Episode 85

May 16, 2024


David Alan Aeon Interview #4 Can Revoking Soul Contracts Break You Free?

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David Alan Aeon Interview #4 Can Revoking Soul Contracts Break You Free?
Supernormalized Podcast
David Alan Aeon Interview #4 Can Revoking Soul Contracts Break You Free?

May 16 2024 | 01:01:16


Show Notes

We welcome back to the show David Alan Aeon for another instalment in his Matrix series this time he wanted to go over some detail on revoking soul contracts and how that can set you free. The why you should do it, how it's done and then some detail on some work he did with a friend recently on a rooftop in St Kilda. #supernormalized #matrix #escape #aeon #gnosticprison
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: What's so important is people have to desubscribe, they have to unsubscribe, they have to get rid of these contracts, and they have to renegotiate other contracts. And if they don't say, yeah, you have not got my consent, or I withdraw my consent, obtained by coercion or deception, then it's just going to keep on going. The parasite is going to thrive. [00:01:11] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional, break boundaries and normalise the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. In this episode of supernormalized, I've got David Allen Aon back on again. In this one, we're talking about revoking his revoking soul contracts and the benefits of that as a methods and a means to escape the matrix. Enjoy the show. Welcome to supernormalized, David Allen Aon. This is our fourth interview with David. It wasn't actually as a part of the original idea, but David's come back to me and asked if he could show some more information and tie some loose ends up that he saw by watching the or listening to the podcast himself. So, yeah, we're back on live. Maybe unshare your screen there, David, because people might be looking at that as a starter. Sure. [00:02:35] Speaker A: Sorry about this. Where's the Zoom screen? [00:02:42] Speaker B: All right, I'm just going to stop it for you. [00:02:48] Speaker A: Stop. Share. Okay, there we go. [00:02:50] Speaker B: So that's back to us. All right, so welcome, David. All right, so over the last few episodes, we've covered over David's story of reaching a samadhi event that happened down at Bondi beach area, and then that led him into a greater understanding of gnostic wisdom and methods to escape the seemingly gnostic prison that people live in. And so we welcome David back to the show. He wanted to tie us up some loose ends. So. Yeah, good to have you back. [00:03:28] Speaker A: Thank you. Thank you. Giving me this chance to wind things up and introduce some principles that I think need to be enunciated fairly clearly because people know these principles at some level, but they're really quite important. So I just wanted to talk about the principles of spiritual jurisprudence prudence, because we've got to separate principles, spiritual principles, spiritual laws, physical laws, and what I call legalities. And legalities are important because we can subscribe unknowingly to the wrong network, we can be deceived, we can be cajoled, we can be coerced into agreements, traps of agreements, contracts that we shouldn't enter into because we've been tricked. And I just wanted to talk about this notion. First of all, it'll backtrack a little bit and look at this question of angelic entities incarnated onto earth, and they become trapped, lose consciousness of why they're here a lot of the time and what their purpose is, what their mission is and who they are. And they become trapped, if you like, in the soul matrix. Well, the question is, how is it possible for these angelic beings to be so full? And the question can be answered by, again, the gnostics, and please forgive me for bringing up the gnostic material again and again, but they did know quite a lot. They did understand these principles. I don't know how they managed to do it. Probably meditating in caves, fasting, prayer, things like that, I guess. But they have a taxonomy of individuals, broadly divided into three categories, the hylix, the psychics and the pneumatics. Now, the psychics doesn't have a contemporary meaning, it just refers to people who have a soul. And you might think, well, don't we all have a soul? Well, not everyone you encounter on this plain 3d world has a soul. And these were called the hylixes. The hiluxes roughly correspond to the NPC's and on player characters or background characters that you might have heard about. And the pneumatics are those who are fully insolved, fully connected. And the percentages are around. I think if you listen to these pundits, percentages is only about 15% of people walking around have souls. That's surprising. [00:06:50] Speaker B: How do they come to that number? [00:06:52] Speaker A: I don't know. It is a strange thing. Well, we say, well, they have been granted this information and knowledge by their guides, or they've had out of the body experiences, or they've been initiated. [00:07:12] Speaker B: Well, I get. I get all that, but, you know, there's also tricksters in other realms too. They could be just pulling them by the. By the ear and saying, you know, look, if you believe this, I'll blow up your ego. [00:07:23] Speaker A: Well, I don't know. I don't claim to have any final knowledge. Everyone likes to think, oh, well, I'm one of the 15% yeah, I'm chosen. I'm chosen, I'm chosen. And this is, uh, gives you a little fill up, a little thrill. [00:07:42] Speaker B: Everyone wants to be special, right? Because when you're special, then you feel like you're more one with God. But the point is then you're actually also distracted from God because you're lost in your own ego. [00:07:53] Speaker A: Exactly. The sin of spiritual pride it was. Changpa wrote the classic work on spiritual materialism. As a Buddhist, uh, he, he knew full well this trap, but he embraced it, became a womanizer and a drug. Anyway, getting. You're right. I don't have any hard data on this. [00:08:15] Speaker B: I not ask for hard data, I just ask. But, you know, I'm just curious. I'm like, where do they get that? You know? Yeah, that's like climate change people, they. