Episode 150

March 11, 2025


Unlock the Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind with Dr. Alain Salas: Transform Your Life

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Unlock the Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind with Dr. Alain Salas: Transform Your Life
Supernormalized Podcast
Unlock the Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind with Dr. Alain Salas: Transform Your Life

Mar 11 2025 | 00:57:07


Show Notes

In this conversation, Dr. Alain Salas shares his transformative journey from a successful boat rental business in the Mediterranean to becoming a chiropractic physician in the United States. He discusses the challenges he faced, including burnout and a cancer diagnosis, which led him to discover the Mind Clearing System. This system focuses on the mind-body connection and the power of the subconscious mind in healing. Alain emphasizes the importance of visualization and reprogramming limiting beliefs to empower individuals to heal themselves and improve their lives. He shares real-life success stories and encourages listeners to embrace their ability to transform their health and well-being.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Today on super normalized, I have Dr. Alain Salas, a man who went from sailing along the Mediterranean seas as an entrepreneur in France to navigating some of life's most turbulent storms before finding his way to becoming an internationally renowned doctor, healer, teacher, and trailblazing author. Elaine used to have a successful boat rental business in the Mediterranean, which sounded like an absolutely idyllic life until he felt the pull to become a healer. So he moved to the US Started his chiropractic business, and boomed like nothing before he actually burnt out, went to rock bottom in his business and his marriage, and had his own little personal financial collapse, which made him reevaluate his life. He discovered a process in that that he calls the mind clearing process, and he calls himself now the mind clearing doctor. And he helps break the cycles that cause all of this drama in his own life. In doing so, he brought that process to others and in doing so, helped them change their lives. This conversation is about his understanding of that, what led into that, and basically his sharing of that wisdom to the world. I know from the statistics that I have through YouTube and through other podcast apps that a lot of the listeners that I have aren't actually liking or subscribing. So if you could do me a really good favor, like, and subscribe because you're on YouTube and if you're on a podcast app, go and give me five stars. That way other people get to hear these great conversations too. Okay. So welcome to Super Normalized Elaine. Now you are Dr. Elaine Salas. You went from sailing along the Mediterranean, having a life of, I don't know what people would probably see as the most idyllic life, to turning it all upside down by choice to move to America and then chase another passion, which was chiropractic physician work in the US Then that turned upside down for you as well, and you discarded, discovered a new way to work with yourself in healing that you now bring to others. Welcome to the show. [00:02:39] Speaker B: Yeah, thank you, cj. It's my pleasure to be here. And so, yeah, I really enjoy people from Australia. Actually, when I was renting boat in Australia, there was a guy that was there from Australia. We had quite a bit of fun, I should say. [00:02:56] Speaker A: Nice. Yeah, we're pretty fun people most of the time, I think. So what inspired you to leave your successful boat rental business in the south of France and pursue a career as a chiropractic physician in the United States? [00:03:14] Speaker B: Yeah, so I just had a. C.J. i just had a calling. You know, I saw myself helping people and it's kind of like my mission of life has been given to me. So I felt really blessed for that, right? And it's those kind of things where. [00:03:27] Speaker C: I couldn't help it. [00:03:28] Speaker B: I had just had to do it. Although, you know, I was living, I had lots of fun, right? I was drinking a lot, I was partying and things like that. I had long hair. They used to call me the gypsy, you know, because it's a gypsy area in south of France. And. And when I told my parents, and you know what? I'm gonna sell my business, I'm gonna sell my boat, and I'm gonna go to America to become a doctor. You should have seen their faces. [00:03:59] Speaker A: You a doctor? You a doctor? Exactly, yeah. [00:04:07] Speaker B: And so I just couldn't help it. I had to do it, you know. And so I remember, you know, I got some information from a school. I mean, it's a long. It's a story, I think it's worth to. To say a little bit because I. I didn't know what to do, right? So I just took. Talked to my clients, right? And they were saying, oh, you know, one of the clients told me that, you know what? I know a guy is going to come and he's going to spend a week with me and he's a Chinese doctor. I said, okay, sounds good. They say, I'm sure he can help you to figure it out, right? Because nobody in my family was into healing. Nobody in my. I mean, not even a nurse, of course, no doctors and things like that. So I started, I talked to that guy, said, okay, you need to read three books. So he gave me three books to read, right? One was called the Hara, which means daily in Japanese. Another one was about acupuncture, and the other one was the Tao taking, right? So it's quite, quite important book. So I read all them and he said, I said, when you're done, just come to my practice and we'll talk. So I did. So when I was done with the season in south of France, I went to see him. He gave me a treatment and he told me, I said, okay, what it should take for me to become a Chinese doctor. He said, well, you have to go to China. You have to learn Chinese. I was 30 years old at that time. I said, well, it's going to take me 10 years. So I said, I don't think I. [00:05:31] Speaker C: Want to go that route. [00:05:32] Speaker B: I want to help people as soon as possible. He said, oh, you know what, you look strong. Why is not chiropractic? And I Said, what's this? And so I started to get information. He gave me an address. And while what was attractive to me. [00:05:45] Speaker C: With chiropractic is what we call the innate and healing ability to heal ourselves, right? And so I just. I just literally jumped in and sold my business, owned my boat, and went to the US and become a chiropractor in three years, right? And after I started my own practice. But early on, I understood, thought that what they