Episode 61

February 21, 2024


Natalia Lee Interview Trusting Magical Currents

Hosted by

Natalia Lee Interview Trusting Magical Currents
Supernormalized Podcast
Natalia Lee Interview Trusting Magical Currents

Feb 21 2024 | 01:41:23


Show Notes

Natalia is a multi-talented individual with a deep passion for reading, writing, fortune-telling with cards, painting, and drawing. She embraces various creative outlets as a poet, storyteller, artist, and cartomancer. Natalia's love for books led her into the captivating world of cartomancy, where she finds excitement in the visual journey offered by these little pieces of paper.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I'm startled, and I look in front of me and there's like this thing, this circle wormhole. I don't know what to call it. It's like this doorway open, and this person steps out and I'm like, oh shit, what is going on right now? Everyone is asleep and I'm awake, and they're dressed in white. And I'm like, what is this madness? Am I seeing this? So I pretend I'm asleep. I'm like side eyeing, what is this? And I notice that they're observing me. They look around the house, but it's me. It's like taking. [00:01:31] Speaker B: Welcome to supernormalize, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. Experience. My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a Z at Proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Dear listeners, I have a treat for you today. I'm talking this week with Natalia from Puerto Rico, who is an explorer of consciousness and magic, poetry, the arts, and a self driven scholar of magical currents that I myself am very interested in. We are both runesu premium members since its inception and part of that story. Recently, I had read one of her encounters that sounded quite astounding. I contacted Natalie and asked her if she'd be interested in talking about that experience and her magical life, and she agreed. And here we are today. A meeting was long and there was some tech issues, but we got it there. And yeah, I'm sure you will enjoy. It's such a good, deep story of how people and how you yourself should trust your intuition and where this magical life can lead you. Welcome to supernormalized Natalia. Now, Natalia, I sort of know you on and off through the Runesoop forums and also the know communicating over the years. You've been on there for quite a long time, and you had an experience that sort of made my mind pop. When I read it. I was like, wow. And I'd like to talk to you about that. And that's how we find you here today. But there's more of a background to you. I mean, if you were to stand off the side and describe Natalia, now, what would you say? [00:03:28] Speaker C: Well, I would say that I am the first thing. I love books and I love to read, and I also write and I like to tell stories. And I don't know, I guess I'm a general overall artist. Right? I paint. I draw. [00:03:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:53] Speaker C: I read cards, and that's pretty much me. Yeah. [00:03:59] Speaker B: But you're exploring the world of magic, and you have been doing so for quite a long time now. Is that driven by anything? Like, is it a part of something that's happening in, say, your family line or anything like that? [00:04:13] Speaker C: Yes. That's another yes. It must be. Right, because we each find the roads we're walking on and then we're like, oh, look, and then we take to it, right? I don't know. We take to it. It makes sense and we keep doing it. Right. So it must be part of ancestral family. I know from alive family. I can't say, oh, my brother or I have cousins or uncles. I can't say anything like that. From one side they're very Catholic, and on the other side they're very Protestant Christians. And what I can say is that a lot of the things in my life have happened because of weird sicknesses. [00:05:21] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:05:26] Speaker C: Yeah. So it began kind of like the road began kind of in my 20s when I got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. [00:05:35] Speaker A: And. [00:05:38] Speaker C: I developed, like, the extreme phobia of going out. I couldn't drive. I had to call my mother. I lost my job because of it. I have to call my mother to drive from work back home because I couldn't drive. It was, I don't know, this madness that I couldn't do it. And so I stopped going outside. It was like this weird sickness coupled with hyperthyroid. And what the doctors were saying, they said I had graves disease. A whole bunch of things were going on. And both in my personal life and health, I wasn't sleeping well. And so I would say that's when it began, because when that happened, I was like, I got to figure out how to survive this. And, I don't know. Music helped me survived it, really. Music and praying helped me survive it. And, yeah, I don't even know when I came out of it. I just forced myself because I was never medicated or anything. I was medicated for the thyroid, but I never did anything for anything else. So these weird sicknesses have happened, especially with that phobia. And I think it has to do with my natal chart, too. There's a lot going on there. And from there, I don't know, like these points in my life where I get these sicknesses that lead to these open doors that just lead to these open paths. And then I. I end up taking that path and then it becomes part of how I live, the things I do in that path. So from there began like a whole journey of leaving the church. Because from my mother's kids, I was the one that was really, I guess, into church. And from there I always questioned, but I kept going. And then from there I began kind of shedding skin in my twenty S. And then I moved to Puerto Rico to study. And then it just kept snowballing into there. Just weird sicknesses. And that phobia thing sometimes does pop up. And I've realized, especially this year, where it's happened, I've had some weird, again, weird sicknesses this year that come on all of a sudden and lead to these weird experiences with like. [00:08:34] Speaker A: I don't. [00:08:34] Speaker C: Know, angels, I guess you could say. I would say angels, but yeah, that's pretty much what has led me here, these weird sicknesses. So I guess I have to thank Saturn. [00:08:49] Speaker B: And looking at your chart, was that actually in alignment with Saturn events, do you think? [00:08:54] Speaker C: Well, I have Saturn in my twelveth house and in conjunction with Mars. So there's a lot of issues. [00:09:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Like a lot of tension between those. [00:09:05] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. There's a lot ancestral things and a lot of mental know, like a lot of things going on there that are reflective of my 6th house and then my other. It imposes a great influence around my chart. Yeah. [00:09:32] Speaker B: Go ahead. You had something there. [00:09:34] Speaker C: No, like I say it, because I've had recent. People are really uncomfortable about talking about Malefic aspects in their lives, in their experiences. And I'm not talking about bad judo things, but things that we're born with. Curses and knotted things that we're born with. Right. And I've come to terms with the fact that part of. Not part, I've come to terms with the fact with a reality that, yes, I was born under a misfortune. And this has been confirmed through time. I have a godmother in a tradition in 21 divisions and I've initiated. It's like voodoo, but the Dominican side. So it's all come up continually and been confirmed through different people. We see it as misfortune. Right. Oh God, I was born with this and that or all these things against me, but I don't know, sometimes it's also like honing you. There are things that come from. There are so many factors involved, things from the past, things from the family, ancestral things. When I say things, for lack of a better word, like of. I don't know, essence or experiences or lives. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Contracts, influences. [00:11:25] Speaker C: Exactly. Contracts, influences. But it's all part of. I don't know how we make this sing, how we make our lives sing in harmony, how we find the harmony. And then once we find that harmony, what looked like a misfortune transforms into something else. In a way, I've always felt like that, but as I grow older, I realize that it's not so bad. It has. It has its beauty, too. Yeah. That's pretty much how I've come, where I am from, these weird, very low experiences. [00:12:23] Speaker B: Yeah. There's huge wisdom in that. And that understanding as well. I resonated with it a lot myself as well. I mean, I wouldn't say that I've been through lots of challenging sort of experiences in that sort of way with health, but mine have always been with spirits, doing work, working me over and stuff. I can get it in that way, too. I personally do have a chart which does look a bit difficult, but I've turned out all right so far. [00:12:55] Speaker C: Right? [00:12:56] Speaker B: Yeah, it's not so bad. [00:13:01] Speaker C: It's like that verse in the Bible. We're never given more than we can. [00:13:06] Speaker B: Handle, I think so. [00:13:07] Speaker C: We can't handle. Yeah. More than we can't handle. Yeah. I definitely agree there. [00:13:14] Speaker B: So you've grown up in a sort of Catholic sort of faith. [00:13:21] Speaker A: With a. