Episode 97

June 27, 2024


Jane The Gentle Yoga Warrior Interview Does Shamanic Healing Attune You To Nature And Life?

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Jane The Gentle Yoga Warrior Interview Does Shamanic Healing Attune You To Nature And Life?
Supernormalized Podcast
Jane The Gentle Yoga Warrior Interview Does Shamanic Healing Attune You To Nature And Life?

Jun 27 2024 | 00:52:10


Show Notes

Meet Jane, The Gentle Yoga Warrior Embracing nature, meditation, and shamanic work to find inner peace and healing. Join her on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as she shares wisdom through healing, teaching, and podcasting. #SpiritualJourney #HealingPower #Supernormalized #Podcast
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I feel nature is love, and love is the thing that is going to save so many people. [00:00:56] Speaker B: Welcome to super normalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience my treasured listeners. If you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a Z proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormalize, you'll meet Jane, the gentle yoga warrior. She embraces nature, meditation, and shamanic work to find inner peace and healing. We're going to join her in a journey of self discovery and spiritual growth as she discusses her experiences of how she was led towards this sort of shamanic path and how it actually helps people and others. And I'm sure you'll enjoy this episode. I certainly did as well. All right, let's go. Welcome to super normalized Jane. Jane, you wear many hats, and one of them is the gentle yoga warrior. Because of the work that you do with shamanism and with healing people. And I'm interested to know more about your process. But most of all, I want to know, how did you come to it? Welcome to the show. [00:02:18] Speaker A: Hi CJ. Thank you for having me on the show today, and I'm really excited to have this conversation with you today. So shamanic stuff, to be honest, I think it's always been a part of me since I was a little girl, in the sense that I always felt a great sense of peace, a great sense of solace being in nature and whatever else was going around in my world at the time, if I sat near a tree or nature, I just felt this deep sense of ease and calmness. But as life gets in the way and became a teenager, a young adult, I kind of forgot about all that. And by chance I stumbled upon yoga teaching. I went off to India to do my yoga training, and that reminded me to kind of connect and be more in the present moment and a sense of stillness, which is the same thing I experience and many others for being around nature. And for many years I've taught yoga. But then I went to some shamanic healing sessions in Glastonbury and the amazing healing sessions, and I had a few, and then I really felt this really resonated with me. And then my teacher was trying to get me to do the training for many years, and for some reason, I kind of sabotaged myself. I didn't want to do it for some reason. I don't know why. [00:03:53] Speaker B: Oh, that's not for me. [00:03:54] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not for me. I'm just thinking, do I want to do this? And. Which is quite unusual for me, because I want to do something, I just tend to do it, but for some. And then one year I was going to do it and something kind of blocked it. But I think in hindsight, it's because all groups come together for a reason. I think I was supposed to be in this particular group, and. Sorry. Under the great guidance of my teachers, we did all sorts of wonderful things, like sitting up with nature and connecting with it and meditating with nature. And that is where I find the greatest peace, and building this. That shamanic connection with. With the nature and being with it and just realizing we're all energy. And I say it as a radio, like, you know, we just. It could be a kind of. I don't know, brainwash is the right word, but kind of just to be on one frequency and that's. That's your lot for you, for your life, and that's the frequency that it's easier, but it's not necessarily the best frequency. I think what nature does is retune in a shamanic way to that connection with nature. And interestingly, because I was listening to your previous podcast with Ben and his vision quest, and that was really interesting. And I think there's more than one type of shamanism, and I think that's the beauty of it. And also, all different parts of the world have. Have different influences. A lot of the influence from the shamanism that I was learning, what I was taught comes from the shamanism that was from the UK as well as worldwide. But there was a fascinating chap called Dusty Miller, and he is from. There's not a lot of literature on this. He's from the elven tribe that were here in the UK. I know, I know. In the UK, apparently, like before the Celts came, and they worked with tree spirits and nature and the deeper connection with the. With trees and woods. And there's not a lot. There's not a lot on paper about this guy, but he. He passed it down through stories and storytelling and through different generations. And luckily, he was interviewed a few years ago by a guy called Michael Kelly, who managed to get all this down in a book. If not, is kind of would be lost, I think. But just the connection with nature just makes me feel so alive and the energy and all that. [00:06:45] Speaker B: Very cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, well, you