told us about chiropractic will help people. Well, was not totally accurate. Well, I was hoping for deeper healing, deeper transformation on people, right? But some people will say, oh, man, that really made a huge difference in my life, right? And that was not happening with our practice. And so what was happening? You could help people, of course, but you reach a plateau very quickly. And just to maintain that plateau, you have to treat people, right? That didn't. To me, it was not. I wanted to make a bigger difference, right? So I started to, hey, you know, why not, you know, figure out what's the cause of inflammation in the body? What we call basically the chemical stress, right? So I started to be interested on that. And certainly that started to have my practice really booming, right? I had four employees. I was seeing 250 patients a week. And I will basically tell you, okay, you've got booze, organ under stress, that's causing. [00:07:10] Speaker B: What's causing the stress. This. [00:07:12] Speaker C: You need to take those kind of action, get those supplements and change your diet, and you'll be on your way, right? And so that's what I did. And what was good about it, exactly. Like, I was living my passion, you know, my mission in life. You know, I was. I was doing it right? So the problem with that is, like, I. I got, like, really overworked. I mean, it was like crazy. I was in my mind, I always. I was always speaking about work, work, work. I couldn't stop it even. Like, I got married actually, in the US I met a French woman in a bar and I got married. And. And we had done a Maya that is now 20 years old, right? So everything was. I was living in the American dream, like they call it, right? I was like, you know, having a house in the best neighborhood. I mean, everything. But again, I really cried, really. And I burned out, right? And even after I was done with work, I was going home and I was there, but I was not present, right? So my relationship started to go down the drain, right? And so everything in my life actually went down the drain at first and. [00:08:25] Speaker B: Ending up also my. Because I was not focused anymore with all that stress and the relationship problem, and I lack clarity, and I just couldn't really focus on my job. [00:08:40] Speaker C: Right. [00:08:40] Speaker B: And so what happened? I went from the practice, went from thriving, failing, basically. And on top of that, that was. [00:08:49] Speaker C: Really the killer in a way. [00:08:51] Speaker B: It's like I got diagnosed with colon cancer, right? [00:08:55] Speaker C: So. [00:08:56] Speaker B: So picture that. I mean, I'm supposed to help you, cj, to avoid. To have cancer, right? And I do my program, I end up having cancer. So I have to reevaluate everything, you know, about my being, about what. What I was doing, how I was helping patients, you know, in. For my health, for my relationship, and also for my prosperity. [00:09:19] Speaker C: Right. [00:09:19] Speaker B: And so I. I really wanted to know, what are the forces behind those invisible forces, right, that push me to sabotage my health, to sabotage my relationship, and to sabotage my practice. Right? And that has been the quest. And that's how I discover the mind clearing. [00:09:40] Speaker C: Right? [00:09:40] Speaker B: It's. You know, you talk a lot about the invisible, right? And so here's the key of. There's so many goodness and power with the things that we're not aware of. [00:09:52] Speaker A: Well, that's wild. So that would have been a huge thing for you to be in that position where you were totally overwhelmed by all aspects of life and then got cancer and then were forced into reevaluation of all that. Did you feel like you had been selling out on yourself in some way to manifest such an extreme disease at that time? I mean, overwhelm is. Is a part of it, but how. How were you actually making yourself ill? Do you know? [00:10:23] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, we can. It's a mind body connection. So if your mind is under stress, it can affect your body and. And it can make you sick. Oh, big time. Big time. And we're gonna. I'm sure we're gonna talk about that. [00:10:35] Speaker C: And. [00:10:36] Speaker B: And how when you can help your mind, you. You can help your body. Oh, yeah, definitely. But I think there was a purpose. If you look at the. If you zoom out my life, there was a purpose. And the purpose is just. Was because I was to be able to help people deeper through my own experience, right? Because I always knew I'd never been like. I always knew that there was. If I was able to help myself and go through all that, that we translate into my patients. [00:11:09] Speaker C: Right. [00:11:10] Speaker B: I always knew that's why that gives me, like, so much power and will to get better myself, because I know it will translate and help other people to do that. [00:11:23] Speaker C: Right. [00:11:23] Speaker B: And so that was very, very helpful. [00:11:27] Speaker C: Right? And I realized Also because I saw my dad, my dad was very negative person and he was very controlling and some little bit abusive, right. And so what happened to his life? He was like a victim, if you want. Because when people will call him and say, hey Jean, how you doing? They will tell you doing how his disease was doing. So he was identifying instinct with the disease. Right. And so that's a problem. That's a big problem because after you get love and attention because you're sick, so of course you're not going to change. Because it showed me what not to do in a way, right. If I end up being on a. [00:12:10] Speaker B: Boat, there's a reason, because I wanted freedom. And what is the symbolism of freedom is a boat? [00:12:15] Speaker C: Of course, right? [00:12:16] Speaker B: You just use the wind and all that. So that's one of the reasons that my life turned out that way. And so I wanted to. And this was very important part of my mindset, if you want my positive mindset that I kept all along the way because I knew I'm very intuitive and creative and I knew. My intuition told me that. Oh, that sounds like the Phoenix that's going to reborn from the ashes. [00:12:43] Speaker C: Right. [00:12:44] Speaker B: And it did. It certainly happened that way. [00:12:47] Speaker A: Wow, that's huge. You discovered a process that you call the mine cleaning, mine clearing system because of this. [00:12:55] Speaker C: Correct. [00:12:56] Speaker A: How did you discover it? [00:12:58] Speaker C: What happened again? I wanted to find out, okay, what the heck. Well, what the heck happened to my life, of course, right. [00:13:05] Speaker