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Bit of magical background as well, because of family and maybe history. [00:13:27] Speaker A: Yes. [00:13:29] Speaker B: And how was that for you, growing up in that? And how did that play out in your life when you started to realize that you do have this big Christian background? There's a lot of. What else, too? What else is here? [00:13:45] Speaker C: Well, I always kind of. I don't know, I guess. And I remember I would have conversations with pastors and things like that and ask them about. But if this is true, how come it doesn't make sense logically in history? How can we take this as fact? Like, things about Adam and Eve and silly questions, one, as a young person asks, and they would always answer in their own way. So I always kind of had questions. But I was quite devout. Let me be frank. I was quite devout. And then I would have these weird dreams after that sickness and all of that. It kind of started. I guess I started shedding my skin, kind of stepping into a new path or something that opened up like a change. It's better worded. Yeah, change. [00:14:59] Speaker A: And. And. [00:15:09] Speaker C: I kind of. I just felt weird. And then I realized I was bisexual, and. And then that was a very low point, another low point in my life, because I felt oh, no. What is this? Yeah. From there, we all kind of know. I think everyone has their own thing. It's not like I'm particular in any way, except that I'm me and it's my perspective. But you kind of always know when you're weird. [00:15:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I try not to admit that to anyone. [00:16:02] Speaker C: Yeah, you always know. And so I always kind of knew. But I was very devout. Right. And I would see my grandmother do these things and these ceremonies with the Virgin back then in Puerto Rico, they don't do this anymore, but they would walk her. They would walk the Virgin down specific streets from one church to another place. And just different special days of the Virgin. I would watch all these things and I was just very devout. I would pray a lot. And I really liked music and the music of sacral music. Sacral. But I always knew I was weird. It was like I don't quite fit, but. Okay, I'll just. I'll keep doing this, you know. And then my mom was extremely Christian, and so she was a big kind of hand in there, in instilling that fear of stepping out of bounds. [00:17:15] Speaker B: Right. [00:17:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:17] Speaker B: So did you suppress yourself and your weird character? [00:17:23] Speaker C: For sure? [00:17:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:24] Speaker C: What I always did was read. I always read, like, weird stories, ghost stories. I was very much in my own little world. Yeah. [00:17:37] Speaker B: That was your safe place? [00:17:39] Speaker C: Yes. And I would write stories and read and write stories and spend a lot of time in my room. [00:17:52] Speaker B: And what drew you to the path of magic then? [00:17:57] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:17:58] Speaker C: I landed here. [00:18:02] Speaker A: Motherfuckers. [00:18:04] Speaker B: Sorry. That's right. [00:18:05] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:18:06] Speaker C: We can curse. I know what drew me. So this was in 2013. So I went through all those sicknesses. I'm living here in Puerto Rico. I'm studying and all this stuff. And then one day I thought, obviously, I was no longer living with my mother. I was living alone. And one day I thought, wait, I'm living alone. I can do what I want. [00:18:43] Speaker B: How long did that one take to click ahead of me? It sounds like a revelation. [00:18:50] Speaker C: It was. And I got a pack of cards, tarot cards. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Which deck was that? [00:18:59] Speaker C: You know what? It wasn't the traditional rider. Waite Smith. I wanted that one, but I didn't get that. I got a black and white, the Hermetic Tarot. It's a black and white kind of Masonic thing. It just looks so cool. [00:19:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:13] Speaker C: And it was black and white. And I really like monochrome. I don't know. It still looks really cool, that deck. And so I started playing around with that and the more I played around, I was like, oh, there must be something here. And from there, I just started getting more tarot decks. And there's a lot of botanicas here in Puerto Rico, so I would visit them and it was just kind of testing the know and playing around with Tarot and selling fortunes, I guess you could say testing out the waters. Let's see if I read this card and then I would look and be like, okay, this is going to happen. And then I would see if it did happen. It was just basically testing the waters with Tarot. And then from there, I really don't know what was the bridge. But from there I got, oh, yeah, I remember I was studying for the LSAT because I was going to go into law school. And in tandem with that, from Tarot, I jumped into mythologies because I thought, wait a minute, wait a minute. I can read whatever I want. Does it have to be the Bible? And I was never into Greek mythology. Never ever. I was like, oh, God, I'm not into, you know, it's cool, but it just never grabbed me. And I got into the weirdest. I'm in the Caribbean in an island. I got into the Norse myth because I got a copy of Henry Bellow's the poetic Eda. And I began reading that and I was like, holy shit, this is incredible. So it's not the Bible? Yeah, it's not the Bible. Telling you about these things and life. I don't know how to explain it, but I realized that it wasn't just the Bible that was magical. [00:21:31] Speaker A: Right. [00:21:32] Speaker C: And telling you these things that are true and all this stuff, I realized that, I don't know, it was very transformative. I was like, oh, my God. I was highlighting things. I was look. Oh, my God. You can compare this to something in the Bible. Wow, look at that. I was doing my own comparisons. I read it all and from there I was like, this is incredible. I really want to get into this. And I did myself. I was like, you know what? I'm going to do it. And I purchased a couple of books, right, on Peter and on the gods. And I was like, you know, I'm going to call up Odin. Let's do. He's a teacher, right? And he's going to teach, right? The wandering teacher. So let's do again. My memory is so fuzzy because I don't know, I can't tell you exact transitions, but I somehow devised a nine day ceremony to call up Odin. [00:22:45] Speaker B: Well, how appropriate. Yeah. [00:22:51] Speaker C: And this was around 2015. 2015, yeah. And then what happened? [00:23:00] Speaker B: We got to tell you in those nine days what happened. It's got to be amazing. [00:23:05] Speaker C: It workeD. Yeah, it was kind of weird because it felt when on the 9th day. I know now in retrospect, because being involved in spiritist traditions and Afro Caribbean traditions where spirits mount your body, you could say possession, but it's kind of different because there's consent, there's agreements involved. That's how it felt. And it was extremely. I was like, oh. It was kind of like a stopping of breath, and then, I don't know, he told me all these things. Okay, let's do it. I'm saying it in my words. I have it written down. But it was kind of agreement. Okay, I'll teach you. So, from there, I began learning the runes, and I worked a lot with the runes, as in body movement. I did a lot of vision work with the runes, and, yeah, it was very fruitful from there. It was very fruitful. Even though I'm like this weird person in the Caribbean, it was very fruitful, because even from, um. I forgot the name of it now. But there's these spirits that come to a child that has a specific name. These grandmother spirits that come into a child when they're born. Right. And they're meant to be ancestral guides and things like that. I remember at one point, it's not. [00:24:52] Speaker B: The Lenvetti, is it? [00:24:56] Speaker C: Can't remember the name. It's been a while. I haven't walked away, but I've sort of. [00:25:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:12] Speaker C: But I remember, as I continued from there, I moved to Washington, and I kept doing the work, right? Working with the runes, doing prayers or kind of sitting in ceremony, vision work. And from there, I kind of saw visions of other sides of my. It kind of opened up a door to see ancestral landscapes. Right. Beyond that, I can't even say they definitely weren't Norse, right. But it was like, a way that led to open these doors to other ancestral