Episode 115

August 30, 2024


Gail Lynn Interview How Does Harmonic Resonance Energy Medicine Heal?

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Gail Lynn Interview How Does Harmonic Resonance Energy Medicine Heal?
Supernormalized Podcast
Gail Lynn Interview How Does Harmonic Resonance Energy Medicine Heal?

Aug 30 2024 | 00:55:09


Show Notes

Gail Lynn's inspiring journey from a life-threatening health crisis to becoming a pioneer in energy medicine showcases her determination to make a meaningful difference. Through the development of the Harmonic Egg, she combines ancient practices with modern science to offer hope and healing to many. #EnergyMedicine #HealingJourney #HarmonicEgg #Wellness #Inspiration https://supernormalized.com/115/
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: So I just tell people, if you're going to do energy medicine, respect each and every energy modality and let each one integrate just as you would. If you're going to eat breakfast, you're not going to eat lunch 15 minutes later, you're going to let it digest. And we should let energy work digest as well. [00:01:05] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ Barnaby, in the liminalist space to explore less charted realms of existence and to unravel the mysteries of life. Experience each episode, I'm blessed with the opportunity to talk to regular people from across the world where they openly share their understanding and wisdom in service to others. If you're looking to upgrade your life, you've come to the right place. Be sure to like and subscribe, and I'll bring you great transforming conversations each week. My treasured viewers and listeners. If you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalizedroton Meredith let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual. What it really is completely normal. Today on supernormal eyes, we have Gail Lin, author, filmmaker, and inventor. Gail grew up in Detroit, came from sort of like a, would you say, like a rationalist, sort of scientific sort of background in her life was going through quite a lot of pressures and tumultuous relationships that actually led to her having a severe cardiovascular diagnosis, led into the world of energy healing and through harmonic vibration and light, and started to have these intuitions and these understandings around healing, which actually helped herself and started to help with others. She created a device called the harmonic egg with the help of many intuitive and brilliant people. And today's show is all about her experience and her harmonic egg and how it all works and how it's healing people and the planet. So please enjoy. Welcome to super normalized Gail Lynn. Gail, you've got a big story in that you went through a very stressful health event and it woke you up in so many different ways and allowed you to find new ways to heal. And I'm glad to have you on the show to be able to talk about that. So welcome to the show. [00:03:23] Speaker A: Thank you so much for having me. I'm honored. [00:03:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm honored, too. I know your story and it's quite amazing. So you were going through a lot of life stress at the time, and you managed to have a manifestation of cancer in your life. [00:03:43] Speaker A: It was a severe cardiovascular stress. [00:03:45] Speaker B: Yeah, right in an instant. [00:03:47] Speaker A: Heart attack. Yeah. In a. But I was such a hot mess. Literally had migraine headaches for 23 years, insomnia for 25 years. I had cystic acne. My hair was falling out. This was all by the age of 37. I'm 54, and it's. I feel better than I've ever felt. I feel like I just have more energy than I've ever had. But I had thyroid issues, liver problems. They wanted to do a hysterectomy on me, and I knew there was something going on. A lot of it was stress. I had three careers and two challenging relationships, actually more, but two challenging marriages. And I know that people that are listening can totally relate to this. It's a lot. And we have to find the place of happiness. And so I wasn't in a place of happiness, and I knew there was something more to life, but I had to go find it. You know, we have to be challenged in order to get to the top, find that happiness, find that joy. And the challenges were a lot. And a lot of people give up. And that's why I talk to people and try to inspire people, because we should never give up. There's a lot. There's a little meme that I just posted on my social. So for those that are. That are just listening, it's a guy with a pickaxe. So he's picking at the dirt. He's picking at the dirt and he's going down this tunnel. And he's going down this tunnel. And you see him completely defeated after he goes about, you know, it looks like he's gone 1020ft and he's turned around and he's just defeated with the pickaxe on his back. But you can see, the audience can see that. Just two more digs. He would have found the gold, he would have found the diamonds. But he gave up. So we can never give up. [00:05:32] Speaker B: That's right. That's right. Wow. So, okay, what was your life like before? I mean, you were going through all these stressful health conditions and life was quite challenging. I mean, what. What were you working as back then? [00:05:46] Speaker A: So I started out worked in Detroit, Michigan. I know we're broadcasting in Australia, but I'm sure you have a worldwide audience. But in Detroit, Michigan, that's where I was born. That's where I needed to be born. When I look at the universal puzzle and the joke that the universe plays on all of us, I had to be born in Detroit, Michigan. I had to have some engineering background. And then I had to move to Texas and be in the telecommunications industry, which was more intangible, whereas the automotive industry is very tangible. You can see it, you can feel it, you can touch it. Then I had to go to the intangible, where people say, when you make a phone call, it all happens in the cloud. Well, what is the cloud? The cloud is just magic. Everything goes up to the cloud. Everything happens. And then magically you have a phone call, we're talking, so everything's going on in the cloud. And then I had to have a career in Hollywood or filmmaking, so I had that extemporaneous communication. I