B: I mean, so I started to understand and broaden my, my perception of healing, right. Because I was focusing only on the chemical stress, which what we call inflammation, right. So I realized that, hey, if you want to do holistic and you want to help a person as a deeper level, you need to understand there's the person is like, can have physical stress, chemical stress, and emotional and mental stress. And you need to be able to address and assess all those stress. What I discover is like when you've got a problem in life, you need to know two things, just two things. If you know those two things, you will heal permanently and can move on. And those two things are you need to find out what's causing your problem. And number two, you need to know how to fix it it. If you don't know what's causing your problem, how can you resolve it? Not possible. And again, if you know how to fix it, that's like knowledge that you. Knowledge that you have and you don't apply it. Right. It's like a fantasy in your head. But you cannot manifest healing, you cannot manifest transformation you cannot manifest growth if you don't take action, implement that. And so that was the first big step, recognizing that there's different level as. [00:14:25] Speaker C: A human being, right? We've got the physical aspect, the clinical, the emotional and the way to fix it. You know, you need to find out what's causing it and all that. [00:14:35] Speaker B: So I was able to create new technique actually for the physical stress. I become a cranial specialist and all that. I did develop my grieving technique to help my patients. So I got the how to fix it part and what's causing the physical stress down, right? For the chemical stress, which is the inflammation. So I will check, you know, which organ, what's causing the stress. I had that cause already down. But how to fix it, What I discover that if you supercharge the body with oxygen, it does miracle, right? And you don't need to be on alkaline diet. It can be very cheap. So I had that, you know, pretty much under control. And after, okay, what I'm going to do for emotion, what I'm going to do for the mental health, right? And so I started to study, to study other technique, right, about that. But still I was not, it helped me, right? But I was not totally convinced, right? I wanted something that made a dramatic change, right? But also dramatic change by empowering people to heal themselves. Remember, that's why I choose chiropractic because, you know, I wanted to, I knew about the innate intelligence and I wanted. This was so important. So how can as a provider be only a guide, right? And observe and help people to use their own ability to heal themselves. And that's when I understood and I've got the knowledge that we live in two separate worlds, right? It's like we've got the inner world and the outer world. So the outer world is what we call the conscious mind. The conscious mind is basically your self identity. Who you think you are, what do you think you can or cannot do, right? It's your personality. It's also your perception of reality. Your thought, your feeling, your behavior and your actions that you're aware of. That's your conscious mind and that's the outer world and the inner world. It's called the unconscious or I like to call it very simply the subconscious mind, right? And that subconscious mind is where record everything you have been doing CJ from X0 to now. It's recorded in your subconscious mind. It's where your skills are there, data of your skill. It's also where you've got some program there, right? The program of a trauma that can be called what we call limiting belief. Or you can have also of course, empowering belief. So that was become fascinated that we've got those two worlds and we are truly and we think we are only the outer world. Right. And just to give an. An idea for you and your listeners, the ratio between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, that was open up. It did open up my eyes. I couldn't believe it. It was mind blowing for me. Depends what you're reading, CJ. The conscious mind is 5 or 10% of your mind. The subconscious mind is therefore 90 to 95% of mind. And yet what we focused on for healing, transformation and growth, only our conscious mind, meaning that we use only 5 to 10% of our mind power and brain power. So what if we could have access to that subconscious mind and release and unleash whose amazing power? [00:18:21] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a limiting belief that holds things back pretty much in every part of our lives. And years ago I used to meditate a lot and I discovered this thing that just popped in one time. And it was a little phrase that helped me a lot. And it was the first step to stop is Kant. All right. And while I was actually in this sort of state, I was reading the books of John C. Lilly. And one of his books that I read was called Programming and Metaprogramming of the Human Biocomputer. And one of the crux of his beliefs that he came to after working a lot with float tanks was that in the province of the mind, what one believes to be true is true or becomes true within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. And these limits are further beliefs to be transcended in the mind. There are no limits. Okay, so I think you're talking to that with what you're talking about here. It's like you say there's two, two aspects to it, the subconscious and the conscious. When they become congruent and also unlimited, then you change. [00:19:27] Speaker B: They are limited. You know, the subconscious mind by definition is unlimited. And I will really go into that. But first I want to give an example to our listeners because, you know, this can be a very complex conversation, but it doesn't have to be. And I'm all about simplicity. Right. I think it has to be very simple. And so let me, let me give you an example, cj. Let's pretend there's a little girl that. See, the dad is a drunk and every night he's come back home and beat up his wife. So that little Girl down the road, what kind of romantic relationship do you. [00:20:06] Speaker C: Think she's going to attract? An abusive relationship. Right. But if you ask the conscious mind, if you ask her, you say, hey, are you enjoying, Are you enjoying the beating? You're going to say, heck, no, I don't want this. So the conscious mind going to say, no. That the subconscious mind has been programmed as men are predators and women are prey. [00:20:36] Speaker B: Your subconscious mind is going to dictate your present and mold your future. [00:20:44] Speaker C: And now there's another question that