Episode 103

July 18, 2024


Elizabeth Makepeace Interview How To Live A Synchronous Life

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Elizabeth Makepeace Interview How To Live A Synchronous Life
Supernormalized Podcast
Elizabeth Makepeace Interview How To Live A Synchronous Life

Jul 18 2024 | 01:10:20


Show Notes

Elizabeth Elenor's life is a testament to the extraordinary interplay of healing, synchronicities, and alchemy. A seasoned healer for 25 years, her encounter with a man named Makepeace brought a touch of serendipity to her journey of attracting love. From witnessing three shooting stars as a cosmic confirmation to seamlessly navigating through self-healing of a 15cm fibroid and a 4.5cm brain tumor operation, Elizabeth's existence seemed woven with threads of enchantment. Synchronicities, like encountering nurses named Angel and Crystal and receiving a significant financial windfall in the hospital, underscored the magical tapestry that enveloped her. Through her profound insights into creation and alchemy, Elizabeth's experiences serve as a powerful reminder of the inherent potential within each of us to tap into the mysteries of the universe and manifest miracles in our daily lives. #HealingJourney #Synchronicities #AlchemyMagic #ManifestingMiracles #HigherSelfWisdom #MagicInDailyLife #Supernormalized #podcast #interview https://supernormalized.com/podcast/elizabeth-makepeace-interview-how-to-live-a-synchronous-life/
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Synchronicity means that you have released all resistance to being yourself, being part of the universe, being like, this is the dichotomy of life, right? We are separate. So we've found ourselves in this physical body that, you know, moves, and we recognize ourselves as separate, and we are part of this oneness, this quantum field, this collective, whatever you want to, you know, God, universe, blah, blah, blah, whatever you want to define it as, we are part of this whole. That when we unplug from that resistance going back to the matrix, right, we unplug from the illusion of being separate, live in it, like, be. Be okay with being separate, but recognize ourselves as part of it. We have the ability to have all of those little molecules and, you know, phases or whatever they're called. All the particles come together so that there's this flow pattern instead of being stuck or oscillating, you know, backwards and forwards, and not being in sync with it, actually recognizing who we are and that we have the ability to be all of it. [00:02:14] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ Barnaby, in the liminalist space to explore less charted realms of existence and to unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. Each episode, I'm blessed with the opportunity to talk to regular people from across the world, where they openly share their understanding and wisdom in service to others. If you're looking to upgrade your life, you've come to the right place. Be sure to like and subscribe, and I'll bring you great transforming conversations each week. My treasured viewers and listeners. If you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalizedroton. Dot me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual, what it really is. Completely normal. Today on supernormal eyes, we'll be speaking to Elizabeth Makepeace, and she also goes by the name of Elizabeth Eleanor. She has a story of healing and alchemy and her understanding of those things and in relation to her experience of synchronous events. And it's quite pertinent, because lately I've been listening to a few podcasts, including rune soup and the high side chats. And on those ones I've been listening to Chris Knowles talk about his new book, which is a synchronistic manual. I haven't got the right name for it there, but it's about synchronisticism, and it also discusses the importance of recognizing synchronicity and how to do so in effective sort of ways. So this is sort of like the right timing for this talk, and I'm really enjoying having this conversation with Elizabeth, and I'm sure you'll actually enjoy what comes of it as well, because there's a lot of understanding there about how to actually step back into the flow of the universe. So please enjoy the show. Welcome to supernormalized Elizabeth mate piece. Elizabeth, you've pretty much lived a life of synchronicity, and those synchronous events have changed you significantly. And that really interested me when you reached out, or I reached out to you. I'm not sure how we did that in the end now, but I know that we got in contact over the point of synchronicity. Now, synchronicity has been coming up in a lot of podcasts I've been listening to lately. And Chris Knowles has actually just released a book on synchromysticism, which actually helps people to find their way through an understanding of synchronicity and how it actually is reflected in all of the media and all of our lives and how to do so effectively and efficiently so you don't get lost in it, but you've been touched by synchronicity in really positive ways. So, Elizabeth, do you want to explain, first of all, everything about your life in sort of, like, point form up to where you are now and what synchronicity actually means to you? [00:05:12] Speaker A: So, hi, CJ. It's great to be talking about this conversation, because synchronicity has been a massive part of my life, to the point where I've started calling it following the white rabbit, because I follow energetic threads. And just, just after. So I live at the beach in Shell Cove in New South Wales, Australia. And just after I made that decision to start calling it follow the white rabbit, we woke up really early in the morning, one morning, and I was in the. In the kitchen. I look out the window and here's a freaking hare in the middle. Yeah. 500 in the morning. Yes. Right next to the beach. Like a hare. Not even a rabbit. It was. It was a hare in the middle of the road. Stopped just looking at me. We just stopped and looked at each other. I've got a photo of it because I said, tim, don't go too fast, but just come over and take a photo of this. And as soon as he took a photo and the rabbit saw him, the hair, it took off. But there was this moment between the two of us, and like that sort of stuff happens to me all the time from, like, I don't even know where to start, because the synchronicity, as I said, it's become something that I follow. It's my higher self guidance and I just follow, you know, I make a decision, I choose what I want to create and then I just follow the guidance. But the first time I realized that it was. What it was, was way back. I was a single mom with two kids, massage therapist, doing it a bit tough, but I just spiritually woken up and I was just starting to work things out and create. And I was up in Cairns and decided I was going to buy a cardinal. So I rang up my mum, said, I'm coming down to Sydney. Want to. Want to, you know, buy a car. And she said, oh, my. Your stepfather, his name is Rahim, he knows someone that's selling a car. Maybe you can get this car, right? So I'm thinking, wow, you know, I've just started working all this stuff out and I'm like, that's really cool. I've already created. Because I had a list of what I wanted. So I get to Sydney now. The couple of things that were happening that I took notice of was I was in one suburb and was going so, Blacktown and going to my brother's in Hurstville on the train. And every single time I went, even if I was asleep or, you know, was reading a book, for whatever reason, I'd. I'd