landscapes that I didn't see. And they were, I guess, pointing, like, look, these spirits are with you. Look at this landscape. Look at here. So in that sense, doing these things was good, right. Because in a way, they led me by the hand, and they said, look at this. Look, you can go through here. And then I started having issues with one of my eyes. This eye. Yeah, lots of issues. [00:26:42] Speaker B: That's so common when a lot of. [00:26:46] Speaker C: Issues, like, I almost lost it. I got an infection. I got, like, just weird, weird ass shit. And I was like, wait, hold on. And so, and so from there, from having been kind of led or shown these other landscapes. From there, I was introduced to St. Cyprio, and I was like, you know what, Odin? I think this has been incredible. You will always be. And I still have dreams. I've had a lot of dreams. One of the apocalyptic kind of prophetic dreams I had before 2020 involved Thor. So they're still there, but I still have the runes in my altar. They're still there, but they're there. They were incredible guides, really. It was very fruitful. And then from there, I began reading the Sorcerer's treasure when it came out. And at this point, it's leading up to the real magic. No, I'm kidding. It's all magical, really. And then from there, I just devoured that book. There's, like, this thing opened up, and that's the landscape I was shown by these grandmothers, these guides. It was kind of like a very, I don't know, Iberian landscape. That's the sense that I have, right. And I was shown these people and these houses, these things. I knew my grandparents were from Spain, and they passed through the Canary Islands. They had a factory in the Canary Islands for making, one of them making pasta type of pasta. Anyway, so I knew, right, we're all especially here in the Caribbean, we're all kind of like a mix of, know, the Iberian and European and then blacks and the. The indigenous people. So, yeah, we're kind of like a mix. So I knew especially that my grandpa directly, I met him. He looked Iberian, right? He came from there and his family, but it was kind of that same thing. It's like, oh, these doors open. And I never had any. It was like, oh, look, this door open. Let me see what's there. It's kind of like. And, um, from there, I don't told. I formally told Odin, you know, and you have been an excellent mentor. I don't want to lose my eye. So I think this is where I'm going to explore other areas. And he was like, sure, whatever, I'll keep wandering. And he said, you keep wandering, too. You keep doing the Odin stuff. In the end of the day, I am. I keep wandering. What is it? There's another word for wandering. Wandering with an A, not with an O. And from there, runesup wasn't yet a member community. It was just a podcast. And I was doing tarot. I had, like, this little shop in Etsy, and I was trying promoting myself, doing the whole thing, right? And I met this mysterious person that wanted a reading from me, purchased a reading from me. [00:30:55] Speaker A: And. [00:30:58] Speaker C: I did the reading. But it didn't stop at the reading. We kept on talking, email correspondence, and we started slowly opening up. And from there, I don't know. It's funny how we create, how these connections are formed, even in distance. And I never saw her in person. I saw her in dreams, but, yeah, I don't know. And then from there, we would have conversations about magic. And that's when it started to get more serious because she had more experience. She would advise me, and we would take a look at her charts and we would kind of play around with things and go over it with each. [00:31:56] Speaker A: Other. [00:31:59] Speaker C: Enchantments and things like that. And from there, when we kept just correspondence, this went on for years. And then Gordon created the members and she joined and I didn't. I was like, I don't know, we'll just keep talking. And she's like, come on. Come on, join. [00:32:26] Speaker A: I'm like, okay. [00:32:27] Speaker C: And then I did. And then we were there. I don't know. And then that led to the PGM and all this while. I've been. While a lot of the formation of my Cyprian journey was kind of like the birth of that friendship. And it's funny how it happened because when she purchased a reading from me, the last name was a specific last name. And just prior to, it's like these funny things that happen in life. And before, just a week before that, I had been rewatching, what is that silly show? That's a lot of entertainment. True blood. [00:33:18] Speaker A: Right? [00:33:20] Speaker C: And I'd been rewatching it. [00:33:21] Speaker A: I was like, oh, I'm just going. [00:33:22] Speaker C: To watch it for entertainment, for fun, because it is quite a bit of fun. And I got to the scene just then, I got to the scene where the ancient fairy king being that wanted to, whatever that his name is, Warlow. And I remember, I think it was Warlow. Anyway, I thought it was so curious because the last name of that reading, when I saw that, when someone purchases a reading, you see first and last name, it has the same last name. I was like, not weird. I don't know. It was like a weird moment. Like, I just finished watching, know, when they introduced this character and then this person wants a reading from me with the same last name. [00:34:11] Speaker A: I'm like, no, I can't be the same. [00:34:12] Speaker C: Is it written the same? I don't know. And so it's funny, because then from there, yeah, she was really into Tolkien. From there, I read Tolkien. She was very into the Fae. So it's funny how these things kind of sync with life. How life has this sort of rhyming resonance to it. [00:34:34] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:34:35] Speaker C: It's all intertwined. [00:34:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:39] Speaker C: So that's pretty much. She was the bridge. That kind of helped me. Yeah. [00:34:47] Speaker B: So you started working with Cyprian, broke up with Odin, and it was an emical breakup, but you're still friends. [00:34:53] Speaker C: It was good. Yeah, I did a lot of things. I collected feathers, Raven Feathers, when I was in Washington, and I still have that in a box. All the things I created, I created, like necklace and all the things I created, they're still in a box. So it was an amicable breakup, and he's still there. [00:35:18] Speaker A: It's just like, well, that current's going. [00:35:21] Speaker B: To be with you your whole life because it informed you of your personality and who you are at that time and still makes sense to you. So that's very powerful, powerful stuff. And so you've met Cyprian since Cyprian. And what happened from. [00:35:44] Speaker C: You know, I met Cyprian reading his book. I don't know if a lot of people have this experience reading the sorcerer's treasure, but that was a very eerie experience. And I know Jose Link Dao mentions in the introduction that this is a book that has a lot of legends attached to it, a lot of taboo attached to it. So it's Trixie. Right. But I had none of that knowledge. None of that knowledge. I just began reading it, literally, from the introduction to the commentary, like, just reading a book, and it was a very eerie experience. And sometimes while reading it, there's a thing. I don't know. It was just a very eerie experience. Sometimes I would have visions. You know, when you see out of the corner of your eye, like sideways seeing. Yeah. Sometimes I would be reading it at night and I would see this tall man dressed in black. It was just very eerie. And they would just look at me like, hey, reading the book, it was just these weird, eerie experience. And I kept reading because I found it fascinating, and, I don't know, it resonated with something. It was like, okay, this is the new page from where I was, right. I was working with the runes. This is the new page. This is getting a little bit more Saturnian. This is getting darker. And I remember every time I would read it, and I don't know if this was a Resonance created from a lot of the spells in the book. There's a lot of spells involving critters in the book, and they would just kind of show up around me as I was reading the book. And I'm like, no. So it was like, struggling with. Not really a struggle, but it was like a weird recognition that. [00:38:09] Speaker B: This is happening. [00:38:11] Speaker C: Yeah, this is happening, and this is happening now. Exactly. And I kept reading, and then I started. I just dove in, started looking at the prayers. I began doing prayers. I began lighting candles, reaching out to St. Cyprian, and I found that St. Cyprian is very Saturnian. [00:38:37] Speaker A: So. [00:38:41] Speaker C: It'S about constancy, repetition, commitment. So I would do the Saturday thing, do the prayers, light the candles. It's the reaching out, like, hey, I'm here, and I would like to learn from you. And that's how it began. And after I fully read that book, I began to use it. And then from there came other books that Jose, I mostly focused on his