you know, so I can, I can see what time it would, uh, roughly not match. And then I was walking on the side of the road, the road, and I fainted. I just fainted. Pink was gone. Uh, and that's, that's all that I, I remembered from that past life at that, during the childhood, because right after I, I could see myself again, but I was a grown up man, like in the twenties, thirties, something like that. Speaker 3 00:33:57 And us asked me, oh, okay, so now that you are, you are grown up, you look, look how you feel, you know, like, how do you feel? And I said, oh, I feel great. I feel really good. I feel healthy, and I feel full of energy. He said, oh, wow. Great. What do you feel like doing then, you know, do you want to go dancing or get married? I have kids. Do you want to, I don't know, get involved in some work? And yeah, I said, no, no, no, I don't want any of that. And I felt strongly in my body. I felt something very strong in myself. I wanted to go to war. Yeah. I, I was carrying a riffer and I was ready to go and, and fight. And that was the only thing that was important for me. I wanted to go and fight. Speaker 3 00:34:41 Wow. And so I saw myself in the battlefield, and, um, I was running down the hill, and that was like, um, a valley type of thing. And I could see the open on the enemies in front. They were dressed up, uh, as you know, those English gu that the bucking palace palaces. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, yes. But instead of wearing red, they were wearing, uh, bright blue, uh, bright blue costume. I've never seen that in my life. So I thought, oh my God, that's me imagining something, or, because it's can't be, you know, it's, it's, normally it's red, right? So, but they were wearing those blue costume with the gold button with the long heart, like this, like the fur hat, and they were on the horses. So I was like, it's not very practical to go to work with those big long hats. Uh, you know, it doesn't really make sense. Speaker 3 00:35:34 It was very surreal. Anyway, I just saw myself running down, um, and with my, with the gun and, um, and falling in the mud, and it's, it was very messy. And I couldn't really picture what was happening in that sales, uh, moment. But right after I was, um, in a carriage somewhere, like, because I could feel the shake, the shake of the carriage bringing me somewhere, and I understood I was me prisoner, right? So I, so I was in a cell, like in, um, there was many cells in that was in a lower ground of, um, prison or something. And I could see the guard as well. It became really clear as the session went on and on, the thing became more and more clear. Uh, and so I was in that cell with other people, and I knew I was gonna get released. I, I knew it was not even a question that I would stay at her. Speaker 3 00:36:32 I knew I was gonna get, uh, freed soon, but instead of that, I was sent into a higher cell somewhere really high because I, I was in a round cell and I could see a window with the blue sky with just a rare flight from that cell. And, um, there was no one, and it was, it felt like I was high, high in the tower somewhere. And, um, the feeling I had was that I was desperate, not because I was in the cell, but because I didn't know what would happen to my country. I had no idea what, what was happening with my country. If they would be, uh, they would win or not. Uh, what would happen with my family if they would be taken prison or so, or not. And apparently I died from hunger because they forgot me in that cell. They, nobody was there. So I died of hunger and with that feeling of I should fight, uh, for my country. Wow. But interesting, the interesting thing that happened after this session of past regression is that I became migraine free for five years straight. Speaker 2 00:37:45 Yeah. What a change. Speaker 3 00:37:47 Yeah. Very strange. Yeah, because we didn't set the session for that. I had no intention for healing this. Uh, and, um, I felt a strong pain when I felt the horse hitting me. So physically I was feeling it as well. Speaker 2 00:38:06 Did you feel it in your head? Speaker 3 00:38:07 Uh, in the back of my head. Where, where I usually have the migrants starting. Oh, right, yes. Like in the top of the neck. Um, and yeah. And that was like, that was very interesting. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:20 Have you ever thought of doing more past life regression to see if you can cure it Speaker 3 00:38:24 Permanently? No. No. No. Because it's, what I feel is that past life regression like this happen, uh, I don't feel I have, I could have control on, on that. I think, uh, the soul guides you to where you need to be at that time. And it's, there is a very big gap in between what you want and what you need. And when the soul sees what you need, then it takes action. And then it's, it's very, uh, it's very difficult for us as human being to, uh, to be able to understand what we need. We won't think, we say, oh, I want to get rid of this, I want to have this. But sometimes, yeah. So, but maybe I would try another modality for that, see if that could work. Speaker 2 00:39:13 Yeah. To clear it. How often do you have migraines? Speaker 3 00:39:16 Well, every time I'm stressed. Yeah. Every time I'm tired or stressed or when the period arises. So once a month at least. And then on top of it, when I have some stressful evens, yeah. Speaker 2 00:39:32 I get migraines, well, headaches every month. Cause of the moon. So, Speaker 3 00:39:36 Because of Speaker 2 00:39:36 What? Usually a full moon. Speaker 3 00:39:38 A full moon, yes. Also, yeah, full moon is very, it's the worst. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:39:41 Yeah. Yeah. But this month so far is good. So, so <laugh>, oh, okay. Some months. Speaker 3 00:39:46 Maybe you should try the past life. Oh, maybe Speaker 2 00:39:49 <laugh>. Uh, now you also had some extreme bad luck for a while there, um, when you were traveling around, um, and, um, you found some help when you were in Cuba. Speaker 3 00:40:02 Yeah, I did. Yeah. Actually, uh, it's interesting how bad luck hap, uh, appears in my life. Um, uh, usually it's, uh, it's when, uh, I have issues with other people. So I actually started to get relationship problems. When we were in France, we were traveling the world. We had spent a few months in Asia, and then I was in France. We were in France. And I remember I asked for divorce under the tower because it was so intense, like the relationship. And from there, actually the bad luck, bad luck started. That was very interesting. I, um, Speaker 2 00:40:51 How did that manifest? How did the men, how did the bad luck manifest? What, what, how do you know was the bad luck? Speaker 3 00:40:56 Well, first of all, I, we were in Mexico. We were travel to Mexico. Well, actually it started in, in the us Uh, I got sick in the US I was very, I was like in bedridden with a big fever and this type of thing. So I was like, oh, it is very unfortunate, right? Like, I can't really say it. Bad luck. It's just, uh, you know, you get sick, it's normal, you know? Yeah. Okay. But, um, two weeks later we were in Mexico and, um, we ended up in a place that was, uh, infested with bugs. And we could not sleep at night. It was so dirty. It was just awful. Bay Speaker 2 00:41:33 Bug. Speaker 3 00:41:34 Yeah. Any, anything. It was a really zoo. A zoo. We, we had everything, all kind of bug you can imagine. Cockroaches, bed bug, mosquitoes, uh, spiders slash scorpio type of thing. I've never seen before. I don't know. What is this Speaker 2 00:41:48 Bug? Sounds like a travelers nightmare. Speaker 3 00:41:49 Yeah, <laugh>. It is. Yeah. So I can tell you. And then the bed was dirty. Yeah. So I can tell you, uh, I didn't sleep at all that night. Speaker 2 00:41:58 I know, but sometimes when you go to a place and it's all that's left, you're like, I have to do this. Oh, no, I Speaker 3 00:42:03 Have to do this. Yeah. Yes. You didn't have the choice, you know, it was already nighttime. You, you had to go through that. So, oh. And so I was tired. And, uh, the breakfast was so small, uh, it was like ridiculous. Um, and, but we needed to go to, to the beach, uh, by bicycle, cuz we were traveling by bicycle. Right. And it was a hot day, and I was on my bicycle. And actually I, I was so tired. I decided to close my eyes for a few seconds while I was on my bicycle. So I would bit like, find a bit of rest. The road was very boring, was just a flat and straight road. So I was like, ah, I'm not risking anything, you know, it's fine. I just close my eyes and I close my eyes a little bit and it's all good, you know? I close again and it feels so good. Feel so good. And I close my eyes again and I actually fall asleep. Speaker 2 00:42:57 Oh, no. So closing your eyes on a bike when you're exhausted and, uh, you're suffering from potentially, you know, black magic that occur, you're not really sure yet, it's not gonna go well. What I Speaker 3 00:43:13 Well, what happened is that, yeah, I fell of course, and I fell. You fell. I fell on, on the, a little, uh, pool. Actually, I hurt my leg on that. And, uh, yeah, John was like, what's going on? Like, why, how did you fall there? It's like, it's impossible. I mean, there's nobody road this trade, you know? And Speaker 2 00:43:32 Was he behind you or? Speaker 3 00:43:33 Yeah, he was behind. He was saw me entering the pool. <laugh>. That Speaker 2 00:43:39 Would've been weird to see. Speaker 3 00:43:41 Yeah. Yeah, it was, it was like a bit like, uh, <laugh>. Okay. But I explained what happened and he started laughing because that was so weird. Uh, so, Speaker 2 00:43:51 But you were okay, you just had a Speaker 3 00:43:52 Smile. Yeah, I was, but I still have the mark there. Yeah, right. Yeah, I still have a mark, uh, yeah, there. Oh, wow. But, uh, yeah, it was fine. I was fine. And then it was time to actually leave Mexico, and then we were going to Cuba. Yeah. And so fast, quick, quick, we go pack the bags and everything. And because we had to take a little, uh, a little buggy to bring us to the bus to that the bus would bring us to another bus would bring us to, uh, the airport. So we had to lined up everything perfectly in order not to miss the plane. So it was a little bit stressful. Uh, we woke up at five in the morning. I was really, uh, not together, and I packed my backpack and, um, I don't remember how I packed my backpack. And that was not a very clever way of packing things. But I didn't know until, uh, I realized in, when I arrived in Cuba that I wanted to pay for the casa particular, the place where