look up just as we were going past Rockdale. And Rockdale was never a stop that the train stopped at, right? So we're going backwards and forwards and I'm just about to go to my mum's house to get this car, and she rings up and says, oh, the guy's just met someone at uni and he's not going back over to Pakistan, you know, he's not selling the car. So, as most people, I. At the time, I went into doubt. Oh, I didn't do it right, you know, what's going on, blah, blah, blah. My brother says, let's just start looking at other cars. So we make a list from the Internet. We start going through and looking at cars. No, no, no. Didn't want this car. Didn't want that car. My brother gets hangry when he needs food. Unbeknownst to me, we stop at a cafe in Rockdale, right? So we're in Rockdale, we're at this cafe, we look across the road and here's this cardinal. Look at the car. Everything I want. Bring up the guy. The guy says, oh, I never take that car out. It's my brother. My sister's, you know, just happened to be there. We'd go through all the process. We swap the license information. She lived in Cairns Avenue and I was living in Cairns. Her last name was Raheem. And when I showed my, you know, Raheem, he looks at. He goes, oh, my God. You know, blah, blah, blah. And she lived in the same block of flats as the guy was going to buy the first car from. And she lived in 16 and he lived in 19. So even the six and the nine flipped, right? So, like, those sort of things were houses and cars especially. I moved from Oleander street to Oleander Drive. Oh, I have. I had this story about my. My brother. Like, I moved into a house in Kingswood and I lived in 13. I won't say the street because it's the same. So I lived in 13 Tom street, right, in Kingswood. A couple of weeks later, I discovered that my brother lives in three Tom Avenue in Springwood. And I find out later that, like, his. His wife needed to have an emergency seizure and the baby has to stay in the hospital and she needs to go backwards and forwards and breastfeeds. I live five minutes down the road from. Well, even two. I'm walking distance to the hospital and they're 40 minutes away. So, like, all of the things that, if you're taking notice because it's happening to all of us, right. The more you take notice of it, the more those things actually become part of your life and you then can just follow the white rabbit. It's super exciting. [00:11:01] Speaker B: That sounds like a reference from the matrix. [00:11:03] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. Right. Just have to unplug. [00:11:07] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely unplugged. So, okay, so it's like the universe is signaling you through these events and these coincidences and these synchronicities. What does synchronicity mean to you then? [00:11:20] Speaker A: Synchronicity means that you have released all resistance to being yourself, being part of the universe, being like, this is the dichotomy of life, right? We are separate. So we've found ourselves in this physical body that, you know, moves, and we recognize ourselves as separate. And we are part of this oneness, this quantum field, this collective, whatever you want to, you know, God, universe, blah, blah, blah, whatever you want to define it as. We are part of this whole. That when we unplug from that resistance going back to the matrix. Right. We unplug from the illusion of being separate, live in it. Like, be. Be okay with being separate. But recognize ourselves as part of it. We have the ability to have all of those little molecules and, you know, phases or whatever they're called, all the particles come together so that there's this flow pattern instead of being stuck or oscillating, you know, backwards and forwards and not being in sync with it, actually recognizing who we are and that we have the ability to be all of it. [00:12:47] Speaker B: Would you say when you're in the flow of synchronicity and recognize that you are in accord with the universal plan. [00:12:59] Speaker A: Would you say that you are like, yeah, you're. You're in. Yeah, you're in alignment. Yeah. With the universal plan, but is it. Is it like you're part of that? Right. You're co creating that universal plan? Like, in. In my belief, my way I define it is that at some level, I've decided to be on this journey to create whatever this experience is. And so when you're in that awareness, you made the decision to be part of it, like, to be this universal plan as well as be part of it. [00:13:42] Speaker B: Yeah, I've found that myself. There's times when I've actually been in the flow of things, and it's like I feel like things are happening because of things that I have put into play, but then I'm also feeling like, at the same time, that I'm also a part of a bigger play that actually even made me make those decisions. At the same time, it's like. And it's really interesting. It's like, am I making these decisions or these decisions making me? [00:14:16] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:14:20] Speaker B: So stepping all the way back to when you were in Cairns, and you said you had your first awakening. What happened there? I mean, you said you actually started to step into your spirituality about that time in your life. What triggered you? What did. What was the first thing you went? [00:14:31] Speaker A: Oh, that's a really interesting question because it wasn't something that I was expecting. I going back a little bit further. My dad passed away when I was 15. He was on the kidney machine, and there was a part of me that must have known, like, there was a part of me that was already connected because I used to lay with him while he was on the machine. We used to set it up together, and I'd say, I don't want you to die. I'd cry as a little kid, you know, I don't want you to die. And he's like, I don't. I'm not going to die, you know? But then at 15, he did, and I had this really weird feeling, straight up, like one I knew I was at school and he wasn't expected to pass, right, but they came in to my schoolroom and I just started packing and when they, you know, the counselor took me out and I said, he's dead, isn't he? You know, like, I just knew. But straight away I had this feeling he was in a library somewhere, which didn't make sense. My auntie was Christian, you know, as far as I was aware there was, you know, heaven and hell. Is there a library in heaven? Like, or hell? Like, you know, I just had this weird thing. Well, fast forward, you know, gee, ten, maybe 14 years later, got two kids into, separated from a very crazy relationship, just became a massage therapist. And I move up to Cairns from New South Wales and there's this friend of mine, Hasselyn, hassling me to go and see this psychic. Now, I didn't believe in them. I thought that was charlatan's, you know, she just wants to take my money, you know, but I ended up going just to shut this woman up because she just kept on hassling me. She's like, you're gonna, you know, you'll be able to speak to your dad and blah, blah, blah. So I knock on this woman's door, it's in her house, walk in, she takes me into this little room, walks out, does a thing, walks back in and says, what are you doing here? I'm like, oh, shit, I'm in the wrong house, right? It freaked me out. And she said, you can do what I do, but obviously you don't know it. And like, I thought, well, here we go, you know, she's just, this is her, her game, you know, this is the story she's going to take me through. But yeah, she started telling me stuff that like a car accident that