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Like, just pluck it out world. You know, a guy in a white coat, lab coat, told me, and his research is financed by the who and wef and cloud Schwartz, and so we believe it. [00:08:42] Speaker B: Where did you meet this guy? He was at a party. [00:08:44] Speaker A: He talks well, he's educated, he's, he's got all the degrees, so he must be right. [00:08:49] Speaker B: Well, fancy dress parties take different forms, so. [00:08:51] Speaker A: Yeah, fancy dress party. That's right. It's a charade. It's a game of charades, and it's a pageant. The pageantry of actors. Yeah, funny how they use that word actor. The international actor. [00:09:08] Speaker B: I know it makes you think about that. Go back to the worlds of stage. Isn't it really? [00:09:12] Speaker A: Worlds of stage. That's it. So I have to be careful not to be entranced or entertained, which is very close to entrained, so entrained to accept these things. The longer I live, the more I realize, yeah, this is not just a little bit the case. It's totally the case. So this is why I want to look at scientism and I want to have a look at a meeting I had with a friend of mine, Doctor Jack Olocco, who's a neuroscientist, PhD in psychedelic research and research to do with the effects of substances. And he's made a lot of money on patenting his telemetry technology and he's quite, now he's only 39. [00:10:05] Speaker B: Wait a minute, what's this telemetry technology? I mean, I've never heard of it. [00:10:08] Speaker A: Well, yeah, well, apparently it's software that, for example, he was doing a lot of sleep research and he came up with software that makes sense of the, the data because there's a torrent of data that has to be analyzed and stochastically categorized. And his software does that. I don't know the full details, but he's a brilliant man. I'll tell you about my interaction with him later, which is quite interesting, but sort of recent. On Sunday I went to see him and gave him his initiation. And I've actually. His certificate. I gave him the certificate of galactic Citizenship, which can I just show you briefly? [00:10:55] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, sure. Share the screen again. I think we had that before, but we'll go back to it. [00:10:59] Speaker A: Yeah, it's this certificate here. [00:11:04] Speaker B: Okay. [00:11:05] Speaker A: And there he is. Oh, that's. Sorry, that's the wrong one. Hang on, I'll. Yeah. Am I still sharing? [00:11:15] Speaker B: No, not now. [00:11:16] Speaker A: So sorry, that's not the one I wanted to show you. Anyway, we'll get back to that. First, I wanted to talk a little about the process of entrapment, and just to go over it a little bit. So the question we want to address is, are we a risen ape or a fallen angel? Because scientism would have us believe that we evolved fairly recently from process of natural selection, and that we've risen from being a whole new ape in the space of 250,000 years. [00:11:56] Speaker B: That's just a bizarre form of research. [00:11:57] Speaker A: It's just totally bizarre. And it never ceases to. How can anyone believe that? [00:12:02] Speaker B: But I don't think Darwin even believed it in the end. [00:12:07] Speaker A: No, he didn't. People misunderstand the idea of natural selection. It's not about survival of a fittest or anything. It's just the gradual accumulation of genetic advantages over a long time. And it's a feedback loop. It's consciousness working on the data that's presented to it in the 3d world and making adjustments so you can turn genomic sequences on or off according to the environment. It just demonstrates the supreme intelligence of nature. It's not that darwinism or natural selection or evolution is wrong. It's a combination of divine intelligence and interaction with the environment. It's so obvious that I'm kind of amazed. I have to actually say this to people, and I'm talking about it. Are you a creationist, I. E. A fundamentalist nut job, or do you believe in science? Well, that's. [00:13:05] Speaker B: Wait a minute, wait a minute. We could. Can't call people nut jobs. I mean, people believe things for certain reason. I don't think that they're nut jobs. [00:13:13] Speaker A: I mean, no, but I'm saying this is what you're, um. [00:13:15] Speaker B: This is what you're. This is your current subscription. [00:13:18] Speaker A: This is, this is what? Um. Yeah, sorry. This is. [00:13:23] Speaker B: Yeah, it doesn't mean they're wrong. [00:13:25] Speaker A: I mean, you're considered a nutshell if you're a creationist in certain circles. [00:13:30] Speaker B: In certain circles I would. I would say so, yeah. But that, um. That doesn't mean they're wrong. [00:13:36] Speaker A: Um. No, that's right. I didn't mean any, any disrespect to creationists. I'm saying that having discussion about evolution creates this false dichotomy. You're either one or the other. But this is the oldest trick in the book. Choose one or the other. It's. [00:13:51] Speaker B: Yeah, what's the creative vision again? It's all about. It's all about creating division. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Division? Yeah. You're either this or you're that. Please choose. It doesn't matter what you choose. It's the wings of the same eagle or the same bird. And. Yeah, it's a trick to get you to consent to being governed, for example, voting. You've got this pseudo choice. It's a false choice. It's not really a choice, but I. [00:14:18] Speaker B: Always make you pay money for it. [00:14:22] Speaker A: What was that? [00:14:23] Speaker B: They make you pay money for it. [00:14:25] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. They make you pay for your own prison. This is the genius of it to get back to. Yeah. While we're discussing and warring with one another about creations versus evolution, biology, they're feeding off our loosh. These gnostic view is that it's all a misdirection, diversion. While they can feed off our divine spark, our lush, our emotional energy and parasitizers. So we're building