have a lot of information in that response. I'm just thinking about where I can go from there, so. Okay. You were touched by the idea of shamanism because you actually had a healing. What sort of process was that healing that you went through? [00:07:04] Speaker A: Right. So it was the healing uses sounds. So like these sounds that they're in everything, but at the same time they're not. And I've done energy healing before, but with the shamanic healing, with the sounds, it just felt like it took it to another level and all the blocks that were kind of in my way, we've always got blocks that we're working through, but the ones that were there at that particular time seemed to go away. And a lot of it, if you look fly on the wall, you would just see me, like, lying down whilst I received the healing. But it was sound and seeing into kind of who I was, my path, and maybe some things that I wasn't seeing myself afterwards. But it was amazing. It just felt like doing hours worth of meditation at once. That's the best way I can describe it. [00:08:06] Speaker B: Yes. [00:08:08] Speaker A: I just want to be able to do this for other people and hence why I did this, the training. And I just find it so beautiful to see on not just like a physical level, but an energetic level of how someone is more at peace after a healing session. [00:08:29] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. For sure. It sounds like that what happened was instead of being in that really tight, narrow frequency band that you were talking about before, that some people live in, I mean, we all live in sort of like a tight, narrow frequency band until we realise we don't have to live like that. And I think what happened for you there was like, maybe you went into this healing session and them opening you up and taking you through some healing, expanded your frequency so much, you were like, oh, my God, I've got some space to actually be me in a different way. [00:08:59] Speaker A: Yes, that's exactly. It seemed, and that's how it felt. It was just. Yeah, I could. Because I think sometimes the way the world is being designed is to try and stop us from being ourselves. We're all trying to kind of please or fit into, like, these ways. And I don't think we're meant to actually be like that. We're meant to be. I think love is trying to be your authentic self as much as possible. And I think the shamanic healing for me, it was showing that love for myself that actually, yes, I can be like me 100%. And I don't have to kind of, like, fit into these kind of low level frequencies which don't serve my soul in this life, because we're all, we're all special. We're all on a journey with many twists and turns. And I think, well, I feel rather that healing, shamanic healing, whatever healing works for people, that really helps to kind of give a boost. If it was, if it was on a video game, not that I play video games, but if it was, it would be like, you know, when they used to get booster prizes. Yeah. Yes. It has that. That effect. But when we go through stuff, parts of ourselves can even get stuck outside part of our soul. Soul can get stuck outside the body because it, a spirit is just part of a soul that's coming to this body, in this life. And for whatever reason, just to deal with stuff, sometimes it can get stuck outside of our body. And what the shamanic work can do is bring that back so then you feel even more whole within yourself. And also, we can have emotional blocks that stop us from whatever is we're trying to achieve or be or realize. And again, shamanic work can work on the energetics of that. Like, talking therapy is great for some people, and it works really well. But shamanism for shamanic energy healing works on the energetics, like the alchemy. It's like an alchemy that happens. [00:11:18] Speaker B: It's more of a practical sort of work, isn't it? [00:11:21] Speaker A: Yes. [00:11:22] Speaker B: You're actually retuning. It's like, you know, if we think of ourselves like a tuning fork, we might have a crack on ourselves. We might be out of frequency and not write. With the shamanic work, it's like you find that little piece of your soul or that piece of your authenticity that actually brings you back in the whole and then brings you back into resonance with life and brings you back into being in accord with the universe and your life path, right? [00:11:47] Speaker A: Yes. Yeah, exactly. It does. And as we go through life and we come disconnect from that frequency, it can sometimes feel harder to kind of come back to that. But an instant thing that listeners can do is just be out in nature. It's the simplicity of it, but it really is like, just sit and stare at a piece of grass or, or a flower and like. And that can be meditation. It sounds a bit hippie and stuff, but it's such a profound effect. And I seem like nature and animals and flowers and plants. It's all kind of like little messages. And I used to sit with trees well, I do sit with trees still, but these meditations that would come to me and the different trees would have, like, different energies. And this is before I did the shamanic work, and that's why it all makes sense. And, like, working with the cycles of the moon and things like that, it's all very powerful stuff. [00:12:50] Speaker B: Right? So you actually had a lot of sensitivity to nature and its motions and the shamanic world and that desire for authenticity in the first place, which led you