I'd had and no one else was involved. She told me my dad, and there was four of them that were there, all this stuff, but then she was telling me this story because my son used to come out with some weird stuff and she was telling me this stuff that my dad was telling her. I'm looking down, writing it down, and I feel this brush on my cheek and I looked up and she said, oh, did you feel that? What was that? And she said, oh, that's your dad, he just wants you to listen, it's important you to listen. And so when I got home, I'm just having like these things touching me, you know, like these energies for about three days. So I ring her up and I'm like, what's going on? This is freaking me out. And she said, it's all okay. It's, you know, they're just happy that you've woken up. It'll calm down. So I said, okay, so I want to book back in. And she said, no. I'm like, huh? You know, like, I thought you. You know, like, I thought you wanted my money, you know? But I now understand why because I think I would have lent on her. [00:18:21] Speaker B: Yes. [00:18:22] Speaker A: So, yeah, I just went on this spiritual journey, having to work it out by myself. I ended up at a meditation circle in a spiritual little back street thing and met this weird guy, that very weird, who was right into quantum energy and harmonic accumulators, he was calling them. And he took me to a workshop, and I met a group there that the mentor said I put the workshop on because I heard there was someone I needed to meet. And you're it. Like, you know, again, I went into this. Yeah, right. Here we go. You know, like, I was always in this doubt, but I ended up in this group for seven years doing past life regression training, stripping, stripping down all of the limitations, most of the limitations, weird experiences, crazy stuff. Physical, you know, physical stuff happening as well. And. Yeah, seven years of that. And then facilitated past life regression and then changed it and morphed it myself into what I call multidimensional healing. And then, you know, from there, I've. I've gone on to do other things. I now do a process called recoding, that is, now I morphed into the ascendance code. [00:19:52] Speaker B: Brilliant. Okay. So can I ask you how you do your past life regression? I mean, you're. I mean, you've got other names right now, but I'm very interested in that. I'm actually coming up to a point with an interviewee soon, and he does some hypnotic regression for past life regression, and he said, you've got to do a session first, so you understand what I do. I said, great. And you said, it's 3 hours. And I said, okay. [00:20:16] Speaker A: So, yeah, wow. Yeah. [00:20:18] Speaker B: Yeah, that's going to be wild. So I'm looking forward to that. [00:20:22] Speaker A: Past life regression is an interesting one because it's like, at the time, I found there was a lot of people out there doing it, just like intuitive reading, like with cards, and, oh, you know, you were hit. You were this person, or you were that person, and they were telling the person the experience the way I did. Past life regression is you take the person through the process. So similar, like a hypnotic state, you're aware and you're conscious, and you're in a sort of trance. And the reason being is because going back to that quantum field and that we're all one, my understanding is that when you have something in your field that's a resistance, a limitation, something that is like a vibration, if we, if we just go to the simple awareness that everything is energy, and energy vibrates at different frequencies, then there's a, there's vibrations within our field that are holding us back from that flow that we were talking about before that oneness. [00:21:31] Speaker B: Right. [00:21:32] Speaker A: And so those vibrations are sort of like distortions in your energy field. So the way I did past life, aggression is I would take the person through the process, and they would see, feel, and experience it. And as they're going through it, I would be able to feel that bump. You know, they might have made a decision or went somewhere that they, you know, weren't expecting or something happened, or there's something that they need to eat or drink, you know, and so I would guide them to. Would you have made a different decision or what? Let's go. Before you made that decision. And we would shift the vibration of that experience, which would dissolve the frequency that was holding them back, and then you'd have that, you know, it's sort of like gathering all of yourself back in, you know, you, when you shift that vibration, just like a tuning fork, you know, or that synchronicity, when all the, you know, clocks all tick at the same time, then you can move back into that resonance of what your harmony is with the universe. [00:22:46] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I understand that. That makes a lot of sense to me. I I've done timeline therapy with people in the past, which is a part of my training from master practitioner of NLP. And when I do the timeline therapy sort of work, it's sort of like a thread that goes through ourself into infinity in both directions. And you can actually, you know, ask people, say, can you put a little point of light and, you know, at points that need to be looked at? And you can step back in time to those points and make it easy for people to actually go through a point. And like you say, resynchronize, you actually can go through it and then relive it in another way. So it actually erases all of the tension in that point, so then the energy all flows again. So, yeah, it's interesting stuff how that all works. And I'm fascinated by that frequency thing because it seems like that what we live in here is what would you call it like an assemblage point to take coloss, cast NATO out of information, and that is frequency, which causes us to actually have this experience of life. And when that is not coherent, then we have a little bit of darkness that actually affects our experiences. Instead of getting all the synchronicities that you want that actually enhance your life, you get the synchronicities that de enhance your life. Right. [00:24:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Go out. Yeah, distort the experience. [00:24:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. Okay, so I was going to ask you about some of your, what would you say, your synchronicities and the extra sort of paranormals and experiences that actually went along with that. Any significant ones there? I mean, there was one that you actually explained that was about three shooting stars that served as a confirmation from the universe. Tell us about that one. [00:24:45] Speaker A: That was one of the first ones that was such a, you know, the things that happen now, you just sort of, you know, super normalize them. And, you know, when you're first waking up and you start having these experiences, they're so exciting and, you know, like, you're just all, you know, fuzzy about them. So that was when I first started doing past life regression. And because I, you know, I really didn't believe in any of this. My brain is super. I'm, you know, see myself as very grounded. My head's quite scientific. You know, I don't consider myself woo woo at all. And so it was really interesting process. So I was just starting out doing the spiritual thing, just started doing my own past life regressions. And I was living in Holloway's beach in Cairns. And there was a woman that was living on the other side of the suburb to me. And her son was about 14 and