was familiar with film. So we're putting out a documentary next month that I'm actually, you know, have produced and funded and everything, just because I want people to realize that music can be medicine. Sound and light can heal, but also love and community and oneness. We need more kindness, and we need more community because we're so divided. Everyone is divided against each other, and we have to start to realize it's time for us to come together. Like the Beatles would say, come together. And so I worked on all these different projects, and that's when I found myself in the severe cardiovascular stress and on the verge of a heart attack. And I knew there had to be something more, but I really wasn't sure what it was. And then this health and wellness opportunity presented, presented itself to me. [00:07:48] Speaker B: And how did it present itself to you? [00:07:53] Speaker A: First of all, most healers, and I don't consider myself a healer, but most healers say, oh, I was really sick, and I healed myself, and that's why I'm a healer. But then a lot of healers then take on other people's energy or give off their own energy. And so I don't want to be the wounded healer. So I wanted to have balance in my life. But how it presented itself was a bad country song. I will say I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost my dog. And the universe was basically saying, there's no door that's going to be open for you ever, until you say yes to this sound, enlightenment, therapy. And I knew nothing about it, and I tried to stop. I'm stubborn. I'm a Scorpio, I'm stubborn. I knew that I was really good at the corporate world, in operations and project management. I always came in under budget, on time. I was really good at it. And so I didn't want to walk away from that and the universe. I would knock on one door, doors locked, knock on another door, doors locked, finally, I just, there was no more doors to knock on but sound and light. And so I opened that door, and as soon as I walked through that door, my life has been pretty perfect. [00:09:07] Speaker B: How did that first manifest when you opened the door to sound online? I mean, did you see somebody and have a healing yourself? [00:09:15] Speaker A: So I. I don't know how esoteric or how airy fairy your podcasts are, but I think. I think I can go a little deeper. [00:09:23] Speaker B: You can go a lot deeper. [00:09:26] Speaker A: So let's go. Let's go. I believe that my mentor that I met at a, it's a conference for C level executives, I believe that he was part of the fall of Atlantis. And I've since had this confirmed. He was also a son of mine when I lived in Egypt years and years ago, and he built my first sound and light healing chamber when he was 14 for me. So the universe, you know how the universe is. Those people are going to meet. Those two are going to meet right now, and they connect them at that moment in time when you know that you need to meet that person. And he had invented a light box that, you know, he had a lot of the consciousness of Edgar Cayce, so he could see threat transparent through the body. And amazed me on several occasions where someone would walk up to us and, well, I have cancer. And he would look them up and down and say, no, you don't. You have fibroids. No, I don't. I have cancer. Get a second opinion. And lo and behold, they had fibroids. So I was really amazed and very starstruck, I guess, by this person. And time and time again, he would say, don't you see that person? The blood flow in their veins is going the different way, and don't you see that gray cloud? I said, I don't see that. I don't have that gift. And so I started studying with him, only to find out he was part of the fall of Atlantis, and he was here on this planet now to bring sound and light therapy to the planet and turn it over to the divine feminine. And after having a past life regression with norm Shealy, who's recently passed, he said, you know, you're just not getting it. This is yours. You need to take this over. You're the divine feminine. I said, what? I don't want to be the teacher. I don't want to be the inventor. I don't want to be famous. I don't want this. He said, well, I'm sorry, honey, this is what you signed up for. And so I yeah, I filed the patent. It was hilarious because you file patents around in the United States and they can take ten years or eight years or 20 years or they can, you know, never go through, they can be denied. And so I told the eggs, I said, well, I will file a patent just to protect the technology because I felt like it was a very galactic technology, but on the earth plane, in this 3D Earth plane, we have to do these things like file a patent. And I think it was less than two years, it was approved and even my attorney was like, what? That was really fast. So it was really interesting how everything flowed after I said yes, everything started flowing and I learned everything I could learn from this gentleman and I love and support who he is as a soul. Much gratitude. But so many shamans kept showing up in my life and saying, you're the teacher, you're the inventor. I said, oh my gosh. I grew up in automotive, and in automotive it's a lot of men, not good or bad, but in my upbringing men invent things, women don't invent things. So I had that stuck in my head as a repeatable pattern. Women don't invent things. Women don't invent things. And I had one shaman show up and she just basically wanted to slap me. She's like, you will invent something, you are a woman. Shut up and do it. Get to work, lady. And so I had a lot of people show up in my life like that where I just felt like they were angels. They just showed up to scoot me along like a little child, just scoot, scoot, scoot. And I'm grateful for every one of them. [00:13:16] Speaker B: Wow, that's, that's really cool. That's really cool. So basically the doors opened and you're being pushed in the right direction. What happened next? I mean, you've got your patent, you're starting to build this device. Did you have like a prototype first or how did this manifest? [00:13:34] Speaker A: So I had this vision and of course I have some CAD experience. So drafting and CAD was something that I had to learn because of this. And I didn't know that. When I was 1718 years old and