work, on the published work of Jose. He did Obuscula Cipriani, and he also did Bibi Cavalenciana, which I also have. So it was kind of playing around with this current, this Cyprian current that's very much Iberian. And it resonated. It confirmed the vision that I was given before of this landscape that I mentioned. And through living and doing these things, living these prayers and reaching out to the saint and St. Justina didn't come immediately through there. It was confirmed. And through there, I was confirmed, revealed, shown that this particular lineage, this relationship with St. Cyprian, like this call to go down this road, is ancestral. There's former family back, way back over there that carried on this relationship. And so I'm just carrying it forward through time that has come up, especially when you are in spiritist circles or when I met my godmother as well. Yeah, I guess. I don't know. It was the road that was meant to be taken. And then I kept growing with relationship with my friend and ruined soup, and I kind of started branching out and discovering new things. [00:41:24] Speaker A: You can hear me well, right? [00:41:26] Speaker B: Yeah, clear as day. [00:41:27] Speaker A: Okay, let me raise it. [00:41:30] Speaker B: Okay. So we were just talking about the current of your path of life right now. You actually got to the stage with breaking up with Odin and taking on the path of Cyprian, but then you started to pick up other sense of other quarry. So what happened then? Where did you get drawn to after that? I mean, you have all this extra power behind you from both of these luminaries in the. [00:42:06] Speaker A: Got into. When I moved back from Washington to Puerto Rico, we decided to move back after the hurricane, the big, bad hurricane that happened in 2017, Hurricane Maria. And we were like, okay, I didn't want to raise the kids so far from family. It was kind of really lonely for us. So we decided to move back, and we moved back and I began getting involved in spiritist houses. So going to Misas and things like that with my partner, and from there, I met a lot of good people. And it was just another learning experience, really. It's what it was. I had a lot of good moments and a lot of frustrating moments because it's normal. It's that thing is that Aquarian Saturnian thing, right. You never quite fit. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. I've never spoken. Well, yeah, I have spoken with other Aquarius people, but it's that thing where you don't quite fit anywhere. So you kind of have to make a little spot for yourself. And I often find, unfortunately, again, maybe it's just me, I don't know. But this is what tends to happen that sometimes, often I rub people the wrong way. Maybe I don't fall in line with certain traditions or certain agreements. You know, I have my own way. You know, after. After I left the. After I left the church, I made a conscious and unconscious decision, like, you know what? No, I am going to, because I was very devout, and that led to a lot of decisions that did not arise from my heart. Not that there's anything bad with being devout, but devotion is good, but it has to arise from desire. This has been the lesson this year for me. You have to move from the heart. No, I'm not being fooled again. I'm not being misled again. I have to be somewhere I can follow. If there is sense in this following, if it makes sense to me, if my heart wants to follow. Right. If it coheres resonates with me, I'm not going to do it just because, unless there's other reasons, like family and things like that. But there's obviously context. But in spiritual matters in general, I'm very apprehensive, is the. So I got involved in spirited circles. It was great. I met lovely people. [00:45:42] Speaker C: I learned a lot. [00:45:43] Speaker A: I learned of things that were also part of my being. I was born in Puerto Rico, right. That were also part of this land. And I learned a whole lot. And that was lovely. And it still is because I still participate, if we're called. The house we were involved in has kind of not died down, but kind of quieted down, I guess with everything that happened in 2020, it's been very hard. Yeah. So not a lot of health issues going around with a lot of people in it and a lot of things going on. So there hasn't been a lot of gatherings, but there has just not as much as before. So I still participate and I still go because it will always be, in many ways, family, too. And then from there, I was introduced to my godmother, which is another of those random things where I'm taken somewhere and I didn't expect it, and here I am. This is happening. Um, and I was with. I was with the elder of the house, of the spiritist house. I was with my partner, and it was one day, it was really for my partner and her, like, oh. [00:47:28] Speaker C: She. [00:47:28] Speaker A: Told us, oh, let's go to this lady that I recently met, because she used to have a godparent in the tradition in the 21 divisions, but he kind of went, Mia. And she was like, I met this other person that she's an elder in the tradition. Let's go meet her. And I was really just tagging along, and we went to her house, and she prepared food for us. It was lovely. She was incredible. And it's hilarious because I had already seen her envision. So when I saw her, I was like, oh, snap, I've seen you before. And I told her, I was like, you know, I had a vision with you. And she was like, really? I'm like, yeah. I didn't know it was you. It was something that happened about a year before meeting her. I thought it was just things you see, right, okay. There's that spirit lady there telling me something, right? And she, in the dream, she was going, like, come over here. And she was in front of a cauldron, and she was like, oh, that's curious. And so we spent a couple of hours there in her house, and then from there, I don't know, we kind of opened a relationship, all three of us, with her, so all four of us. And literally that same day, she was like, you know what? I know what. You are all look what you're looking for, like, all three of you. And I was like, what? Because I'm tagging the law, what am I looking for? And she was like, yeah. And then obviously, I'm phrasing in my words, and she said, yeah, well, let's do it. I will initiate you into the tradition. I was like, oh, really? And we kind of said, okay. Everyone was like, okay. Yeah, because that was what the friend, the elder, the spirit's house was looking for. That's what she wanted. And she wanted to bring my partner as sort of, like, introduced. Yeah, let's do both of us. And then I was just tagging along. So I was like, well, yeah, let's go and meet her. And I was like, okay, I'm included in this. Wow. Typically, I just have to insinuate myself because I'm never included. And so, yeah, so we just started to develop a relationship. We would see each other often. We would visit her house, and she said, she looked at me again because of the whole misfortune thing. She's like, I have to do some work on your head. I have to do some clearing and some kind of realignments there. And I was like, yeah, I know. It's been. She's like, yeah, we need to get to work. So this involved several sessions of going to her house, and she would do things in my head and just involving. Yeah. And then from there, we just got to know each other more and grow closer until the day that we all decided, okay, well, let's do this. Let's say, yes, let's go forward with the initiation. And then we did. The day arrived. We got ready for it, everything ready, and that's how that happened. That's what happened there. After I came back. And all this while I'm still part of Rune soup and sharing all this with my friend. No, actually, no, I'm not sharing all this with my friend. I'm sharing all this with my friend in the spirit world because she passed away. Yeah, I know. Yeah. I kind of mixed the timelines there a little bit. Yeah, it's okay. [00:51:56] Speaker B: As long as you still have contact. [00:51:58] Speaker A: Yeah, we still do. Yeah. All the other things. [00:52:11] Speaker B: So this led you to where you are right now in life and you're living, like, I would say, like an almost intuitive sort of path and being guided by lots of different currents there. And then you had an experience. [00:52:28] Speaker A: I would say so, and still am quite adamant and more so after 2020. I've become very weary of people that tell you they know that this is the way. [00:52:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:48] Speaker A: And after my friend passed, it was very ominous. In 2019, just at the cusp of 2020, and I had a last conversation over the phone with her. It was heartbreaking. It was a very sad Christmas. I didn't do anything. And everybody, like, there were several people have been in Runesuk for a while, too. She was very special, and that kind of was a catalyst of, what are you doing? Are you just playing or are you playing? Playing. And. Yeah, I just become very wary of people that tell you this is the way it is, and