he was having trouble sleeping. She said he. He said every time he closes his eyes, there's eyes behind his eyes and he can't sleep. It's scary. So he was sleeping in her bed with her, which she thought was a bit unhealthy at 14, right. She was a single mum, so she asked me if I would do this process with her. So I go through and start taking him through. Now, each time you do a regression, you're doing at the max, I found about three lives before someone found the body. Found it a bit hard to deal with, right. But this kid kept on jumping from life to life before we could actually finish it. And at the time, I was working with Archangel Michael, right? And so he's jumping from one life to the other, and one of them was. He was this army guy, and he was just about to jump off a cliff. But before we could work with it, he's gone and jumped to another life. So I'm sort of talking to Michael and saying, you know, what do I do about this? And he says, it's all good. Leave it, you know. So anyway, he comes back into his body and he sort of mentions the army guy, but I'm sort of switching off by this stage. And I said, oh, you know, now you got the qualities of the army guy, forgetting that the guy was just about to jump off the cliff. So I go outside having a cup of tea with his mum. Everything is normal, you know, I've finished for the day, and I go home, get my kids in the shower, the whole thing, you know, normal afternoon routine. And I get this phone call from her and she says, could we have stuffed up? Like, what do you mean? She said, that's not my son. He won't look at me. His voice is different. His make. Mannerisms are different. And I freak out, right? Like, oh, my God, the army guy. And she said, I don't know what you're gonna do, because now he thinks you're a witch, so he's not gonna let you work on him ever again, right? Okay. Okay. So I said, look, I've got the kids in the. In the shower. I've just got to sort out some stuff. I'll work it out and I'll give you a call back. Yeah, you know, go and turn off the food on the stove and make sure the kids aren't drowning, you know, and race into my bedroom and called out to Michael. And I'm like, what do I do? You know? And he said, just go over in your light body and take him to the light. Me, I don't believe in any of it still, right? So just do it, though. Go over in my light body, take this army guy to the light. And sure enough, here's these other entities with all the. And I'm like, oh, that's why there was a little girl that was a bit nasty, you know, all these eyes. So I took all them to the light as well, and off I went and finished. I think we even had dinner before I rang up the woman. She told me exactly when I did it. She was like, thank you so much. You know, I saw him come back. I shift. I could see the energy leave. So I get off the phone, and I'm like, oh, far out. I am a witch. Like, it totally freaked me out. And I had a lot of christians in my life at the time. And one of them wasn't. Was an old woman that was trying to, you know, get me to convert. And so I was freaking out, like, who am I working for? You know? And the next day, I think it was. I was going up to the Daintree camping with some friends, and so they had already started camping, and I was just waiting for them on the side. And if you've ever been to the daintree, you know, there's no street lights or anything. It's just the rainforest. [00:29:46] Speaker B: It's beautiful. [00:29:47] Speaker A: Yeah, it's beautiful. So the stars, you can imagine overnight time, there's just thousands of stars. I'm laying on top of my car, waiting for them to come and get me. They're gonna get me in a boat right on the Daintree river. And so I'm looking up at the sky going, who am I working for? You know, am I doing the right thing? You know, like, all the questions that you ask. And at the time, I was called Liz. I grew up being Liz. And so the. The reason I knew that something was talking to me was because this energy inside of me would call me Elizabeth. Right? So I'm looking up at the stars, and, like, I want to know if I'm working for the right side. And I got a. Of course you're working for the right side, Elizabeth. You know, like, and I throw my hand on the roof of the car, and I chuck a tantrum, and I'm like, I don't want to go any further. I'm not going any further until someone gives me a sign, and I want a sign, like in the movies, or, I'm not going any further. Yeah. Demanded it. Yep. Total commandment. And so I had been there for maybe ten minutes, looking up at the sky. As soon as I said that, I got three shooting stars, and I was there, I don't know, ten minutes afterwards, five minutes. Like, it was just in that moment. And that was when I started recognizing things. Like, I used to go into Holloway's beach, and I'd see this little girl on the side of the road, and I used to pretend that she was the signpost because it didn't want to acknowledge that I could see her. And so when I got those stars, I went, okay, now I acknowledge that little girl. She was in a victorian night dress. Next time I went and saw. Went past, saw her, I said to her, you know, hey, what are you doing? She said, I'm waiting for my father to come home. And I saw an image of horse and cart creating the Kuranda railway. And he had had a horse and cart accident and died in the making of the Kuranda railway. As soon as she said that, I saw, you know, 50 odd people behind her in their light bodies. And I said to her, you just have to turn around. He's waiting for you. She turned around. They all went, never saw her again. It was about a year later. They were changing all the stuff on the esplanade. And now they've got, like, these info stands, and I'm waiting for the kids to come back from an ice cream. I'm standing there and I read of how many people died making the Kuranda railway with the horse and cart and everything. So it was a confirmation that, yes, that was an experience. Yeah. [00:32:48] Speaker B: Wow. Wow. So you're literally doing light work there, helping the spirits to cross over. But obviously, you, you know, even though you have this. Well, at the time, had this really strong disbelief in your abilities and. And things that were happening around you, you're still calling in Archangel Michael. I mean, how did that come? [00:33:06] Speaker A: I know. Well, because of the people I was working with, with the paths, life, aggression. Like, one of the things that she loved about me. Cause she was writing a book which has never been published, but I still have the manuscript. I mean, seven years we were doing regressions every single. Every single weekend. Nelli. Like, it was intense training, and I call it training now because, you know, it ended up being this little group, but technically the end of it. I realized I was in a bit of a cult, and I ended up having to leave, which was very, very intense. It was a very. I mean, it was part of my spiritual growth, but it was. It was such a hurt because she. She took me through, you know, she believed what everyone believed in what she was saying, and she ripped everything away from me because I decided to stand up for myself and say, no, I want to work on this myself. But the actual process, the seven years, she loved working with me because I hadn't read any books, right. I didn't know anything about Le Maria or Atlantis or Pleiadian. Like, all these people are talking about all this weird stuff in my mind, but she loved working with me because I was like a blank slate and I was very innocent. And so the stuff that came through was very