Episode 54

January 29, 2024


Daniel Packard Interview Anxiety Relieved Permanently

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Daniel Packard Interview Anxiety Relieved Permanently
Supernormalized Podcast
Daniel Packard Interview Anxiety Relieved Permanently

Jan 29 2024 | 00:59:00


Show Notes

Today you'll meet on Supernormalized, Daniel Packard. Daniel is a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer and Anxiety Solution Pioneer who, inspired by his father's teachings, embarked on a mission to invent a better solution for anxiety.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: You're not broken. This would have happened to anybody, including me and you and millions of people throughout the world. [00:00:55] Speaker B: Welcome to Supernormalized, the podcast, where we challenge the conventional break boundaries and normalize the seemingly supernatural. Join me, CJ, as we explore less uncharted realms of existence and unravel the mysteries of life. [00:01:07] Speaker C: Experience. [00:01:07] Speaker B: My treasured listeners, if you have a life story or healing modality or unique knowledge that you'd love to share, reach out to me at supernormalized. That's supernormalized with a Z at Proton me. Let's together embrace acceptance of the supernatural and unusual as what it really is. Completely normal. Today on Supernormalized, I have the pleasure of interviewing Daniel Packard. Daniel is a UC Berkeley mechanical engineer and anxiety solution pioneer who, inspired by his father's teachings, embarked on a mission to invent a better solution for anxiety. With a deep rooted belief that results matter, Daniel founded a research company and discovered that anxiety is not just a problem of the mind, but also of the body. Over the course of eight years, he and his team developed an innovative six week program called Nervous System Reset, which has successfully provided permanent anxiety solutions to hundreds of individuals and thousands of people worldwide. Daniel's company stands out as the only one offering a permanent anxiety solution with backed up results, emphasising his commitment to making a real difference in people's lives. [00:02:11] Speaker C: Welcome to Supernormalized. Daniel Packard. Daniel, we got in contact. And what you have done and what you're actually doing is something completely unique. And how did this happen for you? I mean, tell me about your program. Tell me all about what you do. [00:02:33] Speaker A: Well, thank you. I love to talk about me. I love to talk about the program. But before I look, your audience doesn't care about me. They care about what can I do for them. What have you done for me lately, Daniel? What value can I bring them? And before I dive in, I always like to start by telling you what you're about to learn and why it matters and why it can help you. Because your listeners time is valuable. There's a lot of podcasts out there. You, of course, CJ, are special. But let's be honest, there's a lot of podcasts out there, a lot of information on anxiety out there. So why listen to another person spouting off about anxiety? And so I want to be clear what I'm about. So if it's not for you, you can leave. So for those that have anxiety or know someone that does, you already know, to use the Latin word, it sucks. It just sucks. It's not just the anxiety, it's the doubt it creates. You can't do what you love. You second guess yourself. You can't focus. You can't show up for yourself, the people you care about. You're probably not happy, even at your best. And to me, that's not even the worst part. The worst part. And if your listeners have anxiety, tell me if this sounds familiar. You've gone to people for help. You've gone to therapists, psychologists, you've read the books, you've gone to retreats, and you got some helpful information. But at best, it probably just helped you manage your anxiety, which is not bad. It's better than nothing. There's just one downside at managing anxiety, which is that you still have anxiety, and so it's still following you around, still robbing you of joy. And I want you to understand, and you're going to learn why. Why you paid that therapist all that money and your anxiety is still here, why you went to that retreat and you felt better for a while, and then it came back, why you bought that app or watched that video or went to that guru. And nobody, no matter how much of an expert they claim to be, your anxiety is still here. And I want you to know it and understand this for two very important reasons. First of all, if you don't understand why you're always managing it, you're just going to keep managing it. And you don't want that. You want to solve it. But also when you can't solve it, you unconsciously, like I did, you start to blame yourself. You think, oh, my God, maybe I'm broken. Maybe this is my fault. After all, the experts told me this would work, and it didn't work. And I want you to understand what's going on, you're going to learn the understanding that my team and I spent eight years to develop, which is going to show you what anxiety actually is, so that you can solve it quickly and permanently. And one of my favorite words, simply. And not only is that going to give you a map out of this hellhole, but also it's going to illuminate the dirty little secret that the mental health community doesn't want you to know, which explains why they take your money and they don't solve anything, so that you can understand this is not your fault, okay? You're not broken. I know this sounds like a punk rock lyric, but you're not broken. The system is, is how I want to put it. So if you just want to keep managing your anxiety. If you just want to keep learning about yourself and spending money just learning about it and managing it, then you should probably leave now, because I'm very passionate about solving it. If you want to solve your anxiety permanently quickly, so that you can be more joyful and happy and fulfilled, if that sounds good to you, then you should stick around. [00:06:01] Speaker C: Excellent. So I've got a question for you, straight up. How did you come up with this program? I mean, it sounds like you've gone off tangent when it comes to the way most of the medical models seem to work. [00:06:15] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll tell you how we came up with it, and I want to tell you that one. I think it's interesting, but also, there's a lot of people out there that say stuff about anxiety, and you hear it and you think, oh, that makes so much sense. And then it doesn't get you permanent results. So I want you to know where this information comes from so you can understand the value of it when you know where it comes from. And partly where it comes from is that when I was a kid, my dad was a scientist and an inventor, and he would invent things. And I thought that was incredible. And he told me, he said, you know, if something in this world isn't working, you just invent something better. Don't just settle for what's out there. And he also said something really neat to me. He said, you know, Daniel, what I love about science is that anyone can have an idea. Anybody can have a theory. But what matters is results. Results is what people really need, and results proves. Who is talking