it can only be this way or this and that and the other. I mean, there is such a thing as learning. Right. The book learning. Obviously, I have a lot of books. That is also important, but it cannot just be book learning. It cannot just be listening to an elder. There has to be cooking it in you and in your lived experience and how you live. And I've just become even more so very adamant with that because it's just what makes sense to me. I don't know. For some people it can be more. I know for my partner, he's more into specific lineage where there's an elder, he's in the FA tradition in the Orisha. So it's very different, the dynamic. There's also personal context, obviously, and experience, but it's a little different dynamic. But I've become very adamant with, like, you know, what? If I need to learn something, at the end of the day, I can read a book, I can look this, but at the end of the day, the spirit of the thing will tell me what I need to know. And the same thing has been with plants. I have like a little garden and all this stuff. And it's been, how do I take this medicine? It's been very intuitive. Yes. What feels right for me, because for so long, it had been kind of not that, not born out of that heart led place. So after my friend passed in 2020, it became just radically that. Yes. So it has been intuitive. It has been spirit led, for sure, because that's what makes sense to me. That's what makes sense. And that's why I always say nothing is ever lost. Nothing has ever lost. It's just a matter of reaching out. It's just a matter of reaching out and knowing how and when to reach out. And the stories will be revealed to you. The knowledge, the wisdom will be revealed. Nothing has ever lost. All those histories long forgotten, all that knowledge, it's not lost. So that's kind of my modus operandi in this incarnation. [00:56:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, it sounds like you've tapped into a very powerful current there, which is in resonance with your own heart. And in doing that, you're learning new ways to be learning new ways to relate to the world and the spirit world as well, which is very special. I'm curious, though, because we got in contact because I saw your comment in one of our rooms on the ansible, which is a part of room two, because it made me go, what? That's wild. Because I have wild experiences. But that was wild, and I wanted to know more about that. What happened? Can you talk about that? [00:57:12] Speaker A: Well, this year I have to begin with the sicknesses in the context. [00:57:17] Speaker B: Okay, sure. [00:57:19] Speaker A: It'll be like, what, wormholes in front of you. There's actually president. What is that word? Presidents. Right. There's a precedent to this. Because while I was doing the whole spiritist thing, I was playing around with Chinese, with Taoism and mantras, especially through the work with Wynn. Food talismans. She revised mantras. And I was doing a lot of that work. And it's so funny how things just lead to another thing. Another thing. It's just like these opening of doors. And it's not like I go willy nilly. Why not? To each their own. But I do have also an element of caution and things like that because I have a child and a family. [00:58:28] Speaker B: So it's like, you don't blow yourself up. [00:58:35] Speaker A: Yeah. So I was playing around with the mantras through Benabel's work. And one day, this was the first experience where I realized that you can actually travel to places and the world is weird. And I was saying this mantra, and I hadn't been saying it for that long. And I don't know. I was in my room, and then I wasn't in my room. I wasn't in my room. And then there was something else around me. I was somewhere else. And it was this place. I don't know where that looked. I mean, the best I can describe it, it looked like a market. And it looked like a market. Silk road market. Asian kind of place. I don't know. Some kind of convergence in that area. And then I just don't know how I ended up there. Sounds crazy. [00:59:56] Speaker B: It's not, though. It's not. You experienced it. It's true. [01:00:01] Speaker A: And then this person, this old man that had a fortune telling stall through the reed and sell food talismans, had a stall that noticed me, ran up to me and started speaking, and I didn't understand the language. I was like, where the hell am I? And it sounded Asian. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I had just been saying the mantras in, I think it was Mandarin. So I was saying it like that. And I was like, I don't understand. And then he was like, I get it. And then he lapsed into speaking telepathically. Then he told me, what are you doing here? You should not be here at this time. And he pointed to somewhere, like, some place, like a red place, like a red building castle kind of thing. But it wasn't a castle. It was kind of like a red house with, like, right there at the corner of the market toward the end of the street. He's like, if they see you, it's going to be trouble for you. Danger. And I was like, oh, shit. I don't know what I'm doing here, man. No, come back at another time when the market is not going on at night, and in another time, okay. And he kind of pushed me away and I left and I came back and I was like, yeah, I'm doing this. So that happened. And from there, in doing all the other rune soup work, St. Cyprian, I started learning about the Ching. And it was a lot of stuff. God, I've been learning a lot of stuff for a. [01:02:07] Speaker B: Magic, it's a continuous rabbit hole. That's what happens. There's so much to learn. I don't know how you can fit it all in this lifetime. [01:02:16] Speaker A: I don't know. And it's funny because it's like I didn't notice. But now that I'm saying, I'm like, what the hell was I doing playing around with all these things? Yeah. From there, I started really heavily studying and funny, I already had an book. I knew I always wanted it. I purchased in one of the local bookstores. I used copy, the yellow one that Jung does the introduction. Who's that guy that did it? I can't remember. Can't remember because Whaley, I think it was. Yeah, Whaley Wlwaley. And Jung does the introduction. It's like one of the first translations. Well, it's a copy of that. And so I began in earnest reading it and just reading it literally, I just opened it to the first page. I'm like, oh, look, let's just start. Um, so that's what I did. And while I was working with the Benabell's book Futilismans, and I kept doing the mantras because I wanted to. Through all of this, the underlying thing was I wanted to find healing for my body because in my 20s, when that whole thyroid thing happened, I wanted to find healing for my body. And I knew I could find this somewhere, so I just kept doing all these things. And I did the decon walk where I kind of went through the decons, and it was all seeing what I could do to ameliorate, know, healing. And then when I found this dream, because St. Cyprian, that was another thing that was knowledge. That was, you know, that was another thing that was kind of like a continual devotion. So that kept going. But all these other things dabbled in it have been seeking healing, seeking medicine. And I began doing that mantra that I found through Benabel because it was with Yao Shiful, the medicine Buddha. So all of this has know, underlying all of this has been healing. Who can I talk to that can help heal me? And, and, yeah, so I have to make it to this year, to that weird experience that kept growing and then that basically kept growing. I have a body practice, medicine healing. I don't know what to call it. Body energetic movement practice developed through this relationship with the Taoist writings and works. Yeah, I wouldn't say it's ChigOng or anything formal, but it definitely involves body exercise, breathing, and things like that that I've incorporated into my daily practice to keep everything healthy and balanced. Yeah, it's been. And then from there, you have to make it to this year. And then from there, the beginning of this year, everything. And then from there, that experience with the mantra, the iching, all of that, I just kept doing things, doing the work and learning a lot and reading the cards and I kept writing because I've always written on my blog and doing all the little things I do, the daily things. And this year, at the beginning of this year, December of last year, the beginning of December, I had terrible, terrible, horrible sickness. I don't know what it was. I don't know. And I, I tried, I guess this was another, like, lesson, another page in the leaf of lessons, Saturnian lessons. It was a terrible sickness. I don't know. I took a lot of over the counter stuff. I tried all the things that I had built up through the years, all the practices, Chinese traditional medicine, things that I had learned through the years, all these things. I tried. [01:07:22] Speaker C: All. [01:07:23] Speaker A: None. It was terrible. My kid got sick, but he recuperated fairly quickly. Just