our own prisons. We also pay for our prisons. This is a genius of evil. But the genius of evil is our genius. Because evil and the disconnect connected have no true creativity. They can only copy and invert, just like mirrors. So they're using the products of our IP, if you like, our intellectual property, and they taint it. So it's used, deployed against us to increase the verisimilitude of the simulcrum we're in. [00:15:37] Speaker B: Well, you can see that exposed in all of the media and everything that's being produced. Basically all the popular media is all about murder and crime and everything to keep everything, to keep everyone in this fear. And then you've got all these different multiple letter agencies solving all these crimes. And they're all good. [00:15:59] Speaker A: They're all good. Yeah. This is amazing. Some kids from Sudan went on a rampage and they still cars. Headline news. But we don't hear about the criminal syndicates that are controlling the whole country's populations poisoning us. We don't hear about those crimes. We don't hear about corporate crimes. But I hear Pfizer now have come under the microscope and they've admitted wrong jury, or they've been accused of peddling a untested biological product. [00:16:38] Speaker B: They've probably shorted their own stock. [00:16:40] Speaker A: Yeah, they sort of shrug it off. I'm sure their lawyers are saying, ah, we've done it before. Oh, you just got thrown a few billion bucks. You know, that's right. [00:16:52] Speaker B: Here, Kearson. [00:16:54] Speaker A: We're working out what the icons. We're going to succeed because the icons are backing us. That's it. And everyone subscribed to this network. So it's a no lose situation. I'm involved in a case at the moment. I'm suing the victorian government. And, you know, normally you think they just make an offer, oh, no. They'd rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on using the public purse rather than admit fault. [00:17:24] Speaker B: Do you mind if I ask what that case is? Can you talk about it? [00:17:27] Speaker A: Can't really talk about it. It's sub judice. I'm in the middle of. Okay. They keep rejecting my statement, a claim. They're finding some loopholes, a semantic flaw in it. And like, for example, I'm trying to establish duty of care and they're saying, well, what? We don't owe you a duty of care. Prove that we owe you a duty of care. So I'm putting this metaphysical dilemma I have to, I would have thought, self evident. You've got a duty of care. No, it's not self evident. You gotta point to the legislation, and I've been through all the legislation, and there's no. There's no statute that compels them to have a duty of care at all. So I'm covering all this stuff, and I've realized as soon as you go to court, it's like you're playing the game. You know, you've got a tennis court and you got to play by the rules. Otherwise it's lovely. It's love one. You know, they're one. And your love. And you know where the word love in tennis comes from? From loaf. It's French. L meaning egg, meaning it's a big zero. So luf is egg, but it's also, I'll call it mockery, because we know the egg is the symbol of life, and then they turn everything around. The symbol of life becomes a symbol of death. So what we're wrestling with is not. Is principalities evil in high places, as it says in Ephesians. So we're not, we're not struggling against flesh and blood, we're struggling against whole divisions of evil legions. But anyway, that's. Sorry about that diversion. [00:19:17] Speaker B: It's interesting. [00:19:18] Speaker A: Yeah. So as I said, the gnostics seem to understand this at a very deep level. So they realized the Hylix or the NPC's were just there to keep the Matrix going. Of course they didn't. They never used these modern terms. They used term hilux, we would say NPC or Klepoth. Klepoth's the other term used in Kavala. And Kleph is like an empty shell just to hold the. Whatever program is being run. So they're not running free will at all, they're just running the program. And so the video game analogy is quite accurate. So, you know, you're playing a game with someone and you like a network game and you've got an avatar and the avatar collapses and dies. You think, well, the. What do you mean? That character's dead? No, he's not really dead. The guy running the avatar is just gone to the toilet. He's, you know, he's having a coffee or something. He comes back and the avatar is revitalized, if you like. Well, so the video game analogy. But the, of course the gnostics didn't use this language, but they were on the money. And when I talk about these things, I mentioned the Matrix. I'm trying to convince people who haven't been deconditioned yet and they say the Matrix. Well, what do you mean? It's a movie, isn't it? It's not, it's not real. Well, what do you mean, Matrix? That's only recent. Yeah, but it's just a modern, you know, metaphor that's quite accurate. And I'm invoking it. We all know what we mean by the Matrix now because it's such a common trope. [00:21:12] Speaker B: Yes. And it was exposing at the same time as at the time entertaining. [00:21:19] Speaker A: You talking about the gnostic era? [00:21:21] Speaker B: No, the Matrix itself. The movie. [00:21:24] Speaker A: Yeah, the movie. Well, I recently saw an interview with a woman who's works on the Matrix based on who actually is a black woman. And yes, she unpacked it quite clearly. I'm thinking, where the hell did you get the impulse to write this? But there you go. Part of the jurisprudence, and most people know this, is that the archontic elements have to tell you what they're doing. They have to show you. So that diminishes or eliminates their karma. I don't think it eliminates it, but they can say, well, we told you, it's clear. It's like I'm now trying to find what's the legislation for duty of care, and they're not owed any. Oh, really? Well, we just told you we don't owe your duty of care. But you had to delve into pages and pages of jurisprudential mind bog to uncover this fact. So. [00:22:27] Speaker B: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I want to roll back