comes to mind, C.J. how she's going to attract that man. She's not going to go to steam and shake the hand and say, hey, are you going to beat me up? Do you want to beat me up? Like that we can tango together and dance together. No. So it means our subconscious mind are connected. And that subconscious man is going to give her like, is going to tell her in a way, although she's not aware of it, right. She's going to be attracted to that guy. And that guy is probably maybe a bully that has been bullied that's going to replicate that. And they're going to dance together. Right? The man's going to be the predator and he's going to be the prey. So there's three different case scenarios for that. A woman, you may marry the guy and stay with him for the rest of her life, stuck in that relationship. I will never get out until she's dead. Case number two, she may have like a relationship and after she said, no, that's too much, I cannot handle it. You may have even kids with that guy, right? And have to find another guy. Another guy. And usually what, you know, women are telling me, oh, I'm done with guys, that's not good for me. I'm just giving up. I don't want any more relationship. Right? But truly we can learn, of course, from life experiences. So if she have to attract a guy, that will be the opposite, will be very considerate to her, respected her, and will be supportive to her. That's how you're going to heal. But look at all the stuff wearing. But she had to endure to arrive at this point. Oh, case number number three. Case scenario number three, she can be somebody that can deprogram that predator and prey dynamic, right? You can deprogram that, right? So you can use hypnotherapy and of course you can use mind clearing for that. Right? And so the three step of mind clearing are you want to delete, releasing beliefs. Step number one. Step number two, you want to download empowering beliefs. And step number three, you remember, you want to create, you want to manifest that in your life, the outcome of that. So those are the three steps. And if you want, after we can explore, you're going to talk about that. [00:23:14] Speaker A: Okay? Okay. Right. Well, okay. So I'm trying to actually discover more in this framework. Yeah. So how do you actually clear people then in that case when they have this entanglement to their shadow. [00:23:32] Speaker B: All right, so how the subconscious mind communicates, right? Because we need to use the stem language. [00:23:42] Speaker C: It's like CJ now we are communicating, right? If the sound is done, I'm going to use sign language. I'm going to use, you know, my face. But it's not as good as we. If the sound is on and we can communicate. Right. And the way I feel with all the techniques that are out there, they are more like communicating with sign language. Right? But I think that multi ring is communicated like talk like I'm talking to you. Like I can have that conversation with that subconscious mind. So the question is how the subconscious, the subconscious mind communicates. Well, dreams, right? When you remember dreams, what you remember, there's always a picture of scary picture associated with that. I never had anybody who told me, oh, I dreamt that I was smelling this. And there's no picture with that. So my conclusion is like, that's our subconscious mind store data. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, right? [00:24:44] Speaker B: And so what in the picture on top of that, you've got all the symbolism, right, that are proper to you. So when I ask people, let's see, to treat, like if we take the example of pain, because, you know, I like to treat something that you can see the result right away. And that's very polarizing because you say, oh yeah, that stuff is working, right? And so let's see, you've got low back pain. And so what I will ask you, I will say, hey, you know what? Just visualize your low back pain at its worst. And I don't want to know. It's your private life. I don't want to know what is that picture. Because if somebody comes to see me and kill somebody else, I don't need. It's not my business. I'm here to help. I'm not here to judge or to. [00:25:30] Speaker C: Be a part of things like that. [00:25:31] Speaker B: And I respect people's privacy, right? That's very important to me. That's so important. So you will visualize that negative picture and we create a customized program to delete that picture, right? That I will tell you the program and you do it on your own. So that's your negative picture, right? And after, so that's deleting. Step number one, Deleting the limiting belief. And after I will tell you, cj, I want you to visualize totally the opposite of that picture. So you visualize totally the opposite, your outcome, right? Your ideal outcome, if you want. Right. And so this represents your empowering belief. This is representing what you want. And after we will download a customized program to download that empowering billing. And after we create which is manifestation and we use another pixel to do that. [00:26:34] Speaker A: So it's a process of like clearing and visualization to reinstall a new method of being. Is that correct? [00:26:41] Speaker B: That's correct. That there's a download. And the download, because you can visualize a good and bad actor, your pen is going to stay. [00:26:51] Speaker C: So the download, the download of a program is key, right? And this got involved with what I call the free head, right? Head, heart and hara. Remember that Chinese doctor gave me that book. I don't believe in senses. You know, there's no sense. Everything happened for reason. And if you understand the law of nature, you understand that there in my book, right? That's what I believe in. And so the hara is like the belly in Japanese. That's why when they kill themselves, they do hara theory, which is at the center of gravity of your. Of their being. And they, they use a knife and kill themselves right there, right? [00:27:33] Speaker B: And so, so you need to have us create a line, right? So your head is basically your foot. Your heart is your emotion and the higher is your will. So I call that open mind, open. [00:27:50] Speaker C: Heart and open will. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Because you see, cj, we are stuck in our head. We have been conditioned that, okay, we need to resolve problem all the time, right? So we are stuck, stuck. [00:28:02] Speaker C: And so we are hyper thinking. We are all the energies you want go to your head. And if we have trauma on top of that, it's going to shut down your heart. So we become analytical to the max. We become left brain to the mat, right? And so that's how we condition. And so that's really negative. And if you look at the stat, 80% of the average mind is negative. 