wouldn't leave. And it wouldn't leave. And during this time, I had decided, since I was sick, to read Tales of Earth Sea again. Books one and four. And so I was, like, going through this dark night of the Soul while reading this Ursula Laguin book. And it was terrible. And at one point, I was taking this over the counter thing because I became desperate. Desperation is never a good thing. And I remember I started having heart issues. Like, felt constricted. I was like, oh, shit, what is this? And then one of the, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop coughing. It was just this terrible thing. And one of my spirit guides told me, like, you know what? That thing that you're taking over the counter, you shouldn't be taking that. You should calm down, because now you're getting heart problems and you need to calm down, you need to really just give into it and let it pass. [01:08:47] Speaker C: I don't know. [01:08:48] Speaker A: I broke down. I was like, I cannot do anything. You build all things and all these practices and no, I did not go to the doctor. I didn't do any of those things. It's like you do all these things, and then you're still here, and you have no control over this. And I just gave in. I gave in. It was this moment of complete, utter surrender. I just surrendered. I just surrendered. And then when I surrendered, it was like this opening up of the heart. It was like this mystical experience. I didn't start getting better quick, but it was just that whole tension. It was like this opening up of. I don't know. I just surrendered. It's like I'm not holding on to anything. I just surrendered. And then I slowly, through the days, I got better. Little, very little, very little by little. And on the other side of that, I found so hard to explain now. I found that I was very vulnerable after that, because I had opened myself completely. I had surrendered completely. But I also found that there was a part of me that wanted to express devotion like this. Devotion to. Devotion to the realization of the truth behind the Bible verse. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom. It was that because I never understood that verse. It was like fear. But it's not fear. It's in the fact that we really have no control. We have agency in certain respects. But life is so much bigger than us. The web that connects us all is so much bigger that it was just this humbling experience that I wanted to find an expression for this. I kept going, and I had conversations with my partner about it, because it was a very vulnerable moment. And I always felt around devotion, that kind of surrender. I always felt uncomfortable with it. My background, my mother and church. You know, I was uncomfortable, like, I don't want to be devoted again. Like, what you telling me? But no, this is something way deeper. And then one day, this was around March. I write all these things down in my planner, but they're kind of fuzzy, speaking them out and around March, around March, because I have a couple of sacred books in my library. And I picked up, I was like, you know what? I'm going to read the Quran. And I had just finished reading Arabian Nights. That's what I picked up. After all things. I was like, oh, I think this will be, which I found in a used bookstore. So I was like, you know, what? If I read Arabian nights? What is this? Let me read the Quran, because I've read the Bible, might as well. And so I began reading the Quran. And so before beginning, I began reading it at night. And I read it first night, second night, the third night, thereabouts. Like, at the very beginning, I was like, you know what? Let me do this properly. Let me call on Gabriel. He was the one that revealed it to the Prophet. Be upon him. I said a prayer, and I never reached out to Archangel Gabriel. Never. It's always been St. Michael. So I was like, well, I'm reading the Quran, right? And he was the vehicle of Revelation, right? The angel. And so I reached out, I said a prayer, and I was like, help me understand this. Help me see it and understand it. And then I had a series of dreams where I saw him or it, the angel, which was extremely freaky and I will not share it, was very jarring. It was a fearful experience. And then I had a series of dreams after doing that. And then I had another dream where St. Michael showed up and said, yeah, this is what you're doing, girl. And I was. And so I kept reading after these dreams, I was kind of. These are intense dreams that I'm having while reading this, but let's keep reading. And the more I read, I just saw how this book described. [01:14:43] Speaker C: An alive. [01:14:44] Speaker A: Cosmos in a way that resonated with me. I was crying easily for the first part of reading, and I read it. A lot of the things I read, I pick it up, first page. There's no. I'm jumping here from this chapter, this Surah, to this other one. No, I'm just the very beginning. And I keep going in order. It's very straightforward. ANd, yeah, it got to a point where I couldn't. I started crying. I was like, this is the expression of devotion that I'm looking for. And I remember I visited my godmother, and I was like, because through the initiation, I have head spirits and all those things. I have certain duties and things. So I confirmed through everyone. I had a conversation with everyone, St. Cyprian. And then I went to my godmother, and I was like, this is happening. Is this okay? Because it's getting to a point where I can't say no. I even cried on her couch. I was like, I don't know why this is happening. I wish I had read this earlier. I wish I had encountered this earlier. Maybe my life would have been different, right? I don't know. And she's like, no, don't think that it's exactly how it needs to be. So I confirm with her that everything is okay, because this sounds so controversial. I'm not one of those people that kind of touches and goes and then leaves it behind. No. All the things that I encounter, they are there in a way. Even my encounters with the Norse path, all those things formed a part of me. I don't just, okay, I don't need you anymore. No, all these things are important. I still have dreams. It's still a language I understand. Right. These encounters, that taught me. So I wanted to make sure, confirming with her that I'm not putting any barriers in my relationship with. With the loas or anything like that. She's like, no. Why no? So, yeah, through confirmation from my godmother, I just. I sat with. I sat with my metres and Avaloas. I sat sin Cyprian. I divine on it. I divine on it. It was very torn. And I kept reading the Quran, and it just got to a point where it was undeniable. It was like, this is the Expression that you need to walk in. I don't know. This is the path. This is the Expression that you're looking for for this time that you need. This is the next leaf. This is the next change. This is it right here, basically. And then I had another dream because I kept being torn. I was very torn. And the angel, I don't know, spoke to my heart and was like, how long is it going to take you? How long are you going to deny your heart's desire and all these little things that, how long are you going to keep doing this? Basically saying no and denying yourself? How long? I was like, okay, I guess. No more, perhaps. I don't know. I hope not. Lord, give me strength. And so, after talking to my godmother, I said, okay, well, let's see what there is. [01:19:12] Speaker C: Sissy. [01:19:13] Speaker A: So I went to a local masjid. I spoke with a sheikh. He put me in contact with another sister. And then from there, I don't know, I started learning more the legalistic aspects and things like that. And I was like, okay, I'm learning. So I learned a lot. It was all lovely. And then one day, the Sheikh tells me, through my sister, they were the ones in contact. He's like, you know what? Ed is coming up. Edel Adha, which is the celebration of sacrifice of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Ishmael, and, yeah, the day of the sacrifice of the firstborn son. And he's like, this is the day. This is the day. You're going to do it. I'm going to do the Shahada on this day, I'm like, what? And thought about it. And then I did it. I did it this year. Yeah. In the summer, on that day, it was like a big celebration. It was a very big moment. And it was very. I don't know, man. You know when you feel like you do something that very powerful and it breaks a lot of misfortunes and it kind of rectifies. I think that's the word. Rectifies a lot of things. Past life things, ancestral things, knots. It rectifies it all. It kind of loosens them. That's exactly how that felt. Like, this is the right thing. It almost felt like, this is rectifying something that happened in the past that led to me in this life, losing my path. Not losing my path, but led to a lot of misfortune down the line. And this was the rectification. Like, this is how it was supposed to be. And then I finished reading the Quran entirely, but I'm still reading. I'm doing it again, but backwards. Yeah. So