a friend of mine came in to the center who has a lot of Tesla consciousness and he's always building things with free electricity, free energy. And I said, wait a minute, how do you know how to do this stuff? He said I don't know, it's just easy. I just know this is how you do it. You wind these armatures and you do this and you just do this and easy. So I had already explored some manufacturers in town and asked if I could have them build a large wooden egg. And they said no, because there's so many different planes that it has to cross over. You have all these different. If you're. I'm trying to explain it easily, but because of it's an egg and it's 360 degrees, and you're making it out of wood, it has to cross a lot of planes to be able to go together properly. So the manufacturer said, no, it's not possible to make that. And I said, well, Walt Disney said, if you can dream it, you can do it. And one guy said, you're not Walt Disney. And now that fuels my fire. So if somebody's telling me you can't do something, get the heck out of my way, because I will show you that I will do it. And so I was asking around, and I said, wayman, you think we can build this large wooden egg? And he said, sure. Why can't we? So he didn't have any tools. So I bought him a bunch of tools, and I had an extra room in my center that I was running. And so he came in every night when the clients were gone, and he could make noise, and he worked on it and worked on it and worked on it. And finally he kept presenting me things. And I said, it's not right. And he said, why? I said, I don't know. It's just not right. It's not right yet. It doesn't feel right. Well, how about this? How about that? And then he quit, and then I fired him. And then he came back, and he quit again, and it took about a year. And so we had this crazy looking prototype. It looked like it was going to fall down, literally. We had these horse, the little sawhorses, I think they're called, where you were propping. We propped the door up, and the lights were just kind of hanging from the ceiling of it. It looked terrible, but it felt right. So I brought in some doctors and shamans and healers and acupuncturists and cranial sacral plant music people, and I just said, I need you guys to test this. And every one of them had an amazing experience, so I was just really excited about it. I could not believe that this thing even worked because it looked ridiculous. And I just said, well, let's see if we can build a production one. So Wayman wasn't capable. He didn't have a facility. But once I had a prototype, I called these same manufacturers back, because you remember, I told you if you tell me I can't do something, get out of my way, and then I'm going to show you that I did it. So I called them back, I said like, ha ha ha, I have one. And they said, no way. So the guy drove 7 hours to come to see it. He facetimed with his son and he said, you know what? I can see where there's some problem areas that we're going to have issues with, but we can do this. And they became my first manufacturers. [00:17:05] Speaker B: Wow, that's cool. So as a part of this journey of creating this device and working on it, was that starting to actually heal your life as well? [00:17:17] Speaker A: Yes. I didn't expect to sell any, really. I had two ladies walk in from another state that they came to visit and they happened to see this egg prototype and they said, are you going to sell those? And I thought, no, I wasn't planning on. I just thought it would be fun to have this egg shape immersive experience because I think it'd be cool. And at that moment, I realized they walked in for me to realize I had to sell these. So then we had to put a price on it. What are we going to charge for these? How much are they going to cost to make and how are we going to ship them? I mean, it was such a huge process that people don't understand and a lot of people would come in and, oh, I had this idea I was going to build a large wooden egg. But you didn't. And that's what people think. Oh, and then a lot of engineers come in, they go, oh, this little piece right here, this could be better. This could be better. They don't understand the probably thousand hours of design work because the second prototype was 400 hours of design. I mean, probably 1000 hours of design. Getting it to where it is today. Yeah, it's not perfect, but you know what? Perfection is overrated. No one's perfect. If we're perfect, we don't need to be here. So it's got its own imperfections and flaws, but it's beautiful and it helps people and it supports people in their healing journey to find out who they are, to connect them to their higher self and just find out the magical beings that they are. So of course, there were definite challenges, but it was fun and I didn't expect to sell any. And then I started to realize that the box that I was using was very masculine. And when we came into the age of Aquarius and the divine feminine, I started to see how the divine feminine is going to play a role in our future. And the egg shape, mostly women, you know, have the egg. And it's the significance of life and the immersive experience. There's a lot of, let me say, entities that can store in corners. So it had to be the spiral, you know, 360 degrees and not with 90 degree corners. And it had to be WAV files and not mp3 files, because MP3 files are very cold and compressed and very clinical. And when you're talking with the nervous system, it's like binary code. So you have ones and zeros. 