about? What am I trying to say? It's the people who get results. You know, they know what they're talking about. Results matter. And that stuck with me. And then I went to engineering school at UC Berkeley, and I learned and was trained how you take a complex thing and you break it down into small engineering pieces, and then how to build a working model and then prototype it, and then refine it until you get something that works, that gets results. And I thought that was so great. The problem was, CJ, and to your audience, I don't know if this is a shocker to you, they taught me how to make robots work and bridges work and bicycles work. They did not teach me how to make life work. None of Newton's laws covered that. And so I fell in love with this woman. And Shocker, we did not live happily ever after. And I stayed in a very unhealthy relationship way too long. And when I came out of it, I had crippling anxiety and PTSD. The tiniest thing in my entire system would go into terror. And it was scary. I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't leave the house. And then I spent ten years and 100 grand going from therapists to gurus to psychologists to doctors to meditations to apps. And it managed it, but it was still there, and it was getting worse. And I wouldn't have taken my own life, but I definitely get why people do, because I didn't have a life, and there was no hope. And I sort of asked myself, like, what's the point? And I sort of saw the point was what my dad said, which is, invent some. You can invent something better. Don't just settle for this. And he also said, results matter. And so, I knew I was an engineer, and I was good at problem solving. So I started my own research company to see if it was possible to reverse engineer a permanent solution for anxiety. We didn't know if we could. We just thought, if we could, this would be incredible, because the world needs this for all the people that are in pain. And so, first, spoiler alert, we did figure it out. I was one of the first people that benefited. My anxiety and PTSD just went away, and I've been chill as a cucumber for ten years. It's just gone. No meditation, no apps. It's just gone. And then when we realized we cracked the code, we thought, we got to get this out to the world. So we spent another several years to systematize the whole program. Now it's an online program that anybody can take anywhere in the world. And we're getting an astounding 90% success rate no matter what type of anxiety you have, no matter how long you've had it. And because results matter when people work with us, you don't pay up front. We track your anxiety numerically throughout the program. And at the end, when you get clear data that your anxiety is better, we charge you at the end, because if we can't help you, we're not taking your money. Because results matter. And I'm telling you this so you know that's available because I think it's pretty cool. But also so that when you learn the information I'm about to teach you and you think, Daniel, this sounds good, how do I know it works? Just know we back up our results. And the fact that we back up our results probably means we get results. So, that's my story. That's my company. That's where this information comes from. Right. That's what I got to say for now. [00:10:36] Speaker C: That's fine. You actually had a lived experience of anxiety and found your way out and found another method to actually treat it. This is fantastic. So now I've got to ask you, though, anxiety, you actually said, is in the body and not in the mind in some of the information that I've read on you. So can you tell me about your understanding of that? [00:10:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, that was the first big discovery that we made, but we didn't just make it. I want you to understand how we got there. It's not just like we shook a magic eight ball and said, where's anxiety? And it's in the body. We approached this like engineers, problem solvers, and we looked at the preexisting theory that anxiety is a problem of the mind. And we said, okay, could be the mind says scary thoughts. Makes sense. But we looked at the data, we looked at the results, and we said, okay. Modern psychology has been telling us that the problem of the mind for 100 years and infant mortality rate is down, life expectancy is up, tons of diseases have been eradicated. A lot of things are better. Anxiety is on the rise. And we thought, all right, based on results, I don't think maybe we should challenge that theory. And since we were outsiders, we didn't have an ego. We weren't attached to any preexisting paradigm. We were just coming at this fresh. And because we were outsiders, we could just challenge that idea. The second we challenged the idea, that idea collapsed very quickly. And it's clear that it's in the body once you start to think of it this way. Because they say it's a problem of the mind, right? Quiet. Your mind. Don't have negative thinking. Stop catastrophizing. They give you pills to target the neurotransmitters in your brain. It's called mental health, CJ. It's got mental right in there. So everyone thinks it's in the mind. But when you have anxiety, what's your actual experience? People say, I feel anxious. You feel it. It's partly a feeling. You can feel your throat close up, your chest tighten. Your stomach can get that horrible, queasy feeling. Your heart rate can go up. So, to your listeners and you, CJ, they say it's a problem of the mind. But listen, those words, throat, stomach, chest, heart. Does that sound like the mind to you or the body? [00:12:51] Speaker C: Body, for sure. [00:12:53] Speaker A: Body. It's, like, not that hard to see. So first we went, wait a minute. What if it's not in the mind. What if it's in the body? And then we started to develop some early of our tools that just focused on the body. And sure enough, my anxiety. In our test cases, anxiety just started going down and staying down. And the mind is a symptom of the body. It's correlated. For reasons I'm going to explain to your audience, your body is already feeling anxious, and then your mind is hardwired to follow the body. When you're hungry, your stomach growls, and then your mind figures out where to get food. So your mind follows the body, so you're feeling scared in the body already. Then your mind thinks there's a threat or a problem and starts spinning, thinking, oh, my God, there's a problem. There's a problem. There's a problem. So I'm explaining that to you so that you know you're not going crazy. It's starting in your body, and then your mind is kicking in. But I also want your listeners to know this, because the reason you haven't solved your anxiety is because they sent you to the wrong location. They've been telling you it's a mind problem, and it's not. And so it's like they gave you a map that was 180 degrees off. So no wonder you haven't figured this out. The reason you have anxiety is not because you have anxiety. It's because they sent you to the wrong location, and so you couldn't solve it. And so I just want to let your listeners know, you are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. You were sent to the wrong location. So you do not have an anxiety problem. You have a location problem. And once you know