powerful and wasn't tainted by my conscious mind. So. So there was stuff that she. That I confirmed for her, you know, from biblical times or, you know, different things. And. Yeah, so it was. It was weird. There was part of me that was like, oh, yeah, I'm working with Archangel Michael and doing all these things. And another part that, like, totally normalized it. Like, it was just. And even to this day, as I said to you before we started, all of these things that have happened to me, I have never really spoken about until just lately, because I've recognized now, like, this is not as normal as people. You know, people think it is really connecting with the universe, and this is. I need people to. I want to share my story to normalize it, because we all have the ability. It's not a gift. It's if we can really strip the layers of those, you know, vibrations that are out of alignment, we become more and more of ourselves in the process. And that alignment that we start recognizing, energetically aligning with, with our core, our spirit. These are the things that will happen to all of us. Like, this is leveling up the planet. This is leveling up consciousness and becoming more super aware of our ability to connect with each other telepathically and all read energy and all that sort of stuff. And it's coming. We're all doing it. More and more people are waking up. Right? [00:36:25] Speaker B: Yeah, that's definitely happening, for sure. I mean, Charles Ford actually spoke of the changing of times. And the time that we're moving now into is the paradigm of magic, because all the other stories are starting to die, and we're seeing that all over the planet. That's why all of the controllers are panicking and doing all the weird stuff they're doing. But eventually, we're going to turn away from their narratives, which are actually completely ineffective. And they are anti human, to put it plainly. Yeah, yeah. And it's a big time of change, and I'm glad to be a part of it. I mean, I punched a ticket to come here and live on this planet at this time. And at first, I didn't believe that that was possible, but now I'm actually at a point now, after interviewing so many people, it's obvious we chose all this. Yeah, we came here to, you know, to go on this ride and to enjoy this ride of this big change. So, yeah, um, it's good to be able to recognize that, and I'm glad that you are, too, and able to spread that word. And, yeah, you've been through a lot of things, and, I mean, you actually went through some really strong and potent, um, health issues, too, that you did some self healing on. Can you talk about those? [00:37:39] Speaker A: Yeah, because, again, this is, you know, when you're connected to your higher self with this quantum energy. It's just part of the ride. Right. Um, so one of the things I want to emphasize is that as we're here in a spiritual body, you know, as a. As an individual, because we've separated, we're not completely whole. And we have moments. Well, not completely whole unless we believe we are. Right. But we have these moments where shit happens. Right. Like, one of the things that I often find in spiritual groups as well is that belief that, you know, like, oh, you had a four and a half centimeter brain tumor. I wonder what happened to you. Like, where are you? Out of alignment. Right. [00:38:30] Speaker B: Like, trying to lay the guilt on you. Like. [00:38:32] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:38:33] Speaker B: You're not perfect, are you? It's like. [00:38:34] Speaker A: That's right. [00:38:35] Speaker B: Weird, right? [00:38:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. And it's just as bad as any other religion or non religion, you know, like, it's crazy, but anyway. Yeah, it is. It's true. So I am not perfect, and neither is anyone else, which is. Yeah. But, um, the first experience I had was a 15 centimeter fibroid. And, um, I just went through it. Like, it's like these big things happen, and I just. It sort of. I just step in and go, yep, okay, let's do this. You know, and I think one of the reasons is because I am aware that we're all one and there is no deaths. So I don't have this fear of death that, you know, I'm in survival mode. So I just naturally would step into it. [00:39:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:26] Speaker A: And so I found myself. The reason I found out I had it was because I fell pregnant. Nine weeks in, I start bleeding. So I'm like, what's going on? No signs of anything. Like, 15 cm is crazy. Biggest, like, apparently it's huge, right? When you think of fibroids. And so, long story short, I actually lost the baby 20 weeks in. And then they're telling me because of my age and my condition, that they would have to take my uterus out. Now at the time, like, I don't go to the doctor, right? So I'm like, no one is touching me with a knife. This is my uterus, and no one's taking it out of. [00:40:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:13] Speaker A: So I did two weeks at home in pain. I had this pain of a nighttime. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't. Like, I'd been cleaning up my. My diet and I did some regression work to work out why I. Why it was created and all the things. But two weeks I was in pain and I wasn't even telling my partner at the time, I was like, no one's to know that this is happening or they're going to try and get me to go to the hospital, and then next thing they're going to rip me my uterus out. So I get to this point in this pain, and I'm talking every single day where all of a sudden it dawns on me. So talk about inspired wisdom, you know, higher self wisdom. All of a sudden I realize that this is me resisting the process, and maybe part of my journey is to have my uterus taken out. And so I went, aha, okay, well, I'll go and have it taken out. I didn't realize I was resisting, so I said goodbye to my uterus and had a bit of a cry. All the things that had given me and kid you, not after two weeks, every single day, just that one decision. I had three days with no pain. [00:41:35] Speaker B: Wow. [00:41:36] Speaker A: Yeah. So three days later, I start having pain again. I'm like, okay, let's go to the hospital. They give me some morphine, send me home, have pain again. I think it was the. They did the same the third time. I'm on the floor in the emergency screaming at them, give me your drugs, like I need help. So they. I ended up in an emergency gyne clinic down in Cairns because I was living in the tablelands at the time. So an hour and a half away, they put me in. Into a. I know that's right. I went down just to a clinic when I had no pain. Always. The pain was during the night. I go to this clinic, the guy walks in and during the day I start having pain while I've got this gyne with me. And he says, let's go and have a look. As we walk past, I see the only female gyne that I'd seen while I was pregnant. And she was the only one that said it should be okay. You know, like, I've had a fibroid and twins, and it was all good. So she was the first one that gave me hope. I saw her, she was like, oh, can I come in as well? She does this process and, you know, check me out. And all I remember is her going, oh my God. Oh my God. We've got to get her in now. Next time. Next morning I woke up, she comes in to and she said, I'm so glad to see you. And she said, I didn't think you'd be here. And I laughed and she said, no, I don't think you realize what I'm talking about. She said, I woke up at 03:00 this morning worried that you were going to go. She said, you were