in this sort of way. And so I've got to ask you that, what pivotal moments that led you to discover transformative power of nature meditation and shamanic work? I mean, was there something else beside this besides the healing that you went through? Or did you have any, like, wild experiences, just, you know, sitting down and talking to a tree and talking back? [00:13:18] Speaker A: I think they've got several instances that I could. That I can share with you. I'm going to go the most kind of first or primal, I'd say it was when I was a kid and, like, my parents, like, my parents split when I was young, and then the family situation I was in was quite difficult after that. And I just. I just remember, like, going into the garden and just sitting. It was a nice, sunny day, which is quite unusual for the UK, but on this particular day, it was nice and sunny. And I just remember going. Sitting underneath this tree and just sitting with the tree and just looking at the nature and from the lens of a little girl, I just felt. Oh, I felt like a hug. Like a hug around me. So that was kind of the most basic first experience. And then I've always found it wonderful just to disappear into nature. You know, when it rains, people don't go walking. I love going walking in the rain because, again, you get. You get the element of water and renewal and just kind of being out in the rain. So I'll just put my waterproof on and go for a walk in the ring, because not many people about, and you see so much nature then. But during the shamanic work, one of the things we did was we sat out. You sat out all night with nature. And I just saw this. I saw my power animal and I thought I was going CG. I thought I was going mad at first because I was underneath this tree and I could see, like, this animal that wasn't, like, native to, like, the UK, and it obviously wasn't there, but it was. And I was looking at it for an hour and I just. I thought, if this isn't a way of letting me know that this is right, that I'm kind of on the path and this is real. And there's things beyond a kind of comprehension in a sense that it's. It was quite a very mystical moment. And I always remember looking at this animal just like, okay, you're right. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna doubt this anymore. Not that I doubt it, but, you know, sometimes you think, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:15:28] Speaker B: Look, I know I've been on this path for a while, and sometimes you think, oh, my God, am I crazy? Because, you know, another spirit's talking to me and things are happening and that. But you step back from that after a while and go, look, you've got to give up on actually saying that stuff to yourself because that's just the colonialism of the mind that's come from our culture. So stepping back from that, you can realize, wait a minute. Everything is nature. Everything is a part of that experience. And, you know, it's like we live in a manifest world of God and goddess simultaneously, and it's a matter of walking in that and realizing that we're all connected to it. [00:16:02] Speaker A: Yeah, it is. I like that. It's about being authentic self and walking with it. Yes, absolutely. Because we have kind of had our minds made to be, or they're trying to make it so that we've forgotten this deep connection with nature. And I just think, like, I live in the country most of the time, but I am in a city sometime, but I've learned to find the nature in that as well because, you know, studies can make you feel disconnected from niche, but there's actually, if you look at from a different lens, there's so much nature and ways to heal. And I just think in a world where we're bombarded with text messages twenty four seven. And obviously, technology is allowing us to speak today. So it has pulse to technology. But equally, I find it is just disconnecting us from nature. And I think that that is the shamanic kind of link to helping so many people to kind of get back to themselves and whatever crazy stuff's going on in the world, which is happening all the time, continuously. Absolutely. All these, like, new rules and just. I think the nature is like the remembrance for me. [00:17:26] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. For sure. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was thinking then, okay, so what way do you advocate for a deeper connection with the nature as a source of healing, peace and love in one's life? I mean, how do you help people to find their way back? [00:17:47] Speaker A: Great question. Obviously, it depends on the situation. But I try and because really, it's not me that's doing the healing. I'm just kind of like a vessel to kind of help. [00:18:01] Speaker B: Yeah, guide. [00:18:02] Speaker A: Yeah, to help, guide, guide, guide others. But it can. It can. From their everyday life, I would encourage them to kind of be out in nature outside of the healing session. Because the healing session is going to be the booster and then they. Not booster resin, but booster is in like energy booster. And then if they don't connect with that, then it's going to kind of. They might end up back to how they were before the healing session, but to bring them back to. But back to themselves. I use. The sounds that I use are quite closely linked with nature. So that's the style of shaman, is shamanic healing that I do. So it's all connected with. With nature. And we do do some work which is quite well known