we were staying the first, as soon as we arrived, I was like, okay, I'm going to pay that lady. And then it's done. And the pocket where I kept all the cash, so there was 3000 euros, cash in that pocket was missing from my backpack. Speaker 3 00:45:17 What? So talking about bad luck, it's really bad luck because I tend to actually pack things in little pockets and put everything in, in, in a, in a bag. Right? So you Speaker 2 00:45:28 Very specific about it, so you know where things Speaker 3 00:45:30 Are. Yeah. So it's easy to find things, right. But there was one pocket missing, and that was this one. That was the one I, that was the most precious one that was missing. So Speaker 2 00:45:41 Was this in carryon luggage Speaker 3 00:45:43 Or, yeah, in my backpack. And what I suppose is that in Cancun I was maybe like very tired and looking around and someone saw that I was not really on earth. Yeah, yeah. And it opened, just had to open the, the bag, and that was the first thing they, they could reach out. That was the first thing. And I, I packed my bag in that way. The, the worst way you could pack your bag when you travel. And, um, Speaker 2 00:46:08 And they snuck it out. Speaker 3 00:46:09 And that was really bad luck, you know, because there could have been any other pockets. But that was this one. And the top of the top is that you cannot take cash out in, in Cuba you can't, because if you do, you get, uh, 20% fee every time you take some money. So it's a lot of money. Every time you take a hundred bucks, you have 20% fee, plus the, the currency conversion. So it's really not an option. And I needed that cash for a month there. That was the cash for the month. So it was gone. We had nothing. We had no money, no money. We couldn't, we couldn't pay by card there because they don't use card. You know, it's a very, uh, uh, underdeveloped country. They don't has the card system. It's all cash. And so I went straight to the police, but you know, it happened in Mexico, so they couldn't do anything for me. Speaker 3 00:47:06 But, and yeah, I was not in a good space at all. It was very challenging. I had to go to the embassy. The embassy didn't want to help me, uh, had a very, like, it was, it was quite awful. And it went on and on. I mean, like, I had like bad luck after bad luck, after bad luck, like little details. And at one point John was saying, uh, okay, yeah, it has to stop, you know, you need to do something because it's, it become, it's becoming ridiculous. It's affecting everything. Yeah. E every day. I mean, like one day I jump on the, on the motorbike to go somewhere. I leave the motorbike and I burn my leg on the exo pipe. And so on the moment I'm like, oh, it's just a little burn, right? But actually, when you burn yourself on the motorbike exo pipe, it's not a little burn. Speaker 3 00:47:58 It's a deep burn. It is really bad. And, uh, the wound would be, became really deep, like a few centimeters deep. It's that intense. So I was in pain and you know, they don't have, um, really the, the medicine for that. Um, I tried to put a few things like alo and the Cuban people tell, told me, put some toes, put some potatoes, put some things, and then, you know, but you and I had this bandage with some, uh, found some silver cream. And every time I would remove that, it's, it was like, uh, excruciating pain. I've never felt so much pain in my life. It's just been, it's been horrible. And it went on for like, days and days. Actually, I've, it said that the burn, it's your skin, like, it's continues to burn throughout the days. Like after four, five days it settle and then you end up with the actual hole in your leg. Yeah. And, um, so I couldn't walk. Of course, it was so painful I couldn't walk. Uh, and yeah, it's, it, it was just like, like a, a constant, but like constant, constant. So we went to a place called, uh, Trinidad. So it's beautiful little, uh, city, colorful city. And um, and then on the street, I, I meet a guy, you see how the energy is guiding you, uh, in your life. If you are a low of energy, you will attract low energy people. Speaker 3 00:49:38 And I meet that guy on the street and he says, he starts chatting with me and he says, I'm a baba, which is, um, uh, saucer or I don't know how to call that in, in English. It's someone who works with the spirits and energies and he can do all sorts of things. Go, uh, in the good or in the bad. So it's those, Speaker 4 00:50:00 You're in a market and you meet the Speaker 3 00:50:02 Bubbler. Yeah, it's, it's in the street. Just right in the street. Like completely random. Like, I'm not supposed to talk to anyone or, you know, and this guy approached me and then he could have sensed that maybe I I was not in a good space or, and he offers me to do a session with me. And, um, I follow him. I trust, you know, I go and I end up in his, uh, flat, uh, and I enter the flat and oh my God, Speaker 4 00:50:29 <laugh>, what, what was there? Speaker 3 00:50:31 Um, uh, it was scary. It was very scary. It had like, uh, voodoo doors everywhere, chains everywhere, like big chains. Uh, and he had like all sorts of, uh, magical objects and stuff like that. It, and I, at that moment, I, I said, okay, I think I'll come back later. I need to be on my own right now because I don't feel really good. I