so close, so close to going. My whole uterus was infected. And so they put me on three different types of antibiotics. One of them was such at a high, like, the highest you could get, that they had to keep on doing blood tests to make sure they weren't poisoning me, and I would be in. And so they're waiting for the infection so then they could work out what to do. But over nighttime, this pain had started again. So I do as much as I could by myself. And then I'd finally go, I'm keeping the other women in the warden awake because I'm, you know, rocking and walking up and down. And once I got to the point where the pain was too much, I went and asked for their morphine, went and laid in bed, and just was in pain enough that I didn't have to move. But I'd wake up with this thing in between my legs, right? And they're going, oh, no, no, no. It's not the fibroids. You can't get rid of a fibroid like that. You. You know, it's. It's just a polyp or something else, you know? But three times, my body let go of this fibroid. And it got to the point where they did an ultrasound. I went, we have no idea how you're doing it, but you are expelling the fibroid. And so I had all the students, by everyone, they were, like, turned into a case. Yeah, it turned into a case, right? Because no one could work out how my body was doing it, but I ended up. No, no scars. Still got my uterus and released the whole thing by myself. Wow. But that moment. If I hadn't have had that moment of inspiration from my higher self to say, what if it's your. What if you're supposed to lose your uterus and surrender? I don't. I wouldn't be here because I wouldn't. I would have been so stubborn that I would have most probably like, with her saying, we thought, we're going to lose you. I would have died at home. [00:45:22] Speaker B: Wow. [00:45:23] Speaker A: But that little tiny inspiration from higher self that knew that, that's what it had to tell me for me to stop being stubborn and actually like, oh, okay, maybe I'm. If this is my journey, then, okay, I'm in. You know? But, um, it was that momentous. [00:45:42] Speaker B: Did you have any intuitions as to why that actually formed in the first place? Did that actually come through. [00:45:47] Speaker A: Yeah. It was all about the, you know, the pain and the labor of creation. And that, funnily enough, happened just before I had this experience of leaving that group because I was still with the past life aggression group. [00:46:05] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:46:06] Speaker A: And I came out that, and she had been doing some crazy stuff, like spending money that she shouldn't have. And I questioned her about it, but I said, you know, I've got no judgment, total allowance, but, you know, this money that you've spent, and it was supposed to be for this company, they keep asking me for it. But you actually made this decision, so you need to talk to them instead. It's not my responsibility. And she didn't like that as a teacher. So a couple of weeks. Sorry, a couple of days later, she came to me with a couple of the other women and said, oh, we're so sorry, but we've just. We've just done some work on you, and you've got this dark goddess in you that's, you know, blanketing the consciousness of the group and creating seeds of doubt, and it's blanketing the consciousness of the world and the group. And so we need to do this regression on you to clear this energy. Well, in my innocence. And this is important for your listeners to know, stay in your innocence. Right? In my innocence, I said, and I didn't think of it being bad at the time, but I said to her, I said, you know, I've been in this group for seven years. If I can't work out how to get rid of this myself, then there's something wrong with your teachings. Whoa. I know. I didn't think about. In hindsight, I'm like, oh, I can understand why that was a problem. Right? [00:47:41] Speaker B: What a burn. [00:47:42] Speaker A: Yeah. But I believed her. I actually believed her. And so I went back, I stopped sort of hanging out, and, you know, we had a little group that we were doing meditation and past life aggression and building up this business, and I pulled out and was like, every single thought that I had, like, oh, is that the dark goddess? You know, like, even was concerned about being jealous because somebody else was meeting someone that I hadn't seen, you know, oh, there's the dark goddess. I was like, literally every thought I had, I was going crazy with, you know, this is. This is this energy. And then one day after it happening again, all of a sudden, it, like, it just dawned on me. I'm like, oh, my gosh, who's blanketing the consciousness and creating seeds of doubt? Like, it's not me. And I just had this realization of who it was. And so, yeah, I pulled out, but she then. So I've just lost a baby. I've just been through the. I, you know, nearly died. I nearly had to have blood transfusion. So I've had, you know, was in this place of really being quite weak. She started sending me emails and they. They were all ringing me saying, you know, she was saying that this is a pivotal point in my spiritual development and if I don't make the right decision, that I would have another 250 lifetimes, that I'd have to come back if I don't make the right decision. [00:49:23] Speaker B: God, it sounds like such culty bullshit. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Oh, it was crazy. And so I said, you know, I get where you're coming from, and I understand because I still believed in her. [00:49:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:37] Speaker A: I said, I get where you're coming from, and I know what you're saying, but there's something deep within me. They're saying, this is what I've got to do. And if it means that I'm going to have another 250 years, a life times, then so be it, because I'm going with what I need to do. [00:49:55] Speaker B: Good on you. [00:49:56] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. It was the most powerful thing I've been. And because of that, CJ, such spiritual development in that, because now I feel darkness and manipulation. So, like, I can see that. I can snip it out, you know, like. And it doesn't happen in my reality because I'm so attuned to it. And don't judge it. I don't judge it, I'm just aware of it. And so because of that, darkness sees me and knows it just can't. It doesn't have any power over me. So therefore, you know, because of that one, I've got the ability to support any darkness that needs to be shifted into the light so that, you know, there's just the presence of the compassion, love and understanding shifts. And people say, I just feel so safe with you. But to any darkness that is really intense knows that I know the laws of the universe and they won't come near me. [00:51:09] Speaker B: Wow. Yeah. Right? So it sounds like. I mean, to me, I would say she cursed you in some way. [00:51:16] Speaker A: She tried to, yeah. [00:51:18] Speaker B: But she threw those things on you and it manifested into a fibroid, so. [00:51:22] Speaker A: Yes, yes, absolutely. Because I was. Yeah. With her for seven years. Yeah, yeah. [00:51:28] Speaker B: Wow. [00:51:28] Speaker A: But in saying that, I also never, ever felt like I went down the wrong path. [00:51:35] Speaker B: No, no. It's all a part of the story. Necessary. Right. [00:51:39] Speaker A: And because I'd only just spiritually woken up. I know that if I was left to be the devices of, you know, spirituality, I would have gone all over the place and most probably been completely