001-0011. With MP3 files, when the nervous system is trying to heal with a compressed file, it has to stop and say, was that a one? No, I think that was a zero. Now think about how many seconds I had to think about that. The song's still playing. So when you use a wav file, the nervous system's like, that's a one, that's a zero, that's a one, that's zero, that's a zero, that's a one, that's a one. And it's really spot on. So the nervous system doesn't get confused or frustrated when you're listening to these beautiful, pure files. But then I also realized that the musicians, the musicians had to be a really beautiful spirit, high heart energy, and souls that wanted to produce music and compose music to help people to heal. So each piece of music is consciously created using the waveforms of instruments, not 3396 or 528, the eggs vibrating at 1600 Hertz just by itself and a lot of us. Now, if you've read the book power versus force by David Hawkins, back in the day when he wrote it, the Christ consciousness was probably 1000. Think that's what he wrote. But by the time he passed, I think he admittedly said it was already at 1200 hertz. So a lot of us are already vibrating at 800, 900. So why would you want to put somebody on 528 hz? I've looked at the waveforms. How do the waveforms of instruments, how does the waveform of a piano work with the nervous system? And the flute works with the liver and drumming to build the immune system? I totally geek down on that for a long time to try to figure out what kind of music can we play in here that's not going to hurt anybody, that's going to significantly help them to tune back into their nervous system, find out who they are, and to heal naturally, because we know in the right environment, our body can heal naturally. Now, the eggs been broadcasting to me about music that's helping the land. So our last piece of music we just produced was called when nature sings trumpet and drumming. It's our first really jazzy piece of music. And it's the intention is to hydrate the body and to hydrate the microbes on the land. And so that what made a big light bulb go off in my head, wow, we're so dehydrated as a human species. And I thought, we need more water. We need electrolytes. And just plain water is not hydrating because we need electrolytes. But then I realized the microbes on the planet. There you go, drink some water. The microbes on the planet are dehydrated. The planet is dehydrated. So now we're projecting and broadcasting music to help the planet to hydrate. And so I'm really excited about that. The eggs constantly communicating with me. It is a self organizing, conscious technology. And as I was stating before, you had to get a patent. I had to get a patent, but I really didn't. There's nobody that's going to be able to reproduce the energy. They might create something else. And I want to see more of these technologies coming out so people can heal non invasively. But because it was a download, no one could really even steal it because they're never going to recreate the energy into the community that I've created with the egg guardians and the energy of the love that we've put into this. So people say, oh, you know, someone's going to steal this. No, they're really not. I'm not worried about that. [00:23:45] Speaker B: It sounds like an amazing piece of technology. I'm thinking in terms of how it works, and it sounds like when people are going through a healing crisis, there's a interference in their own connection to the field. And when you are in resonance with the egg by being in the egg and having the experience that's correcting that. [00:24:11] Speaker A: I do agree with that because the nervous system gets into fight or flight, and we have the parasympathetic and the sympathetic. And when the sympathetic is dominant in the parasympathetic, which they also refer to as rest and digest, people have so many problems because they're stuck in that parasitic sympathetic and the fight or flight, the stress of life ever since COVID I mean, if anyone says they don't have PTSD or pts, as some people refer to it, they're fooling themselves. Every day we're bombarded with stresses, whether it's money or relationships or just the pollution and the toxins. In our foods. So we're all exposed to these stresses. And when the body can. I don't want to say you want to normalize stress, but when the body can work with stress in a symbiotic way, because stress is always going to be there. It's how you handle it is the trick and the magic. So I think the egg really helps people to handle the stresses. They're not going to go away, but that's how you handle them. And I tell people, I describe to people, once I started using the egg, somebody could have thrown a rock through my window, and instead of getting all, you know, oh, my gosh, what the heck? Who did that? I would be like, huh. I guess I'm going to have to call the insurance company and the window guy. And so it's been really beautiful to be able to handle things in a much more calm way, but there's still going to be stress. It's just how we handle it. [00:25:54] Speaker B: Wow. And how does your background in, say, film and storytelling influence your approach to health and wellness? [00:26:02] Speaker A: Gosh, no one's ever asked me that question before. I think every situation that I've been in has built this person named Gale, then whoever this earth suit of Gael in. And I think the biggest thing that really influenced where I am today is having the center and wanting to help people. So somebody would come in and say, I have ichthyosis. I never even heard of it. I never heard of Epstein Barr virus. I didn't hear. I never heard of staph or a staph infection or strep. And so I find that what happened is my clients were my teachers, and so every one of them, I wanted to help so passionately that I would spend hours of researching what is the root cause? What is the root cause? So I feel like working in automotive and having that critical thinking, how does this part go together? How does it, how can we build this? How can it fit into this space and the automobile and then going into the telecom, where there's things that you can't see, you can't see. I can't see the disease in someone's body, but it's there. [00:27:15] Speaker B: Hey, everyone, I'm excited to share that you can now support the show on Patreon. Go to patreon.com supernormalized. Your contributions help me to create even more amazing content. Please check out the link below in the show notes and join our community and unlock exclusive perks. Thank you so much for your support. [00:27:36] Speaker A: And then, having worked with what in Hollywood, I was actually dating. And the movie we did was about Elvis Presley. So I dated Elvis stepbrother and really saw what he learned from Elvis. The charisma, the humility, the extemporaneous communication. And he had such a passion to help people as well. So I feel like the biggest teachers were my clients that came in. I had over 20,000 clients and really wanted each one of them to be successful. So then I