am not up for a session right now. I'm gonna go. And so I left straightaway. And, um, yeah, that was actually, um, this guy, uh, was actually not a good person. Uh, I learned af after that. He was known for his all, um, all this black magic thing and you know, so I had a good intuition in living the place. Yeah. And, and when I told that to, um, uh, another lady who was really nice, she was, um, a restaurant owner, and we started to talk actually about all of that. And she said, oh yeah, well, okay, I can recommend you someone who is legit and, and does, uh, white magic. Right. Not, not black magic. Yeah. And he's a medium and you know, he can't help you. And so I said, okay. So we went to see that, uh, medium guy. He was actually a doctor in the hospital, so it was pretty interesting. Speaker 4 00:51:52 A doctor is also a Speaker 3 00:51:53 Medium. Wow. It's cool. Yeah. <laugh>. And we go to his house and, and as soon as we arrived, I, I was with John and he's like, sorry, sorry, I can't hear what you're saying. Say what? What? Why is that? He said, no, no, I can't. I have to deal with John first. I'm like, okay, why, why is that? He said, yeah, because I can't hear whatever you say, because there is a lady behind John that keeps screaming things at me, and she wants me to tell John what she has to tell him, you know? So I'm like, I'm going to deal with him first, and then we would see what's going on with you. And then he says, she keeps saying to Meran cran, cran cran, something like that. And then Speaker 4 00:52:42 Was she speaking in another language Speaker 3 00:52:44 Or That was a spirit next to John speaking, like screaming. She had a can and another book. Wow. And, uh, she was saying, and then this guy from Cuba speaks Spanish or Lira nothing else. And he said, I don't know, what does that mean? And John was like, oh yeah, she wants me to read the current, the, you know, the book The Currentness Theran in Turkish. Right. Speaker 4 00:53:13 Oh, right, okay. That John's Turkish. Speaker 3 00:53:15 Yeah. Yeah. And she said, so I said, okay, now we, we dealt with her. We can talk with you. You know, cause Speaker 4 00:53:23 So she stopped talking as soon as he got the message across to Speaker 3 00:53:25 Him. Well, actually what happened is that they, those, the, the, the spirits, they, they feel when they're with someone who, who can, uh, channel them. And they, they take any opportunity for that too. If they want to tell you something. If you have a grandma or someone who wants to tell you something, they would take any opportunity to, to go through someone with a channel. And, uh, that was the perfect opportunity for her. Right. And she, he feels like she's, she's with her all the time. Right. So, uh, he had like a lot of stories around that. And so we went on, on me and, um, he told me actually to, um, to do some, uh, ritual to get rid of this bad luck. So we had a session and then he actually channeled my grandfather as well. We, it was quite impressive to, to see that he could actually connect so clearly with him. And, um, but after that he told me that I, I should go to the beach with seven different fruits. So banana, an apple, uh, pineapple, and this and that, you know, and mango. Speaker 4 00:54:31 So these offerings, Speaker 3 00:54:32 Seven different fruits. And then I would go in the sea and rub each fruits on my body and throw it in the sea, uh, as an offering for, uh, different D and ancestors. So I would pick D and ancestors and then do the ritual. And when I was doing the ritual, actually I felt something as shifted was shifting as I was doing it. It was pretty intense. And when I left the water, I was a different person after. Speaker 4 00:55:06 What do you mean by a different person? Speaker 3 00:55:08 Well, I felt, um, I felt, uh, my consciousness changed. Like if, you know, you know, like if you are operating in a, a different way of thinking and then, you know, like when you're depressed on a bit low of energy and then you, you have this way of thinking that's a bit negative. And then I left the water and then I, I was actually very positive, very, um, uh, uplifted and optimistic and you know, it was a very, um, a real before and after experience really. Speaker 4 00:55:43 Right. So it was actually like an instantaneous effect. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:55:46 Yeah. I got like cleared from, uh, any negativity I could have a community during the, the past month. Wow. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:55:57 Wow. And you had, did you have any more dealings with any of the, um, spiritual healers in Cuba? When, Speaker 3 00:56:04 Uh, not me, but yeah, you can ask John. He's got some stories. Speaker 4 00:56:08 Okay. <laugh>. Yeah. Okay. I'll have to catch up with John <laugh>. That's great. That's great. Okay. Now do you have any other stories that you'd like to share? Speaker 3 00:56:19 Um, yeah, I dunno. Like, um, anything else you would be interested in? Speaker 4 00:56:24 Oh, absolutely. Everything. I'm interested. Speaker 3 00:56:26 Everything. Okay. Pick another one. We'll do last Speaker 4 00:56:29 One. Okay. So, um, another one. Alright, lemme just the list that you gave me. Okay. Dreams where you felt that reality had disappeared. Yeah. And what is that about? Speaker 