the right location, it's not that hard to clean this up. [00:14:29] Speaker C: Wow. Okay. So when you're saying that, you're saying, you're making it sound like, is it one location or is it multiple locations in the body? [00:14:41] Speaker A: Well, I can answer the question. But what I'm starting to try and train people to understand is this is so much simpler than you realize. We've been led to believe that this is complicated. Meaning, first of all, they call it a disorder. I mean, once you call something a disorder, it's like, oh, my God, a disorder. I have a disorder. They don't tell you what it is. You have a disorder. Okay, it sounds complicated, but also, there's so many theories on what anxiety is, what will help people try a bunch. It all sounds good. None of it works that well, and it feels big and complicated. But I'm telling you, this is simple. So, before I answer the question, assume, CJ, that this is simple, and then ask your question again and tell me what you think the answer is. What was your question? [00:15:30] Speaker C: My question was, is it actually located specifically in the body, or is it in multiple places? [00:15:38] Speaker A: On the one hand, good question if you think it's complicated, but if this was really simple, what does your intuition tell you is the answer to that question? [00:15:45] Speaker C: It's the whole body. It's literally the whole body. [00:15:48] Speaker A: It's the whole body, but it's not multiple locations. It's one location. [00:15:53] Speaker C: Yeah, the body. [00:15:54] Speaker A: That's the simple answer, yeah. [00:15:56] Speaker C: Okay. I'd love to ask you more about your program, and I'm not sure what to ask, because I don't want to actually reveal too much, obviously, because it's proprietary information. So I was going to then follow along the line of, so you're actually not trained as a therapist or a psychologist, so how are you getting these better results? [00:16:22] Speaker A: Well, again, it's an excellent question based on the fact that people think this is complicated. If you think it's complicated and then somebody swoops in and has these incredible results, you think, wow, are they enlightened? What magical 37th Chakra did they discover? It looks like I pulled off something, but we didn't. The fact is, everybody just got accidentally very confused, and we saw what was literally, literally right under our noses, and I'll explain what that means. So once we figured out it's not in the mind, it's in the body, the next question was, well, okay, where and how do we solve this? But here's the beauty of things that are in the body. They're way simpler than the mind. If you think it's in the mind, good luck with that. They don't understand the mind. It's something like 80 billion neurons, or synapses. They barely know what's going on in there. They have MRIs, and they're like, hey, look at a unicorn. And like, ooh, that part of your brain lights up. They don't know a whole lot about the brain, so of course it seems complicated. But the body. The body's pretty well mapped out. They understand that you got ligaments and arteries and layers and capillaries. It's a very well mapped out system that's very mechanical. A skeleton is mechanical. The heart is. It's all mechanics. It's all simple. And best of all, the body is made up of systems, and systems primarily are mechanical. They have rules, and they have things that you need to do. And if they break down. People can repair them. When I was younger, I was trying to impress a girl with some dance moves. I saw on a music video that you could run up a wall and flip off a wall and land. And I was a pretty good dancer, so I ran up to a wall, got about halfway up the wall, realized I don't know how to flip off a wall. So instead of flipping, I sort of pushed off it and then landed. And I looked kind of cool. Started a Spider man style, like an Avenger. I was kind of like, Tada. And I looked cool, but I felt my entire left knee explode. I didn't let her know, and I got the girl, but I blew up my ACL, so. Not complicated. Went to an ACL expert. MRI showed me ACL was torn. It's mechanical. They took a ligament from another part of the body, put it in. I'm up and running in a few months. It's all mechanical. So once you know it's in the body, it's mechanical. If you know the system that's controlling anxiety. But again, now that we're approaching it this way, it's simple. This is obvious. It's so obvious. Your audience already knows what system it is. Okay, think of anxiety. Take away the word anxiety, because that's not clear. It's really just feeling extra nervous. You could just say anxiety is like feeling very nervous. Okay, so if you want to know what system in the body controls feeling extra nervous. Okay. What system in the body controls feeling extra nervous? ThE capillary system, the endocrine system, or the nervous system. [00:19:29] Speaker C: Blatant. [00:19:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:36] Speaker C: Okay. And then how the nervous system rolls out in its transmitting and receiving of signals, and then transmitting to the brain is pretty much how this works by the sound of it. [00:19:49] Speaker A: Well, let's just first just appreciate the simplicity. Okay? We're told it's a brain disorder, and now it's like, wait a minute, I'm feeling extra nervous, and there's a system in the body that's got the word nervous right in there. Clearly, that's probably the best way to look. Now, look, if modern psychology was getting great results, fine, but they weren't. And there was a system in the body that had the word nervous right in there. And therapists were like, oh, no, it's in the mind. It's like, come on, guys, pay attention. It's the nervous system. And the reason that's powerful is because, again, it's a system in the body, and systems are pretty easy to figure out, and systems can malfunction. But we also know how to repair systems in the body. But first, I want your audience to know this because it helps them feel less broken, less shame and guilt. If you don't know this, you start to think, oh, I have a problem with the mind. My mind is going crazy. Why can't I stop? I have a disorder. What's wrong with me? But the body, we have a bit more understanding, compassion. It's like, oh, yeah, I have systems in my body and they can malfunction. Sometimes it's not fun, causes problems, but I'm not damaged. If you don't brush and floss and you need a root canal, no one looks in the mirror and says, oh, my God, I'm broken. My father had bad teeth and I have bad teeth and I'm dead. No, you just realize that system ain't running right. So if you're listening to this, you're not damaged, you're not broken. You have a system in your body called a nervous system, which for reasons I'm going to explain, is basically just malfunctioning and it's cranking out way too much nervousness. That's it. That's it. And the reason that's helpful is because systems in the body can be understood and brought back to health. [00:21:41] Speaker C: Brilliant. [00:21:43] Speaker A: Simple, right? [00:21:44] Speaker C: Yeah, super simple. When you've put it that way. It's so obvious. Nervous system. It says it right there. [00:21:54] Speaker A: It's so obvious. And ask yourself why 100 years of professionals and experts and gurus and thinkers were getting poor results and didn't get the memo. Why? [00:22:10] Speaker C: Well, they're looking in the wrong place for symptoms, which is the head. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Well, the first couple of years, fine, but it's been 100 and they're getting. Anxiety is on the rise and they're still touting it. Now, I don't know why for sure, and I don't think there's any Machiavellian intent. And I think therapists and psychologists and teachers and gurus, they're all doing the best they can. So I don't think they're doing it on purpose, but I bring it up because we need to start challenging this industry. Just being mindful, because I think part of the problem is that we tolerate it. I spent $100,000 CJ and got marginal results and I never was bothered by it, man, if I spent $100,000 to a car mechanic to fix my engine and it still made noises, I would be pissed off and I would probably challenge that. That mechanic is not that good, but I spent 100 grand to these gurus and teachers and therapists thinking, wow, they're so smart and wise. And I realized we need to start asking for more. And also being aware of this idea of how much money is spent every year and doesn't get permanent solutions. There's this industry, a trillion dollars a year gets spent on mental health, according to the World Health Organization, a trillion with a T. And the data showed primarily none of that is permanent solutions. And so I've come up with this idea, which I call the improvement industrial complex, which is just this massive concept of just this industry, personal development, spirituality therapy that takes in a lot of money every year and doesn't deliver permanent results. And we need to start paying attention and demand more. Now, I can't prove it, but some people said, well, think about it. If they solve anxiety, that's a horrible business model. [00:24:07] Speaker C: That's right. [00:24:08] Speaker A: And I thought, well, to you, it didn't occur to me. I was just so busy trying to solve it, I didn't realize you make less money. We do. It's a great bit. $300, $200 an hour, and I'll see you next week for another five years. Chaching. It's a cash cow. So the money is in the management. Now, we know that the pharmaceutical industry does this. We know that they sell the pills, and they keep selling the pills. And we know, okay, Big pharma, and we look down on them. But think about it. The therapists are doing a similar game. They're selling symptom management. They are selling Band Aids. So I'm also coming up with this concept of Big Thera, which is just all the therapists and psychologists out there that are selling Band Aids and making a. So I think part of why they haven't solved it is because, well, one, it was not easy to figure. Theory was easy, CJ. But actually figuring out a system that solved anxiety was eight years of a lot of testing. But also, they're not incentivized to solve it. And I think that's why they haven't. Now, the value to your listener is this. This is why you haven't solved it, because the people that you trusted to help you were never trying to solve it. And so they sold you a whole bunch of apps and tools and books and workshops and retreats that were only going to manage it, and that's why you didn't solve it. But again, it's not your fault. It's what they were selling. But what we're doing is a permanent solution so that if you want to get away from bandaids and you want a full life upgrade? We can help you with that. [00:25:42] Speaker C: I think we all actually take a bit of a shotgun approach of healing, where it's like, do everything we can and check out those results. And if they don't work, try something else. Try something else. Try something else. How did you just develop a targeted approach, though? I mean, you said that you've did a lot of research over a number of years with studies. Did you have, like, blind studies or what did you do There? [00:26:08] Speaker A: Well, again, it's an excellent question, CJ, but you're coming at this from, well, this seems really complicated. It's not complicated, because once you know it's in the body, the body is in many ways complicated, but the body is in many ways very simple. It's simple in that if I said to you, to your listeners, and to you, CJ, what's the simple, most obvious reason why a system in the body starts to malfunction? The simplest, most obvious, uncomplicated reason. [00:26:42] Speaker C: Just unhealthy becomes unhealthy. [00:26:44] Speaker A: What does that mean? [00:26:47] Speaker C: Imbalanced. [00:26:49] Speaker A: But how did it get imbalanced? [00:26:52] Speaker C: Tilted in one direction rather than keeping a regular balance. [00:26:57] Speaker A: Yeah, but how did it get that way? I'll make it easier for you. [00:27:03] Speaker C: Regular bad habits, probably. [00:27:06] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. Bad habits, exactly. Did you need to do years of research to figure that out? Or is it obvious? Yeah. So when we went to look at this from a system perspective, we went, okay, it's in the nervous system. Before we make this complicated, why do systems in the body malfunction? And we weren't sure at first, but I was thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it, and you know what it is from your experience with a very sophisticated, highly sophisticated, very complicated concept called your poop. Now you're thinking, Daniel, how is my poop related to my anxiety? It's not. It'll help you understand. Trust me. Follow me. You have a digestive system, and you know the basic hygiene, the basic habits, the basics, the foundational basics that the digestive system needs. You got to eat a balanced diet, eat some vegetables, don't drink, and drink enough water. And if you do the basics, your digestive system runs pretty well. Okay, so let's say you don't do the basics. Let's say for six months, you eat nothing but cheese pizza, and then somewhere along the line, you go to the bathroom and you look down on the toilet, and either whatever's there looks unhealthy, or there's nothing there at all. Your system is not running properly if that happens, are you going to say, oh, my God, I have a complex brain disorder? Oh, my God. Maybe this is hormonal, maybe this is the pandemic, maybe this is my relationship with my father. Are you going to make it complicated or does it have a simple explanation? [00:28:43] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. [00:28:46] Speaker A: No. Is it complicated or simple? [00:28:48] Speaker C: No, it's simple. Obvious. [00:28:50] Speaker A: And what caused the problem? [00:28:52] Speaker C: Yeah. The habits. [00:28:54] Speaker A: Yeah. You didn't do the basics. You don't do the basics. Your system, not right away, but basically keeps track, and eventually that system starts to malfunction. You need to brush and floss. If you don't brush and floss, eventually you're going to get cavities, and then eventually you're going to need a root canal. And when you don't take care of these systems, they almost all have the same profile. They start to become fragile, meaning they're not as strong as they used to. They can't take the abuse and punishment that they used to. If you don't brush and floss now you bite into a carrot, you