started learning about root canals and how that can affect people's health. So everything kind of just led to another. And then I was able to help so many people with what I feel is five or so root causes of disease. There's millions of diseases out there, and I think from a to z, but I think I looked it up recently. There's no disease that starts with a z yet, but there will be. And so I would look this up. It's inflammation, it's stress, it's heavy metals, it's liver problems, and it's immune problems. If you look at any disease, you can usually come to the point where there's one of those five things is the root cause. So then I started creating music and protocols for those five root causes of disease. And so I guess I'm just kind of a nerd, kind of a geek. And I love to read and study, but I love to help people. And there's nothing better than somebody who comes in and says, I can't even walk to the mailbox anymore. And I used to be a runner, and I. And I want to have a baby. And then within ten sessions, they're running again. And she eventually got pregnant, and she has a baby now, and she has a normal life because of sound and light therapy, because she was able to get her body into an environment which it was able to heal on its own. But you got to find a little help from your friends sometimes. [00:29:45] Speaker B: So, what are some of the most profound success stories that you've experienced and witnessed with individuals using the harmonic egg? [00:29:54] Speaker A: Well, there's just so many of them. Let's see. One that comes to mind that I tell a lot is this guy came in with pacemaker, and I had a medical doctor that used to come in every week. He was a trauma surgeon in the Erde. So he came in every week just to reset himself, and he happened to be there the same time this gentleman was there. And he said, I told him he was going to be getting his battery changed in his pacemaker. And he said, well, then they're going to test his ejection fraction and his cardiac output. Number, he said, let me know what they are, and I will tell you. Because when this gentleman had the heart attack and needed the pacemaker, they said 40% of his heart had died, and so they had to put in stints and a pacemaker. And I know this person personally, and I think it was the love of his life that died. And so 40% of his heart died when she died. And this happens, you know, how we say, you know, you broke your heart, somebody broke your heart. And so he literally had a broken heart. And he had been doing sessions for a while. And so I got his cardiac output and injection fraction number, showed it to the medical doctor, and he looked at it, and he said, okay, but I asked you to give me that other guy his numbers. Whose numbers are these? I go, those are his numbers. He said, well, this is a fully functioning heart. And I said, well, what does that mean? He said, his heart is regenerated. It has healed 100%. [00:31:25] Speaker B: Wow. [00:31:27] Speaker A: So I thought, yeah, that's kind of crazy. And as an engineer, I can't. [00:31:32] Speaker B: I. [00:31:32] Speaker A: That doesn't make sense in my head. How do I fit that in my head? And so I've realized over the years that I have to unlearn everything that I know to relearn what is possible. And that happens to me a lot when people say, you can't or that's not possible. I know now that anything is possible. You just have to visualize it. So that was one, I've had people where they've had kidney failure, renal failure, and the kidneys start working again, and the doctors don't know how. I had one gentleman, I'll just give you a three, because three is my favorite number. I had, um, he was 17 years old, he broke his foot, and he played soccer. So it's kind of a critical body part for soccer. And he was, I guess, really good. He was really good. And they, he said, I have a tournament in two weeks, I want to play. And I said, I'm not sure that you're going to play. But he said, my brother came here years ago, and you helped him with Lyme disease. He's now in college and he's playing professional golf, whereas he was in bed. He was bedridden with Lyme disease. And he said, so I decided, I want to come here when I broke my foot. And so I said, okay, well, let's do three sessions and see what happens. And after the first session, he came back and he took the walking boot off, and he had a tennis shoe on the. I said, come on. I said, you should keep that walking boot on. He said, it doesn't hurt anymore, I promise. So after the three sessions, he went back to the doctor and wasn't broken anymore. And I did three sessions in a short period of time, which I normally wouldn't do, but he was very healthy. The doctors said, well, maybe we misdiagnosed you. Maybe there was just a hair on the x ray and we thought it was broken because it's not broken anymore. So I have no way to say maybe they made a mistake. But if they did, that's bad. And if they didn't, and that's kind of cool because who says, who's to say that you can't heal from something? Where do we get that from? And who's to say it takes six to eight weeks to heal a broken bone? Somebody made that up and put it in our heads. We just need to get that out of our heads because miracles happen every day. [00:33:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I've read stories of shamans that can just, you know, somebody's broken their leg and they just get down there and do their work and instantly it's healed again. So, you know, things happen. [00:33:55] Speaker A: You know, apparently Elvis was a healer. And I've talked about this a couple times on podcasts, but apparently the stories that I've heard from some of the Memphis mafia that were, you know, his bodyguards and personal aides, they said they were out skiing in Colorado one time and a guy, the bone was sticking out of his leg and Elvis just put his hand up, rubbed it across the leg and the bone healed. Yeah, I wasn't there, but there are healers like this. [00:34:22] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I've heard that some of those stories about Elvis, in fact. Yeah, he was very into the esoteric, but he was told to suppress all of that because of his fame. [00:34:33] Speaker A: Right, right. And I think he was so torn who he was and who he wanted to be and who like