I'm here, I'm doing this. And then from there, I met a lady, part of a Susie lineage, and I met her. And we've been involved. We're still actively involved. We get together with a couple other people. We do VQ. And she kind of introduced me to her lineage and the writings of the lineage and all these things and the prayers. And so I've just kind of keep growing. So, yeah, I'm definitely going down a Sufi, more Sufi mystical path. But I'm very adamant in following the pillars of Islam, the daily prayers and Sakat, obviously. I don't know if I'll ever do Hajj with the way the world is going. Yeah. So that's what I'm doing now. [01:23:13] Speaker B: Wild. That's a massive journey arc. [01:23:19] Speaker A: Yeah. And so through all this time, God, I don't know, I see all these things like, how have you been living? But really, I mean, no one has been miscared for. My son is healthy and my home is good. But through all this, when my friend passed away, I had begun. The idea began growing for drawing a deck. So it's all been happening together. I've been drawing a deck, the St. Cyprian deck. While all this has been going on. I don't know. It's been wild. It's been good. [01:24:05] Speaker B: You've released that deck now, haven't you? [01:24:08] Speaker A: I have, yes. This year, yes. It just came out with Hadium press. That was another journey in and of itself. Yeah. I have no formal training in drawing. Pen and ink work or any kind of formal training. It's always been something that I kind of did on side. I don't have any formal training. And then when I decided to actually do it, St. Sabrina was like, hey, you got to do this. And I'm like, what? No. And I remember telling my friend and she was like, come on, man. I mean, just start doodling and see where it goes. And I'm like, she's like, look at my drawings. And I remember she showed me, she's like, I'm doing a magical book and doing drawings of visions. I have. Look at this. I'm like, yeah, but that's what, no, I have no talent. I can't do this. Just do it. Another thing that became undeniable, it's like, all right, fine, I'll do it. From there, I took a couple of courses on figure Drawing, and I began in earnest. I would draw for hours a day to practice and practice and practice. And I did the deck in pen and ink in old school, like ink and steel nip pen. [01:25:35] Speaker B: Wow. [01:25:36] Speaker A: Yeah. So that was a journey. And I had the card that really just gave me the most trouble. I mean, the most trouble is the curdled seas card. The tempestuous waves, man. I did that card, I'm telling you, like 50 times, I couldn't get it right. I would cry at night because I couldn't get it right. I wanted the sea to look like bubbling seas and stormy skies, and I just didn't know how to render that. And the house card, how kind of house do you draw that? Feels good and welcoming. Yeah, it was a ride. [01:26:23] Speaker B: So do you work with people at all now? I mean, what sort of work are you doing and how can people find you? Because we're getting close to the end of the podcast by now. [01:26:34] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I didn't answer your question about that weird experience. [01:26:37] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:26:38] Speaker C: Oh my God. [01:26:42] Speaker B: You've got a lot to share, so I'm just letting you go for. It's great. Yeah, tell us about that. [01:26:50] Speaker A: I'll say really quickly. [01:26:54] Speaker C: I think it's so weird. [01:26:55] Speaker A: That came from learning of the lineage, the Sufi lineage. I had been reading on it, and she gave me several books and materials and writing. She's like, well, take a look at these Yalahis and these things. And I was reading the Book of Mustafira Fendi, which is like a big father of the lineage, Big Sheikh. And I, you know. So while I was involved in this material, one night I'm in bed and I have these really weird notions. I guess it's from experiences of what life is and how the world is. And it's not so straightforward. I don't know. Things are more in flux than we dare to admit in timelines and time cycles and things like that. It's way more. What's the word? [01:28:18] Speaker C: I don't know what the word escaped. [01:28:20] Speaker B: Me, but it's fluid. [01:28:23] Speaker A: Way more Enmesh. I was laying in bed. I wasn't sleeping. I was reading. I was the last one to fall asleep. And then I put the book down, kind of like in between wake and asleep, kind of starting to fall asleep. And I'm startled because I hear, like a. What the fuck is that? [01:29:01] Speaker B: Pop sound. Yeah. [01:29:04] Speaker A: And so I'm startled, and I look in front of me and there's like this. I don't know, man. [01:29:14] Speaker C: There's, like. [01:29:17] Speaker A: Swirling thing, this circle, wormhole. I don't know what to call it. It's like this doorway open, and this person steps out. And I'm like, oh, shit, what is going on right now? Everyone is asleep. And I'm awake, and they're dressed in white. And I'm like, what is this madness? Am I seeing this? So I pretend I'm asleep. I'm, like, side eyeing, what is this? And I notice that they're observing me. They look around the house, but it's me. It's like taking, I don't know, like evaluating me somehow and look around. Look at the book summons. And they don't get close, but it's kind of like taking stock of everything. Okay, this is what's going on here. Okay, so this is the lady kind of messing around or something. I don't speak, and it lasts for, like, a minute or two minutes. And then I kind of move, and the person is like, okay, well, now when I move, it's that moment of like, okay, I guess they decide to leave, right? Because I notice them. And then that thing opens up, and then they're gone. And I'm like, what the hell just happened right now? And then the whole room just felt eerie after that. And I was like, how am I supposed to sleep. [01:30:53] Speaker B: With random people popping in and out like that? [01:30:55] Speaker A: Yeah, you feel like, oh, shit, what is this? We're all vulnerable here. How did this come through? So I walked around the house, and I kind of calmed down, and I went back to reading to calm down again and went to bed. What did the person look like? Yeah. [01:31:21] Speaker B: What was their appearance? What do they look like? [01:31:26] Speaker A: Well, they were dressed in white, tall, and they had kind of like, a turban thing in the head. And they had, like. I don't know what it's called. It was a man, and they had a long white dress to the bottom. I don't know what they're. [01:31:47] Speaker B: Traditional dress? [01:31:49] Speaker A: Yeah, I think so. I don't know what it's called, though. But it's that dress that has kind of, like, loose and it has kind of, like a little mini collar. [01:31:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I've seen that dress. Where I work, we have some Muslim tenants, and they wear that sometimes. [01:32:09] Speaker A: It was weird. And I know they were all in white, and it was white, and the hat was. The little thing on the head was white. And I was just like, what is going on right now? I just get evaluated and not pass the test. [01:32:34] Speaker B: I think it's probably just the start of things to come. By the sound of it, what you've been through and the amount of experiences you've had, that's wild. [01:32:42] Speaker A: I don't know, man. I don't know. It hasn't happening. And to be honest. But I keep doing the prayers in that sense. I'm very devout. I keep doing the things and. Yeah, I just keep doing the things. I always do, really. I have the prayers, and I'm still reading the Quran. I began again. I'm struggling now because I want to learn the language. I want to learn Arabic, but I don't know. Before things get Rockier in the world, I can't find anyone local to teach me. And I've looked, I've asked at different mastes. I've asked. It's really hard to find someone to teach you. And so I'm considering a couple of online options before online option is no longer viable for me. So we'll see, because I do want to learn how to read the Quran in its original. [01:33:47] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow. Huge story arc there of your life. And you've had a lot of very interesting currents that have taken you, and now you're following a new current and bringing all that other story behind you with you as well, which is wild. [01:34:09] Speaker A: Yes. [01:34:10] Speaker B: Do you work with people now, one on one, or what sort of work do you do outside of this? How can people find you and avail themselves of your services and maybe even find your cards, too? [01:34:20] Speaker C: Yes. [01:34:21] Speaker A: So I do still work with people. Recently, I made the decision through a lot of thinking that I want to. I have a newsletter better that you can sign up on through my website. It's called End Notes from the table. And I decided I wanted to have more direct contact with people. So I had the shop in my website where you could do consultations and schedule or