should be able to handle a carrot, but you can't. Your teeth are fragile and they release pain. Well, that describes anxiety. You're not strong. Life pushes on you. Instead of just feeling the pressure of life, what do you feel? Emotional pain. [00:29:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:48] Speaker A: So we saw that right away and we said, well, wait a minute, for this to be true, we wanted to make sure it was true, not just a theory. So we basically created a simple model of what the nervous system needs. What's the brushing and flossing that the nervous system needs? And then we started to collect data on our test cases. The people that had anxiety to see at what level were they taking care of their nervous system, their feelings and emotions every day? And the average was about a 4.5 out of ten. So if you only take care of a system at 4.5 out of ten, what's going to eventually happen to that system? [00:30:32] Speaker C: It eventually breaks down, because eventually it's. [00:30:35] Speaker A: Going to break down. If you take care of a pet at 4.5 out of ten, eventually you're going to have problems. You take care of a marriage at 4.5 out of ten, eventually it's going to be fragile and there's going to be pain. You do it to an aquarium, a garden, any organic system. If you only take care of it at 4.5 out of ten, it's going to crash and it's going to be fragile and painful. So how do you think this applies to anxiety? CJ? [00:31:01] Speaker C: Well, when it comes to it being in the body, then it sounds like it's body maintenance, maybe hitting the reset button somehow, and then you're trying to. [00:31:12] Speaker A: Get to the solution already. But what's the implications in terms of, this is a complex brain disorder that people think they're going to have their whole lives. [00:31:20] Speaker C: Well, we know it is. [00:31:21] Speaker A: What's the implication if you realize, wait a minute. What if you were just never taught to take care of your nervous system? Because we weren't. We're taught to brush and floss. We're taught to get enough sleep. We're taught to drink enough water. We're taught to eat a balanced diet. But to your listeners and you, CJ, did anybody ever sit you down when you were a kid and say, hey, here's what you need to do every day to take care of your nervous system? Did anybody ever give you that talk? [00:31:49] Speaker C: No one's even talked about my nervous system. It would have been a weird conversation. What are you talking about that for? You know what I mean? [00:31:59] Speaker A: Yeah, she wouldn't know because our nervous system, our feelings, our emotions, people don't like to talk about it. Also, not only were we not taught good habits, we were taught bad habits. Get over it. Don't take it personally. I'll give you something to cry about. Boys don't cry. You're too needy. We were taught bad emotional nervous system habits, and the people that were supposed to love and protect us, God bless them, did the best they could. But let's be honest, they didn't take great care of us. And so we learned as kids. Well, wait a minute. If they're not taking care of my feelings and emotions and nervous system, maybe I shouldn't either. And we all get conditioned to not take care of ourselves. So, surprise, surprise, you were never taught to take care of your nervous system. You were not conditioned or encouraged to take care of your nervous system. So eventually, mechanically, it's going to crash. When it crashes, your nervous system will be fragile and release pain. So you don't have anxiety. You have a nervous system issue. And the simple root cause, which is not complicated, you were never taught to take care of it. So this is not your fault. You were not taught to take care of your nervous system. Nobody was, so you couldn't. And therefore, your system is crashed and you're fragile and feeling all this pain, but you're not broken. And if you think about it, if you don't take care of a system in the body and it releases pain, that's the system working properly. That's part of the beautiful design of the body, that it has this alarm system to get our attention. So if you don't brush and floss and your teeth start to hurt, your teeth aren't broken. They're actually performing the way they are designed. So your anxiety, there's nothing wrong with you. You're not broken. In fact, you're running exactly as you were designed. And your anxiety, as I learned and my clients learned, is not a burden. It's actually a gift. It's getting your attention to just say, hey, you got to do the basics in here. And if you do the basics, if you bring your nervous system back to health and take care of it, it takes care of you. But what I want people to know is the root cause of all of this is just that you were never taught to do it, so you never stood a chance. You're not broken. This would have happened to anybody, including me and you and millions of people throughout the world. [00:34:18] Speaker C: That's a perfect message that everyone needs to hear, definitely. For sure. Now, you actually are a bit of a disruptor in the fact that the work you do, you only charge for it at the end of the process. Once the anxiety is fully solved. Do you actually have follow ups afterwards? Like six months, one year? How can you stay fully sold? [00:34:43] Speaker A: Well, it's a good point. So, first of all, we're tracking consistently over the six weeks of the online prograM. So we're seeing a steady decrease as they go through it. It's not just, oh, I feel one day, or I feel better. I mean, we're tracking it over six weeks, and then at the end of the program, basically, you've also built a daily habit so that you can maintain your anxiety moving forward. And then we hear from our clients anywhere from six months to a year out to make sure that they're doing okay. But also, it's just the approach. Once you understand what's actually going on, you have a solution. For instance, if you don't know to brush and floss and your teeth are constantly hurting, if I'm a dentist and I bring your teeth back to health, and then I say brush and floss, I gave you the solution. That's enough to keep your teeth healthy for the rest of your life. So that's another reason we say it's a permanent solution. It's not Band Aids. It's a full life upgrade. And we know this because we're tracking results, which, when you hear it just seems like the right thing to do, pay for results, but it's just not the way the improvement industrial complex does it. Because if they did it that way, they'd probably go out of business. But to us, man, if we can't help you, it matters to me. I spent all this money on therapists and gurus and teachers, and they didn't solve it. And not once did any of them say to me, hey, I'm sorry, I couldn't solve this. And I see you're still in pain, and I'm really sorry. It's like it didn't register to them, that didn't matter to them based on how they communicated. Every now and then, we're not able to help someone. And I'll reach out to them and say, look, we did the best we could. We're not going to charge you, but I'm sorry. You trusted us with your pain, and we weren't able to help you, and I'm sorry. And I just wish the permanent solution mattered more to these people who claim to help us, because that's