3 00:56:48 Well, this one is one of the strangest things because it's not something like most people have experienced. You know, you can't really share that with anyone when you can. But people won't really understand because it's not like when you see a ghost or you have this experiences that I had like with the bad luck or that is quite, uh, spread around. It's, this one is more Speaker 3 00:57:16 A very strange experience like in itself. So I actually, um, I started to have a problem with my hip, uh, when we came back to Sydney to pick up some boxes there cuz we moved to Brisbane and we still had things there. So we had to spend a month, uh, a week in, uh, in, in Sydney. And I started to feel like my hip was not doing very well, but it was okay. I mean, like, it was just a little pain. That's it. But one night I dreamt, so I had a dream. Very, very strong dream that felt very real. So I dreamt that my mom invited her ex boss for our lunch. But this boss is very, uh, narcissistic and very, uh, a bit psychopath as well. So I asked her, wow, why did you invite your boss? It's in our house. It's, it's not a good thing, right? Speaker 3 00:58:12 And then she said, oh yeah, you know, it's okay. You just, just join us, it's gonna be fine. And then I refused and I left the, the table. And as I, I went to the garden, my little dog, a little dog that I used to have when I was a kid. Uh, he passed a long time ago. But he is always in my dreams. It is very of, very present in my dreams. It feels like he's guiding me or something. A little black dog. And I follow him in the garden and I look at him and it is, feels like pixel. So he become pixel and it feels so real. It feels like it's just right in front. I can't understand how that happened. It's, it's not logical that a dog will disappear pixel eyes. And I have this trench feel, uh, going through all the sets of my body, like something not right. Speaker 3 00:59:06 We, we occur and I look up in the sky and I see those big brown sky uh, clouds. And on top of it, it's like cities, like buildings, like skyscrapers. And it approaches to, uh, my direction and I'm thinking, oh my God, we are getting invaded by the aliens or something. You know? It's like, it's a very scary feel. And I woke up at the time and, um, and then at the same day, I started to have intense pain in my hip. So the, the dream felt like something has shifted from reality. Like, it felt like, you know, like you live your normal life in 3D world, and then suddenly everything, all the rules, all the, you know, the gravity, the material realm, the, those, those laws are not existing anymore. It's just gonna change completely. And it's, it's what happened after the dream. I felt like my reality had completely shifted. Speaker 3 01:00:09 It's, I lost touch with, it was like void, entering a void and, um, and losing myself, something like that. Right? Yeah. So very intense. Like, that's why it's very hard to describe because the, the, it's almost like, you know, when you go into those other realms, when you take plants and stuff like that, it's felt like this. And, uh, but my hip started to, to hurt more and more. At one point I could not even walk. I couldn't walk, I couldn't sit, couldn't lie down, couldn't sleep at night. The pain was so intense, I couldn't do anything. Speaker 4 01:00:45 Was it just one hip or two, Speaker 3 01:00:46 Or just one? Just one. Right. And, um, yeah, it's, it's, it just started from there. So that was, that was very interesting experience. Uh, what really, uh, also, um, uh, struck me is that this dog that I used to dream of the, this dog I used to dream of, um, never came back in my dreams after that. I used to dream of this dog every, he's very weak. And after that, he would never appear any, any dream. And I recently dream, dreamed again of this dog, but he appeared white. He used to be black, and now it's white in the dreams. Okay. And it's very, um, eerie. It's, it's not, it's not as present as he used to be. And again, it feels like it's, he's not in the same, uh, rhythm. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:01:51 Mm-hmm. Hmm. <affirmative>. So that, that's healed since obviously your hip. Speaker 3 01:01:55 No, Speaker 4 01:01:56 No, no. It's still ongoing. Speaker 3 01:01:58 Uh, yeah. It's chronic now. Oh, Speaker 4 01:02:00 No. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Um, yeah. Okay. That's, it's stop going. Yeah. Um, now you did have a little mention there of plant medicines. Speaker 3 01:02:11 Yeah. Speaker 4 01:02:12 Plant. So you experiencing plant medicines. Um, what happened for you? And, um, oh, wow. Do you have any stories there? Oh, Speaker 3 01:02:18 Wow. That outstanding. Yeah. I think, I think I will share the, I won't share my, my own experience with the plant because I think, uh, you know, everybody who had this experience, they can tell their story. And it's not, I mean, it's always very interesting. But, you know, if you want to have an experience, just, just try. And then you, you'll have the experience yourself. But what, what was interesting in the, my story is, um, the other people in the group, um, <laugh>. So Speaker 4 01:02:49 Where, where, first of all, where did this happen? Speaker 3 01:02:52 Uh, we were in the jargon in Peru. In Peru, yeah. Uh, in