in the shamanic world, on the world tree. So there's the upper, middle and lower, lower level. And to bring people back to themselves and to bring that sense of healing and ease, a lot of it is getting them to lie down and breathe. Because air is an element that is so often not appreciated as children. We naturally breathe in a way that is very full. And then as adults, we can disconnect from that. It can be emotional, it can just be like habits. I remember my great uncle saying that he used to breathe really deeply, and he was told as an adult to stop breathing from the diaphragm and to actually just breathe into the upper chest, which feels crazy to me to tell someone to do that, but anyway. But going back to how I work with clients, I would find out what it is they would need to work with and then bring them back to themselves through sound. And I do as I see them. I do see them as, like, planets. It's quite. I can't explain it, but whenever I work with people, for some reason, I see them as planets. And that planet kind of gives me an insight into kind of what they need. [00:20:25] Speaker B: But is that a too intuitive thing? [00:20:28] Speaker A: It's an intuitive thing because that's one of. Because part of the thing is we do seeing session where I can sit opposite someone and then I just see into, like, their being and my way of doing it. And I'm not going to fight it. As I see them as planets, I can't name what the planets are, but it's just kind of what's on the surface and what I see. So when I talk about nature, it's not just like the plants, it's kind of mast, like the rocks and stuff like that. So, yeah, so it's quite interesting. I thought, I'm not going to fight it anymore. That's just the way. It's the way it is. [00:21:09] Speaker B: That's cool. That's cool. And very unique. I've never heard of that. That's very cool. [00:21:13] Speaker A: I know, I just thought, okay, so this is the way it is. And so I get the client to lie down and we do the sounds and the energy work. And I quite often can close off by bringing, like, tree energy in just to kind of ground them and be in the present moment. And then I would suggest to them to walk out in nature. But anyone can do that. Just sit and be with it and appreciate it and find the love, because nature loves us so much. We're not always the best guests in this space. And yet I feel nature is love, and love is the thing that is going to save so many people. [00:22:04] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. So it sounds like you advocate for the reconnection to nature, so it actually grounds everyone into their sense of authentic being. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. I don't know if you ever experienced this, but if you have had a day or moment where I feel a bit disconnected with myself, I just go for just a small walk and just taking all the sights. And I'm not saying it fixes everything, but it definitely kind of lightens the load and makes everything so much more. I don't know. And I never feel, like, bored of being around nature. And that's why I always see a sense of wonderment, a sense of fascination. And I feel that same when I'm doing shamanic energy healing sessions. I try and go into each one with as neutral as I can be. So I prepare before that by sitting, meditating, doing my energy meditations from nature. And I feel that that helps to kind of bring that into the session with the. With. I call them my guests, but my clients. [00:23:24] Speaker B: Well, yeah, I find that interesting that you've mentioned that, you know, you're sort of bringing them into the nature to help with that grounding. But I even see in your, you know, your room there behind you, you've got some live plants there that actually help you probably connect, even here. [00:23:39] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. This one, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger, but it's so happy. It almost feels like it's kind of joining in on. [00:23:50] Speaker B: So, so when you work in a session with people, do you actually have a lot of plants in the room as well? I mean, that would make a lot. [00:23:55] Speaker A: Of sense there is a few in, the few in the room. It depends which room I'm doing it in, just because if my partner's using one, one room, then I kind of. Yeah, but when I do it in Glastonbury, there's a lot of, like, nature outside. Like, there's literally green surrounding the room. So, yes, the nature would be coming into that. And there's a well just outside the really old well just outside the door. So it kind of. I feel like the water energy comes in as well. But before I do the sessions, I draw some energy from, like, a special place into my being. So then that helps to ground me. I hope that answers your question. [00:24:38] Speaker B: It does. It does, yeah. So what insights can you share about overcoming personal struggles through yoga, meditation and energy healing practices? [00:24:47] Speaker A: Yeah. So the insights I would love to share with your listeners today is for overcoming problems, blots, etcetera. I'll tell you a little bit about a bit of my backstory, then I'll help to relate it to the listeners. But basically, I used to think that I was useless. I went to school in this time where dyslexia wasn't so well known or noticed. And I'm not saying this from a victim point of view, but more, it just wasn't. And I thought I was stupid and useless and that I didn't have anything going for