95% of the path are repetitive at the same time that the day before. So we caught up on a loop, a negative loop, right? I call that the subconscious stress loop. And we caught up on that loop that is behind the scene in our subconscious mind. And again, that dictates, you know, the way we think, the way we feel and the way we behave. [00:28:56] Speaker A: How do you get people into that peaceful sort of state to be able to install into those energy areas the new instructions? I know for myself when I meditate, I go to a place that I call, like, I call it basically infinity. I go to zero point and because of that I. I'm in a really empty state. And often when I meditate, I. When I come out, I'm surprised where I am. I'm like, oh, I didn't remember meditating here. So I'm thinking that it's sort of similar to that. You get to a zero sort of point and then that, that being open to that change allows you to install those new ideas and new methods into the body. How do you get people to get to that sort of state? [00:29:43] Speaker B: Can I add on that? Can I add on that? Because I didn't find that accurate, actually. It's like when you do have a program in your computer and your program is not serving you anymore. [00:29:58] Speaker C: So what are you going to do? [00:29:59] Speaker B: You're going to delete that program and you're going to replace by with another program, right? And so it doesn't really matter too much. I will say, of course it's going to have impact if you've got peace of mind or not. And usually people who are sick for a long time for like, if we. [00:30:15] Speaker C: Talk about healing, they're not going to. [00:30:17] Speaker B: Have that peace of mind. Remember, 80% of our thoughts are negative. [00:30:20] Speaker C: So you don't have to be in that state. [00:30:24] Speaker B: You don't have to be. [00:30:25] Speaker C: You just have to be. I will say the most difficulty that people can have is just to visualize and to get that picture right away. Because when you get that picture right away, it's unfiltered or it's not as filtered as math, right? And so when you got that picture coming for your subconscious mind, just going to have to go with it, right? And that's why I'm ahead. I'm helping, I'm helping the patient or client, whatever you want to call him or her, just to. Okay, you have to be on that picture. And I'm going to explain why, but you have to be on that picture. And even if the picture sounds crazy. [00:31:05] Speaker B: The crazier the better. [00:31:06] Speaker C: It means it's really coming from your subconscious mind. If it's unexpected, it's really coming from your subconscious mind. So in a way, you have to let go of thinking too much, right? I will tell them, just don't think. Just that's whatever comes. Trust it, right? And that will do. I always, always work very well because. [00:31:26] Speaker B: To me there's a. I understand, I. [00:31:28] Speaker C: Do meditation hour there. I understand what he's talking about. So there's different way we can access, you know, the invisible and. And really truly who we are, right? And so there's the meditation and you know, whatever kind of meditation you like. And also there's what I'm gonna explain to you now. So imagine that. [00:31:53] Speaker B: The sun, its awareness is God. [00:31:56] Speaker C: It's all there is, right? It's non duality. And that's the sun. And the spark of the sun creates your spirit, right? Fiji spirit is created and this is still a non duality, right? There's no judgment, no good, no bad. It all varies, right? And there's clouds, right? And the clouds are your limiting belief, all right? And after you've got your soul, which is more duality, there's good and bad. And after you've got your physical body, right? And so some people that is so cloudy that they don't even understand there's a standard there, right? They just denied it. I never feel that sun. I've never been exposed to it, right? And so what we do by going limiting belief, after limiting belief, we are declouding that, right? And now you start to feel the sun, you start to feel the warmth of the sun. You start to be more connected to your spirit, right? And so when we do that, what's happening is of course you've got less limiting belief on top of that. So if you imagine a triangle like that, and now you become having. You've got more outpowering belief at the center of your triangle, which leads to. On the top of your triangle, that leads to positive thoughts, which lead to supportive emotion, which lead to desirable desire, behavior and action and outcome, right? And so what we do when we declutter the sun, now you can be more who you truly are. [00:33:42] Speaker B: Spirit, A spirit having a physical experience. And I believe who's limiting belief. They are the one who presenting you to be who you are, truly. Because we have been sold at the idea that we are only the conscious mind. We, you are only CJ and basically your ego, Right? [00:34:03] Speaker C: Right. [00:34:04] Speaker B: In a. [00:34:04] Speaker C: In a good way and bad way, right? [00:34:06] Speaker B: There's no judgment there. And so we believe that which is only 5 or 10% our mind, right? It doesn't make any sense, right? So when we get rid of those limiting belief and replace them with empowering belief and manifest into our lives now we become more connected to our spirit, right? And so now we are become. We'll become more like embodiment, Right? [00:34:32] Speaker C: We really do. We do become more. [00:34:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Well, that speaks to the idea that when people are caught up in their heads and they're almost, would you say like robotic sort of lifestyles, that you just aren't present. And when you aren't present, then you don't get to have the actual experience of life. So when have people have this, like you say the clouds lifted, then you start to really experience life. Life becomes like colors become more vibrant, sounds become clearer. All of your life is enriched by pure engagement. Which you don't get when you've got all the clouds in the way. [00:35:18] Speaker B: Exactly. And. And if I may say, when what happened? Also with your mind, it's like your mind become more open. So it means even if you've got a problem to resolve, instead of seeing. [00:35:31] Speaker C: One possibility to resolve it, now you've got maybe 20 more possibilities. [00:35:38] Speaker B: And so your mind is more open, right? And so more energy can go to your heart. And your heart start