Colonel Parker wanted him to be and who he really was. And I mean, I, everybody that knows him was convinced that he took himself out because it just was too much. Was too much. And he didn't, he didn't. There wasn't like the clinics that we have now for rehab and addictions. He was kind of on his own. He was the prototype for that. [00:35:01] Speaker B: Yeah, that's sad. But it needed to happen in our lives for some reason. So. Okay, can you take us and walk us through an experience that people might have if they go to an egg center, what happens? [00:35:16] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. So what we try to do is make it a consistent and consistent and repeatable process. And so there's no, the egg doesn't have emotions. The egg doesn't get in a car accident, it doesn't have a fight with his partner. So it's a consistent and repeatable process. And so what happens is you walk into a location and you have a practitioner or an egg tender or an egg guardian. They call themselves different things, and they're going to sit down with you and spend the time with you that is necessary to find out what is it that you want to work on and what is your intention for your session. And then they have a training manual that they will go to to match up the exact song selection and the exact color or colors that's going to help you with that intention. And then they're going to hold that space with you for your intention. So there's a whole lot that goes into this. Not only sound and light and the resonant chamber and all the love, there's intention as well. So frequency plus healing equals intention, or frequency plus intention equals healing, according to Jonathan Goldman. And I think that's just really brilliant. It's a great mathematical formula. And so then they're going to get you comfortably set in a recliner chair. We call it a zero gravity chair because if you can raise your feet to the level of your heart or above, you're at a zero gravity. And a lot of people claim that they do levitate in there. Sometimes I thought I was levitating, but I didn't want to even open my eyes to find out that I probably wasn't. I just felt really light and I felt like I was floating out of the chair. And so it's very floaty experience. It's 40 minutes of music, the consciously created music, and ten minutes of complete silence. And I think the silence is where the magic happens. We all know that we don't spend enough time in silence. That's where I feel like we get a lot of the downloads from our source, from God, whatever word people use. And when you. We're in silence when we're quieting our mind, sometimes it's waking up in the morning before the day gets busy or doing something mindless, like you're in the shower and, you know, you kind of autopilot with that and you're silent in your mind. And those are the ideas. People say, oh, I have all these ideas in the shower or while I'm driving or when I'm just waking up. And I think the more time we can spend in silence just listening to our bodies and listening to the wisdom that is being projected from the universe, I think it's brilliant. So I put in ten minutes of silence at the end, and then when you come out, it's have about five to seven days of integration, and you want to integrate it respectfully. So if you're doing other energy modalities, you want to find out from the practitioner, how many days should I let this integrate before I can do something else? We don't want people piling one thing on top of another, on top of another and having a spa day, because that really confuses the body and spins it out of control. So I just tell people, if you're going to do energy medicine, respect each and every energy modality and let each one integrate just as you would. If you're going to eat breakfast, you're not going to eat lunch. 15 minutes later, you're going to let it digest. And we should let energy work digest as well. So it's just a beautiful experience surrounded by the wood inside. So there's no emfs. We've actually tested it with a Trifield EMF meter. Even though there are speakers and a subwoofer in there to give you a sonic massage, we're not getting any EMF. So some. Somehow it's creating like a Faraday cage and it's, I think, the sacred geometry, the intention, the music is creating this protection shell. [00:39:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I was going to ask you about that. I mean, does the. Do the eggs have to be put into a special room to be able to make them work, or. [00:39:12] Speaker A: No, no. Which is an interesting question, because we've even found that it doesn't have to be north or south. Orlando, you know, true north or, you know, facing. We found that they just work because they're all connected to the crystalline grid of the earth. The earth plane. [00:39:30] Speaker B: That's wild. It's wild. [00:39:34] Speaker A: It might. [00:39:36] Speaker B: I'm trying to think of a question around that. So how do you actually think it actually works? I mean, what do you think is actually going on in the. On all levels, when it comes to this egg device? [00:39:48] Speaker A: On all levels. I really think that there are galactic doctors that work there, and I believe that the more people that go in there, the more information they have about how to help other people. I've had, you know, little kids see, they say, can you. Because one time I had a lady in there, we were talking, the little boy was in the chair, and he said, can you please close the doors? Because the white guy's working on my head. Oh, okay. So we closed the doors. So a lot of people have seen things, experienced things. My sister was able to get pregnant after not being, you know, being able to get pregnant after 15 years. And she said something was in there with me. I don't know what it was. It wasn't bad, but something was in there. There was some energy in there. And then I had a guy come in one time, and he said, hey, you remember when I came in and did the session? I said, yeah. He goes, well, after, like, a week after I had a heart attack, please don't take this wrong. It was a good thing, he said, because when I had my heart attack, the cloud cover was so low. And they told me during my air flight to the hospital, I probably shouldn't have survived. They said I should have