Episode 65

March 06, 2024


Raymond Posch Interview Are You Asleep?

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Raymond Posch Interview Are You Asleep?
Supernormalized Podcast
Raymond Posch Interview Are You Asleep?

Mar 06 2024 | 00:57:54


Show Notes

Meet Raymond Posch: podcaster, author, folk singer, and voice for love & awakening. With his podcasts, 'Our Spiritual Life' & 'New Ways of Being,' he explores human consciousness. His book 'Awakening to Wholeness' inspires self-discovery. Join him on a journey of joy & success! #Spirituality #Awakening #Supernormalized #Podcast
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: The universe does arise out of one consciousness, and that one consciousness creates the physical world. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience my treasured listeners. [00:01:11] Speaker C: If you have a life story or. [00:01:13] Speaker B: Healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a z at Proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is, completely normal. Today on supernormalized, we embark on a transformative journey with Raymond Posh, a multifaceted individual driven by a passion for spirituality, personal growth, and awakening. As a podcaster, author, blogger, folk singer, writer, and speaker, Raymond serves as the captivating voice believing in the transformative power of love and awakening. Through his podcasts, our spiritual life, and new ways of being, he shares insightful conversations that explore the evolution of human consciousness. Raymond's book, Awakening to wholeness, takes us on a profound exploration of the joy and power that comes from embracing our true selves. With nearly 30 years of experience as a seeker and student of self development and spirituality, Raymond is dedicated to helping others find greater joy in success while making a positive impact on the world. His own spiritual journey, which witnessed a significant shift from atheism to spiritual exploration, fuels his deep interest in awakening. Drawing from his extensive background in information technology and project management, Raymond brings a unique perspective to his spiritual pursuits, applying success, mindset, and conscious decision making to both his personal and professional life. Join us on supernomalized as we delve into the realms of spirituality, personal growth, and conscious living. Today with Raymond Posh. [00:02:46] Speaker C: Welcome to supernormalized Raymond posh. So, Raymond, you've had quite a large sort of story in your life, and it's played out in many and very different ways. Can you give us some of your stories so people have a background about you, about how you got to where you are and what you do, and give us some insight there? [00:03:07] Speaker A: Yes, well, I have a long story, so I will keep it down to a couple of minutes here. [00:03:14] Speaker C: If it's long, it's good. That's fine. I like long stories too, so that's good. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Well, I was a long time ago, I was raised on a farm in Missouri, and that had some very unique experiences, and one of the things that really stuck with me on that was I became very close to nature, and I really loved getting out and exploring in the woods and that sort of thing, but jumping ahead to my college years. Well, actually, I was raised as a Catholic during those growing up years, but when I went off to college that freshman year, I became an atheist, and so I kind of dropped out of religion. I think there were a couple of things there where I was tying together my ideas about religion and the ideas about God or spirit. I dumped it. I became an atheist. And I was, I say, a contented atheist for quite a few years, probably 20 some years. And then one day, kind of out of the blue, I was at work. I was working as a software engineer, and I decided to go to a computer bookstore and walked in and picked up a book that I thought looked interesting. I opened up to a random page, and there was my name. I don't know if you've ever had anything quite like that, but it's a shock to see your name or hear your name when you don't expect it. [00:05:01] Speaker C: True. [00:05:02] Speaker A: So I discovered when I looked at it that the author had quoted an article that I had written, and he quoted it pretty extensively, but he was talking about in his book the same thing that I talked about in that article. But what really struck me about that was that the more I thought about it, especially what happened the following day, I didn't believe it was coincidence. I really felt that there was a purpose in that and that the universe was trying to get my attention, and that became reinforced the next day. So I looked at this book. It was a $50 book, and I cited when I was there, and, oh, that's too expensive. I'm not going to buy it just to have my name in print there. So I left. But the next day, I decided to go back and buy the book into the bookstore. The book wasn't where it was that day before, so I'd asked a clerk about it, and he had taken the book to the back, was packing it up for shipment back to the publisher. And so what really struck me is that, wow, it happened the last day that it could happen. If I had waited till then, I never would have known that book existed. [00:06:35] Speaker C: Yeah, it was right there. [00:06:37] Speaker A: At any rate, that suddenly shifted my mind to the possibility that the universe was intelligent and perhaps personal and trying to get my attention, and I set off on a spiritual exploration as a result. [00:06:56] Speaker C: Yeah, right. [00:06:57] Speaker A: And so I've been very interested in spirituality ever since. Now, that's been more than 20 years since that happened, and I've had a lot of unusual events over that span, but just kind of jumping ahead. I ended up writing a spiritual book that's called awakening to wholeness. And then in the last few years, well, four years ago, I started a spiritual podcast called our spiritual life, and it's been a popular spiritual podcast. And in the past month, a little over a month now, I've started a new podcast that has a much more clear focus to it, and it's called new ways of being nice. So the focus of that is to really talk with people about new ways of being, meaning, awakening, and that can mean many different things, but living in a more conscious way generally, I think that's so important these days with the state of the world, et cetera. In a short story there, that's some of what I can talk about. [00:08:30] Speaker C: Yeah, look, I'm just curious. I'm actually thinking back to when you were a child and you were raised a Catholic. Did you actually have a sense of a connection to the faith and to the spirit and the world at that time? [00:08:45] Speaker A: Certainly back then, I would say, no, nothing like what I have now and what I've discovered over the years, people who are now, this is my own personal opinion, I guess I should say people who call themselves spiritual but not religious, I really find to have a much stronger sense of spirituality in connection with a higher power. Back in those days, when I was going to church with my family to catholic services, there was a lot of ritual, and my family, especially my mom, was quite religious, and we said the rosary at night, but I didn't feel that it was really connecting. It was about the rules and regulations of being a christian or a catholic and not so much about could you actually get to know God and talk to God. [00:09:54] Speaker C: It does sound like that sort of raising up in such a strict sort of framework made you bribe for atheism. [00:10:06] Speaker A: Well, yeah, I think that decision to become an atheist there when I was a freshman in college was. I do remember that I had read this book that I think I checked out of the school library, and it was something about a new story about space and time. And the author had written this book about his ideas of what really made the universe work, and he described it as being a progression in a continual state of either expansion or coming into being. And I thought, well, that's a nice way to think about the universe. And I think I was kind of unhappy with some of the christian teachings at that time. I really rejected the idea of hell. How could a loving God have anything like that? And of course, later I decided, well, that's what a religious organization comes up with to get people to fall into line. As an atheist, I felt very content in that belief. I think I was in those years. I know I was open to continuous learning. That's something I've always been big on. And some of that got into what consciousness is, and that's understanding that is so important today. But, yeah. So later I did all of this. I call it spiritual exploration, but it was a lot of reading books about spirituality or philosophy, exploring various ideas of spirituality. And I didn't jump into one thing I wanted to explore and a lot of different ideas, which I did. And eventually what I really came to focus on was something that I read got me focused on wholeness, or I could call it wholeism. The idea that the universe is one great whole. And the philosophies that I focused on, really, was that the universe does arise out of one consciousness, and that one consciousness creates the physical world. And so that's really the fundamentals of what I believe today. But of course, at that point then, I was believing in a higher power, a God, infinite intelligence, whatever you want to call it. [00:13:11] Speaker C: Right. [00:13:11] Speaker A: I kind of steered away from, for a number of years from calling, referring to God, because that catholic upbringing really instilled a fear of God. [00:13:27] Speaker C: It does trouble the people, I think. So a question for you then is, because you said you sort of like, we're looking into what consciousness is. What do you think consciousness is? [00:13:44] Speaker A: Well, I understand consciousness to be. Okay, let me back up just a bit here. When I first started thinking about what that means, I did not have a clear idea, really, at all what it was. I had a very vague idea. And was it the same as mind or thinking? And what I've really kind of come to understand it to be is that it is pure awareness, and that means that. And it is a creative intelligence. So it is a creative force in the universe. Awareness is more important than mind, but a mind is a part of that. And actually, body is an expression of consciousness as well, in my understanding. So it is totally creative and totally intelligent and totally knowing. [00:15:01] Speaker C: So