to open like a flower too. So you're more present and you can feel more. And after all the, the open will. The will open and you can take more action and it's more flowing. And basically the flow is what? When you, while you think your thought, your emotion and your behavior, behavior and action are aligned or coherent, that's how. [00:36:11] Speaker C: You can express truly who you are. So the way it works, it's like. [00:36:17] Speaker B: The mind is more like your thought. [00:36:20] Speaker C: Is more like the past. [00:36:22] Speaker B: That's the past that get us into trouble. That's our past experience. [00:36:27] Speaker C: That again dictates our present and shape and mold our future, right? So imagine your mind is more like the spot. Your heart is more the feeling, right? And the will is more your gut. So we've got that in our body, right? We've got that in our body, right? And so who's going to make the decision? Right? We've got the open mind. Now you've got 20 possibilities, right? Who's going to make the decision? Right. Well, what we want, the mind want peace of mind, right? Okay. That's masculine, by the way, least of mine. And what you want, you want to follow your heart. Now your heart is open and you follow your heart. That's what's going to be the decision maker, right? That's going to be the feminine aspect. And after, when you create, the create is the union of a masculine and feminine, right? When a woman, a bear, has got a fetus, right? You've got the sperm and the oven and that's how you create. And so it's masculine and feminine. For example, she had the gut that this will happen. Feminine. [00:37:39] Speaker B: He had the gut to do it. [00:37:41] Speaker C: Masculine. [00:37:43] Speaker B: So you see, even in English, we've. [00:37:45] Speaker C: Got the expression that reflects that masculine and feminine in all the different organs. Mm. [00:37:54] Speaker A: That makes a lot of good sense. Can you share an example or story from your work where someone experienced significant healing or breakthrough using this method? [00:38:04] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. I mean, it's all in my website anyway. Testimonial, Right. Mind clearing. [00:38:10] Speaker C: The. The. [00:38:10] Speaker B: I'm sorry, the mind clearing dot com. [00:38:13] Speaker C: But there's an interesting example. There's a guy that came to me and he had problem with bloating, right? And he thought it was the food that were causing the bloating. So we did mind clearing. Remember? He visualized the bloating at its worst. He visualized basically, there's no more bloating and all that. So it takes an hour to reprogram all that. So we did. And the bloating is totally clear. One visit, right? Totally clear, never came back. But one of the good side effects he had, the breathing got better too. [00:38:46] Speaker B: So. So it means they had common limiting. [00:38:49] Speaker C: Beliefs that the most limiting belief that we addressed were affecting not only the bloating that totally disappeared, but the breathing too. That's very interesting. I had also an example of Pauline. She's a hoarder, right? She has been a hoarder for entire life. A family of us complaining about that. And she tried, you know, anything, like all, you know, advice that you can see on TV and all that. Nothing will do it. She had only one treatment for my clearing. And right after the treatment, boom, she started to declutter everything. And I know for sure because her daughter was a patient too. And she told me, I cannot believe my mom. Now she doesn't. She doesn't clutter if she's. Get rid of that. We actually order a container and we're just going to prove that, you know, who spread things that the trash things that you. A truck comes and. And boom, they did it. [00:39:45] Speaker A: That's huge. [00:39:46] Speaker B: I've got an example of a tmj, you know, she. Attention in a jar, right? And she was. Somebody was very. She used to. On a gym and all that stuff, right? So we. We got rid of a tmj, I believe in one or two sessions. Because what happened, you can get rid of a pain, right? I like to do pain because first because people said, damn, that is gone. But sometimes it can come back, right? So it's not that the. The program what we did didn't work. It's like there's more resistance to healing. Maybe like when she had the tmj, you know, she chew something harder, right? And recreated that. So what we will do, we'll treat the resistance. Visualize that you. You chewing something very hard, right? And visualize the opposite. And we do the reprogramming, right? And she had also knee pain. And so it was bothering her because she was a runner. And in one visit we cleared her knee pain. So I know it sounds crazy, right? What I'm saying? I say, okay, this guy, this guy from France is crazy, right? But when you understand the power of a subconscious mind, it does make sense. It's so much more powerful. And what I love with this, it's like you are so powerful because you're doing, healing yourself. It's. You are the one CJ that visualize my negative picture. You are the one CJ that visualize my positive picture. I just give you guide you, you know, to customize the download and the deletion and that's it. But you stand it. You stand it on yourself, by yourself. So that's why I love. You don't have to trust me and do muscle testing to tell you, oh, you know, cj, that's that negative emotion that they're affecting, you know, your low back and all that. You don't have to trust me that I'm right because you are doing the healing. And that's. It's very empowering because that's showing you our amazing ability, our limitless ability we have when we can have that dialogue, when we can talk the language of that subconscious. [00:41:56] Speaker A: Yeah, no, all power to you because you're actually helping people empower themselves as well at the same time. [00:42:00] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:42:02] Speaker B: Which is everything. Sometimes I feel like it's the holy grail of healing. Right? Because this is it, you know, it really is. And of course you can do that for your relationship, for your emotion. Of course you can do that for. And the good thing is, like, you don't have to feel the emotion. You don't have to. You just do the reprogramming. So in a way it's very neutral. [00:42:25] Speaker C: But it's very. Because, you know, I know when I had. Was inside with that technique that this technique has been given to empower people to heal themselves and regular folks, right? You have to be a graduate having PhD or to be a doctor, it doesn't really matter. But also to help their