there. We're birthed into society, and in doing so, we become a fiction in the corporate machine. [00:22:38] Speaker A: Yes, that's. That's right. [00:22:39] Speaker B: Right. So what about. What about looking after their shadow, then? [00:22:44] Speaker A: Well, they only have a duty of care to the corporate fiction. And actually, when you're in a court, the judge is a trustee. He's the trustee of your estate. You haven't claimed your estate. Still lost. And you still have to declare yourself found. I'm a living being. And you take control of your trust. And the trust. Actually, people have tried. This trust is worth quite a lot of money because your birth. I'm sorry if I'm telling what you already know, but the birth certificate has a number attached, and that number is associated with the bond. And the bond can be traded. It's called a negotiable instrument, so you can borrow money. What the government does when it issues a bond is it's future faking. Right? Well, we're taking this money now, and it's backed by the power of the government to tax, control and own its population. So it's a very. It's a very clever trick. And the. You know about the Seskavi trust? The Seskavi trusts in the 13th century evolved from this idea that if you're lost at sea, your estates could be forfeited by the. Not forfeited by the state, but they could be taken over and controlled by the state. And till you return from your argosy, your journey could be a. A merchant endeavor or a war. War at sea. Or you just went on the crusades, where you killed a lot of saracens and murdered a lot of foreign people who had a high culture. You were told that they were evil. [00:24:36] Speaker B: But it's for the good of God. [00:24:38] Speaker A: It's for the good of God. God wants you to do that. It's funny, because I. [00:24:41] Speaker B: What face of God do they stick on there to be able to do that? I mean, that's just bonkers, isn't it, really? [00:24:46] Speaker A: It's crazy. So this is how mind control works. So, I mean, we laugh at it now, but at the time, if you contradicted the. These, the statements of the holy say or the ex cathode statements of the pope, you were deemed a heretic. You could be killed, imprisoned, whatever, or deemed insane. You're insane not to believe the dogma. When I went to Spain, I just was amazed at the art there. Some of the kitsch art, like there's a beautifully rendered painting of Christ being crucified and near the cross next to the Romans, is obviously a muslim, right? He's got a turban and he's a Muslim. Well, we ignore the fact that Islam didn't arrive until 700 years after Christianity. But you can see the propaganda there. It's just today, it's the same old divide and conquer and false dichotomies. And here we've got the Muslims killed. Christ, let's go and kill them. So these, of course, the peasantry of their time, no one was educated enough to really discern the facts. But though everyone understands an image, right, so the image is quite powerful. And I looked at. I was in the Prado and just the paintings there just blew me away. And their kitschness and their crudity in terms of the message they were sending. This one painting I saw where Christ himself is kneeling to the church, the Vatican cardinals, with the implication that the catholic church is above Christ himself. [00:26:47] Speaker B: That's just crazy because, you know, Christ, we know, is an activist, basically, he was running into the church and kicking over the table and saying, what the. What the hell is this stuff? Yeah, right. He was a full activist. So, you know, even Christ got co opted and his ideas stolen and converted into something which was palatable and used for control, you know. And outside of that, the Christ experience is Christ consciousness itself. So, you know, it does make you really come back to the australian slang, which is, if you're going to have propaganda, have a propaganda at it, you're not seeing it. You're not seeing it. [00:27:23] Speaker A: No, that's right. So everything, every noble gesture towards spiritual growth, enlightenment, is just interdicted. It's hijacked and turned into this other thing which is useful for the controller. I mean, the more people invest in it, the more powerful is its inversion and it creates an even stronger grip. [00:27:53] Speaker B: So that's the parasite? That's the parasite waiting? Yeah, it's the parasite waiting to get in and it finds your weakness, whatever that is. And it might be, you know, you might be ascending in some certain way through your actions of meditation or yoga in some way. But there's always a hook that you can get lost in. [00:28:15] Speaker A: There's always a modality which will take something and taint it or defile it or. The term I use in my writings is the M version of the Q source. So the m meaning mirrored and mocked. So you can go through a lot of principles and you'll find the Q and M forms. So the Q form is there in all its glory, and right alongside it is the mirrored and mocked version. Like blood atonement, you know, it's a useful ideology if you are a vampiric impostor God who lives off blood, collecting souls to sequester and feed into the hive mind. And there are lots of. Even in Hinduism, you've got notions of karma. It's a great concept which is just further used to enslave bhakti, which is devotion. Bhakti means to humble your ego and to project it, or to just have reverence for everything and everyone, but it's converted into a worship. The worship chain kicks in. [00:29:40] Speaker B: But that's that idolatry, really. [00:29:43] Speaker A: Idolatry becomes idolatry and yin yang can be deployed to normalize satanic inversions. So, oh, yes, light requires dark. Evil can. Good can't exist without evil. All these absurd ideas that people still. [00:29:58] Speaker B: Hold today makes yin Yang sound quite communist. [00:30:02] Speaker A: Yeah, Yin Yang. Oh, what do you mean? We needed Mao. We needed the cultural revolution. We need people to be wiped out. Then look at the french revolution. It starts off with a lot of noble tenants that ends up people's heads being cut off. It's insane. You see the parasite at work, it's