me and all this kind of stuff. And then I moved out of where I was living. I moved to a different area and I discovered, like, this yoga book. And it just. I just started practicing it and I just. I don't know, it was just like someone had lit like dynamite or something. It literally, it kind of blew away my doubts. And I started doing the yoga practice and the meditation and then I started doing my creative work and it all, it all kind of linked. So if. If you're a listener, dear listeners, and you're feeling like, oh, how can yoga and meditation help me beyond, like, all the stuff that you will find online? And there's a lot of good stuff out there. I feel that what yoga does is it gets you to be in the body more and in the moment in a way that, for me, I find I do a performance exercise as well. But I feel that yoga, because of its, like, origins and the different postures, the different yoga postures and things like that, it really helps you to kind of work through blocks because each, and it's not seen it from a kind of western not lens of, I have to do the posture the best possible way. You know, like someone can be coming into class and maybe doing like an Instagram worthy. I say it's like a bit of Jessica posture, but if they're, if they're kind of disconnected from the breath and it's, you know, it's like trying to run a car without any oil in it, you know, it's kind of not going to get the full thing. But I think it's a really good way for people to kind of be and a good, a good, a good way to get into a meditation. But you can make the yoga practice a moving meditation. Like, even if you're doing it, even, or even if you're doing it like a slow form, like yin yoga or a more fasa vinyasa thing, it's the breath, the connection and the movement, and just getting into all these different yoga postures and being in them, they will just transform your life in ways that you couldn't think possible. And I would say a lot of the time, the thing I hear the most from people is that, oh, I can't do yoga meditation. I can't sit still, or I can't get into the yoga postures. I'm not flexible. I was never flexible person. I was never one of those kids that could do cartwheels at school or kind of walk on the hands. And beyond the fact that it helped open up my body, the energetics, I think the energetics, and that's where I feel like the bridge between that and the shamanic work. It works on energetics. It might be a different way of doing it, but it works on the body's energetics. And the body in all so many ways can store so many, many things. And things get stuck in a body, and it can make us sick if things can make us sick, if things aren't processed and we're equally. I think we should accept the humanness of ourselves. And I think yoga in many ways helps us do that. It helps us to accept the humanness of ourselves and realize that we are all the same but also unique at the same time. So paradoxically, we are unique, but the same at the same time. And I think that's the beauty of it. And a great segue into helpless do meditation. But I would say if you struggle with meditation and you want struggles, is listening out there and thinking, oh, I can't do it, then do a more shamanic meditation where you're sitting with nature and being and just watching and just walking. Like, I think they call it forest bathing or something, but just walking through a forest and just feeling that it's the whole sensation of, like, the textures and maybe do yoga in the forest, and then you've got the full. Cool. [00:29:57] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think, yeah. That walking in nature is a very important thing. And don't take your phone. [00:30:04] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I definitely don't take your phone. Or at least turn it off. You know, it's just. I've heard it upsets the bees in the nature because the radio signal and things like that. [00:30:17] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:30:22] Speaker A: Definitely. [00:30:24] Speaker B: How do you view the concept of life as a spiritual work of beauty, from the innocence of childhood to the profundity of the human experience. [00:30:33] Speaker A: Oh, wow. That's a great question. Can you repeat that, please? [00:30:36] Speaker B: How do you view the concept of life as a spiritual work of beauty? From the innocence of childhood to the profanity of the human experience. [00:30:44] Speaker A: Oh, wow. So from the innocence of childhood. Yeah. To human experience. I would say from the moment that we decided to call it in this world that the spiritual work began even before one was seeing clients, the spiritual work began from the moment that we could kind of. I feel from when we felt, like, emotions that we didn't necessarily want to feel or circumstances that we didn't want to feel. And the journey, it's like pulling off. I don't know if you have. If this is called the same word in Australia, but we used to have a game called pass the parcel, but I know different areas call it the same different thing, but, yeah. And you pull off and you think, oh, yeah, I'm here. And then life's like, no, there's another layer to come off and, like, another layer. But at the same time, the beauty is the fun of discovering those different layers and then realizing that is the journey, isn't. It isn't to get to the parcel straight away, because then if you just had the parcel unwrapped, you kind of wouldn't learn anything. So by having to kind