Episode 45

December 26, 2023


Robin Stebbins Interview Is Your Body Toxic?

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Robin Stebbins Interview Is Your Body Toxic?
Supernormalized Podcast
Robin Stebbins Interview Is Your Body Toxic?

Dec 26 2023 | 00:59:04


Show Notes

Today on Supernormalized I have the pleasure of introducing Robin Stebbins, a dedicated healthcare professional with over 35 years of experience in the field. From being a Psychiatric Counselor and Mental Health Professional (MHP) to now serving as a Registered Nurse specializing in Psychiatric and Hospice care, Robin has devoted their life to empowering individuals to take charge of their health and wellness.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I mean, when you are free of all substance, when you are detoxed from all metals, all toxins, all poisons, you are unstoppable. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalize, the podcast where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me CJ as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at Supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is completely normal. On today's Supernormalized, we have Robin Stebbins, and she's otherwise known as Medicine Girl, and she used to work in healthcare, devoting her life to helping others to heal from illness and disease. And she's always been doing this with the utmost love and positive intention. And in the end, she did notice something really strange. That most of her patients and clients wanted to stay sick and put more simply, they would rather take another pill rather than alter their lifestyle. Over time, she discovered ways to actually help people heal from within. And so she produced a way of actually doing that with helping with people. And she calls that purify within. So today I welcome to the show Robin Stebbins to talk about her understanding of purify within and what that means to her and the world. Welcome to the podcast, Robin. Robin, you've got quite a story. You've been doing this for more than 35 years, and it's a healing method that you call purify within. How did you come to that position? What was your life story leading up to that? Can you tell us more about you? [00:02:41] Speaker A: That's a great question because 35 years ago when I went into the healthcare field, I saw just an epic failure. I started out in psychiatric, so I was a psych tech in Locke Psychiatric hospitals and I just thought it was the psychiatric field. Oh, they don't have any modalities that actually help people. So I got into nursing and it was even worse. It was just epic fail after epic fail and just people getting worse and worse and worse and getting prescriptions. So I decided I'm going to go on a quest and figure out what actually helps a person heal. And so 35 years later, what I've come to the conclusion is that I don't heal the body. The doctors don't heal the body. The supplements, the drugs, the ozone, none of those heal the body. The body heals itself. We simply have to remove the toxins, the poisons on all of the roots that led up to that. So that's where we get the purify within. All of this has to come from within you. So what are your emotional toxins? What are your visual toxins? Are you watching people on Netflix kill each other for 4 hours a day? What are your auditory toxins. What music are you listening to and singing along to? There's evidence that supports that every single movie that we see, every single song we listen to gets stored somewhere in the brain. Especially these catchy songs that you're saying and singing over and over like you get those earworms and you're thinking, wow, I don't want that in my head. What am I singing to? [00:04:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:29] Speaker A: And then of course, we know the physical toxins and that's everything in your physical surrounding, including your laundry and your dish soap and candles and everything else, everything has to be supportive of that field of wellness. [00:04:46] Speaker B: It does seem like that over the last probably about only 100 years or so as we've adopted more of a mechanized industrial sort of culture and all of the chemicals and all of the distractions that go along with that, that's divorced us from the actual pure experience of our humanity, our life and our Earth. And that separation has caused all of this. And that separation is not good for us. And I think we're all starting to realize that. [00:05:22] Speaker A: It seems to me like we're all starting to realize something is off. It doesn't take much to look around you and think, okay, the medical system is not working. Can we just all agree on that? We're the sickest, fattest, worst shape we've ever been in the history of humankind and instead, you know, the pharmaceutical which has such a grip on in the States, they have such a grip on the advertising dollar. 70% of the advertisements are from pharmaceuticals. So in that I think we're all craving the authentic human experience and that is deeply rooted in nature from grounding and recharging with bare feet on raw nature. We can't do it in landscape, lawns and all of that because then you're getting the herbicides and pesticides and insecticides right directly through your feet. So it's just like we have to be cognizant really of all these ways that we're going to reconnect with nature. It's got to be sort of a slow balance because we have polluted this planet. We meaning the powers that be, the corporations, I think, are more responsible than we are. [00:06:49] Speaker B: I totally agree. Totally agree. And so you started with nursing and found your way through that. Did you do any other studies to enhance what you're doing or was this just all discovered by your life experience and working with people? [00:07:06] Speaker A: No, I've got probably 10,000 hours into reading every book I could get my hands on, listening to every podcast I could get my hands on. Later back in the was getting every single book at the library, at the bookstores because I thought I was in that programming of there's a magic bullet out there. There is a magic routine that we can all do and we'll be thin and healthy and that's it. We'll just figure that out. And through the course of that and thousands and thousands of hours, I realized two things. The