confused. But being in that one little group, doing the regression, all of those things, I was very isolated. And so that's when I started reading books and I developing my own understanding of who I was and how the universe worked. And so it's sort of like a little hub that helped me. You know what was really interesting? Throughout the seven years, I had many past lives where I was birthing this messiah, right? And I had this problem with it because, you know, who am I to be birthing a messiah? But when I recognize that a messiah just means a teacher, I started letting go of any resistance. Well, I had a friend that supported me, a psychologist friend, that was in the same little group, not in the group, but in the same building where we were working. That helped me debrief the process afterwards, as I was releasing it all. And all of a sudden, I had this realization that all the way through, my spirit was telling me that I'm birthing this. It was often a male all the way through, and all of a sudden, I had this realization, oh, my gosh. This whole process is to be able to birth myself. I was birthing myself to be part, you know, to be a teacher, basically. [00:53:19] Speaker B: Brilliant. You are the Messiah. [00:53:23] Speaker A: Aren't we all right, I think so. [00:53:25] Speaker B: I think so. But it's a realization point, right, that a lot of us don't want to actually grab ahold of. I mean. I mean, I've had experiences where I was taken up into the eternal light forever and for infinity and then brought back to Earth. And, you know, the point of all of that experience was to say that you are God, but we are God at the same time. And, you know, for want of a better word, but we are the creator and we are the creation all at the same time. And when we go into that flow, we're in accord with the universe, and amazing things can happen. Now, talking about amazing things that happened for you also had a financial windfall that dropped into your account while at the hospital bed and how that coincided with the successful removal of a brain tumor that you had. [00:54:19] Speaker A: So that's my other big health issue. [00:54:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:54:24] Speaker A: So the fibro was like, twelve years ago, but a couple of years ago, I started having, you know, a bit of a headache thing and was looking after my mum at the time. I'm not one to go to the doctor, as you can imagine, and. But I don't have any problem with it either. So I'd been taking my mum to the doctor and I mentioned that I had water in my ear and this weird pressure headache. Well, without examining me, she says, oh, it doesn't sound like anything medical. Well, being a massage therapist for 25 years, I think, oh, maybe my atlas is out, you know, like the first vertebrae. So I start doing all sorts of crazy stuff. Acupuncture, chiropractic massage, you know, ayurvedic medicine, naturopathy, cold water therapy, all this stuff. Twelve months of, you know, trying to get this to calm down and. And I had moments where I did, but then I had an incident where I coughed in and it was intense when it. When I had the pressure, it was like, hold your head sort of pressure, right? [00:55:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:55:37] Speaker A: And I coughed. I was walking down the street with my daughter and I had to grab her arm and she went off at me, you know, like, mom just gone, bloody get it checked out, you know, and then you can do your stuff, right? So this, this was super synchronous. Like, you're going to love this because this is synchronicity to a tea. So I just moved to the area, didn't have a GP that I went to. I went, okay, I better, you know, I had another experience. I was at home by myself and went, okay, I better go and check it out. Look up Google. Where's the local GP? So I went. Got in that day, which is rare, right? This is around Covid. And so got in that day, just happened to go to a GP that had done four years in neurosurgery prior to being a GP, right? Just happened walk in. He looked at my eyes and said, yep, you, there's something going on. You need to go and have a CT scan the next day. Went to a CT scan half an hour later. They say, you need to be in emergency. Now you've got a four and a half centimeter brain tuber. So he says to me, pack your bags, take your bags with you, because there won't be a neurosurgeon on emergency on a Friday afternoon who walks in a neurosurgeon, right? [00:57:01] Speaker B: What? [00:57:02] Speaker A: Yeah. So the neurosurgeon walks in, does all these tests and looks at me and goes, how does someone like you have something like this? He said, you should be having balance and coordination issues, blackouts and seizures, and you've just got headaches. So he said, go home. I had to decide whether I was going to do the removal myself. Like as in energetically, like I'd done with the fibroid or whether I was going to get it removed. So I tuned in. I just spent the whole time tuning in. Went straight into higher self, you know what I call super conscious, which is interesting, super normalized. Right? And so got this sign, I'm just gonna get it out. So I went in on Monday. Now I was running. I was just about to start my conscious creator circle for the first time. And so I had 20 women waiting to jump into this circle. And my business mentor said, you're going to have to have at least two months off. Right. So I'd been using a banking software system that wasn't working very well. I was having all these bumps in it. And someone had told me, three different people, actually, different story had told me about stripe. And I went, I sort of know about stripe because they send me these emails. I don't open them because I'm not using them, but, you know, I'll use stripe. So I go into hospital, forget all my chemical free stuff, walk into the shower, and here's some manuka honey shampoo and conditioner that I can use. Right. I'm laying in bed waiting for this surgery for, they've done an MRI, so I'm waiting for the results and looking through my phone and here's an email from stripe. And I think, oh, I'm going to use that when I get out. What do they want to say? So I clicked on it. They said, you need to verify yourself. Okay, I'm just sitting here, so get out my license, put it on the bed, take a photo, start scrolling away. Next thing I know, I get another email saying, now you've verified yourself, we need to give you a payout. And I had $12,990 put into my account. Yeah. Straight up. Just as I'm having to have, you know, two, two months off. [00:59:29] Speaker B: Wow. [00:59:30] Speaker A: Because women had been paying me for my services and I, at the time, that's changed now because of the frequency thing, but at the time it didn't take much notice of money and so it was reconciling in my zero, but I didn't realize that it wasn't going into my account. [00:59:50] Speaker B: Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, right. [00:59:52] Speaker A: So is this accumulation because other people have paid in other means? So I'm still getting money coming in, but I didn't realize money, no. [01:00:01] Speaker B: Wow. [01:00:02] Speaker A: But that's not where it stops because I then had, I had this one experience where, which, you know, I won't go into it because, you know, like the story that's already quite long. But when I was leaving that, you know, to go into surgery, the last nurse I spoke to, her name was angel, not abbreviated. The first nurse I opened my eyes to, her name was Crystal, and the surgeon said that she cut my head open and it