then the opposite of that would be an impure awareness. What would be an example of that? [00:15:07] Speaker A: Well, the way most of us relate to awareness these days is through attention. We are aware when we put our attention on something. [00:15:19] Speaker C: Yes. [00:15:21] Speaker A: That comes then to our full awareness or some level of awareness. So awareness is, I guess, one way of defining it would be it's a knowing that is even instantaneous. But I had one spiritual teacher whose audio courses I took, and she explained awareness as when you are aware, you are aware of what you are experiencing. So that's primarily through the senses, but it can be through an inner awareness that is kind of an additional. It's different than our other senses, I believe, but it's an inner awareness. It can start with the awareness of the inner body, but if we go into that with a quiet mind and expand that awareness, then it can become more. But certainly when you're in that state of awareness, like in meditation, you're aware of your beingness. I am. I exist. That's always been one of the key things that meditators or philosophers have talked about of finding that in meditation. [00:17:04] Speaker C: So what to you is living more conscious? How does somebody live more consciously? And do you have any pro tips on letting that? [00:17:16] Speaker A: And that's a great question because there's an organization that I belong to called humanities team, and it's a nonprofit and they want to promote living consciously in the world. But they also talk about presence and awareness a lot. But living consciously means being more aware in your daily life, in what you are doing and in what you think about your place in the world and what you're feeling and reacting to and being open to explore that consciously. But it's certainly about that. And consciousness is kind of a big subject once you really dig into it. So I'm debating about how far to go here with that. [00:18:37] Speaker C: But yeah, sure, cover what you think is necessary to cover. [00:18:43] Speaker A: Yeah, but a big part of it is breaking out of habit, really, of coming to a point where we make decisions more consciously instead of unconsciously out of habit, being less immediately judgmental in various kinds of situations and kind of looking at the circumstances more, how do I really feel about this? Or why am I reacting in anger or whatever that might be? So it's certainly being more aware of yourself and how you're responding to life. [00:19:32] Speaker C: Okay, so how has your interest in spirituality and personal growth evolved over the years? And what drives your passion for awakening? [00:19:45] Speaker A: That's a great question, too. I went through this phase of spiritual exploration. As I said, it went on for more than ten years, and I read hundreds of books and really was exploring it pretty deeply. And I love learning. Since then, it's continued as a process of continuous exploration of spirituality and being open to it. But what really has excited me about it is that I've learned things that really open new understanding of the world and where I fit into it. And some of those understandings are becoming more aware. And in a sense, I could say becoming more aware is always becoming more powerful. You understand more about the world and yourself. That's why. And I've had some spiritual events along the way that have continued that interest in it. But I love learning what someone has discovered about consciousness or spirituality, or how to be different in the world. One of the things I've really found is that when you grow spiritually, that's your inner core, that's the inner beingness of you, and that opens you up for growth in all aspects of life, not just spirituality. One of the conclusions that I arrived at a number of years ago was that people tend to separate spirituality from practical life or daily life. Oh, those are two different things, but we don't mix those. And business has always kind of supported that attitude, working in a job. But no, there's really no separation. I believe that life is intended to be totally spiritual and to live in a much more powerful way than most people do. [00:22:29] Speaker C: Right. Well, you spoke about some spiritual events there that actually were possible triggers along your path. Are you able to talk about those? [00:22:39] Speaker A: Yeah, you know, one of the, one of the bigger ones that I can think about that, I remember it was in the, in the late ninety s, and I worked for a startup company. I ended up in a different. I got hired to do this one thing, and they kind of diverted me to do something else. And I was doing a different kind of thing. I was supporting a sales team, which I had never done before. But at any rate, the owner of the company strongly wanted me to go back to what I was supposed to be doing, and some other manager had pulled me away. So I did that. But I just had some disagreements with that CEO over a period of maybe up to a year. And I got laid off with a part of a bigger layoff. And I was really, still really upset with that CEO. And I decided I needed to get some coaching from someone else. So I sought out a spiritual coach, and he was very focused on energy in the body, like chakra energy, and so he would have me do chakra energy