of wait and discover and see it through a sense of wonderment, life, the spiritual, spiritual journey, I think that's kind of how I see that between that and the human experience as we get older. I hope that answered your question. [00:32:35] Speaker B: So what motivates you to continue your journey in shamanic training and how do you integrate this knowledge with your work as a healer and teacher? [00:32:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I want to go deeper, to be honest. CG, I think I kind of hit a milestone birthday last year, and that's fine, but it's just. I just feel like it's no time to kind of mess, mess about. I want to go. I want to go deeper and discover, but I love that. My teachers, for one, is why I wanted, I'm doing some more trainings with them. And they said it's going to be even more wonderful. But the fantasticness of the wonderment of discovery and learning and sharing because I want to be able to share this for generations. Each generation brings their own different gifts and also the different challenges. And I think it's quite hard, actually for people younger than me because they, at least I remember a time before the mobile phones, where all those cell phones is what they're called in some places as well. I remember a time before that where some generations don't. And that inspires me to continue to go a bit further into this work. I heard this beautiful poem on Instagram, which I do go on a couple of times a week. I kind of, I'm still connected with the world as well. But equally, I'm quite happy to leave my phone away for days. Sometimes at weekends I forget to turn it back on. But to go back to the point and your question, and she was very young, I'd say, like maybe 1920s. And it was beautiful. She said this beautiful poem about forms and how, like, she realized that her parents were actually right about the phones and how. How many hours she had been distracted from kind of everyday life on this phone. But, and she said, but the way she said it, she sound like she's really awake. And I said something must have inspired her to kind of see that. So if I can, through my work, inspire not just younger people but people of all different generations to. To see beyond the veneer or the kind of facade of what this world is. And that's what inspires me to keep going because I just love to help other people. And also, every time I heal someone, I'm also healed as well. So they receive healing that I do as well at the same time, and then I can pass it on to someone else. [00:35:31] Speaker B: Very nice. Very nice. That's great. Okay, so how do you navigate the balance between offering your wisdom and guidance to others while remaining open to conscious learning and personal evolution? [00:35:44] Speaker A: So getting the balance between, like, helping others and also. Yeah, and consciousness evolution, you're looking after. [00:35:52] Speaker B: Yourself within all this as well is like a way to say that. [00:35:56] Speaker A: No, I totally relate because it was a. About ten years ago, I was, like, teaching a lot of yoga classes and I actually used to feel, like, kind of burnt out. And then I kind of start to feel a bit resentful about going to teach them because I was kind of not. I was kind of running on empty rather than, like, the wholeness, I think, or I rather feel how to get that balance is to really continue doing the work on myself when it's not. Not from a lens. Oh, I'm broken. I need fixing. Because I think that's we can try and strive for perfection. I think if we were supposed to be perfect, then we wouldn't have been born. Like, as humans, we'll be spirits, like, somewhere, or kind of like on it on a different plane. But equally, we're in this plane and other planes all at the same time. So I think balance and the kind of groundedness I got into a few years ago into doing a lot of kundalini yoga, which is brilliant, but it's. It's very much kind of up here. And I. So for those who aren't listening, I'm saying those who aren't watching, it's very much up high. It's very high energy. But I realized that I kind of exist quite often on those kind of planes. So being grounded and being back into this realm as well as being there is the key is finding that balance, because we can all go off into these fantastical kind of places, but it's. It's. We're here to help, or my perception is to. Here is to help others in the plane now. So the best way I can do that is to kind of look after yourself. So now, like, I'm kind of tweaking my diet even more. Like, I'm not perfect, but just to realizing that some things can kind of just knock me off balance. And they're just like everyday foods, but they don't actually work for my kind of. Kind of system, making the effort to push myself outside the comfort zone, I think that's so important we can get, as well as the way the world's kind of gone where it wants to make it so easy that we just all want to stay at home and not interact, which is not. I think it's not what we were meant to be. Just hearing a conversation or conversation with someone can transform, transform their lives. And sometimes it might not be instantaneous, AJ. Sometimes it can be like they might remember it in the future or something might help them remember, like, you know, if someone's doing the same thing or saying madness is doing the same thing the same and expecting kind of different, different results. And if I was just to kind of continue and not try and dive a