popped out. She got the whole thing. I had no pain afterwards. I had no follow up surgery, no follow up radiation, nothing. There was nothing that happened. They had to put me in the trauma ward, got no health insurance, and I had two single rooms. As I was going through, the people, the nurses in trauma ward kept on coming in and saying, you know, we want to apologize because, you know, I know that you should be going home, because I was showering myself and everything, straight up, and they said, you know, it's policy that you've got to be here for three or four days afterwards and then go back into the ward. And so, yeah, I. It was just this amazing flow all the way through, even this one bit where I didn't, they had to stop the surgery until the next day. And even that was an amazing experience where I got to meet a man that, because I hadn't packed my bags, I wasn't in the surgery already, and my surgeon was the only one that could fix his aneurysm. And he was alive because I didn't paint my bags. And I got to meet him. He was right next to me in the trauma ward, and I watched him and his wife and his seven year old come in to the room, and I, you know, because I didn't pack my bags, he was alive, you know? So it was just this unbelievable process, like, you know, I'd never not want to have it again. It was such an amazing process, you know? [01:02:23] Speaker B: Awesome, awesome. Sounds like you're stepping into a bit of life alchemy there, which touches on some other things that you've experienced with alchemy. But we are getting towards what I'd call the normal end of the show. Can you go a bit longer and talk about the alchemy aspect? [01:02:39] Speaker A: Yeah, sure. [01:02:40] Speaker B: Okay. So how do you attribute your ability to create and unlock the secrets of alchemy to the profound experiences that you've encountered throughout your life? I mean, what does it mean to you, this. This sort of life alchemy. [01:02:53] Speaker A: Life alchemy. So alchemy is a beautiful process. You know, there's so many things out there. Law of attraction, you know, Doctor Joe Dispenza, all of these things out there about how to create. And often we are given part of the information, but not all of the information. So alchemy is, you know, just this five step process. Actually, it's four, but I've added a fifth. So you've got to know what you want to create. So we are creators, as you were saying, and the creator and the created. So when you're in flow, when you've pulled away, like, dissolved all of those vibrations that are getting in the way, you've got to choose what you want to create. You make the decision. You are the focal point. So you got to know what you want to create a. You've got to become it now, because in the now moment, we are. We are the being, because there is no past and present and future. So you've got to become the person now, become that vibration. You've got to know what's going on in your current reality that's getting in the way. So now you've got two points in the field, right? You've got a structure. You've got future and present. And so now. And, you know, your listeners won't be able to see this, but this is how I share with my clients, you know, with an elastic band, to show we've now got this. This structure in the universe. And so once you know what's getting in your way, in your current reality, there's three levels of consciousness. We've got our conscious that wants to change and. And grow and become. We've got our unconscious, which is this part that's plugged into the matrix that is on this cycle, like software that tells us how to be, because shows, you know, how to ride a bike, how to brush our teeth, how to be in the world. And this part of us doesn't want to change. Well, this part's made the decision that we're not good enough, we're broken in some way, we're not safe, and is in survival mode. That part holds us back from this creation that we want to be in. So we've got our unconscious that doesn't want to change and our conscious that does want to change. And this is the mindset work, right, where we've got this inner conflict. Well, then we've got this other part, this quantum field, which I call the superconscious, that actually doesn't care if you change or not, as long as you're experiencing. And at that level is all the codes of everything ever has been. So the fourth step of the way I create life alchemy, is to go to that superconscious level and say, hey, see all this stuff that's getting in the way past lives, DNA, bloodline, generational stuff, conditioning from our childhood, world beliefs, whatever it might be that's holding us back, let's recode it. And so we shift it, dissolve that frequency, allow it to come back in so that we're in flow. And the fifth step is then taking aligned action. So listening to that higher wisdom that says, go to the hospital or whatever, you know, like walk down the street and meet your amazing partner, whatever it might be, the moment will give you an actionable step. And action is just as important, right? Taking that step to listen to your higher wisdom and be in flow with it. Because we are living in time and space. We are having an experience as an individual. And through this process, we have the opportunity to be in flow, but we've got to take action in that flow as well. [01:06:57] Speaker B: Wow. Very good summary and a deep explanation there of how that works. That makes a lot of sense to me. So, Susan. Sorry, Susan. Sorry, Elizabeth. I don't know where I got Susan from. Where can people find you and avail themselves of your services? [01:07:19] Speaker A: So mainly on Facebook. I'm sort of in all different places. You know, you can find me on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, all the places. But my main hub is Facebook. But on Facebook, I'm Elizabeth. Eleanor. So Eleanor is an unusual spelling. It's e l e n o r. So, yeah, grab me on Facebook. My website is elizabethellinor.com. dot au. And yeah, friend me on there, or just send a message. Let me know that you saw me on super normalized or heard me on super normalized. So I know that because sometimes I don't respond to friend requests. So, yeah, that would be awesome. [01:08:08] Speaker B: Excellent. Excellent. Thank you very much for your sharing today. And, yeah, I'll just say goodbye to listeners. That was an awesome episode with Elizabeth, and I'm sure we actually could have talked for a lot more, although there was so much information in that one that I'm sure that if you've listened to this one or watched it on YouTube, that you might actually come to a point where you're like, oh, so much information. But I think that it's still easily grasped. So if you've enjoyed today's show, please, as Elizabeth said, please reach out to her on her socials. I'll put those on the show notes down below here on either YouTube or on your podcast that your app that you're using right now. And if you really did enjoy the show, please tell her because I'm sure she'll appreciate that. And yeah, if you've also enjoyed the show, please you're on YouTube, like and subscribe. And if you're on your podcast app and you've really enjoyed the show, I think the best thing you can do, if you value the show, is to show that value by sharing it to a friend who you know will actually enjoy the show as well. Just one person's enough. And that spreads the word about these good information packets that I'm sort of grabbing from the universe by talking to these amazing people. And until next episode, it's bye for now.

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