the family, in, uh, very, like, uh, in the tribe. I tribe, Speaker 4 01:03:01 Yeah. So you, you're far out in Speaker 3 01:03:02 The forest? Yeah, yeah, far, really far, actually. Yeah. Two hours bus from the city, IDOs, and then two hours boat, right through the Amazon. And then we ended up in the village, not, it's not even the village, it's few hots actually. It, it's not No Village. Um, and then, uh, we, we are in a group of, um, I think 15 people. I think something from all over the world with very different objectives. I can tell you it was, uh, not, uh, well, I went there for spiritual reasons and you know, for in growth. But most people, they came there for, you know, to have a good trip or something. And Oh, Speaker 4 01:03:44 There were tourists. Speaker 3 01:03:44 Yeah. So it was not, uh, good. Speaker 4 01:03:47 I don't agree with tourism like that. No, Speaker 3 01:03:50 No. And that was the beginning of, of it. So it was not like now. Yeah. That was like 10 years ago or something. So it was still, uh, still not so fam like well known, but still, it started to, you know, it started to be a, a business, a thing. Yeah. Yeah. So it started to be a business and, uh, people got really jealous, you know, in those, um, uh, the countries that are developing the jealousy is very intense, very, very intense. And what happened is, um, I, I learned that after, I, I didn't know in the moment because no, of course no one would told me, tell me. But in the boat when we arrived, there was the shaman from the other retreat next door with us. Oh, Speaker 4 01:04:34 He was getting a ride. Speaker 3 01:04:36 Yes, he was with us, and he was not happy because, because Speaker 4 01:04:41 He got work and he didn't, Speaker 3 01:04:43 He lost the clients. Right? Oh, because, because we were actually with the family who was working with donations. Speaker 4 01:04:49 Yeah. Right. Speaker 3 01:04:50 They didn't, they were not interested too much with money. They're very, they're very natural people. They're very, um, not, not so much, uh, interaction with the, with the western world. So for them it was more about helping others. And, uh, you know, and, but this guy, he was having a business and he wanted to make money. And so apparently he, he, he sent a spell on the, on the group. Speaker 4 01:05:17 Right. So he was doing a bit of the evil eye. Speaker 3 01:05:19 Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And so what happened is that we had in the group, we had this, uh, Dutch guy who was really, like a guy who wanted to have a good trip, and that's all. And he complained that he didn't have enough ex, uh, effect of the plants. Right. Didn't have enough medicine. Yeah. It was not strong enough. And he didn't feel anything. And so, okay, so the, the, the people from the family believed him, and they said, okay, we are going to go to the grandfather, uh, garden where he has the most potent, I wasa, you know, like the plants, uh, with the most dmt, apparently. That's what I suppose, you know, and they prepared a special, uh, roof for the, for the next day that was super, super charged. And, um, and so people went like over the, over the roof with that, with that, uh, brew. Speaker 3 01:06:19 I, thankfully I didn't take it because I was too tired from the previous ceremonies, but the day after, uh, John comes to the kitchen and says, oh, I think there is a snake in the room. And I'm like, oh my God, we are in the jungle. There is a snake in the room. I'm not <laugh>. I freaked out. And so we asked the family to give us a hand with that. And then indeed there was a, there was a snake there, and then they were like, oh my God, this is a snake that never comes to this area. It's a snake that you find deep down in the jungle, and they never come around, uh, humans. And this snake, this snack is, is deadly. You, you get beaten, you have two hours to find the antidote. You do it, you dead, otherwise you're dead. But we were four hours from the city, so we, you know, someone would've been, and it was in your heart, in the, yeah, in our room. Speaker 3 01:07:13 Wow. In our room. Yeah. So the, the rush, the snake, poor snake, they killed because they was not, they were not equipped for that. Yeah. So they tried their best, and then they managed to actually kill the snake. It was gruesome, but we were all safe. Um, and, um, this guy lost it. The Dutch guy, he lost it at one point. He threatened the organizer, uh, with this kung fu moves. And, um, so is this why he was under the medicine or No, no, that was during the day. That was after the story. After the snake went, uh, the Dutch guy lost it. He threatened the organizer, uh, the American guy organizer, uh, to, to beat his, uh, head off and stuff like that. You know, it was, uh, really not, not a good thing to have while you are going through a journey of, of healing and medicine. Yeah. Uh, so he got kicked out. This guy got kicked out. He got kicked out from the retreat. Speaker 4 01:08:15 Does that, do they, when they kick them out, do they just put 'em on a boat and send them back? Or Speaker 3 01:08:18 They, what, Speaker 4 01:08:19 What do they put them on, on a boat and send them back? Speaker 3 01:08:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Straight, straight back. Straight