just using everything to feed its crazy lust for blood and madness. This is the problem we're looking at now, how to avoid this, because, yeah, we've got the. The new age staff, we've got all enlightened solve the truth movement. We have people practicing yoga and pouring Shilajit on their pineal gland and all this stuff, all these modalities. What's the point? [00:30:52] Speaker B: What's the point when basically we've all have an unknown, signed, written contract with this universe to behave in a second way. And that's the problem, right? [00:31:04] Speaker A: This is the problem. And people keep. This is a conversation I have with Doctor Locker. He seems to be very naive. Held all these years. He said, it's human nature. It's not. What's human nature to compete, to strive, to, wasn't. [00:31:25] Speaker B: It's not true. It's not true at all. Because you go to different cultures, and. And human nature is absolutely different. People are friendly. People are forgiving and helpful and everything. So the human nature that he's talking about is the one that he knows, which is, you know, the colonized by Whitaker mind. Right? [00:31:44] Speaker A: There you go. It's where? Yeah, Witteco, you call it primordial parasite, the foreign installation, which is what Castaneda called it. Whatever you call it, people have recognized, and societies, civilizations, indigenous groups have recognized its existence, and they've come up with strategies to deal with it. You might call it shadow work, but at least I recognize it's there. But it's like a serpent. You ever seen the statue laocon in? His son is struggling against this serpent. The more he's trying to get out of its grip, the more he's entwining himself around it, which I put on the COVID of this mortal coil. I'll just share this screen. [00:32:41] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. [00:32:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Can you see that? [00:32:52] Speaker B: Yeah, I can see your Zoom screen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:32:56] Speaker A: Laocon and his sons. And this is like the entwinement of the primordial parasite around the genomic structures. But getting back. I seem to be getting diverted a lot. We want to get to the princess. [00:33:18] Speaker B: Unshare the screen again. [00:33:21] Speaker A: Sorry. Blah, blah. Sorry about this. How do I do that? Screen sharing is. Oh, dear. I'm trapped. [00:33:37] Speaker B: How do I do that? [00:33:42] Speaker A: Sorry about this. Not sure your end. Can you stop screen sharing? [00:33:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:33:54] Speaker A: Dear me. Ah. [00:33:58] Speaker B: Something that's mine. [00:34:09] Speaker A: Oh, sorry. I'll try not to look. [00:34:11] Speaker B: It's just. No, no, that's your, um. That's your document. All right. [00:34:19] Speaker A: Oh, Lordy, Lordy. You are viewing on hell. Okay. [00:34:31] Speaker B: Yeah, stop. [00:34:32] Speaker A: That's it. [00:34:33] Speaker B: Found it. Oh, sorry about that. [00:34:36] Speaker A: Um, yeah, yeah. Well, this is what I'm getting around to, where we're leading up to this problem. We must recognize that this parasite is adaptive. Right? It will just cloak itself in the camouflage of its host. So you think it's you. This is the biggest problem. And this is. The question is, how did. How do we get rid of the parasite? What you is it we should be doing? And part of the question is that these entities, these attachments, these psychic invasions, would not have happened without our consent, because that's how, this is the principle of spiritual jurisprudence. Nothing happens without our consent. But our consent's being tricked, finessed, and we've fallen for it. The coercion or whatever. We've finally given in and consented. But the question is, it doesn't really matter how we manage to do that or how they gain consent. The question is, we now have to explicitly declare that we are unsubscribing from that network and that we withdraw our consent and that's retroactive. So you abdue, first of all, you abdue the system, reject it in all its works, and you say, I do not. You invaded me. I do not give consent, and I retroactively withdraw it. And I've done. I've done this recently, I had some people who were bothering me. I had a girlfriend who was slandering me. So I just sent her a letter saying, I realized that this is persistent and it just goes on and on. And it must be because, well, there's a, there's a soul contract there, or a entrapment of agreement. And so I sent us a note saying, I withdraw any consent implied explicitly, that was finessed by deception or other means, and it's retroactive. And so all the soul contracts between us are dissolved. And the normal karmic processes now apply in terms of, yes, she can't do this. If she keeps doing it, there'll be an immediate karmic comeback. And sure enough, there was, since she got that, and I sealed it and I used various techniques to seal the deal. And, yeah, her life started changing in deleterious ways as a consequence of her actions. So if you're, when you're in this world, you're subject to karmic law. But this karmic law is basically just another ploy to keep the sensory circle going. And in the Old Testament, in the, in the first, the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, there's, it's like 363 mitzvahs and mitzvahs is things you must do. Little. Little obeisance, little tasks you must perform, you might call them. They're not really to do with ethics or morals. There are things like, you can't wear wool and cotton together or something like that. If you break them, if you break any of these mitzvahs, sorry, you're in trouble. You know, yahweh doesn't like that we're in trouble. [00:38:18] Speaker B: Was working on a Saturday, right? [00:38:20] Speaker A: You're working on a Saturday. That's right. [00:38:22] Speaker B: And using electronic stuff. [00:38:23] Speaker A: Yeah, look, I turned the light on Friday at dusk, I turned the light on, and that meant really, I was working in a way. So I've had to start again. The point is, it's impossible to go through life without breaking the misfortune. And