practices. And as that went on, one day I had this very powerful experience that's generally described as a Kundalini experience, if you're familiar with that very powerful energy rising up through the body. So that really stood out in my mind. I don't know that it was life changing for me, but certainly immediately afterwards, my sense perception was different. I was seeing the world a little bit differently, a little brighter world, a little more colorful world, but I think that kind of faded away. [00:25:07] Speaker C: Yeah, right. [00:25:11] Speaker A: I've had other kinds of experiences over time. After doing maybe lots of kind of meditation or some of the practices that I've done over time was eventually becoming aware of awareness itself. And that's always kind of a breakthrough when you realize, oh, I see what awareness is more clearly now. Another one that really stood out for me was actually kind of similar to the kundalini. And I remember it was in 2007, and that year I was reading a lot about something that was going on in the world called the oneness blessing. I don't know if you remember hearing about that came out of India. And so this indian teacher, he ended up teaching a whole lot of people on actually opening up a university called Oneness University of how to do this oneness blessing. And the people that he trained are called diksha givers. And I've forgotten now exactly what the meaning of that word is. But I discovered that there was someone in Boulder, Colorado, about 20 some miles from where am I right now? So I signed up for this oneness blessing, and I went to this woman's house, and there was a group of us there, and she gave each of us the oneness blessing. And in doing that, she placed her hand on my head, and I felt this very powerful energy flow down through my spine, basically, anyway. [00:27:16] Speaker C: Chakras. [00:27:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Flowed down through to my heart. But my reaction to it was very profound. Well, first I felt that as a very strong energy, very warm. I think it's very much probably like Reiki. And then she had us lay on the floor, and I had this vivid dream or sensation of something happening to me. The two people who teach or formed this oneness blessing, I felt them there in the room with me. And the woman put her hand on my heart, and the man was coaching me, but I was feeling this very powerful sensations. And then I had this vision of looking out into, basically, I guess I'd say the night sky or day sky, but I was seeing, like, diamonds in the sky. And I've heard that described, like, indra's dream or so. It was all very powerful. And out of this group I was with, I was the only one that had that, anything like that. So that stuck with me. And the thing that I noticed, I think my sense of oneness, being one with other people and with the world was much stronger after that and remained that way. I wouldn't say that it was an awakening as I would understand it today, but it was kind of an awakening. And one of the other things I think really stayed with me is I had a quieter mind after that. [00:29:32] Speaker C: Right. Takes out the inner dialogue for sure. When you have such an epiphany and awakening sort of experience, for sure. I completely understand. [00:29:40] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. [00:29:43] Speaker C: So in addition to your spiritual pursuits, you also have your background in information technology and project management. Have you integrated concepts like success mindset and your conscious choice making those into those fields? [00:29:59] Speaker A: I have to an extent, for most of what I do, I would say most of that the technology knowledge or the project management skills don't apply too much in my life, but I am a little more, maybe more organized person than some people might be. I might approach my spiritual study maybe in a different way or how I view, but just in general relating to life or the world, it did give me a very good sense about life. And project management plays such a huge role in the corporate world. Everything's done via projects, so it's really something big. And it gave me the opportunity to really relate to other kinds of people. When I started out in a profession of information technology, I was very much working with very technical people, doing very technical work. But as a project manager, I had to really then relate much more to business or to the world in general. And certainly even as a manager, you have to learn different skills of interacting with people, et cetera. So all of that did apply. Again, like I say, probably not too much in terms of my view about spirituality or what I think is really important in the world today. I think today we need much more consciousness in the world, and I don't think I learned too much about that, like on the job or in a career over the years. But I do sense that now I've since retired from it and project management, and I do sense that very slowly the corporate world is beginning to open up to this idea of living more consciously or being more conscious in business, for sure, being aware of how they're relating to the world, et cetera. I think that's a good thing. And some of the guests that I've had on my podcast have commented on that they are really beginning to see some big change there of businesses actually seeking out advisors to how to open up to applying consciousness or awareness more in the corporate world. [00:33:01] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. I'm seeing a big growth in that too. And people are seeking out mindfulness practitioners and meditators to assist their businesses in helping to strike that work life balance even more. So, because in doing that, then people actually really enjoy going to work. So it's all positive in the end. I think now, as someone dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, how do you believe love and awakening can impact individuals and society as a whole. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Okay, that's a somewhat deep question there, actually, in my view of it, because the answer to that can be approached on several different levels. I mean, one, anytime we increase our awareness, it has benefit. If we are like, for example, responding to people in a work environment or in a home environment, how I relate to my wife, if I'm doing that with greater awareness, that's always a good thing. And awareness is not either or on or off. Awareness has all many different levels. You can always become more aware. Awareness can always expand, and you can, let's see things from new perspectives that you could never see before. So that concept right there of having greater perspective, a broader view, but also, when I talk about awareness, I'm talking about a deeper view of how. Of meaning and purpose and those kinds of things, how those relate in life generally, that's always a good thing. If we had people fully aware. Well, what I was about to say isn't quite true. I was about to say all this political divisiveness would shift. It won't shift just on that by itself. It requires something even deeper to get past that kind of awakening to new perceptions and to greater openness and how we respond to life. It's so deep and powerful as myself. As I've gone through steps of awakening, there's this better feeling that I have about myself and about life and about the world. It's never worse. It's always better. So spiritual growth is. That's certainly a big part of what it should be about. But at the deepest level, I view the universe as one whole. And the more that we understand that everything is interconnected as part of this great whole, then all of a sudden, if we describe that as being part of the divine or this infinite intelligence, whatever words you want to use, and that intelligence is good and it wants the best for all of life, then if I understand that, if I see the divinity in you and see the divinity in all of life, all of the world, that means that we're connected at this fundamental level. It gives us more reason to see the oneness in the world instead of the separateness in the world. [00:37:44] Speaker C: Yeah, that brings a greater cohesiveness and plenty, just connection. That's good. So, could you share some insights from your conversations with spiritual teachers and coaches on your podcast, our spiritual life? And what valuable knowledge have you gained from that? [00:38:04] Speaker A: Yeah, when I started out as a spiritual podcaster, I was doing a lot of the episodes of myself talking about a subject. And in a number of cases, I would do reading from a spiritual book. Later, I started getting more and more into interviews. And so, yeah, I did interview many different coaches of all types, spiritual coaches, psychic healers, energetic healers, life coaches, many different people, many different perspectives. I found it totally fascinating. Over the last year or so, it seems that it's increased over that span of time several years. I've seen more and more and talked to more and more people who work in energy. So they're energy healers or energy coaches. And I was never very aware of energy. I'd say at one point, I certainly didn't know if that was useful information or not. Yeah, I could see that it's good to understand the body and feel the body more and to have more direct influence on your own body through mindset or through energy practices. But I've come to discover more and more that energy perspective is significant. It's something I need to learn more about. So I've really been paying more attention to it, and I've really come to find that the practitioners now that work with what they call quantum energy, they're doing some good things. And I've come across one person in particular that I think is doing really incredible work. I don't know if you want me to name names or not, but, well. [00:40:33] Speaker C: If they've influenced you so much, then you think they're great. Why not talk about them? [00:40:38] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, that person is Joshua Bloom, and he has what he calls the quantum energy transformation process that he teaches. But with that, he can heal people from most kinds of physical or emotional distress or pain or problems very quickly. So it's very powerful in that regard. But he's learned some ways of how you can connect to quantum energy, one at the cellular level. So if you can move energy through the cells of your body, they respond to that energy in very powerful. And one of the teachers that I've studied is Bruce Lipton. He's a microbiologist. I