away. Yeah. Yeah. Straight to the city, you know, like, uh, goodbye. But, um, so during the night, you know, during the retreat, the, the ceremonies, it's around, it's around hot where we were lying down for the eyewash ceremony. And over the ceremonies, people would feel his energy, which was really toxic. So the mattresses would be going on one corner of the, the circle. And then his mattress was all, all on, on its own, on the other side. No one around him <laugh>. And suddenly, because he was gone, like all the mattresses went back to the normal position. Speaker 4 01:09:03 Cause his energy was so toxic Speaker 3 01:09:05 In the That's, yeah, exactly. And so the ceremony starts, we take the, the, the medicine, uh, one by one, and I take the medicine, I take a full cup, and then five minutes later, the lady who sits right next to where he used to have his mattress starts sobbing. So she, she, but five minutes, normally the Irish kit kicks after 30, 45 minutes. So I'm thinking it's not normal. Why is she, it looks like she's already like, on, on the effect. Um, and it's been like five minutes and she starts sobbing and she sos more and more and more. And, and then it, and then the, it becomes like unmanageable for her. She screams help in between two sos almost like if she's someone else asking for help. Wow. In between two sos. And so the organizer comes to her, try to calm her down. He can't, of course. Speaker 3 01:10:08 So he calls the shaman, and the shaman comes and then sings ICARs to her, and then nothing seems to calm her down. And, and then it lasts for one hour like this. So I can tell you, it's all pitch black. You are under the effects of the medicine. You're already going through all the realms, and you have this lady sobbing and sobbing and sobbing. Like it's, it's not normal. It affect for everybody. Yeah. And it's like, it's, it's normal to go through different emotion when you go in the, in the journey of this medicine. But this was not normal. I could tell something was up with, with that. It was not normal. It was like if she was possessed with something. Right. Speaker 4 01:10:50 And how were the helpers working with her? They were giving hers Speaker 3 01:10:53 And, uh, yeah, they were seeing some, uh, CCAs. Yeah. Departure and, and then smoke and, and smoke cigars around. And then put some aua flo on her. And then, you know, all sorts of things. Nothing seems to work. And then I, I remember I had this little watch that you, you can, uh, uh, light, you know? Oh yeah. You can lighten in the dark. Like you in the eighties, watch, you know? Yeah. And I felt like it was one hour, it was just five minutes, five minutes, every five minutes of like, oh my God. Oh my god. And I was fighting the effects of the eye washer in order to, to be with my body, not to leave my body. Cause I felt something was definitely off there, something was not right. And then an hour later, she stops sobbing, sobbing and crying. And, you know, and then I hear noises that are out of this world, like a monster noise. Speaker 3 01:11:47 Like, it's like, and then I got this, it's not scared. It's not the world. It's terrified. I was terrified, terrified, terrified. I thought, oh my God, this is horrible. I was already prepped for one hour of being like, not feeling comfortable with that lady, sobbing them, me fighting the effect. And on top of it, now I have this, like, that was clear for me. That was clear. Uh, she was possessed. That, that's no other way. I mean, like I said, a small lady, you know, like it's, she can't make those noises herself. It's not possible. Mm-hmm. And I started to pray a Michael and bring some golden light and love to the woo group and protect, uh, asking for protection. And, you know, and my work session was spent to just doing that. So I was just like praying and praying. You were doing Speaker 4 01:12:43 Protection for the group and yourself. Speaker 3 01:12:44 Yeah. Wow. And, um, and then the, I, I, I got the effect, normally the effect last for eight hours, but I got the effect for almost 24 hours because, uh, I foot, I foot the effect. And so it stayed in my body for longer. Mm. The resonance of it. Yeah. And I was really terrified. I was terrified during all this time. The, the morning after I wanted to debrief with other people. Right. I wanted to talk about what happened, and, but I couldn't because there was the silent there that day, silent day, you can't talk. And so I was like, with this experience, uh, in my head, like putting it again and again, and I was like, I'm out of this place tomorrow. I take the first boat and I'm, I'm off, I'm out. The snake, the crazy man, the, the lady who makes strange noises at night and and terrifying experience. I'm, I'm off from this place. It's not for me. Speaker 4 01:13:39 All this is going on. You're feeling extremely uncomfortable. You can't process your experience because you're in silent day. Yeah. What happened after that? I mean, did, did anyone tell you or even discuss what was going on? Speaker 3 01:13:55 Yeah, actually the day after, the first thing I did is I went straight to that lady and asked her how she's feeling, and if she's okay, and what happened to her. And she was like, yeah. She said it was unexplainable. I just started to have, like, I couldn't stop myself. It felt like I was not in control of my own body. And, um, what happened is that she felt something was taking, uh, over like the body. And when the shaman managed to kick that thing that was taking control of her out of, of her body, then it jumped on the lady who was sitting next to her. Speaker 4 01:14:34 How do you know it Speaker 3 01:14:34 Jumped? Because she's starting to make those weird noises. Speaker 4 01:14:38 Oh, okay. So you had the sobbing and the weird noises going Speaker 3 01:14:40 On. Yeah. The sobbing was because she had this thing in, in her, we don't know what it, entity, spirit, whatever, I don't know. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, she was processed by that thing. And then, um, as soon as she, they got rid of that, that thing, they over to found another body, which was the lady next to her who was sitting right next to her. Right. And she was doing those noises and stuff. So I asked again, that lady, like the one who was making those horrible noises. I don't know. I see that possible, as you know. And she said that she, she, she had a very strange experience. She felt like, uh, she was attacked by a dog. So she, she saw this doberman type of dog, uh, facing her and ready to attack. And in that, in that, in this realm, I mean, it's not here in that, in that 3D world, right? It's like in under the effect of the ika, indu or the world, she faced the dog and she started to go, um, uh, the for all fours on the, on the floor as well. Same position as the dog. And she started to lick the dog. Speaker 4 01:15:53 What? Yeah, <laugh>. Uh, okay. Explain that. Speaker 3 01:16:00 Because she, she felt like, Speaker 4 01:16:02 Oh, she was like friends with Speaker 3 01:16:03 The dog. Yeah. Like acting like a dog who would be friendly with another dog, coming dog down. Where what happened is that she saw him, uh, turning around and running to the, to the river and, and jumped in the river. And that was her experience. That was what she saw, she saw. But she, she didn't seem much more than that. Actually. I think she lost consciousness while she was doing the noises. It, the spirit just took over completely off everything. And she was not there. She was up somewhere. Yeah. And so I went to see the shaman, and I, I asked for an explanation because I was like, Hey, man, you know, you're supposed to be a shaman, and, uh, you struggled to get rid of the, the weird stuff that happened during the ceremony. And he said, oh, yeah, but you know, I'm not really a shaman, a proper shaman. I have spent 10 years, uh, studying and, and learning. But you know, normally you, you should be spending those 10 years all alone in the jungle without any, any interruption. But I was already married with kids, so I had to come back, you know, from time to time and being away from the jungle. And so, yes, I know I, I, I do have those skills of shaman, but I'm not a very high, highly skilled shaman. So, but I Speaker 4 01:17:22 Oh, credits to his, yeah. Speaker 3 01:17:24 Very honest. Yeah. He was not trying to, you know, and I said, but what, what happened to you then? Like, what did you see during this event? And he said, well, what happened is that I saw that, uh, she had some snakes inside her body, some black snakes, and that's very typical of her curse. Uh, so he said, that's when he told me the shaman next door might have been responsible for sending that curse, because the next thing there is very really symbolic of curse. And so he pulled the snakes out of her body through the crown. He was pulling, pulling, pulling. And then he threw them on the floor. And when they, they hit the floor, they, they transform into thousands of bugs that were running around the, the room. And they disappeared Like this actually, that's, that's his experience on that. Speaker 4 01:18:21 Wow. And did you stay after that? Speaker 3 01:18:25 I did stay, but I never took any other, I couldn't take it. I was not, other people went to the ceremony. I was present during the ceremony, but I didn't want to take to be on this friend while I felt like I was very unsafe, unprotected, um, and anything could have happen. So I wanted to be fully in my body. And then, uh, just not allowing anything, taking control. Speaker 4 01:18:53 Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Well, I think that's probably a good place to wind up. We started with possession and we ended with possession. I know. Yeah. <laugh>. I know. Yeah. Well, you've had some pretty wild experiences. I'm, I'm, yeah. Speaker 3 01:19:05 Yeah. Yes, I did. Speaker 4 01:19:06 Yeah. And I'm pretty sure you're going to have more in life, so maybe we'll come back and talk again in the future. Yeah, sure. It's very good having you today. Thank you very much, Alex, for coming and talking to us. My pleasure. And, um, yeah, it's very appreciated. Great. All right. Bye bye. Speaker 1 01:19:20 Thanks for listening today. If you have an experience you'd like to share, please get in contact with me. You can do so via Facebook, via Instagram. Just look for the super normalized, which is all one word. Um, search on those apps to find me. Otherwise, you can send me email direct super normalized, which is one word, super normalized with the [email protected]. 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