loved one like that. You know, we don't need doctors for chronic Problem, right? We need for emergency room. Don't get me wrong. And they are really good at that. [00:42:56] Speaker B: But for long term. [00:42:57] Speaker C: But they are terrible. They are the third leading causes of death in America, right? According to the American Medical Association. Why? Because they don't find out what's causing the problem, right? So they cannot. They go after the sample by giving God. [00:43:16] Speaker B: So imagine, imagine the vision here, right? Imagine that in every big town or small town, it's like a kind of a shaman, right? It's kind of a shaman coming back. And when you understand the work, you're going to understand that really. That my work is about being like a shaman, right? For different reasons that I'm going to go over. So imagine you've got bat in every cities and not only you can help somebody who's got plan, but you can have somebody who's got mental issue, right? Mental problem overthinking or just being angry and all that. But also you can help somebody who's got a specific relationship problem. And also, okay, I want to reach that goal. I cannot reach it. It's because, well, point A is where you are, point B, reaching your goal, you've got limiting belief in. In between. So we need to remove those limiting beliefs. Like that is so much easier to reach your goal. And I can elaborate on that too. But really that's the vision here, you know, and it's not complicated. It's not complicated. Everybody can learn and imagine empowering it is like, imagine that you can treat your kids. Imagine you can treat some loved one, right, that have been like stuck with their healing and taking drugs, you know, that are not really maintaining and not really helping and sometimes killing them. So imagine how powering it is. Not only you can help yourself, but you can help your loved one. [00:44:44] Speaker A: So you train people to become practitioners of your process. How long does that take? [00:44:51] Speaker B: It takes a couple of months, right? Because I want to make sure I do a good job. So in the same thing, I'm not. I could do a good job, but I want to make sure, sure that they're ready, right? So you need case study, right? And so you're going to have a treatment with me also like that you're going to understand the way I'm doing it, right? [00:45:10] Speaker C: And after. And it's important to have a knowledge behind it. Like, you know, the quantum physics, like, like the Hermetic principle, for example, right? Like the Hermetic principle is a cabalian and they are part of the Emerald Tablet, right? And the principle number one is the universe. Is mental. Oh, I truly believe that. Right. And those are the laws of nature. So there are universal laws. It's not like human laws that can change, right. You can go to a state, for example, in Kansas, you cannot smoke marijuana. In misery, you can smoke marijuana and Kansas City is like really half of. [00:45:55] Speaker B: Kansas City is misery. [00:45:57] Speaker C: And Alphabet is cancer. [00:46:00] Speaker B: Right? [00:46:00] Speaker C: In Kansas, I don't have to wear a helmet with my motorcycle. [00:46:03] Speaker B: In misery. [00:46:04] Speaker C: I have two. [00:46:05] Speaker B: Right. [00:46:06] Speaker C: And so human law are not the truth. Universal law of the truth, I believe. Right. And so that's the first law. Everything the universe is mental. Number two is the law of correspondence. It means as above, below, as within, without, as without or within, as below, as above. Right. [00:46:31] Speaker B: So that's another low. And after we've got the third low, there's seven of them. You've got the low vibration. Everything vibrates. Everything vibrates. We just cannot perceive it. That's it. And so when you understand all that and after you build the masculine below gender, masculine and feminine in everything. The law of rhythm. Of course, if you've got a vibration, you're going to have a rhythm right below polarity, plus and minus, right? And all those law. And so what I did, I teach them and I did adapt those universal law to healing to add up to the mind clearing like that they can truly understand. They know that, you know, as human being we work ups and down, right. That the down part allow you to see what is the part to work on, right? It's. You see what I mean? There's no judgment. Everything is fine, everything is good, everything. And that's how you can have to raise your consciousness, right? Remember when, when you basically you raise your consciousness or your vibration, whatever you want to call it, by these simple words, you are more connected to your spirit. So you are more connected to awareness. You are more connected to God, whatever your belief system is. [00:47:51] Speaker A: That's wild. Okay. Who would most benefit from learning these systems? I mean, is there any specific sort of person or is this just basically anyone that could pick this up? [00:48:02] Speaker B: I knew that when I got the insight. It took me three years to come to that man clearing the way it is now. And I knew that it will be for everybody. Everybody wants to learn. That was the premises, if you want. That was the. Yeah, it has to be simple enough that everybody can treat herself or himself. [00:48:24] Speaker C: And can fit all the people. And so that's why I want to show that after, you know, they can. We've got Q and A, you know, every week like that. If there's Any question, you know, and also, you know, you want to make sure that we do have studies in a way that you're going to have like 10 people. You're going to have to test and see what kind of result we have. And after, if you don't have the result, you bring back to an end. And we talk about. I want people to be totally at ease. [00:48:54] Speaker B: It's not. You learn this and you're on your own. No, I don't want this because this doesn't work either. People don't even study it, number one. And number two, they're not going to. They can give up very easily. I want them to feel they are supported, right. And, and to be encouraged. And. And if there's a problem, they don't have to give up. They just talk to me. [00:49:18] Speaker A: Okay, so imagine that there's somebody skeptical and they're skeptical about limiting beliefs and how that affects their life outcomes. How would you approach an explanation of that connection to disease or scarcity patterns they unknowingly have adopted? [00:49:35] Speaker B: Well, I already explained that with for example, the little girl. [00:49:40] Speaker C: Right. Remember? [00:49:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:42] Speaker