first thing was when I 1992, I was going to be graduating with a bachelor's in psychology and I had to do this study to pass my statistics class. And I was doing it at the Locke Psychiatric Hospital I was working at. And I was working nights, going to school during the day, and I just was like, you know what, I'm going to make up this data. It's called data fudging because who cares? No one's going to see my study. It doesn't matter. Then a light bulb went on. It's like, well, I'm probably not the only person that's done this. [00:08:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:34] Speaker A: So now I'm starting to realize, how do we control these doctors and naturopaths and functional medicine with a piece of paper. Because if it says the right things and this study was conducted, and here's our methodology section and here's our conclusions. You can get them to give rat poison to pregnant women and children, meaning rat poison is vitamin D three. And they are prescribing it to women and children and it has horrific effects. [00:09:07] Speaker B: Wow. [00:09:07] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's just not that this pharmaceutical company, from my conclusion at this point, it's a working document in my head, but they don't put anything in a pill. And now they bought all the supplement industry that doesn't create downstream customers. So what their plan is I give you a medication that changes the lab value. So it either changes a number on the blood pressure or it changes the cholesterol or it changes something. So I can show you, look, CJ is working. Meanwhile, your health is deteriorating. But no, that's unrelated. That must be something else. We'll treat that with another prescription. On and on and on we go until eventually it's like renal failure and congestive heart failure and all the other things that go along with that. [00:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow. It sounds like the system is geared against us for nefarious reasons. Almost. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Well, I call it the hungry ghost model of business. It's never enough. They really literally don't care about us. We're numbers to them. So if they can profit from our illness and you look at it, that is their business model. They're not hiding that. [00:10:32] Speaker B: We see that with the recent all that drama that happened with murder. Bingo. Unfortunately. [00:10:42] Speaker A: But it did wake up. I mean, I've been screaming about this for 30 years. [00:10:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:48] Speaker A: And so finally people are waking up to this organization. Most of these CFOs and CEOs are convicted felons in these giant companies, yet they're still working in business as usual. [00:11:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Often I see that they've got a history of some sort of crime, but they got away with it somehow. And normally, if it was any of us, even a small version of that would be in jail for life. But they get promoted or turned into another person at another company. At the head of the company. [00:11:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Or send them over to the FDA, pfizer and the FDA and all the pharmaceutical companies just swap jobs. So it is one of the same mental, isn't it? It's enough to drive you crazy, which I always say, we can't fight the system. [00:11:45] Speaker B: They're too big. [00:11:47] Speaker A: So we have to create our own well system and starve their system. That's the only way. [00:11:55] Speaker B: Okay, so you've been doing this for a while now and helping people to realize their own way to create their own systems. Do you have a method that you help people with when you do that? Do you give them their own process, or do you have something like a guide that you take people through? [00:12:11] Speaker A: Well, I really take each individual as they come. And so most of the time, we just become a team of medical detectives. So we try and figure out all of the different routes that led to for example, I have a client that has breast cancer. Well, she's not like the other client that I had that had breast cancer. So we have to look at all of her root causes and look into what each of the ones that we've identified, how can we release those? One of them was she loved to burn scented candles. Well, scented candles release benzene, taluine, formaldehyde into the air, and she was basically living in her small bedroom. That's one route. Yeah, scary. So that's one easy route. It's like, well, don't burn candles anymore. Get the little battery ones or do something that's more benign. But it's never just one route. It's like, oh, got the candles. Check. Then what's the emotional roots? How disconnected were you from your body that you didn't notice how sick you were getting from the candles? So it's like reconnecting with the body and then really just going through the home with a fine tooth comb and seeing, where are you poisoning? And toxifying yourself. [00:13:44] Speaker B: Wow. Okay. Do you have any examples of working with people that you would say have been such extreme successes that were totally surprising that you could share without obviously identifying those people? [00:13:58] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. My favorite one to talk about is I had a 92 year old World War II veteran living in a board and care home, which is kind of like a nursing home light, and they're miserable. These places are just loud and usually somebody's yelling, and it smells like urine. And he said, I want to get out of here. But his legs were like tree trunks. They were so swollen with edema. And they said he had heart failure, and they said he should be on hospice. Well, we started working on all of the root causes. One of them was untreated PTSD from World War II. And he wouldn't go to a psychiatrist or do anything like that. So we just did the tapping, the different tapping points. Had him doing that following YouTube videos. We completely changed his diet, changed his emotional relationships, and he was able to completely go home independently and lived until 97 at home, gardening, happy, doing all the things that he loved. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Wow, that's a message and I love that. [00:15:15] Speaker A: Yeah. It's 92 and I think a lot of us think like, oh, forget it, it's too late for you. He got another five wonderful years out of his life that weren't spent miserable in a boarding care with somebody changing his diapers. [00:15:32] Speaker B: Yeah. In pain. [00:15:34] Speaker A: In pain, yeah. And we get to hear his wisdom, too. Like, we're so used to throwing away the elderly. Well, you can't hear someone's wisdom if they're toxic and addicted or sick or in pain, but you can really start to hear them when all of that is washed away. And then we can have these really amazing conversations. [00:15:57] Speaker B: Wow, that's cool. Okay, and when you work with people, do you work with all ages or specific people? [00:16:06] Speaker A: All ages, yeah. And I've worked with sometimes I've worked with parents that have younger kids that they say they're labeled, like, with ADHD or defiant disorder. All these things that I say, first and foremost, don't let anyone cast spells on you with these labels and these diagnoses. [00:16:29] Speaker B: Exactly, yeah. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Because then you become it, or even worse, medicate it. [00:16:37] Speaker B: Yeah. People don't realize that all of that is the newest form of black magic. Really? To put it plainly, you're absolutely right. [00:16:46] Speaker A: That's an excellent way to put it, because that is what it is. And I think you look at what happened since 2020, there's a lot of spell casting and a lot of people said they lost their sense of smell and taste. I think that was just the placebo. Nocibo effect. [00:17:06] Speaker B: A lot of it was, yeah, for sure. Wild. Yeah. It's good that people actually are starting to recognize the way these organizations want more money and they just want more. Well, to put it plainly, it's like a grind of her souls. And it's not to our benefit to be healthy for them. [00:17:27] Speaker A: Right. In any way. What population do you want to control? And if you go back to the ancient Egyptians and the Hebrews, and they've been doing the exact same playbook as they did then, and what did they give their slaves? The Egyptians were the one that invented beer. They gave their slaves beer, alcohol to keep them sick, weak, dependent. Now we're so enslaved that we buy our own poison and we steal our own poison. They're like, oh, the slaves are actually giving us back their money to buy the alcohol and the caffeine and the nicotine and the marijuana. [00:18:08] Speaker B: Yes, that's right. I was only listening to another podcast recently and they were talking about how certain agencies have agendas for pushing and rolling out psychedelics and mild psychedelics like marijuana, just to affect the population, to basically derail their any chance of success. [00:18:30] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I have a personal example with that, too. I was drinking my red wine because it was healthy. Hadn't got to the other playbook on alcohol yet. This is a while ago. And sometimes I would smoke weed so I could go to sleep. And I was on the caffeine train. And so finally I decided, okay, I'm just going to quit everything. I quit drinking. And I was just sitting there in my living room having just a peaceful evening, and I saw what looked like in the tree, this kind of demon. So I look at that and the demon looked like it was just looking at me. This was at night, and it looked like it was staring at me. And I thought, whether this is real or not, this is a perfect analogy of what it is when you have demons inside of you. They crave alcohol and sugar and junk food. You're feeding them, and then they can puppet you around as they want and create a life that's stressful and out of alignment. So you crave the alcohol, you crave the nicotine or whatever it is. That's your drug of choice. So they're waiting for you to slip up again. Because I think you create holes in your aura. I think you create holes and energetic gaps that they can come in and take over. Because look how awful people act when they're drinking. [00:20:11] Speaker B: Totally. It's like they're completely different people. You might start with everything being fun, but then it's like a switch flicks, and then the character changes. So different and obvious. And people go from being sort of nice to an exaggerated version of that. It's just sort of revolting. [00:20:31] Speaker A: It's revolting, yeah. And it was interesting to me. I was thinking, oh, we have so much fun with my friends when we're drinking. And now that I've been so far away from that and I hear people drinking and their conversations, it's like two retarded people talking or two. [00:20:54] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:20:56] Speaker A: None of what they're saying was funny, but they thought it was so funny, just rolling on the floor laughing. But yeah, it's a low vibration, low frequency substance that keeps you sick, weak, dependent, enslaved, able to tolerate a shitty life level existence. [00:21:15] Speaker B: Yes, exactly. [00:21:17] Speaker A: And it's not like you have to drink and medicate yourself because you have this low level existence. You have that low level existence, that crappy life, because you're on the substance. Like, try it for 30 days, go without any substance and tell me how good you feel. [00:21:33] Speaker B: Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, I can relate to that completely. My Achilles heel was the marijuana way back in the day and started smoking. And it was just something we did. And I liked the wild differentness of it. It was exciting and exploratory, but then it gets its hook in you and you don't realize it has a hook in you. And then you just start smoking more and more. And then at that stage, hydro started to become popular, and hydra was just even more potentized and really we were just vegetables. You'd smoke and become a vegetable every time you smoked, but it made you want to smoke more again. And it was like, what the hell's going on? And I didn't even recognize it was happening for me. And I'd use all these excuses saying, oh, I use this to destress from work, or I use this to just basically all destress reasons. But I didn't realize that I was living in a state of complete and utter anxiety because I was smoking. The