the real help, is measurable, permanent results. If you can't get people that, fine, but it should matter to you, and it matters to us, and it matters to your listeners. And I encourage you. If you want our help, great. But if you don't want our help, next time you go to ask for help from someone with your anxiety or anything to do with your happiness, ask them, are you trying to solve this? How do you measure results? And if they don't, make note of that, because it should matter to them. And I'm trying to up level the industry and ask people to start just charging for results because it's the right thing to do. [00:37:22] Speaker C: What do you say to people who say, this sounds too good to be true? [00:37:28] Speaker A: I say, I get it. Based in what they've experienced, they've had it, sometimes for years, sometimes their whole life, and they've gone to multiple experts, tried multiple things, and nothing solved it. So based just in their experience, it feels complicated and it feels like a long term thing. Then I come along and I say, hey, we can clear this up in six weeks. It sounds too good to be true. And there's a lot of things on the Internet claiming five steps to be anxiety for. Overcome your anxiety with this simple juice cleanse. And there's all these promises. Frankly, it pisses me off because it confuses people, and then people try it and fail and feel more broken. So people are understandably skeptical, but because it goes against the entire paradigm. But there's historical precedents for this where a simple thing can get incredible results when an outsider discovers it. See, we could see this because we were outsiders. Now, part of the reason I thought we could solve this is because when I was younger, my mom told me the story of Florence Nightingale, who was this nurse in the 1850s who was a nurse in the Crimean War for the British. And she saw more men were dying in recovery than in the battlefield. And she went to the experts, she went to the doctors and the generals and said, hey, can't help but notice all these men are dying. That's not how she talked, but you get the point. And basically, the generals and the doctors just said, look, you can't solve this. Just manage it. This is part of war. But she was an outsider. She was just a nurse who just started paying attention and looking at things. And because she didn't have an ego and she didn't have this big, huge education, she was just looking for simple things. And she finds a simple thing, which is basically better hygiene in the hospital. Clean up the bandages more, get ventilation. Don't put the recovery rooms near the sewers. And when she did that simple thing that the experts missed, the death rate in recovery dropped by 99%. 99%. Because she saw a simple thing based in taking care of the body that the experts missed. So it feels too good to be true. But there's historical precedents that it's not too good to be true. But it always feels too good to be true when you innovate, especially with something simple. And so if you think it's too good to be true, I get it. And if you're cynical and you think, this has to be complicated and I don't trust this guy, we can't help you. The people we work with are skeptical, but they have a brave, open mind, and they stop and they go, wait a minute. If I only pay at the end when I get results, then there's literally no risk to try it. But also, if I only pay at the end when I get results, it probably means they're getting results. So to the things that sound too good to be true, like, there's this guy that has these healing stickers, and you supposedly put these healing stickers on your body, and your anxiety goes away. Okay, that sounds too good to be true. But guess what? He doesn't back up his results. Okay. The ayahuasca excursion that's supposedly supposed to heal your anxiety by talking to the medicine plant sounds too good to be true. Guess what? They don't back up their results. So if something sounds too good to be true, and they don't back up their results. It's probably too good to be true. But every now and then you're going to find somebody that knows what the heck they're talking about. And if they're backing up their results, I invite you to listen to them, because it may not be too good to be true, it just may be innovative, brilliant. [00:41:08] Speaker C: Yeah, makes complete sense to me. So we're getting close to the end of the podcast now. So you said that you had some things you'd like to round out with. So what are those? [00:41:21] Speaker A: Well, I want people to first understand what this is so that they understand this is much simpler. It's not a disorder, you're not broken. This is just a system issue in your body. And the downside is that you were sent to the wrong location, you were given tools to just manage things. You weren't helped by people that understand this is a system issue. And so you've been trying to figure this out and you haven't. Now, let's say you take somebody who was never taught to brush and floss, and they were never taught about dentists, so they never brushed and flossed, never went to a dentist, and all of a sudden their teeth start hurting, and then they really start hurting. And then no matter what they eat, they feel pain. Those people don't know what's going on. They're going to think, what's wrong with me? I eat this carrot, my teeth hurts. And I eat ice cream and my teeth hurt. What's wrong with me? Am I afraid of ice cream? Because I didn't get ice cream when I was. I mean, they could freak out and it would feel to them like, this is complicated, and it would feel like maybe they'd have tooth pain their entire life. But if they found out about dentists who are experts in bringing the dental system back to health, and if they found out that you could go to a dentist and then learn to brush and floss, moving forward, can you see, CJ and your listeners, that someone with a lifetime of tooth pain could clear that up in a couple weeks? [00:42:49] Speaker C: Yeah, obviously. For sure. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Obviously. It's the body, it's a system. So then it feels too good to be true if you think it's a brain disorder. But if you realize it's a nervous system issue, your nervous system wasn't taken care of and now it's crashed. But you can go to experts like us that know how to repair a nervous system and can teach you to repair it, and then brush and floss can you see a logical argument that actually it's not too good to be true and that you could clear up emotional pain in a couple of weeks. Do you see that? [00:43:19] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. [00:43:21] Speaker A: Yeah. And just so just agree with me, tell me what you hear me say so I know you understand it. [00:43:27] Speaker C: By using your methods, you find new ways to actually get through and understand how things are stored in the body and clear those things by forming better habits. [00:43:41] Speaker A: Well, close, but yes, I get a bit repairing the system. That's okay. No, look, this stuff is very confusing. It's hard to wrap our heads around simple things. But the fact is that, yes, you can bring a system back to health in a matter of weeks if you know what to do. And that's what we spent eight years figuring out how to do. The