little bit deeper, I think that would kind of restrict what I could offer other people. It's not to say I have to do millions of courses, because also, I think sometimes that can be an avoidance as well. But I think we've been gifted on this plane at this time with so much knowledge and how we can help others and why not explore it at the same time? So balance, but keenness to. [00:39:15] Speaker B: Excellent. Excellent. Can you share any success stories of working with your clients and obviously anonymize. Anonymize them as well at the same time? [00:39:27] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So I had one client who had never done any of this kind of work whatsoever and had difficulty, like, sleeping and feeling at peace. I had no experience of energy work, and it was a real gift, actually, to treat her because I just saw, like, the transformation after the sessions and hearing how well that they actually had slept for the first time in a bit, in a very long time. And I just thought that makes me feel like, because people underestimate sleep, right? If we don't get enough sleep, it can have. It really kind of can knock us over it and make things a lot difficult. Difficult. So sleep is such a valuable thing that is free, but so many people can struggle with, and that's just. It was just such a gift to give that to her. And another case was, I'm just thinking of. I'm trying to say anonymous at the same time is, oh, yes. I did a healing session on someone else who was very anxious. And I find that sometimes when we're anxious, it can be like fuel to the fire. Once we have that loaded memory of what anxious anxiety feels like. And it's quite hard to kind of get out of that. There's so many triggers and things like that. And I helped this particular person by helping them discover where that emotion was being held in the body and getting them to breathe into that, and then it loses its power. But then I always feel it's important to then fill that space with something else, something positive. And they found that really helped them. The joy from the yoga point of view, is seeing some. A lot of clients I work with have not been able to go to classes because they may not feel they're good enough, which isn't true, but. Or maybe some medical things. And just seeing people who found it hard to kind of just sit, be still, stretch, and just seeing the trance when they finally can kind of. They're not being able to stretch at all, and then they can kind of. They've used their breath, and it's allowed them to kind of get to that place where they can just relax into the body and see the tension come off them. And it's just such joy. I just love working with people, helping them and just that stillness that they can get afterwards. [00:42:25] Speaker B: Nice, nice. Bringing people to space. [00:42:29] Speaker A: Yes. Into space. Yes. [00:42:31] Speaker B: Space. [00:42:31] Speaker A: The vessel that is our body. And it's not with judgment because we all have parts of ourselves that have gone places, because at the time, that was the best way of our body dealing with it doesn't mean that it can't come back to ourselves, be that free shamanic work, yoga work, or whatever works for you. But I think there's so many people that can help us these days. I think part of the thing is realizing that there are people out there that can help us find our. Find it within ourselves. So, like I was saying earlier, I feel like I'm kind of more like a vessel to help other people rather than it's me doing the work. I just feel like I'm helping them discover within themselves. [00:43:18] Speaker B: Yeah. Like the pathway finder for them. [00:43:22] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. Yes. [00:43:24] Speaker B: So as a podcast host, you actually engage with others to help share their experiences, insights, and perspective on healing, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all life forms. What's the name of your podcast? [00:43:37] Speaker A: Oh, thank you for asking, CJ. It's called Awakened Conscious Conversations podcast, and it's. I think it's coming. It'll be four years in June. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Whoa, that's a good effort. [00:43:50] Speaker A: I know it's kind of. It's made. Had some different changes in it, but yes, four years. Four years in June. So it's always a pleasure to speak with another podcast because it can be quite a solo thing. Like, we get to speak to guests, but it's nice to connect with another podcast host. [00:44:07] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. For sure. So, okay, how has that podcast changed you? [00:44:13] Speaker A: Do you know what? It's such a gift to do and to speak to people, especially being the type of person. I'm quite an introvert, so it kind of really pushed me outside of my comfort zone to do that and to speak to people. But I've learned. I think I've learned stuff of every single guest, every single guest in all different ways, where they've even gone through some dark night of their soul and just seeing how they've used what could be from a crisis, a problem, and how they've transformed it into something positive and how they've changed it around, and every single guest I learned something from, and it's just so helpful. I always finish it off with a meditation as well. And the people from around the world, I get to speak to people in countries which I've not been to yet, or may have been to, but not that part. I