liver is smashed and wrecked from all of the chemicals going through it, from the hydroponic garbage that they put through it, and you're completely distracted and basically a vegetable. And I did that for like, 13 and a half years, and I don't remember a lot of that time. [00:22:50] Speaker A: Wow. [00:22:51] Speaker B: Which I fully regret because people tell me about things we used to do and I'm like, no memory of it at all. [00:22:56] Speaker A: Wow. Yeah. And it's tragic because it's so marketed to teenagers. I have a 16 year old son, and he and his friends, I work hardcore educating them. And I've brought a few out of it, but most of them, they go right back to it because it's just so ingrained. And what's the best thing to do when they're high? They love to scroll. [00:23:21] Speaker B: Yeah. Scroll and eat junk food. [00:23:23] Speaker A: And eat junk food. And now they're sort of getting into that age where they are looking into alcohol. So I'm just educate, educate, educate. I can't be the authoritarian, but I know knowledge is power. [00:23:41] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, I mean, the problem is a lot of those things they're scrolling on, they're not going to get much knowledge out of them because they're targeting them to keep them distracted rather than educated. [00:23:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, 100%. I don't really think there's much value anymore on the Internet. You have to be superhuman to avoid the distractions. I've gone on there a number of times and I don't scroll. I go on for business, and it'll be 20 minutes later and like, what did I go on here for in the first place? There's red circle that notification. Here's an email that came in. Here's a text I got to answer. [00:24:22] Speaker B: It's all designed that way. I was doing a lot of meditation a long time ago, and I meditate every day still. But when I was doing it then I was doing really intensive work. And a part of it, I was getting messages about life and everything. And one of the core messages was that there is two core polarities. Like, there's love and there's distraction or dissection. So you can either choose love, which actually is enhancing and creating, or the opposite of that, which is dissecting and distracting. And if you choose the dissecting and distracting, that just enhances. If you choose the love part, that enhances. So in all moments, we have these opportunities to choose. But the problem is these tools are actually helping us to choose the wrong way. Unfortunately. [00:25:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I think you're right. It's a time eraser. [00:25:16] Speaker B: Yeah, but who's taking that time? [00:25:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:21] Speaker B: Right. [00:25:22] Speaker A: You really got to think about it. Like, are they actually mining our energy? [00:25:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:27] Speaker A: Loosh through that. [00:25:30] Speaker B: You're nodding. You know what that is? [00:25:32] Speaker A: Yeah. And add in the flicker rate of these screens and they give these kids all of these computers at school, then they all have the flicker rate going and they all are taking pictures of them every few seconds. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Yes. [00:25:52] Speaker A: Because they can control and they are able to do more and more with the microwave energy and pulses and Wi Fi control humans. [00:26:03] Speaker B: Yeah, that's it. That's it. It's what they're going towards. And I mean, I think a part of all those recent events were actually trying to make that speed up, you know what I mean? [00:26:12] Speaker A: Yeah, I think you're right. CJ, unfortunately. [00:26:16] Speaker B: Yeah. But we are becoming aware because what I found, even when I was doing all the work I was doing way back when and escaping out of those habitual loops, what I found was when I tuned myself up and I just kept that frequency. It brings up everyone around you. [00:26:36] Speaker A: Yes. I want to emphasize that we think we have to go protest and fight and light fires, but exactly what you just said. [00:26:48] Speaker B: Yeah. So if you hold the frequency up yourself, you bring up everyone's frequency. If you're aware in any degree at all, it's literally your job to help everyone else get aware by just staying aware yourself and not choosing to hold the hand of demons that want to keep you ill and keep you fat and keep you stupid and keep you distracted. [00:27:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I love that you said it like that because Native Americans have this saying you have two wolves inside of you, one of fear and anger and one of strength and power. Like, which wolf are you feeding? And in every single decision that you make, you've got to decide which wolf will you right. [00:27:37] Speaker B: That's right. Part of Native American culture is the belief and understanding of Wetico, which also goes under the name of Wendigo. And what that is, is a mind virus. And that mind virus gets enhanced by you choosing that path. And when it takes you over completely, you don't even realize it, but you start infecting others by acting out of sorts. [00:28:00] Speaker A: That's it. And parroting that narrative. Parroting insanity and making the insanity seem legitimate. [00:28:09] Speaker B: Totally. Yeah. That's it. [00:28:11] Speaker A: Yeah. I think we can all sort of see that that's happening, especially what they're doing to children and genders and pronouns and genital mutilation. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Yeah. It's pretty awful sort of situation for the moment, for the kiddies, because we grew up probably in a time when we didn't have an Internet. I actually got an Internet when I was about I think I was about 23. So before then, no internet. We just had computers at home and dial up and things like that. So it wasn't all pervasive and evil. It was like literally the Wild West, and people were just telling each other everything. And it was great. [00:28:51] Speaker A: You could find anything. [00:28:53] Speaker B: Yeah, there was so much religion that you could actually hook straight into, and often it was actually published by the people that actually wrote it. So it was like, yes, this is really cool. There is paths out of these things, which is good. And I mean, it's good that you spend your time doing that with people. When you do this with people, do you do this as your full time work nowadays? [00:29:19] Speaker A: So I still work home health and hospice. And the reason I do that is I'm always checking in with myself. And one of my prayers is that show me my next step in my path in service of the light, in service of God. Because I do believe this is a spiritual war. Right now, I wouldn't have said that maybe two and a half, three years ago, but it's very obvious this is a spiritual war. And I think they're after our souls. So the message know, stay where I am because I am illuminating that light in some of the darkest places. And I'm in Northern California. I'm in the belly of the belly of the beast. Like this know, one of their test states almost bad. It's Australia, New Zealand and Canada. But my mission, I believe, on this planet is to show people there's a question to ask and a choice to be made. And I really hold no. Once you know, if I informed you about vitamin D three and you know it's a rodenticide and you know it has all these harmful effects and you still choose to take it, I'm okay with that. I can sleep at night, but I can't sleep at night. If you're taking it thinking that it's doing, you benefit. [00:30:40] Speaker B: I'm guilty of that one myself because I take vitamin D three every now and then. [00:30:45] Speaker A: Yeah, it's the same game as the whole last two and a half years. It's the same playbook. They're not very smart. They just have been using this playbook for a millennia, thousands of years, and the playbook is a death centric model. Jason Christoph is excellent. If anyone wants know kind of research more about what I'm talking about and mind control, how easily it is to mind control people, and that's what they have been doing. Based on the repetitive content that we're seeing on screens and media and all of that, he can trace that all back to the programming. [00:31:32] Speaker B: Wow. So you have faith now, and that came to you from your experiences because it became way too obvious that, yeah, there is a spiritual war going on. I believe that myself as well. I've been open enough to be able to see all sorts of things from that actually appear in our would you say, Bibles? I mean, I wouldn't say just one Bible, but all of them talk about different angles of these things, and they're all obviously true. So how is your faith nowadays? Do you actually have an act of prayer sessions or anything like that for yourself? Do you do that and protection. [00:32:14] Speaker A: And I always had a direct relationship with God. What pushed me away was the organized religion that I was forced to do as a young child with my dad. And I had a really difficult relationship with my father and my mother, and anything they said to do, I would want to do the exact opposite. And so I was against organized religion, but still had kept a connection with God. Well, then somebody asked me, they said, Robin, have you ever read the Bible if you're so against organized religion? And I hadn't. So I said, no, I haven't. But I will read it. I read it twice, and I came to the conclusion that it's been usurped by the powers that be. It's not exactly verbatim of the word, and I don't want to trigger people by that, but we've been lied to about literally everything. So I don't think give us the pure word. My conclusion was that how do I take control of CJ? How do I take control of Robin? I am an interpreter between them and God. I'm an interpreter between them and the divine coming through them. That inner knowing that tells you right from wrong. That inner knowing. That is your moral compass, that gives you morality, that says, no, I'm taking a stand, and I'm not letting this happen to these children, not on my watch. I am an Energizer Bunny when it comes to this. This is my hill. I will not sit still and stay quiet until this is off the table again, because that's what I mean by that inner faith. So I always pray. I pray every single morning to the sun as it's coming into view, and I see the energy coming into my eyes. I think we're kept away from the sun because of that and the sun gazing, because it is so energizing and powerful. I do the same thing at night as I see the sun going away, and I still say that. I say my evening prayers, my morning prayers, and it's always just that. Show me the next step so that I am in service of the light, because it is so important to me right now to be that light illuminating, because, like you so perfectly said, just standing there in your light is enough. It does illuminate the darkest of places, definitely. [00:35:16] Speaker B: It sounds like you almost have, like, an animist perspective upon your life. Now, would it be true to say that? [00:35:23] Speaker A: What's an animist perspective, being in flow. [00:35:29] Speaker B: With nature continuously, and that's your primary objective is to 100% yes. [00:35:36] Speaker A: And that's how I grew up in the wilds of. Nevada. [00:35:39] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:35:40] Speaker A: We grew up in the middle of nowhere on a 160 acre ranch next to a 2000 acre ranch. So it was just wild, open, and we could not come home until the dinner bell rang when we were really little. When we got older, we were working the ranch from sun up to sundown. [00:35:58] Speaker B: That's crazy. [00:35:59] Speaker A: And it was the best experience I can possibly like, if I could have curated my growing up years, I would have not changed one single thing. And even having all the trauma and the drama, it still made you strong and solid in yourself. And you get to move at the pace of nature, and you come home, you're tired, but it's not like the head down. I had a horrible day at work. You're not really taxing your body. You're just taxing your spirit. You're just selling pieces of your soul all day long. This was like your full body tired. Tired to the bones. Because you worked a full day with nature. [00:36:41] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow, that's cool. Yeah, I can't imagine that. I mean, I'd like to have lived in that one, but I lived in suburbia, unfortunately, and grew up with that and all of the weirdness that went around