that's what they want. They know that. That's why they bring them up. Well, no one's going to be able to escape because they've agreed to the contract that if they break the misfoss, they're going to come back here. Well, that's what, that's. That's exactly what they want, these vampiric and these parasites. They want to feed off us and they want to keep us going around. [00:39:05] Speaker B: So they say the matrix, where the battery. I mean, that's exactly what this is. We are the battery for the. [00:39:10] Speaker A: We are the battery for the. We feed it with our creativity and also our life force. So we're creating our own prison. We're paying for our own damn prison. It's so clever. And getting back to Seskavitrust, what started off as a fairly. A benign idea that if you. If you're lost, your family don't know where you are, you become trustees for the estate. Well, then they turn this into, well, everyone who is born is lost at sea, hence the term birth branch, b I r t h. But if you. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Look at it really, I mean, we sort of are, in a twist of words, you know, we punch the tickle for the travel into this realm, which is, you know, ultimately a distraction from the actual truth. So we are lost at sea in some ways. [00:40:00] Speaker A: We are lost at sea. Yeah. And, oh, I saw, when I was in the Rijksmuseum in Holland, it was, they have fantastic art there. Like, they have these Rembrandts that are, like, huge, and I've never seen them before. And one. One painting made an impact. It's a lake, and you've got Protestants and the Catholics on either side of the lake, and all these souls writhing in it, and they're being fished out of the water. The Protestants are fishing them out and the Catholics are fishing them out because they're all drowning in this water. Well, this is a good description. What the holy say is that all these drowning souls, they're lost, and they're right to be plucked by these ecclesiastical powers who have the incredible arrogance to declare that they own not only the bodies, the estates, but also the souls of everyone, of everyone on the planet. And the Vatican City, as everyone knows, is its own separate duchy. It's not subject to normal laws. Same with the city of London, Washington, three areas of the earth that are being given this power of creation of money, which is control and enslavement. So they control the mechanisms of enslavement for the planet, and it's just a matter of desubscribing, unsubscribing to the system, which is why I have designed this certificate or contract with a visionary artist called Hakan Hasim. And on the back of this instrument, I won't go into sharing it right now because I might lose you forever, but it's visible under black light. It's basically a declaration which says that basically I've rescind all these soul contracts and that I have only allegiance or fealty to the mother of form Gaia or earth, and the father of consciousness. And these are the only true allegiances that I reject. The fallen world or the demiurgic world. And this, like, guidelines, seven or nine points which are enshrined in the back, so that on the front there is a seal. So rather than having a name, and I've got a certificate with Doctor Locker's name on it, which I hope I can bring up, there's a seal which has got the suffocates DNA under it, could be a hair or part of that person. So there's no doubt that it refers to this particular individuated soul. [00:43:11] Speaker B: And so this sounds like a complete contractual revocation that is dissolving of what would you call, like, the legal bindings that have. Have kept. [00:43:28] Speaker A: That's right, the soul bindings. [00:43:30] Speaker B: Yeah, the soul bindings. And in doing so, when you're active, when you're, you know, adding that little fragment of humanity that you have to it like a hair or whatever, it becomes like a talisman of sorts that can be used to assist in the warding off of these soul traps. [00:43:50] Speaker A: Very well put. Well, yeah, you're good. Very good. Okay, that's it. You've got it exactly right. So it's a. It's a formalization of this contract. Now I'm trying to introduce. I'm trying to put on the blockchain as well. [00:44:09] Speaker B: And which blockchain? [00:44:13] Speaker A: Well, we're creating an NFT. Every. Every contract or every certificate that's issued is put on the blockchain. Put on the. Becomes an NFT. There's a 3d animation that goes along with it. [00:44:27] Speaker B: Okay, I still have a question now, which blockchains are going on? Ethereum, is it going on? Hathor? Is it going on? [00:44:34] Speaker A: We're creating our own blockchain. This is a process we're evolving now. But the first thing I want to put in place is the kodratonic currency. So what we're designing a currency that is called the. Backed by consciousness called the cogitant. So the unit being the cogitant. So we create a currency which is equivalent to 100 cogitants so you might say, well, this is a crazy idea, but it's not so crazy, because every acting, every reaction in biology is a continence reaction, which occurs through assembly, which can only happen with the presence of consciousness and the unit of consciousness, the cogitron, with units of joule per kelvin. [00:45:21] Speaker B: And question about this, the cogitum chain, is it going to be private? [00:45:29] Speaker A: Private? [00:45:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:32] Speaker A: What do you mean? The currency. [00:45:34] Speaker B: The. Well, the currency, will it be a privatized currency? So like, say, monaro, for example, actually hides the users and their transactions? Will the cogiton be doing the same? Or will it be a public ledger where you can see everything, where everything is going like bitcoin is that most people don't realize is basically. [00:45:52] Speaker A: It will be. Yeah. It will have its own ledger. That's right. But ultimately, it is a currency, will be a physical thing, which is negotiable. And finally, it will be. It will be exchanged for that amount of consciousness. So ultimately, when you've got a note and it goes back