think he's described as. And he discovered that really, the cells of our body are far more intelligent than we generally think about them. And they use quantum energy processes in the way they operate. The cells do. Those are all very powerful things when you put them together. And also, I've come to understand what people speak about in terms of the quantum field. I think many people have many different ideas about what that is. And it first came from quantum physicists when they were really studying what do quanta do? How do they react to different stimulation, et cetera. And they made all those incredible discoveries that you probably know about in the early part of the 19 hundreds, like quantum entanglement and a number of other different behaviors. And the understanding of the quantum field over the last 20 years has really increased substantially. And there are more and more people that have been able to relate how that quantum behavior of atoms and electrons and photons or particles or waves actually does apply to our human life, which is, at these scale, much greater scales of dimension. But the quantum field I would describe as being the field of conscious creation, that we actually do participate in creating the physical world through our interaction of consciousness and the Quantum field. [00:43:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:43:59] Speaker A: So, anyway, all of those things that I've learned have been big to me because it's given me a whole new perspective of, okay, having greater control or awareness of the energy in my body is important because it relates to how I'm interacting at an energetic level. Of course, everybody knows these days, yes, everything is energy, so it becomes much more important. When I got into spiritual exploration, the teachers I encountered primarily were very, I would say, very conceptual in how they talked about spirituality and taught it. But nowadays, there's an energetic aspect that's quite important, in my opinion, for sure. Now, I've also, one of the people that I interviewed about a year ago goes now by the name of Swami Nityananda, and she is a spiritual teacher, american born, and she got very interested in spirituality, and a lot of that focused on Buddhism. And she found this teacher that she worked with over a period of time, and he declared her a swami when she had this great awakening and demonstrated how that affected the way she behaved in the world. But at any rate, she really had a profound effect on me, too, because she projects this awareness and this energy and this joy of life that is at a really high level. And something I really admired that was pretty eye opening to me, that you can express that level of aliveness and joy in the world every day, because most of us don't, even those of us who are spiritual, we go through our ups and downs through the day, and it can be hard to stay in what we might describe as a perfect state of awareness or awakeness in the world. So, yeah, I just interviewed her again just very recently, and that episode is going to be going out in the next few weeks. But it's good to see people who are fully awake and demonstrating that kind of awakeness. It's amazing to see. I don't know if you've ever heard the term Satsung. Yeah, that's when a spiritual teacher holds a teaching, and often the teacher is sitting down, and people are gathered around her, and they can sense and be activated by that teacher's presence. And it's actually been fairly recent that I've really come to understand what activation is, and that's when they are being at a high level of frequency, high level of energy, and they transmit that in a way that activates other people, that it suddenly shifts them to greater. To a new level of awareness. [00:48:10] Speaker C: Yeah, they ask questions and get answers from the person holding the Satsung so that they become more aware of themselves and how they are in the. Yeah, I listen to a lot of Ajashanti. You've probably heard of Aja Shanti. He's another. [00:48:31] Speaker A: I've heard. I have heard that name. Yes, I know who you're talking. [00:48:35] Speaker C: I find him pretty good. I actually sometimes think of him as, like, he does sound like Kermit for some reason. I don't know why that is, but it's just the way my brain processes information. But I've really enjoyed his satsungs for tuning into that, what we'd call a zen sort of space. [00:48:53] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:48:54] Speaker C: Yeah, it's been very cool, and there is a lot of benefits to that. And I can see how Satsang works for some people, for sure. And I've enjoyed some satsangs and other ones. It's felt like what I call baggage return, where you go and if you're on a nice flight and you come back and you pick up your baggage and leave. I think these tools take a bit of effort to actually, like you say, awareness is a process, but it's also something that's a place of having that attention without holding tension on that attention. It's just like letting it be and being in the in between all the time. [00:49:31] Speaker A: Yeah, well, the most basic level of awareness that I think is so important, and I've worked with a few people about this, but the awareness of yourself to notice what you're noticing becomes quite powerful. If you can