theory we got pretty quickly. But to develop a process and a program and the expertise and the testing to refine the process so that it works, that's what took a lot of time, which makes sense. They figured out why people get cavities, I think like 100 years ago. It took them decades to figure out how do you open up a tooth? Where does the anesthesia goes? How does anesthesia works? What order do we do it? What do we put in the hole? All that had to be figured out and a system had to be developed. When people were getting heart attacks for not taking care of their diet, they had the theory of like, well, let's open up an artery. But it took them decades to figure out how to do that. The process and the experience and the expertise to figure out how to do that. So that's what took us eight years and working with 3000 people all over the world was to get the expertise and the process down. And that's why we're getting these incredible results, not the theory, but the research and the testing to build the process that we teach people. [00:45:00] Speaker C: Brilliant. Brilliant. So this is strictly an online process that you did? [00:45:06] Speaker A: Yeah, and we did it that way because we see the potential of what we do and we want to help millions. So by putting it online, anybody, anywhere around the worlD, and because it's only six weeks and you're not working with people one on one, it's much more affordable. [00:45:21] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. It brings the price down as well with the technology. [00:45:26] Speaker A: Again, it's not a good business model. If I want to make a lot of money, I'd say I am the magnificent expert of the nervous system. And you must come and sit at the foot of the gurus for 1000 a week and I will bestow upon you my wisdom to my disciples. Way more money, especially if you can get a lot of people in the room. But, yeah, online program where we show you how to do it. Yeah, I'm not getting rich, but the money is in the management, but the fulfillment, the satisfaction is in the solution. I wake up every morning seeing the results of our clients, seeing them have their lives back. I got a message last month from a guy, Andy, from Ohio. And when he came to us, he couldn't leave the house. And he said, I want to go outside so bad and just play catch with my son. And I can't. I'm in here curled up in a fetal position. And he sent me a message last month and he know, not only am I calmer, but I just went outside for the first time in a year and a half, and I played catch with my son, and my son has his father back, and I have my son back. And I just want to thank you. That's the beauty of results mattering. People get their lives back and kids get their fathers. [00:46:36] Speaker C: Cool. That's cool. How do people find you and your system? [00:46:42] Speaker A: Well, CJ, by the way, very cool name. I know you know that, but I had to just bring it up. I mean, you could be a detective, you could be a stunt airplane pilot from the 1950s. I don't know how you ended up with a cool name like that. [00:46:58] Speaker C: It was my dad. I was originally called Chris, but my dad said, I want to call him CJ. And my mom said, no way you're going to call him CJ. So once Mum and Dad passed, I was like, that's going to be CJ now. [00:47:11] Speaker A: Wonderful. Excellent choice. Yeah. When I saw I was on a podcast with CJ Barnum, I thought, oh, my God, I better wear a three piece suit and have a pipe or something. Anyway, your Listeners, like Daniel, help us. Okay? So as you know, I am a fan of simple. So the best way for us to help you is that you reach out to me. My name is Daniel Packard. So if I was trying to keep things simple, what would my website. [00:47:40] Speaker C: Solution mean? That's. That's what it. [00:47:43] Speaker A: That's one. But also, we make it easier. You can go to Danielpacker.com. [00:47:49] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Yeah, I was thinking there's that. [00:47:52] Speaker A: Go to Danielpacker.com and there's a link to book a consultation with me where you will learn more about the program. And I will also make sure it's a good fit for you. We don't let people do the program if we don't think it's a good fit. We have a 90% success rate, but partly because we don't want you trying and failing, and partly because we only get paid when it works. I got to double, triple check. You're a good candidate. So we decide that on the call, but only reach out to us if it's a right fit, because we don't work with everyone and we're not for everyone. Logically. Sure, everybody wants their anxiety gone, but people have been so confused and so broken and feel so hopeless that they just won't reach out for the help. And also, people are scared to let this go. It's become part of their identity, and they're afraid to let this go. So if you're just, for whatever reason, not ready to solve this, I'm sorry. People so confused you and broke your spirit that even when there's a solution, you're too weak to reach out and get it. I mean that with compassion. But if you're skeptical, that's fine. Don't just fully believe me. Okay? You can't. But the best thing to do is do the program and collect the data for yourself. But the only reason you would do it is if what I've said makes sense. I can't prove to you this works. You got to try it to go through it. But if you listen to me and thought, this guy's making sense, maybe the reason I still have anxiety is not because it's a complicated disorder, but because they sent me the wrong effing location with a bunch of management tools. Of course I didn't solve it, but maybe I can solve it. And also, this guy's making sense. I'm feeling extra nervous. There's a system in the body called the nervous system, which I was never taught to take care of. It makes sense. That's why my system is fragile and releasing pain. And that's good news, because you can bring your teeth back to health in a couple of weeks. Maybe you could bring your nervous system back to health in a couple of weeks. And the fact that they only charge at the end when I get results probably means they're getting results. If you sort of get that, then it makes sense for you to know about our online program, which is called Nervous System Reset, because over six weeks, you get the expertise and the training and the steps in just the right order, laid out very eloquently, such that if you work the steps, you reset your nervous system back to its original factory settings, which is kind of what kids have. Kids don't say, oh, I'd love to go to the park today, but I'm feeling a lot of anxiety. Kids have tons of energy. They're full of confidence and zeal and open heartedness because they have that original, healthy nervous system. That's kind of what I have right now. This excitement and passion is not cocaine. I basically have a child's nervous system because it's very well taken care of. That's what you get. So six weeks, there's four modules, four phases, where you learn to first repair the nervous system, then retrain the nervous system, meaning recalibrate it back to its original balance, and then you learn to maintain it. What you need to do every day for about three to five minutes to just maintain the brushing and flossing of the nervous system, that's