died twice. But he said, when I was in there, I felt like something had opened up my chest and was working on me. And I think that's what saved me from. So I didn't die after having the heart attack. And I said, okay, some of this stuff still doesn't make sense to me. There's some other realm and some other energy that is with us. So that's one level. Cause you said, explain it on all levels. The other level is more medical. When you can reboot the autonomic nervous system, I think the body can heal naturally. And I really think that this is an autonomic nervous system reboot. And when we get so spun out of control in our fight or flight, I believe that our body doesn't know what normal is. So normal can be cancer. Normal can be Parkinson's. Normal can be anything. We have to reboot the body, reset the nervous system, and create the new normal that we want, not the normal of cancer or Parkinson's or any disease. And then I'll give you one third level, because, you know, I love the threes. The third level, I think, is trauma, emotional trauma. And I think. I think what you say is, you want to upgrade your life, you got to stop the stories. The stories are. They're stupid. I was molested by the priests of the parish when I was 14. It's not my story anymore. I'm so grateful for that, because now I get to relate to people that have been molested, and so I love everything that I've ever experienced, but it's not my story. You know, alcoholic dad, you know, everybody's got these stories, but if you hold on to that story, you're going to be paralyzed, and you're never going to do your dreams. You're never going to find your passions. You're never going to attract the right partner to you because you're going to keep putting out this vibration of I'm a victim or, you know, I'm not worthy or I was molested or whatever. You know what? It's just a stupid story. And, you know, it affected me on a. On a big level and I didn't know how to get over it. I did talk therapy, I did acupuncture, I did chiropractic, I did yoga. Nothing worked to release the story until the egg. And then I remembered being born in one of my sessions. And there was something in the room when I was born. And it wasn't my mom and dad or the doctors rubbing their hands together in excitement, saying, she's here. We are all here with a purpose and we have to find out what that is. Cause otherwise I think we gotta keep coming back and doing it over and over and over again. And at one point I said, I never wanna come back to this earth plane again. This is so ridiculous, so stupid. It's so silly. But now that I know what I know, I will gladly come back and help all the humans again. [00:44:03] Speaker B: That's wonderful. There's actually a little kernel of something you said inside that explanation that I think I want to tap on it. It sounds like with the creation of these eggs and the distribution of them around the planet, there's a cumulative effect which is growing. [00:44:20] Speaker A: Correct. We started out with the eggs vibrating at 800 hz. When we had maybe five or ten of them on the planet, we have now over 200 of them on the planet. And when I have my dowsers and my pendulum workers work on them, they're like, they're at 1600 Hertz scale. And I was like, how is this happening? So I've talked to doctors, scientists, and they said it's a self organizing system. So the more that are out there, the more they're all connected, more powerful they're going to be. So because at first, you know, like, there's systems out there that, you know, they. People said, oh, this is the new system. And then 100 people buy it and then 200 people buy it and then 300 people buy it. And, you know, there's a part of me that was like, what? Their technology is great, but what about the eggs? How come they're not growing so fast? And I realized that it's like the turtle and the rabbit, slow and steady, wins the race. The egg is beautiful. It had to grow slowly. Growing it too fast may have ended up hurting people. Maybe it would have been too powerful too fast. And so now I have to just know that I'm perfect, exactly where I am. The amount of eggs on the planet is perfect, exactly where it is. And so I'm just having to release and let go, which is really hard for me as a scorpio. I want to make things happen. I want to get things going. And so I've had to really step back and say, everything is perfect. [00:45:50] Speaker B: What message do you want people to take away from your journey and the technologies you promote? [00:45:58] Speaker A: Well, I would really like people to know that they don't have to settle that. If this little girl from Detroit that came from a dad with a 7th grade education and a mom with a high school, high school diploma and didn't grow up with a silver spoon or a gold spoon in my mouth, I think if I can do it, anybody can do it. I would just encourage people to focus, to never give up, to listen to their bodies and sit in silence and follow their intuition. I think those would be the best words of wisdom to give to somebody perfect. [00:46:37] Speaker B: Okay. What future projects or initiatives do you have planned to further your mission in healing? [00:46:47] Speaker A: Wow. So I want to see everyone being able to replenish vitamins and minerals with color. With the vibrations of color and energy and music, I think it will be possible, instead of taking a pill, that we can expose ourselves to a color to replenish our B vitamins or a vibration or a waveform of an instrument to replenish what we need versus taking a pill that might have fillers, that's just causing problems with your kidneys and your liver. I think that there's herbs on the planet we need to learn. Well, we need to relearn how to use them. So I think I tore a tendon or a ligament in my bicep doing some pilates. And I was outside in my herb garden, and I saw Comfrey, those big leaves, and I thought, comfrey. And it spoke to me, and I thought, I'm crazy. So I picked the leaf and I thanked the plant, and then I kind of stuck it on my arm as I was walking in the house. And I looked on Google, I said, you know, what does comfrey help heal with? I'm not kidding you. Tendons, ligaments. And I'm like, oh, my God, those plants speak to us. And that plant spoke to me. I mean, it. It almost, like, jumped