that. We had a creek running through our yards. That was good. [00:36:55] Speaker A: Yeah, that's great. [00:36:57] Speaker B: A lot of play in the creek and lots of archery and things like that. So that was a lot of fun. But yeah, no, I can't imagine that would have been awesome to be out in the open expanses. Did you see anything unusual out there that you remember from your childhood? [00:37:11] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. Well, being that connected to nature, being the kind of the wild child that I was, yeah, the plants would talk to you, and not in English. I don't mean they would say, hi, Robin, how are you doing today? It was just you would get this inner knowing of chew on this plant or the mountains. There's these beautiful mountain ranges right out my window. And the mountains would tell me bedtime stories, these sweet, loving, unconditional, love bedtime stories. And so I would ask my friends at school, I was like, well, what did the mountains tell you when they tell you bedtime stories? And they're like, what are you never mind. Just kidding. Okay. Choose your audience. But that was that connection. That was my parenting. [00:38:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Very cool. [00:38:10] Speaker A: From nature and the sun. The sun is so important. And I think you know how it's so important to sunbathe? Recently, I just got this idea that came through me that it's just equally as important to moonbathe and starbathe. Because as the stars and everything rotate around that North Star that doesn't move, I think that's creating energy. I think it's creating energy that we can absorb, just like we can absorb with the sun. It would make sense. The yin and the yang. [00:38:39] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. That's right. Expose yourself to those energies, too. [00:38:42] Speaker A: Yeah, that's just an idea. It's actually cooler than the night. Like, if you point a heat gun at the moonlight and say a shadow, the moonlight is actually colder. [00:39:00] Speaker B: Wow. Never tried that. Okay, right. So where are you now in life when it comes to your work? Are you actually looking at teaching other people your methods of working with people, or what are you doing there? [00:39:17] Speaker A: Well, that's a great question. And what I'm doing right now is I'm running retreats for people in South Africa, in the South African bush, to completely do an absolute purification of their mind, body, spirit so that they are lit up as a superhuman. I mean, when you are free of all substance, when you are detoxed from all metals, all toxins, all poisons, you are unstoppable. That's why I think they spend trillions of dollars keeping us from our pineal gland, our intuition, all of our capabilities. So that's what these retreats are for. And eventually, I would love to just start showing people this method, because this method is just simply how to empower yourself. I want to be obsolete in your life. [00:40:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:17] Speaker A: Within six weeks, we should be done. That light should be illuminated. Some people with severe trauma, I'll give them maybe a couple of extra weeks, but other than that, I'm not enabling you. We're not creating this same Western model of I want to keep you sick, weak, and dependent so I make money. Yeah, it should be six weeks. You're done, and come back for a tune up here and there. We all need that. But take the light, take the torch, illuminate your own life, empower yourself, and then you can do that to other people, too. I think that's another huge piece of how we change this. [00:41:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Passing on the frequency, the good frequencies. [00:41:08] Speaker A: And we can I think that was another thing that I saw, is that each of our organ, like our heart, our lungs, they have their own frequency that they vibrate at, and we can measure that. We can measure it with our stupid scientific rudimentary instruments so you know it's actual and they vibrate at a different frequency when they're sick. But I think all these organs, when in harmony, they encase our soul. And when we die and I've seen this as a hospice nurse, when we transcend, those organs stop vibrating, and the soul can be released. I don't know why I started with that. There was a thread there somewhere, but I lost it somewhere. [00:42:00] Speaker B: It all made sense to me. [00:42:02] Speaker A: Good. [00:42:04] Speaker B: Now, look, you've actually mentioned a bit of information around your work being working with vibrational medicine as well. What do you do with vibrational medicine in relation to the work that you do? And how does that work with helping people detox? [00:42:20] Speaker A: Well, that's a great question, because I think I don't do any therapies that aren't completely benign. I won't use ozone or vitamin C because I don't know the long term effects. I don't know that that is vitamin C that's in that bag because I didn't make it. So I'm very careful about the modalities that I use. So energy, vibrations and tuning forks can be huge. I use for my home health patients. And these are people that are really sick, overweight 30, sometimes different prescription drugs on average is what I see. You go through the med list, it's like one page, two page, three page. Then that doesn't include the over the counter drugs and supplements and injections. So using those tuning forks, I've been able to take swollen legs, heart arrhythmias, and just settle the body. And I always have them drink a quarter teaspoon of baking soda morning and night to try and help with the firestorm of their toxins. But using that more alkaline state within the body with a vibrational medicine can be extremely helpful and not harmful. [00:43:48] Speaker B: Okay, so using tuning forks when you. [00:43:50] Speaker A: Do vibrational medicine tuning forks, sometimes we'll do the bigger singing bowls. Those can be really helpful. The other day, I was at a patient's house that has a cat, and so I was listening to her heart, which I couldn't hear. Still have not figured why I cannot hear her heart. But then I put the stethoscope on the cat that was purring, and I was like, oh, this is a sound therapy. It was incredible. And the vibrations went through my whole body. And I was like, I just got a tune up. [00:44:32] Speaker B: Cool. [00:44:33] Speaker A: That's another one. Add to the toolkit. [00:44:35] Speaker B: Buy a cat, just get a cat. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Put the stethoscope on his heart. Well, and they do. Like, if you hold a cat on your lap and purring, it can help with bone health, it can help with bone pain, nerve issues. So there is benefits to cats. [00:44:59] Speaker B: That's cool. I like that. Okay, we talked about before that you may be thinking about writing some stuff around your work, but you weren't really clear on that. Is that going to be something that you're thinking about doing? Like actually putting together a course that could be written down? [00:45:19] Speaker A: Yeah, what I want to do, and I think this would be more the most empowering thing, and I am going to do it. I'm meeting with my coach on Saturday to start outlining out a course. But it's to see the playbook so that we're not tricked into taking poisons. So that you don't have to wait for the studies to come out to tell you that vitamin D three has destroyed your bone health, or that ascorbic acid, aka vitamin C, is a toxic poison that's ruining your health. You can see it for what it is, and you can start to that's what I mean, like, when you're empowered, then you can start to understand that, oh, this is not medicine for my body. This is poison. And that's why I always differentiate between medicine versus medication. Medicine you need lower and lower doses of to get the desired result until you need none of it because the desired result has been achieved. Whereas medication, it's seen as a toxin in the body, it builds up in your system. So the body keeps having to launch these responses. They say you get side effects, which are direct effects from taking a poison or you're allergic to it, which your body is responding in a perfect way to a known toxin or poison. So instead of going down those roads, you're empowered with this playbook. And each and every person then can know the playbook, empower themselves, and then do that for other people around them. [00:46:58] Speaker B: Brilliant. Yeah, very cool. [00:47:01] Speaker A: Because otherwise you're just going to be taking class after class, after class, and where are we going with it? [00:47:07] Speaker B: Yeah, it's got to be something that's structured in such a way that empowers people to understand how to research even, because often people have no idea where to start looking and they just hear something from somebody and they're like, oh, that's all right, I'll try that. And they start taking it. They feel good for a little while, but then they've got the symptoms wiped out. [00:47:28] Speaker A: And that's the problem, I think, with a lot of this. And what I see is the problem is that I come to the conclusion that most of those studies that they're reporting are corrupted. We look at Rockefeller medicine, I don't know if you're familiar with that in the 1920s, how they usurped all of it and called natural cures quackery. Well, they call them quackery because they actually cure you. And we can't have our customers cured because they're not going to come back. So it's the same game. They're not going to let all these wonderful studies come out that tell you how to heal your body. It's trick you. And it definitely I will say this, I call it indoctrinated quotient instead of intelligence quotient for IQ, because they picked members of society, I think this is my opinion that were the most easily indoctrinated, the ones that can memorize the best and recite information the way they wanted you to. Not critical thinkers, not creative thinkers, but really good at doing one thing and thinking in the way they want you to, so that then when you present them with these pieces of paper, they're like, oh yes, rat poison is good. Look at this conclusion. It's shown that 40% of people bone density got better, or whatever it is. [00:49:03] Speaker B: You sound like you're talking about academics. [00:49:07] Speaker A: All of them, all of them doctors. And I'm going to include, I'm sorry to say, the chiropractors and the functional medicine and the naturopaths and the homeopaths. They are still indoctrinated into that system because it's still, oh, CJ, you have a symptom, here's a supplement, or here's an herb, or here's something to take instead of no, the symptom is the body's healing. Don't interrupt with a symptom. It's supposed to be there when we interfere with the body. We're entering into a state of fear, panic. Oh, no, I've got mucus or something. I've got a cough. Let's stop the cough. Let's stop the mucus. Well, that's easy to do, but you've interrupted the body's one and only way of getting rid of whatever toxin that you've ingested. It's either getting rid of it through the mucus in your lungs or if you inhaled something or through your nose, sweat, diarrhea, vomiting, let the body get this poison out. And if we keep stopping, it, like, perfect example around this time of year in the United States, it's becoming fall, so we get less light. Our bodies go through a normal detox. They start just detoxing and we call it the flu or we call it a cold or whatever. So what do you do? You go in and you get theraflu or you go to the doctor and they give you all these drugs to stop the symptoms. Well, you've kept all of that normal shedding stuff inside the body. You do that next in the spring and you do it year after year. Now you're going to start developing tumors or the big C word or whatever it is. It's just their labeling. It's not actually what it is. [00:51:00] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a bit short sighted. [00:51:02] Speaker A: It's a bit short sighted. Instead of like, we're so used to wanting to avoid pain and everyone will tell you, like, if you have a headache, take a Tylenol, or if you have the sniffles, take this drug and that drug. And if you have a cough, nobody wants to experience the symptoms. And so if you just sat in and just man up or put your big girl pants on and dealt with it for what, 24, 48 hours, sometimes 72, like, we can handle that. [00:51:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:51:34] Speaker A: And then in the long run, you're going to be so much healthier, live so much