to the treasury, it's just paper, it's worth it. It's not backed by anything. It's not backed by gold, it's worthless. But this currency will be backed by consciousness itself. So when it's returned to, when it goes out of circulation, you get an equivalent. It's redeemable. In terms of this amount of consciousness. [00:46:42] Speaker B: Is there any dangers in this? I mean. I mean, you are creating another currency. [00:46:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I know, but this currency, see, every good idea has been corrupted. We're going back to the original meaning of currency, which is flow of energy, and it being backed by the most valuable thing in the universe. It's the most valuable thing in the universe because there's only one of it, and that's consciousness, and the rest is subdivision of it. [00:47:09] Speaker B: Okay, so I would hazard to guess that the people that own consciousness right now won't be too happy about that. [00:47:17] Speaker A: This is, this is the point. They don't own consciousness. They have. [00:47:20] Speaker B: They think they do. [00:47:22] Speaker A: They think they do. What they've done is they've filed it and they've recycled it. So what I said to you in the last podcast about this pseudocephal, that's what they've done with things like values of exchange. They've taken the original kajatonic energy and recirculated to do these, to form these other actions that need some form of consciousness, but become cogitoxic. So they've debased the currency, if you like, and turn cogitons into the cogitoxic. Entities which keep the running the simulcrum. And that's the thing. So we need to break to reestablish that circuit, the circuit, the sun human circuit, which has been interdicted. And then we can have a true currency, we can have a true flow of cogitonic energy. So that's a really abstract view of things, and that's why in the Future. But at the moment, what's really important is that we establish that circuitry, that connection that the basic endowment and birthright of every human being, and they have. [00:48:38] Speaker B: To the currency itself is like a recovery of what's actually ours. [00:48:45] Speaker A: Exactly. That's right. So we've had our birthright stolen and then sold back to us and. But sold back to us in a debates form in order to keep this thing going. [00:48:54] Speaker B: You have this, have this pretend version of it. [00:48:58] Speaker A: Exactly. And this is what you think? Yeah. Yeah. So let's reverse engineer nature, and we'll give you this idea of nature magically, you know, through the rhinestones, assembling complex molecules 3 million times a second, and that's all happening magically. You know, it's just mechanical. [00:49:22] Speaker B: We need to destroy these massive swathes of natural forest and animals put up so we can have some wind farms to power our teslas. [00:49:33] Speaker A: Well, yeah, this is it. This is the analogy I brought up in the mortal coil, is that we can cut down the tree, turn the bark into paper to write down the laws which give us self legitimize, which give us permission to keep doing this. That's pretty much the crazy cycle of destruction and self legitimization of the psychopaths who are running the show. [00:50:02] Speaker B: So this is the way out. This is the way out. [00:50:05] Speaker A: What's so important is people have to desubscribe, they have to unsubscribe, they have to get rid of these contracts, and they have to renegotiate other contracts. And if they don't say, yeah, you have not got my consent, or I withdraw my consent, obtained by coercion or deception, then that's just going to keep on going. The parasite's going to thrive. If people refused this Falcian deal, then guess what would happen? These parasites would starve. You'd see them coming out gibbering in the streets. In fact, this is what is happening. Their cloaking devices aren't working anymore. We see them. It's so clearly, it's like this person is completely demonically possessed. You know, you could say he's had a schizophrenic episode or. Or get out DSM five and say, suffering from this or that. Yeah, mental disorder. But really, basically he's just possessed. So once a certain number of people do this, then these entities starve the parasite staff and then we can rebuild something based on truth and real value. Excellent. That's the idea. Okay. [00:51:30] Speaker B: Do you want to show these certificates? [00:51:31] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to. [00:51:33] Speaker B: You said you had one for Doctor Jackaloka. You want to show his one? [00:51:36] Speaker A: Yes, I will. I'll just make sure I've got his and not someone else's. [00:51:41] Speaker B: Bring it. Bring it up first before you share the screen. [00:51:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Doctor Jackaloka. That's him. So I'll just get these and there's the uv back. Okay, we're ready to go. All right, so we're going to share the screen. So we sharing? Can we see? [00:52:11] Speaker B: I can see. I can see. The supplicant Doctor Giacoloka appears before the covenant of galactic hegemony, which has declared to us in its justice the promised return by grace to source. Beautiful. [00:52:25] Speaker A: So this is the double headed eagle and. I don't know if I've talked about this. It represents the. I think I have with you. It's a unification of the male and female potencies, equal in power and dignity. And I know that this image has been hijacked by the imperial forces, the US, the Nazis, but we're trying to reclaim it because it's a powerful symbol. [00:52:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:54] Speaker A: And this. I was going to put this in Enochian, and this is a star language Haakon knows about. The Declaration is on the back in uv. So these are the points. And here, up here, we've got the cry of all the ethers. Now, I'm going to talk about the cry of all the ethers in a minute, but it's very hard to read because we had to fit it in. But I think it's quite important. So I'll bring up the back in, uh. The back of it, yeah. [00:53:36] Speaker B: So you had a meeting with Doctor Jack Aloka and, um. And