B: So there's an example that I give and it's important. And after I will answer your question if it's okay with you. Yes, we can get, we can get program also by what we call PTSD or trauma. [00:49:56] Speaker C: Right. [00:49:57] Speaker B: And so basically let's pretend I'm in Iraq, I'm a military guy and I pull the trigger and I kill my best friend. Come back, I'm a mess. I feel guilty, you know, of course, all that like Rambo, you know, remember when Rambo, he just wake up and he's got night sweat and he's got all those memory of being tortured and all that. That was same thing. I will wake up, night sweat and it's still a part of my soul siege there. But it's stuck pulling that trigger. I still have that memory that is stuck. I'm stuck putting that trigger. So I call that the past you. Right. Or the past me if I talk about. And so what you want, you want to bring back. So that's a kind of a soul retrieval. It's very shamanic in a way. [00:50:43] Speaker C: Right. [00:50:44] Speaker B: So you want to bring that. That part that is stuck in your past and created that subconscious stress loop and messing up your life in usually people who comes and they got ptsd, their relationship, you know, they are married, goes down the drain. Lots of them. Right. Unfortunately, their health, you know, they can go into addiction to numb the pain. That's not to feel. It can Be like alcoholism. It can be food. It can be anything like that. They don't want to look at themselves. They don't want to think and feel. And also it can be, of course, we can become homeless. And so we see that with a Vietnam war in America, big time. And so when you bring that part of you that is stuck pulling that trigger, right, the past few, it's gone. There's no more trauma. So. So people are skeptical. I say try it. Let's get a treatment. Let's do something that we can check right away. Pain is very good for that. Because pain, even though it's there, it's not there, right? And you can know that immediately in average. It takes a couple of visits, right, to get rid of the pain. Because after you may have resistance. That's the average, I would say, for 80% of the people, right, because nothing works. [00:52:04] Speaker C: 100%, you know, it's not possible. Right. [00:52:07] Speaker B: But the vast majority of people will feel good. But. And also, you know, the true knowledge is to experience the world because we can talk about it forever. C.J. i can spend literally hours, trust me, talking about that. But you don't have the experience until you're doing it right? And that's it. So I would say, okay, well, what you have to lose, let's get one or two sessions, and if you don't improve, okay, I'm not the right person for you. [00:52:36] Speaker C: Right, that's it. [00:52:38] Speaker B: But you will know almost right away. This can help. [00:52:41] Speaker A: Yeah, Right, Right. Excellent. So, Elaine, we've come. [00:52:46] Speaker B: Unfortunately, I'm sorry, what? I say, it's hard to convince people, right? You just can show them and say, look, give me a chance. [00:52:54] Speaker C: Right? [00:52:54] Speaker B: Give yourself a chance. Should I say and do that? I'm not here to convince anybody. Right, because you cannot change people's mind. No way. It's not going to happen. You're very naive if you think you can. You just can say, okay, here's the expense. There's some testimonial. Okay, give it a shot and see what happened to you. [00:53:12] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. No, look, they're wise words, Elaine and I appreciate everything you've shared. We've come towards the end of the podcast. How can actually people find you and your work? I mean, you talked about your website there for. For the mind clearing system. Is that mind clearingsystem.com? [00:53:32] Speaker B: No, it's the mind clearing t h e mind clearing.com. the mindcleaning.com. and if they want. So there's a ton of information there and maybe because doctor Means teacher. Right. So I just want to teach people. [00:53:45] Speaker C: I want to have get the knowledge right. It's important to me. And so if they want to contact me, there's a contact form but they can send in and send it to me. [00:53:54] Speaker B: Here's my email. [00:53:56] Speaker C: And if you know, if they are coming from, we have listeners of your. Right. [00:54:03] Speaker B: I will give them 20% off on the treatment. [00:54:07] Speaker C: Right. [00:54:07] Speaker B: If they want to expand mind clearly. And if they want to do the learn the entire system. [00:54:13] Speaker C: Right. [00:54:13] Speaker B: Because you've got mind clearing, that's a basic. You've got the body clearing, which is an advanced spark. And after you got the goal and. [00:54:21] Speaker C: Success, clear clearing, that's another one. So if you want to learn the entire System, you've got 50% off. [00:54:28] Speaker A: Whoa. Okay. That's huge. [00:54:30] Speaker B: I want people to learn it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:54:34] Speaker A: Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on the show, Elaine. This has been an amazing conversation and I appreciate your passion for your work and your deep understanding of your process and how it's actually affected you and so many others. It's been great, a great talk. [00:54:50] Speaker B: Yeah, basically I did remarried, I've got an 8 years old kid, my practice, I doubled my income and the cancer is gone. [00:54:59] Speaker A: Brilliant. All the evidence is there. All right, thank you so much. All right, I'll just say goodbye. The listeners. [00:55:07] Speaker B: See you. C.J. was a pleasure, really. Thank you so much for the opportunity. [00:55:17] Speaker A: That was an awesome conversation with Elaine. I really appreciate his understanding of the process of cleaning up the body, cleaning up the mind and in doing so, erasing the patterns that cause us to be ineffective in life. It sounds like a lot like shadow work and he does sound like a, like a covert hermeticist. Now what I mean by that, because he talked about the Kybalion and the Emerald Tablet and his understanding of that. He's done a bit of study in the background. I think that actually helped him to discover his process and all power to him. It's actually helping people. That's really cool. If you've enjoyed today's episode, remember to like and subscribe. It's free on YouTube and then if you're on a podcast app, go and give me five stars. That would be so awesome. It will actually help others discover these conversations. Thank you so much for listening. Until next episode. Bye for now.

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