just think that is the beauty of this technology that we can share this with so many people, and the people are just lovely. I have always enjoyed speaking to every single person that I've had on the show. [00:45:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I'm going through that, too. [00:45:31] Speaker A: I really enjoyed your show. Was it Tynan who did about the stories and how storytelling and how it's good to have that information? Like, yeah, that was really interesting. [00:45:47] Speaker B: And such a different perspective on life. Right. Like, your life is a story and you're actually searching for meaning, and he goes into the storytelling part of it. That was really cool. [00:45:57] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. And it just. I just think, yeah, it's important to get this information as well, isn't it, from relatives? Because once. Once it's gone, it's kind of like lost. So to be. To share. There's wisdom, isn't there, in stories from other people in our family? [00:46:12] Speaker B: I think, yeah, yeah, I think we all have a story to share for sure. [00:46:16] Speaker A: Definitely. Definitely, absolutely. [00:46:20] Speaker B: So is there any question that you think I should have asked, that I didn't ask? Because sometimes you can have questions that pop up in your mind that you think, oh, I'd like to talk about that, but maybe I didn't ask it. [00:46:30] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a great question. And I guess the only question I can think of is how I feel that. How listeners can build a better world and what ways and. Okay, yeah, yeah. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. So I feel like, you know, it's like this is quite, I guess, trendy to say, like, we need to save the world and stuff like that. I do think it's been a common bit of the gender, like, to kind of, and not in a good way, by forces that will be. This is a different podcast, different conversation, but I just feel like there's a bit of an agenda out there. But I think for a listener or anyone to kind of build a better world, I think each day just remember something that you are grateful for the simplicity in that. But like this, just to say thank you. Just one thing. Like, I can say thank you for hearing the bird song. Awful. Thank you for nature, for growing this beautiful plant behind me, and thank you for the seas, for not kind of getting angry, even though, like I was when I was on holiday recently, beautiful deserted beach. But then if I looked a bit closer, there was tiny bits of plastic, and I just thought, no, I'm going to pick them out. But out of the water just for the sake of like the wildlife. But that I think, yeah, for listeners, they can. For your dear listeners, if they can just think of one thing they're grateful for, because just those tiny, tiny little tweaks can kind of help build the world into a better place. And it's just the simplicity of that. [00:48:35] Speaker B: Brilliant, brilliant. We're coming towards the end of the podcast now, so I wanted to ask you, can you please share how people can find you and work with you? [00:48:45] Speaker A: Absolutely. Absolutely. So I've got everything on one website and it's called Shamanichealings dot Earth. Shamanichealings dot Earth. And you'll find how you can have shamanic healing sessions, long distance energy healing sessions, yoga sessions, and also my podcast. But my podcast is on all platforms as well. So that's the Conscious Conversations podcast. But if any of your listeners got any questions or anything like that, then they can do reach out to me from by that and I'll do my best to help and answer them. [00:49:20] Speaker B: Brilliant. Brilliant. Thank you, Jane. That was an excellent conversation and I've enjoyed everything that you've shared and I appreciate your time. [00:49:29] Speaker A: Thank you, CJ. I really enjoy being on your show and it's just such an honour to be on such an amazing show. So thank you so much. [00:49:36] Speaker B: Thank you. All right, I'll just say goodbye to the listeners. It was great talking with Jane. I appreciate her path and how she was sort of humbly drawn towards it through her experience of a shamanic healing with. With a healer, and then being pushed towards it by her friends into a training. She embraced it greatly and it's actually helped change her life in very positive ways and helped change the lives of others. And I really like that idea of how she gazes into people and sees them as planets. I mean, that's very unusual and very cool, and I've never thought of that before and I've never experienced that myself. Wow, that's awesome. If you've enjoyed today's show, please reach out to Jane and contact her and say thank you very much for coming on the show. I'm sure she'd appreciate that. And you can also value sales of her services. All the links for that will be like, down the bottom here. And if you're on the video aspect of this show, then please like and subscribe. I do the pointing thing like that on the video, thankfully. I. If you're looking at the video, you'll see that it flashes everywhere because basically I'm using the. Not a very good automatic green screen there. But see I actually fade out a little bit. It's a bit weird. But anyway, thank you for listening. If you think somebody would enjoy this show, please share to them and please listen to the next episode. And until then, bye for now.

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