longer, live so much healthier and better. [00:51:42] Speaker B: It's almost like that as soon as you have any symptoms, straight away, they throw you into a doctor version of ICU, you're intensive care unit, they got to stop the bleeding straight away, otherwise you're going to die. But that's not true. That's just a process. Yeah. Look, I've had cancer before myself and I went down the Western medical path a little bit and I knew this was you just get the intuition, like, this is all wrong. I think I'm being completely misled here. I was thankfully helped out by a friend's stepfather who pointed me in the right direction, ended up healing myself of bowel cancer. And what the doctors were wanting to do was actually cut me up and also irradiate me with radiation, which I learned in high school was actually poisonous, thank God. Madness. But that was their reaction. But we all know if you do more research into it, everyone has cancer all the time. It's just that when it's out of control is when it's out of control, and then it's just a matter of bringing yourself back into balance, and it's. [00:52:45] Speaker A: Like, what are we labeling it? Yeah, we're labeling these things. Well, it's a buildup of toxins that has been encapsulated. We call it the tumor. Well, the tumor has got to get out somehow. The last thing you want to do is get in there and cut it out, and then it lyses all that poison throughout the body that the body has spent probably years carefully getting out all this. You've been using your mouth as a garbage disposal for the last ten years. Taco Bell and Burger King and all that nonsense. The body's like, I can't keep up. I got to get this out. These toxins have to come out. But then Western medicine comes in there and it's like, let's give them scare tactics. You have the big C word. Oh, no, whatever. Just get rid of it. And then you're looped in. [00:53:40] Speaker B: That's it. Well, thanks to all that television programming for since Day Dot and every movie we've ever seen with somebody that's had cancer or a cancer survivor and how tragic they make it. That's how we all learn how to act around it. [00:53:56] Speaker A: You nailed it. Not too many people see that. And I've had a lot of patients, and I say, do you want to get better? [00:54:05] Speaker B: That's what I ask people, too. If I hear people that have got the big C, I say, do you want to get better? [00:54:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:54:10] Speaker B: Because if you don't, then there's nothing that can be done. [00:54:12] Speaker A: A lot of people don't, though. [00:54:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:54:15] Speaker A: They've gotten attention for the first time, secondary games. Yeah. And we're so programmed to lap up that attention, and it's that sympathy attention, and it's just so it's irresistible to some people. [00:54:35] Speaker B: Yeah. Which does cause hypochondria in some people, too. [00:54:39] Speaker A: Well, I would say 90% of America right now. [00:54:45] Speaker B: They're well trained then. [00:54:47] Speaker A: Yes. [00:54:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, look, you're on a healing path and healing people. This is totally awesome. So I understand now where you actually call yourself Medicine Girl. You've grown up in such a way as to walk straight down this path towards healing many people, and that's a very noble thing to do. And I appreciate everything you've shared with me today. And I sort of ask you, is there any questions that I didn't ask that you think or wish that I should have asked? [00:55:18] Speaker A: Well, the one thing I will say is I call myself Medicine Girl, and the tagline is you are the medicine. So what I have noticed in my 35 years and people will heal with any modalities, including Western medicine, including radiation, is that one thing has happened. First, they've decided they're going to heal. Not they have faith they're going to heal or they hope they're going to get better. No, they know for a fact they're going to get better. It's just a matter of putting the puzzle pieces into place. So I think I want to just leave your listeners with, we are more powerful than you can possibly imagine, and this brain is so much more in tune with our healing and our belief system about our healing than we can possibly imagine. So be really cognizant about what your thoughts are and your belief system, and don't let anyone cast those black magic spells of diagnosis and labels on you. Don't give them that power. [00:56:29] Speaker B: Precisely. Precisely. I think the bigger C is actually choice. You have choice. [00:56:34] Speaker A: Yes. We all have a choice. And don't let him trick you into thinking you don't have a choice. That's part of the programming you don't have to do. [00:56:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:56:46] Speaker A: There's always a way. There's always a right. [00:56:50] Speaker B: That's right. Yeah. Well, thank you very much, Robin, for coming onto the show. I really appreciate your time and everything that you've shared. This is excellent, totally excellent. Thank you. [00:57:03] Speaker A: Thank you so much for having me. CJ. This is a great, wonderful Power Hour for me. [00:57:07] Speaker B: Excellent, excellent. All right, all right. I'm going to say goodbye for now, and thank you again. [00:57:12] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:57:17] Speaker B: Robin Stebbins, aka Medicine Girl, truly has some really good medicine there, in her words, and also her understandings. So I'm sure that everyone that has heard this one today will appreciate what Robin has shared and has said. Very great insights into the world and how basically we're being treated by the systems that really aren't that helpful to our health. So I'm sure if you've got a good benefit out of that, you could share that to others as well. So if you like the show, as you know, if you could jump onto your favorite podcast app and give us a five star rating or write some really nice words about us, I'd really appreciate that, and so would many others when they discover the show that is helping them, helping you as well. So, yeah, thank you so much for listening and bye for now. Until next weekend. I do better.

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