what you learn. And if you work the steps, you get the results. And we know that because we don't charge you when you start the program, but we do measure your anxiety in a couple of key metrics, from one to ten when you start, and then you're reporting on your anxiety from one to ten in those same key metrics every day throughout the program. So we have clear data that you got clear, permanent results, not to mention you just feel better. And it's priceless. As someone who used to not be able to leave the house and now just wakes up bouncy and joyful, it's priceless. And I get probably about one to two messages a month from a client that just says, thank you. This is worth more than a million dollars. To be joyful again, to be a good parent, to be happy. And don't worry. We don't charge a million dollars. We probably could because that's what it's worth. More people want to know what we do charge. We don't charge what it's worth. So we don't want money to get in the way of your happiness, and we don't want you spending money you don't have. So on the call, we have different packages with different tiers of service and different payment plans. So if I sense on the call you want your anxiety gone and you want to do this, I promise you we have a package and a plan that will work for any budget. So please don't let money keep you from getting help. At the end of the call, if you don't want to do our program, no pressure. Feel free to say no. If you do want to do our program, you can start right away, and you can start to feel better within the week so that's the logistics. But again, I really just want to speak to people's heart and just say, I know it feels like you have to live like this forever and you're stuck with this and you're broken. I've been there, but please hear me now, okay? I was where you are now, and it's gone. It's gone. And it could be gone for you, and you could be free and happy and joyful, and it's what we do. So I know it's been hard, but it doesn't have to be. You can be happier. There's no risk to try this. You have nothing to lose and everything that matters to gain. Again, if you're too skeptical, I get it. But if you want your life back, please reach out to us. Book a [email protected]. Thanks for listening, and I just hope this reaches the right people that are ready to be happy again. [00:53:24] Speaker C: One more question before you go, Daniel. What about those people out there that. [00:53:27] Speaker B: Are listening to this and hear your. [00:53:29] Speaker C: Passion and just wish to do their own nervous system regular maintenance themselves, rather than, because they're not actually suffering from anxiety. They might be like, wow, maybe I should be looking into nervous system maintenance just for general health. Anyway. [00:53:45] Speaker A: It'S a good question. And we do help people. We focus on anxiety because, let's be honest, pain motivates most people. [00:53:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:53:53] Speaker A: However, this isn't an anxiety program. This is a nervous system health program. And so, yeah, you're smart if you're paying attention, professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders who deal with a lot come to us. They go through the program, and they don't do it to lower the pain. Their nervous system doesn't need repairing, but it's brought back to full strength. And they have habits to keep it strong so they don't have overwhelm anymore. They're not as afraid in public speaking. They care less what people think. They're just much stronger for everything that they do in life. Also, people come to us for their kids because you don't have solutions for your kids, and that's heartbreaking. Also, if you're listening to this, this information that you're getting, I hope in 30 years, this is common knowledge. But right now, very few people know this. So if you know somebody in pain that has anxiety, please, you heard something powerful, and with great power comes great responsibility. Please share this with people in pain so that they want a way out. They know this option exists. But what I'll say to people, and this goes back to your question, this isn't about maintaining your nervous system, that comes later, and it's important that people understand it. Once your nervous system is healthy, you can maintain it. Once your teeth are healthy, brush and floss. Once your heart is healthy, brush and floss. What's happened in anxiety is it didn't get cared for for too long and now it's crashed. It's gone into a state of failure. At that point, you can't just do what works anymore. It's too late for that. That's why the apps and the videos don't help, because your system is in a serious state. And no tip or tool or insight or meditation is going to bring a system back to help. Once you're having a full blown heart attack, there's no tip or tool or moving. You can't just have a salad. You can have a salad once you're healthy. So it's a fundamental understanding people need to have. This is also why they haven't solved their anxiety, because they're thinking, oh, what's the thing I can do? What's the little insight I can do? It is too late for that. Unfortunately, that's not going to solve it. And that's why you haven't solved it yet. Not because you're broken, because this is dire. The good news is we spent eight years figuring out the system to bring it back to health. Once the broken system is brought back to health, then, yes, you can maintain and manage it. I just wanted to clear that up. [00:56:22] Speaker C: Excellent. Thank you very much. I've appreciated your time here with us because, number one, your passion is just totally infectious. You obviously have something that you understand back to front because you've developed yourself and you're passionate about it because you've seen how it changed you and so many others. And I'd like to say thank you so much for your time. Daniel, it's been a pleasure. [00:56:46] Speaker A: Thank you so much for having me. CJ Barnaby, and thank you to your listeners for trusting me and giving me their time. And please, if you're listening, you don't have to live like this. Reach out to us for help. [00:56:57] Speaker C: Totally enjoy Daniel's passion. That was a different angle on anxiety that I've never, ever thought of or considered before. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that are either experiencing some sort of anxiety. I mean, look, our world is actually completely upside down for a lot of the time nowadays. And there's always some sort of drama, it seems, going on either in our family or our friends or people that we know through other people. So that can cause a lot of stress and anxiety can actually short circuit us after a while and cause all sorts of extra dramas. Or even if you don't suffer from anxiety yourself, it could be a good idea to get in contact with Daniel and even just say to him, first of all, thank you for coming on the show. It's been very appreciated. And just let him know that he's doing good work. And then if you have somebody that needs help, please send them towards Daniel's site, Danielpackard.com. And thank you so much for listening today's show. And bye for now. [00:58:44] Speaker A: Back it.

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