you offered him his certificate and what. What happened there? What. What's the story? And we'll use that as the end of the podcast. [00:53:49] Speaker A: Yeah, I went to something, made me want to bring up Jack and see what he's doing. And he was still in the country, although he was planning to leave for Montreal for an experiment in. What's called. It's a DMTX. Or it's a study involving slow release five MEO DMT, where the subjects were monitored under the influence of IM intramuscular dosages of five Meo. [00:54:24] Speaker B: Was this like microdosing or is it. [00:54:27] Speaker A: No, it's like a feed. You know, the Imperial College London had a study called the DMTX, where participants would have a drip of DMT, and rather than have this brief experience of, you know, four or five minutes, it would last for some time, hours, enabling them to communicate with these entities. [00:54:47] Speaker B: So enabling them, or just basically disable. [00:54:50] Speaker A: Them from being human, enable them to report to. To the people conducting the study what was happening. And I could even tune it, saying, well, I'm talking to this entity right now and he's telling me stuff, but he's fading. But could you have the dosage to increase the resolution? So it's as if they're exploring these other realms and in order to get this valuable information, because apparently these entities really want to communicate. And these studies are there, and they're all like a legitimate study. That's not a bunch of crazies, drug crazy crackheads. Crackheads. No, they're. And like, doctor, he's an amazing guy. He's like a sigma male. If you go to his Facebook page, there's a photo of him standing naked on an abandoned b 52 bomber out the desert, right? So this. This guy. [00:55:44] Speaker B: So he's a trooper. [00:55:45] Speaker A: He's a trooper. I don't know. [00:55:47] Speaker B: I know. I said disguise. I said tripper trooper? [00:55:50] Speaker A: Not trooper? [00:55:51] Speaker B: Not trooper. No, no. [00:55:53] Speaker A: He's what you could call a maha sigma male. And he, in fact, holds classes on how to be a sigma male. And he's known for his extreme gustation. He eats anything. Right? And he. And when I went to see him, he's got a goat testicle. And he said, you've got to eat this raw. So just to say, I could have. I ate a raw testicle with doctor loco. I had a bit of raw testicle. And then he said later, he said, you're going to feel the testosterone, David. [00:56:26] Speaker B: Oh, you will definitely feel the testosterone for that, for sure. [00:56:30] Speaker A: I said, I think you're right. Let's go to the rooftop and have an initiation. So he went to the rooftop and I said, first I want you to read out this disclaimer or whatever I call it, to soften it. It's an abjuration of the matrix contracts and you embrace the soul of consciousness. So the sun was setting over St. Kula. We're on the rooftop. He lies down, reads out the declaration, and he lies down. And where the sun. Sun's on his face. I've got a video of him. [00:57:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:12] Speaker A: Citing it I've got a video of him speaking some beautiful Italian. And so a few things happened which were quite remarkable, but I won't go into them now. But after the session, after the initiation, he stands up and he says, look over there. So I'm on the rooftop, and like a few hundred meters away is the australian embassy says, there, I'm going to have my australian citizenship because he's italian. There's a theme of italian in this podcast. We've got Fibonacci, we've got Santo Bonacci, and we've got the Vatican. But here's an Italian who's ultra sigma male, who's, who's transgressive and who is wealthy. He's done outrageous things. Like, anyways, you can find out which people do. [00:58:01] Speaker B: They run around and decorate crazy stuff. [00:58:03] Speaker A: They do crazy stuff. A locker takes it to the next level. But I said, look, you're going to embrace australian citizen. Welcome. We love you here and you've done terrific work. But you realize when you get that certificate that you're going to have to vote. And here we're back at square one because you're embracing the system. As soon as you get that certificate, check. Yeah, I know, but, you know, because the Italians invented double entry bookkeeping. On the day that I'm going to get my australian certificate, I'm going to. I'm going to hand him the fully printed declaration of galactic citizenship. [00:58:41] Speaker B: Ah, cool. So he's got his escape route as well. Brilliant. So, David, that. That was quite a journey, again, in the form of a podcast and conversation. And we've covered a lot of topics and given people some ideas about their own methods to escape. And of course, I'll include all of the links to you. And in case other people wish to take you up on the idea of initiation and escaping from their subconscious, soul contracts in an effort to join into Christ consciousness in the infancy it. [00:59:23] Speaker A: That's beautiful. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. [00:59:27] Speaker B: Yeah, you're welcome. All right, so thank you for your time, and I hope you have a really good morning. [00:59:32] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:59:33] Speaker B: All right, bye, the listeners. [00:59:35] Speaker A: Bye bye. [00:59:41] Speaker B: Well, that was a fun show, wasn't it? Well, it's always a pleasure to talk to David, and once again, mind blowing, again, in a different sort of way. So if you're looking to find your way out of the matrix, it's probably good to get in contact with him. And all the details for David will be in the bottom of the show notes. And if you've liked this show, like and subscribe if you're on YouTube and get on your podcast app and write a nice message about this show and all my shows, that'd be really nice. Cool. Because then other people will find the show because that's the only way they can. And give me five stars because I'm cool and this stuff's cool. Alright? So thank you very much for listening and bye for now.

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