notice what you're noticing, like, all of a sudden, you notice that, oh, I didn't react to that other person probably in the best way, and how could I have done that differently? If that kind of noticing is so powerful, it really helps change happen in and. Yeah, quite powerful. [00:50:21] Speaker C: Cool. So, finally, Raymond, what message or advice would you like to share with individuals seeking greater joy, success, and a spiritual fulfillment in their own lives? [00:50:35] Speaker A: Yeah, well, one, I certainly would really recommend working on awareness in any way. The mindfulness practices that really talk about awareness, and not just doing a mantra like in meditation, for example, but if you actually do practices to become more aware, especially in your daily life, or like stop and smell the roses kind of thing, that kind of awareness gives you a shift. That's always a starting point for continuing that, for going on to greater awareness. But notice what you're noticing or taking the time to notice the world around you more can be very powerful. And taking the time these days, especially with devices turned off, is even more so. We are so wrapped up in, so many people are so wrapped up in that iPhone or that smartphone and responding to it instead of choosing what they want in their life. But I do think meditation is important. I do think it can be done in many different ways. I do my meditation mostly not in sit down meditation, but I do a morning walk with my dog. Tends to be very brisk walk for about 40 minutes, but I meditate in that walk. And over the years, I've contemplated on spiritual practices or done spiritual practices while I'm on that walk as well. So I recommend that to people to combine it with walking is such a fantastic, fast, fantastic form of exercise. That's a good way to do two things that are important at once. Getting exercise and quieting the mind while you're at it. I'm sure there are many more things that I could suggest here if I think just a moment. Becoming more aware of feelings is something else that I've learned. I mean, you can look at that from a very practical point of view, but from an understanding energy point of view, we feel energy generally. I've talked to people who see energy, and so I guess that's maybe a little bit different. But most of us feel the energy in our body through feeling. It has some distinct feeling. And actually, I learned in the past year, I learned a new word called interoception. I learned that from Deepak chopra. But it means inner body awareness of scanning our body, the inner body, and become more aware of the full body and both what we're feeling and the field of energy that is with us. And I recommend that because it leads right to what Eckhart Tolle teaches in his teachings about the power of now present moment awareness. And it's perhaps easiest to be aware of the present moment through your right. [00:55:04] Speaker C: So, Raymond, how can people find you and learn more about you and get in contact and listen to your podcast? Do you have a website? [00:55:14] Speaker A: Yes. So my name is Raymond Posh, and Posh is Posch. And so you can learn about me at my website, which is raymondposh.com, and my two podcasts. My older one is still out there, over 100 episodes available. It's called our Spiritual Life. And my newer podcast, I just brought out episode seven, so it's still fairly new, and it is new ways of being brilliant. And my podcast website is www. Newwaysofbeing world. [00:56:05] Speaker C: Okay, excellent. Well, I'll include that detail in the show notes. And I wanted to thank you again, Raymond, for coming on the show and appreciate you sharing all of your understandings and gifts. [00:56:16] Speaker A: Well, thank you so much for having me. You've asked great questions. I've really enjoyed the conversation, and so thank you so much. [00:56:24] Speaker C: All right, you have a good evening. Bye for now. Bye. All right, so that's the end of the show. Raymond, thank you so much. That was, yeah, yeah. Very cool. Thank you very much for sharing with us. [00:56:44] Speaker A: All right, so will you share with me the link to the episode when it releases? When will that be? [00:56:52] Speaker C: I can't tell you the date yet because I've just come back from the holidays and I've got to start figuring out my calendar. But what I'll do is once I've actually edited this one up, probably tomorrow, and I've got the date, I'll send you an email direct, and you'll have an understanding of the date that it's coming out, and you'll have an image of the podcast cover that you can use for your own promotions if you need to. [00:57:15] Speaker A: Sounds good. [00:57:16] Speaker C: All right, thanks, Raymond. [00:57:18] Speaker A: Thank you. Bye bye. [00:57:19] Speaker C: All right, bye. [00:57:24] Speaker B: It was certainly an interesting talk with Raymond, and I'm certain that you also got some good information out of that and some self understanding. If you did, please reach out to Raymond at the links in the show notes, and if you've enjoyed today's show, please share this to one person that you know will benefit from it. Thank you so much for listening. And until next episode, bye for now. [00:58:27] Speaker A: The bedroom, our.

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