at me. And I think, am I really talking to the plants? Because I'm from Detroit. I'm an engineer am I talking to the plants? I find myself talking to animals, talking to trees, talking to the land. And I really think my parents, if they were still alive, would have probably committed me to a mental institution. [00:48:30] Speaker B: That's the story of wildlife, too, I think. [00:48:33] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Everything is there for us to heal. And I think with a lot of these supplements, the capsule doesn't dissolve at the right time, or there's toxins, or there's heavy metals. And then we're actually creating more problems for ourselves by ingesting things that maybe aren't natural. So I would love to see more research from coming out of my camp, my company, where we're teaching people how to listen to the plants, how to. And the plant music, too. Let me just say this one lady told me recently. She said, gail, you have to start learning to listen to the plants. They play music. I said, I know the dom and her group has this thing that they put on the plants, and there's. It's a little clip, but I never resonated with it. I always thought that the plants aren't playing rock music in the key of sea. And the plants have told me as well, we don't play with your tones. We might be playing in the key of X or z, and so you can't put them in a box. We have to really learn what it is that they're trying to project and not say, okay, well, we're going to set this to the key of c, and we're going to set it to, like, a jazzy, you know, or classic rock. That's not the. That's not the proper expression of the plants. And now, a lot of people might want to challenge what I'm saying, but this is what the plants told me. I'm just telling you what they're telling me. [00:49:58] Speaker B: No, I'd be very interested to hear pure plant music. I wonder what that actually would sound like. That would be phenomenal. [00:50:04] Speaker A: Right. Do we even have a piece of technology that can project that? We probably don't even have that on the planet. [00:50:10] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. So even our conceptual frameworks of music and sound probably aren't even ready for that yet. But it's coming. [00:50:19] Speaker A: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And I know I was talking to a musician the other day, and she said, my technology that I use for synthesizing music, I like more than natural harmonics. And so I said, I don't really know if I want a piece of music from a synthesized piece of, you know, a synthesizer and, you know, technology. And she said, no, no, no, there's a button on here. It's called the humanizer. So it. It puts in errors, like human errors automatically. And I'm thinking so because it would sound so perfect. There's a button that's called the humanizer. Have you heard of that? I was just like, wait, what? That's crazy. So it makes it like a human did it. Isn't that crazy? Yeah, I just. I love learning. I just. And I love all this stuff. And I learned from everybody. It's so fun. [00:51:09] Speaker B: Well, Gail, we're coming towards the end of the podcast now, and I wanted to know, how can people find out more about the harmonic egg and the work that you've done? [00:51:20] Speaker A: Harmoniceg.com is everything you can buy the consciously created music. Listen to it at home. It comes with song sheets. The egg shows me what colors are intended for each piece of music, what organs will be affected, what chakras. So that's all in the song notes that you get with the. Download my books there. All the locations are there. I want people to go find a location to visit. Go visit their local egg guardians. If you don't have one locally, every center can do remote sessions. So distance healing is really a thing, and we have great success with that. So think about maybe you want to go on vacation to New Zealand, but it's not possible. Call the New Zealand egg and do a remote session. Tune into the land there. It's so amazing because I do that. I'm. I've been in the Peru egg, the Belgium egg, the England egg, the New Zealand egg, and I just have them put me in remotely so I can tune into their egg, but also to the land. [00:52:22] Speaker B: Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you very much for everything you've shared and your journey and all power to you and the work that you're doing, because it's. It's very important work. And even though it sounds like fuse sometimes, it's a bit confusing because it's against your scientific paradigms. [00:52:41] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:52:42] Speaker B: Yeah. You're doing great things, Gail, thank you so much for coming on. [00:52:45] Speaker A: Thank you so much. [00:52:47] Speaker B: All right, I'll just say goodbye to listeners. What a great story. I really enjoyed connecting with Gail, and I've got to say thank you to Wendy from Lucid Cafe podcast, because I heard Gail on Wendy's podcast, and I was like, wow, I've got to get in contact with Gail. And Gail said yes to come on to supernormalize. So I'm very happy about that. Thank you very much to Gail for coming on. It was a great sharing and your understanding of things is easily transmitted. And I'm certain there's going to be people out there that are going to be wanting to try and use the harmonic egg for healing in their own lives. So if you've enjoyed today's show, please, as I like to say on YouTube, like and subscribe. I'm pointing down towards the like and subscribe when I do that. And please give me five stars on your podcast app if you haven't done that as yet, and if you think that somebody out there needs to know about this healing method, please share the show to one person. That way more people get to hear it and can benefit, possibly from, you know, the harmonic egg experience themselves. If you've enjoyed today's show, too, reach out to [email protected] and say thank you to coming on the show or learn more about the egg itself. She's got a book out there. She's just done her documentary that's coming out soon, too, so it's going to be amazing. I'm sure it will be all right. So thank you so much for listening. And until next episode, it's bye for now. That's a.

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