reach out to me, I'm moving more toward, it's still open, but it's not open as you go through this and you pick which one reading you want. No, I want to talk to people. I want people to reach out and email me. And I don't know how to explain it, but I want to have more that. [01:35:30] Speaker B: Connective dialogue, first of all, just to see what's actually necessary and needed. [01:35:35] Speaker A: Exactly. So that's kind of what I've done. And I have the statement there. And so typically it's in my newsletters. I say, if you want a reading, just reach out to me. We can talk about it and we can talk about what kind of reading and talk about what we can do. So that's the route I've been going. So it's more like word of mouth recommendation, but definitely email me. [01:36:02] Speaker B: Excellent. [01:36:06] Speaker A: I'm still doing that. And I have a newsletter which is kind of, I don't know, every month it's monthly and I just talk about things and I share links to things that I've read that I like. I'm like, oh, check this out. So it's very. I don't know. [01:36:22] Speaker C: I like it. [01:36:23] Speaker A: I don't know. So that's my newsletter. Just like a general monthly musing, writing, catch up kind of thing. And there's the website, which is Natalia, and then the Lee, which is my middle name, L E E.com. And there you can find. I've been running that website since 2015. There's a lot of things I need to update, especially older posts. But I'm starting to slowly get back into writing because I've been painting and drawing. So I'm trying to find a way to merge those things. What I can do there, I'm thinking maybe a prayer card and doing kind of like sacred painting work, something like that. I don't know the name for it, but there's a name kind of like spiritual painting. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. So I'm trying to figure out how, I don't know what parts of it can be accessible and shared and made available. Maybe through prayer cards or little prints that people can have framed and things like that. With prayers in the back, I don't know, something like that. Still thinking about it. So I have the website, I have the newsletter and then my cards. You can just go to Haitianpress.com and they're there. Cyprian stack of cards. Brilliant. That's what I'm doing. [01:38:01] Speaker B: Other than just living and experiencing. [01:38:07] Speaker A: Reading and doing other things. Yeah. [01:38:11] Speaker B: Excellent. Excellent. Well, we've come to the end. It's been a very good chat and I've enjoyed everything you shared. I love all the currents you've been through and your passion for it and how you actually just are open and honest to stepping into these currents and the changes that they bring you. I think that's really brilliant. And thank you so much for your time, Natalia. That was really cool. [01:38:38] Speaker A: Thank you. Thank you. This is lovely. Feel like I've spoken somewhere. I'm like, oh, God. [01:38:45] Speaker B: Well, you have a lot to say, and it's really good the way you say it, too. And I'm certain that a lot of people will get a lot of good stuff out of this. [01:38:54] Speaker A: I hope so. [01:38:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, that's the reason why I do this podcast, is to talk about these things, because otherwise people don't realize that it's okay to be just like us. Yeah. Thank you so much for your time, and I'm just going to say goodbye to the listeners. So thank you, everyone for listening and bye for now. That was cool. I loved every minute of that. Yeah, that was so cool. [01:39:25] Speaker A: Wow, that was a lot. And it's so funny because I'm pretty sure since I'm a new Muslim, right. It was this year, I'm very fearful, part of me, because there are certain things that are Haram openly because I know a lot of Muslims, they do magic and astrological magic, all this stuff. And Jinn, it's there, but talk about it. [01:39:54] Speaker B: That's right. [01:39:57] Speaker A: I hope I'm not, but whatever it is, what it is, at the end of the day, I'm not Arabian or Arab or anything like that. This is it. I'm here because an angel told me. I don't know what you're doing. Brilliant. Yeah. But this is really good. Thank you. [01:40:23] Speaker B: Thank you so much. I appreciate your time. I look forward to editing this one up and getting it out there. What I'll do is I'll send you the date that I'm going to put it up. And it's going to probably Be a bit earlier in next year because we're so far ahead, it's ridiculous. I'm wondering, is it okay? Can I get a snap of you just sitting there like that? Just for the podcast cover? Let's do this. [01:40:56] Speaker A: But you can see my window. Wait. [01:40:59] Speaker B: What I'll do is I'll chop out the background anyway. So don't worry about that. [01:41:02] Speaker A: Okay. [01:41:03] Speaker B: Yeah. So what I'll do is that there we go. I will do it again because you weren't smiling. [01:41:08] Speaker A: Okay. [01:41:09] Speaker B: Should I smile just like that? That's cool. Perfect. Excellent. All right. What I'll do. Do you use social media or anything like that? [01:41:24] Speaker A: I do. I didn't mention that because it's mostly for memes. [01:41:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I can't see much point to social media otherwise. Myself, too, literally. [01:41:36] Speaker A: And then when it gets serious, I'm like, bye. [01:41:38] Speaker B: Look, I've got to admit to a guilty pleasure. The first thing I do whenever I get onto the ansible is I go straight to the shit post. [01:41:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:41:46] Speaker B: Do I go straight there first? And I look at that. [01:41:52] Speaker A: I have an Instagram. It's called Mist and Ether. That was a former, right. [01:42:00] Speaker B: Okay. [01:42:01] Speaker A: That was my old. [01:42:03] Speaker B: That's you. Okay. [01:42:04] Speaker A: My old website name. Yeah. [01:42:07] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. All right, well, what I'll do is under the show notes, I'll put all your links to absolutely everything as well. And. Yeah, it's been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much for taking the time out to talking and actually wanting to even talk to me. That's really cool. And if you've enjoyed the experience, too, once we get this out there, we can actually tell everyone on the ancill that you liked it. [01:42:28] Speaker A: Yes. [01:42:29] Speaker B: Because then other people can come forward. Because I want people to realize it's okay to be a weirdo like us. [01:42:34] Speaker A: I know with everything I've said, someone is going to be like, this girl needs to be medicated a long time ago. [01:42:43] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I've escaped that myself by running off from the forest many times. So. Yeah, I know what you mean. [01:42:52] Speaker A: The world is getting so weird that I think even that's not taken seriously anymore. [01:42:57] Speaker B: No. [01:42:57] Speaker A: It's getting so weird. People are like, I don't know. It's getting all mushy. [01:43:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it's getting quite strange. Definitely. [01:43:07] Speaker A: The reality is kind of melting, which is good, I guess. It's bad, but it's good. It's really good. Actually, much needed. Because this whole materialism shit is bullshit. [01:43:19] Speaker B: It's not working. Definitely not working. It's changing. It's definitely got to change. Yeah. Okay, well, I'll leave you to your day. Thank you so much again, and. Yeah, enjoy. What, today? Is it today? It's Tuesday. It's your Tuesday now, isn't it? [01:43:35] Speaker A: Thank you. Thank you. Likewise. [01:43:37] Speaker B: All right, well, tomorrow. I'll be on Wednesday. [01:43:42] Speaker A: Wednesday, yeah. [01:43:44] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [01:43:45] Speaker A: Time traveling fun. [01:43:47] Speaker B: It's not your first time. [01:43:49] Speaker C: No, it's not. [01:43:52] Speaker B: All right, thanks, Natalia. I'll catch you later. All right, bye. I often say it's truly a pleasure to talk to so many experienced people. And once again, I've got to say this is an absolute pleasure. It has been talking with Natalia in this episode, and the amount of information and understanding that she expressed in telling her story was really, really encouraging. I think for anyone that's a magical practitioner or somebody tuning into their intuition and finding their way in life. So yeah, if you've enjoyed this show, please share the show to somebody that needs to hear it and or get onto the podcast app you're using right now. Give us a five star rating, write us a really nice review. And please, if you have something you'd like to share like this, get in contact with me directly. That's supernormalized at Proton me. Send me an email. Let's chat. I'd really like to hear from you. Until next episode. Bye for now. [01:45:25] Speaker A: Bump it.

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